How to make money on the attraction "Drunken bike"? Drunk driving a bicycle: what will be the punishment in case of an accident Do-it-yourself drunk bicycle.

Everyone knows that you should never drive a car while intoxicated. They won't put you in jail, but you'll be deprived of your rights. And there will be a big fine. And what will happen if the traffic cop catches you drunk on a bicycle?

And where is the right? We still don’t need “crusts” on the bike ...

Many believe that a bicycle can be ridden anywhere, anytime and in any condition. And if any sanctions can be imposed on a bicycle driver, then only if he drove onto the road, knocked someone down or scratched the bumper of a parked car. And in general, if there is no state sign on a bicycle, it is not considered a vehicle. And you don't need rights. This is true. And not really...

In paragraph 1.2 of the SDA, it is written in black and white that a bicycle is a vehicle (except wheelchairs). It also states that the bicycle “may also have an electric motor with a rated maximum continuous power not exceeding 0.25 kW, automatically disengaging at speeds over 25 km/h.”

Some of our citizens who are familiar with traffic rules get behind the wheel of a bicycle while intoxicated, mistakenly believing that article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation applies to him, which says that under the vehicle<…>It should be understood as a motor vehicle with a working volume of an internal combustion engine of more than 50 cubic centimeters or a maximum electric motor power of more than 4 kilowatts and a maximum design speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour ... ". In their opinion, since a bicycle cannot develop such a speed, then the articles of Chapter 12 “Administrative offenses in the field traffic” do not work with him.

We will not dissuade them from this. Here is a case from the practice of the Supreme Court, in which the owner of a two-wheeled bicycle with a motor lost his license by driving drunk. On the road, he was stopped by a traffic police squad, examined for intoxication, after which he was removed from control and drew up a protocol. As a result, the cyclist was brought to administrative responsibility under part 1 of Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (“Driving a vehicle by a driver who is in a state of intoxication”). And this, as you remember, is a fine of 30 thousand rubles and deprivation of rights for a long time.

The cyclist categorically disagreed with the decision of the magistrate, believing that he was not being driven by a vehicle (according to the Note to Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). And if he really violated, then according to part 3 of article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which just refers to violations of traffic rules by cyclists in a state of intoxication. For this, a fine in the amount of one to one and a half thousand rubles is due.

The unlucky cyclist reached the Supreme Court, but he did not go to meet him. Moreover, the highest court agreed that driving a motor bike while intoxicated should be qualified under Article 12.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and punishable by deprivation of a driver’s license and a fine if this bike meets the characteristics of a moped, in particular, has an internal combustion engine or can reach speeds of more than 25 km/h.

The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation recalled: The note to Article 12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation refers exclusively to the application of this article, and not to the entire Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This is first. Secondly, this bike is equipped with a 48 cc internal combustion engine. That is, for bicycles - in the understanding of traffic rules and chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation - it does not apply at all. But it perfectly fits the definition of a “moped”, which is a two- or three-wheeled motor vehicle, the maximum design speed of which does not exceed 50 km / h, with an engine - namely internal combustion - with a working volume of not more than 50 cubic meters. cm, rated maximum power from 0.25 to 4 kW.

Was it drunk driving? Was. Was there a moped (according to traffic rules)? Was. Therefore, drunk driving took place on a moped, which requires a category “M” driver's license to drive, and the moped itself is a vehicle that is covered by Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Here's how it turns out: I got on a bicycle, but my driver's license was still taken away ...


In Russian legislation there is a council for drunken cyclists. It is spelled out in article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. After its application, a bicycle driver detained in a state of intoxication may be fined by the state traffic inspector in the amount of one thousand rubles to one thousand five hundred rubles.

If you attach a motor to a bicycle or buy a finished product with a motor, you should carefully read the traffic rules and find out which category of vehicles it belongs to. If it turns out that a bike with a motor falls under the category of “moped”, in this case, the entire range of penalties specified in Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation can be applied to the “rider”. Like so!

Attachments: from 105 000 rubles

Payback: from 2 months

A “drunk” bicycle is an attraction in which a person is offered to drive a short distance for a nominal amount on a vehicle that obeys the steering wheel exactly the opposite way: when turning left, the wheel goes to the right, and if you want to align the bike by turning right, it goes left. And, given that such entertainment is spreading quite actively, this business line is quite profitable.

business concept

Such a "drunk" or "stubborn" bike becomes after a small upgrade, as a result of which the work of the steering wheel and wheel is connected in the opposite way. At the same time, such a system of work is so unusual that it is extremely difficult to drive the device without falling and without touching the ground with your feet. This is what is used in the attractions that first appeared in resort towns. For a small amount, you can win ten times more if you manage this machine.

The main attraction lies in the fact that in order to become a winner in martial arts with this entertainment device, you need to advance only 3-5 m. Basic conditions:

  • the announced distance must be covered without touching the ground with the feet;
  • be sure to keep your hands on the steering wheel;
  • There are only three attempts for this feat.

Periodically, warming up the interest of the public, the attraction administrator, who has already adapted to the bicycle, shows by his own example that to overcome some 3-5 m is quite a feasible task.

At the same time, in modern conditions, prizes of 500-1000 rubles are already offered. And there are a lot of people trying to cope with this stubborn miracle of technology, so in the summer the attraction brings a considerable profit to its owners.

If in resort towns, especially during the season, a lot of people - potential participants in the attraction - gather on the embankment, then in ordinary cities the ideal time for it is weekends and weekdays from 17:00 to 23:00. At this time, there are a lot of gambling young people walking on the street, but it is not yet the time for the often aggressive nighttime revelers.

What is required for implementation?

You need bicycles to run your business. It is better to buy not used and more attractive. To work, the vehicle must be upgraded to a suitable option, that is, to “drunk” or “stubborn”. It is also recommended to purchase a small portable pillar to describe the conditions of the attraction.

Step by step start instructions

  1. Make sure that in your city/settlement there are parks, squares, squares, vacant areas in shopping centers that are suitable for such an attraction and are not occupied by competitors.
  2. To issue an IP on the simplified taxation system - a simplified system of taxation.
  3. Agree on the placement of the attraction with the administration of parks / shopping centers / city - depending on where you plan to stay.
  4. Order pillars with a picture of a bicycle and the rules of the attraction.
  5. Buying one or more bikes is better than the most versatile ones.
  6. Convert them to "drunk" mode yourself or with the help of a specialist.
  7. Hire employees who will maintain the operation of the attraction in shifts, having previously mastered the ride on this modernized vehicle. With each of them it is necessary to conclude an agreement on liability.
  8. Start work and verify all the nuances in the process.

Financial calculations

Start-up capital

Consider the initial investment in the table. 5 people are considered, since two people work in shifts at the point, and once a week, on different days, it makes sense for the owner to work on each of them in order to be aware of the average revenue in a particular season.

Direction of expenses Quantity Price, r. Cost, rub.
Registration of IP 1 800 800
Purchase of bicycles 3 5100 15 300
Bicycle upgrades 3 1 500 4 500
Fare 4 000
Seat rental 3 4 500 13 500
Staff 5 12 000 60 000
Advertising and other expenses 3 2 500 7 500
Total: 105 600

This amount will provide the first month of operation of the attraction in three crowded places in the city.

Monthly expenses

In each subsequent month, transportation costs, rent payments and wages will remain, plus 2,000 rubles. for unforeseen expenses, that is, 4,000 + 13,500 + 60,000 + 2,000 = 79,500 rubles.

How much can you earn?

If, on average, 25 people try their hand at the attraction per day, paying 100 rubles each, then the revenue per day at one point will be 2,500 rubles, at three - 7,500 rubles. Monthly revenue (including rainy days) will be 20 * 7,500 = 150,000 rubles.

Gross monthly profit will be 150,000-79,500 = 70,500 rubles. Excluding 15% tax on income under the simplified tax system net income per month succeed 59 925 rubles.

Payback periods

Let's calculate the payback period by simply dividing the amount of start-up capital by the amount of monthly net profit: 105,600/59,925 = 1.7 months. Thus, your investment will pay off in the second month after the start of work.

Business risks and cons

  • The most obvious disadvantage of such a case is seasonality. Your profit will directly depend on weather conditions;
  • enough hard to trace, Is all proceeds given to employees?. Here, the best way to control is precisely the periodic exit of the owner to each of the points in order to get an idea of ​​​​the average revenue. In this example, the owner is young enough to be able to work himself, but an older person can simply supervise the work of his employee without replacing him.
  • injury risk. Already on advertising stands, it makes sense to designate an age limit of 12+ and a ban on trying to ride a bike while intoxicated. It is also necessary to insure the participants of the attraction from falls;
  • difficult to maintain the popularity of the attraction, since in fact it is almost impossible to ride this bike even three meters without preliminary training, the public can cool off for such transport very quickly. But in this case, the bikes can always be remounted back to their classic versions and sold. Given the relative novelty and very fast payback of the attraction, the risk of not making money is minimal, if not zero.


So, the “drunk” (stubborn) bike is a fun seasonal attraction that pays off very quickly due to novelty and the low cost of a package of 3 attempts. At the same time, a business on it can provide an opportunity to earn money not only for the owner, but also for high school students and full-time students, without interrupting their studies. With proper registration of a legal entity, as well as relations with employees and owners of territories providing them for temporary use, the risks are minimal, and the profit is tangible enough to try to introduce this entertainment in your city, if no one has guessed so far.

Delivery and instructor are paid separately.

The price includes rental for 6 hours.

Available - 2 pcs. It is possible to hold competitions as a stage of team building.

Frame color - white and blue.

Video how a stubborn bike works

Drunk Bicycle Ride is a bike with reverse handlebars - a great way to have fun with family or friends, have exciting team building activities, develop attention and coordination skills, and just have a good time. This unique vehicle will not leave you without Have a good mood even the biggest skeptics. Everyone who gets behind the wheel of a stubborn bike gets a solid charge of fun and drive. The uniqueness of the attraction itself is complemented by the attractive conditions of our rental. In this review you will find detailed description these conditions, and general information about the service of renting a drunken bike from the Eventomania agency.

Rent an attraction drunk bike: a general description of the service

The attraction offered on this page is appearance not much different from a conventional two-wheeled bicycle. However, as soon as you sit behind the wheel, you will immediately feel the difference between them. A drunk bike is different in that when you turn its handlebars to the right, the wheel turns to the left, and vice versa. This difference is the main "trick" of this funny vehicle. Therefore, regardless of whether it was invented on purpose, or it appeared due to the ridiculous mistake of the same drunken mechanic, few people manage to stay in the saddle for more than five meters.

Using your rented drunk bikes for company parties, other recreational activities or for coordination activities, you will get a lot of fun and drive.

The effect of the service is enhanced by the fact that we not only provide such an attraction for rent, but also provide a number of favorable conditions for customers. First, by renting two drunk bikes, you get a 10 percent discount. Secondly, we can provide the services of an instructor who, if necessary, will help with the organization of the competition.

Thirdly, our agency can arrange the delivery of a stubborn bike to the address you specify. It should be noted here that the services of an instructor and delivery are paid separately. However, their prices are relatively low, and they are unlikely to affect the state of your budget. In addition to the above, it is worth adding that the rental price of the drunk bike attraction indicated on the website includes 6 hours of using this vehicle. If you wish, you can extend the term by discussing this nuance with our specialist. You can contact him using the online chat on our website or by calling one of the contact numbers listed here.

Where to rent a drunk bike attraction: our advantages

Free advice on the choice of attractions, leasing and using a drunk bike or other entertainment from our agency is not the only advantage that Eventomania offers to its customers. By contacting us to order this or other attractions for rent in St. Petersburg or Moscow, you also get the following attractive rental conditions:

  • proven quality and reliability of bicycles, despite the fact that they are "drunk";
  • low prices for renting stubborn bikes in Moscow and St. Petersburg;
  • fast and relatively inexpensive delivery of the ordered attraction to the address you specified;
  • favorable payment methods for individuals (10% prepayment 3 days before the rental);
  • document flow and contractual basis of cooperation for corporate clients.

Book a bike with a reverse steering wheel for rent in our company to combine a pleasant time with savings from your budget!

In order to give a detailed answer to the questions posed, it is necessary first of all to define the concepts. According to the rules of the road, a bicycle is a vehicle that has at least two wheels and is driven, as a rule, by the muscular energy of the persons on this vehicle, in particular with the help of pedals or handles. Persons who operate a bicycle are drivers, they are endowed with the appropriate rights and bear certain duties.

Violation of traffic rules by a cyclist is recognized as an administrative offense (administrative offense) in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of eight hundred rubles.

Violation of the rules of the road by a cyclist in a state of intoxication (part 3 of article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one to one and a half thousand rubles.

Thus, already in the article itself, the state of intoxication is recognized as a qualifying (in fact, aggravating) circumstance, so the court does not have the right not to recognize the state of intoxication as a qualifying circumstance.

As for scooters, roller skates, skateboards or longboards, they are not recognized as vehicles, so the persons using them are not drivers by definition. This does not mean that they are exempt from any liability. Persons using scooters, roller skates, skateboards or longboards are treated as other road users and bear administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules that interfere with the movement of vehicles (part 1 of article 12.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). At the same time, the state of intoxication as a qualifying circumstance, as provided for cyclists, is not fixed in the specified article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

However, in the administrative legislation, the commission of any administrative offense in a state of intoxication is recognized as a circumstance aggravating administrative responsibility as a general rule ( general rule), although the court may not recognize it as such. Judicial practice shows that, as a rule, the court does not make exceptions and recognizes the state of intoxication as a circumstance aggravating the punishment for committing any administrative offense. It seems that the court will take into account the state of intoxication, for example, a skateboarder as an aggravating circumstance.

Now we will analyze cases of collision with a pedestrian and causing harm to his health. A lot depends on the consequences. If, as a result of a collision, serious harm was caused to the health of the victim, then the actions of the cyclist (skateboarder) are drawn to the crime and he will be held criminally liable.

Currently, the state of alcoholic intoxication does not appear in the list of circumstances that aggravate the punishment for committing a crime, although the court may recognize it as such in a specific criminal case.

In other words, the issue is left to the discretion of the court. It seems that the probability of recognizing the state of intoxication as an aggravating circumstance in this case is quite high. If, as a result of a collision, light or moderate harm to health is caused, then a drunk cyclist (skateboarder) will be brought not to criminal, but to administrative responsibility. In this case, the cyclist will be liable under Art. 12.24, and the skateboarder - under part 2 of Art. 12.30 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. In these articles, the state of intoxication as an aggravating circumstance is not provided. However, as mentioned above, in administrative law, the state of intoxication is in itself an aggravating circumstance.

In summary, it can be concluded that driving a bicycle, scooter, roller skates, skateboard or longboard while intoxicated and hitting a pedestrian are most likely to be recognized as an aggravating circumstance.

Today in Russia, representatives of the law are actively fighting against drunken drivers of vehicles. Due to the fault of alcohol, a large number of accidents occur on the roads, often fatal, therefore, every year the preventive measures are tightened in the form of increased fines, deprivation, and in some cases imprisonment.

With the arrival of warm weather, the roads are filled with many two-wheeled vehicles, including bicycles. Of course, in case of violations, the traffic police pay more attention to motorists. But what if the culprit of the accident is, for example, a drunk cyclist. In this case, it will not be possible to avoid responsibility in any way, because, even in the absence of serious claims to bicycle bikers, everyone who has left or taken to the road must follow the rules of the road.

When asked if you can ride a bike drunk, the answer is no. Even being in off-road conditions, there is a risk of running into a pedestrian, because cyclists have every right to use walking paths in certain cases, because the issue is not resolved in all cities. Riding a bicycle while drunk will not bring good to either the cyclist or others. And it’s not even about speed at all, although modern bikes can accelerate no worse than a moped. A bicycle in itself is not the safest means of transport, and drunk driving will increase the risk of possible harm to yourself or others. Most likely, even the cyclist himself will be a victim, in contrast to the situation with a drunk motorist.

Measures of restraint applied by the law of the Russian Federation

In many developed countries, those who are drunk are punished with large amounts, which are equated to car fines, they are deprived of a driver’s license for other vehicles, and if an accident occurs due to the fault of a drunk cyclist, they can even go to jail. In Russia, cyclists are treated more humanely, the applicable fines are not as severe as for motorists. The traffic police inspector has the right to draw up a protocol and prohibit the drunk driver from riding a bicycle, so you will have to walk further. But in the event of a tragedy, of course, the situation that has occurred is always taken into account, both a cyclist and a pedestrian can be held criminally liable. Here already to consider the circumstances and decide whether to give a term or not, there will be a court.

So, from the side of the law, taking into account the amendments that are regularly updated by the SDA of the Russian Federation (traffic rules) and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (code of administrative offenses), a cyclist should not drive a vehicle while drunk. Let us consider in more detail what kind of punishment is coming for such violation of the rules, if you get drunk driving a bicycle to representatives of the law.

By definition, a bicycle is a vehicle, and a cyclist is its driver. The law states that under the influence of alcohol, drug intoxication or another state, due to which the driver may endanger himself or other road users on the road, it is impossible to take control (clause 2.7 of the SDA of the Russian Federation).

The Code of Administrative Offenses on this occasion warns that driving while intoxicated due to alcohol or another substance, or handing over the steering wheel to people staying in it, entails inevitable subsequent results, the minimum of which will be the imposition of a fine of thirty thousand rubles with confiscation of a driver's license for a specified period one and a half to two years. With subsequent offenses, the reckoning is much more severe. But article 12 excludes cyclists from this category, since it means vehicles with engine capacity of 50 cubic centimeters and a speed of 50 km / h.

Bicycle rights are not yet expected, we do not take into account high-speed models, because some bikes may well overtake a moped, and a bike enthusiast may, in principle, not have any driver's license, but you should not neglect the study of traffic rules and following the rules.

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation issued a separate measure of restraint for cyclists. According to article 12.29, any crime related to traffic violations is punishable by a fine of eight hundred rubles. The next paragraph of the article reveals what threatens a violation under the influence of alcohol. And here already the size of the fine is from one to one and a half thousand rubles.


Being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or various psychotropic drugs, the cyclist will inevitably violate traffic rules, for which he will receive appropriate punishment. And if, based on the behavior of the driver, the representative of the law caught the fact of a violation, he will check the degree of intoxication, deprive him of the opportunity to drive a vehicle and fine him.

And also noticing a hint of drunkenness of the driver, the traffic police officer may ask to undergo a medical examination in order to check the alcohol content in more detail. Of course, no one can be forced to conduct an examination. Here lies the disagreement with the observance of legal rules and the rights of citizens. However, in case of refusal of a medical examination, a fine is also due.

That is, if the cyclist does not notice that he was drinking, he is unlikely to be stopped by the inspector. Especially today, attention to this category of drivers is not so close. But this does not mean that you cannot get what you deserve, even being completely sober. And when a tragedy occurs through the fault of a drunken traffic participant, the punitive measures will be much tougher than if the culprit were sober. The court verdict can be issued more strictly, because alcohol intoxication can be regarded as an aggravating circumstance, which is quite justified and fair. It is very likely that a drunken culprit will be prosecuted.

Alcohol and any vehicle are incompatible a priori, a bicycle cannot be an exception. You should not balance on the verge of the law, because in the first place it is aimed not at the receipt of funds into the state treasury, but at human security. The line where you have not yet broken the law and when you have already gone beyond it is very thin, but the fact that cyclists have not yet been required to have a driver's license is just a matter of time. Due to inadequate citizens who ride drunk and break the rules, rather, the process of introducing a category of bicycle rights will accelerate. Apparently, there are all the prerequisites for innovations, since the law is constantly being amended and the day is not far off when cyclists will be required to bear full responsibility for their actions, as required from motorists.