Viktor Bondarev was accepted into the club of Russian military leaders. Club of military leaders of Russia President of the club of military leaders of the Russian Federation

The Federation Council hosted the first joint ceremonial meeting of the Defense and Security Committee and the Club of Russian military leaders, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Red Army.

Opening the meeting, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Yuri Vorobyov reminded the audience about the historical traditions of the people to honor their soldiers.

“From time immemorial, in Rus', the defenders of the Fatherland have been honored, evidence of great military feats, examples of personal courage in the name of the fatherland, have been left in the annals,” he noted. - Today, together with the Club of Military Leaders, we are holding a joint meeting dedicated to a significant event - the 100th anniversary of the creation of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.

Yuri Vorobyov. photo: pg / igor samokhvalov

According to the senator, from the moment the holiday appeared on our calendar, it has been renamed several times, but despite this, it remains unchanged in its content and the level of popular respect.

“This is a day that unites many generations of defenders. The holiday of those who are ready to defend our Motherland with weapons in their hands at any moment,” he stressed.

boris utkin. photo: pg / igor samokhvalov

Among those invited was a legendary personality - Colonel-General Boris Utkin. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War, he is a participant in the military parade on November 7, 1941. He went through the whole war, liberated Hungary and Austria. He was awarded many orders and medals. It is symbolic that on February 23 the veteran has a double holiday: this year he turns 95 years old. He is only five years younger than the Red Army.

On behalf of the Chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko, Vice Speaker Yuri Vorobyov presented the illustrious general with gratitude "for his great contribution to strengthening the country's defense capability."

Courage and professionalism have always been and remain hallmark our army, says Viktor Bondarev, head of the Defense Committee of the Federation Council. He noted that the victory in the Great War was forged not only by the heroism of the soldiers, but also by the hard work of domestic designers who created the best weapons, as well as the talent of our military leaders.

Viktor Bondarev (right) and Anatoly Kulikov. photo: pg / igor samokhvalov.

In turn, the president of the Russian Military Leaders Club, General of the Army Anatoly Kulikov, noted that the new generation of defenders is also fulfilling its duty with dignity, so that “there is no shame in front of the ancestors.”

“We see that the army is being revived, we have witnessed its military-technical renovation, but this is not the main thing,” the general believes. - Feats in Syria, in Dagestan - they say that our invincible spirit is also reborn. This is what Russia's potential adversaries fear!"

The head of the Club of Russian military leaders Anatoly Kulikov expressed the hope that joint ceremonial meetings in the Federation Council would become traditional, after which he accepted the chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security into the ranks of the community of military leaders. Viktor Bondarev was solemnly presented with a "club card", which, according to Kulikov, has been waiting for its new owner since 2012. However, due to the heavy workload in the service, Viktor Bondaryov was only able to get it now.

The Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation was founded on January 31, 2005 with the support of the President of the Russian Federation and heads of law enforcement agencies. This is an all-Russian public organization that unites the highest operational-strategic link in the management of the Russian military organization. It consists of more than a thousand active and retired senior officers of the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Foreign Intelligence Service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other law enforcement agencies.

Having united within the framework of the Club, the country's military elite continues to work in the interests of strengthening the state's defense capability and the formation of civil society.

photo: pg / igor samokhvalov.

Members of the Club act as experts in the relevant committees of the Federation Council and the State Duma, participate in the development of legislative acts, and actively cooperate with the media.

"Threats have changed"

On Thursday in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions the 10th anniversary was celebrated by the Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation. No hall of the country has ever collected such a number of general stars in one place. As Nikolai Deryabin, head of the club's apparatus, told MK, "this is a unique structure, whose members are more than a thousand active, retired and retired military leaders of the highest operational and tactical level - from the commander and above." Having united in 2005 on the initiative of Marshal Igor Sergeyev and with the support of the country's president, the Russian military elite within the club continues to work in the interests of strengthening the state's defense capability.

About how this association can be useful to the leadership of law enforcement agencies today, the MK journalist talked with the president of the Club of Military Leaders, General of the Army Anatoly KULIKOV.

The main task, which was originally laid down by Marshal Sergeyev and supported by everyone, is to maximize the potential of people who have tremendous experience in managing large army teams - armies, districts, ministries, regional structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB - in the interests of international security and national defense. It is impossible that this experience was lost in the country beds. Wasting it just like that would be unwise.

- Why did you unite all the security forces - the army, the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - into one club?

Yes, because the threats have become different. XXI century, those conflicts in which the country participated showed that they can be overcome only by joint efforts. We must solve all these problems together.

- And how do you solve them?

We are holding very important scientific-practical and military-historical conferences on the basis of the Academy of the General Staff and military universities. Based on their results, we develop recommendations and send them to the political leadership, to the Presidential Administration, to the administrative department of the government, as well as to all law enforcement agencies, depending on the topic we are considering.

- I heard that you plan to devote the next event to the problem of nationalism using the example of Ukraine?

Yes. On such unexpectedly emerging topics, we hold monthly “round tables”. And if necessary, we raise the level of research and then prepare conferences. Why? Yes, because for literally several years in a row we were talking about radical Islam as a source of terrorism and extremism, and suddenly, like the devil out of a snuffbox, radical nationalism jumped out in the person of the Right Sector, banned in Russia, and supporters of the Maidan.

- I do not agree. This devil jumped out not at all suddenly. It has been prepared for a long time, but we did not notice it strenuously.

Yes. And they didn't take it seriously. Here at the “round table” we are just going to discuss: why did this happen? where are the origins?

- And where are they, in your opinion?

They are not so deeply disguised - they lie on the surface. Here, for example, why do nationalists behave so provocatively in Estonia or Latvia? But the fact is that on the eve of the war there were less than a million Estonians in the country - about 900 thousand. Of these, not all, but most served Hitler, and collaborated and sympathized with the Nazis by no means less than two-thirds. Now imagine: after the fall of the USSR, new people came to power there. The descendants of these two-thirds who collaborated with the Nazis came to power. And how should they behave?

Tell me, do the current generals listen to your advice? How, for example, did you work with former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov and how do you work with Sergei Shoigu?

With people from the Ministry of Defense, even under Serdyukov, it was possible to work normally: with the main operational department, and with the General Staff, and with personnel officers. But they couldn't solve any serious issues without a minister. And we didn’t get in touch with Serdyukov himself. We contacted him more than once with letters and proposals. But he never visited us and never invited us to his place.

- Apparently, he knew everything well even without you ...

Sergei Shoigu is a completely different person. We see him often. I just met with him last Friday. He invited me, listened to several of our initiatives, which were prepared by the club's council for May 9th. Supported the proposals, gave appropriate orders. In short, we have a fundamentally different interaction with Shoigu - working, respectful, business-like. We are generally very pleased with his arrival in the army. Shoigu's strengths are his managerial qualities. He is a very experienced manager. And even those issues that require a purely professional perception, he knows how to listen, correctly evaluate, and subsequently make the right decisions on them. This is very important for a military leader.

Igor Dmitrievich, why do we need the Club of Military Leaders? Who is the author of the idea?

When you are in the ranks, sometimes there is not enough time to look back, to see those who are no longer in military service, those who, as they say, “squeezed their whole soul out of themselves” for the sake of serving the Fatherland and continue to look with hope on what is happening in the country with a thought about the future of the Motherland. And you are surrounded by a large number of military leaders of various levels, departments, in full physical and mental health, and you begin to understand that this unspent human potential - intellectual, organizational, scientific - is not fully demanded by the state.

The current stage in the construction of the military organization of the state, associated with the transition to qualitative indicators of its combat capability, inevitably leads to a reduction in its numbers. It just so happened, but military leaders who were far from retirement age turned out to be transferred to the reserve. And this is also a considerable potential, and above all of an administrative and organizational plan.

I will express the opinion of many senior military leaders of all Russian power structures: they can still serve with their knowledge and vast experience of Russia and the cause of strengthening peace on our planet.

All this was the reason for the creation of such an organization that could unite the military leaders of all power structures to solve the most important tasks of the current stage of development of our state.

I discussed this idea with the leadership of all ministries and departments of the power bloc, the leadership of the Administration of the President of Russia and received support. In a concentrated form, the approval of the Pobeda organizing committee was also received.

I think that the Club should become a structure that could accumulate ideas and proposals from the military community, special services and law enforcement agencies, not only those who have been retired or retired, but also those who are in the ranks. This Club, in my opinion, can be used in the interests of the created Public Chamber, serve as a highly professional, influential expert structure for assessing decisions made in the country.

As for the authorship, it is probably clear from what has been said that this is the fruit of the joint work of many military commanders, authoritative politicians, businessmen, who care about the country and its future. The path to the implementation of this idea was sufficient, it took at least four years.

What are the future plans of the Club? How does he intend to participate in state programs of a military-patriotic and social orientation?

We legally formalized our status on February 15, 2005. In accordance with the Club's charter, we need to form organizationally and, above all, create regional branches throughout Russia. This autumn we plan to start holding the All-Russian Forum of Russian military leaders, the purpose of which will be to consolidate the country's military elite in solving the most important state tasks set before the society by Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Undoubtedly, military-patriotic issues will become a major block of our plans. We intend to carry out this work, first of all, not in the capital or large cities, although there, of course, our influence will be there. Let's start it, as they say, from the outback. Our first step in this direction was made in the Tver region in October 2004, even before the official registration of the Club, and served as an impetus for the activation of the youth patriotic movement in regional centers. This work is widely supported by local authorities, various military formations, public organizations.

With regard to issues of social orientation, I should note that the purpose of our organization is not charitable activity, although it can take place under certain circumstances. Unfortunately, the defenders of the country, going on a well-deserved rest, more often than others remain the most unprotected in their Fatherland. It is time, apparently, to delve into their problems more deeply and in detail.

The defender of the country and its citizens must live with dignity, his family, children must confidently look to the future. This postulate is valid in all developed countries and should be implemented in our country.

The question arises: how to do it? Hasn't anyone done this? Work in this direction has been going on and continues to go on, but, unfortunately, it is built on a departmental basis, and this has never benefited everyone. There are some “swings”: they were given, after a while there is a struggle for others. After a certain time - all over again. Some kind of perpetual motion machine. It is not only a specific person who suffers, but first of all the state suffers, its prestige, its defense capability. Therefore, having united in a single Club, we, the military leaders of all power structures, using our experience, intend to develop proposals to the President of Russia, the government, and the legislative branch in order to solve this topical problem in a civilized manner. A Russian officer has never been rich, but he has never been poor either.

I think we should rethink the very term "social protection" and move on to the term "social guarantee". The state, when hiring citizens to defend the Fatherland, must constitutionally guarantee them and their families a decent life both during service and after being transferred to the reserve, and these guarantees should not depend on the ability or desire of any official. This is how it is done in many civilized countries, and this should be the case with us.

To what extent will Club members be able to influence the processes taking place in the army? Will they submit proposals on the modernization of the military organization of the state to the power structures, the Federal Assembly?

To some extent, I have already answered this question. However, I must make one remark. Our Club represents the interests of all law enforcement agencies, therefore, of course, it will look for points of application of forces and influence not only on the processes taking place in the army, but also on the entire system of national security, law enforcement measures in the state, taking into account the threats of the 21st century (terrorism, drug addiction, smuggling, etc.).

At the same time, taking into account the goals and objectives of the Club, it can exert a certain influence on the preparation of proposals for choosing the priorities of military development. Especially in creating favorable conditions for increasing the prestige and attractiveness of military service, the level of social protection of military personnel, their families and those discharged from military service, organizing patriotic education of citizens, and preparing them for military service and many other issues relating to one of the main components of the military power of the state - the combat readiness of the Armed Forces and other troops.

Who will become members of the club? What selection criteria will be guided by its founders?

As such, there is no membership in the Club, and there will be no “membership cards”. Any military leader who wishes to benefit our state within the framework of the statutory goals of the Club can be a member of the Club.

As for the selection criteria, since the time of Peter the Great, they formed the basis of the service to the Fatherland of the entire officer corps of Russia, destined by the words of Peter the Great: "If only Russia lived, our glory, honor and well-being ...". I hope these words of Peter will become the motto of our Club.

How will the Club work with government agencies, public organizations and the media? How close will the connection be with those who are not indifferent to the future of the Russian Armed Forces, veterans of the army and navy, those who today stand guard over the Fatherland?

Our communication with official structures, the media will be the closest and most open. The Club provides for a coordinating council, which, in agreement with the heads of law enforcement agencies, will include their representatives. In addition, we plan to actively cooperate with the Presidential Administration and the apparatus of the Government of Russia, the Federal Assembly.

As for public organizations, we are already actively cooperating and interacting with them today. We have established good contacts with various veteran organizations, societies that unite workers of culture and art, and creative workers. We welcome these contacts and consider them a mutual spiritual enrichment aimed at achieving a true civil society in Russia.

Today, it is extremely important to restore intelligence to a military man (what distinguished a man in the uniform of a Russian officer in the past). This is another of the tasks of personality formation in the military organization of Russia. Either it will be solved, or a further decline in the social prestige of the army is inevitable. The intelligence of an officer, it seems to me, is education and culture, honesty and morality, patriotism and valor.

I believe that the "Club of military leaders" will contribute to the rise to the proper level of honor and dignity of the officer corps. The importance and necessity of such a public organization is obvious. It will be a kind of bridge between the state and society, a kind of blood circulation system with reliable feedback.

The Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Government of the Ivanovo Region revealed violations of the law by the Russian Military Leaders Club and its leader, the former head of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Vladimir Dmitrin.

The report of the Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Ivanovo Region on the implementation of federal state hunting supervision in 2017 contains information on the inspection non-profit organization"Club of military leaders of Russia" (ANO "Club of military leaders of the Russian Federation"). The president is the former Minister of the Interior of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Anatoly Kulikov. The head of the organization, the chairman of the board is Kulikov's classmate at the military school, the former commander of the grouping of the Internal Troops in Chechnya, the former head of the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Vladimir Dmitrin.

On the website of the Club of Military Leaders, General of the Army Kulikov addresses readers:

“The club of military leaders of the Russian Federation, created with the support of the President of Russia, unites the highest officer corps of our country in its ranks.

As a public organization, the Club has established itself and taken its rightful place in the system of patriotic education, strengthening and development of Russian society, and resolving international problems.

Members of the Club, serving, retired and retired, put the main principles of the Club into the basis of practical work: statehood, patriotism, spirituality. Thousands of military leaders dismissed from service are ready to continue to benefit their state in a new capacity.

The programs implemented by the Club contribute to the resolution of many, but, unfortunately, not all social problems. Veteran military leaders undoubtedly deserve more attention from both the state and Russian society and business.

I wish all interested parties fruitful joint work with the Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation for the benefit of our Fatherland.”

And the Ivanovo environmental officials found some other claims against these people.

According to the results of the verification of compliance by the Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation with the legislation of the Russian Federation on hunting and on the conservation of hunting resources, it was established:

– duly executed documents requested as part of the scheduled inspection were not provided in the prescribed manner. This circumstance did not allow assessing the compliance of the activities of the Club of Military Leaders with the mandatory requirements of the Federal Law "On Hunting and the Preservation of Hunting Resources" and the corresponding order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

- according to the documents of the Club of Military Leaders available in the department for the period of verification, it was found that the scheme for the use and protection of the hunting ground assigned to the organization was not developed, which violated the mandatory requirements of the Federal Law and orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation

- The Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation has completely violated the mandatory requirements of the norm of Article 41 of the Federal Law "On hunting and on the conservation of hunting resources."

The Department of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Ivanovo Region reports that the identified violations were committed both by a legal entity - ANO "Club of Military Leaders of the Russian Federation", and its official - Chairman of the Board Vladimir Dmitrin.

In connection with the revealed violations, the ANO “Club of the Russian Federation Commanders” issued a corresponding order, and measures were taken to bring to administrative responsibility the lieutenant general of the reserve Vladimir Dmitrin and the Club of the military leaders of Russia itself.