Jaromir Jagr: personal life. Beautiful Czech stripper, because of whom Jaromir Jagr started pole dancing Jaromir Jagr family

On December 19 of this year, hockey player Jaromir Jagr became the eighth sniper in the history of the National Hockey League (NHL). The event occurred during the game with Ottawa, when the right winger"New Jersey" abandoned its 693rd puck in the quarry. And just recently he celebrated 690th puck - that's exactly how many goals the legendary Mario Lemieux scored.

Jaromir Jagr was born in 1972 in the city of Kladno (Czech Republic). There were two winter stadiums and the local team Poldi (SONP), which more than once became the leader of the Czech hockey championship.

Jaromir picked up a stick when he was 4 years old. The hockey player spent his first season for the local club Kladno in 1988 at the age of 17. Then he scored his first 8 goals.

Already in 1990, Jagr moved to the NHL. His first club is the Pittsburgh Penguins. At the same time, from time to time Jaromir returned to the Czech Republic to play for Kladno. During his first season in the national league, the hockey player scored 27 goals and made 30 assists. The second season was no less successful.

After 11 years, Jagr ends up in "". He is exchanged for three players at once. The press joked that the hockey player was exchanged for three bags of pucks. Jagr played for the capital's club for three years, and in 2004 he joined the New York Rangers.

In 2004, a lockout began in the NHL and the Czech hockey player moved to Russia, where he played for Avangard (Omsk). By the way, it was in Omsk that Jagr converted to Orthodoxy. His contract with the Omsk team will last until 2011. In Russia, Jaromir Jagr was remembered not only for his acting, but also for his participation in the filming of the film “Brother-2” with Sergei Bodrov.

In the Russian Super League and the Kontinental Hockey League, Jaromir Jagr will win the European Cup, become the club's top sniper and scorer and take 5th place in the list of "Best Avangard snipers in the top division." Behind Russian club The Czech scored 93 goals.

When the contract with Avangard ended, Yar thought for a long time about where to continue his career. There was an opportunity to stay in Russia, former colleagues from the Pittsburgh Penguins called, but in the end, extremely unexpectedly for everyone, Jaromir became a player for the Philadelphia Flyers (Philadelphia Flyers). Moreover, in all five seasons at this club, Jagr played as a defender, and not as a striker as usual.

The number 68 on the hockey player’s uniform is a tribute to his grandfather and a symbol of hatred of communism. Jagr has said more than once that he does not dislike the Russian people, but only the communists who suppressed the uprising in the Czech Republic in 1968. Jaromir’s dislike for the Soviet regime manifested itself as a child: on the walls of his room there were posters of tennis player Martina Navratilova, who fled to the United States, and Ronald Reigen, the US President, known for his toughness towards the USSR.

Playing for the Czech national team brought Jaromir no less than success in clubs. Many are sure that 30 years of Czech hockey owe everything to one guy from Kladno. Golden medal at the Nogano Olympics, two golds at the 2005 and 2010 world championships, plus 4 bronze medals at the same world championships - the Czech team would hardly have received all this without Jaromir.

So, now Jaromir Jagr ranks 8th among the best snipers in the NHL. Just one puck separates the Czech hockey player from Mark Messier, so it is likely that Jagr will soon rise to another level.

Along with the 25 greatest hockey players Jagr entered the Triple Gold Club of hockey players for winning , Olympic Games and world championships.

26 April 2014, 14:49

Jaromir Jagr (Czech: Jaromír Jágr; February 15, 1972, village of Šmerov-Gnidusy (now part of Kladno), Czechoslovakia) is an outstanding Czech hockey player. Role - right winger. In terms of points scored in NHL history, he shares 6th place with Steve Yzerman in the regular season and 5th place in the Stanley Cup playoffs, while being the most productive among active NHL hockey players in goals, points, assists both in the regular season and and in the playoffs. Jagr is considered one of the best Europeans in NHL history and one of the greatest players of all time.

Winner of the Stanley Cup in 1991 and 1992 with " Pittsburgh Penguins»
2013 Stanley Cup finalist with the Boston Bruins
Art Ross Trophy, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 (Pittsburgh Penguins)
Olympic champion, 1998 (Czech Republic team)
Ted Lindsay Award, 1999, 2000 (Pittsburgh Penguins) and 2006 (New York Rangers)
Hart Trophy, 1999 (Pittsburgh Penguins)
World champion, 2005, 2010 (Czech Republic team)
Winner of the European Champions Cup, 2005 (Avangard Omsk)
Olympic bronze medalist, 2006 (Czech Republic team)
NHL All-Star Game participant (10 times)
Participant in the KHL All-Star match (3 times)
Bronze medalist of the World Cup, 2004 (Czech Republic team)
Bronze medalist of the World Championship, 1990 (Czechoslovakia team), 2011 (Czech Republic team)
Winner of the Continental Cup 2011 (Avangard Omsk)
Since May 15, 2005 member of the Triple Gold Club

Jaromir Jagr doesn't just want to spend his next season in the NHL. The 42-year-old New Jersey Devils right winger expects to play until he's 50, even if that means ending his career at home in the Czech Republic.

"I don't know where I'll play, but I still want to play as long as I can stand," Jagr said. “Age is nothing to me. I don’t get old, I don’t know why. Perhaps I should ask God about this.”

Jagr ruins selfie))
One day Jagr came to the Czech Republic and said: “If I marry, then only a Czech. I don’t like American women. Or a feminist, or a lesbian, or a fool, or an ugly one...” A day later, this statement was learned in the USA, and crowds of fans They bombarded Jagr with letters “Go to Prague!” The conflict was resolved by Jagr’s mother, who explained to the press that her son had been misunderstood.

Personal life of Jaromir Jagr, an outstanding hockey player, a legend of Czech hockey, who managed to play in many clubs, has not yet been arranged, despite the fact that the girls do not ignore this handsome handsome man. He is probably more interested in his career and love of hockey, or maybe he simply has not yet met a girl who could make him happy.

True, for six years Jagr had a romantic relationship with the Ukrainian model Inna Pugaikova, and things were even heading towards a wedding, but his marriage was not publicly announced anywhere. Later it became known that the forty-two-year-old hockey player never ended his bachelor life - he and Inna decided to separate peacefully and go their separate ways.

In the photo - Jagr with Inna Pugaikova

Jaromir Jagr had a lot of girls in his personal life; he always liked to spend time in their company. For several years he dated Czech TV star Nicole Lenertova, although this relationship did not last long - after a month and a half, such a loud quarrel occurred between them that after breaking up they did not even want to hear about each other.

Then Jagr met “Miss Slovakia-99” Andrea Veresova, whom he met during tennis tournament in Bratislava. Soon after they met, they began to live together in Pittsburgh. Their romance promised to develop into a wedding, but Jagr heard rumors that his beloved was having an affair behind his back with his boss, the owner of an overseas hockey team"Rangers". Jaromir treated these conversations as just another duck thrown in order to break his fighting spirit, but after these events the romance with Veresova came to naught.

Despite his advanced age for athletes, Jagr still shows excellent results in hockey matches, and on March 1 of this year, he scored the 700th goal of his career, and became the seventh player in the world who managed to achieve this figure. Hockey entered Jaromir Jagr's personal life very early - at the age of four he first picked up a stick, and spent his first season in 1988, when he turned sixteen, and immediately showed excellent results for his age. On the hockey rink he looks like a real hero, and his shots are extremely powerful, but during the game Jaromir Jagr always behaves like a real gentleman.

Don't even ask us such questions! Jaromir Jagr is one of the greatest hockey players in history. The second scorer in the entire annals of the NHL, the hero of Russia: he played for four seasons in the Omsk Avangard and was loved by our fans. Anti-hero of Russia, because the Czech team with Jagr took away the gold of the 1998 Olympics in Nagano and the gold of the 2010 World Championship in Cologne. Oh, how it was a shame!

And Jagr is a very original person. He never drinks alcohol and drinks milk at team parties. He can take the keys to the skating rink to train there after midnight (“When no one is around and no one is bothering you”). And the main joke is that Jaromir plays professional hockey at the age of 45. He performs in best league the world of the NHL, although they usually end their careers at 35-36 years old. Jagr is the main long-liver of world hockey, and not everyone immediately understands the secret of his eternal youth.


And here it is: girls. Once, the famous defender Darius Kasparaitis, who was interviewed in MAXIM, said: “Listen, I have five children, I spin like a squirrel in a wheel. But Jagr has no family, no children, he dates young girls. Of course he has a lot of time for hockey!”

Jaromir changes girls like gloves, and everything follows the same pattern. Several years of relationship - and they break up. In some ways, Jagr resembles Count Dracula, although he does not drink blood from anyone.

And once there was this story: 43-year-old Jaromir slept in bed with an 18-year-old model, the girl took a picture of them together and began to blackmail the great hockey player.


But now it seems Jaromir has calmed down. It seems he has met the girl of his dreams. Her name is Veronika Koprzivova. With his arm around her waist, Jagr made a statement:

“I will play hockey until I’m 55! I feel great. I'm enjoying the game more than ever. I used to feel pressure to be the best hockey player in the world. And now I just want to extend my career to the maximum.”

Merciless time knows no pity even towards real legends. The famous left the National at the age of 45 hockey league, and this time, apparently, for good. The Czech forward's season in Calgary turned out to be frankly unimportant: Jagr was only able to sign a contract in the fall, and due to protracted negotiations he was forced to miss the entire preseason, and all plans to demonstrate his veteran prowess were crumpled due to injuries. 1 goal and 6 assists in 22 matches - this was the last overseas season for number 68, who was the last representative of the “good old” hockey days.

The former giants Wayne and Mario left the stage long ago, the Detroit “Russian Five” died down and Scotty Bowman retired, Hasek and Brodeur caught all their pucks, went through the lockout wars with varying degrees of success, formed and survived until the anniversary season of the KHL, and Jagr is still played. However, there is no talk of ending his career yet - in his native Kladno, where he is the owner, he can continue to go on the ice for as long as he likes. But Jaromir always set himself maximum and even impossible tasks, striving to do what seemed impossible. How impossible it is to imagine the self-demanding Jagr quietly “gathering dust” in the second Czech league.

Goals: 766 (3rd all-time).

Transfers: 1155 (5).

Points: 1921 (2).

Matches: 1733 (3).

2 Stanley Cups, 5 trophies top scorer, 3 trophies best player according to the hockey players themselves, 1 MVP award for the season, 1 trophy for dedication to hockey.

The leadership of the Ogonki dealt with Jaromir harshly, but as honestly as possible, and Flames general manager Brad Treliving announced a possible break in relations a few weeks ago. The knee injury that bothered the Czech throughout the season turned out to be too serious for the veteran’s body to withstand the harshest loads of the NHL. In accordance with the rules, Jagr was placed on waivers, which provoked a real fan flash mob on social networks: fans of various clubs practiced creating collages and demanded that Jagr take their favorite club. The reality turned out to be very harsh: there was no interest in Jaromir in the NHL, and the option with Kladno remained the only one possible.

A return to the NHL is possible

In theory, Jaromir could not go to Europe, but go to a farm club, as provided for by NHL rules, since Jagr’s contract with Calgary will be valid until the end of the season. This would give the forward at least some chance of returning to the “Sparks” lineup, however, both the striker himself and the Flames bosses have already thanked each other for their cooperation, which means the end of this story.

“Jagr’s career speaks for itself. He is a legend in our sport and we are proud to have Jaromir play for Calgary. Unfortunately, he started the season too late, and chronic injuries prevented him from playing the way he wanted. In his short time with our club, Jaromir has demonstrated remarkable professionalism and leadership skills,” said Brad Treliving. However, legally, Jagr’s departure to Kladno looks like a loan, and the likelihood that Calgary will request the veteran to join them (for example, to increase the depth of the roster in the playoffs) is not zero.

In addition, after July 1, when the free agent market opens, Jagr can again try his luck and offer his candidacy to NHL clubs. The chances of a new job overseas look simply microscopic, but Jaromir has more than once convinced the public that he is capable of working miracles.

“There is nothing worse than a chronic injury. If the health problem does not go away, then you need to understand whether Jagr needs all this. Only he himself knows how serious the problem is. Time flies, he will soon be 46 years old, and he is no longer as fast as he used to be. I had a similar problem in the 2003-04 season when I played for Detroit. I was faced with the choice of whether to end my career or not, but I decided to have groin surgery, and a famous physiotherapist helped me. I returned, and even to the NHL. But I was 39 years old, six years younger than Jagr. He didn't have anything grand farewell match in this league, but it's completely unimportant for his career. His achievements speak for themselves,” another legendary Czech, Dominik Hasek, commented on the situation with Jaromir.

"I work to be happy"

“When you're young, you know you can play for a long time. I appreciate every match in which I take part. And what the game is more important, the better for me. I explain this to young people, but they don’t understand well. I say that I feel like a 70-year-old man who is simply trying to be alive and thanks heaven for every day that he can live on this earth. It’s hard to fight with God,” Jagr said these words six years ago. He said, and immediately proved by personal example that difficult does not mean impossible.

Surprisingly, but true: Jaromir in the NHL was extremely rarely assessed as an independent serious figure. At first he was Lemieux's assistant, but even after Mario retired, he remained a joke to many. Possessing incredible talent, he lived for pleasure: he drove cars, gambled, and spent money without hesitation. At the same time, he saved Pittsburgh from moving to another city when he almost single-handedly won a playoff series against the powerful Devils in 1999. Arriving in Russia, he contributed a lot to the development of the KHL, and after a difficult return to the National Hockey League, he became a real demon of training and regime. Going out on the ice in the morning, special skates with weights, working in the gym, skating in a special heavy vest - Jagr treated hockey like a religion, becoming a model for many young players.

“I feel like I’ve reached that point in life where hard work makes you happy. Someone is happy that he has a day off, but for me it’s the opposite. Work is the best thing that happened in my life. And I work just to be happy,” Jaromir said.

He was brilliant and funny, annoying and wise. He remained someone without whom hockey is simply impossible to imagine. He is Jaromir Jagr.