Raven horse. Black horse: features of the suit and historical significance

The black horse at all times was especially noted by people. The stallion of black color more than once became the hero of songs and poems, paintings of artists. The first thing that comes to mind when you see a horse of a coal color is a violent, uncontrollable temper, a desire for freedom, pride, strength and power. It is worth telling more about this graceful and mysterious animal.

A horse with a red tinge A black horse is running A black horse with a beautiful mane A young black horse
Black horse running Black horse Graceful black mare Coal-black horse color Black horse coat color

Types of black horses

The black suit of a horse is found in many breeds and species. This is one of the 4 basic colors of horses. The main color is the basic, natural color that existed even before the wild herds were tamed by man. All other colors are apprentices, i.e. different color options that do not fall under the classical criteria for determining the suit. On the basis of 4 colors, horses of other colors were bred. In total, there are 4 main suits - red, black, bay, gray. From the crow by the selection method, for example, smoky-crow was obtained.

Coal color is found in almost all species classified by purpose. These are horses for riding, for transporting goods. The exception is heavy trucks. The black horse served as the basis for breeding this species, and many of its representatives have signs of the main suit. But they are not expressed so clearly as to qualify the heavy truck as a black one. And the Hafling heavy truck has nothing to do with the black color.

There are breeds where only black color is found. This is, for example, Frisian. Also, the suit is common among such breeds as Percheron, Shire, East Frisian, Felp.

Often found black horse in wild representatives of this animal. The Don (or Russian) mustang stands out from other breeds. This is a large, strong, graceful and hardy animal. Its natural habitat is the south of Russia.

Suit Features

The name "crow" comes from the word "raven", i.e. the color is associated with the jet black color of the plumage of this forest predator from the class of birds. The black horse has a uniform, rich color. The mane, coat, tail and hooves are black and blue. Sometimes there are white "stars" on the forehead and "socks" on the legs.

Under different lighting conditions, the coat can acquire a brown, brown, silver or blue tint. During molting, the coat becomes less saturated and acquires an ashy color. The skin also has dark pigmentation.

The black horse requires special care. To maintain the natural shade, it is necessary to carefully comb and wash the coat, mane and tail. For this, special shampoos and combs are used. Due to dirt or dust, the horse easily loses its presentable appearance. Hooves after each riding session are cleaned and treated with an ointment based on fat, wax, honey, turpentine or soot. This is necessary so that the hooves do not dry out and do not crack, and also to add saturation to the black color.

You also need to take into account the following nuances:
  • with poor nutrition, the color fades;
  • wool burns out from exposure to the sun;
  • after a haircut, part of the mane at the roots will be a little lighter;
  • after molting, the tone becomes deeper and richer.

The black trotter is distinguished by its indomitable temper and masterful character. Rough handling can be dangerous, because. the stallion is able to kick or throw off the rider. You need to be able to find an approach to an animal of this suit - then the black horse will be a true friend and reliable comrade.


There is a classic black color and apprentices. According to the varieties of suit, the black horse is divided into the following types:
  • piebald;
  • karak;
  • silver-black;
  • moire;
  • crow-roan.

Representatives of this suit are also divided into 3 main types - a crow with a blue tint, a crow in a tan and an ash-crow. The first one is the classic one. In the second, the hairline is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation, the sun's rays give it a dirty brown tint. The third type is distinguished by a specific chestnut tint.


The classic color is jet black. The mane and tail may have a blue tint. The hairline is a couple of tones darker than the wool. The hooves may also be blacker. Both at the base and at the end of the hairs of wool have the same black tint. The eyes are dark brown, sometimes with a reddish or cherry tint.

A newborn foal has a gray, dark gray or bay coat color. The color gradually changes to black after the first molt. An adult representative is distinguished high growth, large size, powerful physique. At the same time, the movements of the animal are graceful and graceful. The black horse is an aristocrat in the world of horses.

Suit photo

Here is a gallery dedicated to the black suit. Each photo illustrates a different type of color.

Origin story

In official documents, information is recorded only about the Friesian breed. It was bred in the Netherlands, in the province of Friesland.

The first mentions date back to the 13th century. Breeding by selection began in the 16th and 17th centuries, during the Spanish occupation of the Netherlands. In 1823, King William the First established a race where representatives of the Friesian breed participated. Since 1985, the black horse has become an official member of the royal stable. The Friesian breed is beautiful and rare, romantically referred to as the "black pearl".

There is no other documented information. Among different peoples, in legends and chronicles, powerful and strong horses of black color are sometimes mentioned. These animals were both wild and domestic. There is information about both free herds of black horses and horses plowing the fields.

Black apprentices

The differences between the suits in black horses are not as obvious as in other colors. The features of each should be described in detail.

Piebald Crow

Distinguished by white spots on the coat. Pigmentation of a light shade is found on the muzzle and legs, less often on the back, withers, and abdomen. The spots have clear outlines. The main color is charcoal black. This is the main color of the representatives of the Shire breed.

silver black

A characteristic difference is the light gray "apples" on the coat. The spots are blurry and not conspicuous at first glance, but are clearly visible while running and in sunlight. The horse's head is always darker than the body.

The mane and tail can be a silvery-white, pearl shade. This coloring is the most beautiful.


In the area of ​​​​the eyes and lips, groin, shoulder blades, the coat has a reddish tint. In the sun gives a chocolate tint. This apprentice is common among purebred breeds intended for riding.


The coat has an ash-black color. In this case, when illuminated, a bluish-silver tint is visible. This breed was bred specifically for participation in performances. Rare suit, has a high cost. Refers to the Arabian horses.


The term "roan" refers to the presence of impurities in the wool, hairs of a different shade. In the classic version, this is a gray color in combination with a coat of another pigment. But blacks do not have a pure gray color, this is an artificially bred apprentice. TO thoroughbred the roan gene was “mixed in”. As a result, the representative of the species has an ashy color. Black and white hairs are distributed throughout the body in equal proportions. They are intertwined with each other and do not form spots and stripes. This color is also called mouse.


In genetics, the black suit is indicated by marker E. The MC1R gene is responsible for the main tone, and ACIP, or agouti, is responsible for the dark pigment of the upper layers of wool and hairline. The latter is an active gene that provides a black color in cubs whose parents had a light or colored pigment.

A pure breed, without impurities and brighteners, is marked "EE" or "Ee", where "e" is the gene responsible for the red hue. Such a pigment in one of the crossing participants does not have a significant effect on the future color.

The crow-roan color contains the Dun clarifier gene in its genotype, due to which the coat acquires a grayish tint. This gene is common among wild representatives of the suit. Silver colors have the Cremello clarifier gene, which gives a slightly creamy tint. The reddish sheen of wool gives the marker "e".

Color breeding

The gene responsible for the black color is dominant. In 100% of cases, when black horses are crossed with representatives of other colors, the offspring has a coal-colored coat and hairline. An exceptional moment is the dominance of the gene responsible for the red color in the mare. Then black foals are born only in 70 cases out of 100. Rarely, but it happens that black parents have bay-colored cubs. A black foal can be born from crossing two bay individuals.


According to the international classification of suit standards, 2 breeds have a pure black color - Dutch Frisians and French ariejoises. This color is also common among the following breeds:
  • percherons;
  • shires;
  • felps;
  • Kabardian;
  • kladruby;
  • trakehner;
  • Hanoverian;
  • Oryol trotters.

A variety of black color is found in German and Spanish breeds of horses. In American and Russian wild breeds, this coloration is also common.

Reflection in culture

Black color has always been associated with mysticism, mystery, darkness, night, otherworldly forces. The coal-colored horse appears in the cultures of different peoples and in the works of the classics.

In Ancient Rus', this animal was associated with strength and prowess, freedom and fearlessness. Our ancestors revered and were a little afraid of black horses. The rebellious, large-sized horse was a faithful companion to the heroes of legends and legends - the heroes. But riders from the wild steppes also made their raids on black horses.

The painting by Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov "Three heroes" depicts heroic horse coal suit. Ilya Muromets, the central character of the composition, sits on it.

This is the hero of many epics and fairy tales. Behind the image of a mythical character is a living person, whose name was that. Ilya Muromets became famous as a skilled and brave warrior. Long years he honestly carried out military service, defending the Motherland from enemies. His name is associated with courage, courage, heroic power. The artist “gave” Ilya a horse of black color because the horse must be matched by the owner both in temperament and appearance. In epics, the image is described as follows: “And the horse under Ilya is a fierce beast.”

Among the Eastern peoples, a black horse was a symbol of power and strength. It was believed that animals of this color protect their owner from evil spirits and damage. The horse was revered and respected. He was credited with the ability to heal any disease, even the most severe. If a black horse was presented as a gift to another person, then this meant an expression of deep reverence, respect and goodwill towards the recipient of the gift.

The Japanese in ancient times believed that a black horse could cause rain. When a drought overtook the country, a special religious ritual was held with the participation of this animal. The peoples of Africa consider the raven to be a perfect creature, a symbol of pure and absolute beauty.

In Europe, there was a negative attitude towards coal-colored horses. In Scottish tales, black horses abducted small children. In English folklore, goblins took the form of a black stallion - evil creatures that harm people. European settlers in Canada had a legend in which the devil took the form of a horse with a tar mane and fiery eyes.

In the Middle Ages, black horses were attributed to demonic origin. They were associated with the devil, hell, malice, hatred, disease and deprivation, madness, death. In those days, black horses could be found in a cart carrying the dead.

The priests of the Catholic Church claimed that the Horsemen of the Apocalypse ride horses of this suit. Europeans were terrified of these graceful animals. Peasants and townspeople, seeing a horse, hurried to hide in any shelter. They read prayers and asked higher powers for protection from the demonic creature.

In Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita, a trio of blacks carries Woland and company across the starry sky. Tolkien "rewarded" the black riders in the person of the Nazgul - the servants of Sauron, in the past the kings of the human race. In the mystical works "The Headless Horseman" and "Sleepy Hollow" a black horse is mentioned. The name "The Black Horse" is the book of the revolutionary and terrorist Boris Savinkov. This image is found in songs and romances. Among the pop performers who mentioned the suit in their repertoire, one can name Ivan Kuchin, Vika Tsyganova and Nadezhda Babkina.

Bucephalus, the horse of Alexander the Great, was charcoal in color. According to legend, no one could tame the obstinate stallion, and only he recognized Alexander as his master. The legend says that Bucephalus died protecting the great commander from enemies.

The black suit of a horse belongs to the basic ones along with red and bay. Horses with this coat color look very impressive. Some breeds have only this color, for example, the Friesian. In general, this suit is considered common among other breed lines.

General characteristics of the black suit

The term "black horse" is found only in Russian, while in others it sounds like "black". If you remember what the crow's wing looks like, it will become clear why this suit is named that way. The raven is not just jet black, its feathers have a beautiful blue sheen. In black horses, the wool also shimmers in the sun, shines and seems blue-black.

Black horses are characterized by signs:

  • jet black mane and tail;
  • Brown eyes;
  • dark skin pigment.

Attention! Contrary to popular belief, the horny layer of the hooves of these horses does not have to be black. In some individuals it is gray.

Black foals are born with an unevenly colored brown coat, but with age, the color changes to charcoal. When molting, even in adults, the hairline becomes heterogeneous and dull. Scientists believe that the beauty and brilliance of the skin directly depends on the quality of nutrition and the conditions in which animals are kept.

Features of the gene responsible for color

The black suit is one of the main colors in the classification. It is determined by the presence of the E (extension) gene, while the red color gene is designated e. Horses of this color can have 2 different genotypes:

If you cross a black horse with a red one, the offspring can inherit both the characteristics of the father and the mother. The result will depend on the genotype of the black parent. For example, if a crow-wing stallion has both genes in the genotype - E and e, and the mare that happened to him is red (her genotype), then the probability of getting black foals is 30%.

The probability of having a black foal will increase to 50% if both parents have the Ee genotype or one of them has the EE genes and the other has the ee genes. One hundred percent obtaining black offspring is possible only from a stallion and a mare, in the genotypes of which the E gene (extension) predominates.

Black color options

There are several varieties of black suit. Each of them has certain characteristics.


Horses classified in this category are characterized by a clean, uniform and rich coat color. Their hairline almost does not shed and does not fade in the sun due to the persistent pigment. The classic black suit is distinguished by a characteristic overflow to blue, if you look at the animal in bright light.

Tan shade

The peculiarity of black horses in tan is that their hairs have an unstable black pigment. In summer, under the influence of sunlight, their tips burn out, become red. Animals appear dirty brown throughout the hot season. In winter, hair color is completely restored.


This type of suit differs from the classic one in a lower saturation of the pigment. The coat of such horses in bright light casts a slight chestnut tint. Scientists believe that the ash-black color at the genetic level is associated with the nightingale, bulan and isabella suit.

silver black

Another version of the black color is silver-black. It is characterized by the presence of light gray apples with a silvery overflow scattered over the body of the horse. In this case, the head of the animal is always darker than the body.


Horses with this color are unusually beautiful. In their genotype there is a piebald gene inherited from one of the parents. Their fur is jet black with large spilled white spots.

Raven roan

Thanks to the roan gene, an unusual effect occurs - black and white hairs grow mixed on the horse's body. From the side, such horses seem smoky gray or mousey.

The variety of options for the black suit is amazing. This color is especially attractive in the classic version. Friesian horses, which are only black, are proof of this. They are considered among the most beautiful in the world.

At all times, people treated black horses with trepidation and endowed them with magical properties. For example, the inhabitants of India believe that a horse with black hair brings death and misfortune. Breeders from developed countries are sure of the opposite - black horses are noble, have high efficiency and a subtle mind.

Black suit of horses- the phenomenon, oddly enough, is quite rare. They are distinguished by black hair, dark skin and brown eyes. At all times, great kings and illustrious commanders preferred to ride on ravens. Behind them always stretched a train of various kinds of myths and legends.

Features and description of a black horse

According to historical documents, the well-known Bucephalus, the faithful horse of Alexander the Great, was just a black one. As a 10-year-old boy, Alexander was the only one who was able to saddle the obstinate 11-year-old horse, which was offered to be bought by his royal father. Seeing this, the king of Macedonia uttered words that became prophetic: "My son, Macedonia is too small for you, look for a kingdom on your own."

black horse many peoples considered unhappy. Suffice it to recall the "Apocalypse" of John the Theologian, where a rider sat on a black horse, bringing hunger and death. Among the Slavs and nomads of Central Asia, on the contrary, black horse associated with strength and power. A gift in the form of such a stallion meant great respect and recognition.

Types of black horses

The black suit has several varieties:

  • classic black;
  • black crow;
  • ash-black;
  • silver-black.

So, the classic version is distinguished by the blue-black color of the hairline and dark eyes.

Pictured is a black horse

black horse the classic suit is not prone to molting and always has a completely black color. Herd horses, which are daily pastured by the rays of the scorching sun, tend to change their black color to brown.

Such chameleons are difficult to identify by their appearance. To make sure that the horse is black, they cut off a small section of its hair and look at the color of the skin and hair at the base. If they are black, everything is in order, the black one is just slightly tanned. With a stable content, the animal quickly sheds and restores a rich black tint.

The ash-black can sometimes be confused with the owners of the classic color, although if you look closely, especially in the sun, you can notice the chestnut tint characteristic of them. This is due to the presence of genes for isabella, buckskin and nightingale suits.

In the photo is an ash-black horse

The rarest and at the same time the most impressive variety of blacks is the silver-black horse, in which the body is painted in deep black, and the mane and tail are milky white, as if they were deliberately painted with hydroperite. More often come across with a silver-gray color and in apples, but with a dark head.

The gene responsible for the inheritance of black color is dominant. From a black horse, the offspring will also be of a black suit. The exception is if the red color gene dominates in the mare, in which case the probability of the appearance of black foals is 70 cases out of 100. In most cases, foals of the same color are born from black stallions and mares, in rare cases they are bay.

Pictured is a silver-black horse

When crossing bay and black, the offspring will also be variegated. There are cases of the appearance of black foals from bay parents, but they are quite rare. Newborn foals are almost never immediately black. Their coat has a so-called mousey shade - a mixture of gray, ashen and brown. Over time, they molt and show their true black color to the light.

The black suit is more common in breeds such as:, East Frisian, Fell. And, of course, it is impossible not to mention the Frisians, for whom this is the only color option. There are others black horse breeds, but they are quite rare.

Care and maintenance of black horses

A black horse is like a black car. The slightest dust reduces the whole presentable look to nothing. Therefore, such animals require careful hair care: washing with special shampoos, combing, and the like. Regular cleanings, combined with the right diet, make the black hairline shiny and well-groomed.

Special attention should be paid to the hooves of the animal. At the end of the ride, the hooves are cleaned and blackened with a special ointment based on sheep fat, honey, wax, rosin, turpentine and soot (for color). This composition prevents cracking of the hooves and reduces dryness.

Otherwise, the content of blacks does not differ from other stripes. Everyone needs clean, regularly ventilated stables, fresh water, balanced food and walks on fresh air.

Feeding black horses

The horse's diet consists of high-quality fresh hay that does not smell musty, pure oats, and bran. In the summer heat, oats are sprinkled with salted water. If in the warm season, for some reason, the animal is deprived of grazing, freshly cut grass is added to its diet. Vitaminized supplements in the right dosage are also necessary for good health and development of the pet.

The favorite delicacy of any horse is carrots and apples. When you first meet an animal, you can quickly win him over by having these simple products with you.

The price of black horses and owner reviews

The cost of a black horse directly depends on the breed, pedigree and external data of the animal. In most cases, the price is negotiated individually. For example, a frieze can cost from 400,000 to 1,500,000 rubles, and this is far from the limit.

Among the Turkmens, black horses were considered evil, hot, obstinate and difficult to train. However, a lot depends on the breed, for example, Friesian horses are distinguished by a complaisant and kind disposition. Owners of black horses note the energetic and at the same time strict disposition of their pets. Many unanimously say that the black can be called "the horse of one master."

Often they become very attached to a certain person and find it difficult to bear separation from him, becoming irritable and uncontrollable. As the artists say: "black paint is the queen of the palette." Black horses have always been surrounded by a veil of mystery and something supernatural.

How many people - so many opinions, but looking at black horse photo, for the most part they converge - a pitch-black, proud handsome horse with a mane fluttering on the run and flexing muscles is truly one of the most beautiful creations of Nature.


The black horse is completely black.

There are also apprentices: ash-black and black in tan.

Black suit(they are also black horses) always attracts attention, and "non-horses" is invariably defined as "black". Easy to guess, even without detailed description what kind of horse from myself in appearance.

The feather of a raven casts blue - this is what a true black animal looks like, and the term is applicable only to horses. And to blued steel. But the text is not about that. Hair from any part of the body is uniform black, and only black, painted over, the mane and tail are visually perceived even darker, with a brilliant bluish tint. This is ideal. With stable maintenance, daily care, proper coat change, the possibility of bathing and feeding with complete mixtures. It is considered the basic, that is, genetically justified suit for all horses in nature in theory (only two of the same color are worthy of such a title - red and black).

But the conventional wisdom that hooves should be black is completely unfounded. White markings, quite compatible with this suit, will instantly lighten the hoof of the marked leg, which will not affect the determination of the suit at all.

Givings about the black suit

Invariably, this particular suit is associated with mysticism, esotericism, always for some reason in a bad, unpleasant and negative way. Since ancient times, riders on horses of precisely black coloring have instilled fear in the enemy even before the start of the fight. Lone horsemen, and even in dark cloaks, caused supernatural horror among the inhabitants, forcing them to cross themselves and whisper prayers. It has always been believed that black stallions, spewing foam and squinting with a fiery gaze, are invariably stormy and stern in temper, like people from hell.

It is appropriate to recall here Headless Ichabod Crane from Sleepy Hollow, the frantic rhythm of a black snoring under him, restless together with his master.

A nine Nazgulls from The Fellowship of the Ring, black horsemen, with incredibly roaring and terrifying animals from the other world with supernatural abilities below them? There is something to be frightened of, shivers creep through, therefore, from century to century, in all nationalities, one can find ballads, epics, legends that elevate a black horse to the rank of unearthly negative animals.

Woland with his retinue from The Master and Margarita departed into the sunset all on the same black hellish creatures, in absolute silence, crossing the planes of time and tearing space, hovering above the earth with amazing ease and disappearing irrevocably in the annals of Tartarus.

, famous for millennia, was also a true black suit. Absolutely real character from the pages of history. Furious, distrustful, indomitable, he frantically fought for the life of Alexander the Great in the last battle, laying his head near the fallen body of the owner, but he gave the soldiers the opportunity to carry out the wounded.


All these legends are collective, it is not necessary to attribute all the "black" horses to the villains or automatically assign belonging to the dark forces. These are ordinary animals, just with such a suit.

Very beautiful suit. The brunettes of the horse world. There are affectionate and tame, there are "mad touchy", as in other suits, no more and no less. Remember Black Handsome from the series of the same name.

Variations (offensives) of the black suit

However, in the summer, on a pasture or under the saddle of a shepherd, you can meet a brown-brown horse. She is also black, only "in tan", such among aboriginal breeds are the majority. After molting, the black color of the hair returns, then burns out again. old name - "hazel" suit. The hair in the light is dark at the base, lighter at the tip, from exposure to sunlight.

smoky black,moire- black with a blue tint, not recognized in Russia, only in America stands out as a separate type. As it turned out, this variant is present in the phenotype Akhal-Teke breed because of the cream gene. Outwardly, such horses seem to be black-ashy with a shimmer or brown, lightening variations in this case reach from dark to light brown.

Piebald Crow- perhaps the most elegant and attractive suit, when large white spots (spots) are placed on the body of a black horse. The bright black/white contrast with incredible patterns invariably attracts attention, especially if the limbs are also of different colors. skewbald horses, called paints in the USA, symbolize Indian culture.

crow-roan- genetically a black horse, with the addition of a roan gene. To make it easier to imagine: one hair is white, one is black, and so on throughout the body. Outwardly, it looks like an ashy coating, like a gray tint, evenly distributed interspersed. Something close to mouse.

It can also be attributed to the black suit carac suit when red hair is present in the groin, near the eyes and lips of the horse.

Black suit spread

The clearest example of the spread of the suit is the famous friezes, with their really blue-black color, plastic movements and thick brushes. For them, this is the only acceptable suit. True black, without a single mark and "tan". The black color is often found in high-bred horses, a little less bay and gray, but still. Workhorses in the countryside are most often in “tan”, since it is genetically very difficult to keep this color clean in the absence of selection.

A black horse is not a breed - this is the name of horses that have a certain coat color. It is very rare to meet a black horse, therefore such individuals are valued by horse breeders. This article will discuss the features of black horses and the nuances of their maintenance at home.

Features of a black horse

The black horse has a noble appearance and a powerful physique. In daylight, the black color of the animal's coat with an emerald, bluish or silver tint. Given this unique coloration, black horses were especially revered in the royal stables.

Did you know? Name« crow» , which denotes the color of the animal, comes from the word "crow", since the color of the wings of the bird is identical to the color of the horse's coat.

Historically, it is believed that black-colored animals are descended from oriental horses. The black color of wool is inherent in many breeds, but experts say that it is very difficult to keep it in its pure form (this requires complex selection work).

The black horse is valued for its amazing color. Sometimes the color of the coat can change, reddish spots often appear on the body. The saturation of the color of the hairline and skin pigment, first of all, depends on the strength of the immune system. That is why only strong and healthy horses have a perfect black color with a characteristic tint.

The color of the coat and its intensity depend on certain factors:

  • nutrition of a horse (when the diet is incorrect, the horse is malnourished, or his body feels a lack of nutrients);
  • season and intensity of sunlight (in summer, the horse's coat often burns out under the influence of sunlight, and in winter it becomes the same);
  • haircuts, after which the mane can brighten.

The black color of the horse's coat persists throughout life due to the high content of melanin pigment in the skin. The nature of the suit directly depends on heredity. So, the black color in the color of the animal is preserved, since there are genes:

  • MC1R - responsible for the main color;
  • ACIP (agouti) provides dark markings over the base color.

The main gene is the agouti gene, which allows for a dark coat color in foals whose parents had abnormal coat color, or light markings on the body. Thus, when crossing parents of different stripes, you can get a black color of the foal's coat.

For example, when crossing a bay and a black individual, it is possible to obtain black foals (sometimes you can get black young animals when crossing bay animals).

types of horses

The following varieties are attributed to the black suit:

The role of the breed in breeding the suit

To obtain a black suit, the breed of the animal has practically no effect on the result of crossing individuals with each other. The main criterion is the black color of the female and male, so the probability of getting a black foal is as high as possible. Some breeds have a high percentage of breeding black foals, so it is advisable to use their representatives for mating.

Did you know? It was the Friesian horse, as a representative of the black color, that was first bred in Holland in the 13th century. Up to this point, the description of such horses has been mentionedonlyin historical sources.

Black color can be found in horse breeds, which include:


To maintain a presentable appearance, black horses need to be given more time than ordinary ones (especially with regard to coat care). The appearance of the horse is spoiled by small particles of dust that regularly settle on the animal's fur. To solve this problem, black horses are combed out daily with a special brush. Combing is carried out according to hair growth, initially paying attention to the body of the animal, and then the mane and tail.

Important! In order to avoid illnessesAnimals fall down only in late spring, summer and early autumn, when it is warm outside. In the cold season, they do dry cleaning.


The main food for black horses is hay. Suitable dry fine grass, without the content of large particles of plants. High-quality hay necessarily has a pleasant smell of dried grass, which is provided proper storage. It is not recommended to store hay above the stable, as it can absorb odors (including feces), and horses will be reluctant to eat it or refuse to use it at all.

Important!Check hay for dust before feeding. To do this, you just need to hit him with a stick. If dust rises, then it is forbidden to give such a product to horses, otherwise they may get asthma.

Old hay, with particles of rotten plants, can provoke the development of diseases in animals. Before laying hay in the feeders, it is recommended to shake it well. This is done in order to exclude the possibility of mouse nests and bird feathers getting into the feed, which harm the horse's body. Oats are the second most important food product. For feeding choose a clean, dried product. It must be checked and sieved before being given to animals.
In the hot season, oats are advised to be sprayed with salted water, as well as adding chopped straw to it, which will force the animals to chew the grains rather than swallow them whole (this will ensure good digestion and eliminate problems with the digestive tract). In the heat, horses are given bran. They have a cooling effect on the body. It is especially good to give bran pre-soaked in warm water after the hard work of the animal.

If in the summer time the horse for some reason does not graze on green meadows, it is provided with freshly cut grass. Greens are used soft and juicy - withered grass is not suitable as food, as it can cause constipation with serious consequences. Horses are very fond of carrots and apples; they are added to the diet as vitamin supplements. Animals need water at room temperature.

It is forbidden to give cold water, it can cause a runny nose. In summer, horses are recommended to be watered clean. river water, in winter - well. In the case of watering an animal with tap water, it is preliminarily defended. In the summer, the horse consumes b O more liquid than in winter, and this is due primarily to high temperatures and active work. The minimum that a horse drinks is 4 buckets per day, so it is necessary to ensure that there is fresh water in the stable in each drinker.

Mating and reproduction

In order to get healthy individuals during the breeding process, breeders control the process of their mating. Preparation for the marriage period is mandatory.

For this:

  • the diet is enriched with the necessary nutritional supplements;
  • hygiene is more carefully observed, daily care is performed;
  • check the sperm of the stallion and examine the genitals of the female;
  • paired with a male and a female.

When choosing horses for mating, the following indicators must be considered:

  • the absence of diseases in individuals;
  • high natural qualities;
  • beautiful exterior and performance of individuals;
  • the mare must be taller than the horse.

Breeding of horses is carried out by manual, cooking, mowing and artificial methods.
  • manual method involves the artificial creation of conditions for mating. A couple of horses are placed in a secluded place. Horseshoes are removed from the mare, the tail is tied up, and so that the female does not hit the male with her hoof, special belts are used.
  • Cooking method breeding is associated with the herd method of keeping horses. For breeding offspring using a similar method, one stallion is used for 10 mares. They are placed in a separate room. After mating has been carried out, the male is isolated, and the females are returned to the general herd.
  • mowing method has a high chance of fertilization. According to this method, females are divided into schools (20 individuals each); one male is released for each shoal. During the mating season, the male covers absolutely the entire joint.
  • Large horse breeding enterprises often use the method artificial insemination. To do this, each female is manually fertilized with sperm taken from the best males. After fertilization, the mare carries the fetus for 11 months, after which one or two foals may be born.

Possible diseases

Horse health problems can be infectious or non-infectious, so every illness is different. Treatment is carried out depending on the nature and degree of its development. A common infectious disease in horses is glanders, it is chronic.

Its appearance is associated with the bacterium Psedomonas mallei, which enters the body by airborne droplets and spreads through common feeders and drinkers. The danger of the disease is its asymptomatic course for 3 weeks (during this time, all individuals in the stable can become infected).
The disease will become acute if the symptoms are:

  • increase in body temperature;
  • apathetic behavior of a sick individual;
  • rapid breathing;
  • muscle weakness.

Also, glanders can be chronic if accompanied by:

  • dry cough;
  • fever;
  • emphysema of the lungs.
Treatment of individuals suffering from glanders does not give a positive result, so they are recommended to be eliminated. As a preventive measure, regular inspection of animals and malleinization are recommended.

Myt is another infectious disease. This is the so-called throat disease with inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and lymph nodes under the jaw. The causative agent of the disease is Streptococcus equi. This is a bacterium that is capable of transmitting infection from one individual to another upon contact.
The reasons for the development of myt in individuals include:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • poor ventilation in the stable;
  • lack of exercise (rest) of the animal.

If we talk about the symptoms of myt, then they call:

  • elevated body temperature;
  • poor appetite, refusal to eat;
  • purulent discharge from the nose, abscesses in the mouth;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • cough.
To cure an individual, warm compresses are made, the submandibular glands are wrapped.

Important!In the process of treatment, sick horses should not be given oats. It is necessary to ensure that the room where they live is dry and warm.

Scabies- a non-communicable disease that can also often be found in horses. It is manifested by inflammation of the skin (often on the limbs, neck and head). It occurs under the influence of ticks that settle on the body of a horse.
The disease is characterized by:

- a disease that affects the limbs of an animal.

The reasons are:

Symptoms of the disease:

  • increased body temperature;
  • pain when bending the limbs;
  • swelling of the fetlocks;
  • increase in bone near the hoof.

Features of the treatment consist in applying raw clay to the hoof and a little higher, up to the metacarpal bone. The clay is regularly moistened so that it does not dry out. Sick individuals adjust the diet, reducing the amount of food and water consumed per day.

Thus, a black horse is a unique animal that has an unusual color. Keeping a black horse at home will not be difficult if you take into account the basic recommendations and pay Special attention caring for the horse's body to maintain its attractive appearance.