Riddle about a bicycle for children is simple. Riddles in Tatar about a bicycle

Even though you're treading water,
He flies with you.

My birthday is
They gave me a horse.
Wonderful like this!
You have to drive carefully
You can hold on to the horns
It's a pity that's just - there is no mane.
What horse?...

This horse does not eat oats.
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive.

I rule the horned horse:
If this horse
I will not put on the fence,
He will fall without me!

Clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet go down the road
And two wheels are running.
The riddle has an answer:
This is my...

I run with two legs
While the rider is sitting on me.
My horns are in his hands
And speed is in his feet.
I'm only steady on the run
I can't stand for a second.

I just keep walking
And if I do, I fall.

Wheels roll down the road
Feet rush over the road.
This is me running.
This is me running!
I'm sitting and running
And I'm on the run!
And I roll the car
And I roll where I want!

A selection of various riddles about transport that people use to get around and just for fun.

Riddles about bike
This horse does not eat oats
Instead of legs - two wheels.
Sit on horseback and ride it
Just better drive.

Riddles about a motorcycle
Runs and shoots
Grumbles quickly.
The tram can't keep up
Behind this chatterbox.

Riddles about bus
Wonderful long house
There are many passengers in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it's fueled by gasoline...

What a miracle - the blue house!
There are a lot of kids in it.
Wears rubber shoes
And it's fueled by gasoline!

Riddles about car (car)
Runs, sometimes buzzes.
Looks sharply into two eyes.
Only the red light will come -
He will stand in place in a moment.

The eye beetle buzzed.
Overtook the green meadow,
The road crumpled feather grass
He left, kicking up dust.

Does not fly, but buzzes
The beetle runs down the street.
And they burn in the eyes of a beetle,
Two brilliant lights.

Riddles about metro
I am at any time of the year
And in any bad weather
Very fast at any hour
I'll take you underground.

Riddles about tram
Early in the morning behind the window
Knock, and ringing, and confusion.
On straight steel tracks
There are colorful houses.

Riddles about trolleybus
Amazing wagon!
Judge for yourself:
Rails in the air, and he
Holds them with his hands.

Runs on asphalt and always
Holding on to wires.

Riddles about electric train
Past the grove, past the Yar
Rushing without smoke
Rushing without steam
Steam train sister.
Who is she?

Riddles about train
Well, my friend, guess
But it's not a tram.
Away along the rails quickly rushes
From the huts a string.

On a narrow steel road
He carries passengers.
Thunder - hear from afar.
Rushing fast - do not catch up.

Riddles about bulldozer
Where they build a new house
A warrior walks with a shield.
Where it passes, it will become smooth,
There will be a level playing field.

Like a planer I cut the earth,
I help make roads.
Where is the new building - attention is everywhere
Nice car with a difficult name.

Riddles about tractor
From end to end
Cuts a black loaf
Off-road is not a barrier
There is no road - and no need:
Puts himself under his feet
Two wide roads.

Grain is not fed
They don't chase him
And how to plow will begin -
Seven plows are carrying.

Riddles about the combine
Walks across the field
He breaks and threshes.

Riddles about crane
Raises the giant
A lot of cargo to the clouds.
Wherever he stands, then
A new house is growing.

A giant walks on rails
And leads with a strong hand.
Lifts a heavy load:
- Hey, hold on, you have a new load.

Riddles about watering machine
Does the rain have
Four wheels?
Tell me what they're called
Such miracles?

Riddles about snow blower
Handy, toothy,
He walks along the street,
It's snowing and it's falling
And the janitor just squints,
And the janitor smiles:
Snow is raked without it.

Riddles about locomotive
Who is on the run, clubbing couples,
Blows smoke with a chimney
Carries itself forward
Yes, and me with you?

Riddles about helicopter
Takes off without acceleration
Reminds me of a dragonfly
Takes off on a high-speed flight…

Riddles about parachute
There are no clouds on the horizon
But an umbrella opened up in the sky.
In a few minutes
Got down…

Riddles about rocket
No feather, no wing, but faster than an eagle,
Just release the tail -
Rush to the stars.

Riddles about airplane
Here is a steel bird
Aiming for the sky
And the pilot is leading it.
What kind of bird?

Not a house, but with windows.
Not a bird, but with wings.
Flying high, high
And flies on a flat field.

Buzzing like a bee
Flying like an arrow
Although it has wings
But he doesn't wave.

Riddles about boat
First the tree was cut down
Then he was hollowed out inside,
Then they supplied with shovels
And let them walk along the river.

Riddles about Submarine
The house floats under water
Brave people live in it.
Even under polar ice
This house can float.

Riddles about boat
At sea, in rivers and lakes
I swim, agile, fast.
Among the warships
Known for its ease.

Riddles about yacht
This is what is melting in the haze,
Does it fly like a bird on the waves?
The sails are changed by the watch,
Keep your nose to the wind...

Riddles about ship
The palace floats on the waves,
People are lucky.

In this article, we have collected the most interesting excursions in Kazan, conducted by local residents.

There are walks and rides around the city at night, visits to museums, bike rides, the secret side of Kazan, riddles and eras, and just bus sightseeing tours around the city.

All excursions can be booked online, contact the guides in advance and discuss the details.

Also a selection of weekend tours around Kazan - remarkable places in Tatarstan.

Individual excursions

What awaits you

The Muslim part of the city and the old noble and merchant houses

  • Acquaintance with the life and traditions of the Tatars, the architecture of ancient Tatar estates, the first stone mosques of the city of the 18th century - Al Marjani and Apanaevskaya
  • Front Kremlin street, where the beautiful mansion of Zinaida Ushkova is located, Alexandrovsky and Chernoyarovsky passages
  • Karl Marx Street with the possessions of the Governor-Generals of the Kazan Territory
  • The Bogoroditsky Monastery is the place where the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was found. Visiting the miraculous Vatican list of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, as well as the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul of Peter the Great
  • The Kazan Kremlin is the place where life in our city originated. You will walk around the territory of the Kremlin, go to the Annunciation Cathedral and the Kul Sharif Mosque
  • Acquaintance with the architectural ensemble and prominent names of professors and scientists who worked at the university, such as Simonov, Butlerov, Lesgaft, Tolstoy, Zavoisky, Klaus and many others
  • Sports facilities of the Universiade 2013, Fina 2015, Freedom Square, Opera and Ballet Theater named after Musa Jalil

Organizational details

  • The tour involves short walks and a full tour of the Kazan Kremlin
  • During the tour, it is planned to visit places of worship and the Kazan Kremlin, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. On their territory it is forbidden to be in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication. In case of non-compliance given condition the guide and the administration of the Kremlin have the right to refuse to conduct an excursion!
  • The tour is conducted only in Russian

What awaits you

Kazan Kremlin and its secrets. Walking around the territory of the Kremlin, you will learn about the history of the creation of the architectural ensemble, about the history of the city, about how old Kazan really is. You will go to the Annunciation Church of the 16th century, the majestic Kul Sharif Mosque. You will learn the secret of the falling Syuyumbike tower and the riddle of the Tainitskaya tower. And also you will be shown the place from which Emelyan Pugachev fired at the Kazan Kremlin.

Ancient streets and religious buildings. The guide will tell you why Bauman Street is two-story. He will go with you to the ancient temple, built in honor of the celebration of the 50th anniversary of Peter the Great, where a magnificent, ancient iconostasis of the early 18th century has been preserved. You will hear the sad story of the most beautiful building in the city, Alexander Passage, and find Masonic signs on some houses.

On the campus of Kazan University find out why the Tatars were educated in Holland. Get acquainted with the "anthem of love" - ​​the house of Zinaida Ushkova and the highest bell tower in the Volga region, built in the Russian-Tatar-Gothic style and unravel the mystery of the failed Arcadia Park.

In addition, you will learn

  • What is a Muslim prayer?
  • Why did the Tatars fall in love with Catherine II?
  • Who is Shurale and should we be afraid of him?
  • Where have the river trams gone in Kazan?
  • Like the mayor of Kazan saddle on railway changed?

On the tour, the guide will tell you why you should fall in love with Kazan - a place where traditions and modernity, East and West meet. He will explain how the whole history of Russia was reflected in the history of Kazan and why it can rightly be considered the “third capital of Russia”. Your guide will be not just a native Kazan and a professional historian, but most importantly - a person who loves his city and is proud of it.


You will discover the history of the ancient city through the history of its people and places. You will learn about the originality of Kazan, which arose due to the unity of East and West in it, as well as the history of the origin of the city and different versions of the present age of Kazan, which is already over 1000 years old.

You will learn about Kazan: the capital of the Kazan Khanate, a city within Muscovite Rus', the largest city in the Russian Empire and the capital of the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic during the Soviet era. You will be shown the most ancient monuments of our city, told how it has developed over the centuries to the present day.

If desired, the tour can include a culinary aspect - acquaintance with the original Tatar cuisine. There are also several museums along the route that you can visit.

Organizational details

  • The excursion program can be very diverse and depends on your preferences.
  • Excursion - walking, can be both individual and for a small group
  • Entrance tickets to museums are paid separately
  • If desired, the excursion program can be up to 3 hours with a group size of up to 7 people
  • In this case, the cost of the tour will be 3240 rubles

At a master class in a real Tatar restaurant, under the strict guidance of master chefs, you will learn how to cook legendary dishes of Tatar pastries, as well as get to know the history and gastronomic traditions of the Tatars.


Tatar cuisine has absorbed many interesting points from the culture of the Bulgars (ancestors of today's Tatars), traditions and way of life of the Tatars. You will be told about the history and types of Tatar dishes, about the obligatory accompaniment of any Tatar meal: salads, side dishes, soups - what they are, how and when they are served, about Tatar table etiquette, the history of tea drinking in the local culture, about the tastes and culinary preferences of Tatars.

Under the guidance of master chefs, you will learn how to cook one of the traditional dishes of Tatar cuisine: chak-chak or echpochmak. And then with tea you will try the result!

On the territory of the complex where the restaurant is located, you will see what a Tatar house looked like and listen to Tatar music. If you wish, you can additionally visit two museums on the territory of the complex: the museum of samovars or "Mishkin's house".

On the tour you will see the architectural, religious and historical heritage of Kazan, understand the features of Tatar and Russian architecture, discover the neighborhood of two religions, find out what outstanding people lived and worked in the city of Kazan. In addition, an accredited guide will give you a full tour of the Kremlin, introduce you to the monuments located on the territory, tell you about their significance in history and modern life cities.


  • Pedestrian Bauman Street with the bewitching highest bell tower of the city of the Epiphany Cathedral, where Fyodor Chaliapin was baptized
  • Excursion around the campus of the Kazan Imperial University. Acquaintance with the architectural ensemble and the outstanding names of professors and scientists who worked here: Simonov, Butlerov, Lesgaft, Tolstoy, Zavoisky, Klaus and many others
  • The main street of the city of Kremlin: the mansion of Zinaida Ushkova, Alexandrovsky and Chernoyarovsky passages, old merchant houses
  • Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul of the times of Peter the Great with a visit
  • Tour of the Kazan Kremlin - the place where life in the city of Kazan originated
  • Includes a visit to the Annunciation Cathedral and the Kul Sharif Mosque

Organizational details

  • The itinerary can be changed depending on your wishes.
  • Given the fullness of the topic and the duration of the excursion, the walk is recommended for teenage children over 12 years old
  • During the tour, it is supposed to visit places of worship and the Kazan Kremlin, a UNESCO World Heritage Site; it is forbidden to be in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication on their territory. If this condition is not observed, the guide and the Kremlin administration have the right to refuse to conduct the tour!

Life and hobbies of the Tatars of the late XIX - early XX century

Together with the guide you will visit the house-museum of Kayum Nasyri, a scientist and one of the first teachers of the Russian language in Tatar schools, where you will learn about the features of the Russian language over a cup of tea Everyday life townspeople of the late XIX - early XX century. You will be told about a prominent educator of the Russian Empire and will explain the way of life and thoughts of the urban Tatars of that era. You can also take part in a master class on brewing tea from medicinal herbs or get acquainted with the peculiarities of Tatar writing.


  • The guide will explain why Kayum Nasyri is called the “Tatar Lomonosov” and what contribution this scientist made to the development of Tatar journalism and the educational system of Kazan. You will learn how the daily life of a person who possessed encyclopedic knowledge was built, how he applied them in life in society
  • Using the example of the internal layout of the house and household items, they will tell you how they built and lived, what they thought and said, what the Tatars read at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century
  • The tour will continue with a master class of your choice: the first is about making tea according to Kayum Nasyri's own recipe. You will learn about the healing properties of many known and forgotten herbs, try to brew them and, of course, enjoy tea (optionally with traditional sweets on honey and nuts)
  • Another master class will introduce you to the features of Tatar writing. For a long time, the Tatars wrote in Arabic script. Together with the guide you will try to figure out the alphabet and write your name

Additional costs: for sweets for tea.

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On this tour you will discover the originality of the historical and architectural complex, one of the most beautiful architectural ensembles in Russia and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. You will visit the main objects of the Kazan Kremlin, built in different eras by decree of Russian tsars and emperors, as well as the first president of Tatarstan, and trace the history of the oldest part of the city. You will learn how the Kazan Kremlin grew and changed over time, how two world cultures - Russian and Tatar, two world religions - Christianity and Islam began to live here side by side.


  • You will get acquainted with the amazing centuries-old history of the unity of the peoples and nationalities of Tatarstan, starting from the 10th century. See ancient artifacts from the period of the Kazan Khanate
  • Get acquainted with the history of finding the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and visit the temple where the first festive liturgy took place in honor of this event, as well as discover the oriental flavor and decoration of the main cathedral mosque of the city
  • Find out why the crescents on mosques all over the world are turned in the same direction; how Muslims all over the world know who the Virgin Mary was; why the name of Jesus Christ is written in the prayer hall in the Kul Sharif mosque; who was Syuyumbike; why the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is so famous and much more
  • Mausoleum of Kazan Khans
  • Cathedral of the Annunciation of the 16th century, built by order of Ivan the Terrible
  • The symbol of the city - Syuyumbike Tower
  • Kul Sharif Mosque
  • And many others

Smoking and being in a state of alcoholic or other intoxication is excluded on the territory of the Kazan Kremlin. If this condition is not observed, the guide and the Kremlin administration have the right to refuse to conduct the tour!

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On a tour of the Old Tatar Sloboda, you will learn the history of the native inhabitants of Kazan - the Tatars - about their education, occupations, culture, faith and changes over the centuries. Colored wooden houses and exemplary tenement houses, the oldest and most harmonious mosques, furnished apartments, shopping malls and wide avenues will tell about the daily life of Kazan Tatars in the context of the entire Islamic civilization.


During the walk, you will learn why the “Tatar” mosques have a peculiar architectural form, what the “basmas cauldron” is, how it was possible to become an imam and an educator at the same time, and also what Russian culture brought to Tatar and much more.

  • You will see Sennobazaarnaya Square, which was a special place where they lived, traded, printed, and solved pressing issues. For example, in the building of the Amur Hotel, the Karimov brothers, being successful entrepreneurs, continued the work of education, printed religious and educational literature, price lists, shamails and much more
  • Visit one of the oldest mosques - Marjani, named after the scholar and theologian Shigabudin Marjani. The guide will tell about his work and contribution to the Tatar culture
  • You will also see the houses of the rich Tatar merchants Apanaevs, Sbitovs, Usmanovs, Yunusovs. Find out how they helped the poor
  • And much more

Organizational details

Optionally, the walk can include a visit to thematic museums of Tatar culture, as well as master classes in the preparation of Tatar tea, the technique of Tatar writing, and others.

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To understand how Kazanians themselves perceive the city, what places they especially love, what they are proud of, how and where they spend their free time - you are invited to sightseeing tour, during which you will get acquainted with the main sights, as well as see other remarkable places known only to the townspeople, and learn about Tatar hospitality.


Together with a guide, you will walk through the historical part of the city and see iconic sights (Bauman Street, the Kazan Kremlin with the Kul Sharif Mosque and the Annunciation Cathedral) and unique architectural monuments, as well as visit great places that tourists often do not notice.

You will be told the history of the city through facts and legends about its events and characters: about the origin of Kazan and the meaning of the name, about the symbols that adorn the coats of arms of Tatarstan and Kazan, about the capture of Kazan by Ivan IV (the Terrible) and about the reasons for his actions - fictional and real; about the mysterious treasures of Lake Kaban; about the Kazan cat, which is also honored in St. Petersburg, about Queen Syuyumbika - a fictional and real history her life.

To share knowledge about Tatar traditions and the ethnographic diversity of the Tatars with you. And they will definitely tell about Tatar cuisine, its originality and diversity, about places where you can enjoy it for little money.

And if you want to immerse yourself in the ethnographic and historical atmosphere, for a small fee you can arrange a photo session in khan and national costumes in the historical part of the city.

At the end of the trip, you will find a sweet surprise "with a Tatar accent" and a gift from the guide - an author's small guide to other "family places in Kazan", where you can go later on your own.

Organizational details

Specify the cost of a photo session and other details in personal messages.

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To discover the old, Russian, part of the city that has been here since the advent of Ivan the Terrible, in some places not restored and not quite well-groomed - but real and charming, to consider the details of its pre-revolutionary buildings, to hear the stories of its past remarkable residents, you are invited to this walk along winding streets and shady lanes.


Heritage of old Kazan The route starts from the square of G. Tukay (in the common people "Ring"), from where you will walk with a guide along the streets of Peterburgskaya, Kalinin, Volkov, Butlerov, Nekrasov and others.

What is the peculiarity of this part of Kazan? Here, the history of the city from the time of the Nogai Horde is intertwined in a unique way (Peterburgskaya Street was previously called the Nogai Road, and even earlier, until the 15th century, it was called the Nogai Yul) and what was here during the Kazan province. Until now, you can find here the old houses of the outgoing Kazan, which will definitely be considered.

History of residential buildings

Leaving Peterburgskaya pedestrian street, you find yourself in a very nice part of the city, where tourists are not usually taken, where you will see both historical and architectural monuments, as well as ordinary residential buildings. These are such streets as Kalinin, Volkov, Lesgaft, Aivazovsky, etc.

Who lived here? For example, a small wooden mansion of pre-revolutionary construction on Katanovskiy Lane will tell about the family of scientists - the Arbuzovs. Father - Alexander Erminingeldovich Arbuzov - the founder of the chemistry of organophosphorus compounds. Boris Alexandrovich, eldest son, also an outstanding chemist, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The youngest son Yuri and daughter Irina became doctors of chemical sciences. Alexander Erminingeldovich himself, and Boris Alexandrovich with his family lived in this mansion (until 1955). The peculiarity of the house is that it fully reflects the way of life and the atmosphere that prevailed in the house of scientists. On the complex area of ​​590 sq. m. attention is attracted not only by the building itself, but also by the garden with perennial flowers and shrubs planted by the owners of the estate.

During the walk, the guide will also tell you:

  • Why a monument to Peter I was not erected on St. Petersburg Street
  • What Peter the Great noted when he arrived in Kazan
  • Who inhabited the Cloth Sloboda
  • Who is Lesgaft
  • What a dark story is connected with the Hermitage Garden
  • And, of course, much more!

Walking tour. Designed for 3-4 hours. The route can be varied depending on your wishes.

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You will be shown the most iconic and interesting sights of the city, introduced to their history and legends. In addition, you can visit places that are usually not reached on sightseeing tours. A fun and educational stay in Kazan is guaranteed!


On the tour, the guide will tell you:

  • Where did the name of the city of Kazan come from?
  • Since when Ivan the Terrible was able to take Kazan
  • How many towers are in the Kazan Kremlin
  • Which park is covered with legends and ghosts
  • From which university Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) was expelled Why do they dislike Peter the Great so much in Kazan and much more
  • The beginning of the capture of Kazan
  • Soviet-era annual parades
  • Festival "Creation of the World"
  • Take a selfie in front of one of the seven falling towers in the world
  • Make a wish near the “fluffy” hearth keeper
  • Try the most delicious dishes Tatar cuisine

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Quest around the Kremlin and Kremlin street is a kind of time travel. He will introduce you to the history of Kazan in the 16th-20th centuries. You will see the most iconic sights of these eras, learn about the people who contributed to the development of Kazan, you will be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a multinational city with a thousand-year history and unique flavor.


We will meet you at the start, load good mood and tell you about the conditions for passing the quest. From us you will receive a map and a legend with ciphers, photographs, descriptions of places that you will need to find. Solving puzzles, ciphers, riddles, you will get acquainted with the history and heroes of Kazan and learn many interesting facts and legends:

  • When and under what circumstances did Kazan become part of Russia
  • Why Kazan withstood the siege of the Russian troops for so long
  • Who Ivan the Terrible never managed to conquer
  • Why did Peter I come to Kazan and what a priceless gift was given to him by a Kazan merchant
  • Where in Kazan you can meet a ghost
  • For what misconduct could the famous mathematician Nikolai Lobachevsky be expelled from Kazan University and how he subsequently influenced the development of science in Kazan
  • And many others!

Organizational details

You will need a phone with Internet access (one is enough for the whole group). Take a camera with you, money for souvenirs and Tatar goodies, a little ingenuity and excitement, as well as a good mood!

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The quest in a fascinating way will introduce you to the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda, one of the most unique districts of Kazan, which has not been touched by modernity, which has preserved the spirit of the past. The Old Tatar Sloboda really looks like a jewelry box, and you can touch each of these jewelry by completing our quest.


We will meet you at the start, charge you with a good mood and tell you about the conditions for passing the quest. From us you will receive a starting envelope with items that will be useful to you during the quest. Solving puzzles, ciphers, riddles, you will learn as much as no guide will tell you, you will be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a multinational city with a thousand-year history and unique flavor.

During the course, you will learn:

  • Who gave permission to build the first stone mosque
  • How the Old Tatar Sloboda is connected with the ancient city of Derbent
  • Who are Shurale and Valibai
  • What gifts did rich merchants give to their daughters?
  • And much more

On the quest, you will need a phone with Internet access (one for the whole group).

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If you do not want to listen to the guide's stories and stick to a certain route, then our quest is what you need. He will also acquaint you with the history of the city, with its most beautiful corners and even with the locals, but in an unusual, playful way.


This quest will take place along one of the oldest streets in Kazan - Bauman Street, which, like the Moscow Arbat, is pedestrian. Many interesting and mysterious facts are connected with this street.

We will meet you at the start, charge you with a good mood and tell you about the conditions for passing the quest. From us you will receive a starter pack with various items that will be useful to you on the quest. Solving puzzles, ciphers, riddles, you will learn as much as no guide will tell you, you will be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a multinational city with a thousand-year history and unique flavor.

During the excursion-adventure you will learn what today the descendants of Kazan cats are doing in the Hermitage, where 100 boxes of gold were stolen from, why the inhabitants of Kazan still call Catherine the Great Abi Pasha (Grandmother Queen), why the royal carriage was left in the middle of the street and much more other.

In addition, you can go to the House of Tatar Cuisine and try national dishes: echpochmak, chak-chak, vak-belyash, kystyby, gubadya, as well as visit the famous avenue of stars, choose original souvenirs and feel like a royal person!

Organizational details

You will need a phone with Internet access (one is enough for the whole group). Take a camera with you, money for souvenirs and Tatar goodies, a little ingenuity and excitement, as well as a good mood.

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You will ride your bike through the beautiful places the city of Kazan. You will see an amazing combination of relief, nature and architecture. On the way we will stop and listen to stories about the secrets of history. For example, how did the Russians get along with the Tatars, or how did world-famous people live in Kazan. There are many legends about the founding of the city, and you will hear all of them on this tour and choose the option that you like best.


If in clear weather you sail on a boat or catamaran to the center of the lake, you can see the underground city, and the poet Gabdulla Tukay says that you can even hear the call to prayer from the underwater mosque. They also talk about a snake guarding treasures, and about a harmful sorceress, who in ancient times carried away beauties who came down to wash clothes in the lake.

The stories are colorful, like the houses of the Tatar settlement - we see them both along the lake and on parallel streets: wooden, stone, brick. IN bright colors, with stone gates leading to the courtyard, flowers on the windowsill - such houses stood here when mosques began to be built again - with the permission of Empress Catherine the Great. On the opposite bank of the Tatar settlement there was a Russian settlement, Fyodor Chaliapin grew up there. And he remembered the city kind word, longing for Lake Kaban, on the banks of which now stands the Millennium Park of the city. At the corner of the park there is a Catholic cathedral, behind it is an Old Believer church, on the other side there are mosques. And this is no coincidence, because Kazan, from which the city got its name, is a cauldron, a bubbling, boiling cauldron, where everything has a place, and everyone will find something of their own. His Kazan.

Route and main attractions:

  • Old Tatar settlement with ancient mosques and merchant houses
  • Embankment of the legendary Lake Kaban with singing fountains
  • The place where the Kazanka flows into the Volga
  • Temple to fallen soldiers and stories about underground passages
  • Bulak Canal and its bridges
  • Kazan Kremlin, views from the hill, legends about the founding of the city, legends
  • Bridges over Kazanka, elite buildings, Kazanka embankment
  • Wedding Palace - Chalice of Love
  • Millennium Bridge and Gorky Park - Russian Switzerland
  • National Cultural Center "Kazan"
  • Universities of the city and the Volga Federal University.

Bicycle rental is included in the tour price. Suggested itinerary for all levels physical training. Moving in a group makes walking safe and fun.

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Group bus tours

This tour will give you the most complete picture of Kazan and its sights. You are going on an exciting journey through the historical places of Kazan. On this tour, enjoy the original beauty of the ancient capital of Kazan, see with your own eyes the bright colors of its streets and squares, find out where the countless treasures of the Kazan khans are stored and where the boiler boiled without fire, you can go on a sightseeing tour. Kazan is a city rich in historical and cultural monuments, in addition, another important advantage of this beautiful corner of the world is the presence of a large number of functioning churches, cathedrals and monasteries. In order to get to know Kazan well, it is necessary that city tours be conducted by an experienced guide who can tell important information in an interesting and understandable way. These are the people who work here.

What's included:

  • Travel on new buses
  • Entrance fees to the Kremlin
  • Kazan University
  • Kazan Kremlin
  • Spasskaya Tower - the main gate of the Kremlin
  • Kul Sharif Mosque - the main mosque of the city and the republic
  • Corps of the Junker School
  • Blagoveshchensky cathedral
  • cannon yard
  • Residence of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan (Governor's Palace)
  • The symbol of Kazan is the famous "falling" tower of Khanshi Syuyumbike

Night tour "Lights of Kazan"

Do you know how the streets of Kazan were lit before electricity appeared? No? If, after a rich excursion program, you are still full of energy and want to see another Kazan, and hear about another Kazan, we invite you to plunge into the fabulous appearance of the night capital. Kazan will appear before you, quiet and peaceful, all in the lights of the illumination of historical buildings. The tour passes through the brightest places of the night city. Kazan is a city rich in historical and cultural monuments, in addition, another important advantage of this beautiful corner of the world is the presence of a large number of functioning churches, cathedrals and monasteries. In order to get to know Kazan well, it is necessary that city tours be conducted by an experienced guide who can tell important information in an interesting and understandable way.

  • Travel on new buses
  • Excursion service by professional guides
  • Fairytale castle - puppet theater
  • Burning on a slow fire Kazan - a new city registry office
  • Europe's largest media facade of the Kazan Arena is amazing
  • Palace of Farmers and New Embankment
  • An enchanting spectacle of a million multi-colored splashes of fountains decorating the squares, parks and embankments of Kazan (in summer)

Sightseeing tour of Kazan

This tour will give you the most complete picture of Kazan and its sights. You are going on an exciting journey through the historical places of Kazan. On this tour, enjoy the original beauty of the ancient capital of Kazan, see with your own eyes the bright colors of its streets and squares, find out where the countless treasures of the Kazan khans are stored and where the boiler boiled without fire, you can go on a sightseeing tour. Kazan is a city rich in historical and cultural monuments, in addition, another important advantage of this beautiful corner of the world is the presence of a large number of functioning churches, cathedrals and monasteries. In order to get to know Kazan well, it is necessary that city tours be conducted by an experienced guide who can tell important information in an interesting and understandable way.

What's included:

  • travel on new buses
  • excursion service by professional guides
  • Old Tatar settlement with ancient Tatar mosques
  • Legendary Lake Kaban
  • The building is a sailboat of the Tatar Academic Theater named after G. Kamal
  • Tatar village "Tugan Avylym"
  • Fairy palace - puppet theater "Ekiyat"
  • Kazan University
  • Freedom Square is the cultural and administrative center of Kazan
  • Bogoroditsky Monastery and its Shrine Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Excursion program

Kazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan. Kazan is located on the Volga River, 800 km east of Moscow. The tour will help you discover the more than 1000 year old city and the third capital of Russia after Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Kazan is often described as the city where Europe meets Asia, where these two cultures (Tatar and Russian) and the world's two major religions exist together. There are many interesting sights in Kazan, starting from the Kazan Kremlin and the Kul Sharif Mosque, ending with the third oldest university in Russia, where Vladimir Lenin once was a student.

During the bus tour, you can get off and on the bus an unlimited number of times, at special stops, within 24 hours.

You can join the tour at any of the indicated stops.

Learn more and book

When night falls on the city, the time of miracles and magic comes. Night lights transform the familiar city. During this tour you have a unique opportunity to admire the cathedrals and mosques, architectural monuments, streets and squares. Excursion program You will pass through the historical center of Kazan, stroll through the Kazan Kremlin - the main attraction of the city, which contains unique historical and cultural monuments that have preserved traces of three eras: Tatar, Russian and European.

The architectural and architectural traditions of the Golden Horde, Bulgar, medieval Kazan-Tatar, Russian cultures are intertwined here, Islam and Orthodoxy peacefully coexist.

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Quickly you turn three wheels
Two wheels are still unbearable.
You learned to ride it yourself.
"Soon at two, I'll grow up!" (Bike)

I'm going to the store
I twist my legs.
The rubber spins
I want to move forward!
It has pedals
There are two wheels.
The kids are saddled
Off on it into the woods! (Bike)

It has pedals, but it's not a piano. It has wheels, but it is not a car. And he has a frame, but it's not a window. So what is it? (Bike)

The stroller was your first transport,
But soon you have grown up so nicely.
Now you walk only with a faithful comrade
You go out. With carrier of fast wheels.
And so inspired you pedal,
It is even ready to drive to the kindergarten.
So that the same children are waiting for you there,
Who pedals without all the brakes!
So what is languishing in the hallway?
He has a steering wheel and a perky bell.
The seat is upholstered in leather.
He is the best helper of swift legs! (Bike)

Riding on a fast iron horse
He has two simple pedals.
With him you have time everywhere faster,
Mom and dad gave it to you.
Tomorrow you will go out with him proudly into the yard,
You sit down, and the wheels will quickly rush.
Your gaze will go straight ahead
How did you get it all done! (Bike)

There are wheels, but no motor.
What is his name? (...)! (Bike)

Other riddles:

Photo Bicycle

Some interesting children's puzzles

  • Riddles about Flowers for children with answers

    Buttercups, tulips Blossom, fragrant, Gently bloom! They grow in a flower bed ... (Flowers).

  • Riddles about Numbers from 1 to 10 and others for children with answers
  • Riddles about the Frog for children with answers

    The legs are so long, Lives in the swamp among mud. The tongue is pink and long, Catches favorite mosquitoes. She will fill her belly with them. Our green (frog).