Sports refereeing. Features of the status of sports judges

Sports refereeing

direct management of the conduct of sports competitions (See Sports competitions) according to the established rules. S.'s level with. depends on the judges' knowledge of the rules of the sport, the ability to apply them, observing the requirements of sports ethics (objectivity, adherence to principles, correctness, etc.), as well as on their experience, length of service. S. s. designed to have an educational impact on the participants of the competitions and spectators. S. s. is not a profession.

In S.'s system with. there are different (depending on the type of sport, the nature of the competition) judicial functions, duties: judges (arbiter, referee) on the field, playground (football, rugby, basketball, handball, hockey), ring (boxing), carpet (wrestling), tower (volleyball, tennis); judges at the start (starter), distance, finish (running, walking, ski race and so on.); judging team that evaluates the performance of athletes by points, points (sports and gymnastics, acrobatics, figure skating, jumping on a trampoline, into the water, from a springboard on skis; side judges in boxing and wrestling); timekeeper, measurer, informant, judge at the participants, etc. For the general management of competitions such as championships, sports and athletics, panel of judges are created consisting of the chief judge, his deputies, chief secretary, and members.

Sports titles established in the USSR : junior judge in sports, judges of the 3rd, 2nd, 1st, republican and all-Union categories, as well as an honorary judge in sports, which are assigned (with the presentation of a certificate and a badge) by the relevant sports committees on the proposal of the judging panels and federations for sports , boards of sports clubs, councils of physical culture groups and sports societies (the title of judge of the all-Union category and honorary judge - by the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports under the Council of Ministers of the USSR). In 1975 there were 9,700 judges of the All-Union category, about 100 honorary judges in sports.

The title of judge of the international category is assigned by international sports federations for qualified S. with. at world, regional, continental and other sporting competitions. In 1975 there were 402 judges of the international category in the USSR. Among them are V. M. Balavadze (wrestling), G. M. Karapetyan (weightlifting), V. M. Kostin (basketball), N. G. Latyshev (football), A. V. Medved (wrestling), V. V. Rashmadzhyan (water polo), B. V. Savin (boxing), T. A. Tolmacheva (figure skating), Z. P. Firsov (swimming), M. A. Khimichev ( skiing), T. N. Sharova ( rowing), B. A. Shakhlin (gymnastics).

N. G. Latyshev.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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According to Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports in Russian Federation"A sports referee is a natural person authorized by the organizer of a sports competition to ensure compliance with the rules of the sport and the regulations (regulations) on sports competition, past special training and received the appropriate qualification category.

So what is the meaning of refereeing and the role of the referee in sports? Some believe that the referee punishes the athlete for mistakes. Like, he did something wrong - he got a "deuce". Another point of view - the judge points out the mistakes, so that the athlete can correct them later. This is another level of interaction between judges and athletes. The best European referees are of the opinion that judges are not censors or tyrants who mercilessly punish the slightest mistake of an athlete. The judge is none other than a partner who helps to assess the strengths, capabilities and skills of an athlete and makes it clear what should be paid special attention to.

Russian sports specialists adhere to a similar attitude, and they define the role of a judge as pedagogical, i.e. educational. Indeed, the work of a referee is in many ways similar to the work of a coach. Only the coach is side by side with the athlete every day, and the judge makes his verdict at the most crucial moments of sports life.

This is the right approach, because athletes will take into account the comments of the judges and perform in such a way as to receive higher marks.

The personality of a sports referee and his moral and psychological qualities are also of great importance.

On the one hand, the judge must be able to make decisions impartially. Personal likes and dislikes need to be relegated to the background. But it happens that the attitude towards a particular athlete affects the assessment unconsciously. In any case, the judge is obliged to control his emotions and not use his official position. This skill is one of the foundations of judicial professionalism.

On the other hand, judges are constantly faced with conflict situations. There will always be those who are dissatisfied with his decision. Perhaps the decision is erroneous or ambiguous, or perhaps the athlete himself inadequately assesses his abilities and results. In any such case, the judge must be sensible about negative attacks and be able to calmly and reasonably explain his decision.

The work of a judge in different types sport is very different. The following classification of judges can be distinguished:



Legislative Judge.

A judge in a subjective form is an expert who "judges", i.e. evaluates the quality of performances of athletes. Such judging is typical for sports ballroom dancing, dressage on horseback. The judge-expert must have versatile knowledge. Also, the judge should be aware of new trends in this sport. It is especially important to know the approaches to judging from foreign judges so that the scores received at home and abroad do not differ too much from each other. Refereeing is also important.

Intentional errors significantly affect the competitive process, i.e. bias of judges. They carry a lot of negative aspects, threatening the competition system itself. An analysis of the reasons for the occurrence of judicial errors showed that, since experts are people, they will make them. Therefore, such forms and methods of managing the refereeing process are needed that would reduce deliberate errors to a minimum. A significant role in achieving this goal can be played by the system of operational control in the activities of judicial teams * (53).

In sports with an objective assessment (running), the role of the referee is not so crucial. He is an observer, and his main quality is attentiveness. The referee must keep a close eye on what is happening and how it is in accordance with the rules.

Creating and adjusting the rules by which competitions are held is another part of the duties of judges. Such work is entrusted to the most experienced professional referees, who, as a rule, work as part of sports federations.

It is advisable to use when organizing refereeing and be sure to write in the Rules technical means, allowing you to accurately measure such important exercise parameters as height, duration, speed, etc. In other words, the final assessment of the judges should be formed on the basis of the integration of the subjective and the objective.

The rules should not be too difficult for the participants, at the same time they must, if possible, exclude injuries. At the same time, the conditions of the competitions should ensure their entertainment. All these components should be taken into account by the judges when developing and adjusting the rules, since the whole stage of development of a particular sport may depend on them.

Job sports judges very diverse depending on the sport and their specific function. Thus, the referee can measure the result (time, length), monitor the compliance of the achievement with the rules, evaluate the achievements of the athletes, record violations, impose fines, give advantages, stop the fight, extend the playing time, call the public to order, etc. Some judges (for example, in boxing) work alone, while at the same time, the judges of any other sport have to work in a group (for example, in basketball).

As a rule, the work of a judge is not a profession, but a voluntary activity, and no salary is paid for it. Judges are reimbursed for direct expenses associated with participation in competitions - travel expenses, accommodation and meals.

In some sports Athletics) university students, teachers and pensioners are involved as judges, i.е. people who are not related to sports. Such cases must be excluded.

For sports judges in each sport, Qualification requirements must be established, further approved by the Federal Agency for Physical Culture and Sports.

The regulation governs the procedure for assigning the qualification categories of sports judges and the requirements for candidates for the assignment of these categories.

The validity of the qualification category of a sports judge assigned in one of the sports does not apply to other sports.

There are the following qualification categories: "Sports referee of the All-Russian category", "Sports referee of the first category", "Sports referee of the second category", "Sports referee of the third category", "Junior sports referee".

When assigning a qualification category, a sports judge's book and a badge of a sports judge of the corresponding qualification category are issued.

Next question. What should be the status of a judge: labor law or civil law? To date, there is no clear answer.

By a letter dated March 4, 1997 N 12-28 / 1660 "On the calculation of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund" * (55), the Pension Fund explained that Art. 779 part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, when concluding contracts for the provision of services for a fee, judicial services are not provided. Therefore, the type of contract that a sports federation concludes with these judges should be determined by its subject and obligations of the parties.

By a letter dated September 30, 1997 N AZ-16-28 / 7036 "On the calculation of insurance premiums for payments made to participants in sports events" * (56) the PFR determined that sports judges involved in ensuring the holding of sports competitions perform work corresponding their qualifications. The Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation, in its letter dated September 4, 1997 N 474-7, confirmed this position. At the same time, expenses for travel and accommodation during the period of sports competitions should be attributed to the amounts paid to compensate for additional expenses related to the performance of labor duties by employees, for which insurance premiums are not charged.

And by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of September 17, 2005 N 385 "On the procedure for holding sports competitions and training camps, the material support of their participants in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation" * (57) provides that payments to sports judges for servicing competitions are made on the basis of civil law contracts for the provision of services concluded in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Sports referee. Introduction to the profession

The first important figure on the playing field is, of course, the athlete. And the second one? Second - judge. It is he who is responsible for the course of the competition: he determines the time of the beginning and end of the matches, the order of performances, the condition of the equipment, violation of the rules. In all sports, the judges record the results of the players: they either give marks or count points. They monitor not only the athletes, but also the actions of coaches and spectators. For example, in the final of the US Open, referee Carlos Ramos fined tennis player Serena Williams for a coach's tip. According to the athlete, it was not a hint, but a gesture of support, but rules are rules. By the way, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) sided with the referee.

Interestingly, while the judges are evaluating the players, special sports organizations evaluate the work of judges. Their decision can be appealed, which will change the outcome of the game. In order for the actions of the arbiter to be beyond doubt, he must demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the rules and constantly learn new skills (amendments to the rules, working with electronic scoring systems, the introduction of sensors and referee video assistants).

In their work, they are helped by deep knowledge in the field of jurisprudence, sports and physical culture, as well as such qualities as impartiality, prudence, rigor, adherence to principles, stress resistance and consistency.

You can't do without a judge in national sports federations, control and disciplinary authorities and international sports federations such as the Russian Football Union, the Russian Basketball Federation, the Russian Hockey Federation and other similar organizations.

Read about where you can get the profession of a judge in ours.

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For friends!


Sports judges (arbitrators, referees) appeared in order to monitor compliance with the rules in the game. And it doesn't matter what kind of sport: football, hockey, boxing or tennis - today no competition is unthinkable without a referee.

But it was not always so. For example, until the end of the 19th century, a football referee controlled the time, took notes about the match, replaced players, resolved disputes, but did not have the right to interfere in the game or enter the field. Moreover, before the players were judged by an outsider (a cook or even a writer), and the profession as such did not exist at all.

But then it became clear that just an outsider was not enough to evaluate the competition, and the profession of a sports referee appeared, who got the opportunity not only to monitor compliance with the rules, but also to be on the field during the competition. Today, there can even be several referees at a game, and entire panels of judges are being created for championships.

Description of activity

A stadium, a ring or a court, a crowd of fans and impatience of athletes waiting for a signal - this is how any game begins. The referee is tense, attentive and serious, because he understands the full responsibility of his work. Judging the game is not so easy, and if you make one mistake, the objectivity of the assessment is immediately lost. So you can, if not disrupt, then disrupt the course of a sporting event.

This suggests that, unlike in the past, today the role of the judge is very important. If you look back, the appearance of judicial attributes is also interesting. For example, instead of a whistle, a bell used to be used.

By the way, the whistle appeared quite by accident, when during one of the matches the policeman who judged the game accidentally used it during a fight between the players. The loud sound had the desired effect, the fight was stopped, and then the organizers decided to make the whistle the main attribute of the sports referee.

And, of course, how to do without cards, which greatly simplified refereeing. Cards are used in football, volleyball, rugby, handball, bandy and even in athletics, but initially they appeared thanks to the football referee Ken Aston.

Here, as with the whistle, there was a story. During the game between Argentina and England in the 1966 World Cup, the Argentine athlete Antonio Rattin did not respond to the verbal command of the referee, who asked him to retire from the field for an infraction. Then Ken Aston came up with an idea with cards (their colors were matched, as in a traffic light), which quickly became the norm. Now the referee does not need to say much: the whistle and cards are his main assistants.

Job responsibilities

So, a deafening whistle is heard, the game begins. All this time, the arbitrator notes the results, errors, monitors the time and rules. If a participant commits a violation, it is immediately recorded and the judge sets the punishment. Naturally, comments should not violate sports ethics.

This is work at the moment of the competition itself, but the referee has other duties as well. Outside the game, special meetings, seminars, briefings are held in which he takes part or even trains his colleagues.

In sports, you can’t stand still, so the referee is constantly learning, studying the practice of other refereeing schools, improving his skills and always keeping himself in good shape. physical form. As you can see, there is a lot of work, but this does not frighten a real arbiter, as he is driven by perseverance and boundless love for his work.

Features of career growth

A career as a referee rarely starts with participation in major championships, so you have to start small. Naturally, over the years, you will have to improve your qualifications (from the “Young Sports Referee” to grow to the “Sports Referee of the All-Russian Category”), but this will help you to take a higher position in the future.

Most likely, the novice referee will judge the regional children's and youth competitions. If the desire to make a career does not stop before difficulties, then in the future you can achieve work in larger competitions and even national or world championships.

A vivid example of this is the Italian referee Collina Pierluigi, who once started with regional matches a long time ago, later judged world-class games, and eventually reached the top of his career - refereeing in the International Football Federation (FIFA). By the way, in 2012, Collin was recognized as the best football referee in the last 25 years.

Employee characteristic

An arbitrator should understand not only any kind of sport, because on duty he will have to communicate with other arbitrators, and additional knowledge will be useful for personal erudition. In addition, it is very important for referees in some sports to have a good physical training. Just remember the judges football matches: They have to run a lot and quickly.

Athletes are hard, desperate, purposeful people, and they can perceive any remark of the judge as undeserved. Therefore, self-confidence and healthy self-esteem are needed no less than “iron” calmness.

In competitions, extreme situations and intractable disputes are often unavoidable. Then you have to make a decision almost at lightning speed, and the arbiter must always come to the aid of stamina and a cold, fair calculation. You also need a good physical reaction to avoid accidental injuries on the field or ring.

    sports referee- 21) a sports referee is an individual authorized by the organizer of a sports competition to ensure compliance with the rules of a sport and the regulations (regulations) on a sports competition, who has undergone special training and received the appropriate ... Official terminology

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    - (Dnepropetrovsk flying club, Dnepropetrovsk ASC) aviation sport Club In Dnepropetrovsk. Based at the Kamenka airfield. The club provided training for pilots, glider pilots, and paratroopers. Contents ... Wikipedia

    Dnepropetrovsk aviation sports club (Dnepropetrovsk flying club, Dnepropetrovsk ASC) aviation sports club in Dnepropetrovsk. Based at the airfield Kamenka. The club trains pilots, glider pilots, paratroopers. ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Rafting. Spla ... Wikipedia

    A; m. [lat. arbiter]. 1. Member of the arbitration; mediator, arbitrator. 2. In some types sports: judge. Football a. * * * arbitrator (lat. arbiter), 1) intermediary, member of the arbitration court, arbitration. 2) Sports referee. * * * REFEREE… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat.). Mediator, judge in non-judicial disputes; arbiter. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ARBITER [fr. arbitre Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - (from lat. arbiter), in the general meaning of a judge, mediator: Judge in an arbitration court Judge in arbitration court Umpire A sports referee in some sports (for example, a football referee). System bus arbiter part ... Wikipedia

    - (English referee) can mean: Referee (boxing) referee in the ring Referee (football) football referee Referee (sports) sports referee "Referee" comedy film produced in the USA. Second title: Beware, hostage! ... Wikipedia

    - (Rudko). Athlete, sports referee, Honored Master of Sports in gymnastics(1954); was born on October 5, 1931 in Tashkent; graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical Institute in 1956; international judge since 1975; Olympic silver medal in 1952; ... ... Big biographical encyclopedia


  • , Grigorieva I.I., Chernonog D.N.. The collection contains documents and teaching materials on the implementation of professional standards in the Russian Federation "Head of an organization (subdivision of an organization) implementing…
  • professional standards. Collection 2, Grigorieva I .. The collection contains documents and methodological materials on the implementation of professional standards in the Russian Federation "Head of an organization (division of an organization) implementing ...
  • Professional standards Collection 2 Head of an organization operating in the field of physical culture and sports Teacher of additional education for children and adults Sports referee Documents and methodological materials, Grigoryeva I., Chernonog D. organizations (subdivisions of the organization), carrying out ...