Choice of bike lights. Powerful universal bicycle headlight with an arbitrary choice of brightness

We will help you figure out how to choose a good bike headlight

China or brands

A very important question that needs to be answered at the very beginning of the article. IN last years Chinese manufacturers have seen great promise in the bicycle light market, and so many good offers have emerged.

These are either independent developments or clones of headlights of famous brands. The quality of Chinese products fluctuates at a more or less acceptable level, while prices correspond to the budget segment.

Brand headlights have a fairly high build quality, more advanced electronic circuits and better components. However, not everything is so rosy.

The first disadvantage of branded products is often outdated revisions of LEDs in some products. There is a very rapid progress in LED technology, literally every six months new, more energy-efficient versions of diodes are released.

The Chinese, who produce goods in small batches, constantly include the latest diodes in their products, while brands can sell outdated equipment under the guise of novelty for several years. People who do not understand, trust brands, and buy a deliberately less bright headlight. Sometimes, even as a bicycle light, brands sell headlights on ancient 3 watt diodes, which in modern conditions is simply not serious.

The second disadvantage of brands is a very, very biting price. Considering that headlights are most often assembled in the same China, based on the same diodes (and sometimes outdated), the price seems completely out of touch with reality. For example, if a good headlight from a Chinese manufacturer costs about $100, then a brand will cost $300-500.

I believe that buying a branded bicycle headlight is completely unjustified, if there are direct analogues, it is several times cheaper. Brand assets include greater reliability (theoretically), better ergonomics and a guarantee.

Today, a typical Chinese-made bicycle headlight looks like this:

This is a very optimal shape, the diode is cooled through the aluminum case by the oncoming air flow. The headlight is attached to the steering wheel, quickly and reliably. The battery pack is attached to the stem or frame with Velcro tape.

Let's formulate the basic requirements for a bicycle headlight, in accordance with today's conditions.

1. Brightness allowing you to drive at the same speed as daytime

Those who have not seen truly bright lanterns cannot imagine how far lighting technology has come. Modern LEDs have reached a high efficiency of lumens / watts, which makes it possible to build bicycle lights that make it possible to flood the space in front of the bicycle with light for 30-50 meters.

I find that there is no such thing as too much brightness - I like to ride at night, and the column of light that highlights all the roughness of the track far ahead makes the ride as comfortable as during the day. Therefore, any lights will not work as a head light - you need a luminous flux of at least 600-1200 lumens.

To date, these requirements are met by the Cree XM-L T6 LED, on which, in general, most bicycle headlights are assembled. I am not ready to give specific recommendations on which one to recommend from the variety sold on Ebay and, due to the variation in quality. Google for reviews from real people and you'll be rewarded.

2. Acceptable color spectrum, no LED cyanosis

When LEDs first began to make their way into the mobile lighting segment, their use as a cycle light was severely limited due to the pronounced blue spectrum. In such a light, contrast was lost, hiding the details and relief of the road.

This was due to the fact that the blue color in the spectrum of the LED gives the highest brightness. The same diode with a color temperature shifted towards warmth produced a lower lumens/watt ratio. Considering that then the diodes were not yet bright enough, from a marketing point of view it was more profitable to promote brighter bluish specimens.

Now the situation has changed a lot, in the assortment of manufacturers there are enough LEDs with a spectrum from neutral white to yellowish-warm. Whites look brighter, but yellowish ones are more pleasing to the eye.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to guess what exactly the Chinese headlight assemblers will put in their products. Even within the same batch of flashlights, there may be options with different color revisions of the diodes.

However, I will not sin beyond measure either: lately there have been no headlights in which cyanotic diodes are placed. Most often the light is neutral white.

3. Reflector pattern that allows you to get sufficient side illumination

This is a very sore point for any LED flashlight - due to the design features, the diode cannot shine in all directions, like a halogen light bulb. Therefore, most often the pattern of light looks like this: a bright and narrow spot in the middle, around it is a circular reflection from the reflector, and outside this sharply defined circle is darkness.

At one time there was a heated debate among light fetishists - whether a bicycle headlight should have a bright side illumination or is it better that all the light goes forward in a bright narrow column. I stick to the first option - the main beam is not so important for me. It is much more important, in my opinion, to have enough light directly in the sector of ten meters from the front wheel.

A narrow bright beam that goes into the distance is acceptable for a hand lamp, which can be instantly directed in the right direction, but on a bicycle the headlight is usually directed forward. However, information on the side is very important, especially when driving on winding paths.

In addition, it is important psychological effect- if only a narrow spot far ahead is brightly lit, then with a long ride, the cyclist has what I call road tunnel syndrome.

Its essence is that after a while a very unpleasant feeling begins, as if you are driving through an endless round tunnel, outside of which there is pitch darkness. The eyes blur in the white LED light and begin to lose sight of the details of the relief.

Therefore, when choosing a bicycle headlight, be sure to compare the so-called beam shots - photographs of a light spot, which are often attached to the description. As a rule, they immediately show which reflector is installed. There are also headlights that have several diodes - one for low beam, others for high beam.

4. Operating time of at least 2 hours at maximum brightness

Everything is simple here. Almost all bike lights are powered by 18650 lithium batteries (the same as in laptop batteries). These are the most optimal power sources, capacious and inexpensive.

The four-cell 18650 battery provides 2 to 3 hours of operation at the maximum brightness of the headlight at 900-1000 lumens. However, not all areas need maximum brightness, so the mode is most often combined, in which the battery lasts for four hours.

This time is quite enough even for a night ride, not to mention the fact that to go for a ride before going to bed.

Hand flashlight as a bicycle headlight

Before the enterprising Chinese began to please us with their headlights, cyclists adapted hand lamps as a bicycle light. Flashlights are produced on the same LEDs and shine almost the same as headlights. Fasten quickly and securely to the handlebars with Velcro holders.

Even now, their use on a bicycle has the right to life - despite the fact that I have a headlight, I also use flashlights. I still have two MTE flashlights on 900 lumen SSC P7 diodes from old stocks. They work from a single 18650 battery, and the energy is enough for an hour in maximum mode (when combined - for an hour and a half).

The first advantage is the speed of installation. Far from always, light is needed for a long time - often you just leave in the evening after work for a couple of hours, of which you drive along illuminated roads for at least half an hour or forty minutes. In order not to bother with installing the headlight, just hang a flashlight on the steering wheel. One battery is enough, as I said, for an hour and a half, you throw a spare 18650 in your pocket just in case, and you will have enough autonomous light for your eyes.

The second plus is mobility. The headlight is a stationary device, and the flashlight is removed from the steering wheel in one second if necessary. Because of this point, I don’t take a headlight on a trip, but a flashlight - a bicycle light is needed on a hike only as a “just in case”, hardly anyone lays routes, including traffic in it at night.

But on any journey, a hand-held lantern, which is also so bright, is simply an indispensable thing, especially if your overnight stay is in the forest. And just as tent lighting, powerful LED lights do a very good job - their LEDs are highly efficient. At low brightness, the lumens / watt ratio is higher than that of weak diodes. Therefore, as a backlight for a tent with minimal light, such lanterns can work for a very, very long time.

Helmet-mounted bicycle light

Another plus of flashlights, which solves the problem of side illumination, which I wrote about above. A hand lamp, with the help of mounts from Ebeya (or collective farm improvised means), can be adapted to a helmet.

It turns out just a great bunch of "main light headlight and helmet-mounted lamp." It does not matter if the headlight shines narrowly into the distance, giving a weak side illumination - where you turn your head, a powerful stream of light from the helmet beats there.

Moreover, it is not necessary to use powerful 1000 lumen flashlights as a helmet light, a simple 3 watt lamp is enough (this is even preferable, they are much lighter and will work 2-3 hours from one 18650 battery). When going on a night ride, I use a bundle of light, this allows me to ride with maximum comfort.

Material taken from the site


Let's start with a simpler one - choosing a rear bike light. When driving at night, it is mandatory, since without it a cyclist is a shadow on wheels, which is especially dangerous when driving on the roadway. Even during the day, drivers cannot always see and distinguish the cyclist in time, what can I say about the night. Recently, I was riding in the woods, and I almost ran into a cyclist at speed who was riding in front only with the front bike light on. At first I thought it was a pedestrian with a flashlight walking.

It’s not worth saving on a rear bike light, but buying a super-bright rear bike light for a few thousand rubles is not always justified. To drive at night on the roadway, you really need a bright bicycle light (battery-powered), because many motorists like to drive in the dark. For driving on roads without cars, a five-LED battery-powered flashlight is enough. It is important that the fixture of the lamp allows you to change the angle of installation to improve its visibility to other road users.

Do not chase creative bicycle lights with incomprehensible secondary functionality and design in the form of a skull with turn signals, etc. At first glance, it seems that turn signals are needed, but in most cases it is forbidden and dangerous for cyclists to turn left on the roadway, it is unnecessary when driving along a boulevard or park, and there is practically no one in a dark forest. Turn signals on a bicycle are unusual and incomprehensible.

The front bicycle light is required to solve two main tasks: to ensure the visibility of the cyclist to other road users (marker light) and to illuminate the road well with the surrounding area. Almost any bicycle headlight can easily cope with the first task, but not every model is suitable for good road lighting.

At present, the most common are LED devices, which have forced out the lanterns with uneconomical halogen lamps from the market. On sale you can also find a fantasy called “xenon” for ridiculous money - 300-500 rubles. Gas-discharge xenon lights cost from 8-10 thousand rubles, and bicycle lights are even more expensive and difficult to find. For this money, perhaps, you can buy a strap from a good bicycle headlight, and not xenon.

As front lamp you can use - a front marker lamp, a low-power or powerful bicycle headlight with a handlebar and / or head mount.

The front position light is a point light source with a narrow beam that, by definition, cannot illuminate the road or surrounding area. Its main task is to provide visibility to the cyclist. Ceteris paribus, it shines further than a bicycle headlight, but in most situations you can safely do without it.

Bicycle lights are used to illuminate the road and the surrounding area (do not confuse it with a lantern). Is it possible to save money and use a flashlight instead of a bicycle headlight, which, if desired, can be removed from the steering wheel? The idea of ​​saving money is interesting, but practice shows that a thing specially designed for a specific use has tangible advantages over a "combine" in which they try to combine both this and that. A flashlight can be mounted on a bicycle, but this will not turn it into a bicycle headlight.

Batteries are used to power LEDs in low-power bicycle lights, while batteries or battery assemblies are used in high-power ones.

Battery powered low power LED bike lights


  • Long operating time from one set of batteries (several tens of hours at maximum power and even more in flashing mode)
  • low cost
  • Not big weight
  • Easy to install


  • Low luminous flux and low light level
  • Unintelligible light spot on many models
  • Virtually useless at dusk
  • Inexpressive design of some models

Powerful LED bike lights


  • Large luminous flux and good illumination level
  • Working at dusk
  • Functionality. In addition to low beam / high beam modes, they can have step or smooth brightness control


  • High price
  • Short operating time at maximum power (2-4 hours)
  • Long battery charging (3-5 hours)
  • Big weight

The cyclist faces the problem of choosing a bicycle headlight: either a long working time, but a small brightness of the light source, or a high brightness of the light source, but a short working time.

If you are going to ride in the dark at a walking pace at a speed of 10-15 km / h on a more or less good surface, then in this case a low-powered bicycle headlight is also suitable. It illuminates the space, as they say, in general terms: reflective materials are visible very well, pedestrians and large static objects are also visible well, but unlit small objects and obstacles on the road (stones, pits, roots, curbs, etc.) are illuminated not enough. At speeds from 20-25 km / h, not everyone will be able to go beyond the first good pit or hatch.

If you want to ride in the dark almost the same as in daylight, then you can’t do without a rechargeable bike headlight. Often a bike ride takes more than 2-3 hours and the battery may not be enough. In this case, you can either install a pair of powerful bike lights on the bike (which is very expensive), or take a spare battery with you (which is cheaper), or put one low-power and one powerful bike light, or pick up a soldering iron and draw something for yourself. I'm leaning towards the penultimate option, but there is a nuance here. Batteries don't like cold. The batteries are installed on the bike separately from the headlight and can be put in a jacket or insulated on the frame, and the batteries are installed in the headlight housing and you will have to think about its insulation.

You can also increase the battery life of the bike light if you ride in a group. Then you can change and turn on the headlight at full power only on the first bike.

When choosing a bicycle headlight, in addition to the price, you need to pay attention to:

  • Luminous flux of a bicycle headlight
  • The nature of the light spot
  • Control
  • Duration of work
  • Nutrition
  • Flask design
  • Fastening
  • User Reviews

You can start your acquaintance with bicycle lights from the site, which offers models from a well-known manufacturer of LED lights for active rest. On the site you can see analogues cheaper.

Magicshine currently offers bike lights up to 2000 lumens. The Magicshine MJ-808 model with a luminous flux of 900 lumens is considered the “people's bicycle headlight”, which has an optimal price / practicality ratio.

Rice. 1. Bike headlight Magicshine MJ-808.

Models MJ-816 (Cheburashka) and MJ-880 (Owl) are of particular interest - a real two-eyed monster with a maximum luminous flux of 2000 lumens!

Rice. 2. Velofara Magicshine MJ-816 (Cheburashka).

Rice. 3. Velofara Magicshine MJ-880 (Owl).

It would seem that the greater the luminous flux, the better, but, firstly, this significantly increases the cost of the bicycle headlight, reduces the operating time and requires the use of a more powerful battery assembly with more weight, and, secondly, the heat transfer of powerful LEDs increases with all the consequences . There is a good review of the MJ-880 (Owl) model on the Internet, which says that at maximum power the case of this model heats up in seconds and in this mode it can only work adequately when moving, being cooled by air.

The nature of the light spot is also an important characteristic. Not only the brightness of the spot in the center is important, but also the width of the beam, as well as the distribution of the flux within the radiation angle. In the light spot of inexpensive bicycle lights, you can often see a halo - a ring of light around the light spot. Someone considers this effect useful, but it is difficult to agree with this. Bicycle lights with insufficient light spot width will make it difficult to move. A narrow beam will not allow you to see a sharp turn in time and you can easily fly to the side of the road. In this regard, I like the MJ-816 (Cheburashka) model, which implements high and low beams, which can work simultaneously complementing each other's capabilities.

Simple bicycle lights can work in 2 modes: constant or flashing. Powerful bike lights have several brightness control modes. Switching modes is done by pressing a button. In most bicycle headlights, the control button is located on its body, but, for example, in the MJ-816 (Cheburashka) model, the button is attached to the steering wheel separately, which is very convenient.

Why is flashing necessary? In daylight and at dusk, a flashing source attracts attention better than a constantly burning one. If the rear light is set to constant light, then the driver of the car may mistakenly take a bicycle for a scooter, moped or motorcycle and make a maneuver dangerous for the cyclist without calculating its speed and nature of movement. The flashing light is distinguishing feature cyclist, although the blinking of bright LEDs is quite annoying. At dusk, the low-power front bicycle headlight practically does not illuminate the road and is switched to a flashing mode to attract attention. In complete darkness in places without traffic, a constant glow is better perceived, but here it is necessary to take into account the fact that pedestrians can also walk with a lamp. An oncoming cyclist moves in a straight line, and an oncoming pedestrian can move sideways, which must be foreseen in advance in order to avoid a collision with him. In addition, the flashing mode significantly (2 times) increases the duration of operation from one set of batteries or a battery charge.

Pay attention to the lantern mount. Some models are fastened with a clamp with a screwless tightening on a rubber gasket, which is lost on the second day, the clamp cannot be tightened and the light hangs on the seatpost. Mounting on rubber rings or clamps with screw tightening is much more reliable. As for the rubber rings, it is advisable to install them once and often do not pull.

On the advice of the seller, I took the CATEYE HL-EL220 model for testing (60 hours of operation from 4 AA batteries).

Rice. 4. Bicycle headlight CATEYE HL-EL220.

As a spare long-playing bicycle lamp in conditions of a leisurely romantic bike ride in complete darkness, it is suitable, but for the visually impaired and those who want to drive in the night forest, a much more serious device is required. I tried to accelerate on a well-known asphalt road in a dark forest. It was more or less comfortable to drive up to 20 km/h. Above, it was already difficult to fit into turns and was quite tense about pedestrians and dogs without reflective elements and possible obstacles on the road. At dusk, he practically does not work. If you drive along the pavement lit through the foliage, there is an effect, but again, at high speed, neither hatches nor pits are visible. Of the serious disadvantages of CATEYE HL-EL220, I can note that due to the incomprehensible design of the bulb, it shines rather well in the face. This is treated by sticking an opaque material on upper part flasks.

If we compare the CATEYE HL-EL220 (5 LEDs) with the NO:6611A headlamp with 1CREE-Q3 LED with optics and zoom, I liked the first option more, although it was not always possible to illuminate everything I wanted. In the future, I will write the impression of their joint work.

Often cyclists ride with two front lights: a bicycle headlight on the handlebars and a headlight. The first - stationary - illuminates the road, and the second - mobile - space along the line of sight, which is very convenient not only for illuminating the surrounding area while driving, but also in case of a stop for repairs.

There is a demonstration of some models on youtube, but a picture is one thing and real conditions are quite another. Recently I saw two cyclists with headlights on a powerful halogen lamp. These lamps consume a lot of energy, but they shone as if they had left for a sunny meadow.

A few words about setting the position of the bicycle headlight. The task is that, on the one hand, it illuminates the road and the surrounding area well, and on the other hand, it does not blind cyclists and pedestrians moving towards too nightmarishly. If the bicycle headlight is low-power (such as CATEYE HL-EL220), then it makes sense to install it horizontally. It still won’t be able to illuminate the road well, so at least from a distance objects with or without reflective elements will be visible. But with a powerful bicycle headlight you have to tinker. Here you will also need to take into account the terrain where you plan to ride. If the bicycle headlight is set at too great an inclination to the ground, then everything in front of the wheel will be visible as in the daytime, but the headlights will not be illuminated uphill and turns with this position, which is very dangerous, since no one will be seen rushing or going towards without lights. If the bike headlight is raised too high, then the powerful LED(s) will maniacally blind the eyes of oncoming traffic participants, since not all bike lights have a horizontal cutoff. No matter how you twist it, there will always be inconvenience. In this case, it is most reasonable to switch the high beam to the low beam, as drivers of motor vehicles do in accordance with the traffic rules.

The modern market offers a large selection of a wide variety of lights for bicycles, so it's easy to get confused when choosing a bike light from such an abundance of options. To do right choice, it is necessary to have information about the main types of lighting device, its functions, characteristics and parameters.

This lighting device has several uses:

  1. as the main light source. The main function is to illuminate the road in front of the bike.
  2. Parking lights. They are two small flashlights located at the back (for example, on the spokes of the frame) and are necessary in order to make the cyclist visible. Their color is usually red. The modern market offers marker lights with turn signals.
  3. Typically, bicycle lights are installed for a specific occasion, for example, night skiing, so the design of this lighting equipment is most often simple, but there are also models of flashlights that have a special mount.

Bicycle lights are usually made of high-strength plastic and glass that is resistant to temperature changes. In addition, the device is reliably protected from moisture or dust ingress, its tightness is created using special seals. In the production of expensive models, aircraft-grade aluminum is used.

Main settings

Bicycle lights consist of a body, a light source, a battery, an optical system and a control system, they differ from each other in the following characteristics:

  1. Lighting indicators. The illumination of the lantern depends on the type of light source. On this moment The most common and convenient source type is diodes. They are distinguished by their affordability and economy, efficiency and reliability of design. In addition, it is convenient to combine diodes by installing several devices at once.
  2. Luminous power. This indicator is measured in lumens, the greater the number of lumens, the higher the power of the flashlight.
  3. Scattering angle. It is selected depending on the needs: an angle of 15-20 degrees creates a directional light that will illuminate distant objects; an angle of 120-180 degrees creates a stream of diffused light with a wide lateral coverage. According to the standard, the device must provide visibility at a distance of 5 to 30 meters from the steering wheel.
  4. Mounting type. There are lights that are easy to install and remove, as well as devices that require fixation, reliable installation. There are also designs that allow you to combine both options, depending on your needs. The mount can be elastic, using a silicone or rubber strap, with which the device is fixed to the frame or spoke. A more secure mount is a small bracket (often combined with a lantern). A device with this type of mount is mounted on a frame or steering wheel. Power type. To fix the lighting device on a helmet, clothes or equipment, there are special ties and Velcro.
  5. Food types. Most often it is one or three finger batteries. The side lights are equipped with a coin cell battery. There are also flashlights with an external power source - this is a replaceable battery, which is installed separately.

Varieties of bicycle lights

Depending on the way the light device is used, there are several types of this device:

  1. Bicycle headlight. An obsolete type of lantern that is mounted separately. A replaceable battery is used as a power source. It has a large weight, is characterized by massiveness and low efficiency.
  2. Hand lanterns. Can be used as a front light, portable and mobile
  3. Dynamo lights. Quite compact equipment that does not require additional power sources such as batteries or an accumulator.
  4. Lantern on the helmet. Directs the light flux in the right direction, fastened with tapes. The presence of this type of lamp requires additional installation of marker lights.

In addition, the devices differ in the light source:

  1. LED. Differ in durability and profitability, and also have high brightness and resistance to damages.
  2. Halogen. They create a directed bright light flux, but at the same time they are not economical.
  3. Laser. popular view bicycle lights, the main feature of which are the red paths of light on the sides of the bike, which are drawn by lasers. This effect significantly increases the visibility of the cyclist, and also gives a bright attractive appearance vehicle.

The most popular manufacturing companies

To purchase guaranteed quality products, you should trust the most reliable companies.

D.Light 12476CG-120W

Inexpensive front bicycle light from a Taiwanese company, equipped with a mount for mounting on the handlebars. Easy to install, does not require the use of additional tools. It is powered by two AA batteries, has 3 LEDs, works in three modes - high beam, low beam and flashing. The case is made of plastic, the operating time of the device depends on the selected mode and varies from 30 to 120 hours. The average cost is 790 rubles.

bicycle lamp D.Light 12476 CG-120W


  • sealed housing;
  • small size of the device;
  • convenient fastening;
  • The power button is backlit.


  • not detected.

Magicshine MJ-818

85 lumen rear bicycle light made in China. The power source is a battery, 10 diodes act as light sources. It has three modes of operation, the beam range is one hundred meters, and the operating time reaches 10 hours (if all lamps are on). The body is made of aluminium. The kit includes: battery, charger and mount. The average price is 3,170 rubles.

bicycle lamp Magicshine MJ-818


  • the case has a high degree of protection against shock and damage;
  • tightness;
  • easy installation and dismantling;
  • equipped with a brightness indicator.


  • rattling at speed.

Nanoled PRO-L73 1990 -2.352

The device is from a Chinese company, belongs to the type of parking lights, is equipped with turn signals, has a remote control. The main feature of this flashlight is 16 LEDs, 6 of which are red, 10 are yellow. In addition, the device is equipped with two lasers. The high-quality plastic housing protects the device from temperature extremes, so the flashlight can be used both at very low temperatures and at very high ones. Powered by two AAA nickel batteries, has three brake light modes. The average cost is 2,352 rubles.

Bicycle lamp Nanoled PRO-L73 1 990 -2.352


  • sealed, waterproof case;
  • the remote control is equipped with indicators;
  • the mount has a seal.


  • not detected.

Sigma Sport Buster 100

Rechargeable lantern made in China, characterized by high power (120 lumens). The range of the light beam is 35 meters, the beam has a well-focused center, wide illumination angle. The mount is a rubber strap, a high-strength plastic case has a rubber coating on the top. Built-in battery type - Li-lion. The device operates in six modes: standard, power saving, powerful, strobe mode, flashing, and SOS signal mode. The price is - 1788 rubles.

bicycle light Sigma Sport Buster 100


  • USB cable included;
  • durable sealed housing;
  • fastening is convenient and simple;
  • the presence of a battery indicator.


  • no adapter for charging from the network.

A device with a built-in battery and double focusing of the beam, the range of which is 155 meters. The battery is charged via a USB cable or AC adapter included in the kit. The bicycle lamp is equipped with a display that reflects information about the state of charge of the battery. Two LEDs have high power (1600 lumens), can work up to 20 hours in continuous mode. There are six operating modes - super-maximum, maximum, medium, minimum, and eco-mode. The body of the device is made of high-strength aircraft-grade aluminum. The price of the device is from 4,990 rubles.

bicycle lamp Fenix ​​BC3UR


  • convenient OLED display;
  • the ability to adjust the brightness;
  • high temperature protection;
  • easy and convenient installation.


  • not detected.

A unique non-contact flashlight with an internal microprocessor and a built-in lighting mechanism when the bike stops. The principle of its operation is that the device uses eddy currents generated on the wheel rim as power. The built-in generator absorbs currents from the metal rim and converts them into electricity. The signal is affected by the speed of the wheel, so the mechanism operates at a speed of 3 to 30 km/h. Power is 160 lumens. The average cost is from 8,059 rubles.

bicycle lamp MAGNIC Light


  • uniqueness and simplicity of the device;
  • no need for a battery or batteries;
  • small size and weight of the device;
  • economy.


  • to increase reliability, it is desirable to have a battery.

Sigma Sport Ellipsoid

Halogen bicycle lamp of a German company, in the manufacture of which was used modern technology, which allows to increase the power of the light beam by 30%. The power source is 5 AA batteries, the range of the light flux is 60 meters. The case is made of plastic, the device works in one mode, the duration of work is up to 3 hours. The average cost is from 1,861 to 6,387 rubles.

bicycle lamp Sigma Sport Ellipsoid


  • built-in charging connector;
  • ease of use;
  • waterproof body;
  • battery status indicator;
  • reliable fastening;
  • long service life.


  • the light source is not strong enough.

The best Chinese-made generator lamp, the voltage of which is 6 volts. The device is attached to the fork with a bolt. The light source is an LED with a luminous flux of 10 lux. The device has one mode of operation, and its average price for aliexpress is from 599 rubles.

Bicycle lamp AN LUN 10Lux


  • compactness and portability;
  • no need for a power source;
  • affordable price.


  • not detected.


A dynamo flashlight from a Taiwanese manufacturer, powered by currents generated during rotation bicycle wheels. The device is also equipped with an energy store, thanks to which the headlight remains on for 4 minutes after the bike has stopped. The LED is powerful, the brightness is increased thanks to the reflection system. The beam range is 10 meters. The body of the device is made of aluminum. The cost is 1,950 rubles.

bicycle lamp iLumenox VEGA 6V DYNAMO HEADLIGHT


  • tightness and moisture resistance;
  • luminous flux with electronic stabilization;
  • nice design.


  • not found.

Chinese-made laser bike light with a stylish design and equipped with turn signals. It has bright LEDs that clearly identify the vehicle regardless of the weather. The device is attached to the back of the bike. It can be operated at temperatures from -20 to +60 degrees. The beam range is 40 meters, the laser beam range is 5 meters. The kit includes a wireless remote control mounted on the steering wheel. The power source is a rechargeable battery. The average price is 2,474 rubles.

bicycle lamp Cmeilan X5


  • bright luminous flux;
  • automatic inclusion;
  • strength and tightness;
  • 29 light sources.


  • the accelerometer often works, causing the flashlight to blink.

Xingcheng XC-990

An economical bicycle lamp from a Chinese company, the power source of which is a solar battery installed inside. The flashlight is designed for 9 hours of continuous operation. The light source is four LED lamps. The device is mounted on the steering wheel, the body is made of plastic, which has high strength. The control buttons are located on the top of the device. The device operates in two modes - constant light and flashing. The average cost is 900 rubles.

bicycle lamp Xingcheng XC-990


  • the presence of a USB port for recharging;
  • simple and convenient management;
  • low cost;
  • economy.


  • charger is not included.

Fenix ​​HP10 Cree XR-E LED Premium Q5

A popular and efficient bicycle helmet light equipped with a powerful 250 lumen LED that can work continuously for 210 hours. The body is sealed, water-resistant, made of aircraft-grade anodized aluminum and high-strength plastic. The range of the light flux reaches 120 meters, the power source is 4 AA batteries. The device operates in seven modes, four of which are related to brightness, and the other three are SOS mode, strobe mode and flashing. The average price is 625 rubles.

bicycle lamp Fenix ​​HP10 Cree XR-E LED Premium Q5


  • compactness;
  • durability;
  • built-in mode memory system;
  • fastening reliability;
  • the presence of a reflector;
  • protection of the LED from overheating;
  • changeable tilt angle.


  • not found.

The type of bike light depends on individual needs and cycling style. Knowing the main parameters and characteristics of the models and types of bicycle lights offered on the modern market, you can decide which functions are needed and which light source will be the ideal choice.

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LEDs and only them

Until a few years ago, we had a selection of different lamps for bicycle lights. However, now LED technology has developed to such an extent, and the price of such products has become so affordable that the buyer in the bicycle lamp market chooses almost only LED lamps. Radiated power has also increased a lot in the last couple of years, and the brightest bicycle lights have a claimed luminous flux of several thousand lumens, which is more than that of car headlights. Flashlights of more general use give a luminous flux of 50 to 500 lumens. At the same time, of course, marker or emergency lights have a lower intensity and are suitable for seeing you on the road, and not you on the road.

Questions to ask yourself when choosing a bike light

First question: why do I need a bike light? Do you need it to just drive slowly to the store in the evening, or are you returning from work driving through a forested area? You need to determine how much light you need, and what properties it should have. Usually the brighter the better, but if you do a lot of city driving, you'd better choose lights with good side visibility. This is especially important when you are leaving an intersection.

If you ride primarily on the highway, you need a bike light that won't dazzle oncoming drivers. Then you can choose a lamp with a narrow light beam or the so-called "German" beam. If your trips combine highways, trails, and single bike lanes, then you can get a light with a wide beam, but with the ability to switch to a weaker mode when needed. If you have multiple bikes and want to get by with just one front light, it's important to choose a light with easy-to-remove mounts.

The second question is: how often and for how long during the day will I use the flashlight? If your daily commute takes one hour, and the flashlight is designed for 50 minutes of operation, problems may already arise. Whether the flashlight runs on batteries or is recharged via a USB port, you need to consider where and when you will recharge it and how long it will take.

Many bike lights have an energy-saving mode, so you can conserve battery power for the least lit sections of the path. There are lights that display battery charge data, they are well suited for those who regularly drive at night and at the same time forget to recharge the battery.

The third question is: under what weather conditions will I use the flashlight? On your daily commute in any season, you will sometime drive in bad weather and your headlight will be exposed to rain and spray from the road. Here the rule is simple - more expensive versions have more protection and tightness, so you need to buy what you can afford as much as possible.

Types of bicycle lights

Hazard/marker lights usually small in size, so they can easily be placed in a bike bag until they are needed. They are easily attached to the frame or handlebars with an elastic strap and operate on coin cell batteries. They have low radiation power, but with them you can drive home, and it's better than nothing if you were caught in the dark on the road and the main lamp broke.
For example: Knog , Electron .

Knog Boomer Twinpack

Small flashing lights flashers, can also give a constant beam. They are larger and stronger than emergency lights and usually run on long-lasting batteries. They are cheap, and therefore, in terms of price-quality ratio, they look preferable than emergency lights.
For example: Cateye , Blackburn .

Cateye Nima 2

Torch type lights presented on the market most diversely. They run on AA/AAA batteries or a rechargeable battery. Their radiation is quite powerful and this is the kind of flashlight you need if you need to be not only noticeable on the road, but also see for yourself. Manufacturers often offer a set of a rear flasher and a torch front light. Chargers often come with AC adapters, and devices with a USB port have become more and more popular recently. You can charge such a flashlight during the day at your desk in the office.
For example: BBB , Raleigh .

BBB BLS-71 - Strike 300lm

Chargeable systems They are the connection of the battery pack to a light that is much more powerful than a standard torch. Such devices start from £50, but they are already high-tech gadgets. If you like training runs in the dark and off-road, this is probably the best option.
For example: Niterider , Exposure.

Exposure Strada MK5

Flashlights with dynamo generator suitable for those who want to have a rigidly attached lamp and not worry about batteries. This flashlight comes with a hub dynamo that is easy to operate and does not require much maintenance. The power of such a generator is 2.4-3 watts, which is quite enough for front and rear lighting. It is better to choose a system with the ability to store the received energy so that you do not plunge into darkness when you stop at a traffic light. Some prefer to keep such lights on even during the day, as they use very little energy.
For example: Supernova.

Bike helmet lights convenient in that you can direct the beam of light where you need it. Basically, such lamps are attached to the helmet with special tapes. But the presence of a light on the helmet does not relieve the rider of the obligation to have a front and rear light on the bike itself.
For example: light motion

Head or helmet light LightMotion Vis 360 Run

The decisive factor influencing the evaluation of a bicycle headlight is the illumination, measured in lux. This is quite a useful indicator: during the test, we checked LED bicycle lights with a calibrated luxmeter and only in one case encountered a value that was much lower than average. In several cases, the results obtained were even higher than those declared by the manufacturer.

Note: We only tested LED bike lights. Halogen lamps today are found only in cheap kits using a dynamo.

Different light beam: The Busch & Müller Ixon IQ Premium Speed ​​bike light (left) performed much better than the Trelock LS 350 (right) during the test

Bike Light: Luxes Matter

The illumination from the bike lights we tested, according to the manufacturer's instructions, ranges between 10 and 50 lux. Logically, the higher this value, the stronger the light. However, it should be remembered that this indicator only provides information on how strong the illumination is at the brightest point of the light beam.

Equally important is how brightly and evenly lit the edges of the road and points in front of the bike and at the maximum distance from it. However, the brighter the front bike light, the better. With illumination between 40 and 50 lux, you will most likely be satisfied with the result.

In the above photo you can see the comparison between the Busch & Müller test winner Ixon IQ Premium Speed ​​(42.2 lux) and the Trelock LS 350 (20.7 lux). The higher light intensity of the test winner illuminates the dark areas of the test track much better than the lower light Trelock. However, on well-lit streets, a bike light with a lower lux value will also work.

Bicycle spotlight: headlight without certification

Lezyne Mega Drive: super strong light, but the bike light is not suitable for use on public roads

Among other things, we studied three special type LED bicycle lights from the manufacturer Lezyne. Although they are quite expensive, about 8,000 rubles, they significantly outperform all their competitors in terms of lighting power - so much so that their operation on public roads is illegal in some countries.

They do not meet the required standards, as they can dazzle oncoming drivers. However, this type of lamp is widely represented on the market - including those produced by other companies - and is freely available. However, there is a chance of running into a fine.

The stronger the light, the shorter the battery life

Even the brightest LED bike light will do little good if the battery is small and drains quickly. There are no surprises in this: the battery life directly depends on the battery capacity and the maximum brightness of the lamp.

Our test winner, a Busch & Müller front bike light with a light output of around 42 lux, can last just over five hours. But the Sigma Sport Lightster with its 27 lux holds the record for the duration of work - more than eleven hours.

Of course, it does not provide the best illumination of the roadway. Therefore, despite its record-breaking battery life and rather low cost of only about 1,500 rubles, it is not a good alternative.

By the way, about the battery life: most headlights have an eco-mode. You can reduce lamp performance and automatically increase battery life. In this way, a compromise can be found between the brightness of the light and the duration of a night trip with light. In addition, for long-distance bike trips, we recommend using headlights with a replaceable battery.

Bicycle lamp: equipment and ease of use

Compared to those important criteria, like lighting brightness and battery life, the equipment of a bicycle headlight plays a much smaller role. Models differ from each other, for example, by a different number of operating modes or status indicators of different complexity of execution.

Pay attention to the mount! As a rule, the front bicycle light is not mounted firmly enough on the frame. But to provide protection against theft, the bike light should be easy to remove and put back if you often have to leave your bike unattended for a short time somewhere.

Models from Trelock are exemplary in this regard: they can be removed even with one hand, simply by pressing a button. They are even easier to insert back into the mount. A negative example is Sigma's front bike light: you need both hands to remove it. In addition, even short nails can be slightly damaged.