Emblems of national football teams. Blue rooster, templars and roses

The emblem of the 2018 FIFA World Cup was unveiled two years ago, in 2014, given that it is now the end of 2016. There has been a lot of talk about the logo, but one should not rule out the fact that it turned out to be meaningful in reality. Now about everything in more detail.

The presentation of the emblem of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, which will be held in Russia, and this will be the 21st World Cup, took place in the program " Evening Urgant". In this program, two years later, as you all remember, for the first time they showed the talisman chosen by the people, which was the Wolf named Zabivaka.

It should be noted that the emblem of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, to be precise, before the program "Evening Urgant" was first demonstrated by Russian cosmonauts directly from the ISS. Actually, further in the text we will indicate why this was done. And already after the presentation at the ISS, the logo of the next Mundial was “knocked out” on the facade of the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, in the sense that they made a light show out of this, within the framework of which a projection of the approved symbols of the World Cup could be seen on the front side of the building.

By whom and how was the logo introduced?

The symbol of football for the next four years, that is, the emblem of the 2018 World Cup, already during the broadcast of the Evening Urgant program on Channel One, was met by people in different ways. And yet, now many have got used to it, and those who did not like what they saw then, later found in what was shown something that satisfies their taste preferences.

The emblem was demonstrated to the audience by Ivan Urgant together with the guests of his program, Fabio Cannavaro, Josef Blatter and Vitaly Mutko.

They also presented it as modern, magical and fully respecting traditions. It was created by the designers of BrandiaCentral, which represents Portugal and was selected from among eight applicants.

Description of the emblem of the Russian World Cup

Symbolism Russian Championship World Cup in the face of its emblem combines three components, without which it is impossible to imagine the life of any individual Russian. So, when viewing the logo, the reference to the conquest of space, as well as the love for icon painting and, in fact, the number one sport - football, are recognizable. This is exactly what the organizing committee of the tournament focuses on in its press release, prepared specifically for the presentation of the emblem.

Date of the games

In general, the emblem of the World Cup 2018, which will be held in Russia, shows the Cup recognizable by many football fans from the other side and reveals its main features, which, by the way, are inherent in the host country this time.

Please note that the tournament will take place in the summer 2018 at 12 stadiums located in 11 cities. The scheduled date for the competition is from June 14 to July 15.

The Russian Football World Cup will be the first in the context of holding competitions on the territory former USSR, Eastern Europe, as well as a kind of debutant, which represents both Europe and Asia at the same time, as parts of the world where the scheduled matches will be held.

The logo of the Akhmat football club has been presented, three newcomers will appear in the championship at once, and Soccer.ru invites you to challenge the rating of the emblems of the next season's teams.

Unfortunately, "Wings of the Soviets" flew out - that's who has the perfect logo in terms of modern design. It's ten out of ten. But Dynamo, Tosno and SKA-Khabarovsk joined the thirteen teams you know from last season, and Terek disappeared from the Russian football map. Now FC Akhmat will appear in the table. A new crest, painfully similar to the old logo, was quickly introduced, making it possible to rank the most beautiful, aesthetically interesting and original league title badges in the coming season.

16th place. "Ufa"

Not a bad logo for a charlatan shaman, but unsuccessful for a major league football club. Not only because the edges rounded in several planes are suitable for mobile phones and shoulder straps, but do not fit well with the plane of the main parts. Not only because it is difficult to see the inscription "Ufa" in the tumbling letter "F". You can guess that this is written in Bashkir, but is this the official language in the All-Russian Premier League championship?

The logo is disputable, not even because it is good for a young team to have a clear symbol - to be remembered and distinguished from the name of the city. No, the Ufa logo opens the rating, because even the fans of the club often do not like it. We tried to choose another option where the animal appeared, soccer ball, readable inscription "Ufa". But so far, they have remained with the old sign, which seems to reflect the “originality”, but is actually too primitive for enthusiasm. Have you drawn the sun? What good fellows, the sun was not familiar to any nation.

15th place. "Amkar"

This emblem leaves a strange impression. If its original "wrongness" - you rarely see an inscription that brazenly tries to convince that it is written on two walls of the house - was a conscious step, then the logo can even be called successful. But problem in implementing the idea. Until 1998, the sign was black and red, without a circle, it looked scarier, but the inscription itself was better.

And now look how it turns out. It seems that the letters "AM" are "overwhelmed", "AP" are crooked. Changing the background on the circle spoils the look. The sharp end of the letter "K" used to pierce the letter "r" in the word "Perm". Okay, at least it's been fixed. Again, the reluctance to draw a normal ball does not add to the aesthetics of the logo. If Amkar had a desire, rebranding would not hurt, because now the strange combination of large and small parts does not work.

14th place. FC Tosno

At their age - the club is four years old, it is necessary to make the logo simple, readable, but not primitive. Perhaps Tosno will take sixteenth place in the table in a year, but here they are a little higher. However, strictly out of kindness to the newcomer. After all, when you create a football club in 2013, then have a conscience - go to specialized sites and see what is modern and fashionable in graphic design and branding.

Seriously, who told the guys who drew the Tosno logo that adding three Christmas trees and a horseshoe to a lucky ball would make a complete sign? The weakness of the logo is that it does not tell us anything about the team. Club colors red, yellow, green? No, the uniform is either white or black and green. Well, at least the old sign was cleaned up - there the ball was ugly, multi-colored. But still, even now there is no fountain of emotions, you won’t get lost in the three pines.

13th place. "Ural"

For many decades, Uralmash had an emblem that can be called interesting - there was a gear on the bottom, half of the flag was visible on top, the shape was interesting, because at the same time it resembled a Soviet-era metal badge and could boast of the chic writing "Uralmash" inside the oval. But in the nineties, this sign was changed to something terrible.

It’s hard to imagine a worse emblem, but they suffered for twelve years until they changed it. The first version of the shield familiar to you was white-blue-green, but the main idea was preserved in the modern one - the inscription "Ural" along the "ladder". In principle, a normal sign, although a little provincial, since the ball with shadows does not go well with stylish small stripes and circled letters.

12th place. "Rostov"

For almost sixty years, since the beginning of Rostselmash, Rostov had many different emblems, and even before that it was enough, because there was Meshzavod, Selmash, Tractor. Basically, now returned to the emblem, which was in the late nineties and at the beginning of the new century. We have to admit that she is much prettier than the indistinct shields of complex shape.

Attempts to combine all the symbols in general - three stripes, a ball, play with the colors of the region and the club, stick the coat of arms into the emblem, change everything in general - there was a round sign with a shield inside, ended with a return to the not forgotten old. Three years ago, a very simple but memorable sign was introduced, familiar to Rostselmash fans. If the ball were also redrawn to a normal one and the font changed, we would get a delicious logo.

11th place. FC "Akhmat"

Those who came up with the idea of ​​renaming "Terek" to FC "Akhmat" clearly did not think about how the headlines would look if the team lost, or became a disappointment of the circle or round. It is unlikely that the renaming was initiated by all the fans of the club - the region is not homogeneous. But the decision was made, the slogan was invented and the logo was presented. Let's estimate new emblem, which differs from the old logo only in the name.

Now everything is green and oriental, and historically Terek had an interesting emblem of 1990-94 - with a lock, then a good letter “T” was invented inside the shield, but the sign presented three years ago looked very good thanks to the tie around the ball. The concept was preserved and it is obvious that if “Akhmat” had been written more diligently - and there are big questions about the font and its appropriateness, then a strong sign would have turned out.

10th place. "Locomotive"

Calm down, Lokomotiv fans, such a place of the emblem in the rating can be explained if you look at the image familiar from the end of the last century in its modern form. Back in the thirties, the combination of “L” and the train appeared, but for a long time the logo was scary - especially in the mid-nineties. Then they came up with a concept with wings below, with new form the letters "L".

And everything would be fine, but the train itself calls into question the entire logo. In 1994, they guessed that it was necessary to portray the locomotive as swift, which can be achieved using perspective. But then for some reason they simplified it, redrawn it and got something indistinct - a green worm crawls out slowly from the tunnel of the letter "L". Just because a sign is familiar doesn't mean it's well made. Now, if they redid it, retaining the shape of the letter, it would be cool!

9th place. "Anji"

It so happened that Anji has good emblems in general. In the nineties, there was an eagle turned to us in profile, and although there was also an inappropriate ball, to which the bird did not touch with its claws, it looked clear, especially the inscription. Then they came up with a modern emblem, and although it was undergoing changes, now the emblem of Anji is good. Well, almost good - the shield is shaped and the eagle's head looks nice.

A beautiful emblem in general has a problem only with a pile of small details in the center of the composition. If we could simplify, or didn’t try to write everything that could be written at all, it would have turned out better. Perhaps the ligature also needs to be replaced, because it is lost in small versions of the logo. But the inscription "Anji" is beautiful, it helps the whole emblem, which visually does not cause negative emotions.

8th place. "Krasnodar"

Maybe, there can be two opinions. The first is an unfinished sign and a little angular, the second is specially like that. Despite the fact that there is no remake and historical interweaving of styles and cannot be, the work is not bad. She doesn't scream about modernity - as indicated by small details, like a horseshoe, pipes, a small scarf, a bull outlined in white. At the same time, the emblem of "Krasnodar" is designed in the same style.

It cannot be called ultra-fashionable - you know that with the emblem of Juventus with a bull on the facade they recently did it for the sake of styling for 2017, but the southerners and the inscription are well done - except that there are complaints about the letters "k" and "d", if desired, and in general the integrity of the emblem was preserved. Perhaps in the future the sign will be modernized - there is where, but now everyone is used to such an official logo of the young club. And, unlike "Ufa" or "Tosno", the "bulls" have a nickname. They took it from the emblem.

7th place. Arsenal Tula

Until 2012, Arsenal had an emblem that cannot be shown in a decent society. In the most elementary graphics editor, you can draw better. However, it is always a matter of taste, not technical capabilities. So, against the background of what was - and it was terrible, the modern version, invented in 2012 by designer Viktor Sumarokov, looks decent.

Cartoon is combined with bright colors and looks good on paraphernalia. Although this is not the only plus. Firstly, without references to the London Arsenal. Secondly, the shape of a horseshoe is read - it turns out, the most popular symbol for the RFPL, given that Krasnodar and Tosno also have a horseshoe on their coat of arms. Thirdly, the inscription is symmetrical, the swords are clear, the merlons of the Tula Kremlin are also in the subject - characteristic battlements on the wall. And even the ball is not the same type.

6th place. "Ruby"

If Rubin had not changed its logo last year, it would have closed this list. Because previous attempts at rebranding - with references to the signs of the London Arsenal, the national teams of Israel and Ireland in form, with a badly drawn dragon and other "rural glamour" - turned the club emblem into a mess of bad taste.

But then they found a person who cultivated the logo. All references to the distant past - at the beginning, Rubin had a red arrow, similar to upper part wings of a modern dragon, do not seem strong and coherent, but the main thing is that worked with the logo that was before, retained recognition and removed the excess. Now there is a worthy sign in Kazan.

5th place. "SKA-Khabarovsk"

Last year, SKA-Energy regained its historical name. And since the club had a choice of changing the emblem - the "army" teams in different types there are plenty of sports and plenty to choose from, shoveling historical sources and making modern accents, then the creators of the corporate identity of the renamed club did a great job. Simple, clear, no frills.

There are questions about the readability of the inscription "football club", but there are no questions about the appearance of the star or the inscription SKA. Don't forget that emblems football clubs should always be placed on T-shirts and it is extremely important that the sign is well read from any distance. Very clean work, let many critics call it not very original. But SKA-Energia's logo was worse and weaker, so they took a step forward.

4th place. "Zenith"

An original but controversial sign. The emblem of Zenit is associated with a famous skirmish with British journalists, who included it in the list of the worst in football. The club's response came out in the style of "the fool himself", but was funny. The Zenith logo has also always been curious, the “arrow” was invented a long time ago, at first it was without a circle and a ship, but it was in this form that the people fell in love with the logo. And when Ilya Ruderman cleaned up the familiar sign and made it strictly modern, not everyone understood.

However, here the flaw is not only at the level of “like - dislike”. Visually, the Zenith emblem is wonderful, but anyone who has used it for graphic design will immediately understand where the dog is buried. The atypical shape and the "blockage" on the left edge are beautiful for a person's signature, but terrible for comparison with other emblems of a more classical form. It was not by chance that British journalists emphasized that they liked the old version more, when the circle and the ship balanced the “wildness” of the swift inscription.

3rd place. CSKA (Moscow)

The emblem of CSKA is included in one international ranking under the eighth number of the best and coolest, but here it is important to take into account their playful rationale - the guys from Fourfourtwo said that if you look at this sign for a long time, you can become a communist. This is unlikely, but the journalists singled out the logo, because it looks unusual for foreigners. And for the familiar eye, we get a good emblem with strengths- "3d" inscription, neat shape, and weak - the ball, extra small details that are lost when the logo is on a small scale.

The badge of CSKA is interesting, it should be high, but it is a bit outdated. For example, mentally put a modern, chic and detailed horse next to it, which is used by army fans as their symbol. This is one of the most successful signs in the football of the new century. No one offers such a radical transition, after all, the club is not called FC Horses. But this chic fan logo shows how the club's main badge can be updated. If we simplify the CSKA logo a little, then it can become even better and more modern.

2nd place. "Spartak Moscow)

The first emblem of Spartak, no longer Krasnaya Presnya or Pishchevik, was drawn by Nikolai Starostin. According to legend, the rhombus was turned upside down so that it was not like that of Dynamo. Then they rotated the white strip, and later unsuccessfully tried to change the letter "C". Yes, Starostin drew it in the best way he could, but the addition of a black ball in the new century completely ruined everything. How was the crippled letter "C" even approved?

It’s good that after many years of carrying on the chest an artistic misunderstanding of the level of Chinese fakes, they took care of the image and appearance logo. In 2013, the emblem was updated with the help of professionals, it turned out clean. Minimalism, recognizability, interesting shape, a clear letter "C", good text support, simplicity of lines. Spartak has an interesting emblem. Made a reference to modern history.

1 place. FC Dynamo (Moscow)

Aesthetically, this logo has a lot of advantages. Simplicity, balanced lines, recognition. And given that for the first time the famous letter “D” was drawn by the forward of the Moscow club Alexander Borisov, there is also a contribution to history. First, many small elements were stuffed into the rhombus, and then with the help of the forward, who eventually became an architect, they drew the famous Cyrillic letter.

Yes, Borisov created the symbol not as beautiful as it became in the end - the letter was thin, but he pushed the "collective mind" to this. The letter in a rhombus was approved as a sign of clubs from Minsk, Tbilisi, Kyiv and other cities. And the “thickened” version immediately appeared on the T-shirts of the people of Kiev. The author is unknown, but both approaches existed in parallel. As a result, a beautiful, aristocratic and catchy logo won, as the classic handwritten version of the “D” was finalized to the perfection of lines.

There are many successful emblems in Russia - thanks to simplicity or rebranding, many are relevant in the 21st century, so it was not easy to choose. But our rating has been compiled, and your right is to agree with it or, on the contrary, replace it with your own. They say they don't argue about tastes, but this is definitely not our case - every opinion is important.

The 2018 FIFA World Cup has begun: 32 teams from all over the world have arrived in Russia. In honor of this, the Russian agency of visual communications Graph Visual Communications “revived” the emblems of the participating teams especially for 360. We understand the most interesting.


The symbol of the Russian team almost does not differ from the national coat of arms of the country: a golden double-headed eagle with spread wings, holding a scepter and orb in its paws. It is crowned with two small and one large crown - they are majestically connected by ribbons.

The symbol of Russia depicts a red shield, inside of which there is a rider. Sitting on a horse, he kills a dragon with a spear. The only thing that cannot be seen on the T-shirts of the Russian national team is a red heraldic shield, in which the coat of arms is usually depicted.


The Brazilian coat of arms is made in bright colors country flag: green, yellow and blue. In the center - the abbreviation of the national football confederation against the background of a white cross. This symbol represents the spiritual and knightly order of Christ, which has a rich history: in 1318 it was established as a sign of the Templars' continued struggle against the infidels.

Brazilians are so proud of football achievements that they even placed five stars above the coat of arms. They indicate the number of victories of the national team at the world championships - in 1958, 1962, 1970, 1994 and 2002.


The symbol of the German national team is also made in the colors of the national flag of the country. The emblem itself is round, and at the bottom it was divided into three parts - black, red and yellow.

Inside the coat of arms is an eagle lowering its feathers, on top of which four stars are placed. They embody the gold of the German national team at the 1954, 1974, 1990 and 2014 World Cups. Despite the fact that the Germans still lose to the Brazilians in the number of victories, they placed the inscription FUSSBALL-BUND - “Football Federation” in the coat of arms.


On the coat of arms of the Spanish national team, the numbers 1909 play an important role - this is the year the country's football federation was founded. A star rises above it, symbolizing the team's victory at the World Cup in 2010.

Immediately striking is the abbreviation RFEF, placed on the tape - it stands for "Royal Spanish Football Federation". As a tribute to the sports tradition, it was decided to place a retro ball at the bottom of the coat of arms.


The coat of arms of the French national team is a Gallic rooster. Yes, this particular bird is the symbol and allegorical name of the country. There are quite a few versions of why this happened, but the most common comes from antiquity. Previously, the Gauls lived in France - that's what the Romans called them. In Latin, the name of the people resembled the word gallus - a rooster.

On the coat of arms of the French national team, the bird is decorated with a star, denoting the victory of the team at the World Cup in 1998. The three Fs below the rooster are the abbreviation for the French Football Federation.


The colors of the Belgian national team coat of arms follow the colors of the national flag. In its center are the abbreviations of the Royal Belgian Football Association in two official languages: French and Dutch. The year of foundation of this federation is placed at the bottom of the coat of arms. The two laurel branches around it symbolize victory and triumph, while the crown symbolizes the constitutional monarchy.


The coat of arms of the England national team depicts a shield-shaped field, inside of which are three lions. This national symbol country, which in 1190 was created by Richard I the Lionheart. IN original version above the emblem there is also a single star, which glorifies the team's victory in the 1966 World Cup.

Ten Tudor roses, evenly spaced around the entire perimeter of the image, are traditional symbols of Great Britain. They signify the reconciliation between York and Lancaster after the War of the Scarlet and White Roses.


The coat of arms is a cross of the Order of Christ - the successor of the Knights Templar in Portugal. Inside it, five small blue shields are depicted on a white background. different sizes. On small ones - five silver bezants, symbolizing money and wealth.

The abbreviation F.P.F. is placed at the top of the coat of arms. - Portuguese Football Federation.


The emblem of the Argentina national team is made in the colors of the national flag of the country: light blue and white. The yellow space stands for the "May sun" - the symbol of the Inca god, which is named after the May Revolution.

In the center of the coat of arms is an abbreviation denoting the football association of Argentina, and around it is a laurel wreath. It is a famous symbol of triumph and victory.

The two stars above the coat of arms commemorate the victories of the Argentines at the World Cups in 1978 and 1986.


The red, white and blue tricolor of the symbol of the Croatian national team adorns the pattern of the country's coat of arms. It is a shield on which 25 red and white squares are staggered. There are fewer of them on the football symbol of the country - 22.

In the center is the abbreviation HNS, which stands for the Croatian Football Union. The coat of arms of the national team, as it were, "grows" from a retro ball, which symbolizes loyalty to the traditions of football.


The stripe at the bottom repeats the colors and proportions of the Colombian flag: yellow occupies the upper half of the space, blue and red each quarter. Above the ball is an inscription in Spanish, which translates as "Colombian Football Federation". The ball is divided into 11 components - by the number of players football team.

At the World Cup, the Russian team is only glorifying the country's coat of arms, which they placed on the emblem - the first match ended in a devastating 5-0 score, and now the players are leading the group. As Mikhail Boryasky put it, "the critics bit their tongues." Together with other pop and movie stars, Boyarsky, for whom he will root for the championship.

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