What is a horse cart made of? Horse cart: how to make and harness yourself

A cart for a horse is not at all a relic of the past, but a transport quite common in rural areas. In many regions of our country, some residents still prefer to travel by horse - for the transport of goods or people, as well as for recreational purposes. With the help of a horse, you can transport oversized items, plow the land, move around your personal needs.

Years earlier, masters in the manufacture of various models of carts worked in the villages, but today it is quite difficult to find such specialists. You will have to buy a ready-made design or make it yourself. This is our article today.

A cart is a wagon in which horses and cattle are harnessed. With this vehicle, you can move on all roads that do not have a prohibition sign. The cart has seats for passengers or a platform for cargo, as well as a separate place for a cab driver.

There are also various decorative designs - they are called carriages. These carts are used for festive walks around the city, wedding or other photography.

Any cart consists of a course and a body. The move is the mechanism by which the cart moves. The body is called the trailer itself.

Table 1. Undercarriage design

axesThere is a rear and front axle.
wheelsThere are 2 wheels on each axle. Usually the diameter of the front wheels is slightly smaller than the rear ones.
RacksLocated on the front and back. They perform the function of depreciation of the cart.
DissolutionIt needs to be installed to link the axes. On the one hand, the dissolution is fixed, and it remains motionless. On the other hand, it can be adjusted. With the help of this design, the position of the axes is changed.
OglobliAttached to the front axle.

Previously, for the manufacture of structures such as carts, only wood was used - craftsmen even made wheels from it. However, now carts are most often assembled from metal, because such structures are the most durable, wear-resistant and more convenient to care for.

Varieties of carts

With the development of industry, a wide variety of wagons appeared. However, there are also earlier vehicles that were used to communicate between large and small cities. For each of them, a special manufacturing technology is provided.


The most famous means of transportation is the carriage. At the very beginning, they were used only to move noble people. After some time, carriages became widespread, they began to be used as transport for general use.

In the future, this type of passenger transport began to change. Instead of small double carriages, they began to design three-dimensional structures with several axles. Mentions of them can be found in fiction, seen in the movies.

Table 2. Varieties of carts for long-distance travel

NameA countryApplicationCharacteristics

The first time was seen among nomads in Russia.For long trips in the cold season.Nomads used this design to travel with their cargo. With the help of such a vehicle, communication between different areas could be quickly established.

It appeared in France between the 18th and 19th centuries.Used to send parcels and letters to various cities.On such transport, 7-8 people could move. It was the only way to quickly get to the desired point. There were short stops.

The country of origin is Russia. The cart appeared in the 19th century.Used to move people to different cities.Such a vehicle was used even on long trips. Because the design made it possible to get there with minimal shaking. At the same time, 4 people with luggage could ride in such a cart.

Appeared in the XVIII. Country of origin - America.Such a vehicle was used as a temporary home for the movement of immigrants.Such a passenger cart was covered with a special protective tent. The carriage was not comfortable. However, it could move quickly in any weather.

It appeared in French cities at the very beginning of the 19th century.This type of transport was used for trips to nature.A wagon with a large number of seats for passengers and a special protective awning.

To quickly move passengers, more maneuverable carts were created:

  1. Cab. A small crew with one axle, there were 2 or 4 passengers in the cabin at the same time.
  2. Droshky. Light version of the cart with two axles.
  3. A wagon with one axle could only accommodate a couple of people and a coachman.

It was important to provide cities with fast and affordable transport, so a large number of small and large carts could be found on the roads. They served as public transport or taxis.


Cargo structures differed significantly from passenger carts. Their main advantage was their large capacity. The oldest type of wagon is a two-wheeled arba. Such carts were common in some regions of the Caucasus in the 20th century.

However, in the process of industrial modernization, cargo carts have been significantly improved. Improved designs moved due to the movement of bearings. And also rubber wheels and a brake were installed. Thanks to this, it was possible to transport goods of about 1-1.5 tons on wagons. Until that time, several horses had to be attached to the wagon.


A sleigh is the simplest type of wagon that does not have wheels. It is possible to move on such vehicles only on soft snowy surfaces, and they were used only in the winter season. The sleigh was usually just a passenger type of wagon; firewood was used for the transport of goods.

Actually, the name itself suggests that initially it was firewood that was transported on such sledges, which were required in large quantities in winter in order to heat the stoves. Sometimes a body was attached to such a vehicle and used as a carriage.

The sequence of making different carts for horses

It is important to design the exact size of the finished structure in advance. In the old days, carts were made about three meters long and up to one and a half meters wide. You can take these dimensions as a basis.

Step-by-step instructions for making a cart

Tools for making a cart:

  • boards;
  • welded construction;
  • apparatus for welding;
  • wheels;
  • metal pipes;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • construction plan.

Table 3. Technology for the manufacture of carts

First you need to make the undercarriage of the structure. In the absence of appropriate welding skills, it is recommended to contact professional craftsmen. The frame and axle are made of metal or pipes.
Next, we make a stationary and mobile axle. Upon completion of all work, you should decide on the type of wagon. In the presence of a drawbar design, we make a holder. Shafts should be welded to the front stationary axle.
The design of the undercarriage should be completed. If necessary, you can install brakes.
Next, you should design the body of the cart. For such purposes, boards of a certain length and width are cut out and fastened together. Shafts are made of both metal and wood. The drawbar is constructed from wood.
A soft bench can be placed in the back of the cart.

Step-by-step instructions for making a sled

Before you start making a sled, it is important to decide on the material of the runners - they can be made of metal or wood. To make a structure out of wood, you will need the appropriate skills. When choosing metal products, they will have to be forged in a special workshop.

To make a sleigh, you will need the following materials:

  • boards;
  • waterproof plywood;
  • sheets of metal;
  • profiles;
  • pipes;
  • tools for woodworking;
  • construction plan.

Table 4. Sledge manufacturing technology

Runners are best made of metal. Because it is the most durable design. For such purposes, stainless or carbon steel is required. Skids are made of iron sheet or pipes. In order to bend them, you will need outside help.
After that, transverse racks and crossbars are made. They are located on both sides. Parts are fixed by welding.
It is important to provide brakes in the sled. They are made quite simply in the form of a rubber construction with a lever.
Metal plates are attached to the front. After that, shafts are attached to them. Upon completion of work, body design should begin. The body of the sleigh is made of wood according to one's own preferences. It can be sheathed with foam rubber and soft cloth for more convenience.
Shafts are attached last.

Step by step instructions for making a carriage

Necessary materials for the manufacture of the carriage body:

  • beam;
  • moisture resistant plywood;
  • soft foam;
  • nuts;
  • bolts;
  • plastic;
  • dye;
  • glue;
  • tools for woodworking;
  • sheathing material.

Table 5. The process of manufacturing the carriage body

For the body of the carriage, you should take durable plywood that does not deform when exposed to moisture. Because the wagon will be used in different weather. And then all the details should be drawn on the surface of the plywood.
Next, using an electric saw, cut out all the details from plywood. You should get 4 main parts, different in size. Then they will connect with each other. In the resulting blanks, holes should be made for windows using a jigsaw. You will need to make preliminary holes in the plywood so that the jigsaw blade normally enters the canvas.
It is necessary to connect the received parts with bolts and building glue. Tighten the bolts only after the adhesive has completely hardened. It is better to leave the design for a while.
When the walls are completely dry, you can fix the bottom and ceiling of the carriage. It is advisable to make the bottom of durable plywood.
The frame is made of a wooden shield, the corners are processed with a file and cleaned with sandpaper. When designing the frame, you should leave room for passengers and the coachman. After installing the windows, the openings are upholstered with plastic. You can make plastic grids.
The seat is made from leftover plywood. They can be upholstered with foam rubber and cloth.
Upon completion of work, the body should be painted with moisture-resistant paint.

Self-production of such a vehicle will require effort and time. However, the master will be able to design the structure according to individual drawings, and the finished parts will only need to be assembled as a designer.

How to harness a horse?

For beginners, this process can be quite laborious at first, and therefore, before starting any actions, you should study the design of the wagon and harness in order to understand exactly how to “connect” the mount and wagon.

You will need to do the following:

A beginner will need the help of a professional to perform such actions, but over time this process will take place without outside help.

Video - How to harness a horse in an arc harness?

Summing up

Designing a cart is a fun activity that requires creative thinking and is also a great business idea. However, novice craftsmen will need to study some of the nuances of making carts, and after the drawings are ready, purchase materials and get to work.

Video - The process of making a cart


If you have a horse, then you probably use it as a means of transportation. Horses can carry not only people, but also large loads. For this, people make carts. Someone is thinking about how to make the cart itself. If you take this issue seriously, then making a cart for a horse is quite realistic.

In this article, you will learn what types of carts are, how to build them. We will pay special attention to the drawings.

What is a cart, its varieties

A wagon is a cart drawn by harnessed cattle. Another cart can be called a horse-drawn cart. This method of movement is permitted by law, on public roads.

There are three types of carts:

  1. Cart,
  2. Drogi,
  3. shelves,
  4. Crew.

Drogs are called, a long wagon without a body. The cart is used to transport people. It has seats for passengers and a cab driver. Shelves are used to transport large items.

Modern carts - areas of use

IN modern world use three types of carts. The first type is the passenger cart. Often it is used by both ordinary villagers and townspeople. In some areas, wagons are the main mode of transportation.

The second type of cart is a cargo one. Due to its strong composition, it can carry various heavy loads. If a person has a horse, then he does not need to hire a car to transport things or hay.

The third type of carts are axleless, that is, wheelless sledges. This type of cart is good to use in winter when loose snow has fallen. It is important to note that the speed of a horse with a cart reaches 6 km per hour.

How to make a simple do-it-yourself horse cart

To start making a cart, you need to think carefully about how to make all its elements. It is important to properly make the chassis of the transport, since this is its main component. It includes:

  • front and rear axle,
  • Frame,
  • wheels,
  • Racks for depreciation.

The front axle must be made so that the cart can turn, and the rear axle must be stationary. If you are making an arc one-horse cart, then you need Special attention devote to the manufacture of shafts. For a steam-horse cart, the main element is the drawbar.

Required materials and their quantity

Before you start making a cart, you need to have the following materials and tools:

  • welding tool,
  • wooden planks,
  • Pipes or metal profile,
  • Welded frame and metal wheels,
  • Hammer,
  • Nails,
  • cart drawings,
  • Woodworking tool.

The amount of material will depend on the size of the cart, its purpose and type. Most often, the wagon is made of wood. The cart must be 1.5 meters wide and 3 meters long. The height of the wagon is adjusted to a meter, but the size of the horse and the purpose of the wagon must be taken into account.

Drawing with comments

To make a cart, you first need to make a drawing of a cart. It has such a general appearance.

If you divide it into parts, then it consists of an axle, a frame and a hinged build. The cart axle looks like this.

Now we need to make a frame.

In the end, you need to make a hinged assembly.

This is what the phased structure of the cart looks like. When making a drawing, you need to know the dimensions of the wagon and figure out what shape it will be. If you drew the drawing correctly, then it will be easier for you to make a wagon.

Manufacturing instructions, with secrets and nuances

You can make a horse cart out of wood or iron, but we'll talk about how to make a wooden cart. The work consists of three stages.

  1. Make an axle out of timber. It is difficult for some to make an axis out of wood on their own, so they invite it from specialists. Details on how to make an axis can be found in the video.
  2. Make a frame. To do this, you need to take a bar and attach to it, on the one hand, a bar, and on the other, a rotary mechanism. Attach the rear axle to the frame frame. After that, assemble the rotary mechanism. For strength, attach additional bars to the sides of the axle.
  3. We make a hanging kit. Attach the bottom of the wagon to the frame frame. Along the edges of the bottom you need to attach two boards. After cutting the end of the cart, attach it to the frame. To each end, you need to attach two boards. We hook the wheels and fasten the shafts.

So our cart is ready. It can be decorated with wood carvings. If you want, attach seats to it.

Where and how to buy, price

You can buy a cart online or in a store. If you want to buy a wagon from a store, look up the address of the nearest branch on the Internet.

An ordinary wagon for goods is not expensive, its price is 28,000 rubles. The cost of this vehicle depends on the size, type, material produced and more.

How to properly harness a horse to a cart?

To harness a horse, you need to know about all the details of the harness and their purpose. Depending on the individual structure of the horse and the number of animals, the owner chooses the necessary type of harness. It is important that the harness does not cause discomfort to the animal and at the same time does not hang on it.

Each type of harness, and there are three of them, has its own characteristics, so watch the video on how to harness a horse in each of them.

Shaft-arc harness

Shafts are two straight sticks that are attached to the axis of the wagon on one side. A sharp-arc harness is used when three horses are harnessed.

The horse does not always want to lead the cart. The problem is that the owner has not correctly harnessed the horse to the cart, which is why the horse does not pull the cart.

Line-drawbar harness

The drawbar is used with a pair of harnesses. The butt of the drawbar is attached to the only axis of the wagon, the top is attached to the collars. The drawbar helps to carry the entire wagon. Traction is carried out thanks to the line.

For reference! Another line-drawbar harness is used when harnessing four horses.

Line harness

The line harness is used in agricultural robots or with carts that have brakes, since the harness itself cannot hold the cart. This harness is very simple, since it does not have shafts and drawbars.

The cart is not only a means of transportation

Some people think that carts are only needed to go to the forest and bring hay, but this is not so. The purpose of the cart may be different, for example:

  1. cargo,
  2. Passenger,
  3. Combat,
  4. Specialized.

That is, wagons are used to carry mail, heavy items or bulky goods. Moreover, nomads can use the wagon for temporary housing. Also, specialized carts are used for a mobile church, a mobile medical station and a field kitchen.

Proverbs and catchphrases related to the cart

There are many proverbs associated with the cart, for example:

  1. Spin like a windmill, rumble like a cart.
  2. The sleigh is ready in the summer, and the cart in the winter.
  3. We live in bliss, but we ride in a cart.
  4. Klim smears the cart, we go to the Crimea on turnips.

A very famous quote from A.S. Pushkin's poem "Poltavka": "You cannot harness a Horse and a quivering doe into one cart."

Cart in dream books

It happens that people dream of a cart. Dream Interpretations will interpret such a dream in different ways. For example, a modern dream book says that a cart symbolizes changes in life. If the cart is behind, then you will successfully cope with them, but if you are not stable on the cart, then they will break you.

In fact, if a person believes in a dream book, it means that he programs himself for what the dream book says and does not try to build his own life, but rolls it up under different books. Dream Interpretations were created by people, so you don’t need to believe everything they say.

Horse and cart in Black desert

Even in a game like black desert there is a horse and cart. The cart is often used as a means of transportation. In this game, they mainly use a horse without a cart, since without a load the animal moves faster. Here you can equip your horse with combat armor.

Horse with a cart in the photo, drawings and pictures

By watching videos and photos, you can learn how to harness a horse and how to build a cart yourself.

Crafts in the form of a cart with a horse

Some make decorative wooden crafts in the shape of a horse and wagon. They can be made in different sizes.

For small children, you can make simple crafts from cones and sticks.

In addition, you can make a horse out of paper or on paper. Many kids like to cut out individual parts of the horse's body and attach them to cardboard, then you need to attach buttons to them so that the horse is mobile.

You can also find in the yard a horse craft made from plastic bottles. Such products are very easy to make, only then they need to be decorated.

How to draw?

Before you start drawing a horse, look at the drawing from which you want to draw an animal or come up with your own image. Drawing a horse with a cart is not very difficult. The base of the horse is drawn as three circles connected by lines. Then just add other parts of the body. This can be seen in the drawings.

That's it, your horse is ready. Similarly, you can draw a wagon. To do this, see the step-by-step action plan.

For reference! If you draw a horse several times, then each time it will become more beautiful.

Is it possible to make a cart for a horse yourself?

Since a cart is a necessary means of transportation or for transporting goods, its presence on the farm will make life easier for the owners. Making a cart with your own hands is real, but for this you need to have all the materials.

Learn from experts about the nuances of the structure of the cart and get to work. If you made a cart, then master the types of harnesses so as not to harm the animal and move comfortably yourself. It is important not to put the horse in front of the cart if you haven't harnessed it yet.

Interior decoration suburban area- an interesting and exciting activity. Many different elements allow you to make the territory of your country house unique, not like everyone else. Some decor details can be purchased in specialized stores, some, if you have some free time, are not difficult to make with your own hands. Today we will talk about the manufacture of a decorative country cart for the garden.

Varieties of decorative carts

There are many options for this product. Some of them are large and require enough free space for their placement. Others are small, can be equipped with only a pair of wheels located on any free piece of land.

More often decorative carts and carts serve as a kind of flowerpots for placing various flowering plants in pots or boxes of various shapes.

Structurally, a decorative garden cart consists of several basic elements. These include a body, which can be onboard or in the form of an open flat platform, one or two wheelsets and shafts.

The body of a decorative garden cart, or the body, is not difficult to make from edged planed lumber or sheet wood materials, having previously marked out, sawed and connected the parts according to a predetermined shape and size using self-tapping screws or nails.

As a rule, the complexity of the independent design of such decorative products is caused by the manufacturing process of the wheel. A simpler option is a one-piece product, sawn from one piece of plywood or wood of sufficient thickness.

More difficult to manufacture prefabricated options, consisting of several parts. It is on the manufacturing technology of such a wheel that we will dwell in detail.

Making a wooden wheel for a cart

Almost any prefabricated wheel is an annular rim, inside of which the spokes and the central axis are placed.

For the manufacture of the rim, it is necessary to first make a full-size template. To do this, you need a sheet of plywood, chipboard or OSB of sufficient size. A circle should be marked on it, the diameter of which will be equal to the diameter of the wheel rim.

Drawing a circle of large diameter can cause certain difficulties. To make the process easier, do the following:

  1. mark on the workpiece its center, located at the intersection of the diagonals (in the event that the workpiece is rectangular) or approximately at an equal distance from the edges;
  2. hammer in the resulting point nail No. 40 or 50 to a depth of 15-20 millimeters;
  3. in a thin rail of sufficient length, we drill two holes with a diameter of 5 and 8 millimeters. The distance between the holes is equal to the diameter of the marked circle.
  4. install the rail on the nail with a smaller hole, and firmly insert the pencil into the larger one, and mark the circle by rotating the rail around the nail.

Further, through the center of the circle we draw two mutually perpendicular diameters - the segment connecting the points of the circle. After that, we mark two more diameters, offset relative to the first ones by an angle of 45o. Thus, we divided the circle into 8 equal parts.

To make the rim, you will need eight planed wooden planks 30x80, the length of which should exceed the distance between the intersection points of the circle with adjacent diameters. Saw off the ends at an angle of 67.5 °, controlling the required length of the parts according to the template. Sawing can be done conveniently with a miter saw, a bow saw with an adjustable turntable or after pre-marking with a template.

Then fold the received parts on the template and check the quality of their joining.

The next step is the manufacture of the wheel axle. We will cut it out from a suitable workpiece size with an electric jigsaw or band saw, having performed preliminary marking with a drawing compass.

With the same tool, after preliminary marking, cut out the details of the wheel rim so that you get a wooden ring.

Spokes. Preparing for installation

It is convenient to use ready-made round sticks as spokes for a wagon wheel, for example, cuttings for agricultural tools, which can be purchased at any hardware or hardware store. We select the length of the parts, focusing on the inner diameter of the rim and the diameter of the axle.

To install the spokes in the wheel parts, it is necessary to drill 16 blind holes, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the rods. The location of the holes in the rim and axle must strictly correspond to each other.

For drilling, use an electric drill or a drilling machine. The correct direction of the axis of the holes will provide simple home-made devices.

Wheel assembly

Having thus prepared all the details of our wheel, we proceed to assemble it. We connect the elements with glue in the following sequence:

  1. we install the spokes in the holes drilled in the wheel axle;
  2. we insert the second ends of the spokes into the holes in the details of the rim;
  3. lubricate the ends of the parts of the wheel rim, join them and tighten them on a flat base with a strong cord or belt clamp. To avoid warping, we recommend pressing the finished product from above.

After gluing, remove excess glue and clean all surfaces of the wheel parts with sandpaper. Perform the final finishing of the decorative cart after assembling the entire product. Varnishing will help to preserve and emphasize the natural color of wood, finishing with various stains and other similar compositions can give the material a particular shade.

Completely hide the wood pattern, give the trolley bright view it is possible, using weather-resistant dyes on an oil or nitro basis.

Video: making a wooden wheel

Dear readers, if you still have questions, ask them using the form below. We will be glad to communicate with you;)

Good afternoon. A very interesting site, and you can also write in detail how to make a cart yourself. Not a garden cart, but a cart on 4 wheels, with sides. Thank you.

Dmitry, Nizhny Novgorod.

Hi Dmitry!

In 2010, I visited your glorious city for the first time, but, unfortunately, neither in the city nor in the region did I see a single horse-drawn cart.

If at the beginning of the last century in Russia there were several tens of millions of horses and about the same number of carts, now the picture has changed dramatically.

There are less than a dozen places left in the whole country where carts for horses are industrially manufactured.

And in very small quantities.

Recently I visited the provincial town of Pochep in the Bryansk region, where, I hope, they still produce, in addition to felt boots, soft felling and carts.

The cost of an ordinary four-wheeled cart for a horse today is estimated at a minimum of fifteen thousand rubles, which makes me doubt it, and the maximum goes off scale for an amount much more than 70 thousand rubles, which, unfortunately, is no longer in doubt.

To describe in great detail the entire technology for manufacturing a four-wheeled cart, you need to sit at the computer for at least a week, or even a week and a half.

Therefore, I will limit myself to a couple - three days, I will tell you about the basic principles.

The best thing would be for you to see somewhere in nature at least an old and broken model of the cart. Then what I describe will go for the future. For it is better to see once than to hear ten times.

So. The four-wheeled cart-carriage is intended for the carriage of goods by live traction. According to our times, it is most likely a horse. Donkeys, mules, cows and other similar animals are not taken into account. Although I happened to see fifty years ago how four people coped well with the transportation of a loaded cart for a decent distance.

Consider the option of using one horse, then the cart should have two shafts. (When using two horses, a drawbar is used, that is, one pole, which is located between them).

We will not talk about horse harness. There are a lot of things you need, from a collar and arcs, to reins, bridles, harnesses, sweatshirts and other harnesses.

By by and large, the cart includes several main components. The most important component is four wheels. As a rule, the front wheels are smaller than the rear ones. If the diameter of the front wheels ranges from 0.6 to 0.7 meters, then for the rear wheels it is about 0.7 - 1 meter.

The rear wheels are mounted on a permanently (tightly) fixed axle. The front wheels are mounted on an axle that can be rotated around a king pin (otherwise called a hammer or pin or core).

The material from which cart wheels are made is most often birch or oak wood. It is desirable that the wood is dry.

The wheel itself consists of a wooden round hub (cylinder) with a diameter of about 20 centimeters and a length of its shell about 25 centimeters. A hole with a diameter of about 6-8 centimeters is drilled in the hub.

A cast-iron bushing is pressed into this hole to the full depth of the hole. The inner diameter of which is about 5 centimeters, and the outer one is equal to the diameter of the hub hole.

Bushings, depending on the carrying capacity of the cart, can weigh from a couple of kilograms to a pood.

The hub from both its ends has a metal rim equal to its outer diameter. The rims are mounted to prevent cracking of the hub and its further destruction. Sometimes the hubs on the outside are made two diameter (ledges). During its life, the wheel can have several hundred thousand cycles of alternating load. And by no means ideal roads.

In the hub, square nests (grooves) are hammered along the outer surface to a depth of 4-5 centimeters (sometimes, to simplify, they drill with a pen, that is, with a drill for wood, blind sockets). They serve to insert (press in) wooden knitting needles into them.

A spoke is a wooden cylindrical or faceted rod. In total, the wheel is usually made from 8 to 12 spokes. The cross section is about 20 square centimeters.

At the other end, the spokes are inserted (pressed) into similar sockets, hollowed out or drilled in jambs or, which make up the outer part of the wheel.

Usually one or a couple of nests are made in one such school. And the jamb itself on one surface (outer) has the shape of an arc. And on the inside - a straight chord.

When assembling the wheel, there is one peculiarity - the spokes on the hub should protrude somewhat outward of the wheel, and they are recessed at the rim. If you look from the end of the wheel, then they are installed at an angle (brow).

That is, on the workbench on which you will assemble the cart wheel, with a nail driven into the center of the future wheel, a string tied to it and a pencil attached to the other side, draw a circle. Diameter with the diameter of the future wheel.

You cut out the jambs, fold them so that they do not protrude beyond the dimensions of the circle. Since you do not have mass production, but a single one, it is best to use an electric jigsaw. The reach of his file is quite sufficient for sawing a thickness of 6 centimeters. It is from such boards that the wooden wheel rim is made.

For the final assembly of the cart wheel, you will need a steel tire. This is a shell made of a strip, the width of which is still the same 6 centimeters, and a thickness of about 5 millimeters.

It is best if it is a welded tire, with a reliable weld. You can use forged in the forge, if you can find one. The most extreme case - the strip is made by overlapping centimeters by 10 of its ends on top of each other and drilling holes (two or three). And their subsequent riveting.

Obtaining a tire shell with a perfect circumference is not an easy task. Most often, without heating with a gas burner and intensive work with a sledgehammer, this may not succeed.

The final step is to drill holes in the tire opposite the joints of the jambs. Their diameter should be about 12 millimeters, with countersinking holes. Then bolts (M10 or M12) are inserted through these holes. It is better if you find such with a countersunk head. Simple ones will also do, but then when driving not on a dirt road, their heads will produce not only a roar, but also a vibration of the cart from its bouncing.

The bolts are fastened from the side of the jambs with nuts through spacers (cages). The spacer resembles a U-shaped profile (with a bolt hole), which with its sides keeps the jambs from transverse displacement.

Sometimes grooves are made at the ends of the jambs into which spike plates are inserted, all from the same displacements.

When the entire wheel is assembled, then its fasteners should be thoroughly tightened. If it dries out, then it is useful to spill it with water. Then all the gaps will decrease, up to their complete disappearance.

The cast iron wheel hub needs to be lubricated periodically. Have you heard the expression "creaks like an unoiled cart"? Previously, tar was used, now other lubricants are used for this. Grease, grease, graphite grease, cyatim and the like. That is, the consistency is thicker.

If you were able to read all the material on wheels, then think about whether you can master all these operations with your own hands? The enterprises for the production of carts have specialized equipment, including turning, drilling, milling, jointing machines, presses, rollers, welding machines.

And most importantly - experience.

Previously, village peasants got along carts not in a week or two, but for more than a month, and in addition, together.

The same pressing of bushings, spokes and tires is a very troublesome business. And if you press it in badly, then in a week the wheel will loosen and not only will it creak, but it can also crumble.

We devoted a lot of time to the wheels, but it's worth it, because this is the most difficult part of the cart. Although today some manufacturers and cart owners prefer a completely different option, namely, they take ordinary wheels from a car or motorcycle and put them on a cart. According to rolling bearings.

It will already be a rubber-running cart. It does not rumble even on a cobblestone pavement or on a forest road-lezhnevka, when the tops of pines and firs (whips) are used as a coating, laid across the road.

And the price is practically comparable. Because ordering a cart wheel costs about 5 thousand rubles (if you don’t believe it, then look at the prices on the Internet), and an old wheel from a car or motorcycle costs not much more, if not less.

Advanced carters sometimes use brakes on carts. This applies to both carts with conventional wheels and rubber wheels. I will not paint, this is almost a complete analogue of the brakes of a bicycle-moto-car, which you can look at them.

The next important node is the axles of the cart. Since the track of the cart, that is, the distance between the wheels, is usually taken about a meter wide, the axle, respectively, should be longer by two half the width of the wheel hub, plus the protrusions of the axles for the dimensions of the hub.

Therefore, the total length of the axis should be about one and a half meters or somewhat less.

The axle diameter is made less than the inner diameter of the cast-iron hub bushing by about 5 millimeters. This backlash is enough.

In order for the wheel hub not to crawl along the axis either to the right or to the left, its movement is limited with outside with a conventional cotter pin inserted through a hole drilled in the axis. And on the other hand, the inner, bead or larger axle diameter, compared to the axle section located under the wheel hub.

Axis material - hardened steel. It is better when she marks St.40 - St.45. However, I don’t know all your capabilities, perhaps if you are going to make a cart yourself with your own hands, you can get a tank torsion shaft for the axle from Gorokhovets, which is not far from your city?

The rear axle of the cart is permanently attached to the frame (body) of the cart. With the help of clamps covering the axle and attached to the body of the cart. Or through through holes in the axis through which bolts are inserted with a diameter of at least 18 millimeters.

Previously, in general, the axles were made forged, now there are also those made from thick-walled pipes.

The front axle is made so that it can rotate around the said pin (pivot, core, trigger), which is located along the axis of the cart. The pin fits into two fixed washers. One washer is mounted on the body of the cart, the second on a wooden cross-beam, with an axle attached to it. Washers are periodically lubricated.

Structurally, the body of the cart itself is permanently connected to the rear axle. And the front axle is combined into one unit with a cross member on which two shafts are attached. Shafts have two degrees of freedom. That is, they can move freely up and down, as well as left and right.

Not endlessly, of course, but all the way to the body of the cart. To do this, they are attached to brackets resembling grips. In order to prevent the shafts from breaking during sharp turns and heavy loads, they are reinforced with so-called strands. The strands are ordinary wire (rolled wire) with a diameter of about 10-12 millimeters.

The strands are attached at one end to the shaft, the other - to the wooden cross member of the front axle.

If necessary, the front of the cart can be rolled out from under the cart itself. Why the front of the cart is raised above the front end so as to release the connecting vertical pin.

Do you want to make a cart with boards? The sides are different. Ordinary village carts, on which they carry hay-straw, have small inclined sides, assembled from four longitudinal poles, to which they are attached different ways vertically inclined slats (bars).

Front and rear - transverse poles about a meter long, also with slats. The front and rear sides are made removable or folding. To make it more convenient for the driver to sit in front and be able to transport long ones that are larger than the dimensions of the cart.

Sometimes a cart with sides has a slightly different configuration. A flooring is being constructed (from boards about 25 millimeters thick) up to 2/3 meters in size. Then, vertical boards up to 0.5 - 1 meter in size are sewn on all sides along the perimeter.

A few more points. Cart dimensions may vary. It is about 3 meters long, up to one and a half meters wide, and about 1.2 meters high. The length of the shaft is about 3 meters. The dimensions of the track and wheels were mentioned above. Load capacity ranges from 500 kilograms to 2 tons.

A very significant detail is that modern carts must be equipped with reflectors (reflectors). He himself almost had a chance to become a participant in an accident, when in pitch darkness he almost ran into a cart with a car.

And the last. Everything told is not the ultimate truth. Sample carts may differ significantly from the one described. After all, they do not have GOSTs and certificates.

If you are interested in cart sketches, then write. In winter, the coven, which I am lately, has more free time and you can visually depict the cart.

Good luck to you!

Other questions on the topic of carts and wagons.

The life of a modern rural resident is associated with housekeeping. And the horse, as the main assistant, still successfully competes with such a technical unit as a tractor. Harvesting hay, collecting milk, transporting building materials or simply moving off-road is not possible without a cart. It can be harnessed both by and lightly harnessed. This article will address a very important question - how to make a cart for a horse with your own hands.

A cart is a wagon to which cattle and horses are harnessed. Often the cart is called a horse-drawn cart. This type of transport has the full right to move on public roads, where the rules traffic this is not prohibited.

There are several types of carts for horses:

  1. dredge;
  2. shelves;
  3. cart.

Drogi is a cart without a body. As a rule, this is a fairly long wagon. Polok is a rather outdated name for a cart that has a flat floor and is used to transport large items. A cart is a small cart that has a seat, as well as goats - the place where the driver sits.


It should be noted that there are also decorative carts - carriages. Mainly used for walking, photography, etc.

The ride and the body are the main components of the cart for the horse. The move is all the elements of the mechanism that set the cart in motion. The body is the actual trailer or wagon and its components.


In the past, all elements of the cart were mostly wooden. Even the wheels were made of wood. Today, thanks to the great opportunities, many parts of the cart are made of metal.


The move consists of the following elements:

  1. Axles - front and rear. On each axle there are so-called bellows, which reinforce the axle.
  2. Wheels - two on the front axle and two on the rear. It should be noted that often the front wheels have a smaller radius relative to the rear wheels.
  3. Racks - front and rear - functionally serve as shock absorbers.
  4. Dissolution - an element that provides a connection between the axes. The dissolution is attached to the racks, on the one hand, tightly, on the other - with the possibility of adjustment, which allows you to change the length of the cart by changing the distance between the axles.
  5. Shafts are attached to the front axle.

Before you start making a cart with your own hands, you should decide for what purposes it will be used, since, for example, for harvesting hay, it is necessary to make cart elements from lumber, and the choice of wood will be important in this matter. Usually, well-dried hardwoods are used for these purposes. Pine is not suitable for this.

If the horse cart will be used mainly for the transportation of dimensional heavy loads, it is necessary to use durable materials, such as, for example, metal, etc. For self-manufacturing cart used for recreational purposes, you can use decorative materials such as plastic.

metal material

For an inventor who loves to make things with his own hands, it will not be difficult to answer the question: “How to make a cart for a horse”? This task is within the power of anyone who is willing to spend some time, think a little about the solution and find the necessary material, for example, items that are unnecessary in the household from a car, bicycle or old stroller.


An important point in this matter is the size of the cart. Our ancestors adhered to approximately the following dimensional ratio - the length of the cart is 3 m, the width is 1.5 m. The height can vary from 0.5 m to 0.7 m. You can trust the experience of the times and take such dimensions of the wagon as a basis.

  • The main load-bearing element of the future design is the frame. Due to the modern abundance of materials, it will be convenient to make a welded metal frame from a U-shaped profile. The frame consists of spars (longitudinal elements) and cross members. By the size of the frame profile, it is necessary to select and insert bars, to which, then, the flooring will be attached - the loading platform of the cart.

U-shaped frame
  • Racks are welded to the frame - front and rear. In turn, the upper turntable is welded to the front pillar (bottom), the lower turntable to the front axle (top). An oiled felt disc is placed between the turning circles. This whole structure works like a plain bearing when cornering.
  • The axles of the cart can be made of metal - a small diameter pipe is ideal. For these purposes, a wooden beam is also suitable. In this case, holes of sufficient length should be made at the ends of the beam into which the studs will be inserted. Washers are put on the axle, and the wheels are fixed on the studs with nuts.
  • The choice of wheels for the cart depends on the purpose for which the wagon will be used. Therefore, you can use wheels from an old bicycle, motorcycle or trailer that are unnecessary on the farm.

Wheel selection
  • Shafts are attached to the front axle of the cart.
  • Making a body is a process that directly depends on the imagination of the master. The most versatile is a cart in the form of a platform - for comfortable transportation of goods. The base can be equipped with folding sides, can be removable. If it is planned to transport passengers, it is possible to complete the structure with soft seats.