Women's boxing after how long the result appears. About boxing


Boxing is a contact and traumatic sport. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the time when it is too early to do it, and when it is too late. WITHhow many years have you been boxing professional boxers to achieve high results? There is no single approach. For example, the world champion heavyweight Rocky Marciano started boxing at the age of 24. Another legendary heavyweight, James Smith, did his first workout at only 25 years old.

The career of Sergio Martinez began at the age of 21, Tony Thompson - in general at 27. But this is not the limit. Martin Rogan until the age of 29 worked as an ordinary taxi driver. Although he did not achieve great success. Of the Russians, the example of Nikolai Valuev, who came to boxing at the age of 20, is memorable.

If you do not have a goal to achieve high results, then boxing can be safely practiced even after 30 years, if you, of course, have enough energy. Sparring is not a mandatory part of the program. You can work on the "pear", OFP and "shadow boxing" without risking injury.

This is where the kids start. The optimal age to start boxing is 11-14 years old. But in some sections they take from the age of 8.


If age doesn't bother you, move on. Where is boxing practiced?? Of course, in the boxing gym, ring and special combat sections. Gaining popularity lately mixed martial arts, there are more and more fight clubs, Where can you do boxing? These sections can only teach you the basics of boxing, so if you don't like grappling, wrestling, choking and mat fighting, it's better to choose specialized boxing classes. Moreover, instead of a real ring, cages are used in such sections.

If you do not set goals for yourself to perform at a professional level, and you need boxing for the soul, you can do without sections. There are usually enough punching bags everywhere, and shadow boxing can even be done at home or in the yard. But, on the other hand, in a specialized hall you will be given elements of technique, point out mistakes, work out strikes, leg movements and explain how to avoid injuries.

Boxing - good way to lose weight. Do not be afraid that ordinary and pumped-up athletes will laugh at you at the first training session or, worse, will make you a “patty” in the very first sparring. Not at all. Even when sparring in training, the pros hit in a smoky mode to prepare for the competition without injury. Usually partners who are suitable for weight class, not so much, so the boxers take care of each other.


If you still have a goal to become a pro, you need to think about how much to box you can according to your time. The main problem of a beginner is not that he is weak and untrained, but how ready he is not to feel sorry for himself and overcome his laziness. By nature, every person is lazy, and the most difficult discipline is self-discipline. Ideally, you should attend classes every day.

Moreover, the exercises should not be repeated from day to day. Especially when it comes to sparring. In the first training sessions, only technique is worked out, and it is precisely this that is the basic element, since any blow is only good if the whole body has worked correctly, from toes to toes. rough physical strength secondary.

The technique can be practiced at any time. Better under the supervision of a specialist who will point out your shortcomings. Then comes physics. This is, first of all, endurance, running, jumping, and only then work with weights on the hands and sparring.



An important question is Is it possible to box with poor eyesight? Answer: depending on how bad your eyesight is. If you can see well at close range, and you do not need contact lenses, the hall is open for you and there are no restrictions.

If you need lenses, you can forget about sparring. Such a person will not receive any admission to competitive practice. Someone prefers to do laser correction. But this solution also has a minus: the corneal layer decreases, and upon impact, the eyeball can burst.

Well, boxing is also the art of avoiding blows correctly, so ideally you should not miss blows in general and to the head in particular. There were cases when healthy athletes lost their sight. For example, Orzubek Nazarov In a victorious duel for himself, he received an eye injury. He had a successful operation. But in one of the following fights, he received a poke with his thumb. The retina ruptured in three places, and Nazarov went blind in one eye. After a series of operations, vision was restored by less than 50%.

A more terrible incident happened to an American Gerald McClellan. After the fight with Nigel Benn he fell into a coma. The doctors saved his life, but the health problems were irreversible. The boxer was completely blind, almost completely deaf, and until the end of his life he was chained to a wheelchair.

Therefore, it is necessary to understand that boxing matches are always a risk of serious injuries and health problems. Do you need it? Another thing is training when you can box in a helmet, shell and bandage. Here the risk is minimized.

Well, in general, if you have health problems, it is better not to engage in contact sports without the permission of a doctor. Boxing is also not recommended for children with poor eyesight. There will always be calmer disciplines for them.

In general, we will immediately tell you the full truth. We are not one of those who will cheat and just try to make money on everyone. We will tell you very honestly. Yes, it is certainly possible to train a knockout punch in 1 month. But for this it is necessary that you be gifted by nature in a certain way.

For comparison, let's do this: look at the many professionals and amateurs. Real knockouts from them - UNIT.

However. Let's put it this way: if you have a natural sharpness and the ability to clench your fist very (extremely) quickly, then you may well learn a knockout blow. You can probably learn the knockout punch without a coach or instructor, but of course it is better for an experienced Human to help you hone the movement, which will then become the result of your training work- You will get a knockout punch in an arsenal in a month.

What to do to beat a knockout punch in a month?

Firstly, you need to decide - WHY DO YOU need a knockout blow in a month. Suppose you are a young Human or live in a disadvantaged area. You need to have a knockout punch in the first place in order to sharply knock down opponents and ill-wishers, as well as deprive them of consciousness. Yes, yes, after all - a knockout is exactly the blow when a person loses consciousness or cannot stand up on his own. If you learn how to punch a knockout blow in a month, then you will be able to turn off your enemies, however, do not forget that this is a criminal offense - causing grievous bodily harm and is punishable by law in accordance with the Criminal Code of almost any state - and It is not always possible to prove that this is self-defense.

The task of "delivering a knockout punch in a month" can be rephrased more clearly - to deliver a strong dense punch in a month. It will be both more humane and more truthful. Since there are people who are genetically incapable of sudden movements, there are people who are shackled by the fear of hitting back an opponent on the street or in a difficult situation. And to have tight swipe ANY PERSON can, without exception. A month of hard training is enough for this.

However, do not forget that you must be in good physical form prior to the start of training, and are also required to maintain it after the "Knockout blow in a month" course is completed. This is necessary so that the coach does not waste time on your physical training, but deals strictly with the blow.

So. To deliver a knockout blow in a month, you must have plastic muscles. It is necessary to be able to relax the muscles, as well as sharply strain the fist (or foot) and muscles during the application of a sharp whipping blow. All this in total allows you to learn how to deliver a knockout blow in a month.

Where to train a knockout punch in a month?

You can train a knockout blow for a month on your own in a boxing gym, however, we recommend that you contact specialists who will monitor the implementation and also control possible mistakes that will occur during training.

Hello, friends. Do you know how to learn to box? How to build homework and how effective are they? How to deal with a lefty? And how to deal with a girl?

General principles

How to learn? The first step in analyzing this issue is to find out the motivation of a person. Why does he need boxing? If he wants to become a good boxer, then let him enroll in the section and practice. It's all obvious. However, there are those who wish to learn how to box at home. They are looking for some courses, reading manuals. And especially for them are stated general principles boxing training.

  1. Muscle development. Push-ups, intense squats, rocking the press, jumping rope.
  2. The study of technology. We need useful literature, video classes. It does not hurt to arrange a small place to practice. There must be a mirror. Hang a pear.
  3. Useful exercises. For example, "shadow boxing", training with paws, pears, bags, dumbbells.

This is how you can learn to box at home, but only home exercises should serve as additions to the main training, in the gym with specialists.

Working with a pear

How to learn to box on your own? Without the basic foundations and setting up the technique - nothing. It is better to start learning the basics of boxing with a trainer. And independent studies are needed as additions to the main ones. If you comprehended them and hung a pear at home, then you can develop attacking techniques at home.

And its development is impossible without swift and smooth blows. They help in solving the question - how to learn how to work with a pear?

We need swift blows to the pear, not pushes to it. It is very difficult to deliver such blows, but you also have plenty of classes. It is important to learn how to implement powerful attacks without a solid expenditure of energy.

Smooth strikes mean a series of attacks. In it, each beat should complement each other. And their quality is extremely important, not quantity. It is necessary to move around the pear. At the same time, your state is relaxed. Execute combinations continuously. Blows should come naturally. Repeat the movements with some pauses for slips.

How to learn to box well with this projectile? Definitely need quality footwork.

The position of the legs is on the surface. The stand is solid. Do not lean on the projectile, do not clinch with it. Always keep your balance. Steps around the bag are firm and balanced. No crossing legs. You don't need to do difficult exercises.

Often, a pneumatic pear is used for classes. How to learn how to work with a pneumatic bag is reflected below:

When implementing the blow, the non-attacking hand must be under the base of the projectile.

If you are left handed

How to learn to box left-handed? It is important to remember the main criteria:

Boxing with a lefty

How to learn to box with a left-hander if you are right-handed? There are two key criteria here:

  1. Your front foot goes behind your opponent's right foot.
  2. For counter-assault use LR.

Position control is extremely important. It is necessary to be aware of how to move around such an opponent. On the contrary, it requires control over the position of the legs. Usually it is neutral. Attacks and movements follow from it. Jabs and crosses come from you. Don't forget about slopes.

If you manage to step to the side behind his front leg, exclude a similar action from him. He will not reach you, he will have to retreat, you will seize the initiative.

His LR assault can be dodged, but it's better to make an instant counterattack.
His jab can be a feint followed by a cross. Consider this.

Your the best weapon in such a battle - an assault with PR. We need combinations: straight - cross. Targets: head and body. The opponent's PR must be occupied. This is a good lineup for you. Thus, his counterattacks are excluded.

Use the jab to complete the combination. So it is more convenient to return to the starting position and prevent a counterstorm.

Other important aspects:

  1. Do not stand in front of such an opponent.
  2. Use the maximum number of corners when tatting.
  3. Use different angles for defense.
  4. Learn to act like him.
  5. Don't get caught by his LR counterattacks.

Regarding the left-handed stance. His right leg(PN) is put forward, the left leg (LN) is behind. And it makes sense to him. So the strongest hand is also positioned behind. She gets good space and the best distance to execute a formidable blow. The front hand is used for jabs. This is the preparation for the devastating attacks.

How to learn to box in a left-handed stance if you are right-handed? In this stance, the strongest hand is in front. The function of producing jabs, that is, preparatory actions, will fall on it. This is a waste of energy. Therefore, being right-handed, work in your stance.

In addition, the “non-native” stance will significantly complicate your defensive actions.

The left-hander is most vulnerable on the right side. Right-handed - from the left. And if everyone acts in their own comfortable stance, they both open up to the strongest hands of the opponent.

If you take a left-handed stance, you will not be under the dominant hand of the opponent, but it will be uncomfortable for you to work. One way or another, impose medium and short distances, bring the opponent to the ropes. Hold down his movements with repeated boardings. Do it decisively and unexpectedly.

Other nuances

How to learn to box yourself? How long does it take to learn to box? These questions come up quite often. The beginning of the boxer's journey takes place only in the gym, only with a coach. At home - only extra classes. With intensive and competent training, after 3-4 months, the coach can let the beginner into sparring with simple opponents. And this is just the next phase of learning. And if we talk about basic technique, then fighters can master it in 4-6 months.

Another question that often comes up is how to learn to box like Tyson? You need a huge endurance, physical strength, strict adherence to the regime. You have to be that tall. Indeed, in many ways, Tyson's technique is adapted for him, taking into account his physics and potential.


How to learn to box a girl? Training is the same as for men. The same projectiles are used. Unless they can be of smaller mass and parameters. There are also sparring sessions. Only in them, fewer attacks follow the body. And the breasts of the girls are protected by special equipment.

How to learn to box a girl at home? Create a place for training, hang a projectile, get an arsenal: dumbbells, a jump rope, etc.


You can learn boxing yourself, but it will be an inferior training. The necessary program is worked out only with the coach.

It has long been believed that a real man must be able to stand up for himself, this rule is very relevant today. If you do not live in the most prosperous area or often leave home at night, the risk of running into trouble is very high, however, you cannot feel completely safe in daylight. frenzied football fans, street hooligans, visitors who have lost their jobs and embarked on a slippery slope ... You never know in advance where the blow will come from, and therefore it is better to prepare in advance for possible problems and meet them with dignity. In addition, practicing one or another martial arts has other advantages. This and beautiful figure, and good health, and a sense of confidence - in a word, all the virtues that any self-respecting man should have.

When the question arises of what exactly to do, the most different variants. Karate, wushu, kickboxing, judo, exotic Brazilian capoeira! By by and large, all these are worthy styles, and it cannot be said that one martial art is fundamentally better than another. And yet, many prefer not to take risks and opt for time-tested schools, for example, boxing. Boxing is great for just about everyone. It does not matter if you led a sedentary lifestyle and liked to break the regime - this sport, with due diligence, will quickly get you in shape and teach you to stand up for yourself. Of course, at first it will not be easy - with overweight and you can’t really circle the ring with shortness of breath, and monotonous blows to the pear, especially against the background of fatigue, can seem like sheer torture. However, if you seriously decide to take up boxing, you will have to learn to endure and overcome yourself. This sport is not as easy as it seems. Yes, strikes, simple combinations, stances can be mastered pretty quickly, but it's not limited to that. Boxing is a whole philosophy, it is not for nothing that it is so popular all over the world. You have to learn strategy and tactics, understand when it is better to dodge, and when to attack, cunning, deceiving your opponent, imposing a style that suits you.

Many are interested in how much you need to do boxing to achieve results? Alas, there is no single answer to this question - it all depends on you and the surrounding circumstances. How often do you train and how hard, do you strictly follow the regime or occasionally, spend individual sessions boxing or are engaged in a group, finally, who is your mentor and how high is his level. But earlier than in a year, it is hardly worth hoping for significant progress, and even then, if you do not lose motivation and train with full dedication.

Boxing classes in Moscow are held in almost every district, but it’s better not to choose the section that has brought up a dozen world champions, but something closer to home or place of work, even if it cannot boast of such high achievements. Judge for yourself: is it possible to fully engage in boxing, if for this you have to travel to the other end of the city? At first, perhaps, yes, but we are all living people, sooner or later laziness will do its dirty deed. At first, you will console yourself that nothing will change from skipping one class, then decide that you are too tired, or you already know how much, and after a few more months, just quit training. So the choice of a place where you can do boxing should be taken very responsibly, taking into account, among other things, such a factor as distance.

In conclusion, we add that recently not only young people attend training. Boxing classes for girls are increasingly being held in Moscow and other major Russian cities. The desire of the beautiful half of humanity to stand up for themselves can only be welcomed - in the end, a true gentleman can not always be there, which means that there will be no one to count on in case of anything ...

In any case, the most important thing is the goal. And you need to choose and set a goal for yourself and then strive to achieve it. Many come to the gym and start boxing for the simplest reasons: just to try; see what happens...

But sooner or later, higher questions will arise. What am I doing? What do I want to achieve?

Let's consider these questions.

1. I do "purely for myself." That is, I want to put my physical form in order, and maintain it as such. Or I want to do it “for the soul”, in order, for example, to throw out negative emotions after a busy working day (week)

Well, in this case, you can even practice once a week. If we consider boxing as a kind of fitness, this may be quite enough. Moderate physical activity will help keep yourself in good shape, especially for those who are busy. sedentary work. And there are quite a lot of such people in the hall.

It's no secret that people are far away in Everyday life from physical activity are greatly exhausted from their overabundance. Therefore, once a week is good, it does not affect work - unnecessary fatigue does not accumulate - but on the contrary, a discharge occurs. But it is important to remember that an athlete, even at this level, must follow the regime. That is, if you decide to exercise once a week, do not skip and follow a strictly defined day, so that the body knows on Thursday (Friday, Saturday ...) we will do it.

And one more thing: for this kind of occupation, that is, “for the soul”, age is not an obstacle.

2. I work out to achieve something. Let's say, at least once in a lifetime, enter the amateur ring. Of course, in this version, classes once a week are, as they say, “about nothing”.

Should be done at least twice a week. Three is better. And approach your studies and your lifestyle more responsibly and systematically. That is, in addition to the actual classes in the gym, pay attention to your physical form and on your own. Run crosses in the morning, warm up and do exercises.

When to expect the result? Everyone is different. Everything is very individual and depends on abilities. But, in general, six months is already a good experience. If a novice boxer practices on average two or three times a week without gaps, then after six months he will feel confident in the boxing stance, will be able to master the basic defensive and attacking techniques. Maybe it will be the first time in the ring.

In boxing, as well as in any other sport, abilities and talent are important. Here is what one of the novice boxers writes: “We have guys who are well prepared athletically, but they think in the ring for a long time, make decisions for a long time ...” And one more impression: “I was allowed into the ring a month after the first training session, I lost the fight and boxed badly. All three rounds I was sausageed as best they could, and a week later I won the second fight calmly, I never even got hit on the head ... "

Of course, professional trainer this should not be allowed. Before releasing his pupil into the ring, he will carefully weigh all the pros and cons. And, if the ward has not yet matured, he will continue training to the desired condition.

Therefore, it is important to find a good coach who would make you work and work with you himself. Each coach works according to his own methodology: someone relies on stress; someone on the ability to “squeeze” all the strength out of an athlete. But, probably, the most professional mentors approach beginners pedagogically, attentively and sensitively.

In order to even get closer to amateur boxing, it is necessary to develop a technique, correctly deliver a blow, reach the desired physical layer, hone the reaction. And most importantly, get skills in real fights. All this can be achieved only under the guidance of an experienced coach.

3. I study to become a professional. Are you determined to succeed in professional boxing. You don't have to do it three times a week. And not even four. More like five or six times. And how to do it! This is a job that absorbs you without a trace. This is wear and tear training. This is a great sport!

If you want to practice boxing at a professional level, then it is in your interest to get into the club to good coach as soon as possible. Well, then everything depends on you. From your motivation and perseverance.