Make a hide for goose hunting. Skradok - the best camouflage for goose hunting

Since ancient times, many different methods have been invented that make it possible to hide from prey no worse than any predator. Today, each method has been improved with the help of technology, which makes it possible to achieve best result. So, the popular trench was replaced by the skradok. Creating a trench with your own hands is a very labor-intensive process, especially when hunting in the cold season. Of course, the trench also has its advantages over the classic stealth. It can be dug in open areas, which allows for perfect camouflage. However, for such cases, recumbent hiding spots for hunting were created.


A recumbent hide has many benefits beyond being reusable. Features such as:

  1. Convenient storage anywhere. It folds easily and takes up little space.
  2. You can carry the skradok like a regular backpack on your back.
  3. Quick installation within ten minutes allows for effective camouflage.
  4. The low perch height makes it possible to position yourself in any area suitable for hunting.
  5. Good protection from weather conditions at any time of the year.
  6. The convenience and comfort that a recumbent hunting hide provides allows you to focus on the target without being distracted by your comrades.

These are the main advantages. In addition to them, we can also highlight quick assembly, ease of transportation, etc.

How to choose

Depending on the type of game being hunted, be it a duck, a goose or any other bird, you can choose the most suitable design. Skradok can be both universal and have unique properties. In general, the design of ambushes is practically no different from each other. They are a cocoon with a hunter inside..

The frame can be made of rigid or semi-rigid rods. This allows you to use the hide in places with different vegetation. Moreover, rigid frames are excellent for winter hunting because they can withstand large amounts of rainfall.

The number of sashes in the structure is important. There may be one or two. They are made of mesh fabric and allow for a comfortable view of the sky and the area around the hunter. One of the main features of mesh shutters is the ability to attract ducks and geese. The grids do not need to be closed. This allows you to increase the space, thanks to which you can spread your elbows, which is very convenient during long hunts.

When, it is better to use hides on an aluminum frame. They provide a large space allowing for a sitting position. Since geese are very cautious, any rustle can scare them away. Due to the space, the likelihood of creating noise is reduced. Such blinds are the most common, as they are made of denser fabric. True, their weight and size are much higher, which does not allow them to be carried in the form of a backpack. However, they increase the comfort and success of goose hunting. You can hide all the necessary equipment and things in them, while leaving a lot of space for the hunter. is described in detail in a separate article.

Softer and lighter ambushes are suitable for this purpose. The lying position is less comfortable, but works great. Ducks are not so careful, and yet they are easily spooked. Therefore, it is worth choosing as many doors as possible with two or more doors. Increased visibility and the ability to change position will provide comfort and reliability for duck hunting.

If the area for catching a goose is in a difficult-to-reach area, it is worth using the lightest ambush designs. Heavy weight concealment, ammunition, weapons, provisions, etc., will slow down the hunter. Fatigue greatly affects hunting. Therefore, lightweight frames that can be carried in a backpack are ideal for such situations.

Perfect option

It is worth noting that the lighter and cheaper the hide, the thinner the fabric that is used for it. This greatly affects the protection against moisture. No shelter is completely waterproof. However, maximum protection from weather conditions can only be achieved by purchasing dense fabrics held in place by a rigid frame. Many devices provide good protection, however, raindrops roll off the cover and form a puddle under the device. To avoid such situations, you should choose an elevated place where water will not accumulate under the hunter. A mattress or other thick bedding covered with a moisture-proof film also helps effectively. However, they also need to be carried with you. However, it adds comfort and thermal insulation inside the frame.

Many professional hunters say that the most important part of hunting is camouflage. Therefore, you can get as close to the game as possible only by achieving perfect fusion with the terrain. In this case, a lying concealment has better camouflage. The addition of locally located plants helps especially well. Geese's vision does not allow them to distinguish the surrounding vegetation from your camouflage. Therefore, the only indicator is the height of the seat. The lower it is, the less attention you attract.

Skradok boat

When hunting ducks or geese, it is very convenient to use camouflaged boats. Ducks are often found on bodies of water, while geese live close to shorelines. Boats are equipped with the same device at the rower's location. Simply put, you will be covered in camouflage and will be able to observe your surroundings from the lake. Game will not be able to notice you if the concealment fabric matches the terrain. At the same time, having a sufficient number of doors, you will be able to control what is happening around.

A stealth boat is not a very popular hunting device. However, it has a number of advantages over conventional ambushes. You get more space, which provides additional comfort.

Making a stand with your own hands

The stealth device is very simple, so you can make it yourself. It will require camouflage material, mesh and frame. The best material for planting will be overwintered vegetation. The frame can be made of aluminum rods or plastic. The main thing is that the perch has excellent visibility and does not cast a noticeable shadow. Therefore, it is necessary to perform the device with gaps. Simply put, the vegetation should be loose, as ducks and geese do not trust dense stands.

If it is not possible to use vegetation, then a camouflage suit cut into shreds is perfect. They should be placed vertically, leaving a small window at the top for viewing.

Each area is characterized by special plants. During preparation, it is worth attaching several types of nearby herbs to a DIY structure. This will give additional camouflage and allow you to position yourself on the plain unnoticed. When choosing other features of the device, focus on your own ideas of comfort and combination with the terrain. The main thing when creating a hide with your own hands is not to create unnecessary space. Large buildings attract the attention of hunting objects and scare them away.

A proper concealment device will not only provide excellent camouflage, but will also make it an excellent feeding ground for birds, which will make it possible to get close to game. Based on this, it is worth making installations directly in convenient places for birds to feed. This will reduce hunting time and make it easier to catch prey.

Stealth and camouflage are the main elements of success during a hunt. It is not so easy to wait for prey while hiding in the grass, and lying for a long time on wet, cold soil can harm your own health. The article will discuss ready-made blinds that are purchased in stores and homemade devices for hunting.

Why use the design

A goose hider is a device that allows you to get the bird as close to you as possible without arousing any suspicion in it. Such camouflage is used not only by hunters, but also by zoologists, ornithologists, as well as by amateurs of photo hunting and video filming.

The advantages of using ambushes are obvious:

  1. A high-quality hide is easy to fold and unfold. Thanks to this, the structure can be stored even in a small apartment - it does not take up much space.
  2. It will take very little time to quickly disguise yourself.
  3. In addition to its direct function, the cover will provide protection from bad weather at any time of the year.
  4. The convenient design will allow you to fully concentrate on hunting.

The seat is selected at the optimal size so that the person inside feels comfortable. For goose hunting, soft and light hides are used. In such a shelter, the noise level is reduced, and a cautious bird approaches without fear.

Advice. It is better to use a design with two doors. This increases the visibility and, if necessary, you can quickly change the location.

Selection requirements

Steaks are chosen depending on whether the hunt will be for a goose, a duck, or other game. But all structures are essentially a limited space within which the hunter is located.

You should pay attention to the frame. He must be tough. This is especially important for winter hunting enthusiasts. At this time, the shelter is heavily loaded with snow.

Attention! The cost of the hide is proportional to the materials used. If the design is light and cheap, it means that thin fabric was used, which allows moisture to pass through well, which is undesirable while the hunter is waiting for geese.

An excellent protection against moisture is considered to be a goose cover with a rigid frame covered with very dense fabric. But even in this case, water collects under the bottom. Air mattresses covered with film help out.

The design must include mesh doors. These details provide a view of the sky for the hidden hunter. In any case, using a tight hiding place is not recommended, since in insufficient space there is a high probability of creating noise. The goose is a cautious bird and the slightest sound will scare it away.

How to make your own ambush

If desired, you can assemble a sitting hide for a goose yourself. To make a camouflage device you will need:

  1. Light metal for the frame or plastic.
  2. Net.
  3. Thick camouflage fabric.

Some experts cover the goose with vegetation. At the same time, it is very important that it is not thick and that the planting does not provide shade.

The main design detail is the frame. The base is required to be strong and at the same time light, because at any moment you will need to move the hide to another place. Aluminum parts or polyethylene pipes, usually used for water supply systems, are suitable for production. Light, dark material, such as spunbond, is used as a coating. A camouflage net is attached on top.

The general manufacturing procedure goes like this:

  1. They make a frame that is easy to assemble and disassemble. The size is calculated taking into account the height and weight of the hunter.
  2. Cover the base with fabric.
  3. Cover with camouflage mesh. Grass is used to enhance camouflage. It is evenly distributed between the grid cells.

Advice. In the case when the goose hunting territory is in hard-to-reach places, which take a long time to get to, it is better to take light concealment with you. Heavy equipment will cause fatigue and this will have a bad effect on the result.

The principle of making recumbent hides is the same. Those craftsmen who have already built shelters recommend using the aluminum frame of a clamshell as a frame.

Experienced hunters who have gone goose hunting more than once recommend using the following tips for the success of the event:

  • If the cover is made independently, the first thing you need to do is check the design for comfort. They spend quite a lot of time in hiding, so the hunter must feel comfortable.
  • The most important condition for constructing a concealment is the proper level of camouflage. At the slightest suspicion, a flock of geese changes their flight course and, of course, does not land on the ground to feed.
  • The hunter hides in a shelter in the dark. You need to sit in it very quietly.
    The prey should be collected at the end of the hunt. Running after every trophy will scare away the rest of the game.

Making a portable hide on your own is a troublesome task, but it’s worth it. In terms of price, the device will be several times cheaper than one bought in a store, and in terms of comfort it will be much more convenient.

Goose hunting: video

Every hunter who is going to go goose hunting should have one, because without it it is simply impossible to imagine a successful outcome of the hunt. It doesn't matter whether it's in the fall or not.

All this is due to the fact that the goose is a fairly vigilant and intelligent bird that will not allow any hunter to approach it without good camouflage.

There is not a single model of its kind, so many novice hunters cannot make right choice stealth. Because of this, goose hunting turns out poorly, and the goose does not fly up to the hunters at the optimal distance for a shot.

Stealth for goose hunting

There are stealths for two hunters, which it is better not to do while hunting geese, since a conversation will inevitably start and movements will begin, which leads to the geese paying attention to the stealth.

You shouldn’t make hiding places that take a long time to get out of. Some 2-3 seconds are equivalent to a goose flying 35-50 meters, so you need such a concealment that you can quickly jump up and shoot.

Best sneak a goose is a long and narrow furrow in arable land. Somewhere in the knee area it is necessary to dig a hole so that you can quickly jump up when geese swarm.

The depth of the furrow for the concealment should be 40–50 cm. Many authors and experts in the field of hunting suggest digging a hole and waiting in it for the geese to arrive.

This option is not suitable for hunting geese, since this hide will not allow you to stand for a long time. Your legs will inevitably become numb and your head will begin to turn, which will definitely be noticed by geese from a bird's eye view.

Pegs 40-50 cm high should be inserted around the lying hide of the goose, which is made in the shape of a furrow.

This technology makes it possible to give sneak the goose natural shape, which does not look suspicious. Almost skradok is made from improvised means and natural materials environment.

To lay bedding in the furrow, you need to place a rug and lie on it so that your head is slightly elevated.

You can use a camouflage net instead of a fishing net if it matches the color of the field.

It is not recommended to fence any other structures at all. Such sneak on a goose will be sufficient.

For more successful hunt The goose should be stuffed. They must be at a distance of 5 meters from the hide.

This technology for arranging profiles and frames allows you to divert the attention of geese from the hide and focus on their brothers.

For a successful hunt you will also need a good one.

Anyone who has ever experienced hunting knows that it is not so easy to ambush an animal or bird. Especially if there are no amenities for this. In this case, a trap or a hide comes to the aid of the hunter. This article presents all detailed information about goose hides, what they are and how to make a hide with your own hands.

Let's start with a review of hunting blinds. They can be very different depending on the preferences and needs of the hunter.

What is skradok

A goose hide is a shelter that a person needs to hunt an animal or bird. Every hunter knows that waiting for prey in the grass is, of course, like a man, but sitting for a long time on wet soil is not so easy, especially since it can affect your health. Moreover, in a strong wind the hunter will open up and all the hatching will be in vain. Previously, people used homemade shelters, which were made from grass, straw and branches. But today you can find special recumbent or standing goose hides on sale, which will allow the hunter to comfortably wait for his prey.


Both standing and lying hides have many different advantages, apart from the possibility of reusable use.

Consider these advantages:

  1. This is the ability to store a hideout anywhere. A well-made goose cover folds and unfolds without problems, and when folded it does not take up much space.
  2. Ease of transportation. Unlike those hides that were made earlier, the purchased hide can be carried without problems - like a simple backpack on the wall.
  3. Effective camouflage that you can achieve immediately after installation, and this process will not take you more than five minutes.
  4. If you buy a recumbent stealth, then also keep in mind that it will have a low latency level. This, in turn, will allow you to install it anywhere there is an opportunity to hunt.
  5. A well-made goose cover will always protect you from precipitation in bad weather, and at absolutely any time of the year.
  6. The comfort that a recumbent perch on a goose allows you to experience is incomparable to anything. The convenience of ambush will give you the opportunity to focus your attention on the prey.
  7. When producing hides, as a rule, all the main conditions in which they will be used are taken into account.

These are just the most important benefits that you can get from purchasing an ambush. Among other things, it should also be noted that the assembly was quite quick and high level camouflage, which is in no way inferior to natural ambush.

What are they?

As for the varieties, according to their structure they can be of several types:

  • tents are one of the most convenient and common types;
  • umbrellas have only recently become more popular;
  • recumbent devices that allow you to hunt game, while the hunter will not be visible at all;
  • seat-chair;
  • hiding place for a goose.

How to choose?

The design of the hide is selected depending on who you are going to hunt. If you are hunting a duck or a goose, then we recommend that you pay attention to such designs. The shelter can be universal or have specific functions. In general, it should be noted that in principle the secrets do not differ much in their design. In essence, a modern skradok is a cocoon, and a person sits inside it.

If you want the structure to serve you for a long time, then choose one whose frame is made of rigid rods. Well, or at least semi-rigid. It should be noted that if you like to hunt in winter, then by all means go for a hard frame as it can withstand a lot of rainfall.

It is also worth paying attention to the number of sashes in the structure. As a rule, they are made of mesh, but with their help you can achieve full review terrain. With the help of such nets, the hunter also gets the opportunity to lure his prey, and this, you see, is quite convenient.

If you like to hunt geese, then in your case it is better to buy blinds with an aluminum base. Such a frame will provide more space, which will enable the hunter not only to lie down, but also to sit. The large space also helps reduce noise levels. It should be noted that such hides are more popular because they are usually made of thick fabric. However, their dimensions are a little larger and in this case difficulties with transportation may arise (you can’t carry it as a backpack). Despite this, they are very convenient and comfortable, and you can also hide personal items in them.

As for hunting geese, you can use softer and lighter weight hides. It may not be so comfortable to lie down, but the camouflage will be the most optimal. And although geese are not so careful, it is not difficult to scare them away. It is advisable that the design have two doors, this way you will have more good review, which will allow you to change your location in time if necessary.

In the event that the game hunting area is difficult to access in principle, it is advisable to use lighter devices. Because the heavy structure along with all personal belongings will only slow down a person. And fatigue, in turn, does not have a positive effect on hunting.

Master class on making

Since a device of this design is quite simple, it can be done with your own hands.

For this you will need:

  • metal for the frame, in principle, plastic can also be used for this;
  • net;
  • camouflage fabric or other material (overwintered vegetation can be used).

It is important that the cover does not provide shade, so the vegetation should not be particularly dense. In this case, you need to take into account that geese are wary of dense ambushes. If you can’t find vegetation to make a camouflage with your own hands, then you can use a regular camouflage suit, which needs to be cut into shreds. In this case, the flaps should be positioned vertically so that there is a small window at the top for viewing.

Keep in mind that individual plants are characteristic of a certain area. For better camouflage, you need to attach several types of plants to the structure you make with your own hands. As for other parameters of your design, you should focus on your preferences regarding convenience. When you make a goose cover with your own hands, keep in mind that there is not too much free space.

In general, the procedure for making a blind is simple. You need to make a frame that can be assembled when necessary. The entire frame is covered with camouflage material and space is left for the hunter to lie down in the structure.

I got tired of the spartan conditions and this winter I decided to do a stealth goose hunt for the spring. The requirements for the hide were the most common, such as mobility, ease of assembly and disassembly, comfortable weight for carrying it by hand, comfortable living in it, protection from wind, rain and snow, and most importantly, that the bird should not be afraid of it. Initially, there was an idea of ​​what a stealth should look like in order to blend in with the terrain as much as possible. On occasion, I took out a piece of white darnite, of medium thickness and not heavy, the more expensive and thick darnite weighs decently, and this is more than ten meters of material. I decided to assemble the frame itself from polypropylene pipe, is easy to cut and solder, in addition, you can assemble the constructor according to your imagination. Having sketched out a drawing on paper and decided on the dimensions of the shield itself, I bought a pipe and tees and adapters that were required during the assembly process. The frame required 14 meters of 25mm pipe and 5 meters of 20mm pipe. At the same time, the dimensions of the concealment turned out to be: height 150cm, base width 200cm x 120cm, top size 100cm x 75cm, this is enough to quickly lean out of the concealment with a gun and fire at all 360 degrees. The frame turned out to be quite strong, although the pipe is plastic, when bent it takes on its original shape, and there is no need to take a pipe reinforced with metal; it does not restore its straight shape after deflection; plastic reinforced is more rigid. The frame turned out to be quite light, quick to assemble and even faster to disassemble, it looks like this when assembled

And just like that, disassembled

To prevent the joints from popping out, after complete assembly and approval of the final completion, all connecting places were passed through with a self-tapping drill, and so as not to get confused later during assembly, I marked the seats, one side with blue, and the other side with black electrical tape, well, whichever one it was, I marked it . Then the whole day was spent cutting and sewing a tent or a tent, as you wished. It turned out like this

The tent can be easily put on and removed from the frame. I didn’t bother with the entrance to the hide; I left a little more material and got a small overlap, enough to cover the entrance to the hide. I cut out a “hatch” in the top and made a convertible top from the remaining piece of darnit, and field tests showed the correctness of this decision.

As a result, the tent itself and part of the frame were placed in a backpack, and the longer parts were tied into a bundle. I didn’t weigh the weight of the skradka, because after trying on the backpack with the skradka I realized that I could carry it to the place quite comfortably.

Field tests showed the following characteristics: out of this day, three days the skradok stood under a fairly strong wind with rain and snow, the skradok did not turn over and was not carried away, the big plus is that it sat quite comfortably in the skradka with its dog, the dog was in a drag

And I'm on a tourist chair,

and the gun is always at hand

In the field, from the hidden side it looked like this

It was like a mound of snow and blended very well with the local landscape. Birds, and these are various seagulls, waders, crows, flew right over the hide or very close and did not react in any way, unless of course I shouted and waved my hands at them))). Ducks and geese didn’t shy away either, the result is obvious

And as an example of the stealthiness of the skradok, this is a crow that sat on a hummock 20 meters from the skradok and sat until I “punished” it for its insolence))).

The skradok was made specifically for our area and our hunting conditions, but I think such a skradok can also be used in Siberian conditions for duck, by selecting the appropriate fabric. I closed the question of shelter while hunting for myself. If anyone is interested, I will be happy to share the information.