Do-it-yourself fish biting activators in summer. Description of Dry Blooder

The warm season, especially summer, is distinguished by the fact that there are a lot of different food for fish in the water, and it is in very well-fed and favorable conditions. In order for the effect of the activator to be noticeable, you will have to use fairly large portions of it. This is the only way to attract fish to the place of fishing.

But it is worth remembering one very good proverb that says that everything is fine if it is in moderation. Exactly the same can be said about the means of attracting the inhabitants of the rivers.

Too much activator can play a bad joke on the success of fishing. by the most the best option to determine the right amount of Fish Hungry, there will be an experimental way: start adding the substance in small portions to the bait, and do this until the bite reaches a normal level.

Biting activators or attractants are special additives that are put into the feed. It does not saturate the fish, but only awakens its appetite. This is a special group of substances that can lure fish to the place of fishing.

They can be divided into two types: those that lure fish and increase appetite, and those that lure, but do not cause a desire to seek food. Appearance is different. It can be prepared in the form of balls, tablets, or liquid.

The composition must include such ingredients as:

  • Vegetable oils;
  • aromatic additives;
  • Refuse;
  • Amino acids;
  • spices;
  • Pieces of animal food.

Also, very often different flavors are added, but very little. To feed the place where fishing is planned, an activator in the form of tablets is usually used. They fall to the bottom and, in the process, spray a scent around them that forces the fish to look for the place that has attracted attention and stay in place to look for food.

Stores sell a huge amount different types biting activators, which differ depending on the type of fish being hunted. But, it is much easier and cheaper to make an activator with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in the process itself, and the additives do not cost much.

In order to make your own biting activator, you first need to decide on the type of fish that will be hunted. After all, the use of certain ingredients depends on the desired production. Basically, any composition includes aromatic oils, flavors, pomace, spices, parts of the animal bait that the fish prefers.

First you need to decide on the form of the activator, the features of use depend on it. For example:

  • When making a liquid activator, you need to make it as fragrant as possible. Such an activator is treated with gear or added to the bait.
  • Dry or activator tablets are thrown directly into the water, in the place where fishing will be carried out. And if there is a strong current in the reservoir, then a little higher than the right place.

On sale you can find biting activators in various forms:

  • pills;
  • liquid means;
  • pellets or spools of various sizes and so on.

They are produced by both Russian companies and foreign ones. All of them are quite popular in our country. Of course, it is not at all necessary to purchase a bite activator in a store, you can make it yourself.

Important in this case:

  1. Ingredients (we will talk about it below).
  2. Form (if you make a liquid activator, you will need a good flavor).

An approximate step-by-step guide to preparing bait looks like this:

  • all ingredients of plant origin are collected (for example, corn kernels);
  • they are filled with water and infused for a long time (1-3 days);
  • the mixture is boiled for an hour in a metal bowl;
  • after cooling, various additives are added to the resulting porridge.

Flavors and additives depend on the type of fish that the fisherman plans to catch.

There are a huge number of recipes using natural flavors. After preparing the gruel, you can make small balls out of it or roll up thin sausages, and then cut them into small sticks.

Each fish has its own food preferences. For each species, you can create your own bite activator, given this factor. Rospotrebnadzor plans to ban the sale of activators, in which case the ability to attract fish on your own will be very useful.

For crucian

Crucian carp is one of the most capricious types of fish, the bite of which depends on a large number factors:

Crucian carp is a bottom fish, but it can often be caught near the surface not far from the shore. This fish feeds mainly on larvae and zooplankton, but all kinds of vegetation are also included in the diet.

As a bait, he prefers cereals, bread, all kinds of cereals (when using not corn, but wheat, semolina or pearl barley as a biting activator, it is better to steam them rather than boil them), worms, maggots and bloodworms.

When making a bite activator for crucian carp with your own hands, it would be nice to add natural components to it that have an attractive smell for crucian carp (a couple of pieces to choose from, no more):

  • cocoa;
  • garlic;
  • anise;
  • dill seeds, powdered;
  • vanillin.

The correct selection of baits and gear is the key to the future catch. For each period of the year, you need to use your nozzles and equipment.

Winter fishing

Moth box is an essential accessory for winter fishing. You can buy it or make it yourself.

For this you will need:

  • a piece of foam (optimal outer dimensions 80x50x40 mm);
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • stationery knife;
  • sandpaper.

Many experiment with baits, believing that a mixture made by oneself is the most effective, because its composition is obtained through experience and experimentation. Some anglers are in constant search. In addition, when they go to a pond, they have several types of bait with them at once, for example, bread mixed with vegetable oil or garlic dissolved in a jar of worms.

By the way, according to many, the last option is the most “correct” biting activator for crucian. When making a bait with his own hands, the angler needs to take into account several circumstances: the weather, the nature of the reservoir, the season, and much more, for example, the number of “neighbors” sitting nearby with a fishing rod.

The most common household activator is also dung worm, which is placed in a box containing mint for a while. So it becomes not only "clean", but also very attractive to crucian. In addition, crucian loves rye or black bread, which is mixed with one of his favorite flavors - garlic, vegetable oil, anise or vanilla.

In general, this fastidious and shy member of the carp family has several smells that he loves more than others. And first of all, it is the smell of vanilla, which attracts small and medium-sized carp more. At the same time, you should not be surprised if instead of the expected prey, a bream comes across on the hook: he loves this biting activator no less than his brother.

No less common baits are mixtures in which anise oil is added to semolina or bread crumb. At the same time, experienced fishermen do not recommend using such an activator in winter. Large specimens of crucian carp respond best to garlic, and when there is too sluggish bite, the use of hemp as bait will be an effective way out.

If the prey is hiding in the depths of a heavily overgrown reservoir, then you can lure it out of there with an activator such as dill added to the bait mixture. Potato chips also work well, however, large carps also swim on them.

Best Products

If you prefer not synthetic, but natural flavors, then you need to remember the rules for use:

  1. The dosage should be moderate, a large amount of activator can scare away the fish, and not attract.
  2. In spring, autumn and winter, add more animal components to the top dressing (bloodworm, worms, fish fat and so on).
  3. In the summer, give preference to bait based on plant ingredients.
  4. In extreme heat, odors spread more actively in the water, so during this period you need to reduce the dosage.
  5. The size and type of the water body also affects the activity of the fish. Therefore, for optimal fishing, it is recommended to interview local old-timer fishermen on how to optimally lure fish in this reservoir.

Quality flavors for fishing that combine everything beneficial features bite activators and demonstrate good results- These are products of well-known manufacturers.

It is necessary to use a self-prepared bite activator, adhering to certain rules.

They are developed taking into account climatic and seasonal conditions, as well as according to the behavior of the fish itself.

So the rules are:

  1. As little bite activator as possible, because if you overdo it, the effect will be the opposite.
  2. In autumn and winter, when the water temperature drops, the fish prefers more animal food (worms, bloodworms and fish oil can be added).
  3. During the summer and early fall, the amount of flavoring (whatever you use) should be reduced as warm water will activate these scents and they may scare away fish rather than attract them.
  4. You can not use a large number of flavors at the same time, one is enough, maximum two.
  5. Most fish species prefer sweet smells in spring and summer.

When using a bite activator for a beginner, it would be good to study in advance the habits of the fish that you want to hunt in the selected reservoir.

You can experiment, change the location and composition of the bait.

This is especially true when catching roach and pike, they are extremely careful and think through each of their actions well.

The best bite activators are those that fully satisfy the needs of the angler. And everyone's needs are different - some like to catch predatory fish, and some prefer to walk with float rod in search of carp. Therefore, it would be a bad idea to make any generalized rating of bite activators.

We decided to select only the most popular bite activators and consider each of them in more detail, and of course, leave a review from the site editors themselves (I fished using all the baits described below) and acquaint you with the reviews of the fishermen.

Today, 4 of the most popular bite activators fell under our scope, these are FishHungry (also called hungry fish), Fish XXL activator spray, Double Fish and the sensational bait Dynamite Effect. I think everyone has heard about them and want to know the whole truth.

Once again, I will make a reservation that all the activators in the rating have been personally tested by me and they work. You just need to choose the right bait for them, bait and apply under certain conditions.

FishHungry bite activator

FishHungry (Fish Hangry or hungry fish) is one of the best-selling fishing products. Almost all anglers have heard about it, but most have left negative feedback. And only a small part understood how to apply it correctly and respond positively.

This picture makes many fishermen wonder if FishHungry is a scam or not. I'll tell you right away: no. People who do not know how to use a hammer also shout that it is bad, but they are silent about the fact that their hands are crooked. I hope everyone understands what I mean.

With the right approach, following the instructions for use, the FishHungry bite activator works exactly as the manufacturers promise.

Currently, activators are presented in a wide range. Of all this diversity, the best can be distinguished:

  • Rybolov (Russia).
  • Sensas (France).
  • FishHungry (Italy).
  • MONDIAL-F (Belgium).
  • fish dream.

Each angler uses his bait. Some buy a bite activator in a store, paying quite a lot of money for it, others prefer to cook with their own hands.

However, there are some qualities that should characterize both factory-made and home-made mixtures. First, it is important for the activator that it can attract potential prey even from a sufficient distance.

The larger the area of ​​the reservoir, which will be covered by the active pheromone in the attractant mixture, the more likely it is to return home with a good catch.

Another feature is versatility. After all, it is convenient when you can use the same biting activator - for crucian carp, perch, in general, both for peaceful and predatory fish. At the same time, the effectiveness of the product should not be affected by such a versatile application.

Another feature of a quality bait is that it should not only attract prey to the bait point, but increase its appetite. After all, as you know, a hungry fish, having lost caution, begins to eat with greater greed, and therefore more likely to fall on the hook.

In addition, a good bite activator, which users leave feedback after use, should be practical, ready to use and environmentally friendly. The latter characteristic is especially important so that the substance used, contained in the mixture, does not have a negative impact on this reservoir and its inhabitants.

Of course, in the first place it is understood that it should not be dangerous and chemically aggressive.

For those who go to catch crucian carp in a wild pond, experts advise using mostly natural stimulants. However, if there is a strong pressure in the lake and there are few fish, besides, it is very cautious, an artificial biting activator will be needed.

Anyone, even a novice angler, can make this mixture with their own hands. In general, almost any method for stimulating crucian appetite gives very good results. And this is confirmed by the long practice of professionals who know firsthand what the excellent bite of this fish is and what can cause it.

Flavors and natural scents

All natural-based activators can create a scent that attracts the attention of fish. The flavor must either be placed in water separately, or added to the base. Fish also have their own taste and aroma preferences, which you need to remember when preparing the activator:

  1. Garlic - used for catching almost all types of predatory fish. Dosage - 2-3 large cloves (do not forget to chop).
  2. Turmeric - for roach (no more than 15 g).
  3. Cinnamon - for roach and bream (5-10 g).
  4. Thyme - for carp (about 10 g).
  5. Star anise - for catching all the main non-predatory fish (no more than 10 g).
  6. Coriander - for bream (10-15 g).

It is better to use natural flavors for filling, they are most liked by the fish and are not able to scare it.

The best smells for activators:

  • Star anise. It has a delicate aroma of anise and a slightly bitter taste. It is used to attract peaceful fish.
  • Turmeric. Most suitable for luring roach. It can be thrown during the heat.
  • Garlic. Can be used in almost any form: dried, grated, tincture. Dried garlic is used to attract carp and bream.
  • Basil. Will be effective for any type of fish.
  • Dill. Attracts many types of fish, especially those that live in silt.
  • Cinnamon. It is considered a universal remedy that works effectively at any time of the year and on any body of water. Very often it is added to the activator to attract roach and bream.
  • Thyme. It has the best effect on carp, especially effective when fishing in rivers.
  • Coriander. Suitable for bream fishing.

Also, very often use such aromas as:

  • Vanillin;
  • Nutmeg;
  • Cocoa;
  • Cardamom;
  • Carnation.

Earlier, we already indirectly touched on the topic of flavors in bite activators. They are always present. It is important to understand that the use of artificial additives is best limited if the fish is predatory.

A huge number of natural additives allows you to save on flavors from stores.

When choosing an attractant, it should be borne in mind that fish prefer natural odors.

Flavoring - application

In winter, you need to make every effort to lure the fish out of hiding.

At the same time, warm water is a period of experimentation, sometimes fish can begin to peck at even the most daring and unusual smells, such as kerosene, although one of the most versatile, working in most conditions, will be “fruity” and “sweet” aromas.

Dry flavors. Among them, the most popular and versatile are flavors with the smell of garlic and anise.

As for the application, dry flavors are added to the already moistened bait. The advantage of dry flavors is that they allow you to quickly attract fish from all over the area and at the same time not scare them off with a persistent smell, but unfortunately this effect will not last long.

Liquid flavors are added to the water that you will use when mixing the bait, they have a more persistent smell and last longer than dry flavors, although their radius of action is much less.

Many liquid flavors for catching fish are made on the basis of corn syrup, as a result, this flavor acts on the bait not only as an attractant (attractant is a synthetic or natural component that causes the surrounding creatures to move towards the smell), but also gives the bait a pleasant taste .

When adding this flavoring, it is important to remember that it also glues the bait a little. When alcohol-based flavors are added to the bait, only its smell changes in the bait, many anglers recommend using these flavors when fishing in cold water, but in hot weather they evaporate rather quickly and their effectiveness is reduced.

But oil-based flavors, it does not make sense to use in cold water, as they become viscous in it.

Dry, as well as liquid branded flavors, it is recommended to use at the rate of 250 gr (ml) per 6-8 kg of bait, depending on the competition of fishermen near you. It is important to remember that in cold water their content in the bait should be minimal and they should be used only if the bait in its pure form did not work.

Today in stores there is a huge selection of flavors presented by various manufacturers. Flavors are divided

Bait for carp

Carp is a desirable prey for many anglers. To lure this fish, you can prepare a fairly simple bite activator.

Cooking steps:

  • Pour about 200 ml of water into an iron pan, and add a few drops of any carp flavor to it.
  • Put the pot on the fire and wait until it boils.
  • After boiling water, you need to gradually pour semolina inside, mixing thoroughly. You need to pour until the mixture becomes like sour cream.
  • After that, turn off the fire and cover everything with a lid for a few minutes.
  • When everything has cooled, you need to take out the mixture and knead a little with your hands to increase the density.

Another recipe for an activator for crucian carp:

  • Half a glass of barley should be put in a small container and pour boiling water.
  • The container must be wrapped up so that the heat does not come out, and left for several hours.
  • After that, add one of these flavors to the resulting mixture: garlic, cocoa, vanillin, anise, dill.

First recipe:

  1. Pour water into a 200 ml iron container and add 2-3 drops of flavor. Bring to a boil.
  2. Pour semolina in a thin stream until a thick homogeneous mixture is obtained. Be sure to stir all the time.
  3. Remove from fire. The resulting porridge should mate within 5 minutes.
  4. The cooled porridge must be kneaded for 10 minutes to make it denser.

Second recipe:

  1. Pour one glass into a glass container of 0.5 liters pearl barley.
  2. Pour boiling water over.
  3. Cover the container with a lid and wrap well.
  4. Leave for 3-4 hours for the grains to swell. It is necessary to ensure that they do not turn into porridge.

Many fishermen prefer to make their own dips and liquid flavors due to the high cost of finished products. Some fishing enthusiasts even believe that most fish activators sold in stores have a placebo effect. Therefore, they try to make such "flavor enhancers" for bait and bait on their own.

It is not difficult to prepare fishing attractants with your own hands. The main thing is to know which ingredients to use, how best to mix them, etc. We will talk about this below. In addition, here are five recipes for making a do-it-yourself bite activator:

  • The easiest attractant any angler can make would require worms and mint leaves. Both of these ingredients are finely chopped and mixed together. A similar mixture can be added to complementary foods or soaked in it for baits such as barley and corn.
  • Grind 4-5 cloves of garlic in a garlic maker. Then pour it all with a couple of tablespoons of unrefined vegetable oil with a smell and mix thoroughly. You can also add finely chopped fresh or dried dill. A few drops of fish oil will also help.
  • Take 2-3 tbsp. spoons of sunflower or corn oil. Vanillin is added to it. Approximately two times less than oil. Then a teaspoon of honey. Great option enhanced flavoring for bait.
  • Quite a few recipes are based on the use of alcohol-containing products. For example, dried bloodworms, maggots, worms and any insect larvae are poured with a glass of alcohol. After that, such a solution is removed for 1-2 weeks in a dark place.
  • For another way to prepare the activator at home, you will need tea bags (fruit, green, black, etc.). They are filled with a small amount of boiling water. Then add sugar at the rate of 100 gr. for 0.5 l. The final stage is to pour a mixture of spices (cloves, cumin, cinnamon, etc.), cocoa or any factory flavors for baking into such a broth.

Don't be afraid to experiment. Use other ingredients when creating an activator for crucian carp with your own hands. The main thing is that all components are safe for aquatic life (without harmful substances) and have an attractive smell.

A good fishing attractant should in no case scare away crucian carp. Whereas you need to make sure that the fish can notice its aroma at a long distance.

This representative of the carp family is considered one of the most common fish in our country. It would seem that there is nothing easier than catching a crucian.

But this opinion is very subjective. Carp is considered a very capricious fish.

There are periods when he refuses to peck even at his favorite bait. That is why the bite activator for crucian carp is a rather urgent issue when fishing.

This carp must be baited so that it quickly finds the offered bait. At the same time, the bite activator for crucian carp, according to professional anglers, should not be as complex in its composition as, for example, its counterpart for bream.

In general, the gastronomic tastes of this fish change very often. Even for an hour, crucian carp may prefer several different baits. Therefore, when going hunting, the angler must be prepared for the changing appetite of the prey.

Various additives that stimulate the biting of fish have been used by our anglers for a long time. Starting from carp smells traditional for this representative, such as garlic, anise, vanillin, hemp, vegetable oil, and ending with the most complex "cocktails" made in an industrial way - everything increases the efficiency of hunting.

It is advisable to have various forms of bait at hand - both a powdered bite activator for crucian carp and a liquid one. All of them are ideal for adding to the bait mix. To independently make a bite activator with your own hands and find the most optimal taste and smell for crucian carp, you should experiment a lot.

bait for carp

Do-it-yourself corn preparation:

  1. Weed out small and immature grains.
  2. Pour corn into a container and fill with water. Soak 2-3 days.
  3. After soaking, cook for about one hour. It is important to watch and stir so that it does not turn into porridge.
  4. Set aside and let cool.

roach bait

Another way:

  • Pour 200 grams of flour into a small container and add one egg. Move everything carefully.
  • Pour in some milk and add a spoonful of honey.
  • You do not need to cook everything, after everything is thoroughly mixed, you need to form small balls.
  • Drop the balls into boiling water for a few minutes.
  • After cooling, you can grease with oil to make them more fragrant.

In the summer season, roach is mainly caught on dough or red worm.

Pike lure

It seems that biting activators in some cases can and should be used. Not much, but still they are able to improve the feeding activity of the pike. However, attractants should not be taken as a panacea for all ills. Even the manufacturers of such products themselves say that the task of the bite activators is only to make the indecisive fish grab the bait, as well as to attract its attention.

Trying to find the “key” to successful pike fishing is best by experimenting with:

  • color and type of bait;
  • wiring style;
  • the duration of pauses during winding;
  • drop points, etc.

If all else fails, then you can use the bite activator. After all, many anglers have repeatedly noticed that baits treated with attractants are more readily pursued by pike. So she can smell? Probably yes. But only not in those moments when it hides in shelters, lying in wait for its prey, but during active hunting.

The cost of many bite activators is very high. Therefore, some fishermen are thinking about how to make flavors for processing pike baits with their skillful hands. It is not difficult.

For example, they take dung worms, various snails (preferably from a reservoir, where it is mainly planned to catch), bloodworms. They are dried - just on the same newspaper. Then crushed and placed in a glass jar. Then soak in alcohol for about a week.

You can prepare yourself and attractant for pike in the form of a gel:

  1. We take 30-50 g of petroleum jelly, one or two spoons or capsules of fish oil (it is permissible to replace them with liquid flavor).
  2. Mix these ingredients thoroughly. You can use your hands or a fork.
  3. Add salt (teaspoon). Mix everything again.
  4. Fill the resulting gel into a syringe. Pike attractant is ready!

Pike are usually caught with artificial lures. appearance which look like small fish. The bite activator also does not hurt.

The recipe is very simple, it is suitable not only for attracting pike, but also any other predatory fish. You need to take a few fish oil capsules, pierce them so that the contents flow out. It must be mixed with petroleum jelly, and add a little salt.

There are a few simple recipes:

  1. In equal proportions, you need to mix dried bloodworms, worms and snails. Before that, all the ingredients must be crushed into powder. All this is poured with alcohol, and infused for at least a week.
  2. Finely chopped dill, cloves and garlic are mixed with anise and cinnamon. The resulting mixture must be poured with alcohol, and infused for several weeks, placed in a dark and cool place.

The activator turns out to be liquid, and it does not need to be poured into water, just before casting, you can put a few drops on the bait, or simply lower it into a container with an activator.

The bite activator is simply irreplaceable in order to lure the fish and make them bite. Its main feature is that the fish is not saturated with it, and its aroma makes it look for food, which is bait.

There are a huge number of bite activators, you can buy them in a store or make them yourself. The process itself is very simple, and most of the ingredients can be found in your kitchen.

Every fisherman knows that bait alone is not enough for successful fishing, good tackle and the ability to use them. Many use various baits so that the fish become more active and the bite improves. Many professionals recommend the use of bite activators.

It is especially relevant in the cool season, when the fish is hiding, and you need to use all the tricks to lure them out.

Do-it-yourself bite activator

Biting activators or attractants are special additives that are put into the feed. It does not saturate the fish, but only whets her appetite. This is a special group of substances that can lure fish to the place of fishing.

They can be divided into two types: those that lure fish and increase appetite, and those that lure, but do not cause a desire to seek food. Appearance is different. It can be prepared in the form of balls, tablets, or liquid.

The composition must include such ingredients as:

  • Vegetable oils;
  • aromatic additives;
  • Refuse;
  • Amino acids;
  • spices;
  • Pieces of animal food.

Also, very often add different flavors, but not much. To feed the place where fishing is planned, an activator in the form of tablets is usually used. They fall to the bottom and, in the process, spray a scent around them that forces the fish to look for the place that has attracted attention and stay in place to look for food.

The stores sell a huge number of different types of bite activators, which differ depending on the type of fish that is being hunted. But, it is much easier and cheaper to make an activator with your own hands. There is nothing complicated in the process itself, and the additives do not cost much.

Natural scents for activators

It is better to use natural flavors for filling, they are most liked by the fish and are not able to scare it.

The best smells for activators:

  • star anise. It has a delicate aroma of anise and a slightly bitter taste. It is used to attract peaceful fish.
  • Turmeric. Most suitable for luring roach. It can be thrown during the heat.
  • Garlic. Can be used in almost any form: dried, grated, tincture. Dried garlic is used to attract carp and bream.
  • Basil. Will be effective for any type of fish.
  • Dill. Attracts many types of fish, especially those that live in silt.
  • Cinnamon. It is considered a universal remedy that works effectively at any time of the year and on any body of water. Very often it is added to the activator to attract roach and bream.
  • Thyme. It has the best effect on carp, especially effective when fishing in rivers.
  • Coriander. Suitable for bream fishing.

Also, very often use such aromas as:

  • Vanillin;
  • Nutmeg;
  • Cocoa;
  • Cardamom;
  • Carnation.

Experienced anglers say that strawberry, walnut, caramel flavors are very effective. Also, oils have proven themselves: secluded, aniseed, sunflower.

How to make an activator with your own hands?

In order to make your own biting activator, you first need to decide on the type of fish that will be hunted. After all, the use of certain ingredients depends on the desired production. Basically, any composition includes aromatic oils, flavors, pomace, spices, parts of the animal bait that the fish prefers.

First you need to decide on the form of the activator, the features of use depend on it. For example:

  • In the manufacture of liquid activator you need to make it as fragrant as possible. Such an activator is treated with gear or added to the bait.
  • Dry or activator tablets thrown directly into the water, in the place where the fishing will be carried out. And if there is a strong current in the reservoir, then a little higher than the right place.

Flavoring - Application

In winter, you need to make every effort to lure the fish out of hiding.

Therefore, for winter fishing it is better to use flavors such as:

  • Anise;
  • Strawberry;

With a bite activator using such flavors, you can smear the moth box or add a little to the bait itself.

In the summer, you can use many flavors, very popular such as:

The fragrance is easy enough to make yourself. For example, to make a fruity smell, you need to pour a few tablespoons of the concentrate into a liter of water. Put on fire and bring to a boil, wait 15 minutes, turn off and leave until cool. It can even be poured into bait.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. . Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.
You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading my other materials on the site.

For bream fishing, you need to use flavors such as:

  • Vanilla
  • Strawberry or any fruit flavors

It is best to use vanilla, the bream loves it very much, so the bite will be good. Also, sweet fruity flavors are often used. Such flavors can even be used for fishing in fast-flowing rivers. The smell will spread, which will attract more individuals.

Stages of preparation of the biting activator for bream:

Bait for carp

Carp is a desirable prey for many anglers. To lure this fish, you can prepare a fairly simple bite activator.

Cooking steps:

  • Pour about 200 ml of water into an iron pan, and add a few drops of any carp flavor to it.
  • Put the pot on the fire and wait until it boils.
  • After boiling water, you need to gradually pour semolina inside, mixing thoroughly. You need to pour until the mixture becomes like sour cream.
  • After that, turn off the fire and cover everything with a lid for a few minutes.
  • When everything has cooled, you need to take out the mixture and knead a little with your hands to increase the density.

Another recipe for an activator for crucian carp:

  • Half a glass of barley should be put in a small container and pour boiling water.
  • The container must be wrapped up so that the heat does not come out, and left for several hours.
  • After that, add one of these flavors to the resulting mixture: garlic, cocoa, vanillin, anise, dill.

Now only I bite!

I caught this pike with a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and looking for excuses for your bad luck! It's time to change everything!!! The best bite activator of 2018! Made in Italy...

To prepare a bite activator for carp, you need:

roach bait

To prepare the bite activator for roach, you need to prepare the dough:

Another way:

  • Pour 200 grams of flour into a small container and add one egg. Move everything carefully.
  • Pour in some milk and add a spoonful of honey.
  • You do not need to cook everything, after everything is thoroughly mixed, you need to form small balls.
  • Drop the balls into boiling water for a few minutes.
  • After cooling, you can grease with oil to make them more fragrant.

Pike are usually caught with artificial lures that look like small fish. The bite activator also does not hurt.

The recipe is very simple, it is suitable not only for attracting pike, but also any other predatory fish. You need to take a few fish oil capsules, pierce them so that the contents flow out. It must be mixed with petroleum jelly, and add a little salt.

There are some simple recipes:

  1. in equal proportions you need to mix dried bloodworms, worms and snails. Before that, all the ingredients must be crushed into powder. All this is poured with alcohol, and infused for at least a week.
  2. Finely chopped dill, cloves and garlic are mixed with anise and cinnamon. The resulting mixture must be poured with alcohol, and infused for several weeks, placed in a dark and cool place.

The activator turns out to be liquid, and it does not need to be poured into water, just before casting, you can put a few drops on the bait, or simply lower it into a container with an activator.

The bite activator is simply irreplaceable in order to lure the fish and make them bite. Its main feature is that the fish is not saturated with it, and its aroma makes it look for food, which is bait. There are a huge number of bite activators, you can buy them in a store or make them yourself. The process itself is very simple, and most of the ingredients can be found in your kitchen.

How long have you had a really BIG CATCH?

When was the last time you caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes/carps/breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to be honest, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!

Today, bite activators have become extremely popular. They can be found in any fishing store, thus feeding the fish. In fact, the bite activator is a specialized bait, and even professionals note that it has proven itself well. Is it possible to make a bite activator yourself? Yes, it is possible, you just need to understand what exactly can attract fish.

Do-it-yourself bite activator: a step-by-step guide

On sale you can find biting activators in various forms:

  • pills;
  • liquid means;
  • pellets or spools of various sizes and so on.

They are produced by both Russian companies and foreign ones. All of them are quite popular in our country. Of course, it is not at all necessary to purchase a bite activator in a store, you can make it yourself.

Important in this case:

  1. Ingredients (we will talk about it below).
  2. Form (if you make a liquid activator, you will need a good flavor).

An approximate step-by-step guide to preparing bait looks like this:

  • all ingredients of plant origin are collected (for example, corn kernels);
  • they are filled with water and infused for a long time (1-3 days);
  • the mixture is boiled for an hour in a metal bowl;
  • after cooling, various additives are added to the resulting porridge.

Flavors and additives depend on the type of fish that the fisherman plans to catch.

There are a huge number of recipes using natural flavors. After preparing the gruel, you can make small balls out of it or roll up thin sausages, and then cut them into small sticks.

Each fish has its own food preferences. For each species, you can create your own bite activator, given this factor. Rospotrebnadzor plans to ban the sale of activators, in which case the ability to attract fish on your own will be very useful.

For crucian

Carp is one of the most capricious types of fish, the bite of which depends on a large number of factors:

Crucian carp is a bottom fish, but it can often be caught near the surface not far from the shore. This fish feeds mainly on larvae and zooplankton, but all kinds of vegetation are also included in the diet. As a bait, he prefers cereals, bread, all kinds of cereals (when using not corn, but wheat, semolina or pearl barley as a biting activator, it is better to steam them rather than boil them), worms, maggots and bloodworms.

When making a bite activator for crucian carp with your own hands, it would be nice to add natural components to it that have an attractive smell for crucian carp (a couple of pieces to choose from, no more):

  • cocoa;
  • garlic;
  • anise;
  • dill seeds, powdered;
  • vanillin.

Additionally, you can add finely chopped parts of plants such as calamus, reed, cattail, if they are at hand.

The bite activator should be rolled into small balls or used in bulk.

Carp does not like large pieces.

For roach

Roach can be caught all year round, especially well she pecks in early spring before spawning. This cautious, but very valuable fish for a fisherman, can reach two kilograms in weight, however, most often there are specimens no more than 500 grams.

As food, he likes to collect insect larvae, caddis flies from the bottom, and hunts for bloodworms. In summer, greens are also included in her diet.

You can prepare a bite activator for roach in various ways.

For example, in winter period often famous for simple breadcrumbs scattered on the surface of the water.

In spring and summer, the activator must contain:

  1. Feed bloodworm in sufficient quantity.
  2. Breadcrumbs (can be replaced with sweet biscuits, grain bran).
  3. Soil from a pond.

The bait should not scare away the fish either with bright smells or with its appearance. It would be nice to create turbidity in the pond. The bite activator will gradually sink to the bottom, attracting larger specimens of roach.

Smells that attract roach:

  • garlic (needs to be rubbed);
  • coriander;
  • nettle;
  • caraway;
  • thyme;
  • chocolate;
  • almond.

Experiments are always welcome.

For carp

Carp is a sweet tooth, which, unlike roach, does not like fine food.

The gruel for the bite activator will need to be steamed, not boiled.

Both sugar and honey can be added as a sweetener.

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

Carp is a rather large fish, it rarely bites in spring, but in summer and warm autumn it becomes more active. Of all the fish species, it is the carp that is the most voracious and unpretentious in food. This quality is used in the manufacture of a do-it-yourself bite activator. It can be prepared from both corn and peas (green is welcome), the addition of undercooked potatoes will only enhance the effect.

The main secret of the bait is that the bite activator is made finely dispersed, and the bait is quite large.

There are two types of bait:

As flavorings you can use:

  • garlic;
  • thyme.

For pike

- Predatory and large fish. Spinning and are often used to catch it. After spawning, the bite is especially good.

It feeds on various fish (including large ones), frogs, crayfish, shells, worms and sometimes plants. The use of a pike bite activator must be careful not to frighten it off with too much food.

Sometimes it is appropriate to feed not the pike itself, but the fish that is its food:

  1. Carp.
  2. Roach.
  3. perch.

As flavorings, you can choose one or two, but not more.

The use of artificial additives for this fish is not recommended.

Additionally, a small fish scattered over the surface of the water is used as an activator.

Flavors and natural scents

Earlier, we already indirectly touched on the topic of flavors in bite activators. They are always present. It is important to understand that the use of artificial additives is best limited if the fish is predatory.

Liquid flavors can be used by purchasing them in advance at the store, but fishermen who make their own bite activators prefer to use natural additives:

A huge number of natural additives allows you to save on flavors from stores.

Features of a good activator

It is necessary to use a self-prepared bite activator, adhering to certain rules.

They are developed taking into account climatic and seasonal conditions, as well as according to the behavior of the fish itself.

So the rules are:

  1. As little bite activator as possible, because if you overdo it, the effect will be the opposite.
  2. In autumn and winter, when the water temperature drops, the fish prefers more animal food (worms, bloodworms and fish oil can be added).
  3. During the summer and early fall, the amount of flavoring (whatever you use) should be reduced as warm water will activate these scents and they may scare away fish rather than attract them.
  4. You can not use a large number of flavors at the same time, one is enough, a maximum of two.
  5. Most fish species prefer sweet smells in spring and summer.

When using a bite activator for a beginner, it would be good to study in advance the habits of the fish that you want to hunt in the selected reservoir.

You can experiment, change the location and composition of the bait.

This is especially true when catching roach and pike, they are extremely careful and think through each of their actions well.

Alternative: electronic bait

An experienced fisherman knows that when using an activator there is always a danger of overfeeding the fish. That is why electronic baits appeared on the market. They are a cylindrical device powered by a charger.

It works in this way: getting into the reservoir, the bait begins to vibrate, make sounds and glow. Thus, it affects the fish.

Any predator will be attracted by the vibration and unusual fluctuations.

When using, you need to consider:

  • the depth of the reservoir at the place of fishing;
  • type of fish;
  • other device data specified in the instructions.

Of course, not all fishermen appreciated the latest device. Its cost is not very high, and everyone can try to benefit from the use. However, a bite activator is a great way to attract fish, it's important to use it in moderation.

The use of attractants is a good method for attracting the attention of fish. This way is not new and has been used for many years. Modern shops for fans fishing offer a huge selection of branded products for catching carp, pike or carp.

All this, of course, is good, but is it worth spending money if you can successfully prepare a bite activator yourself? So, do-it-yourself attractants for fishing: everything you need to know about them.

Fish loves natural smells and this must be taken into account when preparing attractants. Consider the most "delicious" ingredients.

Of course, the list does not end there. Cardamom, vanillin, musk, cocoa, honey, cloves, factory flavors for baking will perfectly cope with the role of activators. It is noted that flavorings "strawberry", "tutti frutti", "caramel", "nut", "creamy" enjoy 100% success. See below for how to cook them.

Fish respond well to oils. In particular, anise, dill, linseed and sunflower. From what is in the pharmacy, camphor alcohol, valerian drops, Asterisk balm, fish oil are useful. Just add a little bit to the baits and you will see that the number of fish caught will increase significantly.

We prepare attractants with our own hands

Let's start with the simplest - with flavors. For 1 liter of water, you need 4 tablespoons of baking flavor. Stir well, put on low heat and wait for it to boil. Wait another 15 minutes, and then boldly turn off the stove. The flavored additive that can be added to the bait is ready.

The bait with a pronounced smell of garlic is prepared as follows. Pass 4-5 cloves of garlic through the garlic press. Mix with 2 tsp. any oil. Mix and let stand for 30-40 minutes.

When choosing an attractant, you must consider who it is designed for. The tastes of fish are different, which means that they will have to be lured in different ways.

Let's cook bait for carp. Pour a handful of barley with boiling water and wrap. Wait until the cereal swells. This usually takes 3 hours. Then add one of the following: cocoa, garlic, crushed dill seeds, anise, vanillin.

carps- known sweet tooth, which means that the bait should be sweetish. Select corn kernels - remove unripe and small ones. Fill with hot water. Leave for 2 hours. Then cook, stirring constantly, for about 50-60 minutes. Add sugar or honey.

Here is a simple recipe attractant for predatory fish. Pierce one fish oil capsule with a needle. Mix the contents with petroleum jelly (about 30 grams). Add 1 tsp. salt. All. Simple, fast and efficient.

There are also universal flavors that will work no matter what kind of fish you catch.

Recipe number 1. Mix in equal proportions crushed and dried bloodworms, worms and snails. Pour the resulting powder with a glass of alcohol and insist in a dark, cool place for a week.

Recipe number 2. Mix anise, cinnamon, dill, cloves and garlic. Fill with alcohol and leave in a dark place for 3 weeks. Dip the bait in the attractant right before casting.

Recipe number 3. Take 6 flavored tea bags (strawberry, apple, cinnamon or any other), pour boiling water over it and add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Then add hemp oil, soy sauce or ketchup (one thing) - 1 tablespoon. Leave for half an hour, then strain. The solution is used to soak the bait.

How to use bite activators correctly

Before you start fishing with "home" attractants, remember a few important rules.

  1. know the measure. An excess amount of attractant causes the opposite effect - the fish will not swim close to you;
  2. in the hot season, the amount of the activator decreases, because. In warm water, odors spread much faster. In winter, attractants insist on alcohol, in summer - on glycerin and oil;
  3. in spring and summer, fish prefer sweet flavors. In autumn and winter - animal origin (dry blood, crushed worms, fish oil, bloodworms);
  4. For the best effect, combine 2-3 flavors. Try to change compositions from time to time;
  5. so that the predatory fish has time to feel the bait, make long pauses during the wiring.

As you can see, it is not difficult to prepare biting activators for fishing with your own hands. A little time and patience and the result will not keep you waiting. Good luck!

Video: self-production of a biting activator for crucian, carp, roach

For fishing to be successful, you need to feed. As a top dressing, you can use special substances, which are called biting activators. There are activators based on both natural and synthetic components.

What is a bite activator

Activators are substances that fishermen use to lure fish. In total there are two types of bite activators:

  1. Attractants. They lure fish with scent. Usually extracts and extracts are used as attractants, which are obtained from internal organs animals as well as from plants. Available in the form of feed, aerosols and liquids.
  2. Flavorings. Lure fish with taste. By irritating the taste buds, they stimulate the fish's appetite. Most often, amino acids, which are extracted from plants, are used as flavors. Produced in the form of feed. Also, plants can act as natural flavors - garlic, wheat, rye, onions, cocoa, cake of various plants, mint, thyme, and so on.

By origin, attractants and flavors are natural And synthetic. Synthetics are usually produced as a powder or thick liquid. There are also aerosol activators that can be sprayed directly on the bait. The range of the activator depends on the substances of which it is composed, but usually the range is about 100 meters.

Attention! Synthetic activators are not recommended for luring predatory fish.

Activators usually do not side effects in case of compliance with the dosage. The only major drawback is the fact that not all activators are universal, and the same activator can lure some fish (eg herbivores) and scare away others (eg predators). Therefore, before use, you must read the instructions. Consider several popular activators for fish that are on the Russian market:

  1. Fish XXL. It is used for catching all major types of non-predatory fish, and it can be used on any water bodies. It is completely natural, and it contains elephant garlic, hemp oil, kaffir lime, squid protein and some other components. Well suited for catching carp, bream, crucian carp, pike, roach and so on.
  2. Double fish. It is a synthetic biting activator that can be used on any water bodies at any time of the year. The main active ingredient is the pheromone albumin, which attracts fish with its strong smell. It is available as a cream and powder for dilution. Suitable for luring non-predatory fish - carp, crucian carp, roach and so on.


The activator is used to improve fish bite. It can be prepared from natural ingredients, or you can buy it ready-made in a specialized store. Substances such as garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, thyme, etc. can be used as a natural activator. In general, an activator is used as follows:

  1. Prepare the base for bait. To catch non-predatory fish, cook corn or millet porridge in unsalted water (about 100-200 g).
  2. If you are using store-bought activator in powder - dilute it in water according to the instructions (the dosage is indicated on the package). If you are using natural ingredients - grind them with a knife (dosage - 10-20 g of the additive per 100 g of the base).
  3. Add an activator to the base and good stir the mixture.
  4. Before catching fish, do it yourself from a mixture small balls. Throw half the balls immediately into the water, and throw the remaining balls one at a time every 10-20 minutes.

Attention! To catch predatory fish, you do not need to prepare the base, but you need to lure it directly with activators.


Carp is a common River fish, which can be caught from the surface of the reservoir and from the bottom. Crucian carp is a rather capricious fish, and its activity is affected by the season, the number of other fish, diet, etc. It feeds on insects, zooplankton and vegetation. For catching crucian carp, you can use activators of both plant and animal origin. Most often, the following components are used for bait:

  • as a basis- bread, various cereals (barley, semolina, wheat, and so on), as well as worms, maggots and bloodworms;
  • as additional additives- honey, garlic, cocoa, anise, dill seeds, vanillin, calamus, crushed cane.

Feeding should be done in small portions or in bulk., because crucian prefers small elements. If any component is large (for example, cane), then before preparing the mixture, it must be finely chopped.


Roach is a medium-sized fish that is recommended to be caught in spring and summer. Usually roach feeds on insects and greens. The roach activator is made from the following components:

  • as a basis- various cereals, bloodworms, small insects and larvae, breadcrumbs, cookies, grains, bran, soil from a reservoir;
  • as odorous components- garlic, coriander, nettle, cumin, thyme, chocolate, almonds.

Bait is also recommended to be done in small portions or in bulk. Lower the food for the fish into the water carefully so as not to frighten it. Feeding ingredients must be good, as poor quality ingredients will scare away roaches.


Pike is a predatory fish, so you need to use the meat of other fish or animals to lure it. Pike are well caught only after spawning, while fishing in other periods is not very effective. For baiting pike, you do not need to make a base of porridge, because the pike will not eat plant components. You need to feed this fish directly with activators:

  • worms;
  • bloodworm;
  • crustacean meat;
  • carp, roach or perch meat;
  • pork or chicken meat.

If meat is used to bait pike, then it must be cut into small pieces. The meat must be raw. If you use meat of animal origin as bait, then it is recommended to additionally color it red with dyes (for example, you can boil peeled beets and add meat there for a few minutes). The optimal amount of meat is 50-100 g (if the reservoir is very large, the dosage can be increased by 1.5-2 times).

Worms and bloodworms need to be prepared in advance:

  1. Dry bloodworms and worms in a dry, warm place (dosage 20-30 g of dry matter per 100-200 g of alcohol).
  2. Cut them with a knife into small pieces.
  3. Place the fragments in 100-200 g of alcohol for 5-7 days.

Attention! Pike loves only natural ingredients, so it is not recommended to buy synthetic activators for catching it.

Flavors based on natural scents

All natural-based activators can create a scent that attracts the attention of fish. The flavor must either be placed in water separately, or added to the base. Fish also have their own taste and aroma preferences, which you need to remember when preparing the activator:

  1. Garlic - used for catching almost all types of non-predatory fish. Dosage - 2-3 large cloves (do not forget to chop).
  2. Turmeric - for roach (no more than 15 g).
  3. Cinnamon - for roach and bream (5-10 g).
  4. Thyme - for carp (about 10 g).
  5. Star anise - for catching all the main non-predatory fish (no more than 10 g).
  6. Coriander - for bream (10-15 g).

Features of a good activator

If you prefer not synthetic, but natural flavors, then you need to remember the rules of application:

  1. The dosage should be moderate, a large amount of activator can scare away the fish, and not attract.
  2. In spring, autumn and winter, add more animal ingredients (bloodworms, worms, fish oil, and so on) to the top dressing.
  3. In the summer, give preference to bait based on plant ingredients.
  4. In extreme heat, odors spread more actively in the water, so during this period you need to reduce the dosage.
  5. The size and type of the water body also affects the activity of the fish. Therefore, for optimal fishing, it is recommended to interview local old-timer fishermen on how to optimally lure fish in this reservoir.

Electronic lure

Today, electronic bait is also on sale. It is a small cylindrical device that is placed in the water while fishing. The device consists of a battery and an electronic microcircuit, which can generate acoustic vibrations and light, which can attract the attention of fish.

Usually, predatory fish react to electronic bait, while the reaction of other inhabitants of water bodies to such a bait is rather weak. There are a large number of electronic baits on sale, but in design and functionality they differ slightly from each other.

Useful video

To catch a lot of fish, you need to feed. You can lure fish with garlic, porridge, worms, maggots, bread, and so on. You also need to remember that for catching predatory fish you need to use bait based on components of animal origin. You can also buy a synthetic bite activator or electronic lure in the store.

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Zoologist, hydrobiologist. Graduated from Leningrad State University named after Zhdanov, Faculty of Biology and Soil. I am a professional fisherman.