How to teach a child where is right and where is left. We bring to your attention games that will allow the child to quickly remember where is right and where is left.

Target:the formation in children of the ability to navigate on a plane and in space.


Formation of knowledge and skills to distinguish between left and right;

Development of motor skills with the help of finger gymnastics;

Formation of a positive attitude towards joint activities(ability to work in a team).

The teacher and children enter the group in formation. The teacher reads A. Barto's verse "Drummer", and walks with the children around the group:

("Funny Pictures", 1981, No. 11)

The teacher and children stop.

Educator: Children, it seems to me that in order for us to march more fun, we need a drum. How do you think?

The children answer.

Educator: Where can we get a drum?

There is a piece of paper on the floor, the teacher draws the attention of the children to this. Then he picks up the paper.

Educator: Children, this is a note. "If you want a drum, you need to go through a winding road according to the instructions: go straight first, then left, left again, then right and straight ahead." This is just what we need. You just need to know which is left and which is right. Children, you know?

The children answer.

Educator: And now I will check you. Let's play this game: if I say " right hand"You raise your right hand up, if - "left hand", then raise your left.

The teacher says which hand to raise and corrects the children who show their hands incorrectly.

Educator: No, we can't find a drum like that. We all need to know where is left and where is right. Let's learn to distinguish between left and right. Come to me, I will tie a ribbon on everyone's right hand.

Children go to the teacher.

Teacher: Now raise your right hand.

Children raise their hands.

Educator: Remember, the side on which you have the ribbon is right. On this side you have the right arm and leg, and where there is no ribbon, it is the left side, left arm and left leg.

Educator: Let's sing a song about the left and right legs. Look at me, repeat the movements and watch which hand you make the movements.

Left and Right (exercise song from the series " Finger gymnastics» E. Zheleznova)

Here is the left (raise the left hand with the back side towards you) and the right one (raise the right hand with the back side towards you)
That's just their name (keep both hands up).
Girlfriends are inseparable
Always walk together (hit your knees with your hands imitating walking).
Both the left (raise the left hand with the back side towards you) and the right (raise the right hand with the back side towards you)
Let's go for a walk alone (hit your knees with your hands imitating walking)
Found a big puddle
And they began to jump in it (at the same time they hit their knees with both hands).
All wet cold
They barely walk (slowly hit your knees with your palms imitating walking)
Suddenly left (raise the left hand with the back side towards you) and right (raise the right hand with the back side towards you).
We met a lion.
And he opened such a mouth (depict the mouth of a lion with his hands: press the hands, the fingers of both hands should not touch each other)
And it growls so scary (then connect, then separate the fingers)
That the left (hit the left hand on the knee) runs home
And the right one (hit the knee with the right hand) runs.
They ran to the house (raise your hands above your head, depicting a roof).
Look: both are here (show both hands).
But just forgot
What are their names now (shrug).
Where is the left, where is the right
Do not disassemble by yourself (shrug shoulders, arms to the sides).
Rather look
And tell them (the teacher stretches out two hands forward and turns to the children for help)!

Children first show where their left and right hands are, then they help the teacher.

Educator: Well done! Now let's take the ribbons off our hands and play again the game we played at first: if I say "right hand" you raise your right hand up, if - "left hand", then raise your left.

The teacher says which hand to raise, then complicates the task by asking to show both the right and left legs. When all the guys stop getting confused, the teacher stops the game.

Educator: Now you can hit the road. Let's stand at the beginning of the path and read out where we should turn. I will read and you will show. “Go straight first, then left, left again, then right and straight”

Children show the way.

After walking the path according to the instructions, the children with the teacher find a box with a drum.

Educator: Well done! Let's each try to play the drum, and then I'll take the drum, and you and I will march again to its sound.

The teacher and children try to play the drum. Then the teacher himself beats the drum and reads the verse A. Barto « Drummer", and walks with children in a group.


1. Funny Pictures, 1981, No. 11.

2. Series "Music with Mom" ​​Sergei and Ekaterina Zheleznov Five little pigs.

In the tsarist army, the biggest problem arose due to the fact that the soldiers - who came from peasants - did not distinguish between the right and left sides. The problem was solved by tying bundles of hay and straw to the feet of the soldiers. The commanders commanded like this: Hay - Straw. There were no errors in turning in the right direction.

The times of dense ignorance have passed and modern soldiers bravo carry out the orders of their commanders, unmistakably turning left and right. But in primary school, the definition problem where is the left, where is the right is very sharp. Most children confuse left and right. This is especially noticeable in physical education classes.

How to teach a child to distinguish where is right, where is left?

I am a supporter of the inconspicuous education of children. While the child is still small, we dress him and comment. We put on the trouser leg on the left leg, we put on the trouser leg on the right leg.

We feed the baby, we also comment: we take a spoon in the right hand, we hold the bread in the left hand.

In a year, our daughter easily navigated where to the right, where to the left.

Where is the right where is the left

Mirroring in the definition of sides

When our daughter was two years old, we went with her to educational child Center. The teacher takes a kid in his left hand and says to the children: "We take the kids in our right hand." After the lesson, I went up to the teacher and asked: “Why did you hold the goat in your left hand, and the children were told to take the goat in the right hand?”

The teacher answered me: “Because I sat facing the children and we got a mirror image. So that they all repeat after me, I called them wrong.

This explanation seemed plausible, but somehow I don't like it. I'm used to calling a spade a spade, even when I'm talking to kids.

At that time, when my daughter was 2 years old, she easily distinguished the right and left sides. She listened to the teacher and took the kid in the right hand.

At the age of 3, we began to go to dance classes with my daughter. The dance teacher said that the children get confused where the left is, where the right is, and asked to sew loops to the handkerchiefs so that the handkerchiefs can be hung on the right handle. Just like the soldiers hung straw on their feet 🙂

After class, Olesya began to tell me: “Mom, and our dance teacher on the right hand says: this is the left hand. And on the left hand he says that this is the right hand.

When I attended dance classes, it turned out that the teacher also voices the right and left sides incorrectly - in a mirror image.

When Olesya was 2 years old, she still did not pay attention to the fact that the teacher held the kid in his left hand, but called his right hand. But at the age of three, my daughter noticed that the teacher was holding a handkerchief in her left hand, but said, “Keep a handkerchief, like mine, in your right hand.”

It seems that most educators who are engaged call the left and right sides in mirror image. Thus, in my opinion, they only confuse children. After all, children are very smart and most children by the age of 3 perfectly distinguish between the right and left sides. But the name of the sides in a mirror image leads to the fact that by the time of school, children begin to get confused with the sides.

How to be? It is necessary to introduce joint games with children, games that help to navigate where is the right, where is the left.

Games with children on orientation in space

By the age of four, a child should be able to:

  • distinguish between right and left hand;
  • determine the direction from oneself: forward-backward, right-left, up-down
  • understand and use words and prepositions: above, below, in the middle; inside, outside, about; over, under; left, right, middle.

Game 1: Right-Left

Ask the child to raise his right hand. If he raises the right hand, then we give him a toy in this hand. And we ask in which hand he has a toy and what is the name of the second pen.

Then we ask with a free left hand to touch the cheek, to the leg, to the knee. We ask the child to name which part of the body the child touches the left or right.

Then we ask the baby to shift the toy to the left hand and repeat all the actions with the right hand: touch the cheeks, legs, knees and name them.

We pass to the face and touch the left eye, eyebrow, nostril, ear, shoulder with the left hand. And with the right hand we touch the right paired parts of the body.

Usually, children are happy to show their body parts and easily determine what is on the left and what is on the right.

Game 2: Good Soldier

We give the child two small toys of different colors (flags, balls, pencils).

Mom is a commander, and a child is a brave soldier. The "commander" gives various commands, and the "good soldier" carries them out.

Commands can be:

  • hands up
  • hands down
  • raise your right hand
  • raise your left hand
  • lower the right hand, etc.

Then, mother and child switch roles. Now the mother is a “brave soldier”, and the child is a “commander”. It is also desirable for mom to make mistakes in executing commands so that the child can correct mom. It is a real pleasure for children to correct adults.

Game 3: Where the ball was thrown

The child, on command, throws the ball in a given direction: forward-backward, up-down, right-left. Then the baby commands, and the mother (dad, older brothers and sisters) carry out the commands.

These simple games Enough fun for 3 year olds. While playing, the child learns to navigate in space and easily determines where is the right, where is the left .

In order for a child to feel comfortable and confident in the "adult" world, he will have to learn a lot of laws and rules. And also to develop important skills, one of which is the ability to distinguish between right and left, that is, to navigate in space.

As the practice of educating preschoolers shows, the concepts of "top" and "bottom" are quite easily absorbed by children. But in order to remember where the left and where the right side is, the child will need more than one day. From the age of three, parents should actively teach the child such concepts as “right” and “left”, so that in the future the crumbs will not have problems with writing, counting, sports and other types of mental and physical activities.

How to teach a child to distinguish between left and right

1. The first step on the path to success can be the ability of a child to distinguish between where the left and right hand are. Since the thinking of babies is concrete, it is recommended that the preschooler create associations with other subjects. For example, explain that the right hand is the one in which he takes a pencil or a spoon.

2. If there is no more confusion with the hands, reveal to the child one more “secret”: everything that is on the side of the right hand is also right. For example, a leg, an eye, an ear, a cheek, etc.

3. It is also important to train the ability to determine the location of objects in space, and not just body parts. To do this, ask the child to put the toy to his right or ask what objects are on his left, etc.

4. Use the same technique when you and your child are walking on the street - pay attention to objects and objects around. Don't forget to comment what you see. For example: “Look, what a beautiful dog is running to our left. Do you see? or “What bright roses are blooming in the flower bed to your right, wow!”

5. During the walk, do not forget to focus on the upcoming route - this will also help the child learn to distinguish between right and left. If the road turns, describe it verbally: “It remains only to turn left - and we are almost home.” After a while, you can complicate the task - and play the game "Take me home", when the child himself comments on the path traveled.

6. You can study where the right and left sides are by doing almost anything. IN Everyday life, for example, when opening a closet with a child’s things, you may ask: “Where is your red T-shirt? Here she is, lying to the left of the blue pants. Or ask the kid to help you - give the task to get a book from the shelf, which is located on the left side. In the same way, when going to kindergarten, say that one shoe should be worn on the left leg, and the second on the right. Thanks to these references, the child will be able to quickly remember the words and their meanings, which will help him navigate in space.

7. It is necessary that the child could determine left and right not only from his own side, but also from the side of the interlocutor. Mirroring can be used for this purpose. It is also convenient to train on a doll - first put the toy with its back to the child and ask where her right hand is. After that, tie a ribbon on it, as well as on the baby’s right hand.

Then turn the doll to face the child so that the ribbons of the child and the doll are with different parties. Turn it back to the baby again - and the ribbons will match. It is important that the child understands that the right hand always remains the right one - only the position of objects relative to each other changes.

By the age of four, parents should teach their child to understand the meaning of the words "right" and "left." In order to make it easy for the baby to distinguish where is right and left, use special games and exercises. In addition, there are many nursery rhymes that will help teach a child to navigate in space.

How to teach a child to distinguish where is left, where is right.

In order to feel confident in the world around us, our kids will have to learn a lot of skills and abilities. One important skill isformed idea of space Simply put, the ability to distinguish between right and left. If such definitions as “top” and “bottom” are given to the child more or less easily, then the child needs to be taught to distinguish the left side from the right. This is necessary so that in the future there will be no difficulties with writing, counting, designing, dancing and physical education.

Starting from the age of three, you need to begin to form in the child an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe right and left sides of the body.

Where to begin?

Come up with games where you could use the terms right-left. In the game, many things are remembered faster.

Right and left hand

Since a child of this age has concrete thinking, he perceives only those objects that he sees or can touch, the abstract concept of “space” is still incomprehensible to him, therefore, starting to explain to the child where is left and where is right, you must “attach” to specific things , in other words, to create an association in the child. For example, the right hand is the one that you hold a spoon or a pencil. Now the child will determine by elimination that the hand with which he does not hold the spoon is the left one.

Funny children's poems will help to consolidate the concepts.

Stork, long-legged stork,
Show me the way home!
Stomp with your right foot
Stomp with your left foot
Again with the right foot
Again with the left foot
After - with the right foot,
After - the left foot.
That's when you come home!
(I. Tokmakova)

Stood apprentice

At the fork in the road.

Where is the right, where is the left,

He could not understand.

But suddenly a student

Scratched in the head

With the same hand

who wrote

And threw the ball

And flipping through the pages

And holding a spoon

And swept the floors.

"Victory!" - resounded

jubilant cry,

Where is the left, where is the right,

Learned the student. (Berestov V.)

Where is RIGHT, where is LEFT -
Where is LEFT, where is RIGHT?
I can easily answer you
Think healthy.
This is the RIGHT hand
She is obedient and strong.
RIGHT - I'm holding a spoon,
I drive a dog on a leash
RIGHT - throws the ball,
And the LEFT helps her.

Right and left side of the body

After the confusion with the hands is over, and the child accurately determines the left and right hand, ask him to lower his right hand and take hold of the leg. Explain that this leg, like the handle, is also right. And everything that is on this side is the eye, the ear, also the right one.

While dressing, pay attention to the child, saying: “We will put on a shoe on the right foot” or “We will put on a mitten on the left hand”, etc.

Homemade is the best for fixing. morning work-out. When doing exercises with children, focus on the concepts learned.

After mastering the right and left sides of the body, move on to the next step.

Location of objects in relation to oneself

Ask the child to put the ball to your right, ask what objects are to the left of it. If the child finds it difficult to answer, tell me: “what is on the left side is closer to the left hand, and what is on the right is closer to the right hand.

You can play the game "Where the bell rings": the child is given a bell that he can ring, naming its spatial location in relation to himself. For example, “The bell rings at the right ear” or “The bell rings from the left side”, etc.

Even more effective will be a game with fairy-tale characters, such as a bun. Playing the theater according to a fairy tale with a child, you can add: “The bun rolled along the path into the forest, first to the right, behind the birch, then to the left behind the pine. He rolls, rolls, and a hare meets him, ”etc.

Consolidate the knowledge already gained daily, in the process of ordinary everyday activities. During the walk, pay attention to the route: “here we will turn left”, “a pine tree grows on the right”, “the car went to the right”, etc.

Spatial relationship between objects

Lay toys on the table, for example: in the center - a doll, on the right - a boat, on the left - a cat, behind - a bear, in front - a bunny.

The child must answer the following questions:

What toy is in front of the doll?

What is between the ship and the cat?

What kind of toy is behind the doll, etc.

reflection in the mirror

It is important to teach the child to determine not only his right and left hand, but also the right, left of the interlocutor. Here you will need an ordinary mirror, with which you will explain to the baby why the image is turned upside down.

Plant a doll with its back to the child, ask where her left hand is, tie a ribbon on it, tie a ribbon on the baby too. Now turn the doll to face the child, now the ribbons will be on different sides. Again turn the doll back to the child, again the ribbons will match. It is important that the child understands that the right hand remains the right one, and the magic turns out due to the fact that the position of objects relative to each other changes.

Finally, play with your child sedentary game“Mirror”, while explaining the rules: “You are a mirror and you will repeat the movements that I will show. Be careful!"

By the age of four (but remember that all children are different), the child should confidently distinguish between the right and left hand, understand the words “in the middle”, “below”, “outside”, “about”, “left”, “right”; prepositions: over, under, out of.

Daily practice and patience, and you will see the result very soon. Have fun doing it.