Love and Virgo horse Mr. Virgo - Horse: astrological forecast, creation of a natal chart, interaction of planets, their influence on the fate and character of a person

Belarusian politician Alexander Lukashenko. Soviet actress Nadezhda Rumyantseva. British actor Sean Connery. Russian actor Anatoly Pashinin.
American basketball player Kobe Bryant. Soviet, Russian, Georgian actor and director Georgy Danelia. American actor Adam Sandler.

Born in the year of the Horse, like all representatives of the Virgo sign, a very responsible and hardworking person.
She is able to combine work with personal life, chatting with friends and family. A negative feature of the representatives of this combination is that they sometimes act too quickly and thoughtlessly, after which, looking around, they greatly repent and regret the haste of the decision made.


The Horse-Virgo-man is assiduous, attentive, punctual. He is attracted by hard intellectual work, complex projects and assignments, any large-scale enterprises inspire and motivate him. Such a man can easily cope with routine and long-term work. It gives him pleasure to see the results of his long hard work. The Horse-Virgo-man is a very family man, he is serious from his youth and always tries to build stable and long-term relationships.


Virgo woman is pedantic, smart, intelligent. She, like men of the same combination, is painstaking and hardworking, easily copes with any complex tasks, feels comfortable with numbers, formulas, and complex documentation. In relationships with men, such a woman is emotional, feminine, tends to dramatize the situation and does not always know how to control outbursts of her emotions. In family life, she is a good and extremely clean housewife, demanding the same from all other household members, an attentive and caring wife and mother.

When the Horse and Virgo are combined, resourceful, enthusiastic, energetic people are born, full of a thirst for life and an unbridled desire to develop, to learn everything new and unknown. For such people, harmony is extremely important everywhere and in everything.

Virgo - Horse
Virgo - Horse

Characteristics and compatibility of the Virgo-Horse man represents the best human qualities that you can imagine.

Representatives of these signs are endowed with intelligence, talent and diligence.


These men carefully consider each of their actions or words: this is what helps them become more successful in life. But this does not mean that they are not capable of taking risks. Representatives of the combination of Virgo and Horse are at risk, only after analyzing the situation. Out of the box thinking allows them to see reality from a different angle than men of a different type. Because of this, they often remain incomprehensible to society, but this does not deprive them of their attractiveness.

Responsibility, composure and punctuality - distinctive features characteristics of the male Virgo-Horse. They are very erudite, have an excellent command of logic and are craving for new knowledge. Nothing escapes their critical eye. Such men are used to assessing the situation soberly, bluntly expressing their opinion on a particular issue. Such sincerity can offend anyone, and the Virgo-Horses themselves remember the criticism made against them for a long time. For representatives of this iconic combination, the following character traits are typical:

  • industriousness;
  • Ability to cope with routine and monotonous work;
  • Analytic mind;
  • organization;
  • Curiosity;
  • Energetic and impulsive;
  • Tendency to inconstancy;
  • Hospitality;
  • Sociability;
  • Optimism;
  • Well developed sense of humor.

By nature, the Virgo-Horse man is leisurely and thoughtful. And although they are characterized by constancy and stability, they easily make changes if they see the point in it. Often they live in their own world, where the main thing is their thought process. Being pragmatists by nature, men born under the sign of the Virgo and the Horse do nothing without preliminary calculations. Having analyzed everything well and having made a decision, they adhere to it to the last. It is this constancy that distinguishes them from representatives of other zodiac combinations.

Career male Virgo-Horse

Diligence and perseverance helps men of this type to cope well even with the hardest work. Perseverance, backed up by diligence and high organization, endows them with excellent business skills. Before the leadership, the Virgo-Horse manifests itself exclusively with positive side, behave very reservedly and cold-bloodedly. And although a career for such men may not matter at all, thanks to their curiosity, they are able to develop their skills in various fields of activity and achieve success in any professional field.

As a rule, men of this type try to choose a profession for themselves that would suit their desires. If they succeed, they will have a wonderful career. In financial matters, the Virgo-Horse shows the utmost caution. Such a man is never prone to inappropriate spending. Moreover, in most cases, representatives of these signs have solid cash savings in their account. They are capable of philanthropy and can help many with significant financial investments, but most often they do it anonymously.

Compatibility in love

Romantic relationship with a girl helps a man the best way reveal all your talents. A simple smile can attract a lot of people to them. Even simple communication with the fair sex can strengthen their faith in themselves. Love for the Virgin Horse is a place where they can be themselves. If a representative of this type can find a soul mate, he will have an exciting journey through the labyrinths of his own mind and heart.

The compatibility of the Virgo-Horse man is possible with many of the fair sex. Marriage is of great importance to him. They are attracted by serious and strong-willed women who can share with their spouse all the joys and sorrows of family life. Such a man is able to become a reliable and faithful partner, but sometimes they forget that their soulmate needs their attention. In general, the Virgo-Horse manifests itself in marriage on the positive side, being engaged not only in providing for the family, but also in raising children.

The Horse Maiden gave the world a lot middle class politicians and military. The fact is that the Horse is a politicized, courageous nature, can become a leader, but the Virgo is pedantic and purposeless. It is with their, perhaps, invisibility that they make their way to the very top: the leader of the Libyan revolution, Muammar Gaddafi; President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko; French Prime Minister Michel Rocard; the founder of the Black Hundreds, the organizer of the murder of Grigory Rasputin, Vladimir Purishkevich; Armenian President Robert Kocharyan; Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski; Minister of Education and President of the Academy of Sciences, ideologist of the policy of Nicholas I Sergei Uvarov; King of Bavaria Ludwig I; King Baudouin I of Belgium; the initiator of the Balkan wars, General Mitra Martinovich; astronaut Thomas Stafford; Field Marshal, Chief of Staff of the Wehrmacht Wilhelm Keitel, who signed the German surrender document; general, commander in chief, leader of the White movement Lavr Kornilov, he rebelled against the Bolsheviks, but died in 1918 - a stray bullet; Victor Talalikhin - the pilot who was the first to use the night ram; the terrorist Eric Rudolf and the talkative deputy Vladimir Ryzhkov.

There are wonderful writers in the astrological group Virgo-Horse: the largest representative of the realistic trend in Russian literature, Alexander Kuprin, with a whole galaxy of literary heroes (“Moloch”, “Duel”, “Pit”, “Olesya”, “Gambrinus”, “Garnet Bracelet”); poet, translator, children's writer Boris Zakhoder; writer and playwright, essayist and literary critic John Priestley ("July 31", "Green Room"); poet Semyon Kirsanov; children's writer Boris Zhitkov ("Sea Stories"); poet Julian Tuwim ("Seventh Autumn").

In music, this is polystylistics, dances and rhythm dynamics: composer, conductor, pianist Leonard Bernstein is the most versatile and fashionable musician of the 20th century, he is the author of the famous West Side Story and many operas and musicals (The horse is mobile and optimistic); Francois Philidor, creator of the French comic opera (The Gardener and His Master); composer, author of songs and music for films Andrey Petrov; rock musician Elvis Costello (polystylistics from classical to cabaret); singer Yuri Gulyaev.

Artists: philosopher Caspar Friedrich ("Two contemplating the moon"); folklorist Konstantin Vasiliev; battle-player Mikhail Avilov ("Duel of Peresvet with Chelubey").
In cinema, this is Oscar-winning film director Jean Renoir (The Great Illusion, French Cancan); film director and screenwriter Georgy Danelia ("Mimino", "Afonya", " Autumn marathon»); actor Raymond Massey ("Gold of Makena").

In the glorious company of Maiden-Horses there are football coaches and football players Pavel Sadyrin, Alexander Tarkhanov and Ramos de Oliveira.

Curiously, there are practically no famous scientists among the Virgin-Horses.

Horoscope woman Virgo-Horse

In October 1866, Anna Snitkina, a young girl who had completed shorthand courses, was invited by Fyodor Dostoevsky to do urgent shorthand work. “This name has been familiar to me since childhood: he was my father's favorite writer. I myself admired his works and wept over Notes from the House of the Dead. “My stenographer ..., a young and rather handsome girl ... with an extremely kind and clear character. Our work went great.” Thanks to Anna, The Gambler was written on time.

Before meeting with his savior, the writer managed to go through a lot: he was sentenced to "the death penalty by shooting", hard labor, marriage to Isaeva, who was alien to him in his views, and a dramatic relationship with Apollinaria Suslova, an unrestrained game of roulette. There was also the death of his wife and brother and huge debts.) In November 1866, the writer proposed to Snitkina. They got married the following year. He is 45, she is 20. For Dostoevsky, this was the acquisition of such a desired family happiness.’

For Anna, marriage became an asceticism. The spouses were not lucky with children: in 1868 there was an addition to the family - the birth of their daughter Sophia, and soon her sudden death. In 1869, a daughter, Lyubov, was born. In 1871 - a son who died at the age of 3 from a fit of epilepsy. But Anna became an assistant to her husband: she took shorthand, rewrote and corrected works, conducted publishing and financial affairs, and from 1872 organized the book trade, which significantly improved the financial situation of the family.

She “skillfully and with loving attentiveness took care of the fragile health of her husband, keeping him, in her own words, constantly “in cotton”, like a dear child, and in dealing with him she showed soft compliance, combined with great enlightened tact ... ". Until the death of the writer, she was an assistant in work, a secretary, a guardian angel. Further, her activities were connected with his literary heritage. She left "Memoirs", in which she paid attention not to the spiritual depths of Dostoevsky, but to family and private life. Anna wrote about herself: “I gave myself to F.M. when I was 20 years old. Now I am over 70, and still only belong to him, with every thought, every deed ... "

Margarita Terekhova was born on August 25, 1942, graduated from the university, but entered the theater studio. Since 1964, she has become an actress at the Mossovet Theatre. Her film career began in 1965, and fame came after the film "Running on the Waves", where she played Freezy Grant. Then there was Mirror. After the epic tapes, Terekhova was captivated by romance and adventure: “The Dog in the Manger” (capricious Diana), “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers” (insidious Milady). She is "smart, refined, wayward, brawler, amorous, sensual." Terekhova is called a complex, subtle, multifaceted actress.

The creator of the gallery of female images admires Tarkovsky, calling him a "root" person. Work and friendship with the director influenced her whole life. She likes to think about life, about people, about the high destiny of a person. Interested in politics, social life and religion.

Here are the actresses Nadezhda Rumyantseva ("Unyielding", "Girls", "Balzaminov's Marriage"), the athletic Selma Hayek ("The Beach"); partisan Liza Chaikina; Napoleon's mother Letizia Buonaparte; singer Lada Dance, who strove to dance in videos while pregnant.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

The horoscope of Virgo in the year of the Horse suggests that the representative of this zodiac sign is a great source of vital and sexual energy.

This person highly appreciates harmony, and he himself is able to create it in all areas of his life. The zodiac sign Virgo-Horse has a unique ability to feel people and knows how to appreciate those who value and care for him.

Unlike representatives of the Virgo zodiac sign, born during the reign of other Chinese signs, this person is more guided by feelings than by reason.

In terms of purposefulness, it must be remembered that the combination of the Virgo and the Horse gives a hardworking, but somewhat selfish person who can go over the heads for the sake of his goal. Subsequently, of course, he repents of his deed, but he cannot change anything.

As a rule, a representative of this sign successfully combines friendship with study or career with love. And we must give him his due - in all this turmoil, the energy of the Virgin, born in the year of the Horse, is enough for herself, her beloved, and for children, and for the second half, and for work.

The representative of this sign is endowed with an analytical mindset, curiosity and organization, and even a Virgo child in the year of the Horse stands out among his peers with the ability to delve into details and calculate his actions several steps ahead.

If we consider the relationship in the family born in the year of the Horse, the zodiac sign Virgo gives him a special desire to spend a lot of time with family members. This connection is so strong that he very painfully endures separation from his other half and children.

Characteristics of Virgo, born in the year of the Horse

The horoscope of the Virgo-Horse advises to pay attention to the fact that the representative of this sign differs from typical Virgos, since fire Horse endows him with a more energetic, impulsive and somewhat aggressive disposition.

In this regard, it should be noted that it is precisely the imbalance in the balance of the Virgo and the quick-tempered Horse that often leads to undesirable situations in the life of this person. The characteristic of the Horse-Virgo is such that the representative of this sign becomes extremely self-critical when his plans are not realized.

This person should learn to accept himself with all his advantages and disadvantages. When the Virgo, born in the year of the Horse, understands exactly where his “Achilles heel” is, she will be able to learn to control her own actions in any situation.

The representative of this sign has a tendency to inconstancy and is endowed with a craving for adventure, which can lead to the fact that he spends all his strength and energy on frivolous and petty quarrels.

The characteristic of the Virgo-Horse sign is such that the representative of this sign is not only very hardworking, but also endowed with the features of a wise and objective leader.

As in all areas of life, he strives to create a harmonious atmosphere in his work, because the characteristic of the Virgo, born in the year of the Horse, allows him to show his qualities in best only under such conditions.

Those who have a Virgo-Horse child growing up should remember that, despite his complaisance, he is very strong in spirit and independent, so attempts to limit his freedom or decide for him can end in failure.

Virgo man born in the year of the Horse

Considering the characteristics of the Virgo-Horse man, one should take into account the fact that the representative of this sign is very hardworking and approaches various life situations with all seriousness.

This person approaches money with the same seriousness, knows how to earn well and save. It is this quality of his that becomes a manifestation of the fact that the Virgo man in the year of the Horse always conquers the heights in his career and business. For this person, financial well-being is the basis of much-desired freedom.

A career is very important for this person, moreover, for him, work is a kind of antidepressant. Because of this, his personal relationships are often relegated to the background.

The horoscope of the Horse-Virgo man says that he always counts his actions a few steps ahead and is not used to making rash acts. Thanks to this quality, he almost never makes mistakes in his choice, whether it is the choice of an investment sector or a marriage partner.

Considering the compatibility of the Horse-Virgo man with the opposite sex, it must be remembered that this is a sign of a conservative who loves to be surrounded by order in everything, and especially his home and appearance of a life partner.

In any case, the Virgo-Horse man in love, as in his career, turns out to be an extremely responsible person. He will never embark on adventures and adventures, but will protect his family hearth, wife and children.

Virgo woman who was born in the year of the Horse

The characteristic of the Horse-Virgo woman is that she is very smart, balanced and reasonable. She can leave the impression of a cold person, but real passions can boil in her soul.

As a rule, the representative of this sign has sensitivity and emotionality, which she seeks to hide behind a mask of indifference. In general, for a Virgo woman in the year of the Horse, the manifestation of feelings is completely tantamount to the manifestation of her weaknesses, which others can take advantage of.

Like the man of this sign, the Virgo-Horse girl also has a good working capacity, a craving for career success and, of course, stable financial prosperity.

The Virgo-Horse girl, like an adult representative of this sign, is prone to self-improvement, self-education and finds new ways to realize her exceptional ability to see where others do not delve into details.

The representative of this sign strives to surround herself with cleanliness and order. In this regard, the horoscope of the Virgo-Horse woman indicates that she is an excellent housewife, reliable wife and attentive mother. It should be noted that along with the typical characteristic features of the Virgo, she is also characterized by passion and openness.

The character of men Horses - Virgo: These men have absorbed the most best qualities- it is the mind, talents and diligence. They think well about their every action and word in order to become more successful. They take risks only after a thorough analysis of the situation. They are independent, have original thinking, which allows them to see reality in other tones than other men. And this often makes them incomprehensible to society, but this does not deprive them of their attractiveness.

By nature, these are thoughtful and unhurried men, they are characterized by constancy. However, they easily make changes if they see a rational grain in them. They often live in their own world, where the thought process is the most important and strong criterion. Pragmatists by nature, they never do something without careful calculations. Having judged and made a decision, they do not deviate from it. Such constancy distinguishes them among the representatives of this sign.

Horse Men - Virgos in Love and Relationships: Romantic relationships will help them better reveal their talents. If they learn to laugh or just smile, other men will be drawn to them. They can also become successful from simple communication. Love for them is a real salvation to become themselves. If they can choose a partner to their liking, they will have an exciting journey not only through the labyrinths of their minds, but also of their hearts. And they will definitely love it.

Horse Men - Virgo in Finance and Career: Career for these men may not mean anything. However, they try to choose for themselves a field of activity that would correspond to their wishes. If this happens, they are fully realized. With finances, they are extremely careful, they never waste money in vain. They themselves are ascetics by nature, therefore they have solid savings. These men can help others and very significantly, but they do it most often anonymously.

Horse men - Virgo in family and marriage: The family is a balanced and considered decision for them. They carefully choose a partner, as they believe that marriage is possible one day. Such constancy is commendable and most often they are not mistaken. In the family they draw strength and inspiration. For the sake of the family, they are ready to work hard, reach unprecedented heights, as their goal is truly thought out. These are smart individuals who will take care of their household without overwhelming them at all.

Advice for men Horses - Virgos: These men need to relax more often, as too much work can lead them to nervous strain. You need to control your thoughts so that they become simple, clothed in words. Only the expressed thoughts in their case will have force. It is impossible to forget about relatives at work, since such a zeal for work leads them to an irreversible situation in the family. You have to be more careful and vigilant.