Skradok goose with burlap hands. Convenient stealth and goose ambush - the key to a successful hunt

An ambush or hideout is designed to disguise a hunter while waiting for ducks. The bird is an extremely shy and cautious creature and easily distinguishes a person from a bump or stone. It especially reacts to movement, therefore, for effective hunting, shelter is needed, which should merge in color with the surrounding area. In this case, the duck will not suspect the danger and will be able to approach a distance sufficient to make a shot - 20-30 meters.

Skradok is of different types:

  • trench;
  • tent;
  • net;
  • shields.

Depending on where it is planned to arrange an ambush, the most suitable option is selected.

The mesh is a universal camouflage, you can sew or glue various materials to it with your own hands, suitable for the area in color.

Often, hunters do it on the spot, inserting grass and reeds taken directly around the intended ambush into the cells - this will achieve maximum similarity.

The trench is good for hunting ducks in the field or near the shore of a reservoir, but in the second case, water can interfere, since you need to dig it deep, up to one meter.

The tent is a frame with a stretched camouflage fabric or mesh, it is installed on the ground, near a pond or in the bushes. It is not quite suitable for placement in the field - it turns out to be a very large bump.

Shields are necessary for camouflaging the boat during water hunting; they are made locally from reeds and other vegetation.

Skradok for hunting game - do it yourself

Camouflage for placement on land

You can make a skradok with your own hands in advance or directly on the spot. This is a creative and exciting process.


Camouflage Net Skradok

It is best to use viscose thread as a base, it is quite light and practical, a jute cord is also suitable.

Do-it-yourself weaving is a rather long and laborious process.

You can use bobbins or shuttles with a template. If there is a ready-made fishing or volleyball net, this will the best option, also the basis can be found in any specialized store. It is inexpensive.

Further, it is necessary to sew to the finished base: pieces of old camouflage fabric, bunches of dry grass, reed leaves and other materials that will more closely match the area where the hunt will be carried out.

It is best to have two to three network options:

  • in green - for camouflage in the swamp;
  • in gray - against the background of reeds;
  • in dirty yellow, sand - for dry grass.

The grid prepared in advance at the hunting site must be supplemented with the vegetation that will surround it - this way you can better merge with nature and the duck will not notice the difference. It is necessary to ensure that there are no foreign objects around the hide: it happened that a forgotten pack of cigarettes scared away a duck.

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Easy to DIY using frame and mesh. Thin metal or plastic rods are taken as a frame, you can use a frame from an old tent. A mesh is put on it. Its dimensions must match the base.

As an option for disguising as dry grass or a haystack, it is appropriate to use jute threads, hanging them on the net in several layers so that the tent does not shine through. In the manufacture, it is necessary to be guided by the rule - as closely as possible correspond to the place where the hide will be placed.

  • fabric strips;
  • old worn camouflage clothing;
  • linen washcloth;
  • rope tow;
  • rags;
  • dry grass;
  • thin branches.

The tent is very convenient for duck hunting, it is easy to assemble and disassemble, the weight of the structure is small, and it is most suitable as a sit-in in bushes or reeds.


Skradok - trench

It is also the most common duck hunting skunk. It is convenient and simple, allows you to let the duck close to you as close as possible. The only negative is that you have to dig (on average, his equipment will take two hours, depending on the soil). The necessary tool is a bayonet shovel. The size of the handle should be selected based on the size of the bag or trunk, birch is best.

Having decided on the place, they start digging. You should start with an oval shape, while trying not to expand.

The length and width are selected based on their own sizes (the person will be located in the trench in a squat). For convenience, a step is made, of such a height that, bending over, one cannot see the head, but, stretching out the neck, was good review.

When digging a trench, there is one caveat: the earth must be scattered as far as possible, in a fan, so it will not attract the attention of the bird.

After the desired depth is reached, proceed to masking. A groove is made along the edges of the trench, bunches of dry grass are placed in it. The longer the stems, the better, the main goal is to close the hole as much as possible. Grass and stems are sprinkled with earth and compacted; for better camouflage, you can scatter a little more around the trench.

Camouflage for water hunting

The duck is a waterfowl, so hunting is often carried out from a boat, using decoys (real or artificial) as baits. How to hide the boat in this case? The easiest way is to hide in thickets or reeds. But in open water such a place is difficult to find. Therefore, the boat will have to be masked.

For this, two options are used:

  • net;
  • shields.

You can make the grid yourself, with your own hands, or you can buy it ready-made in the store. It is only necessary to choose the right color so as not to stand out from the surrounding nature. It is best to use green camouflage colors - there is a lot of greenery in the swampy area and the hidden spots will be less noticeable.

The nose of the boat can be completely wrapped with reed leaves, they can also be used as an additional disguise. To make it comfortable to sit, metal bars are installed on the boat from four sides. Six can be used, depending on the design of the craft. A net is hung on them - it turns out like a tent or a hut. In this design it is convenient to be two or three hunters.

Shields are made by hand at the hunting ground. Shrub branches or reeds can be used as material. The length of the stems must be more than one meter. The bundles are connected to each other nylon rope or soft wire. It is better to tie adjacent bundles in two places - at the base and on top, stepping back 15 cm.

Depending on the size of the boat, you will need 3-4 shields.

It is convenient to make them small, up to 0.5 m wide. Each should be attached to a long stick, which is then driven into the bottom of the reservoir.

To save time on making shields, you can drive the bow of the boat into the reeds or thickets of coastal shrubs, so only the stern and sides will have to be closed. This hide will be as realistic as possible - you can let the duck get pretty close to it, especially if you use decoy birds.

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Video: DIY do-it-yourself sunbed

Since ancient times, many different methods have been invented to hide from prey as well as any predator. Today, each method has been improved with technology, which allows you to achieve best result. So, the popular trench was replaced by skradok. Creating a trench with your own hands is a very laborious process, especially when hunting in the cold season. Of course, the trench has its advantages over the classic stealth. It can be dug in open areas, allowing for perfect camouflage. However, for such cases, recumbent hiding places for hunting were created.


Lying skradok has many advantages, in addition to reusable use. Features such as:

  1. Ease of storage anywhere. It folds easily and takes up little space.
  2. You can carry the skradok like a regular backpack on your back.
  3. Fast installation within ten minutes allows you to achieve effective masking.
  4. The low height of the seat makes it possible to settle down in any area suitable for hunting.
  5. Good weather protection in all seasons.
  6. The convenience and comfort that a recumbent hunting hide provides allows you to focus on the target without being distracted by your comrades.

These are the main benefits. In addition to them, you can also highlight the quick assembly, ease of transportation and so on.

How to choose

Depending on the type of game being hunted, be it duck, goose or any other bird, you can choose the most suitable design. Skradok can be both universal and have unique properties. In general, the arrangement of ambush practically does not differ from each other. They are a cocoon, inside of which the hunter is located..

The frame can be made of rigid or semi-rigid rods. This allows you to use skradok in places with different vegetation. What's more, rigid frames are great for winter hunting because they can withstand a lot of rainfall.

The number of sashes in the design is important. There may be one or two. They are made of mesh fabric and allow you to achieve a comfortable view of the sky and the area around the hunter. One of the main features of mesh doors is the ability to lure ducks and geese. Nets may not be closed. This allows you to increase the space, thanks to which you can spread your elbows, which is very convenient for long hunts.

When , it is better to use scrapers on an aluminum frame. They provide ample space for sitting. Since geese are very cautious, any rustle can frighten them away. Due to the space, the likelihood of creating noise is reduced. Such blinds are the most common, as they are made of a denser fabric. True, their weight and dimensions are much higher, which does not allow carrying skrads in the form of a backpack. However, they increase comfort and success. goose hunting. They can hide all the necessary equipment and things, while leaving a lot of space for the hunter. described in detail in a separate article.

For softer and lighter sit-ups. The recumbent position is less comfortable, but is great. Ducks are not as wary, and yet they are easily spooked. Therefore, it is worth choosing the most hidden doors with two or more wings. Increased visibility and the ability to change position will ensure the comfort and reliability of duck hunting.

If the territory for catching a goose is in difficult terrain, it is worth using the lightest ambush designs. Big weight stealth, cartridges, weapons, provisions, etc., will slow down the hunter. Fatigue greatly affects hunting. Therefore, lightweight frames that can be carried by backpack are ideal for such situations.

Perfect option

It is worth noting that the lighter and cheaper the skladok, the thinner the fabric that is used for it. This greatly affects the protection against moisture. Not a single ambush is completely waterproof. However, maximum weather protection can only be achieved by purchasing dense fabrics held by a rigid frame. Many devices provide good protection, however, the raindrops roll off the hood and form a puddle under the unit. To avoid such situations, it is worth choosing an elevated place where water will not accumulate under the hunter. A mattress or other thick bedding covered with a moisture-proof film also effectively helps. However, they also need to be carried along with you. However, it adds comfort and thermal insulation inside the frame.

Many professional hunters say that the most important part of hunting is camouflage. Therefore, you can get as close to the game as close as possible only by achieving an impeccable merger with the terrain. In this case, the recumbent skradok has the best disguise. The additional addition of plants located in the district helps especially well. Geese vision does not allow you to distinguish the surrounding vegetation from your disguise. Therefore, the only indicator is the height of the ambush. The lower it is, the less attention you attract.

Skradok boat

When hunting ducks or geese, it is very convenient to use camouflaged boats. Ducks are often found in bodies of water, while geese are found close to coastlines. Boats are equipped with the same device at rower locations. Simply put, you will be covered by camouflage and will be able to observe the surroundings from the lake. The game will not be able to see you if the fabric for the stealth is combined with the terrain. At the same time, having a sufficient number of valves, you will be able to control what is happening around.

The skunk boat is not a very popular hunting device. However, it has a number of advantages over conventional ambush. You get more space for extra comfort.

We make a sit-in with our own hands

The device is very simple, so you can make it yourself. It will require camouflage material, mesh and frame. Overwintered vegetation will be the best material for an ambush. The frame can be made of aluminum rods or plastic. The main thing is that the ambush has an excellent overview and does not give a noticeable shadow. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a device with gaps. Simply put, the vegetation should be loose, as ducks and geese don't trust thick nests.

If it is not possible to use vegetation, then a camouflage suit, cut into patches, is perfect. They should be placed vertically, leaving a small window at the top for viewing.

Each locality has its own specific plants. During preparation, it is worth fixing several types of herbs located nearby on a do-it-yourself structure. This will give additional disguise and allow you to settle on the plain unnoticed. When choosing other features of the device, focus on your own ideas of comfort and combination with the terrain. The main thing, when creating a hide with your own hands, is not to create unnecessary space. Large buildings attract the attention of hunting objects and scare them away.

Properly constructed skradka will not only provide excellent camouflage, but will also make an excellent bird feeding ground, which will make it possible to get close to the game. Based on this, it is worth making installations directly in convenient places for bird feed. This will reduce hunting time and make it easier to catch prey.

In most of mankind, the hunting instinct is in a latent state. However, there is a special layer of people who spend all their free time waiting for a suitable shot. One of the most exciting is hunting for representatives of the goose family. There are many ways to disguise, but the most popular is the hide on the goose. It is quite simple to build this device with your own hands. Readers are invited to step-by-step instruction and an overview of industrial production ambush.

Competent hunting for game implies possession of basic knowledge about the manner of behavior of birds. Since the goose is considered one of the most incredulous creatures, the hunter must know his habits.

What you need to know about geese:

  1. They belong to the category of terrestrial-aquatic. They live mainly on the ground.
  2. Cautious and social. Strongly attached to the flock.
  3. They have excellent eyesight. Without good camouflage, these vigilant birds are difficult to get close to.
  4. Settle near freshwater reservoirs with a small current. Rarely choose stagnant water.

  1. Meal schedule - 2 times a day. In the morning - from 7 to 10 o'clock, in the evening - from 15 to 18. They prefer arable land and winter fields.
  2. The average flight speed is from 70 to 90 km/h. On high altitude birds are accelerating.
  3. The maximum flight altitude of the mountain goose is 10,175 m.
  4. Shedding - 1 time per year. At this time, the birds are unable to fly.

The character is independent and playful. If necessary, they defend their position quite aggressively. To get close to these sensitive creatures, people use special camouflage devices.

What is skradok

Skradok is a shelter necessary for a hunter to hide from prey.

A few decades ago the best way To hide from the watchful eyes of birds was a self-dug trench. However, the process of its creation is very laborious, and in early spring still problematic. In addition, the use of exclusively natural resources does not save from rain or wet grass. And strong winds negate all the efforts spent on making a camouflage bunker.

Currently, home-made skradki are used, made using grass, branches and straw. Or their more comfortable industrial version, which reliably protects against gusts of wind and bad weather.

Find out how you can make goose hunting successful by reading our article -.

Benefits of Industrial Scraps

Any kind of purchased disguise has a number of advantages. In addition to not having to manually prepare the camouflage, there are several other positive aspects.

Table 1. Benefits of skradks

Ease of storageIt does not require a lot of space to place it.
Quick installationAssembly time does not exceed 10 minutes.
Comfortable transportabilityIt is possible to carry the skladok on the back like a backpack. The recumbent disguise is quite easy.
Weather protectionBeing in hiding, the hunter does not feel the effects of bad weather.
good disguiseIn terms of camouflage properties, it is not inferior to a self-made ambush.
Quick assemblyEasy to fold and unfold.
Low profileThe recumbent version of the device has a low height and makes it possible to lie down in open ground conditions.

Varieties of skradkov for goose hunting

According to the characteristics of the device for ambush, they practically do not differ from each other. Outwardly, they resemble a protective shell, inside which there is a hunter.

There are the following seating options:

  • tents;
  • armchairs;
  • shelters;
  • umbrellas;
  • recumbent hides.

A suitable modification is chosen depending on the type of game and the terrain.

Camouflage for placement on land

A well-camouflaged trench will always be out of competition. However, the features of the soil are sometimes not convenient for digging a trench of the required length and width. This process is especially time consuming in early spring, when the ground has not yet completely thawed. In addition, in some areas it is officially forbidden to make changes to the soil structure.

To help the hunter, industrial means for skillful disguise have been developed. Some specimens can be placed directly in the water.

To make a good shot, the hunter needs to get as close as possible to the geese. Therefore, the most popular is the recumbent hide, which makes it possible to go unnoticed for a long time. If you cover the cocoon with vegetation growing nearby, the birds will not pay attention to a small mound of artificial origin.

Camouflage for water hunting

If the geese are located on watery terrain, ideal option there will be a camouflage boat. Specialized stores sell special camouflage devices for water transport. Thanks to camouflage, he will not attract the attention of birds. A large number of wings will allow the hunter to control the movement of birds.

Video - Skradok on the water

Selection rules

For goose hunting, universal stalks are suitable. However, before going to the store, it is advisable to read the advice of experienced hunters.

  1. Operating period. Depends on the frame. It is advisable to purchase a base of semi-rigid or rigid rods. In winter, it is preferable to choose a product with durable axles.
  2. The material from which the frame is made. Aluminum is preferred. There is enough room for maneuverability in such a hiding place. In addition, the noise level is reduced. The only disadvantage of such structures is inconvenient transportation due to their large size. They are not suitable for back transport.
  3. Product weight. In hard-to-reach places, it is advisable to use light fixtures, since bulky ambush is problematic to use.
  4. Coating material. Waterproof fabric is considered the best for the floor - 1800 D, for the rest of the structure - 900 D.

  1. The number of sashes. The presence of 2 windows is considered optimal. They give a good overview. In addition, they allow you to lure prey through mesh fabric. If the sashes are not closed, there will be additional space for the elbows. .
  2. Loops. It is welcomed if loops are provided on the back of the device. For the purpose of disguise, grass can be woven into them.
  3. Additional accessories. Side zippers, shoulder strap, inner pockets, backpack straps and other elements contribute to a more comfortable stay in an ambush and convenient transportation of the product.
  4. Indoor chair. In some models of standing skradkov, a seat adjustable to the height of the hunter is provided. It is made from thick polyethylene foam. Equipped with a soft back that protects the back from the cold, and a comfortable headrest.
  5. Side. If available, the device can be installed in puddles.

High-quality blinds are easy to install, protect from rain and provide an all-round view.

Review of the best skradkov

There are many models of recumbent ambush on sale.

Table 2

Company name / Country of manufacture / Model nameDescription of skradka
Passion/Russia/Ul-BLying ambush with a backpack for transporting stuffed animals. Rigid frame, 2 camouflage doors at head level. The camouflage pattern of the waterproof fabric is made on the basis of photographs of the landscape of the fields of central Russia. WITH outside there is a band with which you can fix the vegetation. The adjustable back of the chair allows you to choose a comfortable position for the hunter. The total weight of the structure is 6.5 kg.
FA Brand/USA/ FaBrand Pro Guide XLA typical representative of the royal recumbent skradka. The model is heavy. The kit does not include a backpack case. However, this is one of the most convenient designs. All hunting equipment is placed inside and there is enough space for the hunter. If you use flaps for divorced elbows, then you can take a semi-sitting position.
Duck Expert/Russia/Duck Expert ProThe model, according to its characteristics, resembles the well-known American-made ambush. Easy to install and easily shaped by vegetation. A high chair gives the hunter the opportunity to stay in ambush for a long time without feeling tired. Skradok does not pass moisture and cold. Thanks to the improved design, the pressure on the back is reduced, which extends the operational life. The base is made of aluminum with a waterproof 600D polyester stretched over it. Straps sewn in from the outside allow you to carry the seat on your back.

The range of specialized stores is represented by many models of various sizes. Skradki are also produced in various colors, taking into account the peculiarities of the landscape. One of the latest trends is the production of quickly erected tents. They are versatile and do not require much effort to fix them on the ground.

Step by step instructions for making

If it is not possible to purchase an industrial scraper, this device is easy to build on your own. We suggest using a simple algorithm that allows you to significantly optimize the process.

Step 1. Prepare materials

To organize a sit-in, you will need the following elements:

  • mesh fabric;
  • metal rods for the frame;
  • camouflage material.

As a camouflage fabric, the Mogotex fabric of the Kamysh color is very popular.

Before using the canvas, it should be washed in boiling water with laundry soap. Otherwise, it will shine and scare away birds. Do not buy polyethylene, as it gives a glare that geese will avoid.

Opaque blinds on a sunny day create a large shadow. This reduces the likelihood of a peaceful neighborhood with feeding birds.

Step 2. Camouflage organization

It is necessary to mask a homemade ambush with those types of plants that grow in the territory chosen for hunting. Flowers, branches, small tree trunks and grass camouflage well.

Step 3Installing the Skidk

The specifics of fixing the device depends on the characteristics of the landscape. If the soil allows you to dig a trench for an ambush, you only need to lay a dense layer of camouflage material on top.

If the cover is organized directly on the ground, after its installation it is necessary to hang it with a camouflage cloth. In addition, several gaps should be made for review. From above, cover the cocoon with camouflage vegetation. It is desirable that the grass and tree branches loosely adhere to the fabric. Geese avoid dense nests.

A device for hunting game should be comfortable. Inside the structure, the hunter needs space for a little maneuverability.

Step 4. Improving the stealth

Depending on the terrain conditions, the basic sit-in option may need to be adjusted:

  1. Spring floods of rivers. When trying to dig a trench, the hunter is faced with the problem of quickly taking water into the trench. To avoid this, you need to dig the ground one and a half bayonet deep with a shovel. Put the cut soil on the bottom and cover it with grass. Then lay the polyurethane mat.
  2. Water meadow with frozen ground. Cold ground is difficult to dig. The best option would be to install a skradka on the edge of the reclamation ditch. As a result, visually, the ambush will be a natural continuation of the ditch. If it is not possible to stick the rods into the ground, you should tie them to the trunks of trees growing nearby.

It is important that the skladok does not create a large shadow. Geese bypass such structures. Too overloaded with elements, a large structure will also scare away birds.

Video - Making skradka

To make the hunt successful, you can use the experience of experienced hunters.

Important points for the organization of skradka:

  1. The choice of material. The cheapness and lightness of the canvas negatively affect the quality of the ambush. It won't be waterproof enough. It should be noted that no cover does not provide sufficient protection against moisture. Even if raindrops roll down the camouflage material, the bottom will still get wet. The color of the coating should be selected taking into account the color range of the vegetation growing on the territory.
  2. Mattress. It is advisable to cover the base of the structure with a tourist rug. This will provide additional warmth inside the camouflage cocoon and protect against cold ground. If the soil is watery, you need to purchase a waterproof cover.
  3. Dog. Experienced hunters prefer to take a dog in ambush. The pet is placed at the feet. Previously, it should be taught not to react to the sound of a shot. Otherwise, long hours of waiting for game will be wasted.

  1. Best time to start hunting. You need to climb into the hiding place before dawn.
  2. Loot collection rules. After the goose has been shot, you should stay in ambush. After a while, other members of the flock may arrive.
  3. Place of installation of the skradka. Birds prefer to live in bright places. They do not see well against the sun and do not recognize dark areas, especially at high flight speeds. Avoid dark areas. Deep ditches and ravines are not suitable for hunting.
  4. Features of collective hunting. Ambush must be located on one front at a distance of several meters. This will eliminate the possibility of shooting a neighbor in the back.

Competent organization of the skradka will provide good disguise. Set up ambush should be in places where geese are feeding. This will greatly simplify the capture of game and reduce the duration of the hunt.

Everyone who has ever encountered hunting knows that it is not so easy to sit out an animal or bird in an ambush. Especially if there are no facilities for this. In this case, the hunter comes to the aid of an ambush or a hide. This article presents all detailed information about hiding places on a goose, what they are and how to make a do-it-yourself ambush.

Let's start with an overview of ambush for hunting. They can be very different depending on the preferences and needs of the hunter.

What is skradok

Skradok on a goose is a shelter necessary for a person to hunt an animal or a bird. Every hunter knows that waiting for prey in the grass is, of course, masculine, but sitting on wet soil for a long time is not so easy, especially since this can affect health. Moreover, with a strong wind, the hunter will open up and the whole landing will be in vain. Previously, people used homemade ambush, which was made from grass, straw and twigs. But even today, on sale, you can find special recumbent or standing stalks on a goose, which will allow the hunter to comfortably wait for prey.


Both standing and recumbent skrads have many different advantages, apart from being reusable.

Consider these benefits:

  1. This is the ability to store ambush anywhere anywhere. A well-made goose hide folds and unfolds without problems, and when folded it does not take up much space.
  2. Ease of transportation. Unlike those ambush that was made earlier, the purchased skradok is transferred without problems - like a simple backpack on the wall.
  3. Effective disguise that you can achieve immediately after installation, and this process will not take you more than five minutes.
  4. If you buy a recumbent skradok, then also consider that it will have a low level of sitting. This, in turn, will allow you to install it in any place where there is an opportunity to hunt.
  5. A well-made hide on a goose will always protect you from precipitation in bad weather, and at absolutely any time of the year.
  6. The comfort that allows you to feel a recumbent ambush on a goose is incomparable with anything. The convenience of the sit-in will give you the opportunity to focus on your prey.
  7. In the production of scrapers, as a rule, all the main conditions in which they will be used are taken into account.

These are just the most important advantages that you can get from buying a blind. Among other things, it should also be noted a fairly quick assembly and high level disguise, which is in no way inferior to natural ambush.

What are there?

As for varieties, according to their structure, they can be of several types:

  • tents are one of the most convenient and common types;
  • Umbrellas have recently only gained popularity;
  • recumbent devices that allow you to hunt game, while the hunter will not be visible at all;
  • sitting-chair;
  • hiding place for a goose.

How to choose?

The design of the skradka is selected depending on who you are going to hunt. If you are hunting for a duck or a goose, then we recommend that you pay attention to just such designs. A seat can be universal or have specific functions. In general, it should be noted that, in terms of their structure, skradks, in principle, do not have any special differences. In fact, a modern skradok is a cocoon, and a person sits inside it.

If you want the design to serve you for a long time, then choose the one whose frame is made of rigid rods. Well, or at least semi-rigid. It should be noted that if you like to hunt in winter, then in any case, take a hard frame, as it can withstand a lot of rain.

It is also worth paying attention to the number of wings in the design. As a rule, they are made of mesh, but with their help you can achieve complete overview terrain. With the help of such nets, the hunter also gets the opportunity to lure his prey, and this, you see, is quite convenient.

If you like to hunt geese, then in your case it is better to buy ambush with an aluminum base. Such a frame will provide more space, which will enable the hunter not only to lie down, but also to sit. Also, a large space allows you to reduce noise levels. It should be noted that these are more popular as they are usually made of dense fabric. However, their dimensions are slightly larger and in this case it may be difficult to transport (you can’t carry it as a backpack). Despite this, they are very convenient and comfortable, and you can also hide personal items in them.

As for hunting geese, here you can use softer and lighter skradks. Let it not be so comfortable to lie, but the disguise will be the most optimal. And although the geese are not so careful, it will not be difficult to scare them away. It is desirable that the structure has two wings, so you will have a better overview, which will allow you to change the location in time if necessary.

In the event that the place of hunting for game is in principle difficult to access, it is advisable to use lighter devices. Since a heavy structure, along with all personal belongings, will only slow down a person. And fatigue, in turn, does not have a positive effect on hunting.

Manufacturing master class

Since a device of this design is quite simple, it is quite possible to do it yourself.

For this you will need:

  • metal for the frame, in principle, plastic can also be used for this;
  • net;
  • camouflage fabric or other material (overwintered vegetation can be used).

It is important that the skladok does not give a shadow, so the vegetation should not be very dense. In this case, it must be taken into account that geese are wary of dense ambush. In the event that you cannot find vegetation to make a skradka with your own hands, then you can use an ordinary camouflage suit that needs to be cut into shreds. In this case, the flaps should be placed vertically so that there is a small window for viewing on top.

Consider also the fact that individual plants are characteristic of a certain area. For better camouflage on the design that you make with your own hands, you need to fix several types of plants. As for other parameters of your design, then you should be guided by your preferences regarding convenience. When you make a do-it-yourself hide on a goose, keep in mind that there is not too much free space.

In general, the procedure for making an ambush is simple. You need to make a frame, which should be assembled if necessary. The entire frame is sheathed with camouflage material and space is left for the hunter to lie down in the structure.

Hiding and camouflage are the main elements of success during the hunt. Waiting for prey hiding in the grass is not so easy, and after lying on wet, cold soil for a long time, you can harm your own health. The article will consider ready-made ambush, which are purchased in stores and homemade devices for goose hunting.

Why use the construct

Skradok on a goose is a device that makes it possible to let the bird get close to you as much as possible, without arousing any suspicion in it. Such disguise is used not only by hunters, but also by zoologists, ornithologists, as well as lovers of photography and video filming.

The advantages of using ambush are obvious:

  1. High-quality skradok is easy to fold and unfold. Thanks to this, the design is stored even in a small apartment - it does not take up much space.
  2. It will take quite a bit of time to quickly disguise.
  3. In addition to the direct function of hiding places, it will shelter from bad weather at any time of the year.
  4. Convenient design will allow you to fully concentrate on hunting.

The ambush is selected the optimal size so that the person inside feels comfortable. For goose hunting, soft and light stalks are used. In such a shelter, the noise level is reduced, and a cautious bird approaches without fear.

Advice. It is better to use a design with two wings. So the review increases and, if necessary, you can quickly change the location.

Requirements for choosing

Skradok is chosen depending on whether the goose will be hunted, duck or other game. But all structures are essentially a limited space inside which the hunter is located.

Pay attention to the frame. He must be tough. This is especially important for lovers of winter hunting. At this time, the ambush experiences a heavy load of snow.

Attention! The cost of skradka is proportional to the materials of manufacture. If the design is light and cheap, it means that a thin fabric was used that passes moisture well, which is undesirable while the hunter is waiting for geese.

An excellent protection against moisture is considered to be a goose hide with a rigid frame covered with a very dense fabric. But even in this case, water collects under the bottom. Rescue air mattresses covered with a film.

The design necessarily contains mesh sashes. These details provide a view of the sky for a hidden hunter. In any case, it is not recommended to use a tight space, since in insufficient space there is a high probability of creating noise. The goose is a cautious bird and the slightest sound will frighten it away.

How to make a seat yourself

If desired, a seated skradok on a goose can be assembled independently. To make a camouflage device you will need:

  1. Light metal for the frame or plastic.
  2. Net.
  3. Thick camouflage fabric.

Some masters of hiding goose are covered with vegetation. At the same time, it is very important that it is not thick and the ambush does not give a shadow.

The main part of the structure is the frame. The base is required to be strong and at the same time light, because at any time you will need to move the hide to another place. For manufacturing, aluminum parts or polyethylene pipes, usually used for water pipes, are suitable. A light, dark material, such as spunbond, is taken as a coating. A camouflage net is attached on top.

The general manufacturing procedure is as follows:

  1. They make a frame that is easy to assemble and disassemble. The size is calculated taking into account the height and weight of the hunter.
  2. Sheathe the base with fabric.
  3. Covered with a camouflage net. As an increase in disguise, grass is used. It is evenly distributed between the cells of the grid.

Advice. In the event that the goose hunting area is located in hard-to-reach places, which take a long time to get to, it is better to take light stalks with you. Heavy equipment will cause a state of fatigue and this will have a bad effect on the result.

The principle of making lying skradkov is the same. Those craftsmen who have already built sit-ins recommend using an aluminum frame of a clamshell as a frame.

Experienced hunters who have gone on a goose more than once recommend using the following tips for the success of the event:

  • If the skradok is made independently, the first step is to check the design for comfort. They spend a lot of time in the ambush, so the hunter should feel comfortable.
  • The most important condition for constructing a skradk is the proper level of camouflage. At the slightest suspicion, a flock of geese changes course and, of course, does not land on the ground to feed.
  • The hunter hides in a shelter in the dark. You have to be very quiet in it.
    Prey should be collected at the end of the hunt. Running after each trophy will scare away the rest of the game.

Independent production of a portable skradka is troublesome, but worth it. At a price, the device will cost several times cheaper than bought in a store, and in terms of comfort it will be much more convenient.

Goose hunting: video