Composition of the women's biathlon team. Russian men's team

I'M A STRATEGIC. The composition of the team is relatively there. It would be necessary to hold the Russian Championship before the World Cup in November somewhere in the KhMO or where there is snow. See what condition our Biathletes are in. And it's the same every year. ONLY by the middle of the season we begin to compete on equal terms with the best in the world. LOOK. Where are your young coaches? Why are our champions and prize-winners of the last Olympiads and Championships not in the coaching staff? THERE ARE YOUNG PEOPLE CAPABLE OF WORKING MORE. WHY PRE-RACE WORKOUTS ARE STRONGER? NO PRE-RACE TRAINING AT ALL DAY 1. MASSAGE PROCEDURES FROM THE RUNNING NOSE MASK FROM THE FLU. WISH YOU SUCCESS.

Experienced, welcome!

So it is clear to EVERYONE that the strongest MUST run on this moment.
And if SUDDENLY someone "runs", but he was not on the CPU?

Coaches may be followed by the question: “Who did you assholes drive”?))

So, those who got to the CPU a YEAR before the competition WILL run.

“Pleachevnenko” somehow, but this is our reality: the inability to admit the mistakes made and “puff out our cheeks”, proving to EVERYONE that, as always, “cosmic circumstances” interfered.

"Extended" squads - it's like in football, who's on the list, but who's in the end in the squad. It is clear that the stages will be 6-7 from the "extended list". We fans need to strive to be the strongest at the “moment of time”, like the Norgs. Let at least every stage change, but so that there are the strongest at the “current moment”. At least someone was on the CPU, if someone is stronger than him today, he should run to the KM.

Tasha, thanks for the info.
News: Bulygina will play for Korea under the name So

Finished careers:

Andreas Birnbacher (Germany)
Christian De Lorenzi (Italy)
Ivan Cherezov (Russia)
Marine Bollie (France)
Zina Kocher (Canada)
Jüri Mörkve (Norway)
Elise Ringen (Norway)

Paused careers:

Veronica Nowakowska (Poland)

Doping (mildronate):

Eduard Latypov (Russia)
Artyom Tishchenko (Ukraine)
Olga Abramova (Ukraine)

When will we know the names of the coaches?

Guberniev's wife, well, yes, and even get money for it.

An attempt at some next movement somewhere from our unfortunate TS?! we'll see! Otherwise, to bury the national biathlon in such a way - you also need to be able to ...
"Baranka" at the World Cup! it's not like Zemfira - but the stones will speak (((

Marina Apatity,)))))))))

Elen, Fourcade of course.

Marina Apatity, to whom Martan or Volkov?) Lyokha - will give.

Vladimir, the German is only to blame for covering up our dudes. And I have no doubt that the cause of Volkov's problems, and now the entire team, is Casper.

Elen, There is no hope or joy, and there is nothing to melt. The only thing that looks like a positive is the removal of Kasperovich from distribute and rule, albeit not yet fully. I do not believe that he swallowed the pill of last year's criticism and did not hold a grudge against those who criticized. There are more than enough ways to take revenge. One of them was tested on Eliseev last season. I decided to show that agility on the eve of the World Cup and was immediately sent to conquer the American continent. Then there was no Gross, but there was only one. This year, they even deigned to invite me to wipe the spare shop. Gross did not decide who, where, he is like a lightning rod. And he did not remove Lech from the starts. The German is not stupid, he is able to figure out who is who. The fact that he kept his nose to the wind is understandable. For him, the main thing is to earn extra money and not the smell of the taiga. After the crushing finale, the situation changed radically. No one imagined that it would turn out so badly, they hoped for our native - perhaps what it means - to tease luck. Who is there if not Anfisa prophesied 6 medals.

and yaglazik changed her name7?)) irina7

Elen, I'm afraid Kravtsov won't let him race.

Il_Dao, you mentioned the reason bad results in one person. So I want to voice my opinion about Virolainen's poor shooting on the rack - she is not inflated shoulder girdle, weak muscles.

Hope is a doubtful shelter.
“The hopes of young men are nourished,
They give joy to the elders,
However, they are slowly melting away.

I will express my opinion about Gross. The German, as someone said, bristled and this should be welcomed. It takes under its command all three groups, and Shipulinsky within sight, nothing more. The intermediate link of Kasperovich's chief adviser was pushed aside. The principle of unity of command is nothing more, nothing less. It is impossible to advise Ricco Gross. Enough, the coaching staff decided, they ate. And who is behind TS, do all these members follow sports principles?

zakol, who was fused by Gross? It seems that everything is in place, only Eliseev and Pashchenko were added.

Well, Gross will be removed, who will be in his place?

zakol, it's hard to say who is involved in alloying there.

Iola, and I judge not by the results of young people, but by the results of last year's leaders (rioters). Gross was invited to help the guys, and he fuses them with Kasperovich for a couple and wants to see fresh ones.

zakol, The fact is, 4th Pashchenko was preparing with Gross, and Matvey at Padin did not fit in the optimal form to the HS! So 4th is still unknown, 4th yes how!

Boris, I understand Gross' desire to get top athletes. Only he already received them last year and what did he do with them ...? Take these away, give me new ones. So I don't want the same thing to happen to Babikov, Eliseev, Pashchenko. Do you, together with Gross, also think that “The Russian men's biathlon team has taken a step forward in development this season”?
I am for the appearance of Babikov, Eliseev and Pashchenko at the base, but I do not want them to work with Gross. It is not so difficult to understand how this can be achieved.

Boris, I wrote about Gaidish, he is for technique ski run answered in Kryuchkov's group and was with the team during the preparation. Posted links to the article. Gerbulov helped to understand the shooting, and Anton himself spoke, and Gerbulov in view. Responsible for the Kryuchkov group, he reported to TSh.
And then, last year, Anton also worked with Kryuchkov, Akhatova helped deal with the shooting, coach Maidich was also involved, but this work brought success: 2nd place in the total. There has been a bit of a hitch this year.

Boris, the whole season they (Volkov and Shipulin) were with the team. There that, Gross and the company specifically bypassed them? Somehow it all looks very strange.

zakol, - "The main team must be composed of following athletes: Anton Shipulin, Evgeny Garanichev, Maxim Tsvetkov, Dmitry Malyshko, Alexei Volkov, Anton Babikov, Matvey Eliseev, Petr Pashchenko and Alexei Slepov "...

What was special about Gross? He is the head coach of the national team and wants to see the best athletes in the base and train them. And what would other coaches do, for example, Alikin, Lopukhov?
Or do you want to send Babikov and Eliseev to the reserve team to Padin, who may go to the women's team? Pashchenko spent the off-season in the Bragin / Gross group, there are no questions about Peter.
There remain Shipulin and Volkov, who are called the Kryuchkov group. But Kryuchkov is not a coach, he is a theorist. analytical worker. And no one says who did functional training in this group? Someone wrote here that Gaidish, but there is neither Gaidish nor Kryuchkov in the staff of the SBR, there is no shooting coach at all. And who should be responsible for the results of Shipulin and Volkov?

Alexander99, good luck to Martan in the new team. We are waiting for Marie Doran to Russia)).

Martin Fourcade thought about moving to the national team of Ukraine

First of all, Martin tried on new form national team of Ukraine (photo).

“I will not hide, in my career, after winning six Big Crystal Globes in a row, a new challenge is needed. I believe that such a challenge could be Olympic gold in the relay race with a team that had never achieved such success before. I have heard a lot about the wonderful atmosphere in the Ukrainian team. I also see from the races of previous seasons that the team needs a strong fourth stage in the relay. I thought for a long time - and decided to ask the Biathlon Federation of Ukraine for the transition. At the same time, I have already agreed on the issue of transition with the French Federation, so as not to be punished by quarantine. Thanks to my teammates with whom we have played together all these years. I gave everything I could to France, and in order not to end my career, I have to take such a step. I hope my partners can understand me. It is especially important for me to understand brother Simon, with whom, perhaps, now we will play medals at the finish of relay races.”

zakol, Anyuta, I feel sorry for the cats too)))).

Here is one of the rare cases ... when I agree with Zakol ... Everything is on point ... Gross would stay away from the Padinsky and Kryukov guys ...

Gross wants to give him more padinsky guys and Kryukovsky. Then he will win one personal medal and a relay medal. He will do the same with the guys that this season with his own and win. Rico is great, he is learning to work as a head coach. If only he studied better on cats or Germans.

Marina Apatity, it's too early for him. Let him be an active athlete for now.

Il_Dao, here is a shooting coach or a master of small arms.

Il_Dao, thanks for the information about Volkov)).

Ivan Pokhmelev, so, before the start of the season, they are simply obliged to pass UMO, you never know what can happen in the offseason.

Il_Dao, and you read Kravtsov's view. I already doubt about Shipulin and Kryuchkov, it seems to me that they worked him up a lot, although it seemed that Kryuchkov proved by the result of Shipulin that he was on the right track.

Boris, Yurlova was injured much later than the UMO.

Yesterday I wrote to Diana Yakimets in contact. Congratulated on a good performance in the Czech Republic, and also asked how she reacted to the fact that she was not included in the extended list? Answered. She says that she took it calmly, she will work on herself further, everything is still ahead. Thanks for the support. Don't worry, he says everything will be fine.

Tasha, or rather Anton, most likely will not move to large group(9-10 people is already too much)
And a couple more phrases from Volkov:
“...- It is known that you train according to an individual plan for the whole season, to what extent did this live up to expectations?

I had a mixed season, had a good start, and then everything went blurry. Now at the Russian Championship I came to my senses. In general, if the season went as we planned, it would be one of the most successful in my career. But here worked different factors in the course of the season. And so individual training gives an increase. This is where my responsibility comes in. I can’t say that the coach didn’t prepare me correctly. Since the training plan was built for me, and first of all, I personally set some goals. I have trained with this plan and trust it. Here you can’t say anymore, they say they gave me such instructions. As, for example, it was before, when one plan for 10 people.
And at the end of the season, would you like to change something in your plan?

Cardinally no. When Anton and I went to self-training, we initially had a plan for 4 years before the Olympics, and each year we had our own tasks. Next year we already have other work and other results planned.”...
That is, it is clear that the guys with Kryuchkov have everything scheduled for 4 years.

And here's what Lech thought:
“...- What changes would you like to make in the training of beginner biathletes?

I want to create a universal stock (an integral part of a rifle - ed.), which would help children in biathlon schools. This is an invention for schools that do not have the opportunity to purchase 10 rifles for 10 athletes. The standard stock is usually made of wood, and there is little that can be adjusted. I want to create a universal design that would have many adjustments and could be used by several athletes. Here a child came, shot, the bed was reconfigured, and the second one came and also shot.
- What caused this desire?

This is me on personal experience I remember that at training they gave a girl a rifle, and I asked to tighten the straps, but they told me that it was impossible, because this girl would run with her at the competition tomorrow. Naturally, this is inconvenient, and had to be adjusted. So it’s also impossible to “break” a child from childhood, otherwise what basics of shooting will he learn?
Here he is - Alexey Volkov.

But it seems to me that no one will take Shipulin from Kryuchkov, maybe they will make some joint fees, but no more.

Lilia, “... against the background of fatigue, Tsvetkov has a “deficiency in running technique”, and Malyshko has “technical problems” due to the proximity of the arms to the body. »
I wonder how they will solve the problem of Malyshko.
If Tsvetochek is still young and you can work with his technique, then how are they going to change it for Dima?
On this topic, Kravtsov says something completely different. (that is, they somehow have a discrepancy here)
“..- Are you generally satisfied with the way Andrei Kryuchkov works with Shipulin?

Andrey Sergeevich is a competent guy. I would be 100% satisfied if they repeated last year's result. But even in that season, some decline was already visible in February. Anton then recovered from it, but that was only because there was a causal relationship. Namely: Anton was on a good basic job, which was carried out before, and one should not think that then some omniscient, omnipotent, holy messiah came.

An athlete in the national team is already the result of the work of many people. And when he wins, becomes a leader, then this is just a kind of jewelry work, the main principle of which is: do no harm, do not spoil what was done before you. And when people manage to spoil, I'm not talking about Andrei Kryuchkov, but in general. The second question: after all, I do not belittle the merits of Andrei Sergeevich, he is an excellent scientific specialist, and therefore today his presence in coaching practice, in addition to satisfaction, also raises questions.

Well, how are they? If at the age of 29 they decided to change an athlete a certain system of motor skills, as he said, then I would be careful about this. Andrey Sergeevich is an excellent research worker, candidate of sciences, a competent specialist who is well versed in biochemistry, in how the alternation of training is carried out, but there was no work practice.

You want to say that in theory he is a great specialist, but in practice he still lacks experience?

The theory does not always translate into practice the way you wanted it to. I just remember Anton's sprint race at Holmenkollen at the World Championships. Remember how I asked: "Who ran first?". They answered me: "Yes, this is Shipulin." What did I say then, remember? “It's not Shipulin, what are you?!” Something completely different ran there. Anthony acknowledges this.
Maybe I posted a long dialogue here, but this is to make it clear that with Dima everything is not so simple there ...

Tatyana, Gross bristled. Well, if he does not agree with the bureaucrats, maybe it will be useful. It is not clear with Shipulin.
“Among other things, Gross gave an assessment to all athletes, with the exception of Shipulin and Volkov, for whom Kryuchkov was responsible. Only Babikov received a categorical and *** characterization. According to the German, Garanichev turned out to be “psychologically weak”, Slepov lacks accurate shooting, Tsvetkov, against the background of fatigue, has a “deficiency in running technique”, and Malyshko has “technical problems” due to the proximity of his arms to his body. »
I wonder how they will solve the problem of Malyshko.

“The appointment of Kasperovich to the post of senior coach of the women's team, which will be released after the departure of Sergei Konovalov, looks likely. At the same time, Konovalov will remain in the structure of the national team.
War and the Germans

Ivanovich, The list itself is not yet the composition of the national team. To begin with, everyone will undergo a thorough medical examination, which is not cheap. Doesn't she fall into that category? Such Dianas, which - one, two, and counted - do not scatter.
Well here is the confirmation.

I did not think that so many experts would pay attention to Diana Yakimets!
She doesn’t need to join the national team now - the horsemen will ruin it!

If you look at the results of Diana in the season. Well let me down personal coach her at the peak of the main (for her) starts of the season. Well, she drew attention to herself with her easy move. There is no one to polish the skill in the team!
On the eve of the Coaching Council of the RBU, one of the old coaches expressed a “fresh” idea: plans for the preparation of athletes of the national team should be drawn up together with personal trainers.
Who, if not they know all the strengths and weaknesses of their wards. And any of them is ready to take the maximum part in order to adapt their pupils to new conditions.

Unfortunately, the law of the chicken coop works in the coaching staff!

Tatyana, well, maybe he's good, Gross. But recently Shipulin said that he would continue his training system. Here are the Norgs, judging by the publications, having already won the KM and WCH, they are very capricious and picky in choosing coaches and training systems. Does it mean that Shipulin is being pressured?

Vasily Bondarev, Why are there 22 and not fifty on the lists, can you answer? It is immediately clear that they did not play cards - not a gambler. Compiling this list is what a point game is. Recorded guys 22 Gavrik - already bust and you are 50? For women, everything is according to plan - twenty. Even Diana Yakimets with her feline gliding did not dare to include why? Yes, because it will turn out 21 points, and this is the loss of the banker of the one who formed the lists. Someone remembered about the bust among men, which cannot be allowed in women and that Medvedtsev is trimming her, which means you will have to, like it or not, but invite him to national team. Now think instead of whom? Wherever you throw it, a wedge is everywhere, that is, all your own on the board. And here the German guys are ready to unite all three groups and what to do with Kasperovich, also his own, there are only questions. Grouping guys into one group is like AIT said to put the genie in the bottle. Look, they climbed out, they wanted freedom.

Tatyana, - “It is worth noting that if Gross's demands are met, the role of the current head coach of the national team Alexander Kasperovich, who fell out of favor with the men's team last season, looks incomprehensible. Kasperovich and Gross disagreed more than once about the composition of the relay team, where the German tried to put athletes from his group. The appointment of Kasperovich to the post of head coach of the women's team, who will be released after the departure of Sergei Konovalov, looks likely. At the same time, Konovalov will remain in the structure of the national team. "...

No, well, this is no longer funny, only Kasperovich was missing in the women's team. ((

Today, the Russian women's biathlon team took 9th place in the relay as part of the World Cup stage in Holmenkollen, Norway.

For the Russians, this race was the 11th in a row without podiums. The last time the Russian women's team was in the top three at the World Cup and World Championships was in January 2016. Then in the Italian Antholz, the Russians took third place.

At the Olympics in Pyeongchang, only Tatyana Akimova and Uliana Kaisheva competed for the Russian team, this race is not taken into account in the relay results statistics, since Russia did not participate in it.

11 races in a row without podiums is a new anti-record for Russian women, the previous series without prizes lasted 8 starts - from February 2014 to January 2016.

Viktoria Slivko: "I was a bit lacking in concentration at the turn, but I'm sure that the misses were very close"

“You can’t exhale, because there is a sprint ahead in Tyumen, which will decide everything. If we keep a slight advantage now, that will be great.

Of course, I understood that they expected two zeros from me at the turn - I know that I can shoot. It's just that at the moment I'm having a little trouble with the stance, and I know the reasons. We talked with Konovalov. Even yesterday I shot a little, all the girls didn't go, but I did.

The shooting range is difficult, the wind blows in different sides. They put me on shooting, but I also went out to run, tried to be patient on the track as much as possible. Maybe because of this, it didn’t work out a little while standing. I am sure that the misses were very close - just a little bit lacking concentration at the turn.

I don’t think it’s surprising for anyone that I now lost 10 seconds in the segment after the second milestone. I didn't win all season. Yesterday I did not run with the leaders with my feet, so these are expected results, and everyone understood that I would still lose with my feet.

But, nevertheless, I tried to work out as much as possible, at the finish lap I fought with a girl from Poland, she didn’t manage to escape, I still managed to work with her, ”said Victoria Slivko on the air of the Match TV channel.

Daria Virolainen: "I would like to apologize to the team and fans for not coping with shooting"

“I would like to apologize to the team and to the fans that I did not cope with the shooting. There is a long descent in front of the shooting range - recovery begins and tremors in the legs.

In all relay races, when you don’t hit five out of five, it’s very hard to close with extra steps - because recovery begins. This is what happened today. I tried, but I did my best.

I just couldn't work faster and not get hit. At the turn of the thought were only "work, work, work" - no thoughts about penalty loops. You are trying to cope with the tremor and close the targets, ”Virolainen said on the air of the Match TV channel.

Uliana Kaisheva: “Maybe today is not Virolainen's day. Don't worry, next time it will work"

“Anything happens. Maybe today is not her day. I understand her, I also had this several times that I let the whole team down. Don't worry, next time it will work.

Psychologically, I felt calm, physically today it was harder. Knitted legs from the very start. I think it has to do with fatigue. Perhaps not fully recovered from the sprint because she was very tired in the sprint.

It’s easier for me to overtake than to run away: it turns me on, spurs me on to fight.

We were given the task of working on the first and second laps at our own pace, and on the last lap we were already squeezing out all our strength,” Kaisheva said on the air of the Match TV channel.

It seemed only recently that all the disputes regarding the last biathlon season had calmed down and the time for the Biathlon World Cup was coming again and the time had come, and, therefore, again excitement and worries for our team, since the Russian team will also have serious rivals and competitors in this championship, the strength and power of which also should not be underestimated. These are, first of all, Germany, Norway and France. Although at present, we, all fans, are more and more concerned and interested in the question of who will be in the Russian biathlon team 2016-2017 and who the coaches place the most bets and emphasis on, from whom they expect high results and performance.

It is worth saying that the expanded list included 22 men and 20 women.

As for the list and composition of juniors, it has 10 people from each group. Starting from April 20-21, all declared participants of the cup will undergo an in-depth medical examination, based on the results of which the coaches will form the final list of team members.

Composition of the men's team.

Regarding the preliminary list of the men's team, we can say that it included the following outstanding athletes, behind which there is already quite a rich and productive experience of participation and victories in various competitions and championships. This:

    1.Anton Shipulin and Evgeny Garanichev.
    2.Anton Babikov and Matvey Eliseev.
    3. Alexei Volkov and Alexei Spelov.
    4.Maxim Tsvetkov and Dmitry Malyshko.
    5. Pyotr Pashchenko and Yuri Shopin.
    6.Semyon Suchilov and Alexander Povarnitsyn.
    7. Alexander Dedyukhin and Temur Makhambetov.
    8. Dmitry Ivanov and Sergey Korastylev.
    9. Evgeny Boyarskikh and Pavel Magazaev.
    10. Alexander Pechenkin and Timofey Lapshin.
    11. Vyacheslav Akimov and Alexander Babchin.

Women and their composition.

Regarding the women's team, the following participants can be noted and named. These are Anastasia Zagoruiko, Olga Yakushova, Victoria Slivko, Olga Podchufarova, Ekaterina Yurlova, Ekaterina Shumilova, Olga Shesterikova, Daria Virolainen, Galina Nechkasova, Svetlana Sleptsova, Tatiana Akimova, Anna Nikulina, Anna Shcherbina, Ulyana Kaisheva, Svetlana Mironova, Irina Uslugina, Olga Vilukhina, Ekaterina Avakumova, Valentina Telitsina, Ekaterina Glazyrina.

Biathlon World Cup.

The World Cup is a competition and championship, which differs from the usual tournament in many respects and the principle of holding. Ask what exactly?

  • Firstly, this is a tournament, the peculiarity of which is and is the fact that it is not held at the same time.
  • Secondly, in order to become the winner of the cup, it is necessary to show and demonstrate the best performance in nine areas, that is, stages. Moreover, each of these stages can be carried out on completely different continents. That is why the winner must truly have a good and excellent physical training and remarkable composure.
  • Thirdly, the duration of the cup. Regarding the beginning of the competition, it is already known that the tournament will begin on November 28, 2016 and it will start in the Swedish city of Östersund. The cup will last until March 19, 2017 and will end in the capital of Norway - Oslo. If you calculate, then the duration of the cup will last and will be almost 6 months.
  • Fourthly, the features of the competition stages. Each stage lasts almost exactly 1 week and includes up to six various kinds races and relay races, which also take place and are implemented in nine different cities, the list of which is already known and approved. This:

    1. Ostersund - Norway.
    2. Pokljuka - Slovenia.
    3. Nove Mesto - Czech Republic.
    4. Oberchow - Germany.
    5. Antholz - Italy.
    6. Pyogchang - South Korea.
    7. Tyumen - Russia.
    8. Oslo - Norway.
    9. Asia.

As for Russia, the tournament in Tyumen will last from 6 to 12 March. At the same time, one should not forget that athletes will be involved not only in the Cup, but also in other competitions. A completely logical and logical question arises, in which? First of all, this is the World Championship and IBU Cup, and the results shown in individual competitions will be included and will be counted in overall rating World Cup.

Types of disciplines.

Currently, there are seven men's and women's disciplines in the World Cup, each of which has its own characteristics.

    1. Relay race men / women - 4 x 7.5 / 4 x 6.
    2. Single mixed relay - 1 x 6 + 1 x 7.5 km.
    3. Mixed relay - 2 x 6 + 2 x 7.5.

It should be noted that the distance mixed relays are the same for both men and women. When participating in these competitions, you should remember one very simple, but important rule- points received in all types of the relay race do not replenish the total treasury of the athlete's standings. After all, only points received in individual competitions are taken into account and counted, of which there are only four types in the tournament. This individual race, sprint, pursuit and mass start.

I would like to believe that the composition of the Russian biathlon team 2016-2017 and the entire declared list of participants will show good results in the competition and take their rightful place. At the same time, the audience will be pleased not only good results but also a wonderful and spectacular show.

The composition of the Russian team for initial stages Biathlon World Cup new season is determined.

Board of the Biathlon Union Russian Federation The line-up for the upcoming sports season has been finalized. To make such a decision, the management members studied and processed the proposals of the RBU Council on the composition of the instructor staff of the national teams, as well as the male and female staff for the 17/18 Cup. The city of central Sweden Ostersund will be the venue for the Biathlon World Championship in the 1st stage.

Russian biathlon team 2017-2018 composition: selection criteria for biathletes

On November 26 of the current year, the Biathlon World Cup season begins. The competition is tough and in order to pass it, athletes need to show high results. Men in the overall standings need to take one of the first fifteen places, women - up to a maximum of twentieth.
If these requirements are not met, the instructor staff has the right to supplement the teams at their discretion.

Russian biathlon team 2017-2018 composition: male team

The other day, the coaches agreed on the staff of the biathlon team winter period. Seven athletes will compete from the men's team. These are Maxim Tsvetkov, Anton Shipulin, Anton Babikov, Alexey Volkov, Evgeny Garanichev, Matvey Eliseev and Alexander Loginov.

According to Ricco Gross, this decision was agreed upon by everyone coaching staff. The instructor believes that the presence of a reserve biathlete in Östersund is not necessary. Fans will be able to see the performance of Yuri Shopin at the 1st stage of the Cup International Union biathletes. The coach is sure that this is where the athlete will be able to practice and prepare for the performance in France, where will host the Cup peace in December.

Russian biathlon team 2017-2018 composition: female team

Sergei Konovalov, one of the coaches, reports a healthy rivalry in the team. The female part of the national team from Russia is represented by six biathletes: Tatyana Akimova, Daria Virolainen, Svetlana Mironova, Olga Podchufarova, Victoria Slivko, Katerina Yurlova.
This decision was made by the staff of the instructors of the team. As for Irina Starykh, she misses the cup in Sweden. Poor health and an operation before the Summer Cup championship weakened the athlete. “At the moment, the lack of speed indicators negatively affects the quality, so her skill is not perfect,” says the specialist. The training camp in Austria, where Irina will go, will speed up the presence of the athlete in future periods of the Cup.
Also the team of athletes of the Cup of the International Biathlon Union, which will be held at the end of November, was announced the other day.