Figure skater Elena Radionova, who joined the group of coach Elena Buyanova. “Competition in sports and female friendship are compatible Elena rodionova small performs at the rink

Elena Radionova was barely sixteen, and she is world famous! She was born on January 6, 1999. She began her sports career at an age when other children are busy in the sandbox under the supervision of their parents.

Lena was four years old. Dad took her to a figure skating school so that the girl would strengthen her legs. Since then, Elena Radionova has not stopped training.

Sports career

Elena's first achievements are connected with the Russian championship of the 2011-2012 season. Then she took fifth place. Further, at the junior championship, Radionova won a bronze medal. Truth about competition International Union The girl was not allowed to skate because she had not reached the required age. But this is what made Elena participate in the Triglav Trophy 2012 tournament, where she received her first gold medal among newcomers.

Upon reaching junior age, Elena first competed at the Grand Prix in 2012-2013 and won both stages of the tournament. The final brought the girl another gold medal. The judges recognized that she far surpassed her rival - the silver medalist, American Hannah Miller. The gap between the skaters was 11 points.

In 2013, the Russian Championship brought Elena Radionova new success - a silver medal. Here the girl made a big leap - ahead of another Russian figure skater Adelina Sotnikova, who became the champion three times in such competitions. By the way, this year all the medals were won by figure skaters from Russia. This is the third time in history this has happened.

The 2013-2014 season opened up new horizons for Radionova: the girl began to perform on a par with adult athletes. And here new victories awaited her: a category B tournament held in Germany, then the Grand Prix at Skate America, where the skater took third place, then the next Russian championship in 2014, which also brought Elena a bronze medal, and then - on that moment the most important success in the life of a girl: the title of two-time world champion among juniors. Yes, it was then that the young representatives of Russia again captured all the prizes, for the fourth time in history.

But Elena decided not to stop there. In 2014, the fifteen-year-old figure skater took first place in the Grand Prix stages in Chicago and Bordeaux, leaving behind all overage rivals. The final show brought the girl second place. And at the end of this year, Elena Radionova again became the champion of Russia. At the moment she has been awarded the title of Master of Sports of Russia international class. In October 2014, she took eighth place in the list of the International Skating Union.

Not only sports talent led the girl to such a resounding success. I. Goncharenko helped her achieve all these results - permanent personal coach. Elena has been training under the guidance of Goncharenko since the age of four.

The life and character of Elena Radionova

Elena studies in a simple Moscow school, successfully combining classes at her desk with her favorite sport. Despite her young age, she behaves like an adult, reasonable girl. The figure skater reasonably assesses her strength and does not seek to jump above her head.

At the same time, the girl has sports idols. In one interview, she admitted that she wants to perform on the ice as beautifully as Kim Yu Na, a figure skater from Korea who has all the highest sports titles.

Athlete Radionova found her fans not only in Russia, but all over the world. Many viewers who watched her performances note that against the background of her competitors, she stands out significantly with artistry, emancipation, and self-confidence. In Elena's dances, nervous tension is not felt at all. Although before and after performances, the girl does not skimp on emotions. On her face you can often see both a radiant smile and tears of happiness.

Many have high hopes for Elena Radionova, calling her the most promising figure skater in Russia.

Champion of Russia figure skating, the silver medalist of the European Championship, the youngest participant in the World Championship taking place in Shanghai, revealed the secret of what she spends her fees on

The champion of Russia in figure skating, the silver medalist of the European Championship, the youngest participant in the World Championship held in Shanghai, revealed the secret of what she spends her fees on.

She loves films of the 60s, dreams of being like the actress Audrey Hepburn and brings elegant hats from foreign trips. He puts new clothes in the closet with the words “I’ll put them on somehow”, and then in stylish ripped jeans and a sweater elongated in youth fashion, he hurries to the skating rink. She is 16. She is an ordinary teenager. Only works like an adult from eight in the morning until six in the evening. And in an adult way, he brings home the entire salary.

“I don’t even remember when I earned my first money,” Lena smiles. - Maybe ten years, when she entered the promising reserve. It just doesn't matter to me. I don't ride for the money. Everything I get, I give to my parents. So it's more correct. And then we decide together where to spend it. For example, when I go abroad, I take some money with me to buy clothes for myself. Although I don’t really like shopping, I get tired quickly. Yes, and picking something in size is unrealistically difficult. She has already grown from children's stores, but she has not grown up to adults. I also spend money on tutors. This year I am finishing the ninth grade, I have to take exams. And I can't go to school. Training from morning to evening. From the first to the fourth grade, I studied at a regular school - I went to lessons, like all children. And from the fifth grade I switched to distance learning. I have a page on the Internet where homework is sent to me. Control and verification work is given for six months in advance. There is only one attempt to solve. It's kind of like computer testing. To master school curriculum, tutors come to me in Russian, mathematics and English. Evenings and weekends. Of course, you can also study on your own, but with teachers it is still easier. After many hours of training, it can be hard to force yourself to do homework. And the teachers will explain the topic and control how I learned it. So I invest the money I earn in my education.

- Do you already speak English fluently?

- I can explain myself at competitions with figure skaters from other countries. But the interview is in English
I do not give, at the conference I communicate through an interpreter.

- Your family legend says that your dad brought you to the rink when you were 3.5 years old.

— Quite right! When I was little, I was clubfoot, and the doctors advised me to do figure skating in order to straighten my legs. We lived not very far from CSKA, so my dad took me to the nearest ice rink. Nobody expected it to turn out like this. I won the first competition in my life. I was five years old. I remember they bought me this blue dress with pink accents. And I rode under slow music"The boat swam and rocked along the Yauzerka River." And then the coach began to put me up for competitions with older girls. So this season, when I was allowed to compete in adult tournaments, I didn’t feel any discomfort: I’m used to competing with those who are older.

Is it scary to do those triple jumps?

When I was younger, I was a little afraid. All knees were bruised, hips were beaten off. And now I'm used to it. Learned.

- On Olympic Games you did not get to Sochi due to the fact that you are not up to the required mark of 15.5 years It only took five months...

- My favorite figure skaters - Japanese Mao Osada and Korean Yu Na Kim - also did not get into the
Olympics. And nothing, then so many medals and titles won! If my career goes like this
way, I won’t regret it a bit, because now I want more than anything in the world

- They say that you train from eight in the morning until the evening. Is it possible?!

- Easily! At 8.15 I have ice, then OFP, choreography, ice again ... In the afternoon I have a break for
lunch and rest. So that I could lie down a bit, they allowed me right in the locker room at the rink
put a sofa It's my little privilege (laughs).

- Your life goes in the mode: house - ice rink - house. Do you do anything besides training?

“Honestly, nothing. I do homework in the evenings and on weekends. Very rarely on my free day I can go to the cinema with my girlfriends. Previously, they were also engaged in figure skating, but then they quit. Now they just go to school. I can also be on social media. Play on the tablet or just watch a movie. I like old Soviet films, as well as French ones. For example, Breakfast at Tiffany's. In general, I dream of being like the actress Audrey Hepburn. I occasionally turn on the TV. Cool transfer "Eagle and Tails". It is interesting to look at different countries. How can they live in different conditions. I love traveling very much, I have been to Austria, Italy, France. I would like to visit Canada and England. In general, I like to come to Japan and France. There are very interesting people in Japan who simply idolize figure skaters. They also have sushi, which I love. France is associated with croissants. And Paris with Fashion Weeks. I like coats, hats, boots so much. Generally elegant style.

- Do you have any interests besides figure skating?

- About two years ago, when I went to my first junior world championship, I started writing poetry. Some inspiration just came through. But now it's gone. She also dreamed of skydiving. But then I forgot about it. But the desire to learn to ride on skiing brought to life. Two or three years ago, I was given a few days off in the winter, and we went to Switzerland. I took a couple of lessons from an instructor there, and then I got up and went myself. I started with blue runs, then switched to green, red and even tried black ones! This winter was not a good time to rest. Still, it reached a serious level, it was necessary to work hard.

“It turns out that you don’t belong to yourself ...

- So what. You can always see the world and travel. A figure skating- it's just now. I really like to ride. It may sound loud, but this is my life.

- Do you have any kind of vent?

— My dog, a Yorkshire terrier named Motya. He is not at all a puppet, but such a strong boy. "Horse" - if he doesn't like something, he won't do it. He only walks where he wants to go. If you lead in the other direction, it will stand rooted to the spot. And he does get his way. Stubborn. With character.

- Now it is fashionable to carry small dogs everywhere with you. Do you take it to competitions?

- No. When I leave for tournaments, I leave Motya with my parents. He is at home with us, he does not like to visit us. Although I have been to the skating rink in CSKA several times. Now he knows where I go every morning. By the way, at first I even went to Yorkie shows, taught Motya two commands: “Sit!” and “Bark!”. But now I prefer to just mess with him at home.

Elena RADIONOVA was born on January 6, 1999 in Moscow in a family of chemical technologists. The only one in the history of figure skating two-time champion junior world championships in 2013 and 2014. Silver medalist of the European Championship 2015, champion of Russia in 2015, silver medalist of the Grand Prix Final 2014/2015.
From the age of 4 to the present, he has been training at CSKA with Inna Goncharenko.

Make-up and hairstyles: Tatyana VOROBYEVA.
We thank the FLACON design factory and the KOMOD cafe for their helporganizing the shoot.

Elena Radionova. Biography

Elena Igorevna Radionova- a young single skater who was born on January 6, 1999 in Moscow. She managed to get the title of MS of Russia at such a young age.

Like most skaters, Lena starts her career on the ice quite early. The initiator is her dad, who, as a result, brings her daughter to sports section. studies in a simple Moscow school.

He trains the athlete I. Goncharenko, who has already managed to raise several generations of talented wards. Despite the illness, the coach does not abandon his pupils, and considers Lena the main favorite for the highest awards. The figure skater is on the list of the country's promising national reserve.

In 2011, at the youth competitions, Elena Radionova becomes only fifth, but a year later she won bronze at the national championship. The athlete did not want to allow a small age to adult tournaments. However, during the period of competition among young talents, she was eventually admitted to the Triglav Trophy tournament. There Elena won a gold medal among the "newbies". The debut of the athlete took place in 2013. She managed to take silver and overtake A. Sotnikova in points, who became the national champion three times.

Figure skater Elena Radionova differs in incredible emotionality, therefore, tears can often be seen in her eyes. As a figure skater, she is highly respected for her diligence, perseverance and determination on the way to the intended goal. So, experiences in the American Championship are not in the best way affected the performance of the athlete. Due to ridiculous mistakes, Elena becomes only a bronze medalist, but she already manages to declare herself within the framework of big sport. Shortly before the Olympics, the figure skater managed to win bronze.

In the spring of 2014, Elena Radionova received two gold medals at once for both of her rentals at youth championship In Bulgaria. It is not the first year that Russian athletes have taken all the prizes.

Photo by Elena Radionova

The Russian figure skater talks about life outside the national team, the reasons that made her leave coach Inna Goncharenko for Elena Buyanova, and the upcoming Olympic season.

Interlocutors of Elena VAYTSEKHOVSKAYA

G od back her coach Inna Goncharenko, returning from the World Championships in Boston, said about the student: “She has become amazing. When she skates, I catch myself thinking that I admire her. I don’t believe that it happened. I like that she is smart, beautiful, adult. And stunningly fair. Noble, if you like ... "On that championship, only the sixth remained. Of the European skaters (not counting the winner -), she only let go ahead, whom she had won in European championships for two years in a row, but sixth place is an extremely painful result for a person with Radionova's ambitions. And the next season, the skater was not selected for the team at all. And as soon as this strange season ended for her, she announced decision: she leaves the coach. He leaves to change his life.

We met at a gathering in tiny Italian Courmayeur, where cobbled streets lead to an ice rink, a strange modern structure set against medieval stone walls.


After all, almost every athlete has a black streak, - Lena reasonably answers my question, what is it like to be, after such a bright take-off in 2015, actually thrown out of her usual life. - Yes, and I do not think that I was thrown out. Probably, this is just an opportunity to think, rethink some things and understand what I myself did wrong.

- You managed to accustom your fans to the fact that you are always ready to compete, always cope with any situation, even if you have to pull out the program "on the teeth". What changed? When did it feel like things weren't going the way you wanted them to?

Probably since the start of the season. There were injuries, then I was sick for a long time and I came to the rentals not ready for this. I expected to get in shape during the season - and did not have time. I understood that there is no preparation that should be, and there is no contact with the coach as before. Individually, all these things were not critical, but all together they resulted in such a big problem.

- What role did the fact play in all this that first appeared in your group, then the coach had to divide his attention between you?

Maxim and Sergey and I had good sparring. In training, I always focused primarily on myself, so the guys just spurred me on.

- Each sparring has a downside: for many years you were the only coach and suddenly became just one of the three figures, and not the fact that the central one. Perhaps it is not too pleasant to understand such things?

Tatyana Anatolyevna helped me a lot during that period (. - Note. "SE"), so I didn't feel abandoned.

- Did she advise you to change the coach?

No. It was entirely my decision.


- Did you admit, going to the Russian Championship in December, that you might not get into the team?

I did not think at all about any specific places that I can take. I thought only about how to cleanly pass both programs. Psychologically, I was ready for this. In principle, I made only one mistake - in a free program, I touched the ice with my hand on landing from a triple loop. That is, there was no crushing failure, but I remained fifth. Perhaps someone else in my place would be very upset. I continued to convince myself that the main thing is not to give up. Well, yes, I lost. It happens. This is a sport.

- Was it difficult not to give up, knowing that you most likely won’t have either the European Championship or the World Championship this season?

Of course it's difficult. We all want to take first place, any defeat is not easy. I forced myself to think that I would go to the Universiade, that I should show myself there with better side- at least in order to get a chance to play in the World Team Championship. I got this chance. Therefore, I can’t say that I lost the Russian championship - and that’s it, the season is over. Quite the contrary: failure strongly mobilized me. Again, there were upsides to the situation. During the time that I have formed, I managed to analyze a lot of things - to understand what I need for work, to avoid the mistakes that happened in the season.

- Do you consider yourself guilty of these mistakes? Or is it just the circumstances?

Of course, this is my fault.

- What is it?

I'm not ready to talk about it out loud right now. It is enough for me that I know the reasons, I know how to eliminate them, and I am ready to work on it.


- Shae-Lynn Bourne (world champion in ice dancing in a duet with Victor Kraatz. - Note. "SE") staged a luxurious short program for you last season, after which everyone started talking about the fact that the Canadian is one hundred percent "your" choreographer. Is that why you decided to contact her again?

I liked both the program and the way it was perceived, so I immediately decided for myself that next season at least one of the programs would be done by She-Lin again.

- In other words, you did not plan to leave the short production for another year?

Actually, not that she planned, but I really wanted to leave her. And when I started training with Elena Germanovna (. - Note. "SE"), she suddenly also said that she would like to leave me the previous short program for another season. So our desires are exactly the same. Like Shae-Lynn's idea of ​​doing a free skate. I really like her programs in style, they fit, so when we work together on the ice, there is complete mutual understanding between us.

- What attracts you the most in working with Bourne?

Shae-Lynn has her own riding style, very North American. different from ours. There are a lot of all kinds of "chips" that need to be performed with your feet, Canadians always try to ensure that every movement, down to the smallest ones, fits perfectly into the music.

- Is it hard to achieve?

Not that word. The program begins to "play" most vividly when all the accents are clearly placed in it and fit into the music. To do this, you need to be able to hear the music, hear the rhythm, tempo, and work it all out to absolute automatism. What I also like about Shae-Lynn's work is that all her programs are completely different. There is no template. She is always trying to find something new. If you carefully look at the work of one or another director, you will notice that some steps and schemes are transferred to one degree or another from program to program. Shae-Lynn is trying to come up with something new. Not like everyone else.

- The same Tarasova said not so long ago that it is normal when the previous arrangement of key elements is preserved in the program, and that almost all skaters do this.

I'm not interested in riding like this. It is interesting to look at the same Ashley Wagner, whose programs are always very diverse, and in general I believe that figure skating is first of all gliding, emotions, expressiveness. It is clear that jumping is very important, and yet the spectators come to watch, first of all, how we skate.

- You came this season to a new coach, a new training system, new requirements. How do you feel in this changed reality?

To be honest, sometimes it's not easy. The schedule has not changed much, but there is much more work on skating, on programs. I learn to ride by tracking my every move. I don’t allow myself to just go from jump to jump.

- Were they allowed before?

Rather, before I clearly sat in my head that the jump is the main thing. Now, sometimes the approach to the jump takes much more attention and effort. This is such a very scrupulous work - on every movement, on every step. How to assemble a program from beads.

- It would probably be easier for you if so many titles had not already been won.

In what sense?

- The fact that it is not so easy for an experienced and titled athlete to admit that he does not know how to do something, or to show that he does not succeed in something.

Vice versa. I came here to study. Therefore, I listen to everyone, many specialists work with me, from each of whom I constantly learn something new. It's so cool!


- Did your relatives make attempts to dissuade you from leaving?


- But with someone you certainly consulted?

My parents knew that I had this idea. My mother and I are very close, she always played a big role in my life, she knew about all my problems and doubts, so when I said at home that I had made the final decision, my relatives simply accepted it with me. You see, this is still a very difficult topic for me. I am grateful to Inna Germanovna for everything she has done for me, but sometimes there comes a moment in life when you suddenly realize that you have reached a dead end. Somewhere there is no previous mutual understanding, somewhere it stops working, work no longer brings either satisfaction or joy, it seems that just in your life all this was interconnected and suddenly fell apart. I understood everything with my head: how much I owe to the coach, how many years she invested in me all her knowledge, soul, love. But this sense of impasse grew stronger and stronger.

- Were you worried about what and how others would talk about you if you decide to leave?

In figure skating, you very quickly begin to understand that someone likes you madly, and someone is madly annoying. Of course, I knew that many would begin to condemn me, but I was ready for this. In the end, how many people, so many opinions.

- You managed to get used in the former group to a purely male sparring. How comfortable is it now - in the women's? I mean, with which you train on the same ice.

We don't ride together that much. So far so good.

- But Masha is an irritant for you?

Absolutely not. I just don't feel like looking around right now. Too much new information that you need to somehow put in your own head. At the same time, it was not enough to sort things out with someone or fight for coaching attention. I have a clear set of what and how I should have time to do, and this is the main thing. Lemon aftertaste and sensation from Radionova


- If you chose the stages of the "Grand Prix" at your own discretion, what would you choose?

Russia and China - exactly how I got it. In China, I have competed at the Grand Prix stages for the last two seasons, they love me there, there are many fans, I got my first World Championship medal there, so it’s just a pleasure for me to perform in this country. Well, a house is a house. I generally like to skate for my audience. In addition, everything worked out very well in terms of timing: the stage in Russia is the first in a row, in China the third. If everything goes well, there will be a lot of time to prepare for the next starts.

- When I saw that at the first stage the draw brought you together with two-time world champion Evgenia Medvedeva, I immediately remembered how in 2015 you fell under: you performed unmistakably in the Grand Prix final and at the European Championship and both times remained only second, and lost at the European championship by only 0.86. What did you feel then?

Of course, it was wildly embarrassing. But it was more of an insult to a little girl who desperately wanted to win - and lost. Now I look at it a little differently. It was my first adult season, the first adult championships of Europe and the world, and for the debut, I think I performed quite well. Well, yes, probably, I could have won the same European Championship and become an honored master of sports, but what's the point of regretting what happened now? Probably, everything had to turn out that way for something.

- Do you ever get tired of figure skating?

No. I love to ride, this is my life, but how can you get tired of life? In addition, there is always the opportunity to switch. For study, for example. I am a part-time student, but this year I successfully switched to the second year.

- distance learning requires a lot of internal discipline from the athlete.

This is exactly what I have no problem with. When I understand what is needed, I do not have to force. It was exactly the same at school. Between training sessions, I went to classes, in the evenings I studied with tutors, pulled up school subjects, and learned the language. It was very difficult, but I passed the exams without any problems. I realized that this is what I needed first of all.

- With Shae-Lynn during the joint work, did you explain yourself in English on your own?

Yes. At first she was a little shy, felt constrained, but then she got used to it and spoke quite freely. I realized that you just need more practice, no matter what you do. And then everything will surely work out.

She was born on January 6, 1999 in Moscow.
She made her debut in the adult championship of Russia at the age of 11. Champion of Russia (2015).
Two-time world champion among juniors (2013, 2014).
Silver medalist of the European Championship (2015, 2016).
Bronze medalist of the World Championship (2015).
Silver medalist of the World Team Championship (2015, 2017).
Winner of the Universiade (2017).

I've been here for a couple of days now impressed by the wonderful performance of 15-year-old Russian figure skater Elena Radionova, who won the women's single skating to the Skate America Grand Prix in Chicago. The figure skater confidently skated a free program, gaining 195.47 points in the sum of two performances. Leading After Execution short program 17-year-old Elizaveta Tuktamysheva (Russia) came second with 189.62. Glad to be back Russian duo Yuko Kawaguchi / Alexander Smirnov, among men and dancers, we, alas, are full of seams.

So, about Rodinova... Elena famously and swiftly burst into the adult world of figure skating, we can rightly say: a new star was born. And yes, I became her fan, a fan of Elena Rodionova. Cooler than V. Putin's favorite - Yulia Lipnitskaya, in my opinion. Grace, beauty, confident skating beyond her years, work on mistakes, joy and pleasure that she really experiences from skating (pah-pah, so as not to smooth it out). And, most importantly, what was so embarrassing, so lacking in Yu. Lipnitskaya - ARTISTRY, lack of constraint, excessive nervousness and strain. God forbid that the girl's career is set. It depends on itself, on the coaches, and ... so that the Federation does not "trample", clearing the way in such a "(un)competitive sport, where a lot depends on the goodwill of the tops.

For reference: Elena Radionova - Muscovite (born January 6), the first and so far the only two-time world champion among juniors in women's single skating - and years, winner of the Grand Prix final among juniors of the 2012/2013 season, silver medalist of the 2013 Russian Championship and bronze medalist championship of Russia in 2014, champion of Russia among juniors in 2013. Master of Sports of Russia of international class. As of October 2014, it ranks 8th in the International Skating Union (ISU) ranking. As Wikipedia writes: "Elena has been training from the very beginning to the present day at CSKA with I. Goncharenko. Program choreographers: I. Tagaeva, E. Maslennikova, I. Averbukh".

THE FIRST GOLD OF RUSSIA! “The little “Miss Happiness” of Russian figure skating gave out such a mix of the most complex technical content and absolutely conscious emotions to the music of Rachmaninoff that tears welled up in my eyes. A tiny blot on the exit from one of the jumps looked more like a crack on the masterpiece of a Japanese ceramist, which only emphasizes the elusive beauty of the object. The arbitrators, apparently, decided the same way, putting Radionova for 143 points for an arbitrary and fantastic 217.45 in the sum of two programs "()

THE FIRST SILVER OF EUROPE! Even though... the second one is in Stockholm. Toktamysheva - not stronger, the difference is about a point... But still... With wide open eyes, such a positive, such happiness... She was the leader after the short program. The free program was performed almost flawlessly, to the music of Rachmaninov ... 209.54 total points! Should have been FIRST! And there will definitely be more! "OH, RADIONOVA! Video of the short and free program of Elena Radionova at the European Championship in Stockholm ()

THE FIRST BRONZE OF THE WORLD! At the World Championships in figure skating, Russian single skaters brilliantly skated free. CSKA students, Elizaveta Tuktamysheva, who won gold for Russia for the first time in 10 years, and Elena Radionova, with a sensational bronze debut at the World Championships, were able to oust many dangerous rivals. Yesterday's junior, Elena Radionova, who set a bunch of records in her age category, performing for the first time at the World Championships, did not make her best skate in a free program (), despite the fact that she skated with a high temperature, but she spent the whole season on the highest level, fighting only with Tuktamysheva, sometimes even defeating her. The ward Inna Goncharenko is still ahead, and God forbid, to pass with dignity both the “problems of growing up” and the “star fever”, which so far, by the way she gnawed out rolls and pulled out jumps, even in not the most successful skating in the free program at the World Championships she is not threatened. “In the meantime, we see a child prodigy skiing fervently on ice, who knows no fear. We will remember this Radionova” ().