Weight loss mixture. What dried fruits are good for weight loss: mixtures and compotes A mixture of senna and dried fruits for weight loss

A mixture of dried fruits for weight loss is a sweet mix that allows you to correct your figure and cleanse your intestines. The recipe for preparing the mixture is not very complicated - you will see this for yourself using the recommendations below.

Calorie content and benefits of dried fruits

Is it possible to use dried fruits during a diet? Everyone knows that this delicacy is high in calories - compared to the original product, this figure increases several times (with rare exceptions).

For example, 100 g of fresh plums provides us with only 30-40 kcal, while prunes increase the energy value to 230-240 kcal. The same can be said about apricots: the calorie content of fresh fruits does not exceed 40 kcal, and the calorie content of dried apricots is 240-270 kcal. Significantly increases calorie content and figs. In fresh form it provides 49 kcal/100 g, and in dry form - 257 kcal.

However, the high calorie content of dry fruits and berries does not mean that they cannot be used for weight loss. It is only important to consume a small amount of the product and take into account its calorie content when creating a diet menu.

What are the benefits of dried fruits? According to experts, most of the beneficial elements are preserved in dry fruits - the body receives the optimal amount of vitamins, minerals, organic acids, and plant fiber.

Thanks to the presence of carbohydrates, this product perfectly saturates and relieves hunger pangs. High concentration of pectin substances and dietary fiber Helps effectively cleanse the intestines.

Mix recipe

A mixture of dried fruits with aloe juice and senna herb for weight loss

Prunes – 200 g
Dried apricots – 200 g
Raisins – 150 g
Figs – 200 g
Aloe juice – 50 ml
Senna – 50 g

Dried fruits are washed, left for a while in warm boiled water, drained in a colander and minced. Senna grass is poured with aloe juice and left for several minutes. Both masses are mixed, transferred to a jar and placed in the refrigerator.

The rate of use is determined individually: it is recommended to take from 1 tsp. up to 1-2 tbsp. (in the evening, until 21.00). If you plan to get up early, it is better to eat a spoonful of the mixture no later than 18.00-19.00.

Each person's body is individual, so the reaction may vary significantly. A number of people experience severe abdominal discomfort; for some, the urge to defecate appears earlier or noticeably later than the planned time.

A weight loss mixture made from dried fruits has recently been gaining popularity among girls who dream of losing a few extra pounds. What is so attractive about this diet? First of all, because dried fruits are a storehouse of all kinds of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, trace elements and other useful substances. Like fresh fruits, they are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, which are in the healthiest form for the body.

Often this vitamin mixture is supplemented with nuts, which are considered a source of proteins and healthy fats and in many ways are not inferior to meat products. A diet based on dried fruits is not only very tasty, but also very beneficial for the whole body. It will help to effectively cleanse the intestines, saturate organs and systems with various beneficial substances, and improve the condition of skin, nails and hair. And with all this, it will also help you say goodbye to a few extra pounds.

Choosing dried fruits for weight loss

Like any product, dried fruits need to be chosen correctly. After all, not all mixtures and products sold today in markets and supermarkets are equally healthy. It is best to choose ready-made mixtures or just a type of dried fruit in original packaging. It will definitely indicate the date when the fruit was packed and the harvest season. In addition, such containers protect the mixture from various insects, bacteria and other debris.

But dried fruits, which are sold by weight (in markets, grocery stores), cannot boast of such advantages, but have another advantage: they are much cheaper. If the choice nevertheless falls on this type of product, then before purchasing the fruit should be carefully examined so that you do not come across rotten ones. It is recommended to smell the resulting mixture: the wine smell will indicate that there is stale fruit somewhere - it is better not to buy such mixtures. Of course, before use, market mixtures must be thoroughly washed with running water, or even better, doused with boiling water.

The same useful way- Procuring dried fruits yourself. Apples, pears, apricots, plums, peaches and any other fruits need to be washed, peeled and prepared for the winter using a dryer. Such dried fruits will always be the most useful, since the shelf life, storage conditions, and careful selection - everything will be done in the highest quality manner.

Benefits of a dried fruit diet

What is so attractive about a diet based on dried fruits? Firstly, dried fruits help avoid hunger. Fruits in any state are very nutritious: they easily eliminate the feeling of hunger and saturate the body for a long time. Despite the fact that dried fruits are quite high in calories, compared to buns and croissants, their energy potential is still much less.

Secondly, dried fruits are an excellent substitute for sweets. Glucose, which is contained in all fruits, helps produce the hormone of joy, and a huge amount of vitamins and microelements entering the body improves mood and helps get rid of depression. This is another advantage of this diet - the opportunity to eat healthy sweets, which not only will not make you gain weight, but may also remove unnecessary centimeters.

This is the principle of losing weight: by replacing sweets with dried fruits, the body gradually says goodbye to excess fat. At the same time, the body does not require sugar, receiving the required amount of glucose from the same apples, pears, dried apricots and prunes. However, this is also the main danger of this diet: fruits are also very high in calories and you should not overeat them, otherwise the excess weight will not only not go away, but will also increase.

And yet, one cannot help but note the benefits that the body will receive if you give preference to this diet and follow it correctly.

Dried apricots will strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system: it will prevent the development of anemia, strengthen blood vessels and the heart. It also contains substances such as calcium, potassium, magnesium and vitamin A, which, in turn, perfectly cleanse the intestines and help strengthen hair and nails.

Prunes are rich in the following substances: fiber, organic acids, vitamins A, E and C, as well as group B. These microelements have a choleretic effect on the body, regulate metabolism, help remove waste and toxins from the body and help increase vitality.

Figs help improve the functioning of the digestive system, effectively reduce blood cholesterol levels, and eliminate the feeling of hunger. Contains a large number of various minerals and vitamins. Raisins help improve gastrointestinal function intestinal tract and enriches us with iodine necessary for the body. And dried apples, pears and peaches remove heavy metals well.

The main advantages of this diet include the following:

  • enough effective loss weight - up to one kilogram per day;
  • healing the body by removing toxic substances and excess cholesterol from it;
  • improvement of the condition of hair, nails and skin due to a large amount of vitamins and microelements;
  • naturalness of the product - dyes and preservatives are never added to dried fruits.

But, like any other, a diet based on dried fruits has some contraindications. First of all, it is not recommended for people suffering from diabetes and diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as those who cannot tolerate sweets. Another significant drawback is the unbalanced menu, which limits the diet in time (it is not recommended to follow it for more than 5 days).

Features of a diet based on dried fruits and nuts

In order to lose several extra pounds at once, you need to eat only dried fruits, which can be supplemented with nuts, for three to five days.

It is not recommended to follow a diet of dried fruits and nuts for longer than the designated days, as this can lead to the loss of not only weight, but also other substances useful and necessary for the body. Its main principle of action is a laxative effect on the intestines, which allows you to remove waste, toxins and other toxic substances from the body. If the diet continues for more than five days, this can lead to various diseases and troubles with appearance: dullness and hair loss, brittle nails, a grayish tint to the skin and the appearance of various rashes and redness on it.

No special preparation is required for the diet. All you need to do is eat it every day a certain amount of dried fruits. For women, the daily norm is 100 grams, for men - 200 grams. You don't have to eat just one type; it's best to make a mixture of your favorite fruits and nuts, divide it into several servings and eat them throughout the day. This approach to nutrition helps to easily saturate the body, since dried slices are very nutritious and two or three fruits are enough to satisfy hunger.

Better than taking ready-made mixtures, choose a few favorite fruits and make a mix from them. This will allow you to avoid eating fruits you don’t like. Don’t forget about the required daily amount of fluid - for those on a diet, it is at least 4 liters of water per day. In addition to water, this diet allows the consumption of green tea without sugar or herbal infusions. If you really want, you can add a little honey to them.

If the goal strong weight loss It’s not worth it, then such mixtures, which can replace dinner or a snack during the day, will help maintain a normal figure and gradually lose a couple of extra pounds.

Results of this diet

The results that can be achieved on this diet include:

  • weight loss averages about 5-7 kilograms;
  • reduction in stomach size;
  • improving the condition and appearance of skin, hair and nails;
  • improvement of intestinal function;
  • raising the tone of the body.

A diet based on dried fruits is sweet and tasty, which makes it appetizing and not boring. But you also need to get out of it slowly and gradually so that the lost weight does not return. After the diet for several days, it is recommended to include porridge with dried fruits, light soups and low-fat varieties of fish and meat in the menu. It is advisable to follow such a diet for as long as possible: this will help not only consolidate the results obtained, but also say goodbye to another couple of unnecessary kilograms.

Dried fruits are a pleasant delicacy, the benefits of which cannot be overestimated. Adepts healthy eating They know firsthand that the use of dried fruits for weight loss allows you to diversify your diet in the process of restricting any diet.

What is good about dried fruit mixture for weight loss? This is a low-calorie product that has a pleasant taste and brings certain benefits to the body, which is exhausted in the process of fighting excess weight.

Essentially, every dried fruit is a dehydrated fruit. All the beneficial substances it contains remain unchanged. The main thing is to dry it properly. And then the concentration of vitamins, sugars and microelements will allow the body to be satisfied with one handful of dried apricots, prunes, and pears.

Dried fruits are good for weight loss. Fresh fruit, which contains water, does not have the same effect and will not satisfy your hunger as quickly or effectively as the dried version.

Why are dried fruits useful for different diets?

First of all, we should not forget that dried fruits are fiber. With any weight loss program, a powerful cleansing of the body occurs. Fiber helps rid the intestines of toxins and activates digestion processes. Dried fruits are good for burning and removing fat. By losing weight, you can avoid digestive problems and interruptions in the functioning of internal organs.

And one more reason why you should pay attention to this extremely useful product. As a rule, when restricting nutrition, flour and sweets are excluded from the diet. Confectionery, sweets and other sweets are on the “black” list for those who want to lose weight. But glucose and fructose in small doses are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Dried fruits are just the right source of sugars that can fill you up and act as a substitute for treats.

Dried fruits do not contain any chemicals flavoring additives, no dyes. These are dehydrated fruits in which the concentration of all useful substances is high.

Is it possible to eat dried fruits while losing weight? The answer is simple: it is an excellent substitute for sweets and a source of nutrients, indispensable during a diet. The main thing is to remember the norms of use. A few dried fruits a day will do you good. But if you eat them without measure, the sweet, high-calorie treat will have a negative impact on your figure.

Main advantages

  • Storage. Such products can be prepared in large quantities, they are perfectly stored, while maintaining their beneficial properties.
  • Volume. The concentration of nutrients in dried fruits is so high that a small amount of them can replace an entire meal.
  • Convenience. Can be added to any dish to make it more tasty and healthy.
  • The basis. Good for preparing a tasty and healthy dessert - for example, dried fruit candies are perfect for children.

Dried fruit production

In order to deprive fresh fruit of moisture, it should be dried. There are two drying methods:

  • natural - in the sun or in the shade outdoors;
  • artificial - dehydration, evaporation of water from the fruit by chemical means.

When dried naturally in the sun, the process occurs quite quickly, however, the outer shell of the fruit becomes too hard. The healthiest dried fruits are those that are dried in the shade. They are tastier and softer, but in this case it is much more difficult to bring them to readiness.

When dehydrated, the fruits look appetizing and retain the required amount of useful microelements, but at the same time they also absorb the chemicals involved in production.

The benefits and dangers of dried fruits

Which dried fruits are especially useful for weight loss? In fact, all dried fruits without exception are good to use in many diets. However, there are some “favorites” - the most delicious and popular, the benefits of which cannot be overestimated.

Dried apricots

This product is obtained by drying fresh apricots. The concentration of vitamins A, C and group B is quite high; dried apricots also contain potassium, magnesium and calcium, which are necessary for many chemical reactions in the body.

Dried apricots are widely used in the food industry for the preparation of confectionery, baked goods, and compotes. Children love this dried fruit, so little ones with a sweet tooth can offer it as an alternative to sweets and cookies.


Black plum or Hungarian plum is a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. With a low calorie content, prunes are a high-carbohydrate product. But those who want to lose weight should not worry: a handful of dried fruits can replace one meal. After such an afternoon snack, you don’t feel like eating for a long time.

The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties of this product make it an indispensable addition to baby food.


If you don’t have enough protein, you can safely eat this delicacy - it won’t add pounds, but it will act as a building material for the body. Dates are an excellent substitute for sweets for children, as they contain a lot of plant sugars, but do not affect tooth enamel and are quickly absorbed.

Fiber, vitamins A, K, E, iron, zinc, copper - this is an incomplete list of useful substances that make up honey berries.


Fig tree fruits are a healthy and tasty product, which is not by chance widely used as a filling for elite sweets. Its main advantage is that this fruit is extremely nutritious.

The calorie content of dried figs is higher than that of natural figs. However, one berry is enough to fill you up and satisfy your hunger.


One of the most popular delicacies among dried fruits. Dried grapes contain a lot of useful substances. These are vitamins, minerals, sugars, pectin, fruit acids. An indispensable product for the production of muffins, cookies, pies and other flour and sweet products. But if you eat such sweets, you can forget about losing weight.

Eating flour and sweets is a big mistake. It is better to eat raisins as a snack or as an addition to meals. Eat it as an afternoon snack or for dinner. It is enough to soak the berries in warm water to make them more elastic, and they can be added to oatmeal, dairy products, and drinks.


Typically, apples are dried at home and stored throughout the winter and spring, since this type of dried fruit is used for making homemade pastries and compotes. Dried apples can retain their properties for a long time, and they are also easy to prepare yourself.


Dry pear contains vitamins A, C, E, K, iodine, iron, zinc, copper. Most often, this dried fruit is used to make compotes. But if you soak the product in warm water and consume a few pieces every day, you can help restore nervous system, improve sleep, improve mood.

Rose hip

An indispensable product for preparing medicinal decoctions, tea, compote. Excellent support digestive system. The rich vitamin composition, the presence of calcium, magnesium and iron makes this product very suitable for diets. Rosehip decoction can be an excellent addition to any diet.


Healthy dried fruits for intensive weight loss- these are prunes, dried apricots, raisins, pears and apples. You should be careful with the rest - the benefits and harms of such products when losing weight are approximately the same.

How to choose the right one

What dried fruits can you eat while losing weight? Of course, fresh and high quality. To choose the right dried fruits, you need to pay attention to their appearance. The dull color of the shell, a “dusty” coating and fragility signal that this product has been stale and was prepared for quite a long time. Too saturated bright color indicates that dyes or chemicals have been added to the product.

Dried fruits should be elastic, have a natural shell color, and retain a pleasant aroma. Since dried fruits are intended to replace those products that inhibit weight loss, you should not save on purchasing them. It is advisable to choose the best ones, and then eating them will bring you joy.

Use for weight loss

Nuts and dried fruits are allowed for consumption during diets. Dried fruits in the evening will replace or complement dinner. However, like any sweet foods, they are recommended to be consumed in the first half of the day. Oatmeal with dried fruits can be a tasty and healthy breakfast, and buckwheat with dried fruits is a wonderful lunch or afternoon snack.

Every girl dreams of a thin and slender silhouette, using all sorts of tricks to get rid of extra centimeters. One way is weight loss mixtures. Below are the most effective and popular recipes.

Recipe for a weight loss mixture with ginger, lemon and honey

These remedies have long been considered the best in the fight against colds, but they are also given attention in attempts to lose excess weight. If you use these products together, their properties are tripled. And when used systematically as a fat-burning mixture, the result is pleasantly surprising.

Honey helps improve the body's metabolic processes and suppresses hunger, ginger is added to break down fats and improve digestion, and lemon accelerates the elimination of unnecessary substances from the body.

There are many options for preparing such a mixture, but not all of them are equally effective. In its classic form, it is prepared like this:

  • A small portion of peeled and thinly sliced ​​ginger root is placed in a teapot for brewing. It is important not to overdo it so that the drink does not become too bitter.
  • Pour boiling water over it and leave for an hour with the lid closed.
  • After an hour, add 2 mugs of lemon to the water, which can be replaced with a tablespoon of lemon juice. All components are mixed.
  • Then honey is added to the kettle. You can put it in as much as you want, as you wish. Everything gets mixed up again.

The drink is taken daily for several months. It will not only allow you to reset overweight, but also contributes to the normalization of the body’s functioning. Consumption of the mixture after 21:00 is not recommended due to the possibility of sleep disturbance.

Weight loss mixture recipe from dried fruits

This mixture will correct your figure and help cleanse the intestines. The cooking recipe cannot be called very complicated. However, the question about the advisability of using dry fruits for weight loss is quite logical, because their calorie content is several times higher than that of fresh fruits.

But if you use them in small quantities and calculate calories, the mixture will be effective. Dried fruits retain many useful elements that supply the body with a normal amount of vitamins, minerals and fiber, and the presence of carbohydrates helps to satiate and relieve hunger.


  • 200 grams of prunes
  • 200 grams of dried apricots
  • 150 grams of raisins
  • 200 grams of figs
  • 50 ml aloe juice
  • 50 grams of senna

Cooking method:

  • Dried fruits should be washed and left for some time in cooled, boiled water.
  • Then the water is drained through a colander, and the fruit is scrolled in a meat grinder.
  • Pour aloe juice over the senna herb and leave for a few minutes.
  • Then both resulting mixtures need to be mixed, transferred to a container and refrigerated.

It is important to know and understand that every person’s body is different from others, so the effect can be unpredictable: from severe discomfort in the stomach to the urge to have a bowel movement that does not correspond to the usual time.

Honey and cinnamon mixture

This mixture, coupled with physical activity will speed up the rate of weight loss. Everyone knows about the benefits of honey, which contains antioxidants and enzymes and helps improve the health of the body. Cinnamon also has a lot useful properties: From the ability to increase metabolism to lower cholesterol. These products work together to improve body function and reduce weight.

  • Half a teaspoon of cinnamon is dissolved in a cup of boiling water.
  • Add a spoonful of dark honey.
  • The resulting mixture can be supplemented with the juice of half a lemon.

Should be taken in the morning half an hour before meals every day.

Video on the topic of the article

Lose weight with dried fruits very simple. Their caloric and nutritional content allows you to satisfy your hunger with just a few berries. The benefits of dried fruits obvious, because they retain almost all useful substances, vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin mixture of dried fruits It is also useful for weakened people to maintain vigor and strengthen the immune system. A diet of dried fruits should not last more than three to five days. After all, the body still needs other nutrients, fats and proteins. You can prepare a mixture of dried fruits and nuts to make up for the lack of proteins and fats.

Mix of dried fruits and nuts

So, let's cook mixture of dried fruits and nuts, which we will eat during the diet. Take several types of dried fruits that you like the most. For example, these could be dried apricots, dried cherries and kiwi pieces. You can also use other dried fruits: pears, apples, prunes, papaya, raisins, pineapples, lemon slices, oranges, etc. The choice of dried fruits is simply huge.

Add 2-3 types of different nuts, such as peanuts, walnuts, cashews, pistachios. Of course, they must be unsalted. If you prepared dried fruits yourself, or bought them in bulk in an open form, then before using them you will need to rinse them with water or scald them with boiling water.

Dried fruit diet

During the diet, you need to eat only this mixture. There are several options dried fruit diets. In the first case, you need to eat 40-50g of the mixture 4-5 times a day, in the other, you can eat literally every hour, but no more than one tablespoon of the mixture. To feel full, you need to chew each piece thoroughly, eating the portion as slowly as possible. Dried fruits can be washed down with unsweetened tea, coffee, and herbal decoctions. In addition, you will need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water per day.

Dried fruits for weight loss

Doctors have differing opinions on this diet. Some of them believe that such a monotonous diet is unacceptable, others believe that the abundance of nutrients in dried fruits and nuts can meet all the needs of the body. But, nevertheless, they all unanimously admit that dried fruits are a real storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Dried fruits for weight loss can also be used as part of other diets by adding lean meat, fish, and dairy products to the menu. In this case, you can stay on such a diet much longer.

In addition, dried fruits can be used as very healthy snacks if you are following other types of diets.

Results of the dried fruit diet

Talking about results of dried fruit diet, it can be noted that many manage to lose up to one kilogram per day. Thus, in 5 days you can lose 4-5 kg excess weight. If you want to maintain the results obtained for a long time, try not to overeat in the future, do not consume sweet, fatty and high-calorie foods. All sweets can be replaced with the same dried fruits, which is much healthier.

Contraindications to the dried fruit diet

Patients with diabetes, those who have a tendency to increased intestinal reactivity, or simply cannot tolerate sweets should not use a diet based on dried fruits.

Hippocrates dried fruit paste

To normalize the functioning of the heart muscle and to strengthen the body’s protective functions, as well as for those who have a tendency to constipation, it is recommended to eat the so-called Hippocrates paste. It consists of prunes, dried apricots, figs and walnuts, which are mixed in equal proportions. Grind all the ingredients in a blender until you get a homogeneous mass. Then add honey in a ratio of 1:4, i.e. Add one part honey to 4 parts dried fruits and nuts. Mix and store in the refrigerator. Take one part of the mixture after meals three times a day.

And here, watch a video about what an effective fasting day can be spent on dried fruit compote. About one kilogram is lost per day: