Vladislav Tretyak: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo. Vladislav Tretyak biography Vladislav Tretyak CSKA

Name: Vladislav Tretiak

Age: 66 years old

Place of Birth: Orudevo, Moscow region

Height: 185 cm

Weight: 91 kg

Activity: hockey player, goalkeeper, coach

Family status: married

Vladislav Tretyak - biography

Hockey fans of all times and peoples know the famous Soviet hockey player, the goalkeeper who brought victory to the national ice hockey team. Later, he became famous as a coach and showed himself in the political activities of his native state.

Childhood, family

Somewhere at the top of Vladislav’s biography it was written in large letters that he would make his name famous in sports. But Tretyak couldn’t decide on a sport, so he went, using an example that was always nearby: his older brother was seriously involved in swimming. Vladislav quickly mastered the five-meter diving tower. His hobbies included acrobatics and gymnastics, but hockey soon took the most important and important place in the boy’s life. Vladislav's great height and athlete's figure only contributed to this.

Thanks to his parents, he learned to skate well, because skating rinks were popular, and his father and mother often took their youngest son with them. From the age of eleven I became interested in hockey, and my mother brought Vladislav to the CSKA Children's School for the first time. The coaches accepted the teenager immediately, since the decisive factor was the candidates’ ability to move backwards, and Tretyak had mastered this move a long time ago and consolidated it well. At the very beginning, the novice athlete was a striker, but the goalkeeper’s place was free. The Moscow club was then coached by Erfilov, Vladislav himself proposed his candidacy.

For a long time, the boy’s father could not come to terms with the fact that his son was a hockey player. At the age of fifteen, Vladislav had money earned from playing for the first time. The CSKA team was prepared by Anatoly Tarasov, who noticed and discerned a future hockey star in the guy.

Since then, the biography of the young goalkeeper has changed: he has become one step closer to fame. Legendary hockey players played for CSKA, and Vladislav played on the team with them. For some time, the goalkeeper from the adult team returned to the youth team, and they won the city champion title, and Tretyak became the best goalkeeper.

Victories began to pour in one after another. In order to make it clear why sport has become firmly entrenched in Vladislav’s biography, we need to tell you a little about his parents. My mother was a physical education teacher and played bandy herself; my father was a military pilot. Of course, sports played an important role in the lives of parents, and this was passed on to their sons.

Serious victories of Tretyak

Tretiak first met a real opponent when he played for the national team against Finland. Then there was the World Championship and the championship in it. Now no one claimed his place in goal - he had no equal. He became a champion more than once; opponents' pucks bypassed Vladislav's goal, only occasionally allowing himself to fly into it.

The hockey player became the youngest Olympic champion in the history of the game, he also had silver medals and participated in the most serious hockey matches. Goalkeeper Tretyak was noted by all Western coaches; they were delighted with his play and the inaccessibility of his goal. Vladislav Tretyak has played almost five hundred championships of the Soviet Union, more than a hundred world championships and Olympic Games. He played eleven matches in the Canadian Cup tournaments.

Politics and government activities

At the age of 24, Tretiak became a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He was elected to the State Duma from the United Russia party and is the President of the Russian Hockey Federation. Vladislav Alexandrovich carried the national team flag at the opening of the Olympic Games. Victory was not always easy; the Czechoslovakian team was a dangerous opponent for the national team more than once. There were also big mistakes. But there was always a great will to win. Vladislav was always ready for both attack and defense.

Vladislav Tretyak - biography of personal life

When Tretyak turned 32 years old, he left hockey. He wanted to spend more time with his family. One way or another, the athlete did not have to part with sports forever. He became the founder of a non-profit sports organization, the Vladislav Tretyak International Sports Academy Foundation, and took up coaching. The athlete was married only once. My wife's name is Tatyana. There are two children in the family: a son and a daughter. Dmitry is already working as a dentist, and Irina has chosen to become a lawyer. No one followed in their father's footsteps. But grandson Maxim is already the main goalkeeper of the team in which his famous grandfather, CSKA, began to play.

Vladislav Tretyak has many awards. It is enough just to list some of them to understand how great his services are in the world of sports. He is an Honored Master of Sports of the USSR, he was named the best hockey player in the Union five times, three times in Europe, four times all over the world. He became a champion and silver medalist 13 times, and holds the Soviet Union Cup.

And these are not all the awards and titles awarded to the great hockey goalkeeper. In a team of celebrities such as Valery Kharlamov and Alexander Yakushev, Valery himself became famous. He couldn't play worse than these guys, otherwise he would have let the whole team down. The team spirit still lives in Tretyak.

The first matches of the '72 Super Series shocked the hockey community. The North American press attacked NHL's poor performances, criticizing them on all counts. It was especially hard on the Canadian forwards, who looked like a shadow of themselves in the Canadian part of the series. There were many reasons for this, but the most compelling of them was the amazing play of the goalkeeper of the Soviet team, Vladislav Tretyak. Tretyak was born in the village of Orudevo near Moscow on April 25, 1952. As a child, he went through a good school of a number of sports, including cross-country skiing, football, and even artistic gymnastics. And chance helped little Vladislav fix his gaze on hockey. One day he and three comrades came to Leningradsky Prospekt, to the CSKA Sports Palace, where enrollment was underway for a hockey school. There was real pandemonium at the gates - it seemed that all the Moscow boys decided at once to become hockey players. By that time, Tretyak was already good at skating and had excellent physical shape - thanks to other sports. It is not surprising that he was one of the four accepted. At the age of 17, Tretyak made his debut in the army team of masters and by that time already had such a winning spirit that he perceived any defeat as a personal insult. He was not afraid of bruises and cuts, but if the team lost, Tretyak suffered greatly, was worried, and could not sleep. We had to wait for the next game and new victories. The latter, however, were much more numerous than the defeats. Together with his team, Tretyak became the champion of Moscow, receiving the prize for the best goalkeeper. Even earlier, at the European Championships, the USSR youth team, where Vladislav was the second goalkeeper, took silver. And although the performance was considered unsuccessful, after this tournament the famous goalkeeper Nikolai Puchkov said: “I don’t like to lavish compliments on young people, but now I’m willing to change my rule, I have one boy named Vladik. He won me over during training with his amazing reaction, mobility, courage. I believe it will be useful." The masterful play of the young hockey player also attracted the attention of CSKA coach Anatoly Tarasov. The mentor took Tretyak to both the main team of the army club and the Soviet Union national team. Already in 1969, Vladislav took part in his first world championship and won it, however, as a backup to another great goalkeeper - Viktor Konovalenko. However, Tretyak did not have to wait long for the role of the team's first goalkeeper. The following year, it was his actions that brought the Soviet team another title, and in total our hero won ten world championships and three Winter Olympics. He was one of the most prominent figures in the legendary Super Series-72. Nobody believed in Soviet hockey players in Canada, and even here we were seriously afraid of professionals who smashed everything in their path. But the meetings, contrary to all forecasts, were held on equal terms, and Vladislav Tretyak became the favorite of Canadian spectators from the very first matches. The speed with which he reacted to the movement of the puck amazed North American professionals. It was felt that if he had played in the NHL, he would have been one of the best. Spectators abroad flocked to him to get autographs. And the books that were published in America were swept off the shelves in the very first days. It is not surprising that NHL clubs have been trying to get Tretyak for a long time. The last attempt was made by Montreal in 1984, when the goalkeeper himself was already 32 years old - pre-retirement age for a hockey player of that time. But Vladislav Alexandrovich was not allowed overseas, and he could not flee the country, as some players did in the late 80s. The great goalkeeper remained in the Soviet Union, but left hockey - he had nothing left to conquer, there were no unconquered peaks left. Subsequently, Tretyak made a noticeable public career, not forgetting, however, about hockey. In 2000, he joined the Russian Presidential Council on Physical Culture and Sports. In 1998 and 2002, he was a member of the coaching staff of the Russian national team, which won silver and bronze medals at the Olympic Games. In December 2003, he became a State Duma deputy for the first time, heading the Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, and in 2006 he headed the Russian Hockey Federation. author Farid Bektemirov

Three-time Olympic champion (1972, 1976, 1984), silver medalist of the 1980 Winter Olympics, 10-time world champion (1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983), silver medalist of the World Cup 1 972 and 1976, bronze medalist of the 1977 World Cup. The 9-time European champion (1970, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1978, 1979, 1981, 1982, 1983), Silver medalist Che 1971, 1972 and 1976, Bronze medalist Che 1977. The owner of the Canadian Cup, a participant in the Canadian Cup 1976. Participant of the Super Series-72, Super Series-74 and Super Series-76. Winner of the Challenge Cup 1979.

13-time champion of the USSR (1970-1973, 1975, 1977-1984), silver medalist of the USSR championships in 1974, 1976. Winner of the USSR Cup in 1969 and 1973, finalist in the 1976 USSR Cup.

In 1997, he was among the first to be inducted into the IIHF Hall of Fame. First European hockey player to be inducted into the National Hockey League's Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto. The best hockey player of the 20th century according to the IIHF. Entered the symbolic team of the century “Centennial All-Star Team”.

He was recognized five times as the best hockey player of the USSR, three times as the best hockey player in Europe, four times as the best goalkeeper of the world championships.

He played for CSKA Moscow (1969-1984).

He played 128 matches at the Olympic Games, World and European Championships, as well as the Canada/World Cups. He played 482 matches in the USSR Championship.

NHL Hockey Hall of Fame - 1989

Honored Trainer of Russia.

In 2014 he was included in the National Hockey Hall of Fame.

Hockey player Vladislav Tretyak is a well-known personality in the domestic space. The athlete played 482 matches for the USSR and managed to prove the superiority of Soviet hockey players on the world stage.

The legendary Vladislav Tretyak, whose biography will amaze sports fans, won gold at the Olympic Games three times. The hockey player has many titles and international awards. Also, Vladislav Tretyak is recognized as one of the best hockey players in the entire history of USSR hockey.

The athlete's childhood and adolescence

The famous Vladislav Tretyak, whose short biography demonstrates interesting facts, was born on April 25, 1952. The family of the future legend of national sports lived in a rural area in the Moscow region (the village of Orudevo). Parents were directly involved in sports. After all, Vladislav’s father was an active pilot and was obliged to keep himself in proper sports shape. My mother worked as a physical education teacher at a local school, loved bandy and regularly competed in competitions in Moscow. Like all boys, Vladislav was involved in various sports. At an early age, it is necessary to try several types of sports activities in order to choose the most suitable one. Initially, the boy was involved in swimming in the pool, gymnastics, diving, and acrobatics.

However, after the first lesson in the hockey section, Vladislav really liked this sport. From time to time the boy asked his parents about hockey and at the age of 11 the decision was made to sign up for training. From the very beginning of the training, the trainer determined the guy’s suitable anthropometry. Tall growth, strong build and attentiveness became the basis for advancement into professional sports. At the CSKA school, they noticed the guy and invited him to the preliminary selection. The competition had strict requirements that were quite difficult for beginners to pass. However, Vladislav successfully passed the selection and even created a pleasant impression. The coaching staff noted the guy’s courage, perseverance and desire. From the very beginning, the boy served as a striker, but there was not enough special uniform for all the players to play. Therefore, Vladislav agreed to the proposed goalkeeper position on the condition that he would be given a real hockey uniform.

Vladislav's father never approved of the guy's position to play hockey. After all, according to my father, hockey players looked like janitors with earflaps and a broom. However, later I had to come to terms with the choice of the young athlete. The intervention of her mother, who fully supported her sporting endeavors, played a big role. Availability of income had a positive impact. Vladislav could fully support himself without his parents. Thus, in 1967, the goalkeeper was noticed by the famous coach Anatoly Tarasov, who worked at the CSKA club. It was this person who revealed his professional potential. Under the leadership of Tarasov, Tretyak won the Moscow championship title and received the “Best Goalkeeper” award. Gradually the guy achieved significant success. Already at the age of 16, he was included in the team of a famous club.

Entering a professional career

As part of CSKA, Vladislav Tretyak, where the hockey player’s biography includes basic details, managed to make his debut in 1969. The first professional match took place with the Spartak team (Moscow). The guy used all his skills and character as a fighter to ensure maximum protection for the team as the main goalkeeper. In addition to CSKA, the hockey player took an active part in the development of the youth team. However, Tretyak did not stay in juniors and at the first opportunity he moved to the main USSR national team. The athlete intended to gain new experience and progress further. In 1970, Vladislav served as a reserve goalkeeper. This year the hockey player won gold at the World Cup. The entire coaching staff positively assessed his level of preparation and desire to win.

In the early 70s, the young hockey player won the attention of his first admirers and fans. Many people discussed the success of the team on the street. In 1972, the athlete was pleasantly surprised when he won gold at the Olympics. Tretyak was recognized as the youngest hockey player to win. During the series of 8 games with Canada, he showed himself on the positive side. Even his rivals respected Vladislav. In 1975, the young goalkeeper brought victory to the USSR. At some important matches and at the Olympics, Tretyak was chosen as the standard bearer. In 1980, the first loss occurred. The USSR team missed several goals and lost to the USA. In the important match, the goalkeeper was replaced by Vladimir Myshkin. However, Tretyak showed the lowest rate of reflected attacks.

Victories returned to the hockey player in 1981. Tretyak managed to overcome his opponents and become a winner at the Canada Cup. The athlete won gold three times at Olympia. The USSR national team regained its leading position on the world stage. The athlete’s last farewell match took place in 1984. At the age of 32, Tretiak decided to finish professional hockey and pay more attention to his own family. For several years after the end of his career, many clubs invited the hockey player to the big sport. There were even offers from foreign teams. However, Tretyak agreed only to the position of coach of CSKA.

Hockey coaching career

Since 1984, Vladislav Aleksandrovich worked in the international department of the CSKA club. The employee's duties included organizing sports competitions. The powers and position allowed him to additionally become a deputy in Moscow. In the early 90s, Tretyak moved to the Bombardier company, which belonged to Canada. Foreign players positively assessed the experience and qualifications of the domestic coach. Tretyak managed to become a mentor and legend for many foreign hockey players. In Russia, the legendary athlete took part in the training of Russian athletes who competed in 1998, 2002 and 2004. Under Tretyak's leadership, the Russian team won many awards.

Political activity of the athlete

In 2003, Vladislav Aleksandrovich Tretyak, whose biography is known to every hockey player, was elected as a deputy to the State Duma. The former professional athlete made a significant contribution to the development of sports. Tretyak is one of the few who really cared about and was involved in the development of sports areas. He was elected to the State Duma three times from United Russia. Thanks to his responsibility and effective work, Tretyak was appointed head of the Russian Hockey Federation. The important post allowed us to strengthen the development of domestic sports.

Tretyak paid great attention to organizing international tournaments. He also personally took part in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Together with some domestic athletes, he lit the Olympic flame. Since 2016 he has been a State Duma deputy. Many people and professional athletes speak positively about this person. Tretyak is considered a mandatory deputy who fulfills all requests and actively participates in any processes.

Family life of a domestic hockey player

The family life of the famous athlete began back in 1972. Together with his wife Tatyana they raised their children Dmitry and Irina. Today the hockey player and his wife are taking care of their grandchildren. Grandson Maxim is determined to become a hockey player. The boy wants to follow in the footsteps of his legendary grandfather. At the same time, Vladislav Tretyak contributes to this in every possible way. Grandfather will always give good advice and share his experience. The family of a USSR hockey player lives in their own country house in the Moscow region.

Vladislav Aleksandrovich devotes a lot of time to the plot, his wife and grandchildren. The athlete also writes books about sports, where he talks about the achievements and capabilities of domestic hockey players. Vladislav Alexandrovich does not boast about his awards and positions. The person is distinguished by restraint, good manners and modesty. From time to time, famous people visit the former hockey player.

Honored Master of Sports, Soviet hockey player, President of the Russian Hockey Federation, Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Vladislav Aleksandrovich Tretyak was born on April 25, 1952 in the village of Orudevo, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region.

As a child and while studying at school, he was involved in many sports (cross-country skiing, football, gymnastics, swimming), and later qualified for the CSKA hockey school and became a goalkeeper.

In 1976, Vladislav Tretyak graduated with honors from the Moscow Regional State Institute of Physical Education (now the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture), in 1983 he completed his studies at the Military-Political Academy. IN AND. Lenin (now the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation).

In 1969-1984, Tretyak played for the CSKA masters team.

In 1969, he successfully made his debut in the USSR national team in the tournament for the prize of the Izvestia newspaper in a match with the Finnish team.

From 1972 to 1984, Tretyak was the main goalkeeper of the USSR national team. Three-time Olympic champion (1972, 1976, 1984), silver medalist at the 1980 Winter Olympics. Winner of the Canada Cup (1981), 10-time world champion, 13-time USSR champion. Participant of the famous Super Series-72.

Since 1984, Vladislav Tretyak worked in an administrative position in the international department of CSKA, and then was deputy head of the CSKA sports games department.

In the second half of the 1980s, he was a deputy of the Moscow City Council. At the same time, he moved to the international department of the sports committee of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

In 1990, Tretyak retired from the army and has the rank of reserve colonel.

In the 1990s, Tretiak accepted an offer from the NHL team Chicago Blackhawks, which invited him to become a goalie coach. Also worked in Canada, Finland, Norway.

From 1998 to 2002, he was part of the coaching staff of the Russian national team, which won silver (Nagano) and bronze (Salt Lake City) medals at the Winter Olympics.

In 1998, he founded a non-profit sports organization - the Vladislav Tretyak International Sports Academy Foundation, which is engaged in maintaining and developing the sports movement in Russia and recreating the glory of Russian hockey.

In December 2003, Tretyak was elected to the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation, in 2007 to the fifth convocation, and in 2011 to the sixth convocation.

In 2005-2007, he served as chairman of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs, and in 2007-2011 - first deputy chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports. Since 2011, he has been a member of the State Duma Committee on Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Affairs. Member of the United Russia faction.

Since 2006, Tretyak has served as president of the Russian Hockey Federation.

Since 2013 - member of the supervisory board of the CSKA hockey club.

Tretyak is a member of the interdepartmental commission for the development of elite sports of the Council under the President of the Russian Federation for the development of physical culture and sports.

Vladislav Tretyak is an Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1971), Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation (2006). Member of the Hockey Hall of Fame of the National Hockey League in Toronto (1989), Hall of Fame of the International Hockey Federation (1997).

According to the International Hockey Federation, Tretyak is the best hockey player of the 20th century.

Vladislav Tretyak was awarded the Order of the USSR "Badge of Honor" (1975), Lenin (1978), Friendship of Peoples (1981), Red Banner of Labor (1984); Russian Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (2002), Order of Honor (2010), Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" III degree (2012).

The name of Vladislav Aleksandrovich Tretyak is known to everyone who has at least once been interested in hockey. A legendary Soviet hockey player and goalkeeper, he made a huge contribution to the development of this sport and greatly contributed to the fact that hockey became the most popular game in every home.

How did the future president of the Russian Hockey Federation begin his sporting career?

Vladislav Tretyak was born in a small village in the Moscow region called Orudevo, on April 25, 1952. From an early age, Vladislav was fond of sports: like his older brother, he loved swimming and diving. And my love for hockey appeared thanks to weekly trips to the skating rink with my parents. Oddly enough, the aspiring sports star was brought to the CSKA children's sports school by her mother. But for a long time the father could not come to terms with his son’s decision to become a hockey player: he believed that with a stick in his hands, Vladislav looked like a janitor. And only when Tretyak Jr. turned 16 did he manage to come to terms with the fact that from now on hockey and Vladislav Tretyak are inseparable concepts.

The first coach of the famous goalkeeper was Vladimir Erfilov. By the way, why the goalkeeper? The fact is that Tretyak desperately wanted to have a real hockey uniform, which was not enough for everyone. At that moment, the team did not have a goalkeeper, and then Tretyak turned to the coach with an offer to take “post number one” in exchange for a uniform.

In 1967, CSKA drew attention to the young goalkeeper, who helped Vladislav Tretyak reach the professional level.

Professional hockey career

Vladislav Tretyak played his debut match in 1968. Then their opponent was HC Sparta. Already in 1969, he played as part of the national team against the Finnish national team - it was a tournament, the main prize of which was provided by the Izvestia newspaper. For fifteen years from 1969 to 1984, Vladislav was the main goalkeeper in his native HC CSKA, and also defended the goal of the USSR national team during official matches. His main merits can be considered:

  • a huge number of games played, namely: 482 matches at the Soviet championships, 117 matches at the world championships and Olympic Games, as well as 11 matches for the Canada Cup;
  • he was recognized five times as the best hockey player of the Soviet Union;
  • three times received the title of best hockey player in Europe;
  • won the best goalkeeper award four times at world championships;
  • teams and clubs with his participation became champions at various championships more than 15 times.

Vladislav Tretyak played his last professional hockey match on December 22, 1984. Explaining the decision to retire from professional sports at the age of 32, the athlete said that he wanted to spend more time with his family. After all, because of the games with the Canadians, the hockey player even had to postpone his own wedding three times! And even after the birth of children (and Tretyak has two of them: son Dmitry and daughter Irina), relatives more often watched the head of the family on TV than at home.

Hockey is forever

And yet Tretyak was unable to part with hockey. And is it necessary? After working for two years in the international department of CSKA employees and missing the “live business,” in 1988 he opened his own sports academy. And in the early 90s, Tretyak accepted an offer to train young goalkeepers for the NHL club Chicago Blackhouse.

However, despite the temptation to completely leave Moscow during the troubled “perestroika” times, Tretyak did not want to leave the capital of Russia. “I can’t live abroad for a long time,” admits the legendary goalkeeper. - In addition, I opened the Vladislav Tretyak International Sports Academy in Moscow and now conduct children's hockey tournaments. We need to revive children’s sports!”

In his coaching position, Tretyak proved himself to be no less a professional. In 1998, he was invited to coach the players of the Russian national team, and in 2004, Tretyak even joined the coaching staff of the Cuban national team.

Today, Vladislav Tretyak is a member of several state councils related to the sports industry. Since 2006, he has headed the Russian Hockey Federation and is a member of the board of trustees of the famous Arctic Cup tournament. And in 2011, he was elected as a deputy from the United Russia party.