Rapid-fire crossbow. Swift crossbow - know-how from Tula Do-it-yourself Chinese repeating crossbow

The design of this crossbow is so unusual that at first you do not believe that this is possible.

However, a fact is a fact: inventor Valentin Artemiev from Novosibirsk created unique weapon- multi-shot automatic sports crossbow.

The crossbow-revolver, structurally differs from traditional models of crossbows, in that it is based on the original method of pulling the bowstring, from which others logically follow. functional features the development presented to your attention. Home hallmark This design is based on the principle of a rotary rocking bow, which provides a quick tension of the bowstring and a turn of the drum equipped with several arrows with a clear installation of each next arrow in the combat position.

From crossbows of this class, it is possible to accurately shoot at a distance of no more than 30 meters. Of course, the range of the arrow is much greater, but the inventor has not yet strived for records.

Weighs Artemyev's crossbow in a fully equipped state up to 3.5 kg. In terms of rate of fire among crossbows, it has no equal. (It is clear that any other crossbows shoot only one arrow and then require slow manual reloading). The inventor, without prior preparation, shot a drum equipped with 8 arrows in 18 seconds.

How was such a miracle weapon invented? Yes, apparently, it’s simple: something closed in my head, says Valentin, and off and on. First, the idea of ​​a swivel bow came up, then the drum was born, and then I decided to fold it like an umbrella on top of everything. I guess I'm not alone in this strategy; and many inventors operate in exactly the same way. There was just an interest in doing something completely new and unusual. Happened!

“Once in the smoking room at the factory where I worked,” Valentin recalls, “there was a conversation about the history of weapons and then about crossbows. All of them were inconvenient, since after each shot they required a long reload with the next arrow. I got the idea to create a multi-shot automatic crossbow.

How did I invent it? There was just an interest in doing something completely new and unusual. Something closed in my head, and off we go. First, the idea of ​​a swivel bow came up, then a drum was born in my head, and then I decided to add a crossbow like an umbrella to everything else. I'm probably not alone in this strategy, and many inventors follow the same pattern. Invented and experimented for more than a year. Modern crossbow, like any small arms (remember the Kalashnikov assault rifle), should be easy to use, but very reliable.
Therefore, it is required to work out a clear interaction of all parts and assemblies. The idea turned out to be viable. The world's first repeating crossbow was created and tested.

- My "machine" weighs, - the inventor continues, - fully equipped, about 3.5 kg. As for range, I sought to create exactly sports model. From crossbows of this class, they shoot accurately at a distance of no more than 30 meters. Of course, the range of the arrow is much greater, but at this stage I did not strive for records.

From the editor: Holding the crossbow in my hands, I confirm that this is a miracle of sports weapons technology of the 21st century - beautiful and thought out to the smallest detail. An indirect confirmation of this was the assessment of the crossbow by German crossbowmen, who were sent photographs. They just didn't understand - how could this be? They did not understand that in Russia a qualitative leap was made in sports weapons technology. (How, in the 19th century, the invention of the drum pistol - the revolver, made small arms automatic). (C)


The prototype is a hollow shaft on which is mounted a drum with several longitudinal guide chutes for stacking arrows. A flange is installed on the front end of the drum, on which a ratchet device is made, which serves to rotate the drum, as well as to fix it through holes, the number of which corresponds to the number of guide grooves. In front of the hollow shaft, an eyelet is pressed in, having a hole located perpendicular to the axis of the shaft, in which the body-bracket with a bow mounted on it freely rotates in a horizontal plane. The limbs of the bow are hinged, thanks to which they can be folded, freeing the bowstring from tension, and significantly reducing the overall dimensions of the entire structure (when folded, the crossbow fits in a medium-sized case).

This diagram shows side and top views. The numbers indicate:

  • 3 - bow, 13 - arrow (bolt),
  • 15 - bracket,
  • 18 - drum,
  • 28-29 - retractable telescopic stock,
  • 34 - pistol grip.

The following diagram shows the sequence of actions from pulling the bowstring to the shot:

Rotate the bow clockwise (or vice versa, depending on the version) until it engages with the trigger shaft.

Turning in the opposite direction until it stops (at the moment of turning, the bowstring is tensioned and the next arrow is installed, using a ratchet mechanism, into the combat position).

And a shot (the trigger mechanism is activated, and the lowered bowstring throws out another arrow).

Such a scheme provides fast (about 1 second) reloading and bringing the crossbow to combat readiness, due to which the rate of fire increases several times in comparison with traditional designs.

A folding bow and a telescopic buttstock can significantly reduce the overall dimensions of the structure, while bringing it into working position takes no more than 10 seconds.

Placing arrows directly on the drum (as in a revolver) also significantly reduces the preparatory time for putting on alert and reduces the reloading process to a simple turn of the bow, during which the drum turns synchronously, and the next arrow is fixed in combat position.

The capture of the bowstring occurs at the end point of the turn of the bow. Its tension occurs at the moment of the reverse turn, and due to the formation of the lever, the tension force of the bowstring is significantly reduced.

This diagram shows the sequence of laying the crossbow in the transport position:

The arms of the bow are folded in a horizontal plane.

The arms of the bow are folded in a vertical plane and fixed, the butt is pushed into the central shaft until it stops and is fixed there.

working instance

As you can see from the picture, this is a compact design that bears little resemblance to a traditional crossbow. But, in fact, this is a full-fledged crossbow, and even more than that - it is a multiply charged and rapid-fire machine, equipped with an optical sight and a telescopic butt.

The bow is securely fastened in the stowed position using a spring-loaded carriage. An articulated bracket with two degrees of freedom ensures that the bow is placed in a firing position.

The bowstring is fastened at the ends of the bow by hook earrings and stretched by turning the shoulders in horizontal position all the way.

And in this picture, the crossbow-revolver is fully assembled; - the bowstring is on, the stock is extended to working length, the weapon is ready for use.

The tension of the bowstring is made by turning the bow until it is captured by the trigger mechanism and turning it back until it stops.

The string is stretched; — the weapon is ready for battle. Now it is enough to remove the safety, aim and pull the trigger guard. Preparation for the next shot is done by turning the bow. The bowstring is pulled in reverse and the drum rotates synchronously with the help of a ratchet mechanism, setting the next arrow into a fighting position.

Cho-ko-nu, or Zhuge Well, he is also an “automatic crossbow” (in reality, not even semi-automatic) is a kind of forerunner of the Gatling gun, which in turn became the prototype of modern machine guns.

At least some general principle their actions are similar, since the reloading mechanics worked due to the muscular strength of the shooter. Only he had to not rotate the handle, at the same time actuating the movable block of barrels ...

... and work with a lever, carrying out a platoon of the bowstring of the crossbow shoulders:

Arrows under the action of their own weight were sequentially fed to the guide from a kind of "box magazine" (figure below). The circle under the arrows is a bowstring in cross section.

In the initial stages of loading, it did not allow the arrows to fall out, and after cocking it ended up in a transverse groove, from which it was simply pushed out in the final phase of the movement of the lever, and a shot was fired.

Efficiency of Cho-Ko-Nu, a bit of history and comparisons

It is clear that the effectiveness, as well as the firing distances, of Cho-ko-nu and the creations of Richard Gatling are not comparable. Well, the time interval between their appearance is almost two and a half thousand years!

In reality, the "automatic crossbow" was, rather, a weapon of self-defense, including commoners due to a fairly simple design that did not require special skill in manufacturing. There is also information about the use of poisoned bolts. In aggregate performance characteristics a dozen armed Cho-ko-nu villagers, hiding behind a wattle fence, could well repel an attack by a band of unarmored robbers attacking with axes and knowledge of the secret techniques of the “Drunken Crane Style”. In the event of a confrontation between regular army units, such devices were unlikely to be effective.

Although ... the Chinese would not be Chinese if they did not glorify the somewhat fantastic combined arms capabilities of such an extraordinary invention in their "historical" action movies.

But what, in the PRC, the promotion of its own history, whatever it may be, and its own achievements is a matter of national importance. In addition, if you take a closer look, you can see that in the frame from the film a crossbow is used not with miserable "village" short shoulders as elastic elements, but with an almost full-fledged Asian bow. Which will be discussed in the final part of this article.

And further. Zhuge Well existed in almost unchanged form until the beginning of the 20th century, while the age of the Gatling shotgun was extremely short-lived, and it was soon replaced by real automatic small arms. Well, this is another confirmation of the ever-accelerating scientific and technological progress of mankind, especially in the field of devices designed to destroy their own kind.

It is also worth delving a little into the historical retrospective of Chinese technology. In the graves of the times of Shi Huangdi (3rd century BC), both the crossbows themselves and their locks / triggers were found (pictured).

So, even made in different workshops, as evidenced by the stamps of the masters, they are quite interchangeable, that is, they are made according to single drawings and patterns. This testifies to the highest level standardization and metrology of the ancient Chinese military-industrial complex :)).

And the weapon itself, in terms of its shooting characteristics, surpassed much later Western European counterparts. First of all, due to differences in elastic elements.

Take a closer look at the ancient engravings: the working stroke of the bowstring for all crossbows (not easel monsters) is scanty, and it had to be compensated for by a colossal pulling force.

By the way, today the developers of a unique hunting model from the Canadian company Excalibur have taken this path (see "").

And the crossbows of ancient China, in contrast to Europe, often used as elastic elements the common for Asia composite bow (wood, horn, veins), which could almost be tied in a knot without damage. Therefore, the guides were quite long, and the shoulders did not require prohibitive "power".

Drawings of Cho-Ko-Nu

But back to the main character of our today's story - the "automatic crossbow" Cho-ko-nu. For those who want to independently recreate this wonderful weapon, we offer the following, albeit not Russified, but quite working drawings.

Modern "Cobra System Adder", or Cho-Ko-Nu Crossbow in Taiwanese

We understand that someone is already grimacing at the mention, but PoeLang turned out such an unusual product ... The modular approach allows you to literally sculpt "new" samples on a single base. Well, we cannot pass by and publish regular posts on


Certainly the strangest weapon I have ever described.

Although the multi-action crossbow is a weapon so ancient that it is impossible to determine the time of its occurrence, at the beginning of the 20th century. it was still in service in remote areas of the Chinese Empire.

During the war between China and Japan 1894-1895. a multi-action crossbow was often found among Chinese soldiers who came from the deep rear.

Rice. 172. Top view of a Chinese multi-action crossbow, showing a cutout on the top of its magazine

The unique feature of this crossbow is the principle of its continuous action, which works perfectly, despite its primitiveness, and gives the crossbowman the ability to shoot 10 arrows in 15 seconds.

At a time when bows and crossbows were in service in China, firing one arrow at a time, the multiple-action crossbow was a very effective weapon for stopping the onslaught of the enemy both in the open field and when protecting the fortress walls.

For example, a hundred warriors armed with multiple-action crossbows could fire a thousand arrows into the enemy ranks in a quarter of a minute.

On the other hand, a hundred shooters, armed with bows or conventional crossbows, firing one arrow at a time, could send no more than 200 arrows at the enemy in the same time.

The effect of a continuous stream of thousands of arrows flying into the enemy crowd in just 15 seconds was, of course, much greater than from some pathetic two hundred, especially considering that the arrows of barbarian peoples were often smeared with poison.

The small and light arrows of the relatively weak Chinese crossbow described here had little penetrating power. For this reason, the arrowhead was sometimes dipped in poison so that even a small wound would be fatal.

One blow from a heavy arrow of a medieval European crossbow, equipped with a thick steel bow, was enough to strike a person to death without resorting to such a cruel means as poison.

The design of the Chinese multi-action crossbow (Fig. 174).

A, A. A magazine in which 10 or 12 small arrows are stacked (one on top of the other) when the weapon is armed.

B, B. The stock in which the bamboo bow is fixed.

C, Lever that draws the crossbow. The lever is attached to the stock of the crossbow and to its magazine by means of metal hinges (Fig. 174).

E. Wooden part, along the upper surface of which a cut is made for laying an arrow, having a groove for holding the bowstring.

This part is attached to the store and forms its lower part.

The principle of operation of the crossbow (Fig. 174)

At the moment when the bowstring is fixed, the arrow falls from the magazine into the groove cut in front of the groove. The arrow cannot fall out of the magazine into the chute as long as the bowstring is held in the groove (Fig. 175).

The trigger mechanism consists of a small piece of solid wood. When the lever is fully retracted, the trigger mechanism pushes the stretched bowstring up from the groove holding it (Fig. 174 B). The trigger mechanism works in a vertical slot. The expansion at the end prevents it from falling out of the slot in which it moves up or down (Fig. 173).

Rice. 173. The action of the trigger mechanism of the Chinese crossbow: B - the bowstring in the groove above the trigger mechanism; D - arrow in the groove in front of the bowstring; £ - magazine with a supply of arrows

B, fig. 174. Here the lever is pulled back, as a result of which the bow and string are stretched. If the lever is pulled even further than shown in the figure, the protruding end of the trigger will be pressed into the surface

Figure 174. The action of the Chinese crossbow: A - a magazine full of arrows is pushed forward by the lever

The string is held in a groove above the trigger; B - crossbow in readiness to shoot After pressing the lower protruding end of the trigger towards the surface of the bed, the bowstring is pushed out of the groove

Crossbow stock. As a result, the upper end of the trigger mechanism will lift the bowstring from the groove and lower it. Then the arrow flies out and the crossbow returns to the position shown in fig. 171, that is, in a state of readiness for the next shot.

From this description it is clear how simple and fast it works this crossbow. To fire arrows in the magazine, just move the lever back and forth; the speed of its movement depends on the desire of the shooter.

In 15 seconds, even a dozen arrows can be fired.

By a slight modification in the design of the crossbow, it was adapted to firing two arrows instead of one with a single pull of the bow.

In this case, the magazine and stock were expanded by 1/4 inch (1.9 cm) compared to the weapon described above. A thin vertical partition was installed in the middle of the store, dividing it into two compartments. On each side of the central partition were a dozen arrows, one above the other. The string ran over two parallel grooves, not just one. Of course, each chute was located exactly under the corresponding magazine compartment. As soon as the lever was actuated, two arrows fell out of the magazine and lay side by side, each in its own groove. The lowered bowstring fired both arrows at the same time.

With this device, a hundred warriors could fire 2,000 arrows in 15 seconds, that is, twice as much as from a conventional multiple-action crossbow.

The effective range of these Chinese crossbows was about 80 yards (73 m), with a maximum of 180-200 yards (165-183 m). The light and short bamboo arrows were expertly crafted and equipped with metal points that were very heavy in relation to the length of the arrow shaft. The lack of plumage did not hinder their freedom of movement when falling out of the store one after another. For the same reason, the width of the magazine inside slightly exceeded the diameter of the arrow.

The length of the arrow was 12-16 inches (30.5-40.6 cm) depending on the size of the crossbow; its diameter was /16-/&shzhma (0.8-0.95 cm).

The bow, 3 feet 6 inches (1 m) long, was either made from a single solid bar of the male variety of bamboo, or from several flat plates glued together.

In the latter case, the string was passed through a hole in each end of the bow (Fig. 174).

Rice. 175. Chinese multi-action crossbow shop with side walls removed

The bowstring was made from animal tendons, twisted into a sufficiently strong cord.

It can be seen that the arrow cannot fall out of the magazine into the groove along which the bowstring runs while the latter is fixed in the groove above the trigger, as shown in fig. 174, A.

being at the exhibition "Hunting and Fishing in Rus' 2010" held from 18 to 21 March at LenExpo, I found a small stand, where the sister of a certain designer from the city of Tula was present
who developed a very, very curious crossbow pattern.

with its small size it is easy to charge with the help of a cocking of just one lever, while the interchangeable bow has a tension of 90 kg...

decided to search the net, what kind of miracle invention is this ..

turned out to be called Crossbow Sagittarius and developed which Rafail Dmitrievich Khlynin
although according to other sources he developed a crossbow and received a patent for it Andrey Averin and the crossbow is called swift

some details are available

at the exhibition for such a crossbow they wanted 37 thousand rubles.
at the same time, it turned out that they had been selling their toys for the third year already, at the beginning the price tag was 25,000 rubles, and now it has grown ...

Distinctive features of the crossbow:

1. The highest rate of fire of the available crossbows. It is achieved due to the cocking lever and a convenient, quick-release cassette with arrows. The height-adjustable cheek pad located on the magazine allows you to quickly and effectively aim.
2. Minimum cocking effort. Achieved by a lever system Does not require the use of a roller system to reduce traction or other cocking devices. This makes it possible to use the crossbow for children, women, people suffering from sciatica and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the disabled.
3. High reliability. Achieved by a five-fold margin of safety for all parts and components of the crossbow, due to the use of high-quality steels and design features.
4. A quick-detachable bracket with arcs and a quick-detachable stock allow you to assemble and disassemble the crossbow in a few seconds.
5. Ability to fire with any type of optical sights (for pneumatics and weapons) and without them. It can be equipped with one of the best, lightest and cheapest brackets for any optics, which has passed a full cycle of comparative tests on weapons in the conditions of the Tula Arms Plant.
6. Sighting bar with fine adjustment. It is possible to adjust the range by clicking on the latch of the aiming bar lifting disk, depending on the change in range. The design of the aiming device guarantees the impossibility of knocking down the sight when firing.
7. Low cost of consumables. In the manufacture of our products, we do not use foreign components or crossbows (made in China, Malaysia, etc.), which are used by some manufacturers as blanks for their crossbows. We use metal arcs made of high-quality spring steel, which, in the conditions of Russia, if it is necessary to purchase them, makes them cheap.
8. Automatic fuse. You have the option to use it or disable it.
9. The possibility of unloading a crossbow without a shot.
10. We use only high quality walnut for the handle and handguard, not plastic, which makes them warm and comfortable. The release of harmful substances is excluded, which is possible when using low-quality plastics.
11. The weight of the crossbow is optimal for stabilizing aimed shooting, both in shooting ranges and in the field (it should not be very light)
12. The crossbow is certified (unlike most crossbows sold) and does not apply to throwing weapons, therefore it does not require additional licenses and permits.

The crossbow has no analogues in terms of functionality. Crossbows appeared, shooting arrows, balls and harpoons at the same time. A ball-shooting crossbow does not provide the required accuracy and will never compare to an air pistol, this is an extra, unnecessary feature for a crossbow. Our crossbow can also shoot with a harpoon from other manufacturers, but this type of arrow is prohibited by GOST, and with possible forensic tests such a crossbow will be recognized as a weapon, so we do not produce this type of arrows and do not complete crossbows with them.


The span of the arcs is about 450 mm.
The length of the crossbow with the butt is 700 mm.
The length of the crossbow without the stock is 390 mm.
Crossbow height - 190 mm.
The weight of a crossbow with a butt without arrows is about 2 kg.
The tension force of the bowstring is up to 20 kg.
Arrow range - 100 m.
Sighting range with arc force 19.9kg - 20 m.
Sighting device - with fine adjustment.
Possibility of installation optical sight- available.
The device for emphasis of a cheek for exact shooting - is available.
Removable cassette for arrows - available.
Automatic fuse - available.
Type of block with arches - quick-detachable.
Lock strength - 160 kg.
The preparation time for firing after transportation in disassembled form is 10 seconds.
Cocking type - non-removable system of levers.
Rate of fire (shots per minute) - 6.
Walnut handle available.

and besides that
video with multi-shot crossbow Sagittarius

For the manufacture of homemade crossbow will need:
* A bar of non-resinous wood species, size 700x10x40 mm.
* The second sheet of the spring of the car Moskvich.
* Profile pipe 50x50x2 mm. 10 cm long.
* Profile pipe 15x15x1.5 mm.
* A small piece of sheet metal 2 mm.
*Metal stainless steel 4 mm thick. and 0.5-1 mm. (for the descender).
* Corner steel 50x50x4 mm. 35 cm long.
* Bar D=8 mm. 40 cm long.
* Bolts with nuts D=8
* Stainless steel molding from the door VAZ-2106 2 pcs.
*Metal rollers 2 pcs., glass lifting mechanism from the door of a VAZ car.
* Rope D=3 mm. 3 m long, two terminal loops.
* Epoxy resin, wood stain, wood varnish for outdoor use.
*Two small springs (working in tension).
* A dozen nails for roofing felt, one nail two hundred, tube D = 6 mm., Small washers.

We will use the following tools:
*Welding machine.
*Saw circular manual.
* Electric drill with speed control, carbide drills for metal D=3, 5, 8, 10 mm.
*Bulgarian, cutting discs for metal, grinding discs for wood.
*Keys, pliers, screwdriver, vise, narrow chisel, knife.
*File, sandpaper.
* Goggles.

Item 1. Making a bed.

Let's take a well-dried wooden block, I had a birch, sketch a bed on it. We make the size of the butt each for ourselves (for our height), and the bed, depending on the length of the arrows that you will use. I use 440 mm arrows, but I had to save money on the butt, I left only 300 mm, the total length turned out to be 740 mm, I didn’t risk doing it anymore.

Let's draw a markup for the selection of the guide, for the plumage of the arrow, width 5 mm, depth 10 mm.

Using a circular saw, we cut out the groove for the entire length, to the end of the trigger (lock).

It should look like this.

Using a drill D=12 mm. choose a cavity descender, we level the ledges with a chisel and a knife. We drill a hole for the trigger, bore it with a chisel and a knife.

Point 2. Making a lock or trigger.

For the basis of the lock we take the type "nut". So that nothing rusts, we will use stainless steel, take a sheet 4-5 mm thick, if you can’t find one, make a typesetting of several sheets glued together and riveted. We draw the shape of the details on the metal.

Using a cutting disc and a grinder, we cut out according to the marking of the workpiece.

In the center of the "nut" we drill a hole for the axis of rotation D = 6 mm.

We process all sides with a file.

We grind with sandpaper, achieving a completely smooth surface.

It should turn out something like this.

We grind the rest of the elements of the castle, sear.

I lengthen the trigger with two thin sheets of stainless steel, fix it with homemade rivets.

On the grinding machine we achieve the desired shape of the blanks.

From a thin sheet of metal we make the body of the trigger mechanism.

We drill three holes D = 2.5 mm in the body of the sear, one for the mounting axis and two for mounting the springs.

Attach the trigger spring in place.

Let's see how the parts become in the cocked state on the table.

And as after the shot.

We attach one side of the case to the inside of the mechanism and drill holes for all the axles in place.

From a two-hundred nail, 6 mm in diameter, we will make an axis for the "nut".

Saw off the sharp end of the nail.

We measure the length of the future axis, saw off.

From thin nails for roofing material, we will make the rest of the rivet axles. We will remove the ebbs on the nail heads with a grinder.

Now they fit well to the body.

Install the sear on the axis in the body, use the intermediate washers.

Saw off the excess length of the nail, leaving 1 mm. on both sides for rolling.

Using an anvil, hammer the end of the axle with a hammer.

We drill a hole for the axle with a spacer, for fastening the spring sear.

From a suitable tube, cut off the spacer sleeve on this axis.

Move to one side of the body.

We install the axle, bushing and hook the spring.

Assemble the body halves together.

We saw off the excess length, leaving a protrusion of 1 mm. under the hammer

Let's roll.

Now you can put the largest axis-rivet of the castle. Align the holes.

Let's take the previously measured and sawn off axis D = 6 mm., Immediately tap a little with a hammer on one side.

We install in place.

And we will also roll, the main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to pinch the movable mechanism inside.

Point 3. Installing the lock mechanism in the box.

If something prevents the castle from sitting well in place, we refine it with a chisel or knife. After installation, we check how the trigger goes.

If everything is fine, you can drill holes for the mounting screws and screw them into place.

Now we need decorations from the VAZ-2006 door, they are also made of stainless steel, which is very good. To give them additional rigidity, epoxy resin was poured inside.

After complete hardening, in a day, we will drill four holes D = 3 mm in each, for fixing screws.

With a large drill, we will make hiding places for the heads of the screws so that the bowstring cable does not catch when it slides along it.

We polish the exits of the holes with fine sandpaper to remove all the burrs that damage the cable.

We install the finished guides on the bed.

We make sure that the screws do not go through in thin places.

We check that the lock goes without hooks on the guides.

Item 5. Making an arc or shoulders.

From the same donor doors, we extract with the help of a grinder, the rollers of the glass lifting mechanism.

Of these, we will make blocks for the shoulders, and the arc itself from the second leaf of the spring, an old Moskvich car.

Let's make blocks, for fastening of a spring to a bed.
To do this, from a corner of 50x50 mm. we cut out the constituent elements to assemble by welding, here is such a mount (block).

We will process the welds with a grinder. Drill mounting holes D=10 mm. under the bolts.

According to the finished sample and the dimensions of the resulting block, we make grooves for fastening in the box. We try on the fit, achieve a tight entry and fastening. According to the calculated position of the future bowstring, we outline and make a through groove in the sidewall of the bed, 70 mm long. 10 mm wide, lower bowstrings will go here.

We bend and weld the leg brace (stirrup).

Ears for blocks.
From a profile pipe 50x50 we will make lugs for attaching roller blocks to the arc (spring).

The most difficult thing in making the arc itself from the spring at home is to drill holes in it. It is necessary to drill with a drill at low speeds so that the drill does not burn, constantly apply water. If possible, drill with drills of different diameters, from thin to thick in increments of 0.5-1 mm., constantly sharpen the tool.

We fasten the brackets to short M8 bolts, grind off the hats.

We fasten the spring to the block with two M8 bolts, followed by a small welding along the edge of the fastening.

Now you need to open the bed with varnish and dry.
We install a block with an arc on the bed, upset with a hammer for a tight fit of metal-wood.

We insert and tighten the bolts on M8.

From long M10 bolts we will make axle bolts reduced in length with a short thread for blocks.

We take a tube from the anchor and make spacers for the axes of the blocks out of it.

Let's drill holes D = 10 mm in the ears. to install blocks. Install rigid loop ends on the cable.

We install a block with a cable on one side of the shoulder. Do not overtighten the nut so as not to pinch the rotation of the roller.

We drill a hole for the stud in the nut and bolt.

Install the stud and tighten it with a nut in the direction of unscrewing.

We push the cable through the hole in the bed and do the same with installing the roller on the other side of the shoulder.

Item 6. Top part castle.

From a profile pipe 15x15 mm. saw off two segments of 120 mm. We cut out two (L) shaped blanks from sheet metal with a grinder, one rectangular plate (on top) and a triangle (on the back).

By welding we connect all the parts together, we clean the welding seams with a grinding disc to get a kind of one-piece part.

From an old folding steel meter, we make an elastic arrow holder.

The photo shows the bolts for mounting the rail under the optical sight.

The same thing, only the bolts also clamp the boom holder at the same time.

The sight rail itself (dovetail) is made of the same 2 mm sheet metal, with the sides ground off for mounting the optics.

A square lining is visible along the optics rail to raise the back and thereby tilt the sight down, for proper aiming at a target beyond 25 m.

We install the lock bracket on the bed and drill holes for fastening, self-tapping screws and an M6 bolt.

We twist small self-tapping screws so that they do not go into the channel of the plumage of the arrow.

We twist the back screw.

In addition, we drill a hole and install the last bolt.

Installing an optical sight.