How does aponeurosis affect facial sagging? Self-massage of the head and psychosomatic therapy Tendon helmet of the head.

The supracranial muscle covers the entire scalp, forehead and has a significant length. It consists of the so-called tendon helmet, which is firmly fused with the skin.

The supracranial muscle consists of tendon and muscle parts. The anterior portions of the supracranial muscle are called frontal, the posterior portions are occipital, and the lateral portions are ear. The anterior belly ends in the skin of the eyebrows. The auricles are attached to the ear muscles. The auricles consist of cartilaginous tissue, which is capable of accumulating significant psychophysical stress. The supracranial muscle and auricles accumulate significant tension, causing a feeling of heaviness in the head, fatigue and drowsiness. Release of tension from the supracranial muscle and auricles with the help of massage leads to an improvement in the physical and psychological state.

How to get rid of stress

The release of the supracranial muscle is carried out in four stages:

1.Massage of the tendon helmet,

2.Hair tension,

3.Massage and tension of the auricles,

4. Eyebrow tension.

Massage of the tendon helmet is carried out with the ends of the nails of the fingers. Initially, the middle part of the head is massaged with quick movements from the forehead to the back of the head. Then, with transverse or oblique movements, the lateral parts of the arch of the head are massaged. Massage is carried out with light and quick movements, barely touching the scalp with nails. Having achieved sensations of warmth and relaxation in the scalp, massage is supplemented by rubbing the skin and helmet with fingertips.

hair pulling

After massaging the scalp, grab the hair with your fingers and gently pull it until you feel a pleasant relaxation.

Ear massage and relaxation

The auricles are attached to small ear muscles that are included in the supracranial muscle system. When pulling the auricles, the ear muscles are automatically subjected to tension, which leads to a redistribution of the tone of the entire cranial and facial muscles. Aligning the tone of the muscles of the cranial and facial muscles, we align the tension in the cranium. In turn, the cranium, influencing the redistribution of tension in the entire skeletal system, evens out the muscle tone of the whole body, which leads to pain relief at the site of injury and a decrease in overall psychological stress.

Technically, the pulling of the auricles is carried out in two stages:

1. Massage and kneading hardening in the auricles;
2. Actually pulling on the ears.

When there is tension in the body and in the psyche, then the auricles become hard, tense and painful, and this is easy to determine by touch. Stressed areas of the auricles always look paler than unstressed areas. In tense areas of the auricles, blood circulation is reduced. The normal color of the ears is pink or dark red. By carefully massaging and kneading the auricle, you relieve tension and pain not only in the auricle, but also in all parts of the body that experience tension. Massage and kneading hardenings are carried out with soft gentle movements of the fingers.

After massaging and kneading the auricles, when they have become soft, painless, elastic and warm, we stretch the auricles:

For the upper edge of the ear, pull the auricle up;

Taking the middle edge of the ear, we pull the auricle horizontally to the side;

Grabbing the lower edge of the ear, pull it down;

Grabbing the ear from the bottom edge to the top between the first and second fingers, pull

auricle with twisting movements clockwise and counterclockwise.

Stretching movements should be soft, long and painless. The movement of the hands when pulling is called yielding. By pulling on the auricle, we slightly loosen the pulling force and then re-tighten the auricle.

Repeat the tension 2-3 times in each position.

After kneading and stretching the auricles, relaxation spreads throughout the body.

Eyebrow tension is carried out according to the following algorithm:

    grab the skin of the eyebrow with all five fingers and pull the skin until you feel a stretched spring;

    hold the skin fold in a stretched position until distinct movements of the eyeballs and torso appear;

    after the appearance of movements of the eyeballs and torso, make a rotating movement with the brush with the skin in the opposite direction to the movement of the eyeballs. After the appearance of a sigh of relief, release the skin fold;

    After stretching and rotating the area of ​​skin, there is a slight feeling of numbness in the bones of the orbit, which is relieved after the second wave of movements of the eyeballs and trunk. The tension of the eyebrows is considered completed only after the second wave of contractions of the muscles of the eyes and torso has ceased. The eyebrow is subjected to tension at the inner edge of the orbit, at the site of the fracture of the eyebrow and at the outer edge of the orbit.

    At high muscle tone skeletal muscles, it is useful to stretch the skin fold at the outer edge of the orbit.published

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V. Ermoshkin

It is believed that the causes of tension-type headache (THT) and baldness are in many cases the same. This reason is the effect of gravity, which is detrimental to the skin of the upper part of the head. Nature has provided for the protection of the scalp from increased physical activity(longitudinal tension and transverse compression) is the presence of a strong tendon helmet on this important part of the body. To give the scalp mobility in the tangential direction, there is a layer of loose fiber under the helmet. Top part the head should have a body temperature close to 37 degrees with little variation. Thus, the multilayer skin structure, together with the hairline, protects well from tangential mechanical shocks and plays a regulatory role in heat transfer: when it is sunny, the hair covers the skin from direct rays and rapid loss deficient moisture, when it is hot, the scalp works as an evaporator-cooler, when it is cold - as a heat insulator.

Unfortunately, skin depressions for hairs (follicles) are not shown in the figure, but it is known that the bases of follicles in the anagen (active growth) stage are deepened in the skin by 3-4 mm and are located near the insulating layer 3 (tendon helmet).

“The skin of the upper part of the head is inactive (against the background of the tendon helmet) due to the strong connection by numerous fibrous bands with the underlying tendon helmet (supracranial aponeurosis), galea aponeurotica (aponeurosis epicranius), an analogue of the superficial fascia of other areas. Subcutaneous tissue is represented by cells between the indicated connective tissue strands, densely filled with adipose tissue.

Rice. 1. Layers of the cranial vault on the frontal section through the fronto-parietal-occipital region (scheme according to S.N. Delitsin, with changes).

1 - skin; 2 - subcutaneous tissue; 3 - tendon helmet; 4 - diploic vein; 5 - subaponeurotic fiber; 6 - periosteum; 7 - subperiosteal tissue: 8 - pachion granulations; 9 - blood accumulated in the extradural space due to damage to the middle meningeal artery (10); 11 - dura mater: 12 - arachnoid; 13 - cerebrospinal fluid of the subarachnoid space; 14 - pia mater; 15 - cerebral cortex; 16 - falciform process of the dura mater; 19 - superior sagittal sinus of the dura mater; 18 - veins of the brain; 19 - artery and vein of the dura mater; 20 - extradural space; 21 - internal ("vitreous") plate of the parietal bone; 22 - spongy substance; 23 - outer plate of the same bone; 24 - venous graduate; 25 - subcutaneous vessels; 26 - connective tissue jumpers connecting the skin with the tendon helmet (supracranial aponeurosis) "

Thus, in order to prevent the epidermis from falling down under the action of gravity and not pressing against the tendon helmet, disrupting capillary circulation, nature provides a non-trivial solution to this problem: fibrous cords are located normal to the surface of the epidermis and skull.

But gradually, over time, the work of this system is still disrupted. How does this happen?

It is obvious that the pressure of the epidermis on the lower layers of the skin is mainly taken up by fibrous bands. Between them in the area of ​​adipose tissue, around the hair follicles, the pressure is slightly positive, in the adjacent arterioles about 70 mm Hg, which gradually subsides as the blood moves to the destinations. In nearby venous capillaries and veins, the pressure is about 10-20 mm Hg and the direction of blood flow is reversed, towards the heart.

Due to gravity, in the absence of regular physical activity, when working in a sitting position, there is a constant outflow of interstitial fluid. The reduced pressure of this fluid, the lack of nutrition and oxygen leads to a slowdown in the rate of cell proliferation and to apoptosis (sometimes necrosis) of cells. Gradually, the subcutaneous fatty tissue of the scalp thins and is replaced by connective tissue, which requires a minimum of blood circulation to maintain its vital activity. The so-called. cicatricial alopecia.

The process of destruction of fatty tissue due to the lack of pressure of the intercellular fluid in the skin of the upper part of the head does not pass without a trace. The body constantly signals this problem with the help of the central nervous system. The following are signs of this destructive process:

1- gradually increasing levels of DHT in balding areas,

2- dandruff appears,

# itching appears, periodically I want to scratch my head, i.e. get a massage,

# with the help of the sebaceous glands, the secretion of sebaceous secretion on the scalp increases (in order to fight viruses and reduce moisture loss in the scalp),

# after business hours at sedentary work appears headache, known in medicine as a tension headache (THT), the scalp seems to be pulled together by a hoop, a helmet, which is not far from the truth,

# sometimes it becomes unpleasant when combing, tk. traumatized bases of the follicles in contact with the tendon helmet,

# there is an unpleasant smell from the hair,

# the mobility of the scalp decreases, the skin shines, the growth rate, density, color, thickness of the hair change for the worse,

# After the baldness process is completed, DHT levels in the skin decrease.

From folk methods different countries know the method of imposing a tight bandage in the treatment of HDN. At the same time, few people try to explain why this procedure relieves headaches. In addition, many tips for treating HDN coincide with tips for strengthening hair: from time to time it is necessary to interrupt work, bring the body into horizontal position, you can apply a compress on your forehead in the form of a wet towel, drink tea, perform a massage, warm up, etc.

A small digression. It is known that if you bandage (with a tourniquet), for example, a finger, then after a few tens of seconds it will begin to turn blue due to excess venous blood. soft tissues fingers begin to swell due to increased pressure of the interstitial fluid. Why? But because the arterial blood has a pressure in the arteries of 60-70 mm Hg and this is enough to pass under the tourniquet, but the venous flow and intercellular fluid with their 10-20 mm Hg cannot pass back under the tourniquet.

This experiment, but with skin top heads can be repeated if periodically put on an elastic bandage on the head, like basketball or tennis players. Also good elastic bandage which can be bought at a pharmacy. The advantage of the bandage is the ability to adjust the pressing of the tourniquet to the head. These tips are not new, they have already been mentioned earlier:

Attention! The duration of exercises with a tourniquet is determined by well-being and general condition health. The degree of pressing of the elastic tourniquet to the head at the beginning of the experiments is very small; should not exceed 20-70 mmHg. The frequency and duration of tourniquet experiments should be increased gradually. In the event of a headache (internal) pain or discomfort, it is necessary to interrupt this procedure. The appearance of a headache is possible due to excessive pressure of the tourniquet, blocking the pressure in the arterial vessels in the zone of application of the tourniquet, and due to the resumption of metabolism in the "dirty" zone.

This procedure allows you to gradually restore the metabolism of the skin, while the signs of HDN disappear, and cellular activity begins to recover in the hair follicles. There are known facts of a significant restoration of the hairline with constant exercises with an elastic tourniquet. As additional physical procedures, massage with brushes, the use of periodic nourishing masks and compresses can be advised.

Table of contents of the subject "Head. Caput. Topography of the head. Scheme of craniocerebral topography.":

Muscular-aponeurotic layer of the head. Tendon helmet of the head. The structure of the flat bones of the skull of the head. Emissary veins of the head. Veins of the vault of the head.

Behind the subcutaneous tissue of the head follows the muscular-aponeurotic layer, consisting of the occipital-frontal muscle, m. occipitofrontalis, with frontal and occipital bellies and a wide tendon plate connecting these muscles: tendon helmet, galea aponeurotica. As already noted, the tendon helmet is firmly connected with the skin, and with more deep layer- periosteum - loose (Fig. 5.2).

This explains why skull vault wounds are often scalped. The triad of tissues - skin, subcutaneous tissue and tendon helmet - completely exfoliates from the bones of the cranial vault over a greater or lesser extent. Although scalped wounds are severe injuries, with timely assistance, they heal well due to the abundant blood supply to the soft tissues.

Fiber head under galea aponeurotica loose. It is called the sub-poneurotic cellular space, which is widely distributed on the cranial vault: anteriorly - before the attachment of the frontal abdomen m. occipitofrontalis to the supraorbital margin, posteriorly - until the occipital belly of this muscle attaches to the superior nuchal line. On the sides, the sheets of the tendon helmet fuse with the superficial fascia of the temporal region. Along the line of attachment of the temporal muscle, the deep sheet of the tendon helmet is firmly fused with the periosteum, delimiting the subaponeurotic space on the sides.

Between periosteum and outer plate of the bones of the cranial vault there is also loose fiber (subperiosteal). However, along the suture line, the periosteum is firmly fused with them and cannot be detached.

Features anatomical structure of the layers of the cranial vault explains the various forms of hematomas with his bruises. So, subcutaneous hematomas swell in the form of a “bump” due to the fact that blood is not able to spread in the subcutaneous tissue due to fibrous bridges between the skin and the tendon helmet; subgaleal hematomas - flat, spilled, without sharp boundaries; subperiosteal hematomas have sharply defined edges corresponding to the attachment of the periosteum along the line of bone sutures.

The structure of the flat bones of the skull of the head

The structure of the flat bones of the skull has features. They consist of two plates of compact bone substance: a strong outer one, lamina externa, and a less elastic, fragile inner one, lamina interna (“vitreous” - lamina vitrea). In the frontal region, under the outer plate, there is an airy sinus of the frontal bone lined with a mucous membrane, sinus frontalis.

In case of skull injuries, the inner plate often damaged more significantly and over a greater extent than the outer plate. Often the inner plate breaks, and the outer one remains intact.

Emissary veins of the head. Veins of the vault of the head.

Between records there is a spongy substance - diploe which contains numerous diploic veins. Diploic veins connected both with the veins of the integument that make up the extracranial vein system, and with the venous sinuses of the dura mater - the intracranial venous system. This message occurs through the so-called graduates (emissarium) - holes in the corresponding bones, where the emissary veins pass. Of these, the most constant v. emissaria parietalis v. emissaria occipitalis v. emissaria condilaris and v. emissaria mastoidea. The latter is usually the largest and opens into the transverse or sigmoid sinus. V. emissaria parietalis opens into the superior sagittal sinus. Parietal emissaries (exit points w. emissariae parietales) are located on the sides of the sagittal suture anteriorly and posteriorly from the biauricular line drawn from the opening of the right external auditory canal to the left.

Soft tissue veins of the fornix, intraosseous and intracranial veins form a single system in which the direction of blood flow changes due to changes in intracranial pressure.

Connections between the extracranial and intracranial venous systems make it possible for the infection to pass from the integument of the skull to the meninges (for example, with boils, carbuncles of the neck) with the subsequent development of meningitis (inflammation of the meninges), sinus thrombosis and other serious complications.

Thus, certain features can be noted both arterial blood supply and venous outflow from the tissues of the fronto-parieto-occipital region.

Video lesson of topographic anatomy of the frontal, parietal, occipital regions of the head