Materials. Love and memory without directives

Ivan Kharitonovich Romazan was one of the country's leading metallurgists. Hero of Socialist Labor, holder of two orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, laureate of the State Prize and the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Honored Metallurgist of the RSFSR. From 1985 to 1991 worked as director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK).

The time in which I. Kh. Romazan was formed as a person and worked is called the era of socialism. This is the period of the country's formation as an industrial power (in which Magnitogorsk played a big role). In those years Special attention devoted to the training of leading personnel from the proletarian environment.

I. Kh. Romazan was born into a working-class family. N. I. Skuridin, deputy head of the workshop for the preparation of MMK trains, recalls: “He devoted himself to work, lived it. which he grew up ... ".

"I was born under the fence of the plant," Ivan Kharitonovich often said, being the director of MMK. Indeed, at that time the plant was already operating as an enterprise with a complete metallurgical cycle: in 1934, the year of Romazan's birth, the first rolling products were produced at the enterprise.

After graduating from school, Ivan Romazan entered the Magnitogorsk Industrial College. Having successfully completed it, he began his career as a foreman, and then as a dispatcher of the train preparation shop at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. For a number of years he led the Komsomol organization of the workshop.

From 1960 to 1965 in the direction of the plant, Romazan studied at the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, where he was repeatedly elected chairman of the student trade union committee.

After graduating from the institute, Ivan Kharitonovich returned to his native team of the training workshop for the position of deputy head of the workshop for everyday life. Lively interest in the case, the desire to prove themselves more widely than envisaged job description, could not go unnoticed. After some time, he was appointed deputy head of the supply department, then - deputy head of the production department of MMK.

In 1973, I. Kh. Romazan received a new appointment - the chief steel smelter of the plant. Thanks to his great organizational and creative work in all departments of the plant and, first of all, in steelmaking, the issues of ensuring the high quality of steel ingots in the conditions of open-hearth production were successfully resolved. In 1975, I. Kh. Romazan was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the USSR "for outstanding achievements in work to accelerate the development of design capacities in metallurgy."

According to the memoirs of the Minister of Metallurgy of the USSR S. V. Kolpakov, by the end of the 1970s. At the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant in the Sverdlovsk Region, relations between the heads of various levels of enterprise management became aggravated, and, despite their frequent change, it was not possible to achieve high-performance work at the plant. By the beginning of 1980, an emergency situation had developed in Nizhny Tagil. The USSR Ministry of Metallurgical Industry decided to appoint I. Kh. Romazan to the post of chief engineer of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works. In four years, he managed to bring the company out of stagnation, to achieve a significant increase in production.

In 1984, I. Kh. Romazan returned to Magnitogorsk as chief engineer of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In 1985, the ministry decided on the appointment of a new director of MMK. There were no doubts about the candidacy - I. Kh. Romazan became it.

Of course, Ivan Kharitonovich took a worthy place in his native team. His authority was indisputable. Gradually, the plant again began to increase the rate of production growth. It was during Romazan's tenure as director of MMK that the plant smelted record number steel - more than 16 million tons.

In the second half of the 1980s. perestroika began in the national economy of the country. It was necessary to fit into the new economic relations. At the government level, it was decided to conduct an economic experiment at the plant. After two years of work in the new conditions, MMK was among the first in the industry to be transferred to full cost accounting and self-financing. The time has come for the organization of rental, joint-stock forms of management, the introduction the latest technologies steel smelting, in particular, the converter method. The director was faced with the problem of building and commissioning an oxygen-converter shop (BOF).

The idea to build a CCC appeared at the plant back in 1975. Even the corresponding resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued. But its implementation was constantly delayed due to lack of funds. Changes began only in 1985, when the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a decree on the reconstruction of MMK's steel production and the commissioning of a new oxygen-converter shop and related facilities.

Despite the increasingly difficult economic situation in the country, Romazan managed to complete the construction, and this required a huge effort, diplomacy, wisdom, all that ultimately leads to a positive result. In 1990, converter steel was produced for the first time at MMK. It was big win. The commissioning of the CCC makes it possible to gradually decommission open-hearth furnaces and other environmentally polluted facilities of the enterprise.

Excursion of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the SED, Chairman of the State Council of the GDR E. Honecker (right) through the shops of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. 1989

Excursion of the General Secretary of the SED Central Committee, Chairman of the State Council of the German Democratic Republic E. Honecker (right) to the shops of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. 1989

Romazan Ivan Kharitonovich at the May Day demonstration. Magnitogorsk. 1978

At the May Day demonstration. Magnitogorsk. 1978

I.Kh. Romazan contributed to the implementation of important and effective proposals for new production technologies, such as increasing the volume of cast steel through a tundish, improving the quality of cold-rolled sheets, etc. In addition, the director himself showed himself to be a creatively thinking engineer. His articles have been published in many technical publications.

If we talk about what the plant "acquired" during the time when it was headed by I.Kh. Romazan, then this is a rather impressive list of innovations: six blast furnaces were overhauled with elements of modernization; in two open-hearth shops, steel pouring through an intermediate ladle was introduced. A technology has been introduced for purging liquid steel with argon in steel-pouring ladles through slide gates. In the rolling production, the reconstruction of blooming No. 3, mill 1450 was carried out; introduced a technology for producing tape for bonding masks of colored telescopes. The production of more than 70 rolled profiles has been mastered.

Time prompted the need to develop other ways of developing the plant in the new conditions. Relations with foreign countries have significantly expanded, active cooperation with foreign firms has begun with the aim of reconstructing the plant's production facilities.

Ivan Kharitonovich paid a lot of attention to solving social issues. To successfully solve the housing problem, the necessary material base has been created: brick and reinforced concrete factories have been built. Intensive housing construction began. The director's plans included the transfer of apartments already furnished to metallurgists. For this they built furniture factory using Yugoslav technology.

The work of subsidiary farms has become more active. Began to introduce facilities for the processing of meat and dairy products. Purchased equipment for breweries.

Much attention was paid to health care. Eight million dollars (an unprecedented figure at that time) was allocated by the director of MMK for the purchase of equipment for the diagnostic center of the medical unit of the plant, dental and kidney centers. The construction of the ice palace continued, which was later named after I. Kh. Romazan.

In the late 1990s, when destructive processes began in the country, the food supply deteriorated sharply. Magnitogorsk has not bypassed these problems either. Ivan Kharitonovich used every opportunity to purchase food, clothing, manufactured goods for the workers of the plant.

Under the leadership of Ivan Kharitonovich, the plant worked steadily in the 1990s, when the national economy began to decline. One can only guess what efforts it cost him to achieve positive results in the conditions of the impending devastation, the rupture of economic ties, and the crisis of power. The will of the general director of MMK, who rallied the working team around him, did not allow the plant to be destroyed, to stop production. The plant lived, remaining the flagship of the country's metallurgy.

Ivan Kharitonovich Romazan died on July 27, 1991 in his office from a heart attack. L. G. Stobbe, the former first secretary of the city committee of the CPSU, who knew Ivan Kharitonovich well, recalls: “He reacted painfully to everything that was happening in the country and was very afraid that perestroika would destroy the country and his native plant ... It was such a sensitive soul. His vulnerable heart could not bear such a prospect."

In the memory of the townspeople, I. Kh. Romazan remained the "people's director." One of the secondary schools in the city bears his name, where there is a museum dedicated to this remarkable man. International hockey competitions in memory of I. Kh. Romazan are held annually in Magnitogorsk. In 1992, a subsidiary company, JSC Romazan, was established in the Nakhodka commercial port, founded by the commercial port of Nakhodka, the Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk metallurgical plants, and the Canadian company Metko. In 1999, through the efforts of the employees of the museum of OJSC "MMK" and at the expense of the plant, a book of memoirs about Ivan Kharitonovich was published as a man of honor and selfless service to Magnitogorsk.

Ivan Kharitonovich Romazan was one of the country's leading metallurgists. Hero of Socialist Labor, holder of two orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, laureate of the State Prize and the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, Honored Metallurgist of the RSFSR. From 1985 to 1991 worked as director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK). The time in which I. Kh. Romazan was formed as a person and worked is called the era of socialism. This is the period of the country's formation as an industrial power (in which Magnitogorsk played a big role). In those years, special attention was paid to the training of leading personnel from the proletarian milieu. I. Kh. Romazan was born into a working-class family. N. I. Skuridin, deputy head of the workshop for the preparation of MMK trains, recalls: “He devoted himself to work, lived it. which he grew up ... ". "I was born under the fence of the plant," Ivan Kharitonovich often said, being the director of MMK. Indeed, at that time the plant was already operating as an enterprise with a complete metallurgical cycle: in 1934, the year of Romazan's birth, the first rolling products were produced at the enterprise. After graduating from school, Ivan Romazan entered the Magnitogorsk Industrial College. Having successfully completed it, he began his career as a foreman, and then as a dispatcher of the train preparation shop at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. For a number of years he led the Komsomol organization of the workshop. From 1960 to 1965 in the direction of the plant, Romazan studied at the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, where he was repeatedly elected chairman of the student trade union committee. After graduating from the institute, Ivan Kharitonovich returned to his native team of the training workshop for the position of deputy head of the workshop for everyday life. A lively interest in the case, the desire to prove himself more widely than envisaged by the job description, could not go unnoticed. After some time, he was appointed deputy head of the supply department, then - deputy head of the production department of MMK. In 1973, I. Kh. Romazan received a new appointment - the chief steel smelter of the plant. Thanks to his great organizational and creative work in all departments of the plant and, first of all, in steelmaking, the issues of ensuring the high quality of steel ingots in the conditions of open-hearth production were successfully resolved. In 1975, I. Kh. Romazan was awarded the title of laureate of the State Prize of the USSR "for outstanding achievements in work to accelerate the development of design capacities in metallurgy." According to the memoirs of the Minister of Metallurgy of the USSR S. V. Kolpakov, by the end of the 1970s. At the Nizhny Tagil Metallurgical Plant in the Sverdlovsk Region, relations between the heads of various levels of enterprise management became aggravated, and, despite their frequent change, it was not possible to achieve high-performance work at the plant. By the beginning of 1980, an emergency situation had developed in Nizhny Tagil. The USSR Ministry of Metallurgical Industry decided to appoint I. Kh. Romazan to the post of chief engineer of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works. In four years, he managed to bring the company out of stagnation, to achieve a significant increase in production. In 1984, I. Kh. Romazan returned to Magnitogorsk as chief engineer of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In 1985, the ministry decided on the appointment of a new director of MMK. There were no doubts about the candidacy - I. Kh. Romazan became it. Of course, Ivan Kharitonovich took a worthy place in his native team. His authority was indisputable. Gradually, the plant again began to increase the rate of production growth. It was during Romazan's tenure as director of MMK that a record amount of steel was smelted at the plant - more than 16 million tons. In the second half of the 1980s. perestroika began in the national economy of the country. It was necessary to fit into the new economic relations. At the government level, it was decided to conduct an economic experiment at the plant. After two years of work in the new conditions, MMK was among the first in the industry to be transferred to full cost accounting and self-financing. The time has come for the organization of rental, joint stock forms of management, the introduction of the latest steelmaking technologies, in particular, the converter method. The director was faced with the problem of building and commissioning an oxygen-converter shop (BOF). The idea to build a CCC appeared at the plant back in 1975. Even the corresponding resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was issued. But its implementation was constantly delayed due to lack of funds. Changes began only in 1985, when the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued a decree on the reconstruction of MMK's steel production and the commissioning of a new oxygen-converter shop and related facilities. Despite the increasingly difficult economic situation in the country, Romazan managed to complete the construction, and this required a huge effort, diplomacy, wisdom, all that ultimately leads to a positive result. In 1990, converter steel was produced for the first time at MMK. It was a big win. The commissioning of the CCC makes it possible to gradually decommission open-hearth furnaces and other environmentally polluted facilities of the enterprise. Excursion of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the SED, Chairman of the State Council of the GDR E. Honecker (right) through the shops of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. 1989 Excursion of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the SED, Chairman of the State Council of the German Democratic Republic E. Honecker (right) through the shops of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. 1989 Romazan Ivan Kharitonovich at the May Day demonstration. Magnitogorsk. 1978 At the May Day demonstration. Magnitogorsk. 1978 I. Kh. Romazan contributed to the implementation of important and effective proposals for new production technologies, such as increasing the volume of steel poured through the tundish, improving the quality of cold-rolled sheets, etc. In addition, the director himself showed himself to be a creatively thinking engineer. His articles have been published in many technical publications. If we talk about what the plant "acquired" during the time when it was headed by I.Kh. Romazan, then this is a rather impressive list of innovations: six blast furnaces were overhauled with elements of modernization; in two open-hearth shops, steel pouring through an intermediate ladle was introduced. A technology has been introduced for purging liquid steel with argon in steel-pouring ladles through slide gates. In the rolling production, the reconstruction of blooming No. 3, mill 1450 was carried out; introduced a technology for producing tape for bonding masks of colored telescopes. The production of more than 70 rolled profiles has been mastered. Time prompted the need to develop other ways of developing the plant in the new conditions. Relations with foreign countries have significantly expanded, active cooperation with foreign firms has begun with the aim of reconstructing the plant's production facilities. Ivan Kharitonovich paid a lot of attention to solving social issues. To successfully solve the housing problem, the necessary material base has been created: brick and reinforced concrete factories have been built. Intensive housing construction began. The director's plans included the transfer of apartments already furnished to metallurgists. For this, a furniture factory was built using Yugoslav technology. The work of subsidiary farms has become more active. Began to introduce facilities for the processing of meat and dairy products. Purchased equipment for breweries. Much attention was paid to health care. Eight million dollars (an unprecedented figure at that time) was allocated by the director of MMK for the purchase of equipment for the diagnostic center of the medical unit of the plant, dental and kidney centers. The construction of the ice palace continued, which was later named after I. Kh. Romazan. In the late 1990s, when destructive processes began in the country, the food supply deteriorated sharply. Magnitogorsk has not bypassed these problems either. Ivan Kharitonovich used every opportunity to purchase food, clothing, manufactured goods for the workers of the plant. Under the leadership of Ivan Kharitonovich, the plant worked steadily in the 1990s, when the national economy began to decline. One can only guess what efforts it cost him to achieve positive results in the conditions of the impending devastation, the rupture of economic ties, and the crisis of power. The will of the general director of MMK, who rallied the working team around him, did not allow the plant to be destroyed, to stop production. The plant lived, remaining the flagship of the country's metallurgy. Ivan Kharitonovich Romazan died on July 27, 1991 in his office from a heart attack. L. G. Stobbe, the former first secretary of the city committee of the CPSU, who knew Ivan Kharitonovich well, recalls: “He reacted painfully to everything that was happening in the country and was very afraid that perestroika would destroy the country and his native plant ... It was such a sensitive soul. His vulnerable heart could not bear such a prospect." In the memory of the townspeople, I. Kh. Romazan remained the "people's director." One of the secondary schools in the city bears his name, where there is a museum dedicated to this remarkable man. International hockey competitions in memory of I. Kh. Romazan are held annually in Magnitogorsk. In 1992, a subsidiary company, JSC Romazan, was established in the Nakhodka commercial port, founded by the commercial port of Nakhodka, the Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk metallurgical plants, and the Canadian company Metko. In 1999, through the efforts of the employees of the museum of OJSC "MMK" and at the expense of the plant, a book of memoirs about Ivan Kharitonovich was published as a man of honor and selfless service to Magnitogorsk.

    Romazan, Ivan Kharitonovich was born on September 18, 1934, died on July 27, 1991. In 1985-1991 he worked as the director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In Magnitogorsk, a hockey tournament is held Memorial of I.Kh.Romazan. In addition ... ... Wikipedia

    Kharitonovich was born on September 18, 1934 and died on July 27, 1991. In 1985-1991 he worked as the director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In Magnitogorsk, a hockey tournament is held Memorial of I.Kh.Romazan. In addition, Magnitogorsk ... ... Wikipedia

    Romazan, Ivan Kharitonovich Ivan Romazan Ivan Kharitonovich Romazan Date of birth: September 18, 1934 (1934 09 18) Date of death ... Wikipedia

    Romazan, Ivan Kharitonovich was born on September 18, 1934, died on July 27, 1991. In 1985-1991 he worked as the director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In Magnitogorsk, a hockey tournament is held Memorial of I.Kh.Romazan. In addition ... ... Wikipedia

    Romazan, Ivan Kharitonovich was born on September 18, 1934, died on July 27, 1991. In 1985-1991 he worked as the director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In Magnitogorsk, a hockey tournament is held Memorial of I.Kh.Romazan. In addition ... ... Wikipedia

    Romazan, Ivan Kharitonovich was born on September 18, 1934, died on July 27, 1991. In 1985-1991 he worked as the director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. In Magnitogorsk, a hockey tournament is held Memorial of I.Kh.Romazan. In addition ... ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    List of laureates Contents 1 1975 2 1976 3 1977 4 1978 5 1979 6 ... Wikipedia

    In this list are presented in alphabetical order Heroes of Socialist Labor, who received the honorary title of Hero of Socialist Labor, whose surnames begin with the letter "R". The list contains information about the years of life, occupation ... ... Wikipedia

Romazan Ivan Kharitonovich - General Director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after V.I. Lenin of the Ministry of Metallurgy of the USSR (Chelyabinsk region).

After graduating from the Magnitogorsk Industrial College in 1954 as a metallurgical technician, he worked at the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Plant (MMK): assistant foreman, dispatcher of the train preparation workshop, secretary of the Komsomol organization of the workshop.

In 1960, in the direction of MMK, he was sent to study at the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, from which he graduated in 1965 as a metallurgical engineer. Since 1965, he continued to work at MMK and was appointed to the position of deputy head of the department for everyday life. After some time, he was appointed deputy head of the supply department, and then - deputy head of the production department of MMK. From 1973 to 1980 he was the chief steelmaker of the plant. Thanks to his great organizational and creative work in all departments of the plant and, first of all, in steelmaking, the issues of ensuring the high quality of steel ingots in the conditions of open-hearth production were successfully resolved.

In 1980, he was transferred to the position of chief engineer of the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works (NTMK), where he worked until 1984. For 4 years, he managed to bring the enterprise out of stagnation, achieve a significant increase in production and improve product quality. Under his leadership, NTMK improved the system of cargo transportation, steel production technology, and developed ways to increase the durability of steelmaking units.

In 1984-1985 he was the chief engineer, and since 1985 he was the general director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works named after V.I. Lenin of the Ministry of Ferrous Metallurgy of the USSR (since 1989 - the Ministry of Metallurgy of the USSR).

He headed the work on the deep reconstruction of MMK. During this period, under his leadership, 6 blast furnaces, sinter plant No. 1, blooming No. 3 were reconstructed, the first stage of the oxygen-converter shop was launched (1991), the hot rolling mill "2000" was being built, preparatory work was carried out for the construction of the "2000" cold rolling mill. rolling. In 1989, the highest level of steel production was reached - 16 million tons per year.

He paid much attention to the ecological situation in the city, improving the medical care of workers, solving the social and everyday problems of the workers of the plant - in 1987-1990, 57 thousand square meters of housing were built, the Ice Palace of Sports (1990). The work of subsidiary farms has intensified, facilities for the processing of meat and dairy products have been commissioned, and equipment for breweries has been purchased. Much attention was paid to health care - $ 8 million (an unprecedented figure at that time) was allocated by the director of MMK for the purchase of equipment for the diagnostic center of the medical unit of the plant, dental and kidney centers. He had 15 copyright certificates for inventions. Author of 14 publications.

Decree of the President of the USSR of June 28, 1991 for his great personal contribution to increasing production efficiency in the context of technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the enterprise Romazan Ivan Kharitonovich He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin and the Hammer and Sickle gold medal.

Unfortunately, exactly one month after this significant event - on July 27, 1991, I.Kh. Romazan died in his office from a heart attack. He was buried in the city of Magnitogorsk at the Right Bank Cemetery.

Honored Metallurgist of the RSFSR.

Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1975) and the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

Member of the Central Committee of the CPSU (since April 25, 1989), candidate in 1986-1989.

He was awarded 2 Orders of Lenin (04/29/1986, 06/28/1991), the Order of the Red Banner of Labor (03/02/1981), medals.

Name I.Kh. Romazan is worn by the Ice Palace of Sports and one of the city's secondary schools, where a museum dedicated to him is located. Every year Magnitogorsk hosts international hockey competitions in memory of I.Kh. Romazana. In 1992, a subsidiary company, JSC Romazan, was established in the Nakhodka commercial port, founded by the commercial port of Nakhodka, the Magnitogorsk and Chelyabinsk metallurgical plants and the Canadian company Metko. In 1999, through the efforts of the employees of the museum of OJSC MMK and at the expense of the plant, a book of memoirs about I.Kh. Romazane.

- a unique personality for Magnitogorsk, and maybe Russian hockey. It's now a steel magnate Viktor Rashnikov continues his work and brings world hockey stars to a small Ural city. And it was Romazan who stood at the origins of one of the strongest Russian clubs. Under him, Metallurg entered the elite Soviet hockey, and it was on the foundation laid by the director of MMK that the Urals reigned in domestic hockey 90s.

Ivan Romazan is remembered in Magnitogorsk. Despite the fact that Magnitogorsk has not performed in the arena of his name since 2007, the tournament named after. THEIR. Romazana has been held consistently since 1992. If taken for required condition continuity, then the Magnitogorsk tournament is the oldest of those that have survived to this day. For example, in neighboring Yekaterinburg, the “Stone Flower” was born in the early 70s, but fell into hibernation for a long time. In Magnitogorsk, they are afraid to think that the traditional tournament will have to be interrupted. Survived the tournament. THEIR. Romazana even cut off-season matches,

because of which more than one pre-season competition suffered.

For a long time, the feature of the tournament held by Magnitogorsk was the obligatory presence of one foreign team. From 1992 until 2000, the Romazan memorial had international status. Who has not visited Southern Urals! One of the most titled players who took part in the memorial was Mats Näslund. In 1993, the great Swedish striker returned to his homeland and, together with Malmö, came to Magnitogorsk. It is noteworthy that the visit to the Romazan Memorial was a happy sign for the Swedish team: that season, Malmö won the European Champions Cup.

The pre-season tournament saw new Magnitogorsk stars ignite. In the 90s, brothers sparkled at the Romazan Memorial Koreshkovs, who became the leaders of Magnitogorsk on long years forward. In the 2000s, it was the turn Evgenia Malkina- the future star of world hockey. At the 2004 tournament, 18-year-old Malkin scored 5 (2 + 3) points and for the first time struck not only specialists, but also fans who still carry him in their arms.

Predictably, Metallurg won most of the home tournaments. On account of the Urals 11 victories: starting from the first tournament, ending with the last this moment. No one even got close to the “steelworkers”: three wins each for Lokomotiv and Salavat Yulaev, two for Dynamo Moscow and Ak Bars. Interestingly, before Lokomotiv won the Romazan Memorial in 2001, and then the Russian Championship, a kind of curse hung over the tournament. I won in the summer in Magnitogorsk - you will not see gold medals in the spring. This formula worked flawlessly.

In many ways, the Romazan Memorial is a landmark tournament for our hockey. And it's not just status or a rich history. We will not be mistaken if we say that the Magnitogorsk tournament is the most innovative and progressive of all existing ones. This


August, 26th. 13:00*. "Tractor" - "Ugra".
August, 26th. 17:00. "Metallurg" Mg - "Barys".
August 27th. 13:00. "Tractor" - "Barys".
August 27th. 17:00. "Metallurg" Mg - "Ugra".
August 28. 13:00. "Barys" - "Ugra".
August 28. 17:00. "Metallurg" Mg - "Tractor".
* - Moscow time.

glory has been reaching for the Romazan Memorial since 2001, when for the first time in Magnitogorsk ice Russian hockey hosted a master show. No, the first All-Star Game took place two years before, but at the star party in Novokuznetsk they decided to limit themselves to a hockey match.

Master shows were held during three tournaments from 2001 to 2003. The contests that the organizers of the Romazn Memorial brought to life are still relevant today. Running for speed, throws for distance and accuracy, competitions for goalkeepers - everything that can be seen on stellar weekends was used ten years ago in Magnitogorsk. There was only no strength roll, but even for the Super League All-Star Game, a device that measured the speed of the puck was an expensive pleasure.

However, the experiments in Magnitogorsk did not end there. The last series of the Ural tournament are distinguished by the presence of extraordinary participants. In 2010, for the first time in the history of the Romazan Memorial, youth team. Of course, the honor fell to the Steel Foxes, one of the best teams in the history of the MHL. "Lisyata" did not get lost, beating not only "Tractor", but also their older brothers - "Metallurg". Bite Magnitogorsk youth managed and the current owner of the Gagarin Cup – “Ak Bars”, which eventually became the winner of the tournament.

The following year, a trip to the Ural Mountains was made by the Vityaz, which was at the peak of its fighting fame. That tournament was remembered not only by the fight SuitesMirasti in the opening match of the memorial, but also in the battle with the participation of Canadian fighters at the Magnitogorsk wedding. Video of Mirasty and Jablonsky alternately knock out tipsy guests, became a hit on Youtube.

The organizers did not calm down in 2012 either, declaring a team with the mysterious name Romazan Team for the tournament. Under the loud sign, there was a team of players who did not qualify for the Romazan Memorial. Is it possible to imagine The best way view all available hockey players? Most of the players from this team never made it to the main teams of Magnitogorsk, Traktor and Ak Bars, but there were exceptions. Let's say Maxim Karpov gnawed out

place in the Chelyabinsk, and Lukoyanov And Golubev entrenched in the basis of "Ak Bars". Maxim Mayorov following the results of the pre-season, he went to Mytishchi, and in the new place the Kazan pupil managed to become a leader.

The upcoming Romazan Memorial has been spared extraordinary participants, but after 13 years the Magnitogorsk tournament will regain its international status. But this status is rather formal. Even though Barys represents Kazakhstan, it has been playing in the same league with Metallurg for five years now.

Metallurg (Magnitogorsk)

Although Mike Keenan already completely trampled the Magnitogorsk land, and his team was already playing on home ice in two control matches with Ak Bars, for the Canadian coach, the home tournament should be something special. Trying to draw parallels between the performance at the Romazan Memorial and in the championship, we, frankly, are at a loss. In my time Dave King twice in a row he did not master the home pre-season tournament, but it was in his performance that one could see the strongest Magnitogorsk of the 21st century. On the other hand, another Canadian - Paul Maurice won the Romazan Memorial, and in the championship showed worst result"Magnitogorsk" for many years. So we advise you to look at the results of Iron Mike's work through the prism of Canadian paradoxes.


Valery Belousov repeatedly won the Romazan Memorial together with the local Metallurg, however, with the new club, this height has not yet been given to the master. "Traktor" under his leadership twice took part in this pre-season tournament, but both times performed below their capabilities. In 2011, the Chelyabinsk team won the match for third place, and the next year they completely closed standings. In the event that the “Tractor” breaks the tradition, this victory will be historic. Despite the fact that Chelyabinsk residents took part in the first Romazan Memorial,

they have never won a tournament in neighboring Magnitogorsk in their history.


Sergey Shepelev and his team went on this route more than once. Not only that, "Ugra" in its first Gagarin Cup met with a team from Magnitogorsk. All participants of the Romazan Memorial compete in the Kharlamov division, which adds integrity to the already status tournament. There will be something to remember during the first match of the tournament "Tractor" - "Ugra". After all, it was in the match of these teams in the playoffs of the 2011/2012 season that something amazing happened when the Chelyabinsk team managed to turn 2:6 into 7:6. We will not be surprised if the pictures from this match are still dreamed of by the players of the Khanty-Mansiysk team.


Barys arrived at the Romazan Memorial together with Yugra. These teams competed at the Cup of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and now they will continue preparing for the season in Magnitogorsk. Interestingly, just like the Khanty-Mansiysk team, the Barsy have met in the playoffs with teams from the Chelyabinsk region for the last two seasons. And, remarkably, they approached success at arm's length. “Magnitogorsk” stood on the edge three times, winning back from 1:3 in the series, and the future finalist of the CG-2013 “Tractor” lost two starting home matches to the guests from Astana. Why don't the residents of Astana be reminded of their intransigence in the land they know well?

Goalkeeper: Koshechkin.
Defenders: Galvinsh - Antipin.
Forwards: Zaripov - Kontiola - Bochensky.

Vasily Koshechkin three years later he returned to Magnitogorsk. Forget the shameful defeat from the French, whose direct participant was a two-meter goalkeeper. Koshechkin was and remains an elite gatekeeper, at least at the level of . For the first time, the Ural fans will be able to see Vasily in the updated Magnitogorsk uniform at the Romazan Memorial. Rookie "Steelworkers"

can become the most prominent figure in the tournament, both literally and figuratively.

Feeling the breath of the top goalkeeper behind him, he must add Viktor Antipin. The young defender brightly spent the first season in the league and did not the best newcomer just because of the factor Nichushkin". But will this hereditary protector stop developing? Few people manage to pass the syndrome of the second year without loss. Nevertheless, we will give Antipin an advance and assume that he will start plowing on the ice with pre-season tournaments. If the upcoming season, the 21-year-old defender will spend on such high level, that a supernova has ignited in Russian hockey, it will be possible to speak loudly.

Antipin's partner in our symbolic team will be Guntis Galvinsh. The Latvian legionnaire of “Ugra” left Riga not without a scandal, but a change of scenery may well do him good. Of course, many defense players will come to Magnitogorsk, who are at least as good as Galvins. But, firstly, someone must represent Ugra, and the main star of the team Mikhail Biryukov cannot compete with Koshechkin. And secondly, Gutis has an example before his eyes Puyats: being a legionnaire in Russian club, you need to play even beyond your capabilities.

The attack at one of the oldest pre-season tournaments is a match: experienced and proven to everyone for a long time. Brandon Bochensky not so long ago he was the best sniper in the league and remains true to Barys. In Astana, they decided not to touch the played North American link, but from the trinity Dawesboyd– Bochenski, the most striking character is precisely the American.

Bochenski's company will be made up of two forwards whose names are somehow connected with Magnitogorsk. Despite the fact that at the level of one of the best players leagues Petri Kontiola released in Chelyabinsk, the Finn began his Kakhael career in Magnitogorsk. If for Kontiola the time spent in Magnitogorsk is the past, then Danis Zaripov This summer, he connected his future with the “steelworkers”. How Zaripov will get used to new partners and experience separation from Alexey Morozov, - can be traced at the Romazan Memorial. Even if this process is painful, such a master as Zaripov should not drop the bar.

Viktor Rashnikov presenting the Romazan Cup to Magnitogorsk captain Yevgeny Biryukov

TO 80th anniversary of the legendary metallurgist

Ivan Kharitonovich Romazan(1934-1991) was one of the country's leading metallurgists. Hero of Socialist Labor, winner of many awards from 1985 to 1991. worked as director of the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (MMK).

Ivan Kharitonovich was born in Magnitogorsk. "I was born under the fence of the plant," Ivan Kharitonovich often said as director of MMK.

After leaving school, Ivan Romazan entered the Magnitogorsk Industrial College. He began his working life as a foreman, then as a dispatcher of the train preparation shop at the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. After graduating from the Magnitogorsk Mining and Metallurgical Institute, Ivan Romazan returned to the post of deputy. head of the department for everyday life, then deputy. head of supply department, deputy head of the production department of MMK.

In 1973 I.Kh. Romazan received a new appointment: the chief steelmaker of the plant.For four years he worked at the Nizhny Tagil Iron and Steel Works, having managed to bring the enterprise out of stagnation.Romazan returned to the Magnitogorsk Combine as chief engineer, and in 1985 he was appointed director of MMK.

During the period of his leadership at the plant, a record amount of steel was smelted - more than 16 million tons.

MMK was transferred to full cost accounting and self-financing. An oxygen converter shop (BOC) was built and put into operation. Six blast furnaces were overhauled with elements of modernization, the production of over 70 rolled profiles was mastered.

Ivan Kharitonovich paid much attention to solving social issues. To solve the housing problem, brick and reinforced concrete factories were built. Began to introduce facilities for the processing of meat and dairy products. Much attention was paid to health care.

Ivan Kharitonovich Romazan died on July 27, 1991 in his office from a heart attack.

In the memory of the townspeople I.Kh. Romazan remained "people's director". One of the secondary schools in the city bears his name, Ice Palace. International hockey competitions in memory of I. Romazan are being held. A museum dedicated to this remarkable man has been created.

Read about I.Kh. ROMAZAN in the youth library:

  • Kanshina, A. Implementation of the ideas of Ivan Romazan: people's director of Magnitogorsk / A. Kanshina // AiF. - 2009. - No. 32. - C. 29.
  • Kanshina, A. Blessed memory: the legendary director of Magnitogorsk Ivan Kharitonovich Romazan / A. Kanshina // AiF. - 2011. - No. 31. - C. 34.
  • Kanshina, A. Everyone has their own Romazan: Commemorative events were held in the city of metallurgists dedicated to the General Director I.Kh. Romazan / A. Kanshina // AiF. - 2014. - No. 39. - C.36.
  • Leshchinskaya, E. In honor of a man - a legend: A postcard with a portrait of I. Kh. Romazan / E. Leshchinskaya // AiF. - 2014. - No. 39. - C. 35.
  • Nazarova, K. Everyone has their own Romazan: the head of MMK Ivan Romazan would have turned 80 / K. Nazarova // Chelyab. worker. - 2014. - 18 Sept. - C. 8.
  • Rybachenko, V. A contemporary of modern history: the twentieth memorial of Ivan Kharitonovich Romazan took place in Magnitogorsk / V. Rybachenko // AiF. - 2011. - No. 35. - C. 23.
  • Slavin, R. Anniversary of the legendary director: Magnitka celebrated the 70th anniversary of I. Kh. Romazan, who was the director of MMK from 1985 to 1991. / R. Slavin // AIF. - 2004. - No. 38. - C. 11. - (Chelyabinsk).
  • Fatina, T.V. Romazan Ivan Kharitonovich: metallurgical engineer, production organizer. 75th birthday / T.V. Fatina // Calendar of significant and memorable dates. Chelyabinsk region. 2009. - Chelyabinsk, 2008. - C. 257-260.