How to learn to gallop well on horseback. Horseback Riding

Canter and transitions from one gait to another

So, if you ride at a light trot without stirrups for 5 minutes and are still able to control a horse, then you have probably already experienced the pleasure of riding a gallop. It is easier to sit at a canter than at a trot. The shocks are much less frequent and smoother, the sensations are closer to swinging on a swing, only the earth rushes in one direction - backwards.

Fig. 14 How to sit in the arena canter

Diagram 15 How to sit in a scoring canter

The conditional division of speed when galloping is also arena and field. Accordingly, the landing differs in the arena and field. Dressage landing at a canter is not much different from landing at a training trot. The body is slightly tilted back, the legs tightly wrap around the sides of the horse, the soft loin absorbs shocks. The task is to sit in the saddle "like a glove" (Fig. 14), otherwise scuffs can form both on you and on the horse. Field landing is used when jumping, overcoming obstacles, during field riding. When landing in the field, you stand up on the stirrups (putlisches are shortened by 1-2 holes) and the main emphasis falls on the sluss. The seat does not touch the saddle, the lower back is slightly arched, the shoulders are straightened, it is permissible to rest with the hands on the neck or hold on to the mane (Fig. 15).

The main mistakes in field landing are as follows. The rider stands very high in the stirrups. In this case, the center of gravity moves up, the landing strength decreases. If the horse shirks sideways, the rider will continue without him.

The rider's legs "leave" forward or backward. Both lead to a deterioration in balance and, as a result, contact with the horse and the effectiveness of management deteriorate. The leg should lie just behind the girth, and the leg should be in the stirrup with the widest part of the foot.

The rider flops in the saddle at every gallop. The seat must not touch the saddle. You can stuff a horse's back, and something for yourself.

The stirrups should be of such length that they do not "run away" from under the foot, but not to stand too high on them. Your weight should be evenly distributed on the sluss and feet. A well-known rule in mountaineering; three points of support - applicable here too: schluss (inner thighs) and two stirrups. Hands are free to control. The rein is slightly taut. With vigorous movements of the head and neck of the horse, the arms follow them, while the body remains in place.

Fig. 16A The horse walks with a given rein

Fig. 16B Complete horse

What does it take to get a horse into a gallop? Some village horse can be trained to gallop from a whistle, a whoop, or even a yank on the reins. The same can be taught to any other horse. However, the generally accepted rules are as follows. The horse is brought into a state of compressed spring, which is called "collection". In order to "collect" the horse, it is necessary to achieve the convergence of all four legs, if not at one point, then close enough. This is achieved both by the rein - the horse bends the neck and reduces the extension of the front legs, and by the leg: the horse brings the hind legs under him (compare figures 16A and 16B).

Depending on which leg you lift the horse into a gallop, the head is given a left or right decision - a position in which you see the edge of one or the other eye (Fig. 17). In the arena, the issue of the leg is solved simply. When driving to the left - gallop from the left foot, when driving to the right - from the right. We will not go into the mechanics of horse movement. This topic is covered in detail in all serious manuals. However, even beginners need to know that if your horse is cantering "lying", i.e. counter-cantering (when riding to the left, for example, cantering with right leg), then on the turn you can both fall. Determining which leg a horse is galloping from is not very difficult. The front leg, which descends to the ground further, slightly in front, is the leg with which the horse gallops.

So, we go at a light trot. The command is given: "Change, gallop march!" What are we doing?

Fig.17 Decree

First, we sit in the saddle and stop lightening up. Secondly, we pick up a shorter rein, forcing the horse to “lower its nose” and making a decision (out of the corner of the eye). Thirdly, (but simultaneously with "secondly"!) we strengthen the action of both legs (the opposite direction of the canter is more active) in combination with a slight and mild weakening of the reins, and thereby send the horse forward. Did not work out? Try again to do all the same when exiting the turn, and add to the action of the opposite leg light blow whip. Just don't try to speed up the horse.

Many trainers prohibit swinging the body when sending into a canter. Yes this is correct. Management, and even more so the message, should be imperceptible from the outside. The horse does everything by itself. However, at a gallop, the rider always shakes his body at least a little, but this action can be a prearranged signal for an old rolling nag, which, sometimes, you can’t convince even with a whip.

A simple pull on the reins can be enough to bring a calm horse from a canter to a trot. If the task is not solved, then, throwing the body back and resting on the stirrups, pull the reins more energetically without lifting your arms up (a common mistake!). If the horse drags, “biting the bit”, then you should try to jerk the rein sharply enough from left to right and vice versa. This is a very painful technique for the horse's mouth, which must "realize who is the boss here." If you were "pulled away" by a horse in the field, then the only way to stop it is to turn it into a circle, gradually reducing its diameter (Fig. 18). (For more details, see Lesson 12. "The horse is dragging").

However, let's hope that you, as a beginner rider, will get calm, good-natured and well-trained horses.

Rice. 18 Horse stop

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Looking at the birds, they say the most free creatures on earth. Looking at them, one longs for freedom, an unforgettable flight, to escape from the captivity of everyday worries and become one with the wind for a moment. Stop dreaming and act, riding a horse is a reliable way to get out of the daily routine by learning how to canter a horse correctly and safely.

If you really want to experience a surge of adrenaline and learn how to manage a horse, then you need to ask if there is a hippodrome in the city, a place where horse competitions are held or find out about the riding school. Drive up to these institutions, get registered in order to get qualified help from a coach and day by day get closer to your goal. But there is another option, to get acquainted with what a horse gallop is and how to ride in this way. Then use the knowledge gained in practice by visiting any attraction with horses.

It is important to know that when riding a horse at a gallop, the rider must have a fairly good physical training to stay in the saddle for a long time. And also a good psychological attitude, since during the ride situations may occur in which it is necessary to take actions clearly and competently, and not to panic. Panic can play a cruel joke and the trip may not end very well. Therefore, the rider needs to have very good knowledge that can help in an emergency.

As they say, fear has big eyes, these are the first impressions of galloping for all beginners, and it is not surprising because a fast galloping horse is comparable to the elements and it seems impossible to control it. But in reality, staying in the saddle of a galloping horse is much easier than when a horse is trotting. This is simply explained by the intricacies of the animal's course, because when galloping, the pushes from the horse's carcass are quite smooth and rare, which saves the rider's strength. And so, how to ride a horse at a gallop?

To do this, you need the horse to gallop. Once the horse has started to move and picked up pace, it is important for the rider to stick with the next. To maintain the necessary balance in the saddle, for this you need to lean forward with your shoulders to the withers. At the same time, we must not forget, as far as possible, to squeeze the sides of the animal with our feet so that it does not throw up during the ride. It is strictly forbidden to stand in the stirrups, in order to avoid tragic consequences, for example, the rider can fly head first if the horse suddenly slows down. It is important to gradually move to a fast canter. In practice, it can be like this: from a step you need to go to a trot, from a trot to go to a slow canter and the final stage, fast (an increase in speed occurs due to light heel strikes on the sides of the horse). The deceleration occurs in reverse order from fast to slow canter, then to trot and then to walk. The full stop of the horse is carried out by a slight effort in the tension of the reins.

It is interesting to know about the physical abilities of horses. For example, when gaiting, horses move at a speed of 5-7 km / h, while trotting, the speed reaches from 13 to 15 km / h. Well, if the horse gallops at a sweeping trot, it develops up to 50 km / h at short distances. At a gallop, the recorded speed record is almost 70 km/h. Record jump in height was 2.7 m., and the record in length was 8.3 m.

It happens that the horse, when moving from a fast canter to a trot, begins to refuse to obey the rider. When repeatedly pulling on the reins (the command to stop does not bring results) and the horse continues to move forward biting the bit, in this case it is necessary to jerk the reins quite sharply from right to left and vice versa. For a horse's mouth, this is a rather painful moment, but this technique reminds the horse who is the master of the situation. Then repeat the stopping procedure by gently pulling the reins towards you.

Speed Everyday life very tiring and drains physical and emotional strength, riding a horse, on the contrary, inspires new achievements. Helps a person to realize that our life is fleeting, like a gallop of a horse. every second can change for the better or not so much. Having ridden a horse, you learn to cherish the moments of life more strongly.

Horse riding as a hobby or as a sport is gaining more and more popularity. Many people like the speed with which horses race in the gait.

The fastest form of movement for horses is the gallop. About this method of driving - later in the article.

What is a canter and what is the average speed of a horse

The gallop is the fastest gait (way of walking). Wild animals move to it in case of danger. The horse cannot gallop more than 2-3 km, because this method of movement exhausts very quickly.

Did you know? The most record speed that a horse could develop,- 69.6 km / h. The record was recorded in 1945, repeated- in 1993

The average speed of a horse at a gallop is 60 km / h, and at a slow one - 20 km / h.


The way horses move is different: trot, amble, gallop. The latter, in turn, is divided into several types.


The arena move also has other names - short, or kurts-galop. This is the most slow run gallop, in which the horse only warms up for faster movement. It is no coincidence that this type is called an arena: it is used if the horse needs to move quickly in a limited space.

A field gallop is called a hunting gallop, or a canter. This is a faster type of gait than the arena gait. It is used in large spaces, in dressage or show jumping, where it is possible to take overclocking. The movements of the horse are more extended, frisky, but not tiring.

It is this type of running that is used to learn how to stay in the saddle. But at the races, professional jockeys do not use it.

Quarry (fast gallop)

Quarry - this is the fastest pace of movement of the horse. With him, the swings of the limbs are very large.

Did you know? The length of a horse step in a career can be3 times more than the body length of the animal.

At a fast pace of a quarry, the speed can reach 20 m / s. Only trained and warmed up animals can use it for a long time, because it is the most tiring kind of running. A large load falls on the heart and lungs, and as a result, the animal may not have enough oxygen.

This is exactly what is called "driving a horse" when the horse has excessive loads pulmonary emphysema occurs. It is impossible to heal the horse after this, normal respiratory function no longer restored.

How to learn to ride a horse

Of all the gaits, the gallop is the most difficult. Riding a horse in this way requires skill, experience, and knowledge from the rider. Of particular importance here will be the correct landing, the correct management of the horse, knowledge of the features of this type of movement.

Correct fit

The safety of both the rider and the horse depends on how the rider stays in the saddle, what position he takes, how he changes it. This is especially true for galloping.

Important! If you are a beginner, strictly follow the instructions of the riding instructor.

The position of the body, arms, legs of the rider is important for controlling the animal and maintaining the safety of the rider. Correct fit means, first of all, balance. You need to sit strictly in the center of the saddle, the back should be straight. The legs should be firmly pressed against the sides of the saddle. This way you can avoid scuffs and damage and not worry about how best to stay in the saddle.

With any fast run of the horse, it is desirable to maintain a deep landing. You need to learn to sit in full balance, relaxed, move in time with the movements of the horse. The shoulders should be deployed, the arms should be in line with the reins, the legs should be in the stirrups (stretched when running fast, the pelvis is slightly raised).

You can not shorten the rein, you need to keep it taut. This advice is suitable for any type of gait: amble, canter or trot.
When moving to a very fast run, the rider should move the body a little back and sit firmly in the saddle without fidgeting. With each jump, the rider must push his feet harder into the stirrups and rise up. With the advent of experience, the question of how to send a horse into a gallop will not stand - the skill of controlling a horse will be worked out to automatism.

How to send a horse to a gallop

At the beginning of training, it is better to raise the horse from a trot. It is difficult for an inexperienced rider and an untrained animal. You cannot learn and teach this overnight, so hard training is needed.

An important factor is the coherence of the rider and the horse in which foot to start the movement. It is necessary to force the horse to start moving from the required foot. If the horse has risen, loosen the reins, but do not let the animal lower its head. You need to drive it straight ahead, turns are not safe. It must be remembered that riding a horse is dangerous because the rider risks being thrown off.

The most important action of the rider during the transition to the canter is leg pressure. This is a team that is taught gradually. An experienced horse determines its subsequent actions by the slightest movement or pressure.

When running slowly, the horse itself adapts to the movement and knows how to gallop. To move into a field canter, the rider must tighten the stirrups, lower the hands with the reins to the withers and give a signal with the legs, forcing the horse to move forward, stretch freely, and lower the head a little.

Setting the pace

If it turned out to let the horse into a gallop, then it is necessary to even out and keep the pace. To do this, the shanks are again involved. They should not be beaten, but crushed. When turning, you should gently push the animal to the sides, do not shake the body and do not lean forward strongly. Also, do not allow the horse to lower its head too much.

Important! In order not to harm the health of the horse, you can water it after a grueling run no sooner than after 1.5-2 hours.

slow down after fast run need to move slowly short run, then at a trot, then at a step.

As in any business, mastering the art of riding requires knowledge, practice and experience. Then riding a horse or just horseback riding will bring pleasure to both the rider and his animal.

The gait with which the horse travels one kilometer in three minutes, forty-five - fifty seconds. At galloping the rider senses three through the saddle, and perceives two paces by ear. The first felt pace: the horse puts forward the outside hind leg and transfers all the weight of the body onto it. Second: moves forward and puts the second hind leg under the body, at the same time lowers the outer front leg to the ground. Third: shifts the body to the inside front leg, then the body is again transferred to the outside hind leg, that is, returns to the first pace.

A horse can gallop on the right foot or on the left.

When the horse gallops from the right foot, it puts the rear right forward under itself more, and brings the right front forward and above the left.

When galloping from the left foot, the opposite is true: the horse brings the left legs forward more noticeably.

When riding to the right, the horse is lifted into a gallop with the right foot. When driving to the left - from the left.

How to get a horse into a gallop.

To lift the horse into a canter with the right foot, holding the horse in front of the soft rein, you should send it forward by squeezing both legs, but at the same time give the head direction to the right with the rein. Then, increasing the pressure with a spicy leg, encourage the horse to rise into a canter.

In this case, it must be borne in mind that the horse can throw the butt to the right. To counteract this, you need to work with the right leg.

From the left leg into a gallop, the horse rises with the same techniques as from the right, only with the prompting of the left leg and rein.

When the horse started to gallop desired leg, the rider must soften the reins, while continuing to control her movement with the outside leg and ensure that she walks with a slight rest on the bit, and her hind legs follow the trail of her forelegs.

Rising to a gallop carried out calmly, and when moving at a gallop, the rider should sit deep in the saddle, accompanying the body of the horse's movement.

If the horse, when rising into a gallop, went on the wrong foot, that is, it throws the outer one forward, and not inner leg, it must be immediately transferred to a shortened trot, gain more inside rein, increase the pressure of the inside leg and, with a sharper push of both legs, again raise it into a canter.

In cases where the horse lowers its head at a gallop, it is necessary to force the horse to raise its head with an increased action of the legs and a slight translation of the reins and achieve the correct cantering movement.

field gallop. Allure at a speed of one kilometer in two and a half minutes. This type of movement is achieved through the increased movements of the horse's hindquarters, which set the entire pace of forward movement;

Climbing into a field canter differs little from lifting it into a normal canter. However, the horse is given the opportunity to stretch, which allows him to move with a wider swing with outstretched neck and raised sacrum.

At the field canter, the rider maintains a deep seat in the saddle, brings the body forward, increases the emphasis on the knee and takes the stirrup as deep as possible. In this case, the hands move down and forward.

Always the most important task, of course, for any rider is the study of the three main gaits - options for moving the horse. For example, while the horse is walking, it alternately rearranges its legs, so the rider sways from side to side. This is considered the easiest gait available to almost any beginner.

Before riding a horse at a gallop, you need to learn the next type of movement that requires more time to learn - the trot. At this time, the horse rearranges its legs alternately diagonally, because of this the rider slightly throws up. Sufficiently experienced riders teach the horse to gallop, and the animal does not shake, but in this case it is possible to hold on only when the type of movement of the trot is fully studied.

So how do you gallop? If the rider just rides temporarily, then in the best case he will remain on a small platform, and the horse as a result will not take him anywhere from this very platform on his own initiative. In order to expand the range of riding, or vice versa, so as not to fly away from this very platform, one must be able to control the horse, that is, be able to convey one's will.

When learning to ride, the master gives the minimum possible control skills, and more sophisticated control of the animal requires a lot of time. The most trained riders convey the will of the horse with a glance. If you visit the stadium and practice only once a month, then of course there can be no talk of galloping.

It is best to train your horse two to three times a week. It is possible and more. At the time of riding, the rider must listen and at the same time study the horse, follow its actions and reactions in response to commands, try to achieve the deepest mutual understanding. Horses do not tolerate rudeness and anger. You need to try to be affectionate with her, and at the same time you need to show that it is you who occupy the dominant position.

Of course, the more you communicate with the horse, take care of it, the more it will trust you. Work with a beginner mainly takes place on the lunge - this is a special rope, about seven meters long, with the help of which the instructor can control the horse. This is how the initial trot is practiced. The most difficult thing at this time is for the rider to catch the rhythm of the step, you need to get up over the saddle in time with the horse.

In order to catch the right rhythm, some students need several lessons, and some two or three lessons. If a person is beaten in the saddle, and he does not know how to properly rise at all, then the horse’s back suffers, and the rider himself beats off his fifth point, but the horse gets stronger. That is why in the rental of horses there are very often horses with a heaped withers.