Ideas for a flash mob for the last call. Getting ready for graduation: learning to dance the waltz Graduation movement

Not a single solemn event is complete without a waltz. It is danced at proms, weddings, social events. Waltz is rightly called the king of all dances. Simple in structure, but such a beautiful and graceful dance everyone should be able to dance. However, if there is no time for classes in special schools and money for individual lessons with a teacher, you can learn to dance the waltz right at home. Just a few lessons with the video "Learning the Waltz" and dancing the waltz will not be a huge deal.

Video lesson "Learning the Waltz"

To the rhythm of the waltz

All movements in the waltz are performed to the unique rhythm of this 3/4 dance. That is, all movements are performed strictly under the count of one-two-three. Before you start learning the movements, it is important to learn to distinguish this rhythm and hear it in the music. Next, you should learn the graceful sliding technique of the waltz, which distinguishes it from other dances. To do this, it is important to stand so that the weight of the body falls exactly in the center of the body, between the legs.

The main movements and elements of the waltz:

  1. Partners rotate in a waltz in a square, counterclockwise.
  2. All movements in the dance are performed under the account.
  3. For each side of the square in the dance there is one big step and two small ones.
  4. Relative to each other, the partners rotate clockwise.
  5. The main movements in the dance are the right turn and whirl. A turn in a waltz consists of two half-turns. The first half of the turn is performed from the right foot. We take a step forward and at the same time turn the body to the right clockwise. After that, continuing to turn, take a step forward with your left foot and stand on your toes. Next, we put the right foot to the left and lower both to the full foot. The second part of the half-turn is performed with the left foot. To do this, step diagonally back and to the left. In this case, the entire weight of the body falls on the left leg. After that, the right foot is placed behind the heel of the second foot. At the end - a half-turn on the fingers. This is the basic movement in the waltz and this basic knowledge is enough for the classical waltz.
  1. However, those who want to add solemnity and variety to the dance can add several other movements to the waltz. The partner takes the lady with his right hand right hand and lifts it above his head. In this position, the lady performs a rotation under her. The gentleman's free hand at this time is behind his back. At home, it turns to the standard waltz count one-two-three.
  2. Another interesting waltz figure that deserves the attention of a novice dancer: the gentleman removes one hand behind his back, and the partner holds the hem of the dress with her hand. On the right foot and under the count, the partners take a step towards each other and raise their hands. After that, they diverge to each other under the same rhythm, but from the left foot.
  3. The previous movement can also be performed in a different way: with a change of place. The lady and her partner approach each other, in a turn they change places and disperse. After this beautiful movement, they pair up and do the main element of the waltz - rotation in a circle.
  4. The dance ends with a beautiful bow to the audience.

The ability to dance a waltz is sure to come in handy in life, whether it's an official event, graduation or wedding. A few hard workouts and you'll be fine. Good luck!

No wonder he is considered the king of dances. He is always present at all events, various receptions and, of course, at the prom. But unlike the last century, when being able to dance a waltz was a mandatory requirement for everyone, now not many girls and boys know this species dance. But everyone thinks about it sometime, as the time of the prom is getting closer and closer, and there is simply no time to spend energy taking lessons from professionals. In this case, you can learn to dance the waltz yourself, at home.

First you need to consider the basic movements. Naturally, before you start learning how to dance a waltz, you need someone who also wants to learn. Absolutely all movements occur on the account: one-two-three-times. This one is very important to remember, because when dancing you need to keep a good pace. As for the rotation, if you look from the side, it may seem somehow complicated and incomprehensible, but in fact the rotation goes counterclockwise along the square. As for the steps, it is also worth noting a small nuance - for each corner of a simple square there are two small steps and one large one. This is very important to remember and keep in mind so as not to get confused.

I would also like to note, once again, that the rotation in the waltz is one of the most important components. You always need to turn to the right side, and if you look from a purely mathematical point of view, then each turn consists of two half-turns, which are equal to one hundred and eighty degrees.

Now let's look at the steps. To start the turn, you need to take one step forward with your right foot. In this case, it is very important to make a turn to the right in a clockwise direction. Next, you should take a step already with your left foot, but at the same time continue to carry out the already started turn, after which the left foot should be placed on half-toes. And finally, the right leg should be, then attached to the left, after which it is necessary to stand on a full foot with both legs. This is the first part of the square you will make. To complete the second part, you need to do almost the same thing, only in reverse. That is, first you need to take a step back with your left foot, and this step must be done diagonally and all the weight must be transferred to the left foot. After that, the right foot is already transferred over the heel of the left. Next, a turn is performed on the half-fingers, after which you need to start making a square again. At the same time, it is very important not to forget constantly, to count “one-two-three-times”, without this, it will be very easy to stray and lose pace, which is an equally important component of the waltz.

Traffic will be limited on several streets in the center of the capital on June 21, 23 and 24 due to graduation parties. This was reported by the press service of the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption. .

On June 21, from 15:00 to 18:00 and June 22, from 09:30 to 12:30, traffic will be impeded in the passage of Maiden Field from Plyushchikha Street to Novokonyushenny Lane. Overlappings will be installed at the time of the prom of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces. At this time, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will also partially change. Instead of Elansky Street, Plyushchikha and Maiden's Field Drive, they will proceed along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya.

On June 23, from 15:00 to 07:00 on June 24, traffic will be limited in Rybny Lane. From 20:00 to 23:59 it will be impossible to drive along Ilyinka Street from Birzhevaya to Red Square.

Also on June 23, from 15:00 to 20:00, restrictions will be introduced on the extreme right lane of Mokhovaya Street. From 21:00 June 23 to 01:00 June 24, travel will be difficult in the far right lane of Krymsky Val opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

/ Wednesday, June 21, 2017 /

Topics: Movement restriction Garden Ring road Prom

From June 21 to June 24, in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties, traffic will be limited on a number of streets in the center of the capital. This was reported on the website of the Moscow Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption.
. . . . . For the period of the event, the route of buses 64 and 132 will partially change, instead of Elansky Street, Plyushchikha and Maiden's Field passage, buses will proceed along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya Street.
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Also, traffic will be difficult due to the organized arrival and disembarkation of graduates to participate in the festive events. . . . . . Motorists are asked to plan their route in advance, taking into account the restrictions imposed.

Moscow. In connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties in the capital, traffic will be limited, they said. Interfax ” in the press service of the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of Moscow.

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"A number of restrictions are associated with the holding of school graduations in Gorky Park and Gostiny Dvor (with a solemn part in the Kremlin Palace)"- said the source of the agency.

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In Moscow, the movement of cars will be limited due to graduation parties for schoolchildren. On Wednesday, June 21, TASS reported.

. . . . . June 24 will block Ilyinka from Birzhevaya to Red Square from 20:00 to midnight.

The Moscow traffic police asks drivers to plan their route in advance and choose alternative routes.

According to the estimates of the Moscow government, more than 50,000 graduates will gather for graduation celebrations.

In Moscow, traffic will be limited in connection with the preparation and holding of school graduation parties, NSN reports.

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On the days of preparations for proms, traffic restrictions will also be introduced.

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Traffic on several metropolitan streets will be limited in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties.
. . . . . There they will prepare for the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. At this time, the routes of buses No. 64 and 132 will partially change: instead of Elansky, Plyushchikha streets and Devichye Polya passage, they will run along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya street.
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On June 24, traffic will be hindered in the extreme right lane of Krymsky Val Street in the area opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

The Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of the city of Moscow announces temporary restrictions on the movement of vehicles in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties according to the following schedule:
On June 21, from 15:00 to 18:00 and June 22, from 09:30 to 12:30, traffic will be limited on the Devichy Pole passage in the section from Plyushchikha Street to Novokonyushenny Lane in connection with the preparation for the graduation of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. For the period of the event, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will partially change;
On June 23, from 15:00 to 07:00 on June 24, traffic will be restricted in Rybny Lane;
On June 23, from 20:00 to 23:59, traffic will be limited along Ilyinka Street in the section from Birzhevaya Square to Red Square;
On June 23, from 20:00 to 05:00 on June 24, traffic restrictions will be introduced along Ilyinka Street in the section from Birzhevaya Square to Staraya Square.
The city authorities draw the attention of motorists that the movement of vehicles will be difficult due to the organized arrival and disembarkation of graduates to participate in festive events:
On June 23, from 15:00 to 20:00, the extreme right lane of Mokhovaya Street will be occupied;
On June 23, from 21:00 to 01:00 on June 24, the movement of vehicles will be impeded in the extreme right lane of Krymsky Val Street in the area opposite the entrance to the Gorky Central Park of Culture and Culture.

A temporary traffic restriction will be in effect on a number of central streets of the capital on June 21, 23 and 24 in connection with the preparation and holding of the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces. This was reported in the Department of Regional Security and Anti-Corruption of Moscow.

. . . . . Plyushchikha to Novokonyushenny Lane. "For the period of the event, the route of buses No. 64 and No. 132 will partially change, instead of Elansky St., Plyushchikha St. and Devichye Pole Passage, buses will proceed along Bolshaya Pirogovskaya St.", added the department.

. . . . . Ilyinka on the section from Birzhevaya Square to Red Square. In addition, on June 23 from 20:00 to 05:00 on June 24, traffic restrictions will be introduced on the street. Ilyinka on the section from Birzhevaya Square to Staraya Square.

In addition, in connection with the organized arrival and disembarkation of graduates to participate in the festive events, there will be a traffic restriction on June 23 from 15:00 to 20:00 on the far right lane of the street. Moss. And from 21:00 on June 23 to 01:00 on June 24, the movement of vehicles will be difficult in the extreme right lane of the street. Krymsky Val on the site opposite the entrance to Gorky Park.

The department urged car drivers to take these restrictions into account when planning routes.

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Streets will be closed to both private and public transport. Therefore, the route of buses will change in some sections.

According to the press service of the Department of Regional Security of the capital, in connection with the preparation and holding of graduation parties, traffic will be limited.
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Some streets will be partially blocked to transport graduates to festive events.
So, on Friday, June 23, from 15:00 to 20:00 Moscow time, the extreme right lane of Mokhovaya Street will be occupied. . . . . .

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According to, on June 21, from 15:00 to 18:00 - during the preparation for the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces - traffic will be restricted in the Devichiy Pole passage from Plyushchikha to Novokonyushenny Lane. . . . . . The same mode of operation of public transport is introduced on June 22 from 09:30 to . . . . .

Changes in traffic will occur on June 21 at the buses following the route No. 64 and 132. The reason is the graduation parties in the capital.

. . . . . This site will be used to prepare for the graduation ceremony of the Combined Arms Academy of the Russian Armed Forces.

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Browser column “ VM ” Ekaterina Roshchina

Five minutes to adults

The twentieth of June is the most glorious time of the year. Poplar fluff, the foliage is still so young and joyful, the nights are short, the days are long. The sky is blue and high. Emerald grass. White-pink porridge blooms - such a small clover. And, most importantly, almost the whole summer ahead. And not only summer, but all life. Let you not finish school yesterday, and not the day before yesterday. Doesn't matter. But how could it be otherwise, when there is such a sky, and bird trills at night, and dawn begins immediately after the sun finally sets behind a black strip of forest...

This is the time for graduations in schools. It's time to jump from one step to another, higher. Yesterday's schoolchildren are already big, but still children. After the magical prom, they will wake up different. More serious, perhaps. Full of strength and plans for the future.

It's amazing how differently they feel their " high school graduation " status. There are those who are already quite adult. Someone, for example, is going to get married. Already has a boyfriend whom she proudly calls " my " and makes plans - to fly with "his" somewhere in the Costa Brava. Five minutes to the wife, mother, and the eyes behind thickly made-up eyelashes are already completely feminine, not girlish. And her yesterday's lop-eared neighbor on the desk dreams of rushing to the pioneer camp after all these exams and receipts. There are no pioneers there now, but still fun. Volleyball, lightning and morning line. And contests. And by age he, this kid, is still “ passes” to the pioneer camp. And in the autumn he can already go to military service (more...).

The king of prom dances is the waltz. In the video lecture, we will show you how to learn how to dance the Viennese Waltz. Many do not know how to dance this dance at all. Let's start with the simplest - with steps.

We become a couple with a partner, take her hands and just stand comfortably, keeping our back straight. It is very important that the partners are in their own balance and do not step on each other's toes. The partner - on the right foot, and the lady - on the left, learn to keep the rhythm of the waltz, stamping their feet in place. One-two-three, two-two-three ... Let's change the position: the partner starts with the left foot, the lady - with the right. One-two-three, two-two-three... We connect the movements. It is available to everyone and very simple. This is where the waltz begins. Try again!

We get closer to each other. The partner holds the lady with his left hand by the right hand, puts his right hand on the lady's shoulder blade. The lady puts her left hand on the partner's shoulder. At first, not very close to see how the legs work, we dance the waltz. The partner steps forward from the right foot, the lady, respectively, back - from the left.

Let's add rotation to this movement. The partner steps forward, rotates slightly to the right, takes a step under the body and the stand. Steps should not be made large, it is necessary to move carefully so as not to knock the partner or partner off their feet. Try again, rotating around the axis! Don't forget to count: one-two-three, two-two-three...

Now you can, feeling the partner's body, move a little more actively, but at the same time observe the following rule: do not try to teach dancing with the legs, try to combine the movements of the body with the legs. It is important to keep the body level in order to move beautifully and comfortably relative to each other.

This is the main movement of the waltz, but for greater solemnity of the graduation ball, we will learn a few more figures.

The partner takes the partner's right hand with his right hand, lifts it above his head, the lady will do the rotation under the arm.

Beating the rhythm of the waltz, the lady rotates. It will be better if the free hand of the partner at this time is behind his back. The lady must make a full turn on the count: one-two-three, two-two-three.

The next figure is as follows: the partner removed his hand behind his back, the lady is holding the dress. On the right leg, both the partner and the lady step towards each other and raise their hand. One-two-three ... They move back from each other back from the left leg. Two-two-three... Repeat the exercise!

Add a change of place. We move towards each other, slowly turning, and then, on the contrary, away from each other.

After that, the lady will again rotate at hand. One two Three…

The dance must end with a beautiful bow. We start moving away from each other. We are opening! One-two-three... We're closing! Two-two-three... We open again, and the lady makes a rotation under the partner's hand. With his left hand, the partner takes the lady by the right hand and rotates it in front of him. Then we open on the other side. We move towards each other. One-two-three ... Two-two-three ... and bow. Repeat the bow again!

Now you can collect the entire dance from beginning to end. You can arrange waltz figures in different sequences, repeat many times.

Of these, you can make any waltz solemn, feel confident, and, perhaps, even become the king and queen of the ball.

High school graduation. It can be a couple of people communicating with each other, and the whole (most often this happens), and even the whole parallel, if the teenagers in it are friendly. From this information comes the scale of the planned event.

Then, having decided on the number of people, you can think about the venue. If the budget is limited, then it's a good idea to hold a graduation party in some place of public recreation: a park, a forest, an embankment, or somewhere else. It won’t take much money, mostly it will be money for food / drink. If funds allow, then the range of places can be replenished with clubs, cafes, entertainment events and what the imagination of parents and theirs is enough for. In this case, more money will be spent, but parents will not have a headache that there will be children, what they will eat and drink, what they will do.

It is worth thinking about how to get to the venue of the event. Most often, public transport is chosen. Cheap and cheerful. Especially angry, because most often the children have nowhere to sit, and they themselves often become a headache for the conductor and the adults around the children. Therefore, it is most rational to rent a bus / minibus for a day or two, which, after the official part at school, will be able to meet the children, take them to the place, and then take them home.


In order to celebrate the graduation ball in the 9th grade well, it is necessary to arrange not only celebratory event in the school itself, but also organize an entertainment program for school students, their guests and relatives. So all the same, where to celebrate graduation in grade 9? The Megabal portal offers you the organization and holding of graduation parties for grade 9, for example

Helpful advice

Graduation of the 9th grade is an important and solemn day for students and their parents: for students - an occasion to put on magnificent dresses, and for everyone together - an opportunity to celebrate the end of a difficult school year. In a word, if you have already decided on the need for a graduation, the next step is to choose a venue for the celebration. Where to hold a graduation from the 9th grade?


  • where to spend graduation 9th grade
  • School graduation day

Graduation is both joyful and sad at the same time. On the one hand, many difficulties are already behind us, and an interesting and eventful life awaits you ahead, and on the other hand, it is so difficult to part with your teachers, with people who have been with you for a long time. for long years, helped you, educated you. Such a day happens once in a lifetime, so it is important that it be unforgettable and accompanied only by vivid impressions and emotions.


First, decide where you will celebrate the holiday? Whether it will happen in an educational institution or a cafe. The solemn part (the moment of presenting certificates, diplomas) can be held in the assembly hall, and the so-called unofficial part - in a cafe. Decorate the room with original wall newspapers, balloons and other festive attributes. It is necessary to fill the celebration with bright colors and positive emotions.

Think of a scenario. Let the evening be filled with laughter, games, jokes, various contests, sincere words and parents. Graduates themselves can compose songs or poems addressed to teachers, put on a small performance or skit, taking as a basis real cases from school (student) life.

To make this day memorable, invite photographers and videographers. They will be able to take high-quality and bright pictures, which can then be collected in a special album and mount an interesting video about you and your evening. These memorabilia after many years will easily return you to the past, to the era of your cheerful and carefree youth and give you a lot of positive emotions.