A person weighs 500 kg. The heaviest man in the world

There are many inexplicable things in life. Some people spend their whole lives looking for suitable program for weight loss, and some, on the contrary, certainly want to gain extra pounds and, losing control over their appetite, achieve record heights. Will a lot of weight benefit people and is it easy to live with?

Top 10 most surprisingly fat people

1.Manuel Uribe

The fattest Mexican. At 20, he got a "sedentary" job and began to put on weight. His weight gradually crept to the mark of 599 kg. From fullness, his health worsened, and he could not get out of bed. A diet program developed by doctors helped him lose 180 kg.

2. Francis John Lang

A native of Clinton. He weighed 540 kilograms with his height of 1 m 88 cm. He began to gain weight already in adulthood although he was not overweight in his youth.

3. Walter Hudson

This fat man has the biggest waist. With a weight of 543 kg, his waist circumference was 3 meters. The daily requirement for water was equal to 17 liters. Daily diet included 12 eggs, 3 steaks, 4 baked potatoes, 4 cheeseburgers (double), 4 hamburgers, loaf of bread. In addition, to satisfy his hunger, he needed to eat 2 boxes of sausages, a large pie, 2 chickens or ham.

4. Rosalia Bradford

Her weight reached 477 kg with a height of 1m 66 cm. The woman did not stop there and gained almost 70 kg more and began to weigh 544 kg. Then she sharply began to lose weight and lost weight to 134 kg. For this, Rosalia Bradford had to make a lot of efforts.

Born in 1958. From childhood, he was given a terrible diagnosis: severe obesity. When he got to New York's St. Luke's Hospital, his weight was melting before our eyes. At the very beginning, his weight was 411 kg, and after losing weight - 90 kg. Before losing weight, his waist was not bulky - 290 cm, and after following the diet - 91 cm. He entered the Guinness Book of Records as a person who managed to lose a lot of fat. But then the record holder returned to his usual way of life, and recovered by 500 kg.

6. Patrick Dewell

When Patrick's weight became equal to 488 kg, he went to the hospital and lay in complete immobility for six months. The desire to get back on his feet made him lose weight, which he does to this day.

7. Paul Mason

Most fat person in a world that needed 20,000 kcal per day, and an ordinary person only 2,000. According to his story, his gluttony began after a break with his girlfriend. He gained 445 kg. Poor health forced Paul to undergo surgery. He underwent a gastric bypass. After a successful surgical intervention, Paul began to weigh 245 kg.

8. Donna Simpson

Already in childhood, she herself decided for herself to become the fattest woman. And so it happened. She gave birth to her first daughter with a weight of 241 kg. I couldn't give birth on my own C-section. Gradually, her weight increased and reached 445 kg. In six months, she gained 200 s overweight. The media attributed to her another 45 kg. The appetite was immeasurable. She swept away everything in her path. But, having reached a certain goal, she decided to lose weight.

9. Jessica Deonard

When the girl was 8 years old, the public intervened in her life. People did not like that at such a young age the girl weighed more than 200 kg. The young lady is still following various weight loss programs.

10. Terry Smith

Born in America. From birth, she was a large child and gradually gained weight. At 7 years old, her weight was 51 kg, and at 20 - already 100 kg, then slowly equated to 320 kg. It was difficult for a woman to move around and take care of herself. And then she completely fell ill, and long years was bedridden. A caring husband, daughter and grandchildren support Terry as much as they can. Doctors recommend her to stick to a certain diet, otherwise it can all end badly.

Many problems accompany a person from childhood. Parents need to pay attention to the weight of the child and, if necessary, consult a doctor for advice.

Victims of fast food, victims of medical malpractice, victims of neuroses, victims of circumstances... These people daily consume kilograms of hamburgers and drink five to seven liters of soda... Receiving up to 20 thousand kilocalories per day with a daily requirement of 2,500 - 3,000.. They, of course, struggle with their weight and even try to live a full life, but ... Most of the most famous fat men on the planet passed away before the age of fifty ...

Fat Celebrities... So let's get started... In the history of mankind, the heaviest man on earth was John Brower Minnock from Benbridge Island, Washington... He was 183 cm tall and weighed 630 kg when he entered the hospital at the age of 37 years with congestive heart failure. He was in the hospital for 2 years and received a diet with a calorie content of 1200 kcal ... At discharge, his weight was 150 kg ...

The heaviest woman was Mrs. Percy Pearl Washington from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, whose height was 180 cm, weight 400 kg. She died in 1972...

Walter Hudson from New York is 175 cm tall, heaviest weight who was 570 kg, had a waist size of 300 cm ...

And here is the coffin in which he was buried...

Another celebrity of past years is Carol Yeager ... With a height of 170 cm, she weighed almost 600 kg in her worst years ... But this weight was not officially recorded ... In the photo, Carol has already lost 235 kg. This achievement of hers was just recorded by doctors ...

And this woman from Iraq weighed 457 kilograms... She died at the age of 43...

Well, more detailed stories... There is evidence that the record weight of Rosalie Bradford from the USA, registered in January 1987, was 544 kg ...

Since the woman did not get up for several months, she had terrible bedsores ...

And after she developed heart failure from constant overload, she began to follow a diet under the supervision of doctors ...

After six months of torment, she began to get up ...

And by February 1994, Rosalie already weighed 128 kg! ..

Billy and Benny McCrery from Hendersonville, North Carolina...

The heaviest twins in the world ... They developed like normal children until the age of 6 and began to put on a lot of weight after they had been ill with rubella ...

They weighed 333 kg and 324 kg respectively. Both had waists of 212 cm. But they were very active people and loved sports very much! .. They were adored by all of America! ..

By the way, their images are still used in advertising...

One brother died in a motorcycle crash in the late 1970s...

Hundreds of Americans still visit his grave...

And this is Walter Hudson from New York... He weighed over 540 kg...

For all his unfortunate appearance, it was this man who managed to make a real show out of his life ... In order to remove this colorful fat man, the publications laid out very tidy sums ...

However, the previous story is more an exception to the rule than the rule ... The life of fat people is often truly tragic, and most of them have to overcome terrible difficulties ... And Patrick Dewell is a living example of this ...

He grew up as a perfectly normal, slightly chubby child...

And by the way, he was very sociable and friendly...

However, when 42-year-old Patrick was taken to the Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls, with a height of just under 180 centimeters, he weighed about 482 kilograms ...

By that time, he had not been out of bed for about six months ... The League for Human Dignity, a public organization, arranged for Dewell to be transported to a local hospital to be weighed. And... the doctors refused to treat him...

So the unfortunate man had to spend a few more months to still find doctors who agreed to help him ...

Dewell's treatment costs more than a million dollars, but the hospital administration paid for it. Local authorities had to find a special ambulance to transport the patient to the hospital...

And the administration of the hospital - move two beds in the ward so that Dewell can somehow fit ...

“Then I was very depressed. I did not see any light at the end of the tunnel,” Dewell himself admits ...

And then everything got better, and there was even a wedding ...

A year ago, Dewell had heart problems, diabetes, thyroid problems, high blood pressure in the lungs and arthritis ... But now all this is almost in the past, he claims ...

He first lost 144 kilograms under the supervision of doctors and intended to lose another 203 kg by the end of the treatment ... By the end of last year, he practically succeeded ...

Manuel Uribe... A Mexican who never left the TV screens a couple of months ago...

For the first time in five years, he left his home, losing due to diet and exercise around 200 kilos...

He went out for a real walk ... However, 41-year-old Manuel Uribe is still quite heavy - he still cannot walk, and in order to seat him in the back of a truck, a crane was needed.

The inhabitants of the city welcomed Uribe ... The history of his struggle with overweight became a local sensation!

His girlfriend is sure that everything will be fine!..

But all these stories are almost nonsense compared to the life of this child...

A girl from Chicago at 7 years old weighs over 200 kg...

Every day, her mother feeds Jessica kilograms of fast food and five liters of soda to drink. Otherwise she cries...

Thus, the girl receives 10 thousand kcal per day, while the daily need for a child of this age is 1800 kcal... brought the child to such a state ...

But not everyone treats fat people with indignation. In Italy, for example, they are very much loved ... Before you is the winner of the largest, in every sense of the word, competition of fat people "Miss Fatty and Mister Fatty" of the past, 2006...

The last competition was the eighteenth in a row, and this is how the winner of the very first competition looked like...

Women and men can participate in it, weighing more than 100 and 150 kg, respectively...

There are no restrictions on age and place of residence ...

But only a citizen of Italy can get the main prize...

During the control weighing of the winner, the arrow of the scales stopped at 198 kilograms. Among men, there was no equal to a 204-kilogram lover of Italian pizza and spaghetti ...

Forty contenders tried to become the most charming fat woman. Only five men participated in the competition ...

By the way, something similar is carried out in twenty countries of the world ...

But compared to the Italian competition, this is true, seeds ...

via topnews.ru

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According to World Organization Health, in 2016, 650 million people were obese. And it's not funny at all. Obesity can cause a huge number of health problems.

But it can be prevented by taking care of yourself and your diet in time, many people from the list below continue to gain weight ...

The fattest man in Australia. Before he had to be hospitalized, Andre Nasr weighed 199.5 kg and ate 12,000 calories a day.

2. Donna Simpson

She wanted to become the heaviest woman in the world and tried to bring her weight to 450 kg, but the goal was not achieved - she was “stuck” at around 270 kg. But Donna was not taken aback. She created her own website and now earns $90,000 a year by watching her eat online.

3. Michael Edelman

When the man weighed 360 kg, he fell and could not get up - Michael simply did not have enough strength. He did not cope with the task - to raise the fallen and the police squad. After a while, Edelman recovered to 470 kg, and then died of pneumonia and malnutrition.

4. David Ron High

He weighed 450 kg. It took 6 hours to get the man out of the apartment, stretchers and ropes - David was lowered through the window. Hui died in hospital as a result of liver and kidney failure.

5. Sylvanus Smith

The man faced a problem at the age of 54. His weight reached 450 kg and a forklift was required to place him in an ambulance. In the hospital, Silvanus managed to lose 130 kg, but soon the weight returned to its previous mark. Possible cause his death is believed to be diabetes.

6. Jose Luis Garza

Presumably, he weighed 450 kg, but in fact, Jose Luis did not weigh himself for a very long time. Once he was a chef, and then depression and alcohol played a cruel joke on him. At some point, Garza still pulled himself together and said that he did not want to become the heaviest person in the world.

Terry weighs about 320 kg and is rightfully considered one of the fattest women in the world. Because of her weight, Terry is unable to get out of bed, and it is her family's responsibility to take care of her.

Andres weighed 440 kg and died on Christmas Day at the age of 38 from a heart attack. For a while he was the fattest man in the world.

9. Keith Martin

At the age of 44, Keith Martin weighed about 450 kg and was forced to resort to bariatric surgery, effectively helping to get rid of excess fat. The operation was successful, but unfortunately, the man fell ill with pneumonia and died just 8 months after the operation.

In addition to the fact that she could die with her weight of 450 kg, Mayra was also threatened with the death penalty. She was accused of killing her nephew. But later it turned out that Rosales could not fall not a child in any way - the woman could not even get out of bed. When it turned out that the fattest lady in the world was innocent, the police went to her sister, who turned out to be the killer. Realizing that there was no one to follow her nephews now, Myra gathered her will into a fist, went through several operations and began to weigh 91 (!!!) kg.

11. Mills Darden

With a height of 2.3 meters, his weight was almost 465 kilograms. There are no photographs of Darden left - he lived from 1799 to 1857, but according to rumors, the man lived enough active life. Mills died, allegedly suffocated by folds of skin around his neck.

His Weight Limit was 500 kg. Throughout his history, in total, Michael has lost weight and recovered by about 2000 kg. Hebranco died of heart, kidney and liver failure.

13. Mike Parteleno

In memory of Mike Parteleno

A person's wealth is not measured by the size of his bank account or any other material wealth, it is measured by the number of friends, family and lives and hearts that he was allowed into.

Weighing almost 460 kg, he followed the Dick Gregory Bahamian diet and liked to take part in fat competitions.

About a man who weighed almost 470 kg was filmed documentary Half tone dad. In his youth, he was an athlete, but then he retired and began to gain weight. According to eyewitnesses, he ate up to 30 thousand calories a day.

Jambik became the fattest child in the world at the age of 4, when he weighed 56 kg. After that, his weight only increased, and by the age of 9, Khatokhov began to weigh 184 kg.

Due to a congenital pathology, he quickly gained weight and became the fattest man on the planet. In 1958 he was 32 years old, Robert weighed 472 kg and died of congestive heart failure.

He became the fattest man with a weight of 444 kg. Paul's problems began after the death of his father and the illness of his mother. But after the operation on the stomach, Mason began to lose weight.

18. Eman Ahmed Abd El Aty

He ended up in the hospital, weighing almost half a ton. The operation helped Patrick lose some weight, but the surgery did not solve all of Deuel's problems.

Its maximum weight was 544 kg. At 43, Robert died due to sepsis.

The fat man weighed 550 kg. At the time of his death, at age 46, Walter's weight was 510 kg.

In 1993, when she was 34 years old, Carol weighed 539 kg. She was taken to the hospital by the fire brigade. For 9 months, Yager did not move. At the hospital, Carol lost 226 kg, but her weight still has not returned to normal.

23. Manuel Uribe

Before his death at the age of 48, Manuel weighed 557 kg. Uribe did not get out of bed for 6 years. The cause of death of the man was heart and liver failure.

24. Khalid bin Mohsen Shaari

A resident of Saudi Arabia weighed 610 kg as a teenager. Upon learning of his problem, the king intervened and ordered Khalid to be hospitalized.

It is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most difficult person. In 1978, John weighed 635 kg. It took 13 people to turn him over in the hospital. He managed to survive the strictest diet and eventually Minnock died in 1983 weighing 361 kg.

Sometimes a person gains excess weight as a result of an illness. But most people have a different reason - they eat too much and move little. Obesity can make a person's life incredibly difficult both morally and physical plane. However, some people have even become famous for their weight. Here top 10 fattest people in the world from the living.

10. Dzhambulat Khatokhov - 240 kg

The fattest man in Russia was born on September 24, 1999 and by the age of 1 he already weighed 17 kilograms. And by the first class, Dzhambulat's weight reached 115 kg, thanks to which his name appeared in the Guinness Book of Records. His mother says that the son inherited the heroic dimensions from his grandfather.

Dzhambulat gained worldwide fame thanks to the documentary video "The Biggest Boy in the World", which was broadcast on many television channels around the world.

Currently, the weight of the young man reaches 240 kg, and he is not at all shy about this. On the contrary, Khatokhov consciously increases body weight, and plans to compete in sumo wrestling competitions. He is actively involved in sports, participated in television shows and, at the invitation of journalists, visited Japan and England.

9. Donna Simpson - 290 kg

This adventurous and overly curvaceous lady created a website where her fans paid to watch Donna eat to get even fatter. According to foreign publications, she earned $ 90,000 a year in this way. In 2010, Donna received the title of "The Fattest Mom in the World" and immortalized her name in the Guinness Book of Records.

However, in 2011, the woman decided to lose weight to 170 kg in order to be more independent and be able to fully take care of her two children.

Simpson is a supporter of the fatness acceptance movement and makes fun of people who "feel guilty when they overeat."

However, at the “peak of form” Donna was far from the late Carol Yager, who, with a height of 170 cm, weighed 544 kg.

8. Terry Smith - 320 kg

Once upon a time, this dark-skinned American woman was an active woman, despite the fact that she was overweight since childhood. By the age of 20, she weighed 100 kg, but at the same time lived a full life, and then got married and became a mother.

As she naturally aged, Terri became constantly fat, and eventually became bedridden. The situation is complicated by the fact that the woman suffers from constant headaches and doctors suspect a brain tumor. However, there is no MRI for patients with these sizes.

7. Paul Mason - 445 kg

Mason's breakfast was a meal for ten people and included bread, bacon, sausages and chicken eggs, while snacks consisted of 40 packs of potato chips and 20 chocolate bars per day. The NHS had to widen the doors and corridors at Mason's house so that restaurant staff could deliver food right to the fat man's bed.

Mason was called the fattest man on Earth, but this did not make him happy. The Briton is tired of his appetites; he no longer wanted to consume almost 20,000 calories daily.

In 2015, Paul Mason underwent a gastric bypass procedure. In order for the operating room to support the weight of the patient, the engineers had to install metal supports under the floor. To get rid of excess weight the man was pushed by love for Rebecca Mountain. Thanks to this light feeling, he lost 305 kg and got rid of 21 kg of excess skin. Unfortunately, the couple broke up.

6. Katrina Rayford - 454 kg

As a child, Katrina was sexually abused and began to "seize" stress. At the age of 14, she had to undergo treatment in a psychiatric hospital due to problems with overeating. This Florida resident spent most of her life within four walls. own house, communicating with peers only on the Web.

However, Katrina did not lose hope for a normal life and managed to lose 261 kg with the help of an operation on the gastrointestinal tract and a strict diet. She is not going to stop there and is already going to romantic dinners with boyfriends.

5. Andre Nasr - 468 kg

The fattest man in Australia in 2015 sought medical help because he could not leave his house for the past two to three years. Andre consumed 12,000 calories a day, six times the amount recommended for Australians.

The Australian became so fat that one of the walls of his house had to be dismantled so that medical workers could take him to the hospital. There he joined special program treatment.

Nasr has since lost over 170kg and says he wants to help others overcome extreme obesity.

4. Kenneth Brumley - 468 kg

At one time, Kenneth was considered the fattest man on Earth, and a documentary film “Half Ton Dad” was shot about his life. He was bedridden for four years, and the fire brigade had to break down a wall in his house to pull the fat man out and take him to the Renaissance Hospital in Texas. There, Brumley managed to lose 76 kg in 40 days.

The weight loss procedure involved limiting the man's daily diet to about 1,200 calories per day. For comparison, Kenneth consumed about 30,000 calories daily.

3. Mayra Rosales - 470 kg

If you look at the photo of Myra in 2008 and now, it will be hard to believe that this is the same person. This woman is living proof that it doesn't matter how much you weigh. The right motivation is important to lose weight.

In order to take care of her nephews, Mayra lost weight to 91 kg. Her sister, Jaime Lee, is serving a prison sentence for the manslaughter of her two-year-old child. Rosales initially took the blame, saying that she accidentally sat on her nephew and crushed him. However, during a high-profile investigation, the truth came out. And the real culprit was punished.

2. JuanPedro Franco - 585 kg

In 2016, a resident of Mexico entered the Guinness Book of Records as the fattest person in the world. His weight at that time was a little short of 595 kg. In a short film shown by the BBC, Franco explains that after a car accident at the age of 17, half of his body was "broken" and he never fully recovered. Nevertheless, the doctors did not understand why the man gained so much fat. Franco suffered from diabetes, high blood pressure and hypothyroidism.

Currently, he has thrown off 132 kg, up to 453 kilograms. In this, a whole team of 30 professionals helps him for free. The goal of a man is very simple - to get up from the couch on his own. This motivates him to exercise and even undergo gastric bypass surgery.

1. Khalid ibn Muhsen Shaari - maximum weight 610 kg

As a teenager, a resident of Saudi Arabia weighed 610 kilograms. He only slightly fell short of the record set by the fattest man in history - American John Minnock, with a body weight of 635 kg.

Extremely dubious in terms of health benefits, Khalid's achievement was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2013, the king of Saudi Arabia ordered the young man to be hospitalized. He also paid for the treatment. The young fat man was taken to the clinic on a military plane.

Two hundred and ninety kilograms - that's how much the fattest person in the world weighs after all medical manipulations. Through the efforts of doctors and Khalid himself, he managed to lose 320 kilograms. And by 2016, the heaviest person in the world gained the ability to walk.

From this article you can find out who is considered the fattest man in the world. This information is officially confirmed, or was recognized by the public, because people have learned relatively recently to measure body weight.

Carol Yeager

A US citizen named Carol Yeager is considered the fattest woman on Earth. Carol was born in 1960 in Flint. She differed from her peers in her great weight in childhood. The main reason for the girl's excess weight is a constant and unlimited appetite that haunted her.

By the age of 20, Carol's weight had increased so much that her legs were no longer able to support their own weight. The girl could not make elementary movements, and therefore she practically became bedridden. She needed constant medical care, in addition, her daughter Heather also looked after her. Carol's weight then was 544 kg, while her maximum weight was 727 kg.

Without a doubt, it became clear that the mass has acquired a life-threatening character that threatens health and even life itself. Every day the woman added kilograms, and at the same time her state of health worsened.

Trying to reduce weight

In the end, she contacted the popular nutritionist Richard Simonson and the then-famous Jerry Springer, the host of the TV show.

Under the contract, she took part in the Springer show, i.e. advertised his TV show, in return, Carol was provided with free treatment. Jerry Springer agreed to become his sponsor. However, in fact, the woman did not manage to receive tangible help from the famous dietitian - the result was zero.

John Minnock and his sad story

The title of "The Fattest Man in the World" is officially awarded to John Brower Minnock, a resident of Bainbridge, USA. Its weight reached, scary to think, about 630 kg.

This weight indicator, truly fantastic, became known to the whole world after Minnock was examined in 1978. John was examined by a council of doctors at the Seattle clinic. Minnock was a taxi driver by profession, but because of his excessive weight, the man had to give up work altogether.

Even in order to determine the “parameters” of a person of such thickness, it was necessary to solve the problem not from an easy one. To turn Minnock from side to side, resorted to the help of 13 or more men!

Manuel Uribe and his success

Another of the fattest people in the world is Manuel Uribe. In 2001, he weighed almost half a ton, and then he was no longer able to get out of bed without assistance. By 2007, he already weighed 560 kg. Manuel decided to turn to surgeons for medical help. They performed a gastric truncation on him. Manuel promised then that he would go on a diet and get rid of excess weight. And he succeeded!

The man was lucky - he lost almost 200 kg. Manuel Uribe managed to become a record holder in two categories at once:

  • As a person who has lost the most extra pounds of weight.
  • Like the fattest person.

Thanks to the weight of 560 kg, Uribe entered the famous Guinness Book of Records. Having got rid of 200 kilograms, Manuel gained the ability to move independently, without the help of strangers. The first act that he did after losing weight was to marry the woman who supported him all the time and helped Manuel over the past two years.

Of course, the fattest people in the whole world are doomed to experience a lot of all sorts of life inconveniences. It must be understood that such a colossal amount of extra pounds poses a threat not only to health, but also to human life itself.

Even surgical operations to reduce the stomach or the same liposuction are not able to help such people, because after that they again begin to uncontrollably eat food, and everything returns to its original place!