How to play chords on the guitar. Guitar fight - learning how to play the guitar

Guitar fight six is ​​almost the easiest and popular view combat, especially in the songs of Russian rock. It can be used to play most of the songs. In general, fighting is the most popular way to accompany singing. It is not much more complicated than a 4, but it sounds more driving and is played faster due to pauses. Fight six - great option for both beginners and advanced guitarists.

The game of this fight is very simple, here is the scheme: down - down-up - up-down-up. Long dashes between movements mean pauses. To better understand how to play this smoothly, play the following sequence: down-up-down-up-down-up-down-up. Practice it with any chords until it works well. And now throw out the second and fifth element from the scheme. That is, you play down, and where it should sound up, just carry your hand without touching the strings, and then continue to play up and down, and again carry your hand empty.

There is another easy way to learn how to play this guitar fight. You can break the whole sequence into two parts and work them out separately, and then connect them. It looks like this:

  1. down-up-down-up.
  2. down-up-down-up.

Selected elements are played with sound, and not selected, respectively, without sound. Practice the guitar fight bit by bit and then try to put it together. To make it more interesting to practice, try playing different chords. For example, sequences: C, Am, F, G or Em, C, G, D. Many songs are built on them so that playing them will help you not only work out the technique, but also learn the accompaniment of a song in absentia.

It is better to combine chords when you play the scheme confidently on one chord. Many beginners have difficulty changing chords: for example, it is difficult to maintain a rhythm or it is not clear at what point to rearrange a chord. Let's clarify this point right away, the chord is rearranged immediately after the last stroke up and on the new chord we immediately play down fights without a pause.

Below we will attach video tutorials that show in great detail and clearly how to play the six. Look at them carefully, they will help you clarify incomprehensible points.

What is a fight six in terms of musical theory

As you know, any song has a time signature, which, roughly speaking, sets a set of notes of different durations in each measure. So, the guitar fight six corresponds to the sizes 4/4 or 2/4. What is meant. Let's take 4/4 as an example. This time signature means that there are 4 beats per measure, which can be read as ras-and-two-and-three-and-four-and.

If you superimpose the schemes of battle and counting on each other, then you see that the elements are completely the same. By the way, learning to play a fight to the score is good way learn how to play correctly and evenly. Try to count for every movement (including idle strokes).

At first it will seem that this is impossible, but after a few attempts you will succeed. This useful skill will greatly help you learn how to perform more complex combinations in the future.

Complicated combat option

If you already play a simple variant of combat well, you can move on to studying its more complex and interesting variant - with jamming. The game scheme remains the same, we only add jamming on the second and fifth hits. What does it mean to add muting? This means that instead of extracting sound, we strike the strings with our fingers, and then immediately cover them with the edge of the palm so that they stop sounding. If you do this with a little force, you can even get a click from the beating of the strings on the floor of the frets. This sound makes the sound more interesting. The video tutorials attached below detail how to mute the strings correctly.

What songs are played

Of course, in order to learn how to play a six at 100%, you need to do it with some song. Here is a small list of versatile and simple compositions that you can learn to play with a six:

  1. Last call.
  2. Orbit without sugar.
  3. Vladimir Central.
  4. Three white horses.
  5. When your girlfriend is alone.

In fact, the list is almost endless, if you sing well, then take any song you like, with a 90% probability a six fight will suit it. Video tutorials on YouTube will help you learn how to sing correctly to the accompaniment.

What other types of fights are there

The types of guitar fighting are in order, from simple to complex:

  1. Four or simple (down-up-down-up).
  2. Six or pop (army) (you already know the scheme).
  3. Eight (down - down - up-down-down-up-down-up).
  4. Spanish.

As you can see, fights are named based on the number of blows used in them (except for the last one). Spanish guitar fighting is a separate issue. In general, this is a collective definition, which includes many different ways of accompaniment using techniques specific to Spanish music. Tutorials on YouTube tell in detail and show how to perform such things.

That's all, we wish you good luck on the difficult path of learning to play the guitar. We hope that this article has helped you a little on the way to your goal. We remind you that we also have a VKontakte group, where we put various lessons, sheet music, tablature, videos and other useful materials for guitarists. Join!

And a small gift - a lesson in Spanish combat!

It's hard to enjoy playing the guitar when it's all about the basics, scales, and exercises. With learning proper guitar strumming, you'll be playing songs in no time, adding a little joy to your practice. By learning some basic patterns and getting to know the guitar, you will be able to play any song you want. See Step 1 for more instructions.


Part 1

Acquaintance with the guitar

Hold your guitar correctly. Keep your guitar balanced on your hip, close to your body. To learn how to strike the guitar properly, you must keep the elbow of your striker hand towards the string at the base of the guitar so that you can use your wrist to strike. Let the guitar neck rest on the crease of your plucking hand in the shape of a "V" created by your thumb and forefinger.

  • If you have to use your hands to hold the guitar, it's very difficult to strike properly. Let the weight of the guitar rest on your knees, secure it with your elbow, and make sure you can move your striking hand without moving the guitar.

Hold the mediator correctly. With the palm facing towards the body, bend all fingers towards the palm. Place the pick on the first knuckle of your index finger so that it points directly to your chest. Grab the pick securely with your thumb, leaving only a few inches protruding from your fingers. Play around a bit to get a good and comfortable pick grip.

  • Also, you can play the fight without a pick using thumb. Johnny Cash has never used a pick. This choice depends on whether you can get a sufficiently clear sound with your fingers. Practice using a pick and discard it if you find it too troublesome and find the sound better with your fingers on the strings.
  • Not using a pick can be somewhat painful for your percussive fingers. Although growing corns is always a good thing.
  • Understand the height of the strings (on English language this is called guitar action). The distance of the strings from the fretboard determines the force required to securely press the string to the nut. Practice playing chords correctly and getting clean sound on all strings at once.

    • The fight will be rattling if you're hitting dead strings that you haven't fully pressed down. It can be quite difficult to learn how to fight if you don't get the chords right. If your fight sounds dry or raspy, stop and play the right chord.

    Part 2

    Right fight

    Strike the strings between the sound hole and the saddle. Practice hitting the strings in different places to get an idea of ​​the sound being created. Striking directly over the sound hole will create a low and dull sound, while striking closer to the saddle will give you a crisper, harder sound.

    Practice hitting all the strings the same way. Try for a while fighting on a G major chord in simple first position, striking down. Play quarter notes, one hit for each quarter note, trying your best to hit all the strings. Stay in tempo by counting four beats per bar.

    • Starting on the bottom E string, strike all the strings, trying to make them sound at the same volume. It can be difficult at first to make it sound like a "chord" so that all the strings sound more or less the same. For beginners, the first and sixth strings usually sound louder.
  • Try kick up. When you feel comfortable doing this in rhythm, try hitting the guitar from thin to thick strings. This is called moving up. This can be a bit tricky, but you need to get all the strings to sound the same, making the chord "sound" like one big sound, rather than playing the strings individually and slowly.

  • Use your wrist. Good fight is in the wrist. You will be able to easily identify a beginner by waving your arm from the elbow. Learn to keep your elbow close to the instrument by playing with your wrist.

    • Many novice guitarists find it difficult to hold the pick while learning to strike. Common problems are holding the pick too close to the base and hanging the pick. Make sure you hold it properly, allowing it to only protrude slightly from your fingers.

    Part 3

    Learning Basic Rhythm Patterns

    Learn the alternating rhythm up and down. The most basic rhythmic pattern of combat is to alternate up and down beats: (v^v^v^v^) Down up, down up, down up, down up. Keep up the pace, but try to play up and down in each bar, splitting quarter notes into eighth notes.

    • Instead of one stroke per quarter, you will play two strokes per quarter. These are eighth notes. The tempo needs to be steady, so stomp your foot at the same speed, but hit the strings twice every quarter.
  • Change chords. Once you're comfortable with your down-up rhythm on one chord, change it up. Switch from G major to C major every bar, then every two quarters, practicing changing chords over time.

    • Take your time as you study this and try to assimilate it. It may be a slow move, but it will be easier for you to play if you take the time to do it now. Moving on to the next step before you feel comfortable with changing chords will leave you frustrated and dissatisfied with your sound. Practice changing the chords and it will be easy for you to play the songs.
  • Don't hit the fourth quarter down on the bar. There are almost no songs with up and down rhythm patterns, and it will be boring to play the same pattern over and over again. Skip one beat down (x don't play) and see how the rhythm changes: (v^v^v^x^).

    • Before learning more complex fighting rhythms, you should learn how to skip up or down punches at certain times while maintaining the same up and down pattern in your hand. In other words, you will continue to move your wrist, but move the pick away from the strings.
  • Practice playing pop rock. A familiar fight that you will hear in a lot of live performances and practice sessions is: (v x v ^ x ^ v ^)

    • Start actively listening to your favorite songs that feature acoustic guitar to get some idea of ​​the rhythm patterns used. Now that you know the basics, you can start learning how to vary your combat patterns by dropping specific hits to achieve different effects in a song.
  • To learn how to play the guitar with a fight, you need to be able to play not only the guitar, but also a little bit on the drums. Combat is a collection of individual strokes that are combined into a rhythmic pattern. In many ways, its character depends on the specific style (tango, march, reggae, pop, rock, flamenco) and size (6/8, 4/4, 2/4). You also need to be able to distinguish between rhythmic accompaniment parts for a guitar in an instrumental environment (Dixieland, orchestra, group) and one guitar.

    Rhythmic drawings

    How can you start learning to play a fight? As weird as it sounds, put your guitar aside and learn the basics of rhythm. To do this, analyze the size and duration in exercise 1, and then clap your hands, the rhythmic figures that you wrote down. Just don’t be afraid of musical notation, if you don’t know it yet, then it’s time to figure it out.

    There are four beats in the measure 4/4, count each of them with a kick and say 1 and ... 2 and ... 3 and ... 4 and ... There are four quarter notes in the first measure, which means that for each kick (beat) you need to make 1 cotton. You need to strictly adhere to the rhythm.

    If you understand the pattern of the first bar, you can move on to the second. In it, for each beat of the bar corresponds to two eighth notes. Here's how it looks on the account: on "1" (with a kick at the same time) - the first eighth note, "and" (raise your foot) - the second eighth. That is, two claps for each kick.

    In bar 3, two eighth notes and a fourth alternate. Here's how it looks in practice: the first beat is “1 and” (with a kick at the same time clap), the second beat (eighths) - on “1” (with a kick at the same time the first eighth), on “and” (lift your foot the second eighth ). The third beat should be played as the first, the fourth as the second. It turns out 1 long clap (1 and), then 2 short ones (“2” - clap, “and” - clap) and again long (3 and) and 2 short (4 and).

    After that, you should repeat the pattern in the fourth measure. This is the fight rhythm that is covered in exercise 4. The first 3 beats are the same as bar 2. Eighths - two claps for each kick, 4th beat (4 and) - a quarter note, 1 clap per kick.

    Learning to play guitar strumming - exercise 1

    Now the learned drawings can be played on the guitar. Each exercise is considered using one Am chord as an example. This is done so that you concentrate on mastering the technique.

    In the notes, in Latin letters, it is indicated which fingers should be struck on the strings (see the drawing with a hand). The arrow indicates the direction of impact - up or down. At the top of each beat is the fraction of the measure.

    The first bar should be played with alternating quarter strokes, with the thumb p beat down (1 and), then with the index finger i beat up (2 and) and also the third and fourth beats. The second bar with the same stroke, only now with eighths on “1” beat down p, on “and” beat up i. For each kick (share of measure) there are 2 strikes on the strings. In bar 3, alternate quarter notes and eighth notes - thumb down one long stroke(1 and) and pointing upwards two short ones (on “2” - a blow and on “and” - a blow).

    Learning to play guitar strumming - exercise 2

    This exercise was created to master the muting of strings, which is very often used when playing a fight. In the exercise, it is denoted by the symbol X, which stands instead of notes. The chord is not removed from the neck, the fingers of the left hand should keep the fingering of the chord, in our case Am, and the right hand mutes the strings.

    In more detail: before striking the strings, the index finger (i) is in a bent state, and when the strike occurs, it arches in the plane of the strings. And the same moment after the blow, put your palm on the strings, straighten your fingers. You should get a short dull sound, without extraneous overtones.

    In the 2nd and 3rd measure there is an alternation of strikes: with the index i mute (down) and with the same finger strike up. First quarters, then eighths. The 3rd measure is a full-fledged fight. For example, they can play fast funny songs, like polka, and ditties.

    Learning to play guitar strumming - exercise 3

    To make it easier for you to master the fight, you need to take its first part and work it out separately (the first measure of the exercise). On the first kick (share) there are 2 hits on the strings on “1” with the thumb down, and on “and” with the index finger up. On the second kick of the leg (2 and) - silence (one hit) and so on.

    Now in full combat, remember the rhythmic pattern from the fourth measure of the first exercise. 1 share “1” - p down, “and” - i up; 2 share - "2" - i down mute, "i" - i up; 3 share - make 2 hits, as in the first share; 4 beat - i down muting "4 and" one hit.

    The more you practice, the better. Everything needs to be brought to automatism, so that no trifle distracts. It is also useful to listen to how professional guitarists play accompaniment, analyze the drawings and apply them yourself in the future.

    Video lessons

    One of the most common ways to get sounds when playing the guitar is considered to be a guitar fight, in the language of specialists called a rhythmic pattern. This is just one of the ways of sound accompaniment.

    In ordinary terms, guitar fighting is the extraction of sounds by striking the strings with the whole hand or only with certain fingers. For the first time this musical technique was invented in Spain and was called "razgeado". Subsequently, other types appeared, distinguished from each other by the frequency of strikes on the strings and the number of pauses.

    for newbies

    As a rule, guitar fighting for beginners seems to be very difficult, as it has many varieties and ways of extracting sounds. The main ways to play on:

    • If you play with the whole hand, the sound will be strong and loud, but it will be difficult to control the clarity of the sound.
    • You can hit with the tips of your nails, and the fingers should not be strongly protruding from the palm.
    • If you play by combining a large one, you get a semblance of a mediator.
    • You can also strike the strings with one fingernail, in which case the sound becomes clearer, but quieter.

    To facilitate learning, you can use various schemes of guitar fights.

    Schematic symbols

    V - blow from top to bottom.

    ^ - blow from the bottom up.

    i - strike with the index finger.

    B - bass (bass string depends on the chord).

    Muting the strings with your thumb.

    X - full jamming with the palm of your hand.

    Depending on the combinations of the above symbols, different kinds guitar fight. Having mastered several basic fights, you can play a large number of army, pop and yard compositions.

    Simple fight

    This fight is also called a four and allows you to play a large number of songs. The rhythmic pattern is V ^ V X ^, where down is played with the thumb, and up with the index finger. You can work out this battle option using the example of Viktor Tsoi's songs "Cuckoo" and "Pack of Cigarettes".

    Variety fight

    In another way it is called "six", it is also a fairly simple and common fight. The scheme is as follows: V V ^ ^ V ^ - without muting and V V X ^ ^ V X ^ - with muting on the 2nd and 5th beats. An example of the "six" are the compositions of the "Gaza Strip" "Demobilization" and "Agatha Christie" - "Like in War".

    The famous fight "eight"

    This guitar fight for beginners allows the musician to improvise on himself and get individual performances.

    The basic scheme of the "eight": V _ V _ ^ V V ^ V ^.

    For improvised performance, you can change the sequence of finger strikes, play with a muffle, and also arrange pauses of various lengths between strikes.

    thug fight

    These types of guitar fighting also have several variations in performance.

    Schematic drawing: B V X B ^ V X

    Bass strings will differ depending on the chord. For example, the 5th and 6th strings used for bass correspond, and for Dm - the 5th and 4th.

    Country style

    Historically, country combat appeared in the folklore of European settlers. Now this style is known all over the world no less than other musical directions.

    Schematic drawing of country style: B V X ^ B ^ V X ^

    bass strings are played with the thumb and depend on the location of the chord.

    spanish style

    This type of combat is a kind of "eight". These guitar fighting schemes are difficult to study, as they contain the playing technique of "rasgueado". Varieties of rasgueado:

    • The descending rasgueado is carried out from the lower string to the upper one. To perform it, you need to draw a “fan” of fingers along the strings, starting from the little finger.
    • The ascending game reception is executed in the opposite direction. The fingers gathered under the palm of the hand glide along the strings in a fan-like manner, starting from the top.
    • Ring rasgueado combines both of the above methods.

    Famous game techniques

    Undoubtedly, novice musicians need to master the lessons of guitar fighting to perfection before moving on to style techniques. For general information, here are some of the most popular styles:

    • The barre technique consists of pressing some or all of the six strings with the index finger. Depending on the number of clamped strings, the barre is divided into large and small.
    • Slide - a style of play using a device of the same name worn on the finger. In this case, the slide should slide continuously along the strings, giving an interesting sound.
    • The sweep style is common among modern virtuosos. His technique is to quickly move from one fret to another, thereby creating a "blurred" sound.
    • Tapping is the technique of playing by lightly striking the strings on the fretboard with the right hand. Sometimes it is possible to use both hands.
    • Legato is a peculiar way of extracting sounds on the neck of a guitar, produced by the left hand. It is mixed, ascending and descending.

    This is far from a list of modern playing tricks and techniques that can be changed and improved, as well as types of guitar fighting.

    Greetings dudes and dudes who read and look at the pages of my site! In this article I want to tell you a little about what guitar fighting is and what exist. All beginners "Zinchuk", in fact initial stage they dream of mastering a couple of types of combat and playing their favorite songs with friends, somewhere in nature or at a fun party. Now I will actually show you these basic types of fighting on the guitar.

    So read, watch, learn!

    We'll start with a definition. To put it briefly and more clearly, then guitar fighting is a method of playing when your right hand with sweeping movements, simultaneously strikes all the strings (well, or almost all), extracting a sound. The name of the expression "guitar fight" itself is unprofessional, this expression was coined among amateur guitarists. Professionals and there all sorts of guitar gurus do not like and do not use the expression "guitar fight", they call it rhythmic patterns. If we look into history, we will see that this technique was originally called “Razgeado”. And it was invented by Spanish guitarists, which is why this name is actually.

    Guitar fighting is common among novice amateur guitarists, because beginners "Zinchuk" consider guitar fighting a panacea, well, these guys are mostly not your fault, stereotypes are to blame for everything. Yes, and mastering the fight is not so difficult. Guitar fight in its basic sense is various combinations of strikes on the strings and pauses. This is mainly applicable for .

    Guitar fighting is mainly intended for accompaniment to singing or other solo instruments. The principle of playing a guitar fight is quite simple, and is as follows: chords are put and moved with the left hand, and the right hand extracts the sound by hitting the strings in various combinations. The main thing is to learn and understand how strikes are made and in what sequence. Also dudes and dudes, in order to properly master and apply guitar fighting, you must have a sense of rhythm. At the initial stage, in order to feel the rhythm, I recommend everyone to use a metronome. It is not necessary to have a metronome in a physical version, use electronic ones, you can now download hundreds of them on the Internet.

    Guitar battles are used to perform both yard (army, bard) songs, and such musical trends as rock, jazz, country and others. The types of guitar fights are quite diverse, and there are also a lot of fight names, you probably already heard expressions such as “double fight”, “quadruple fight”, “six fight”.

    Now let's look at the main ones. To begin with, let's get acquainted with what notation we will show string strikes for each type of guitar fight:

    v - this is how a blow down the strings from the sixth to the first is indicated .

    ^ and this is a blow up the strings from the first to the sixth .

    X - and this sign means muting the strings, with the edge of the palm of the right hand .

    It is actually from the combinations of these designations that various versions of guitar fights are built. In general, guys, I want to tell you that guitar fighting or, as the pros say, rhythmic patterns are purely individual things and each guitarist can experiment with combinations and come up with their own combinations.

    Watch a video on how your right hand should perform these elements:

    But let's take a look at the main types of guitar fighting that you can meet most often:

    • The first battle looks like this : v v v ^ v. This is one of the most simple species fight.
    • The second type of battle looks like this : v ^ v^ v. As can be seen from the notation, first there is a downward blow, then an upward blow, then again a downward blow, then up, and everything ends with a downward blow. This type combat can be diversified and use the muting of the strings with the palm of your hand. Then we get the next kind of battle.
    • The third type of combat . It looks like this: v ^ vx ^ v ^ vx ^. This is a muffled combination of the second type of combat. As you can see the sign vx means that the downward strike occurs with the strings being muted with the palm of your hand.
    • The fourth type of combat : v vx ^ ^ vx ^. This is the most common type of fight, this guitar fight is called six. This fight starts with a down punch, then down again but with a muted palm, then up and up again then down with a muffle and ends with an up punch. This type of combat is quite difficult, so you guys will have to work hard and practice to confidently perform it.
    • The last kind of fight : v v v ^ ^ v v. Here is another of the common types of combat. It is also quite complex.

    Above, I gave you only the most basic and frequently used types of guitar fighting. In order to diversify the main types of combat that were presented above, you guys will need to experiment a bit and try all kinds of combinations of up, down and mute, skip somewhere, add somewhere, and so on. Experiment, and may you be happy and joyful.

    And finally, I want to tell you that in order to understand what kind of battle a song is played, you don’t need to run to the forums and forgive me for the expression zao .... ask all questions like: "help me pick up a fight?", "What kind of fight is there?" ?”, “but in tabs the battle is like this, but in reality it’s not like that?”. Just sit down, put on your headphones, listen to the song to the holes and carefully listen to the rhythm and start experimenting with the guitar in your hands. Well, or if there is an opportunity to watch a video recording of some cool dude playing this song, then you guys are lucky, you can see the fight of your favorite song on the video. Therefore, it is also very useful to browse YouTube for the presence of such videos :=)

    All dudes and dudes, this article ends. Study carefully and apply. I wish you success!

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