What is the best flashlight for a bike. How to choose a headlight and a lamp for a bicycle

Now on sale you can find a very large number of lanterns for your "iron horse". Cyclists do not even think about what kind of light they choose for a bike. Most often they buy the cheapest or the most beautiful, and then suffer in the dark, because the lantern does not meet their requirements. Many do not want to study the information that is necessary in order to purchase quality ones, however, even knowing the basic aspects will help you avoid buying a low-quality model.

Lamp operation

Any light for a bicycle can be divided by purpose into two types:

  1. The first type is front light. It is intended to illuminate the road or any other area in front of a bicycle lover.
  2. The second type includes a taillight and light strips for a bicycle, this also includes lights for a wheel. This is done in order to highlight the cyclist in the dark. This ensures the safety of the cyclist.

Almost any bike light is installed on a temporary basis. This is explained by the fact that cycling at night is not very popular now. However, some bicycle lighting models have a rather complicated mount, this is especially noticeable for bicycle lights with power sources.

Light indicators

Perhaps this is the most important characteristic for bicycle lights. When choosing light for your "iron horse" you should pay attention to the type of source. Almost everywhere the choice is limited only by diodes. However, there is nothing negative about this, because this type of source is the best. What is their advantage?

  1. Low cash value.
  2. There is no health risk in case of mechanical impact.
  3. High degree of efficiency.
  4. Reliability.

What parameters should you pay attention to when choosing a lamp for a bicycle?

Luminous flux is the main characteristic. It is measured in lumens. Indicates an indicator of how much light the headlight creates without taking into account such a factor as dispersion. Thus, it is possible to determine the lighting power for the bicycle.

It is worth noting about such a characteristic as dispersion. This indicator determines the angle at which the light will come from the lantern. It is worth deciding on these indicators depending on which scattering angle will be most convenient for you. For open areas, angles of 120 degrees or more are perfect. If it is required to illuminate distant objects, then it would be most advisable to use light sources with angles of 20-30 degrees.

Another characteristic of lamps is illumination, which has its own unit of measurement - lux. This indicator indicates how well a particular point is illuminated. This indicator can be found even using your smartphone.

Almost any bicycle light has 3 light zones.
1. Well lit area.
2. Transition area, where the illumination is partial.
3. Zone of dispersion. It implies the area where the light from the lantern hits, but there is practically no illumination in that area.

It is for this indicator that you should choose a light for your bike. To some lovers cycling tourism a large area of ​​illumination is required, in some cases a small area of ​​illumination will be better, but at a great distance from your bike.

What are the fasteners?

Depending on the purpose of the light for the bike, it is worth fixing your light source in different ways.

In some cases, a rigid mounting of the source is required. This is explained by the need for stable light. Other models of bicycle light sources are easy to install and remove, thus achieving some compromise between the main goals.

Elastic fastening is very popular. It is expressed in the form of a strap made of rubber or silicone. It is easy to mount on the bike and dismantle. For some models, the body of the flashlight itself is made of silicone. However, this product has some disadvantages:

  1. Weak fastening.
  2. At low temperatures, it will not work to operate lamps with such a mount.
  3. The service life of such a flashlight will be quite short.

There is a mounting bracket. In this case, the fixing of the light source will be absolute. Such a mount is suitable only for one model, that is, it is one with the lantern. However, it also has its drawbacks:

  1. In case of mechanical damage, it will be difficult to replace the mount.
  2. It will take a significant amount of time to install the mount with a flashlight.
  3. Such a lighting system will always attract thieves.

There is some compromise between mounting and elastic fastening. They are the most popular among all other types of fasteners. The mount is mounted only once, however, removing the lamp itself is quite easy. You don't need to remove the mount. Most cyclists use this particular light source.


When choosing a light source for your bike, you should understand what parameters of the lamp and mount you need. It is worth considering all three parameters: power, scattering angle and illumination zones. Otherwise, you risk buying a light source that will be practically useless for you.

The bicycle is a wonderful means of transportation. In fact, you do not need to spend money on fuel, various repairs of a complex mechanism, payment to mechanics on the last occasion, etc. On the contrary, you are more likely to get a good physical form due to constant stress. True, there is one “but” here, which spoils everything. It is difficult to use two-wheeled friends in the city, and for many reasons at once. One of them will be described below - driving at night. More precisely, the solution to such a problem, that is, a flashlight for a bicycle.

What's the point of it?

Actually, the function is clear from the name - everyone knows how to use the flashlights and why they are needed.

But for transport, especially such a specific one as a bicycle, it plays a special role. Any evening trip can end tragically if the participants traffic, that is, motorists will not be able to notice you. You can use other things, for example, vests with reflectors. But it’s much easier to still buy a flashlight for a bicycle.

The fact is that you also need to light the way. In the end, anything can get under the wheels, and a sufficient level of professionalism to maintain balance on any surface is, rather, from the field of acrobatics.

What do cyclists use for lighting today?

In fact, the choice here is more than obvious - only LEDs. In general, the bicycle lamp market is not limited only to them, but the trend of modernity and progress clearly indicate the advisability of using just such a lamp.

The point here is mainly in the balance between its brightness and cost. You can buy for a bicycle in almost any lighting store, which means it also makes it very affordable.

In general, their use is also justified by the fact that the power of the light flux can be varied depending on the goals. For example, the headlight obviously needs to be bright enough. But the rear dimensions, which serve to orient drivers, do not require such brightness.

How to choose a flashlight for a bicycle?

In general, you need to decide what exactly you need.

To do this, you need to ask yourself a number of questions. First, why do you need a flashlight - that is, in what situations are you going to use it. This is where the first differences begin. If you prefer to drive on the highway, then you need special lenses that will not blind drivers in the oncoming lane. For paths and parks, it’s better to choose something bright enough - you don’t need to run into roots, stones or even animals, right? If you are not sure where you are going to spend time in the saddle, then feel free to take a switchable flashlight. These are also on sale, although they differ in cost.

In case you have several iron horses, then you need a removable flashlight holder for a bicycle - and at the same time a simple and reliable design. This is important, especially if you are going to use one device alternately on each.

Other questions

How long are you going to drive in the dark? This is an equally important aspect of the choice. Different gadgets are designed for different periods of work. Moreover, everyone has some features - some work on batteries, while others are recharged from the network. This should also be taken into account, especially the last option. After all, an outlet is not always at hand, especially in the forest, and the same batteries can be carried in a backpack.

Also, a flashlight for a bicycle can be equipped with additional functionality. For example, an energy-saving mode with reduced brightness. This allows you to save energy to a completely unlit area. Or the battery indicator is also an important aspect, especially if you like long trips.

Last but not least, what kind of weather do you ride in?

If only in the bright sun in dryness, when the rain is an unfortunate accident, then you can not bother with such things as tightness or the degree of protection against pollution. But for daily trips in any season, this will no longer work. Have to shell out for more expensive options, since they are usually multi-tasking, that is, they can withstand fire, water and copper pipes.

Lantern types

By the way, it doesn't hurt you to know about this either. Because the store may not have a consultant or he will not be entirely frank. As a result, you will get not at all what you expected.

You need to start with emergency lights - they are not very bright and "long-lasting" because they run on coin batteries, but as a backup option they can help a lot. There are also flashers - brighter lights, usually flashing. But they can also work in constant beam mode. They are the best option in terms of the balance of democratic price and quality of light.

Torch flashlights are the most common. That is what they mean the most.

The variety here is huge. Some models even have additional devices, like connected to a common battery. You have something to choose from - the main thing is not to overdo it with power.

More complex models

First of all, these are rechargeable systems. They are needed exclusively for long night rides, as they have a capacious battery and a very high light output. True, the price here is an order of magnitude higher than the rest. But you have to pay for quality. In addition, they are produced mainly by well-known brands that consider it below their dignity to produce cheap products.

Dynamo generator - a solution to the problem with batteries and getting rid of fuss with batteries. In this case, the lamp is powered by the movement of the bicycle. There is nothing complicated in this system, but the cost may surprise you a little. In addition, the most advanced systems can also accumulate energy, continuing to shine even when you are standing. This is especially convenient for city driving.

There are also flashlights built into it. Also a pretty handy thing, but you should not consider them a panacea. You still have to install normal lighting on your transport. This method only affects your comfort when moving.

Homemade bicycle flashlight

Actually, the second part of the story. Prices today are quite biting, and it is not always possible to be sure of the quality of the purchased item. That's why they come to the rescue own hands. The design of these devices is quite simple, and therefore this method has received considerable distribution.

The circuit shown here is an LED bike light - a great solution to the problem. The brightness of the resulting device is quite high, and this is what plays the biggest role. In addition, this allows you to save a little.

What do you need to work?

A flashlight for making is quite simple, but for this you will need to buy a few things. Most can be found in the parts markets - you just have to look carefully for a rack with bike parts. Or today it is possible to order everything via the Internet.

First of all, you need the LEDs themselves, as well as optical lenses.

It is also necessary to find the body of the future flashlight, a radiator, an adhesive and a toggle switch. You will also need Lexan plastic labeled MR10. Naturally, batteries will also be needed for operation. It is better to buy them separately, not trying to do it yourself. At least without proper experience.

Assembly process

So we got to the question of whether for a bicycle. If you are using a ready-made case, then you will not need some things. So here is a slightly simplified diagram.

First, you need to install the hex tubes for the LEDs inside the case - this can be problematic due to the size. Be prepared to trim them until they snap into place. Next, you need to insert the LEDs themselves. They must be connected to each other in order - plus and minus. Then just glue them on with hot glue.

An important point is cooling. To do this, you will need an aluminum heatsink.

Glue the strips on the top of the case, as well as on the back where the diodes are attached. Next, you need to fix the lenses. You can’t use ordinary superglue for this - it will damage the inner surface.

It is quite easy to conduct wiring - ordinary copper wire is used. Connect from plus to minus, etc., then pass through the hole on the back of the case. There will be a battery that supplies energy.

The next step is to mount the flashlight on the bike. You need a handlebar bracket. Well, or another tube on which the lantern will be fixed. The most important thing here is a reliable glue, epoxy is best. It ensures that the bulb doesn't fall off at the worst possible moment, leaving you in the dark.

The last step is to connect the toggle switch to turn on the flashlight, this is also not difficult.

Just place it in the electrical circuit between the battery and the flashlight. This way you can turn the device on and off as needed. Naturally, removable batteries will be better - it's just more convenient to charge them.

The choice of bicycle lights is so great that most cyclists prefer not to think about their requirements for such a device, but to buy the first lamp that comes across, just not to get involved in many hours of video reviews, conflicting recommendations from friends and mechanics in workshops.

However, the basic information about bicycle lights is not so comprehensive and it is worth researching before buying lighting equipment for your bike.

Use of flashlights

First of all, there are several types of lights to use on a bicycle. The most popular are:

  • The main light source - performs the function of illuminating the space in front of the cyclist. Usually, when it comes to a flashlight, this is exactly the use case that is meant.
  • Road Marking - Small lights on the back, on the backpack, on the spokes and on the frame make the bike more visible on the road.

Most often, bicycle lights are not installed on a permanent basis, since night riding is not so popular, and leaving fragile devices unattended is far from being in all cities and places, but some models require a rather complicated fastening, especially if equipped with a separate battery.

Main characteristics

What characteristics distinguish bicycle lights from each other? Mainly:

  • form,
  • indicators of light (brightness, spectrum, angle, etc.),
  • attachment method,
  • way of eating.

Let's consider these characteristics in more detail.

Light parameters

The type of source primarily affects the parameters of light. After a short struggle in the market, there is no alternative to the situation when you have to choose exclusively from diode lights. Diodes, having become quite affordable and overtaking all competitors in terms of energy consumption, are recognized as the standard for bicycle equipment.

Such a monopoly is not terrible, because diodes are currently the best light source:

  • light output (efficiency) comparable to halogen lamps;
  • mechanical reliability - diodes have neither flasks nor filaments;
  • moderate cost;
  • the possibility of combining light sources (several diodes), low requirements;
  • safety in case of damage (no splinters or fumes).

Actually, let's move on to the parameters of bicycle lights. What should I pay attention to when studying a particular product.

Light flow

Luminous flux is measured in lumens - a universal unit of measure. The number of lumens indicates how much light a bicycle lamp produces in total, without scattering. It is in lumens that it is indicated how powerful the source is used in the product.


The entire luminous flux has a certain divergence angle at which the light leaves the source. Depending on the tasks, it is worth choosing the angle that will be comfortable - from 120-180 degrees for an open source to special directional flashlights with a dispersion angle of 15-20 degrees, which are designed to illuminate distant objects.


This parameter is defined in lux, which is often confused with lumens. This characteristic indicates the illumination of a particular point (at a certain distance from the source). It is this characteristic that can be measured using a tool or even a regular phone.

Illumination varies depending on the flux and dispersion, forming several illumination zones:

  • A hotspot is a well-lit area.
  • Crown (crown) - a transitional zone with partial illumination.
  • Scattered light (spill) - a zone where a certain luminous flux goes, but there is no longer high-quality lighting there.

Actually, according to the zones and their illumination, it is worth choosing a bicycle lamp. Some people need wide lateral coverage, even with diffused light, and someone needs a bright light area at a great distance far in front of the bike.

Mount types

You can attach a flashlight to a bike in different ways, depending on the purpose. Some lanterns need to be rigidly fixed in order to obtain stable lighting, and some need to be easily assembled and dismantled. Some mounts allow you to find a compromise between these basic tasks.

Body fastening with Velcro

Elastic mount

On marker and auxiliary lights, an elastic mount is often used - a rubber or silicone strap, which can be easily stretched and fixed to the steering wheel, frame or even a spoke, spending a few seconds on installation. In some models, the body of the product is made entirely of silicone, and, coupled with a small battery, such lights are extremely convenient for quickly identifying a bike.

The disadvantages of elastic fastening include weak fixation, fragility and the inability to use such fasteners in the cold.

Mounting fixture

Serious bike lights come with a mounting bracket - when a particular bracket only fits models from one manufacturer or is part of the light.

By installing such a mount on the steering wheel or frame, you can be sure that the fixation will be almost absolute, but there are a number of risks:

  • the mount is unique and difficult to replace in case of damage;
  • installation requires time and effort;
  • a noticeable non-standard mount will attract intruders.

In any case, no matter how difficult the installation is, it is really possible to do it yourself, without involving specialists. Fortunately, no tools other than a screwdriver are required.

Removable mount

A compromise between elastic and mount is the now standard half-cylinder bike racks, which help to use a standard bike flashlight. Such a mount is installed once, but you can easily remove the light source at any time without any effort. Losing in stability to the previous type, such a holder is the most convenient and recommended for use.

There are also removable mounts supplied by the manufacturer. These are special contact pads suitable for a certain range of models. Having the advantages of a removable mount, the platforms can be inconvenient in case of replacement or criminal actions.

Body mounts

A separate view is represented by fastenings on clothes and other equipment. Usually these are Velcro and tightening sets that help to fix the flashlight on the shoulder, backpack or.

Food types

Most modern flashlights are powered by one or more batteries placed in the body of the product. The standard is 1-3 finger batteries. For position and temporary lights - powered by a coin cell battery.

Velofara with external power supply

There are, however, some models with external power, such as a separately mounted replaceable battery. It is important to pay attention to the power consumption of the lamp and the volume of the battery or accumulator. Often found perfect option, which will be operational for only half an hour - an hour.

Dynamo machines have not disappeared either. Of course, now they are not a heavy roller pressed against a rim or tire, but a full-fledged front hub with a generator and, optionally, with a battery or capacitor to store charge in case of a stop.

Lantern types

Now let's look at what kind of lights shops offer us and what type is best suited for a particular mode of use.

bicycle headlight

The obsolete front bicycle headlamp is permanently installed and very often supplied with a separate replaceable battery. Such solutions are suitable for long cycle tourism and for heavy Soviet bicycles where neither weight nor inconvenience matter anymore.

On a modern bike, bicycle lights are unlikely to find application, both due to low efficiency and dubious ease of use.


Fixed bicycle lights are cheap and durable, often for a small price they give an excellent margin in terms of glow time and light intensity. The only negative is the complexity of installation, but if you do not plan to leave the bike in public parking lots, but ride for fun, this type is for you. Although it is now easy to find a fixed lamp on a bicycle only in the class of auxiliary or parking lights. A removable light source is now the de facto standard.

A set of flashlights with various power and charging sources

Removable multifunctional

The multifunctional lamp can be used both as a regular flashlight and as a bicycle lamp. You can use universal mounts or buy a branded product with a pad. This will not affect usability, it will only affect the cost of maintenance, since it is much more difficult to find a replacement for the contact pad.

Currently, 80% of bicycle light sources sold are removable LED lights, as they are versatile, convenient and fairly inexpensive. It remains only to choose the model that suits you in terms of parameters.


Wearable light sources are still a rarity in Russia, but in the west, many enthusiastic cyclists are already switching from attaching a lamp to a bicycle to comfortable headlamps and additional dimensions on backpacks. The usual kit for night skiing consists of four lights:

  • main on the steering wheel;
  • body size on a backpack;
  • helmet lamp;
  • auxiliary dimension on the bicycle frame.

By turning our head, we get illumination in those places where it is rather difficult to direct the flashlights permanently fixed to the steering wheel, for example, towards the side of the road or onto a crossed path.


A separate class is the rear light for a bicycle, called a size or flasher. With a small battery, several diodes, these lights are not designed to illuminate any area, but to indicate a cyclist on the road.

Very often, these flashlights support several flashing programs. Many studies have confirmed that the most noticeable will be a participant in the movement, whose marker lights do not just glow, but flash, attracting attention to themselves.

Modern kits that combine dimensions and body lights offer the cyclist even closer to cars and motorcycles by adding a laser marker (“conducting” a light line parallel to the bike) to the equipment or by supplementing the backpack with parking lights with turn signals controlled by the cyclist.


The market is filled with various noname manufacturers, often not inferior to well-known brands, but buying such products is always a high risk, so if you are limited in funds, it is best to stay with trusted companies. Here are some of them:

  • MagicShine is a good and inexpensive Hong Kong brand;
  • CatEye is a high-end Japanese manufacturer, distinguished by the quality of the diodes;
  • Sigma is a German brand with good and inexpensive models;
  • BBB is a Dutch VIP manufacturer;
  • Fenix ​​Lights is a Chinese manufacturer that has established itself as high-quality flashlights for the American market (using diodes from the American company Cree).


Choosing a bike light is not only a matter of practice and experience, but also an accurate understanding of what characteristics are needed specifically for your style of riding. Theoretical preparation is also very important, because many do not have a basic understanding of the parameters of the emitted light, and a seemingly ideal light source will be completely useless after purchase, if you do not take into account, for example, the scattering angle.

You can buy it on the website of our partners.

Bicycles are becoming increasingly popular as the main alternative view transport for the city. At the same time, the problem of safety in the use of this type of transport is becoming more and more urgent. After all, cycling comes with certain risks, especially at night. A reliable flashlight will help solve these problems. In this roundup of the best bike lights that hit the market in 2016.

1. CatEye Volt 1600 Headlight

A powerful LED triple flashlight that is capable of delivering 1600 lumens, as you might have guessed from the name. With such power, it will pierce even the most impenetrable darkness. Has five operating modes. Ideal for both the city and the suburbs. Powered by a lithium-ion battery. The disadvantages of the lantern include too large dimensions.

2. Bright Eyes Aircraft Aluminum Waterproof 300 Lumen LED Bike Set

A beautiful double lantern with a high quality that can only be compared by the length of its name. Each lamp is configured separately. In normal mode, it gives from 80 to 300 lumens. There is also an ultra-bright mode with a light output of 1200 lumens. Runs on multiple AAA batteries. Important advantages include low price and ease of use.

3. CatEye Volt 700 Headlight

Single bicycle headlight, which will be an ideal choice for amateur riders, as well as all those who simply use the bike for business or leisure trips. The powerful battery guarantees up to 100 hours of illumination in the most economical mode. The most powerful flashlight mode will give 700 lumens. The flashlight charges very quickly from the mains using a USB cable.

4. Cycle Torch Shark 500 Set

A curious example of a lantern. Minimalism, power and high reliability in one package. In the strongest mode, it will give light of 500 lumens. Battery operated, easy to take off and put on, as a result, it can be used as an ordinary hand-held flashlight. It costs mere pennies for a thing of this quality, which is also an important advantage.

5. CatEye Rapid X3 Front TL-LD720-F

A rear light that will help the cyclist to warn all drivers of his presence on the road, especially at night. Three modes of operation, battery power, reasonable price and manual adjustment. In the strongest mode, it casts light at 180 degrees, and the glow power reaches 200 lumens.

6. Light & Motion Urban 800FC Headlight

Another universal bicycle light worthy of attention. The maximum brightness of the light reaches 800 lumens. The minimum indicator is 130 lumens. The flashlight is powered by batteries. Easily removed and put on the steering wheel. Has many modes of operation. The disadvantages include the large weight of the device.

7. Blitzu Cyborg 168T USB Rechargeable Bicycle Tail Light

Finally, another tail light for the bike. Very reliable, with the possibility of flexible and deep customization. The minimum brightness of the light is 50 lumens, while the maximum brightness can reach 160. Thanks to specific mounts, this lamp can be installed almost anywhere on the bike.

Real fans of cycling should definitely pay attention to.

A bicycle lamp - what is important to know when choosing a bicycle lamp.

As in any other area of ​​LED lights, choosing bike light, it is necessary to take into account its characteristics. After conducting a survey among professional cyclists and cyclists, we tried to identify the main parameters that characterize the optimal bicycle lamp. These are the parameters that will help you make a choice and buy bicycle lamp high reliability and functionality. So, let's define what is really important for us.

1. Bicycle light or bicycle light?

Although bicycle lights are still popular and used by many cyclists, they are significantly inferior in functionality to hand-held bicycle lights. The advantages of bicycle lights are obvious. First, you can buy a bike light and use it in a variety of situations. Going on a bike trip, fishing or just out of town, you do not have to take another lantern with you to illuminate the tent, on the beach or in the forest. Secondly, often a bicycle headlight has only one mode of operation, which significantly limits the possibilities of its use. And another significant drawback of many bicycle headlights is external batteries that create additional ballast. Therefore, at present, most cyclists prefer compact and functional bicycle lights.

Velofara with external battery pack

2. Light characteristics

When choosing a bicycle lamp, much attention should be paid not so much to high brightness and range, but to the angle of light. It is very important that a bicycle light illuminates a wide area in front and, thus, allows you to better and faster navigate in space and respond in a timely manner to obstacles on the road. The light should be as uniform as possible, without a pronounced central spot. Such light is typical for lanterns with a textured reflector.

As for the maximum brightness and range, everything is individual, so a bicycle lamp should have several modes. The maximum mode is useful when using the flashlight as a manual, while for driving it is preferable to select the medium mode, otherwise your flashlight will blind drivers of oncoming cars. The range of a bicycle light should be enough for a safe ride even at high speed, so it should be at least 50-100 meters.

The hue of the LED does not have any significant meaning for bicycle lights, so everyone chooses which light is more pleasant for him. If you prefer a softer light and want to see colors better in the dark, you can buy a warm LED bike light. For brighter and white light choose flashlights with a cold diode.

3. Meals and working hours

Since an LED bike light needs to be as light as possible, a single battery powered bike light should be preferred. These lights are lighter and will not weigh down the handlebars of the bike. Plus, you don't have to carry whole sets of spare batteries with you all the time.

As we have already said, a bicycle light should have several modes of operation, even better if the modes are customizable. Then, depending on your needs at the time of work, you can choose the optimal mode. On medium mode, the bike light should run for at least a few hours so that you can travel a sufficient distance without stopping to change power.

4. Design and control

A bike light needs to be reliable, so a bike light needs to be shockproof and waterproof. It must be able to withstand drops and water without compromising functionality. Moreover, the bicycle light must be "all-weather", i.e. work smoothly both in hot weather and in frosty weather.

Control should be simple and convenient - so that the flashlight modes can be switched on the go without losing control of the bike. You should also not forget about the mount - the less standard the dimensions are, the less reliable the lantern mount on the bicycle handlebar will be, and this is also very important. The lantern must be firmly attached to the steering wheel and not fall out during sudden stops or turns.

All the described characteristics can be found, for example, in a flashlight. The wide area of ​​light, range and several brightness modes, combined with unique technological characteristics, make this model in demand by cyclists (lantern review).

Of the more economical options, you can pay attention to the Olight T25 lamp - it has weaker light characteristics, but its small size and weight, as well as its wide beam, will be appreciated by cyclists.