Denise Austin's "quick weight loss" program is easy, affordable, effective. Gymnastics for weight loss Denise Austin Denise Austin muscle strengthening

Fitness expert and instructor Denise Austin's program has gained popularity due to its accessibility and easy-to-follow exercise routine. This course is ideal for those who want to get rid of extra pounds and tighten their stomach, but have no experience in fitness. The workouts are also suitable for those who don’t have time to go to the gym.

What is this program?

Denise Austin's “Quick Weight Loss” course will not only get rid of extra pounds on your hips and buttocks, but also make your stomach flat and your body toned and firm. A set of simple but effective exercises will help you achieve the desired result. The program consists of two 25-minute complexes.

The first includes aerobic exercise (20 minutes), which speeds up metabolism and increases cardiac endurance. These are exercises that include elements of aerobics and dance. The second complex is for strengthening muscles (25 minutes) - these are exercises with dumbbells. Finally - relaxation exercises (5 minutes). Denise Austin's course "Rapid weight loss" includes two blocks: aerobic and strength.

What is the effectiveness of the program?

Partial load sharing allows you to achieve results faster. It gets rid of fatty tissue well. The higher the load, the more it is aimed at losing weight. But the risk here is that along with the fat tissue, part of the muscle tissue is also lost. lead to fat loss, but do not improve your figure. To help - power load.

Such exercises, recommended in Denise Austin's Fast Weight Loss course, work the core muscles. A power block using small weights increases muscle mass slightly and at the same time “builds” the body. Benefits of Denise Austin's Fast Weight Loss Workout:

  • Suitable for beginners; The training course is designed for an initial level of physical fitness.
  • Repeating with light weights increases your heart rate, thereby burning more calories.
  • Strength exercises work multiple muscle groups at the same time.
  • The training duration is optimal for beginners.
  • Training at the entry level can be carried out separately. For example, an aerobic block in the morning, a strength block in the evening.

How to practice?

For the workout you will need a pair of dumbbells and enough space, since many of the exercises in the aerobic block are sweeping and wide. For beginners, you can divide the classes, then increase the load, as required by any fitness. Denise Austin "Rapid Weight Loss" is a course designed for beginners. Experienced fitness enthusiasts will find the program easy.

As you know, the body gets used to stress quite quickly. If endurance allows, perform the blocks one after another. Then gradually increase the weights. Initially, use kilogram dumbbells for training, then increase the weight to 2 kg. The main condition of the program is regular classes. Downtime should not be allowed for more than two days. A week - at least 3-4 workouts. And, of course, to lose weight as quickly as possible, you need to adjust your diet.

For those who want to successfully lose weight and get their body in order, but have no experience in sports or fitness, there are many programs, for example, from Denise Austin. Effective weight loss is achieved by performing all the exercises according to the requirements of the trainer in the video.

Aerobics with Denise Austin “Quick weight loss” has gained popularity all over the world due to its effectiveness and accessibility.

Who is Denise Austin

Denise Austin is a well-known personal fitness trainer in America, as well as the host of television programs devoted to this topic, author of thematic techniques.

The original video courses of this fitness instructor are extremely popular both in the USA, Europe and other countries. Their high efficiency is achieved due to the fact that each exercise is selected by the author in strict accordance with the needs of the body. Austin is the author of a large number of fitness programs dedicated not only to weight loss, but also strength and cardio routines, Pilates, yoga and much more. Almost all programs have been translated into Russian.

Among them are the following:

  • “Work on problem areas”;
  • “Lose 5 kilograms”;
  • “Yoga for those who want to lose weight”;
  • "Fitness for pregnant women";
  • “Just what you need”;
  • "Training camp" and others.

Below we will talk about Denise Austin’s “Rapid Weight Loss” program. Reviews about it are mostly positive, and you can also read some of them.

Program description

This author's program is the most famous; it was these video lessons that brought Austin worldwide popularity. Thanks to such exercises, you can successfully get rid of fat on your arms, buttocks, stomach and thighs. The body will also become more toned and elastic.

The classes are simple and accessible to every girl: even without special physical training, you can successfully get rid of extra pounds.

This program includes two 25-minute workouts. To speed up metabolism, burn fat and increase cardiac endurance, you will need to perform rhythmic movements from dancing or aerobics, and to strengthen your muscles and body as a whole, do exercises with dumbbells. Excellent results are achieved through a combination of strength and aerobic exercise. When you lose fat and tone your muscles, your figure will be closer to ideal.

To practice this program, you need to have a mat and two dumbbells at home. It is better to start training with dumbbells of 0.5-1 kg each, and then you can increase their weight to 2 kilograms. Almost all strength exercises involve several muscle groups at the same time. For example, you can work your inner thighs and biceps at the same time. Thanks to this, calorie consumption will increase during one session.

The two types of workouts can be alternated with each other, and it will take you less than half an hour to complete the workouts during the day. If you have endurance, then you can do both types of training in a row, so you will achieve what you want faster. It is recommended to exercise at least 3-4 times a week and only on a regular basis. There should be no breaks in training for more than two days. Only systematically can you achieve noticeable success.

The program includes the following types of exercises:

Mostly the reviews about the Denise Austin program are good, but everyone has their own preferences and capabilities. Some people prefer dance classes, while others prefer strength exercises, against which the muscles of different zones are pumped. The purpose of the lesson is also taken into account. Some people need to get in shape after pregnancy, while others just want to stay toned.

Pros and cons of classes

The complex of classes under consideration has both many positive and negative aspects.

If we talk about the advantages of the program, it is worth noting the following:

The program has significantly fewer disadvantages, but they are still there:

  • if you have been doing fitness for some time, then the load on this program will be too light for you and is unlikely to suit you;
  • In the first part of the course you will need to perform sweeping and wide movements, choose spacious rooms for training.

To keep your body in athletic shape. Denise Austin is an American actress, the famous host of a series of television programs about weight loss since 1988. She devoted her life to sports, became a teacher and opened classes with which she began working on a fitness show - she created her own mixes of exercises, recorded classes on video, and also began writing thematic books and articles.

Denise Austin is known for her avoidance of fitness supplements and focus on naturalness. She promotes a balanced exercise program and healthy eating habits and encourages people to stay away from diets or "crazy restrictions" to lose weight quickly. Its existing programs are often an integration of various modalities, including yoga, Pilates, calisthenics, cross-training and aerobic exercise.

One of the trainer’s first jobs was the television program “Starting to Lose Weight with Denise Austin.”

Today, Denise Austin is the host of more than 5 television programs about fitness and a personal trainer with her own methodology. Gymnastics from Denise Austin has won the hearts of losing weight women and men due to its accessibility and effectiveness.

All useful information regarding weight loss is spoken out by the presenter each time, and the details of the correct execution of the exercise can be seen on the video or during the repetition. Often the class is divided into two parts - a mixture of rhythmic aerobics, dancing and kickboxing, which burns the maximum number of calories and starts the body's metabolism, and meditative yoga and gymnastics to stretch tired muscles and prevent pain in them.

Weight correction rules

Regular implementation of the complex helps to reduce weight, but an equally important part of working on yourself is devoted to maintaining the achieved result. Rules for weight correction and maintaining results according to the Denise Austin method:

  • Selection of simple exercises that have maximum impact on all muscle groups;
  • Spiritual peace while performing a set of exercises;
  • Step-by-step work on your own body;
  • Mandatory warming up of the body before heavy exercise;
  • Exercises without additional equipment, when performed correctly, are also effective;
  • Relaxation after training.

In all of her programs, Denise Austin focuses on a specific goal - to lose weight in a week, get in shape after pregnancy,...

There is a video with a main focus on yoga, there is special gymnastics, but despite the main component of the training, the load will be evenly distributed over several types - step aerobics, Pilates, dancing - which together creates a harmonious mixture of vivacity. You can also notice that in most classes the emphasis is on the legs, because the largest muscle group is located there.

Denise Austin also offers specially designed workouts, exercises from which can be performed by people with spinal problems and varicose veins.

As Denise Austin says, all her classes are aimed at healing and improving herself physically and spiritually. The main thing is individual desire, and choosing the opportunity to achieve a goal is as easy as shelling pears. Throughout the entire video, the trainer looks smiling and motivates his students, which undoubtedly affects the desire to continue classes.

10 weeks of training

Personal training with Denise Austin is based on the fact that there are many things that we cannot change in our lives, but there are also those that are within our control - the way we eat, the way we move and especially the way we think . Gymnastics for weight loss is based on the fact that exercises need to be performed daily, devoting 10 to 40 minutes of time to them.

The workouts are quite simple to construct, but extremely exhausting for all muscle groups, otherwise gymnastics would be ineffective.

The role of physical exercise in losing weight is extremely important. All the excess weight that a person is able to lose only during a diet, without maintaining physical fitness, returns within the first weeks after the transition to standard eating habits.

To lose weight, you need to change your daily routine for 10 weeks, which is how much time, according to Denise Austin, it will take to achieve the first significant results.

Effective at home without harming your health - this is what Denise Austin promotes. The surest way to lose weight is to eat four meals a day in small portions, balanced with proteins, carbohydrates, fats and with the required amount of microelements and vitamins. To properly lose weight, it is necessary to take into account the calorie content of the foods consumed, avoid unplanned snacks, and select dishes taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and taste.

By performing exercises with a positive frame of mind, your chances of achieving the expected results in a shorter time increase significantly. – a system for fitness classes that helps to bring not only physical fitness back to normal, but also explains how to eat properly and has clear results for program participants.


Your feedback on the article:

Aerobics with Denise Austin is work with the energy zones of the body, as a result of which the metabolism in the body improves. As a result, excess fat is burned. Your figure becomes slimmer.

The aerobics complex with Denis Austin includes a sequence of intense bodybuilding exercises, alternating with general strengthening exercises. In other words, several short strength exercises are inserted into the complex of cardio circuit training exercises. It is this sequence of exercises that promotes intense calorie burning.

Denise Austin Aerobics includes:

  • exercises for the upper body (back, shoulders, arms and chest).
  • exercises for the lower body. The inner and outer surfaces of the legs are worked out.
  • on Monday, Wednesday and Friday a cardio complex is performed;
  • on Tuesday and Thursday, do strength exercises aimed at working the upper and lower parts of the body, as well as exercises for the abdominal muscles;
  • Cardio and strength exercises are performed on Saturdays.

The first results of performing a set of aerobics exercises with Denise Austin will not be slow to show up after just 10 days. The reward for your work will be: a slim figure, a flat tummy, sexy hips and buttocks.

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Reading time: 7 minutes

Hardly any coach can boast of such a variety of programs as Denise Austin’s. She managed to cover all areas, starting with rhythmic aerobics and ending with power yoga.

Since it's easy to get lost in the variety of Denise Austin's workouts, we'll give you a quick overview of her top weight loss programs. Following the links you can go to a more detailed description of each complex. Most recently, the first part of Denise Austin’s training review was published on our website. Do not miss!

Denise Austin's workouts: from aerobics to Pilates

1. Fat burning cardio workout (Quick Burn Cardio)

For those who want to lose weight and get rid of excess weight, you should pay attention to Quick Burn Cardio. This 50-minute program is built on the principle of interval training: you will constantly increase your pace to the maximum and burn extra calories. In the second half of the program, you will use dumbbells for muscle-building exercises that will alternate with aerobic segments. This is the most optimal workout for weight loss and formation of a beautiful figure.

2. Bootcamp: Lose Weight in 2 Weeks (Bootcamp: Total Body Blast)

If you want to lose weight in a short time, then take up the fat-burning program “Training Camp”. Denise Austin promises you achieve results after 2 weeks daily workouts. The program follows a traditional course: first you will do 20 minutes of cardio with elements of kickboxing, then a 20-minute strength training, and the complex ends with a short stretch. You can follow this course for more than two weeks until you achieve the desired results.

3. Slim figure in 15 minutes a day (Get Fit Fast)

An ideal workout option for those who don't have a lot of time for fitness. The course is divided into three programs: for the abdominal and back muscles, for the muscles of the arms and shoulders, for the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. In turn, each of these programs includes 3 difficulty levels, and each level lasts only 15 minutes. This structure of the complex makes it very variable and flexible: you can combine workouts at your discretion. For training you will need dumbbells and a mat.

4. Yoga for the whole body (Yoga Body Burn and Fat-Blasting Yoga)

If you prefer workouts that work your muscles in a focused manner, then full-body yoga is what you need. Yoga from Denise Austin will help you not only strengthen your muscles, but also achieve amazing stretching and confident coordination. The trainer offers two yoga options lasting about an hour, with approximately the same level of difficulty. You can alternate between both programs; you will not need any additional equipment to complete them.

5. Shrink Your Fat Zones Pilates

Denise Austin also has Pilates in her training arsenal, with which you will work on all problem areas. The program is conveniently divided into short 15-minute segments: abdominal, upper and lower body. You can alternate them or perform the entire complex. The training is very accessible in difficulty: it is suitable for beginners in fitness and even those who have never done Pilates. You will need a mat, light dumbbells and a towel.

6. Pilates with elastic band (Pilates For Everybody)

In another version of Pilates, Denise uses auxiliary equipment: chair and rubber band. The Pilates for Everyone program lasts 45 minutes. In the first half, you will find exercises on the floor with a rubber band, which will help work out the muscular corset. In the second half, you perform the exercises while standing, using a chair, and using your upper and lower body. Denise emphasizes that you should work on the quality of your exercises, not the quantity.

If you haven't yet created a training plan with Denise Austin, we advise you to try alternating aerobic strength programs with yoga and Pilates. This way you will provide for your body as balanced as possible load.