Braided fishing line. Braid for spinning, choice of braided line How to choose a braided cord or criteria for choosing the right braid


  • City: Barnaul
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Once upon a time, back in past life, I did a similar "research", but purely for myself and on the forum I mentioned it tangentially ... Today I decided to open a profile branch related to the issue in the title. Since I have little practical experience, I will not talk about the "flight" qualities of this or that "cord", their wear resistance, noise, etc., etc., and so on ... we will only talk about breaking load. However, if someone has something to add (constructively, without flooding) - I will be glad.

So "string" Cormoran Corastrong PE 8-Braid
Diameter: 0.14mm.
Test: 8.90 kg.
Length: 135 m.

The price (with a discount) is less than 900 rubles.

Bought to replace SALMO ELITE BRAID, which served me faithfully for more than two seasons and finally ended ... Inside the box, the coil:

Here is what managers write about her: Cormoran Corastrong PE 8-Braid is an updated series of Corastrong cords. The new generation got their hands on the Coramid material core, borrowed from the Cormoran catfish program. The cord turned out to be even more durable compared to its predecessor and less stretchable. The braid has excellent throwing characteristics, thanks to a very smooth and slippery surface. The cord resists well to abrasive loads, ultraviolet radiation and does not absorb water.

To the touch, the line is smooth, I think it will be quieter than SALMO, and a little oval (a purely subjective feeling), not as hard as, say, Power Pro, but harder than the same SALMO.

I don’t have a trusted instrument and I don’t pretend to be the ultimate truth. To measure the tensile load, I will use this simple device:

As you might guess, a piece of fishing line about 30 cm long will be attached to the steelyard hook on one side and the handle axis on the other. When testing a "knotless" connection, the fishing line will simply be tightly (in order to avoid slipping) wound on both sides, when checking the strength with one or another knot, a knot * will be tied on the steelyard hook. Each type of connection is tested three times, and the average value is indicated in the results.

So the results so far:

1. Without nodal connection: 5.45 kg.

2. Palomar knot ** : 4.80 kg.

4.90 kg.

3. "Deaf" loop: 3.30 kg.

4. Knot "Clinch": Slips (!!) 5 turns normal, already at 400 grams! 5 turns "improved" - at 1.8 kg., 6 turns "improved" - 2.2 kg. (I don’t see any point in experimenting with this node further)

5. Knot "Clinch" double: began to slip by 2.8 kg., but I left a rather long second end, broke by 3.40 kg., at the knot.

* I re-checked on the Palomar node, the presence of an impromptu "leash" made by the truth of their paper clips (too lazy to call for a leash, we will assume that this is not a leash, but a swivel, let's say, its diameter is just like that of a paper clip)) to which the fishing line is attached, on did not affect the results. As soon as I get to the pier, I will check again, this time with a real leash.

I'll never know how the manufacturer got the declared value of 8.9 kg ...

Actual tensile strength in % of the declared (8.9 kg.), For each of the tested nodes:

1. "Knotless" installation - 61%
2. Palomar knot - 54%

2.1. Knot Palomar with milk loop - 55%
3. "Deaf" loop - 37%
4. Reinforced clinch knot (6 turns) - does not hold

5. Knot "Clinch" double (6 turns) - 38%

A very disappointing result, I promise to conduct a second study in the offseason, already taking into account possible errors(first pancake).

Threat Draft version, in the process I will make adjustments, if I don’t forget, tomorrow I’ll take the camera home and make a couple of videos - for clarity

ZZY Questions to all members of the forum: What nodes do you use most often? I'll check them out. Well, in general, maybe. what am I doing wrong? Speak out pliz, then we will ask the moderators to delete the excess ...

ZZY I would like to test several different "cords" in one branch (maybe several dozen))), in connection with which I appeal to all fishing shops, if it's interesting, write in a personal, we'll discuss it))



  • City: Barnaul
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New ones, I’ll duplicate it here, then when cleaning I’ll ask for it to be removed:

2.1. Palomar knot with a milk loop (i.e., a double wattle was threaded into the loop twice, after which the knot was knitted and fixed): 4.90 kg. (in fact, the result is within the margin of error and makes a lot of sense, knit a double loop, specifically for this "wattle" - I don’t see it)

* I re-checked on the Palomar node, the presence of an impromptu "leash" made by the truth of their paper clip (too lazy to call for a leash, we will assume that this is not a leash, but a swivel, say, its diameter is just like that of a paper clip)) to which the fishing line is attached, on results had no effect. As soon as there is a road to the pier, I will check again, this time with a real leash.

** On the Palomar node, an experiment was carried out with a piece of "wattle" of greater length, a piece of 1.8 m was taken and immediately before measurements (i.e. already on the "rack") moistened with a sponge with water, the distance between the axis is which the fishing line was wound and “leashed” on the steelyard - about 1.2 m., after measuring, the piece of fishing line was unfolded and a second measurement was taken, the third was carried out on a new piece. The result obtained for three measurements: 4.88; 4.92; 4.48 kg. Believe it or check it out)) Thus, at least for myself, I decided that there is no need to wet the entire length before measurements, and also to take measurements on a fishing line of greater length (a meter or more there).

PS Soon there will be data on Proshka ...

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
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So my next test subject: Power Pro 0.19mm. the declared breaking load is 13 kg., the price is the same, about 900 rubles.

By tradition, let's give the floor to the managers: PowerPro is the perfect combination modern technologies and many years of experience and knowledge. In the manufacture of PowerPro cords, high-strength braided Spectra Fiber is used and applied new technology Enhanced Body Technology, resulting in an original, elastic, round in diameter and highly sensitive "braid". Fine fiber, tight weave and additional coating provide the highest strength of the "braid" PowerPro. The unique combination of materials combined with EBT (Enhanced Body Technology) gives us the following advantages:

more round diameter;

high elasticity;

increased resistance to abrasion;

lack of extensibility and "memory";

high knot strength;

compliance with the specified diameters.

One way or another, the “cord” is stiffer to the touch than Cormoran Corastrong PE 8-Braid, more round in cross section, and not so smooth (the braiding is clearly felt, I think it will make more noise), the color is my favorite)) :

I was not too lazy to make a fastener for "knotless" mounting, this time, everything is honest...

1. Knotless mounting: 9.10 kg.

I promised a video for clarity, aalsta:

As a bonus: found confirmation of the word of the Last Right-handler, on the new "wattle fence" 3 times out of 3 breakage - clearly on the clasp. And in general, the "knotless" impressed, but I will bend my fasteners))

2. Palomar knot: pleased (!) 8.35 kg. Palomar with a double loop tested 2 times (not three), the result is very close, after testing on two fishing lines, I don’t even know if it makes sense to check it in the future ...

3. "Deaf" loop: 7.0 kg.

On the advice of SEIB, after the knot was tightened, I cut off the free end of the "wattle" leaving about 5 mm. after which, he burned it with a lighter, at the end it turned out a kind of "knob". So, about 5 kg. - the knot begins to slip, after which it rests on the resulting "bump" and holds an average of up to 9.05 kg. (!) Practically like "knotless" - an excellent result!

I didn’t burn it with a lighter, it tries to slip the knot quite a bit, also about 5 kg. (rather, it just drags on until the end), the gap is an average of 8.35 kg.

A brief IMHO: the fishing line looks much more cheerful against the background of Cormoran Corastrong PE 8-Braid, it's not about greater strength (it's understandable, it is declared much larger), but that the spread of load that the fishing line can withstand does not depend so much on the type of knot .

Actual tensile strength in % of the declared (13 kg.), For each of the tested nodes:

1. "Knotless" installation - 70%

2. Palomar knot - 64%
3. "Deaf" loop - 54%
4. Reinforced clinch knot (6 turns with a melted free end of the fishing line) - 70%
5. Knot "Clinch" double (6 turns) - 64%

Threat I’ll leave a piece of Cormoran Corastrong PE 8-Braid, I’ll measure it in the dead of winter, I have a suspicion that I was in a hurry for the first time ... I loaded this fishing line, at a load close to maximum, much more slowly ... perhaps the results will change a little ...

ZZY Thank you for providing the sample.

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
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Type of announcement: TADAAAM!!!

Moreover, "Proshka" 0.10 in two versions: "by weight" (large reel) and a real "American" on a reel. It will be a glorious battle

ZY For the provided samples, thanks to Andrey aka Rey and Stepanych.

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
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As they say in the city clinic: "Next!" "Unitika" Eging Super PE 0.6 - 150 meters on the coil. They don't sell such a "cord" in a city now, and the price is not the most humane, but at one time it was widely known in narrow circles, and even I, a person far from advanced trends, heard about "Unitika" ... Besides this is the first relatively thin fishing line that fell into my hands ...

Why don't you write something to sell)) : The best, according to leading anglers in Russia, and one of the thinnest braids on the market. The perfect tight weave combined with amazing softness and smoothness make this line the best for casting light lures. Compared to standard lines, the lure flies about 20% further with it, which makes this braided line indispensable for ultralight fishing.

Diameter: 0.128 mm.
Unwind: 150 m.
Breaking load: 4 kg.
Breaking load: 8 lb
Here I will allow you to insert my remark * ... I don’t know who Lenin is here, but it turns out that 8 lb, this is 3.6 kg ... Since my measurements are in kg., It says 4 on the pack, so I will count.

Color: multicolor (beautiful))

Price: ~ 2300 rubles.

To the touch, the "cord" is actually soft (although it is difficult to imagine a rigid line of this diameter), slippery (although "weaving" is felt) and completely round in cross section. I never completed the microscope for the child, the attempt to take a photo failed (the poor quality of the plastic lens is to blame, nevertheless, the experiments continue), but judging by what I saw, the weaving is very dense, and the diameter is quite uniform ...

I described the test methodology above, I also demonstrated the video, so immediately to the results:

1. "Knotless" installation: 3.55 (!) kg.

2. Palomar knot: - slips (two attempts)

2.1. Knot Palomar with double loop - 3.00 kg.

3. "Deaf" loop: 1.75 kg.
(with cauterized free end). About 0.7 kg. - the knot begins to slip, after which it rests on the resulting "bump" and holds an average of up to 2.6 kg.

I didn’t burn it with a lighter, I practically don’t try to slip the knot, but the average gap is only 1.95 kg. (?) What is the reason for such a failure, I don’t understand ...

Brief IMHO: What a great result on the "knotless" installation, just as disastrous on the "Clinch" and especially on the "double Clinch" ... There is an opinion that this fishing line is quite tender, sensitive to injuries and not very wear-resistant ... as far as it is true - I don’t presume to judge, but if this is so, perhaps this is the reason for such a result on “complex” nodes that have many kinks ... I don’t pretend to be the truth.))

Actual tensile strength in% of the declared (4 kg.), For each of the tested knots (*in brackets are the values ​​​​based on the calculation of 8 lb = 3.6 kg.):

1. "Knotless" installation - 89 (98)% (!!)
2. Palomar knot - slips

2.1. Knot Palomar with double loop - 75 (83)%
3. "Deaf" loop - 44 (49)%
4. "Reinforced clinch" knot (6 turns with a melted free end of the fishing line) - 65 (72)%
5. Knot "Clinch" double (6 turns) - 49 (54)%

ZZY Thanks to Andrey aka, for the provided sample.

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
There is an opinion that this fishing line is quite tender, sensitive to injuries.
So it is, if you snort on firewood, it breaks at the site of injury too easily
  • Nik(Uncle Kolya) and UPS like it

I don't like fish... I'll catch it and drown it!



  • City: Barnaul
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American power!

I really wanted to compare the two "Proshki" that fell into my hands ... but this "rope" did not give me rest ... Cajun Line Cajun Braid by CAJUN GUARD... 300 YD(275 m.) on a reel, 0.279 mm. And 30lb or 13.6 kg. (!) declared breaking load! I understand that the fishing line is rare in our area ... but I could not refuse to check it first ...)

Also pink :)

Unfortunately, this fishing line cannot be bought from us, but with a strong desire, it can be ordered from the bourgeoisie, if I didn’t make a mistake, its price is about $ 31 ... I didn’t find any special laudatory odes from the manufacturer ... for some reason, the main emphasis is on on her chic color (well, of course) and on the fact that she does not fade, does not fade, in general, she looks great until old age ....

To the touch, the fishing line is quite stiff with excellent "memory", round, weaving is felt clearly, on the cast I think it will be quite noisy ... Very powerful))) it just looks convincing ...

Now the reason why the test is delayed a little... Knotless, rack, turn, two, three... 4 kg, 5.. 6.. .. .. 12... 13... 14 (!).. .15 (?)... 16... (!!!) - 16,3 ! BAM!!! Gap!

The self-made fastener made of a paper clip lost its former shape... Involuntarily, I remembered Andrey's doubts - "..will the rack stand?.."))) I survived... but the fastener will have to be redone... 16.3 (!) Guys.. .with the declared 13.6! I love America!)))

So the results are:

1. "Knotless" installation: - 15.2 (!) Kg. Repeat yesterday's record of 16.3 kg. failed (minimum value of 5 attempts - 14.2), nevertheless, the average result is impressive.

2. Palomar knot: - 14.2 (!) kg. Again more than stated! (how is it written on the American currency?)

3. "Deaf" loop: slips, with a cauterized free end, holds 12.6 kg.

4. Reinforced clinch knot (6 turns): 14.05 kg. (I didn’t burn anything with a lighter and it keeps perfectly)

5. Knot "Clinch" double (6 turns): 10.9 kg . (extremely unstable result, spread over 5 measurements 2.4 (!) kg.)

Brief IMHO: Super result on "knotless" editing, Palomar and Clinch ... Failure (well, as a failure, more than good result against the background of past test subjects) in a double Clinch, in my opinion, due to the complexity of the knot, too many turns and bends, the knot is tightened during the testing process (it was not possible to tighten it by hand until the end), apparently in the process of slipping "burns". In general, such a complex knot is not needed for this "rope".)

Actual tensile strength in % of the declared (13.6 kg.), For each of the tested knots :

1. "Knotless" installation - 112% (!)
2. Palomar knot - 104%
3. "Deaf" loop - 93%
4. Reinforced clinch knot - 103%
5. Knot "Clinch" double (6 turns) - 80%

ZZY Thanks to Andrey aka Rey, for the provided sample.

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
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As it turned out, I won’t be able to compare the two “Proshki” (((It’s all about my carelessness, it turns out that the one that is “weighted” is 0.10 mm., And the one that is on the coil is 10 lb ((such garbage ...

But, let's not despair, and the first to go on the rack: PowerPro , 0.10 mm. from a large reel (1370 m.), the declared breaking load is 5 kg., the price is 5 rubles / meter.

She got me like this:

Well, you didn’t think that Stepanych would rewind 130 meters for me, did you? rude

This time I will not rewrite the description from the Internet, because not so long ago "Proshka" was already on the test, there is no point in duplicating it.

From myself: the "cord" is quite rigid (compared to Cormoran or Unitika), round, rather slippery (although "weaving" is felt).

Unfortunately, the test of this fishing line is postponed indefinitely ... The fact is that I wound the entire piece onto the axis, deciding that I would gradually unwind by cutting off 20 and knit a new knot ... The first was "knotless": first attempt: 3.75 kg. - a break near the fastener, the second attempt: 4.15 and the line breaks near the axis on which it is wound, while it crashes into the winding so that it cannot be pulled out from there ... i.e. I couldn't even find the end... I'll have to stupidly cut it off with a knife... Such things. What is the reason for the break not along the clasp - it’s not clear, this is the first time ... Just in case, I will no longer reel the entire fishing line at once, but cut it in pieces, as I did before ...

I will not delete the post, as soon as such a fishing line appears, I will continue ...

Threat Thanks to Stepanych for the provided sample.

ZZY Come on!)))

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
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Next test subject: BULLIT BRAID 0.16mm. from Allvega - 135 meters on the coil.

Manufacturer: Allvega
Diameter(mm): 0.16
Unwind(m): 135
Breaking load(kg): 10.2
Color: dark green

Price: 620 rubles. (without discount) - very budget.

"Bream" from "Fishprofi")): The BULLIT BRAID braided line was created using the latest advances in science and technology. Thanks to this, the manufacturer was able to achieve excellent performance. And to achieve the best ratio "price-quality" today.

Main characteristics:

High breaking load, 2.5-3 times higher than monofilament of the same diameter.
- Data on breaking load and diameter are correct.
- Low stretch, high sensitivity.
- The smooth surface reduces friction, windage and increases casting distance and line life.
- High wear resistance. Uniform wear, no "terry" effect
- Does not absorb water, comfortable use at sub-zero temperatures is possible.
- Minimal stretch, no memory, excellent knot strength.
- Excellent combination of price and quality.

In the photo, the fishing line is next to the leader-string from the "Leader" UL (if I'm not mistaken, 0.2 mm. - correct?)

The “cord” is very soft to the touch, the weaving is clearly defined (not the quietest I think) and not very dense, there is practically no “memory”, the cross section is round, in general it is very similar to an ordinary sewing thread)), the diameter is only a little in my opinion underestimated (if "by eye"). I liked it, if it doesn’t upset me in the test, I’ll probably consider it as an option for purchase.

Well, the results:

1. Knotless installation: - 6.70 kg.

2. Palomar knot: - 5.3 kg.

3. "Deaf" loop: 4.6 kg. but it slips mercilessly ... it is fixed due to a rather long (~ 4 cm) free end.

4. Reinforced clinch knot (6 turns): - 4.80 kg. (I didn’t burn anything, the attempt to “slide” was one of 4, and that ended quickly enough)

5. Knot "Clinch" double (6 turns): - 5.45 kg.

Brief IMHO: Such a mediocre result, besides being soft (but this is what I personally like), this instance cannot boast of anything ... the result is close to, but a third cheaper ...

Actual tensile strength in % of the declared (10.2 kg.), For each of the tested nodes:

1. "Knotless" installation - 66%
2. Palomar knot - 52%
3. "Deaf" loop - 45%
4. Reinforced clinch knot (6 turns) - 47%
5. Knot "Clinch" double (6 turns) - 53%

Threat Thanks to the store "" and Vladimir Stepanovich personally for the provided sample.

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
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Well ... after a short technical break, let's continue... Meet: Fire Line Exceed 0.12mm from Berkley - 110 meters per spool.

Manufacturer: Berkeley
Diameter: 0.12mm.
Unwind: 110 m.
Breaking load: 6.8 kg.
Color: green (or yellow ... even with my color perception ...)

Price: 640 rubles. (without discount) - very budget.

The braided cords of the new series FireLine Tournament Exceed PE and Fireline Tournament Exceed Crystal are made from advanced Micro Dyneema fibers based on high modulus polyethylene (PE), which has significantly increased their strength and durability. The quality of the color coating has also been significantly improved, making the lines retain their color longer when fishing. This modern braided line for spinning and feeder meets all cutting-edge standards, and meets all the requirements that are put forward by sports fishermen. The diameter of the braided line has been reduced, which improves casting distance and provides even greater sensitivity when guiding fishing tackle, whether it be a wobbler, a spinner or an oscillating lure. Spinners using jig gear will appreciate the FireLine Tournament Exceed braided line, which fully conveys all the unevenness of the bottom surface and the slightest bite.


In the photo, the fishing line is next to the leader-string from the "Leader" UL (if I'm not mistaken, 0.2 mm. - correct?)

To the touch, the "cord" is very hard, with excellent "memory", smooth, slippery, but I will not call it round exactly, the weaving is not expressed, it should not make noise on the cast. I do not like hard "threads", this is personal, therefore I will refrain from subjective assessments, especially since everything is just beginning ...

Here's what I got:

1. "Knotless" installation: - 5.5 kg.
2. Palomar knot: - 4.2 kg.
3. "Deaf" loop: 2.55 kg.
4. Reinforced clinch knot (6 turns): - 3.25 kg. (I didn’t burn anything, the attempt to “slide” was one of 4, and that ended quickly enough)
5. Knot "Clinch" double (6 turns): - 2.45 kg. (moreover, it starts to slip about 2x, somewhere around 5-10 mm. Then, under a slightly increasing load, it breaks ...)

Brief IMHO: Such a mediocre result, not very bad on the “knotless”, quite tolerable on the “Palamar” and frankly a disastrous result on the “double Clinch”. Taking into account the fact that I do not like hard "wattle" - I will not buy myself for sure ...)

Actual tensile strength in % of the declared (6.8 kg.), For each of the tested nodes:

1. "Knotless" installation - 81%
2. Palomar knot - 62%
3. "Deaf" loop - 38%
4. Reinforced clinch knot (6 turns) - 48%
5. Knot "Clinch" double (6 turns) - 36%

Threat Thanks to the store "" and Vladimir Stepanovich personally for the provided sample.

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
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In pursuit, two wishes-suggestions. If someone has a new "wattle fence" (not yet put on, or the rest did not fit on the coil), it's not a pity for 2-3 meters for "experiments" and it's curious to know what I can do with it)) - write in a personal. And secondly, if you want to check some particular fishing line and it will be interesting not to one, but, say, five to ten members of the forum - write, we will try to find one ... Well, in general, comments, suggestions, wishes - write.

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
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"... If, other things being equal, you forget about the numbers indicated on the package, take the same sample and conduct a "bottle" test and the correct one, according to the test results you will receive different data. Probably this paragraph is the essence of all of the above. .."

I don’t even try to argue with this, because I absolutely agree, I’ll repeat it again (probably it’s worth making some kind of preface so that the readers of the branch don’t have a desire to explain to me every time that my results are not quite correct))):

1. I know that the test that I am running has a lot of shortcomings and its results do not correspond to laboratory tests, which is why I do not pretend to be the truth. Nevertheless, when conducting tests, I try to follow a number of rules that, in my opinion, allow (as far as possible at home) to get the most accurate and stable results possible, namely: I try to knit knots in the same way (I don’t try to do this when fishing)) , I try to increase the load on the fishing line evenly, simultaneously controlling the speed of rotation of the handle and increasing the values ​​​​on the steelyard (here is the weakest point, because it is extremely difficult to do this), every time I take a piece of "wattle" every time, of course, twisting of the fishing line is excluded (unlike " bottled "test, smashed to smithereens in this article)).

2. The main task that I set for myself was to determine how much the breaking load data declared by the manufacturer differ in% from the results obtained by me for different lines and knots. Since the test conditions for all the lines are the same, I tend to think that the ratio will remain the same, even when tested under laboratory conditions, just the threshold value will shift closer to the manufacturer's declared value.

3. At a certain stage, a table will be compiled in which the received data will be entered: The brand / model of the fishing line and the breaking load declared by the manufacturer and the value obtained for each of the tested nodes. The results obtained will allow us to draw several conclusions: which line should not be bought at all)), and which of the knots is better to use on a particular line (and which one should not be used at all ... I noticed, for example, that a significant number of novice fishermen are very fond of " a blind "loop ... it's easy to knit, I used it myself, who has been fishing for a long time - they practically don't use it at all, but that's why - it can be seen from the tests, almost always the saddest result on it).

Something like this))

I will sell a garage on the BMK pier, with questions in a personal, phone in profile.



  • City: Barnaul
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I am already familiar with Bobbing products. (I have several braids of different diameters) And I even did a review on Therefore, when I saw a discount on this braid at a sale, 300 meters long for a little over 9 dollars, I bought it without hesitation.
It was still summer. The wicker parcel came pretty quickly, but it just hung in my fishing box idle.
But with the advent of winter, I found a use for it. And I liked this application. But first things first.
The braid came in a rather shabby box. Don't know. Either the store has already sent this one, or it has suffered on the way:

Braided spool inside:

More precisely, three coils connected together, with a wound braid of 100 meters each:

A feature of this braid is its color. Changing every meter. As a result, at 300 meters we have a beautiful rainbow:

This coloring is made for a reason. It is needed to control the length of the braid. Convenient for trolling fishing and casting spinning.
The weave itself is quite thin. I have nothing to measure its thickness, so I can’t say for sure whether there is 0.12mm or not:

I liked the quality. The braid is not shaggy, visually it has the same thickness along the entire length.
Really very tear resistant. I couldn't tear it apart with just my hands. She begins to cut her fingers, but does not want to tear. This gives hope that there will be no problems with not very large specimens of perch and pike (which prevail in our area). They won't gnaw or bite.
This time I decided to use the braid in the vents. Many fishermen are very fond of the first winter ice. And I am no exception. At this time, you can catch quite a lot of pike, which is still actively feeding.
Therefore, for testing, I bought two offline girders:

And he equipped them with a monitored wickerwork:

Since the braid is very strong, you have to cut it with this tool:

I did not wind all 300 meters. Limited to only 1 coil out of three. This is approximately 50 meters for each vent:

Although in fact I did not wind exactly, and most likely it turned out to be about 30 and 70 meters on two coils.

I went fishing last weekend. And as you know, most often fishermen bite either yesterday or tomorrow. But today it does not bite. So my trip was also not very successful for the catch. I caught a few eyelets on the balancer:

And a very small pike, about 600 grams, which pecked precisely at the zherlitsa with monofilament:

(at the same time, I had 8 zherlits installed) But in defense of my fishing sentiment is the fact that it was a single pike among a dozen fishermen who were fishing nearby.
Based on one fishing trip, I can already draw one conclusion in favor of braided line: it is much better seen on white ice, unlike fishing line. This simplifies its search and the process of winding. Definitely now I will put braid on the vents. Luckily I have it in stock.
But the remaining 200 meters of this particular braid will probably be used not on the vent, but on the recently arrived new PisciFun Torrent multiplier reel.
That's all. I finish the review. There won't be any conclusions. The braid is good, the price is comparable to offline offers, but at least I have already come across the Bobbing company, and it suits me. I probably won't recommend. Not because it's bad, but because there are a lot of fishermen here (judging by the comments to previous reviews) and everyone has their own preferences. I just talked about mine. Therefore, not a tail for everyone. And good catches.

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For lovers fishing(not only feeder lines), I think that data on the real breaking load of lead lines of various diameters may be of undoubted interest.

Of course, the tests I conducted are imperfect and cannot claim to be 100% accurate (for this, measurements must be taken in laboratory conditions with the appropriate equipment).

But for amateur fishing, the data I received, I think, more or less realistically reflect the breaking load of the line lines, which will allow the angler to navigate when choosing the diameter of the line line for catching a particular weight of fish.

For the convenience of perceiving information, I divided the tested fishing lines into two groups of diameters:

  • 1 group-fishing line with a diameter of 0.11 mm to 0.141 mm.
  • 2 group-fishing line with a diameter of 0.16 mm to 0.18 mm.

A fishing line with a diameter thicker than 0.18 mm, I think, is not advisable due to the fact that even in amateur fishing it is rarely used, and it has sufficient strength to catch large fish, and it’s not sports to put thick fishing lines, fish also need to be given a chance to survive .

The tests were carried out using a two-liter polyethylene bottle, into which water was poured (the weight of the water was controlled using electronic scales). A thick fishing line with a large hook at the other end of the fishing line was tied to the neck of the bottle.

A pencil was inserted into the second loop so that a water bottle could be lifted.

If the leash did not break with a certain weight, water was added to the bottle in the amount of 100 grams (i.e., the test step was 100 g). the last weight that the fishing line withstood).

If the line was torn with an increase in weight by 100 grams, I returned to the previous weight (poured 100 grams of water), and three times checked the line at the limit of its breaking load.

Sometimes the fishing line was torn at this indicator. If it withstood two of the three measurements, I left this indicator as the ultimate breaking load.
If the line broke two times out of three measurements (there were such cases, but rarely), I lowered the weight of the water by another 100 grams, and again tested the line three times.

The process is time-consuming, but this technique allows you to achieve a more accurate result and eliminates the possibility of error when testing lead lines.

The percentage of breaking load given in the last column of the table is the ratio maximum weight, which the fishing line withstood, to the breaking load indicated on the fishing line by the manufacturer, multiplied by 100.

This indicator allows you to set how much the manufacturer overestimates the breaking load indicated on the fishing line.

The actual diameters of the lines were not measured, because I do not see the point in these measurements. In many cases, manufacturers underestimate the diameter of the line (the actual diameter is higher than indicated on the label of the line).

When measuring the diameter of the fishing line with a micrometer and detecting an excess of the actual diameter over that indicated on the label of the fishing line, we can only complain about the dishonesty of the manufacturer. For too meticulous buyers, you can be advised to take a micrometer with you when buying fishing line or visually compare several lines from different manufacturers with the same diameter.

When choosing a leader line, you should first of all focus on the “freshness” of the line. And again, we can't know how long it's been on the shelf in the store.

The first indicator for me is her brilliance. If it is dull, it is better not to take it. When buying a fishing line, I always check it for a break: I wind the line around my fingers from half a meter and pull it sharply (not a single seller has objected to me when using this method). If it breaks very easily, you can not take it. It's purely subjective, but it works.

Probably, it is necessary to reduce the breaking load obtained as a result of tests by ten percent, taking into account the negative impact of the fishing line being in the water.

Below is a photo with a diameter of lines from 0.11 to 0.141 mm.

Breaking load of leash lines with a diameter of 0.11-0.14 mm.

Line name

Diameter, mm

Trabucco Super Elite T1

50 m. Japan




50 m





50 m Japan





100 m Japan




Trabucco Evolution

100 m Japan




50 m Japan



Tubertini Ethnic Feeder Match 50 m




Dragon HM 80 Competition

50 m Japan




Low line breaking load Trabucco Evolution and especially, SMART SLR due to the fact that I bought these lines for a long time (3-4 years ago).

In my opinion, when catching fish weighing up to 1 kg, it is quite possible to use lines with a diameter of 0.1-0.12 mm. (I fished bream 1.2-1.6 kg on a SMART SLR line without using a feedergum).

Fishing lines with a diameter of 0.1 mm are quite suitable for catching roach.

You can use feedergam with fishing lines with a diameter of 0.1-0.12 mm.

Below are fishing lines with a diameter of 0.16-0.18 mm.

Breaking load of leash lines with a diameter of 0.16-0.18 mm.

Line name

Diameter, mm

Maximum load that the fishing line can withstand, kg

The ratio of the breaking load according to the test results to the specified breaking load in %

Cenex Browning

50 m




50 m Japan




Broad Owner

100 m Japan



Tubertini Ethnic Feeder Match 50 m




Sunline Siglion Ice 50 m Japan




100 m Japan




Cenex Browning

50 m



Based on the results of testing fishing line with a diameter of 0.16-0.18 mm (maximum breaking load is in the range of 1.8-2.1 kg), we can conclude that when using leads with such diameters, you can catch almost any white fish of large weights.

One more conclusion can be drawn from the results of testing the leash lines: the declared breaking loads specified by the manufacturer are in almost all cases lower than the real ones by 40-50%.

So analyze, think, the choice is up to each angler.

Good luck everyone.

Vladimir Butenko. Kyiv.

Read helpful articles:

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A few words in defense of the monofilament - any feederist will say that for the feeder the cord should be the basis. But is it always like this? Details about the difficult choice in this article.

Choosing your main line, leader line and hooks - tips for choosing from an experienced angler

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In addition to standard fishing rods, manufacturers offer fishermen a huge selection of tackle for every type of fishing. It also includes a variety of fishing line options - for summer or winter fishing, as well as common fishing lines-cords.

Where to buy braided fishing line

This type of fishing thread can be purchased from the X-FISHING online store. We offer a wide range of this type of high quality tackle, which will become an essential accessory for successful fishing.


This type of fishing line is thin braided cords, the main parameters of which are:

  1. High breaking load compared to a standard fishing line of the same diameter - ensures the strength and reliability of the product;
  2. Lack of stretch;
  3. The diameter, or rather the thickness of the cord, since it is not perfectly round;
  4. Weaving method. The nuance here will be the number of threads and their thickness - usually there are from 3 to 8 pieces in a skein.

The advantage of such a fishing thread is its resistance to stretching, which is important for sharp and strong hooking.

It can also be used for ice fishing, as the braid combines the characteristics of thinness and maximum strength. It will be useful when hunting for cautious and big fish. But there is a significant minus - in severe frosts, the possibility of frosting of the thread appears.

Choice of braided line

The selection of this gear is better to start with a discussion of the conditions of fishing, since for long casts, in their absence, for light or heavy baits or overgrown ponds, there are types of braided cords.

For example, this version of the line is perfect for jigging due to zero stretch.

It is worth paying attention to the number of threads in the winding - the more there are and the thinner they are, the more difficult it is to weave them, and, accordingly, the price will be higher. But the quality of such cords is not always highest level, so sometimes 5-6 threads in a quality harness are enough. It should be dense and strong, which will increase the strength of the line and the range of its casting. Paying attention to the color of the fishing line, it is worth remembering that its durability and brightness reduce the retention of strength at break. A special impregnation of the cord slightly adds diameter, but makes it more dense and close to a round shape. True, such coatings are not always durable.


Market fishing tackle There are many brands that offer similar products. Here are some of them:

  • Zenag;
  • Berkeley;
  • Gozen;
  • Kureha;
  • power eye;
  • Spider;
  • Black Hole;
  • jigmaster;
  • Daiwa;
  • PowerPro;
  • Sufix;
  • Stinger;
  • Toray;
  • stren;
  • Pontoon 21;
  • Shimano.

By choosing the right fishing line, you can get not only a successful catch, but also high quality tackle for a long time.