Music marathon registration. Musical half-marathon gathered a record number of participants

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  2. Rights and obligations of the user
    1. The User undertakes to fully familiarize himself with this Agreement before using the Service and / or until the moment of registration on the Service.
    2. The User undertakes to use the Service in strict accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
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  3. Limitations of Liability
  4. Final provisions
  5. Name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich

Privacy Policy

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  2. Information and personal data
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  5. Final provisions
    1. In case of reorganization of the Service, the process of processing information and personal data of the User may be transferred to another operator. The User is notified of such cases by a special notice on the Site.
    2. The Service has the right to make changes to this Policy with a mandatory notification that will be available to the User on the Site.
    3. In all matters not regulated by this Policy, but related to the collection, storage, and processing of information and personal data, the User and the Administration of the Service are guided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    4. This Policy applies only to the Service. The Administration of the Service does not control and is not responsible for the websites of third parties to which the User can follow the links available through the Service.
    5. In the event of disputes between the User and the Service in connection with this Policy, both parties are obliged to seek to resolve such disputes through negotiations. If it is impossible to resolve the dispute through negotiations, the dispute may be referred to the court in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, with the obligatory observance of the claim procedure. The claim is sent by the party intending to go to court to the other party in advance. The term for responding to a claim is 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt.
  6. Information about the administration of the service:

    Name: Gazizov Sergey Marsovich


I thought about running a half marathon New Year, made a wish for herself and set a goal to prepare for the fall. And I began to monitor the options for races in Moscow. Friends-runners advised musical. The deed is done, I registered and ... I realized that I wouldn’t prepare myself, it’s not 10 km, which, if anything, you can walk on foot, then you have to run half a Moscow.

Next stage- the choice of a running school, read more about my review of Run Base Camp Can . June, July, August - training at school and now it comes tolong-awaited August 14th...

Early rise, oatmeal for breakfast, excellent weather forecast and fighting spirit. We arrive at Luzhniki an hour before the start, leave the car and cheerfully walk to the start. Runners move in small groups in the same direction - with friends, strollers, balloons and just light, joy and light tension soar in the atmosphere - but how will everything go?

We get to the meeting place with the coach and friends from the running school, quickly fix the number, hang up the bag and check again the set of gels, napkins, phone with the tracker, put on the heart rate monitor and go to cuddle with the official DJ of the race and part-time my constant muse - Luna . Katya, who is running with me, is not yet there, I take a turn to the blue booths and do a warm-up on the grass. The jitters are intensifying, I know for sure that I will run, because the weather is comfortable, and we trained in hot weather, and the last long workout went quite calmly. Being nervous before important events seems to have become a bad habit, this time it shakes me, but tolerable. People actively waving hands-feet, goes astray in the company of interests, there are not so many singles. Katya gets to me, we raise each other's mood as best we can and run to the start - our cluster is the last one, for amateurs and slow turtles. I have two plans: a maximum and a minimum, I tune in to a calm start and enjoy the run.

For about eight minutes we are moving to the starting line - there are a lot of people and we are standing at the very tail, with a fright we start the trackers right away, because of this we did not know our pace for the first kilometers on the distance. I had to navigate by the clock and calculate my pace, distracted from the fussy mind perfectly)

The first kilometers I run with the breeze - it blows from the embankment, I smile, I look around and listen to the body. I meet the first musicians - they play something cheerful and Latin, as if especially for me! Between 2 and 3 km I meet a coach who encourages and wishes good luck! I don’t know my pace until the first mark on the track - it’s 3 km, I look at the clock and understand that I’m running faster than I planned, on the one hand I’m afraid to run out of steam, on the other hand, I make a reserve of time in case of force majeure. Leaders and handbikers are running in the opposite direction - we clap them with all our might and shout out something encouraging!

At the mark of 5 km I drink water, swallow unsuccessfully, and in a minute a sharp pain in my left side covers me ... The sun comes out and starts to bake. Climbing up the hill to the bridge near the Kremlin, trying to orient and breathe through this pain - for the first time I encounter this on the run - neither my side nor my stomach hurt. I am distracted by the musicians with drums and a refreshing shower from Karcher, I decide to run without slowing down, if the pain does not recede until the next kilometer, I will take a step. Resentment in my head - well, how is it, they just started and such a setup from the body. By 7 km, the pain subsides, we are already running on the other side of the embankment, a dense crowd is moving in both directions, the oncoming stream holds out its hands, cheers and smiles - it's a holiday! From somewhere in the oncoming crowd, Katya emerges - we stretch out our hands to each other and laugh from the fullness of feelings. I mentally wish her good luck!

Between 9 and 10 km, I start to eat the first gel hour of running with caution and I need to get to the water in order to drink it. I’m full of strength, the pace is even, my side doesn’t bother me - I exhale and tune in to run further - half the distance is behind, a turn and the volunteer Sasha on the bike gives everyone his hands and leads our small group of turtles starting from 11 kilometers and up to about 18, thank you, dear person It was impossible not to smile back at you!

At about the 13th kilometer I start to panic, I see people running towards the finish line, but on the other side of the embankment - I missed the turn, a thought flickers ... I see the official photographer in an identification T-shirt and I understand that I didn’t slip through, just the route in the opposite direction is slightly different. .. Climbing the bridge again, I slow down almost to a step, but I run, the sun bakes mercilessly, I eat the second gel, volunteers along the way wish you a good appetite and say that I have an excellent breakfast. I don’t have the strength to answer, I just nod and smile in response, I run on.

The Cathedral of Christ the Savior... I am greeted by bell ringing and goosebumps, wings grow - I thank God and that bell ringer that sounds so timely.

18 km I slow down a little at the feeding point, take sponges, wipe my hands and neck, grab water and eat the last gel, breathe - the last 3 km you need to increase the pace. I meet a coach, he helps me with candy wrappers and water, says that I’m done and look fresh (I don’t have the strength to laugh, so I just smirk) and I start to slowly accelerate. I meet not only volunteers, but also runners who have already finished and decided to cheer up those running! At 20 km, volunteers put a bag with a chocolate candy inside in my hands - a bonus for perseverance, I'm going to the finish line!

At the finish line, I squeeze out the last of my strength and accelerate, with some sixth sense I hear and see Nastya in the crowd, who came to cheer, I cross the finish line, phew ...

Medal, water and Katya meet me in the finishing corridor. We hug, grab bananas and go to meet our relatives. A surprise awaits us from Vlad (coach), he prepared a bouquet for each, a smile and adrenaline do not leave my body for a long time. Short stretch, lots of water and an amazing feeling of a job well done. The race time was 10 minutes better than planned, I did a really good job.

For the first time after the finish, I do not feel such total fatigue and wolf hunger, as it was in the previous two 10 km races. The gels did their job, supported the body and gave strength. dressing up, doing joint photos and we go to the subway, look for a cafe to relax and share our impressions.

Organization was decent, but due to the renovations at Luzhniki, there was a feeling of some kind of unkemptness and unfinished work around the starting town. Plus, the music stopped playing on the main stage 15 minutes before the start, which is strange for a musical half-marathon. Water, food, isotonics - everything was present.

Support was on top, I was very pleased to run and hear "Come on, well done!" from volunteers and running clubs, it's impossible to give up or slow down and let all these people down. The musicians are great fellows, but purely technically it was impossible to amplify the sound, so the guys could be heard not far from the stages, nothing more. It was quite possible to run with your player.

My running hashtags on instagram are #baevaclear and #nimbleturtlesasha, nickname photographerfamily , join us!

Passed in Moscow Music half marathonfinal stage preparations for the main running event of the year - the Moscow Marathon. More than 10 thousand people came to the start. The Musical Half Marathon became the country's most massive 21.1-kilometer race, breaking the record of the Moscow Half Marathon.

Under live performances of musical groups and DJs, the runners overcame the distance that passed through the picturesque places of the city. Including athletes ran along the Luzhnetskaya, Frunzenskaya, Prechistenskaya and Kremlin embankments.

Among women, Yulia Kryukova covered the distance the fastest, her result is one hour 14 minutes 30 seconds. Olga Tarantinova crossed the second finish line. The third was Irina Kozubovskaya.

The best time for men is one hour seven minutes 22 seconds, it was shown by Sergey Konyakin. The second was Andrey Farnosov, the third - Vitaly Loginov.

Also, within the framework of the half marathon, a race of handbikers took place - athletes with handicapped who compete on special hand-operated bicycles. They started 10 minutes before the main race. Evgeny Krasnoperov became the fastest among handbikers.

Each participant in the sporting event received commemorative medal at the finish.

On September 25, the Moscow Marathon will take place. More than 22 thousand people have already registered for the largest race in Russia. As part of the competition, there will be a 10-kilometer satellite race, an ekiden - a corporate relay race - and a handbiker race. Registration will last until August 23.