Simple and economical: how you can decorate your summer cottage. Properties of form and the concept of composition All elements must form a single

In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write this word correctly.

All elements must form a single HARMONIOUS whole and correspond to your ideological intent.

He took a deep breath and resolutely approached Gerasim.

The water was ICE, teeth ached from it, and it was swallowed with a ringing.

In the provinces, the DEVELOPMENT from the honorary duty of the jury in the early years was negligible.

A TECHNICAL chess player must be able to play on two wings.

Answer: evasion

Relevance: Current academic year

Rule: Task 5. Use of paronyms

Paronyms are words that are similar in sound, but differ (partially or completely) in meaning.

Sometimes in our speech there are words that are similar in sound, but differ in shades of meaning or completely different in semantics. Among the lexical errors caused by ignorance of the exact meaning of the word, the most common errors are those associated with non-distinction, or confusion of paronyms.

Greek in origin, the linguistic term "paronym" literally means "the same name": Greek. para- the same onyma- Name.

Paronyms can be called both single-root and similar-sounding words, which, for all their similarity, still differ in shades of meaning or denote different realities of reality.

“Analysis of the performance of task 5 showed that the difficulty for 40% of the subjects is not only recognizing an error made when using paronyms, but also selecting a paronym appropriate to the context for editing an example with an error, which reveals the narrowness vocabulary examinees." To help students in the selection of words-paronyms, the Dictionary of Paronyms is published annually. It is not for nothing that it is called the “dictionary”, since the “Dictionaries” contain thousands of paronymic words. The minimum included in the dictionary will be used in CIMs, but learning paronyms for task 5 is not an end in itself. This knowledge will help to avoid numerous speech errors in written works.

Please note that the RESHUEGE tasks contain tasks from previous years, and they contain words not from this list.

Write the word in the form required in the sentence. This requirement is based on the fact that the rules for filling out the forms indicate: if the short answer should be a word omitted in some sentence, then this word must be written in the form (gender, number, case, etc.) in which it should stand in a sentence. Dictionary of paronyms USE. Russian language. 2019 year. FIPI.

Subscription - subscriber

Artistic - Artistic

Poor - distressed

Irresponsible - irresponsible

swampy - swampy

grateful - grateful

charitable - benevolent

former - former

Inhale - sigh

Age-old - eternal

Great - majestic

fill up - fill up - fill up - fill up - fill up - fill up

hostile - hostile

choosing - choosing

Benefit - Profitability

Issuance - return - transfer - distribution

payout - pay - pay - pay

pay - pay - pay - pay - pay

grow - grow - grow

Growing - building - growing

High - high-rise

Warranty - guaranteed

Harmonic - harmonious

Clay - clay

annual - annual - annual

pride - pride

Humanism - humanity

humanistic - humanitarian - humane

Binary - double - dual - double - double - doubled

Valid - Valid - Valid

businesslike - businesslike - businesslike - businesslike

Democratic - Democratic

Dictation - dictation

diplomat - diplomat

Diplomatic - diplomatic

Long - long

kind - kind

trusting - trusting

rainy - rainy

dramatic - dramatic

friendly - friendly - friendly

Single - the only one

desired - desirable

cruel - tough

vital - worldly

Housing - residential

to fence off - to fence off - to fence off - to fence off - to fence off

lower - lower - lower

pay - pay

Fill - fill - fill

Filled - filled - full

initiator - instigator

bestial - brutal

sound - sonorous

Visual - spectator

inventive - inventive

Informative - informational - information - awareness

ironic - ironic

Artful - artificial

Executive - performing

Outgoing - Outgoing

Stony - stone

Comfortable - comfortable

equestrian - equine

Chunky - Root - Root

bone - bone

colorful - coloring - dyed

Lacquered - lacquered

Ice - ice

wooded - wooded

personal - personal

microscopic - microscopic

Ice cream - freezer - frosty

put on - put on

Availability - cash

Reminder - mention

Ignorant - ignorant

intolerable - impatient - intolerant

Unsuccessful - unfortunate

accused - accused

snippet - snippet

embrace - embrace

limit - limit - limit

Call - response

Organic - organic

Selective - qualifying

Deflection - evasion

evade - evade

Distinguish (s) - distinguish (s)

Difference - difference

memorable - memorable

endure - endure

Buying - buying - buying

Populist - popular

venerable - respectful - honorary

practical - practical

Submit - Submit

representative - representative

Recognized - grateful

Productive - grocery

Productive - production - performance

enlightened - enlightened

journalistic - journalistic

timid - scared

Irritability - irritability

rhythmic - rhythmic

romantic - romantic

secretive - hidden

vocabulary - verbal

resistance - resistance

Neighbor - neighbor

Comparable - Comparative

stage - stage

Technical - technical

Lucky - Lucky

Humiliated - humiliating

actual - actual

predatory - predatory

royal - regal - reigning

whole - whole - whole

Economic - economical - economical

Aesthetic - aesthetic

Ethical - ethical

Effective - effective

Efficiency - showiness

In this article, we will look at what elements you need to pay special attention to when creating a design for a site, what should stand out from the design and focus the visitor's attention.

This will make the site the most effective for you and understandable for the user.

All pages of the site must be made in a certain design style that was originally conceived. But when designing certain page elements, they should be given more attention. Because they are the most important and strategic, it is necessary that they somehow stand out from the page and the user does not have to look for them for a long time.

What are these elements:

Item #1. Menu. The menu is an important part of any site, so it should be designed in an appropriate way, be logically and graphically understandable and immediately catch the visitor's eye. Don't force the visitor to look for your menu.

Item #2. Subscription form. The subscription form is a strategically important part of your website. The number of subscriptions to your newsletter will largely depend on its location and design. The form itself attracts attention. However, sometimes its size is greatly reduced and installed in such places that it is very difficult to notice it among the rest of the contents.

Therefore, try to set the form as high as possible, for example, in the header of the site, immediately below the menu or at the top of the right or left column of the site. Everything here will depend on what kind of site you have and how you plan to mark up the various elements.

Item #3. Subscribe to RSS. At present, in Runet, they are not as willing as they would like to subscribe to RSS, although this still depends on the subject of the site. However, you should not neglect and hide the RSS subscribe button somewhere. It should stand out and be visible. Therefore, most sites make big beautiful buttons for subscribing to RSS, as well as write various calls, slogans and do absolutely the right thing.

Item #4. Services and goods. If you provide any services or have certain products that you promote through your site, be sure to include a link to the page with their description in the most prominent place. Best of all, highlight it in some color so that it is clearly visible and stands out from the rest of the link mass located on your page. In most cases, it is located in the top menu of a site or blog.

Item #5. Connection. Link to form feedback or a page with contact details, very often located in inconspicuous places, and you have to look for it. It is best if it is placed at the top of the page and will be easy to catch the eye of visitors.

Item #6. Search form. Some sites ignore this element altogether and do not have a search form on them. Some don't give it special attention and in order to use it, you have to look for it at the beginning. In fact, if your site does not even contain a very large number of pages, then you just need to have a search form and it should be located somewhere at the top of your site.

So that the user who visits the site can easily notice it and, if necessary, immediately use it. Often, site visitors do not have time to browse the entire section or site in search of certain material, so the presence of this form in a conspicuous place will determine whether the visitor stays on your site or moves on.

Here, in principle, are all the main important elements that should be visible and stand out on your page.

Here you can add only a registration and authorization form on the site, if such an opportunity is generally provided on the site.

The material was prepared by the project:

When I was offered this topic to write my thoughts in the form of an article, I thought for a long time what to write about, because, in fact, this entire article fits into one sentence, which is a direct answer to this question - All documents must be spelled out and no moments should be in the mind. Why exactly? Let's consider the points:

1. Usually what you have in mind never matches what the customer has in mind. In such cases, a moment arises when the Customer says that he intended the work / look / design to be different from what you did and, unfortunately, you cannot argue with this, since there is no documentation that will confirm your words. And an endless stage of alterations begins, until the client plays enough, or receives a product that, in his opinion, is ideal. At the same time, you go beyond the budget, and the project as a whole becomes not only not profitable, but unprofitable.

2. The project is a living “thing” and, of course, during its implementation, new trends and goals / objectives will arise that the client wants to immediately implement. Again, if all these things are not spelled out in the task, then you will work hard, and most importantly - for free. After all, if you refuse, the client will refuse to pay even for the work that has already been done, and at such a moment everything is done to get “at least something”. At the same time, having a competent task, you can not only refuse, but also motivate the client for additional paid work.

Consider, on the example of a company RBC SOFT what and in what format should be described in the terms of reference.
Our company develops projects on its own CMS, and almost all typical functionality has already been implemented in standard modules. All these modules have a technical description of the functionality of the module. And for development standard projects, it makes no sense to write everything from scratch. Therefore, together with the client, when discussing the project, all the functionality of the future project is immediately determined, the necessary modules are selected and their description is reduced to the terms of reference. With non-standard functionality, the new functionality is carefully described in the format of this document. Next, the document is ready agreed with the client, signed and is an integral part of the contract.

Next, a new document is introduced - art assignment describing the entire structure and artistic component of the project. After a 2-3 hour briefing by the client, the analyst and art director develop this document, where they describe the structure, visual blocks, corporate colors, user paths, portraits target audience, goals and business objectives of the project. Yet again, This document is agreed with the client and signed. On the basis of the artistic task, the design of the future project is developed and in 99% of cases the client accepts the work, since during the presentation he does not have a question why it is so and not in another way. Everything is agreed and described in the art task, and if you want to change something, ask the question: “Why? What will this change change in the proposed solution to the business problem that was formulated in the task? Without a similar document, you can fall into the stage of “moving” pictures and “enlarging” the logo, which can last indefinitely and, as a result, a stillborn project will be born that does not solve a single task from a business point of view, but, as you know, Any commercial project is designed to solve business problems.

And so, to summarize once again, the documentation describing the task (this should not only be the terms of reference) should contain the most complete description of all facets of the project, from functionality to appearance and business tasks, otherwise you risk getting a stillborn

Finally, the rule of working with the client: More paper - cleaner butt!

Igityan Tachat,
Director of Interactive Communications,

Landscaping for a private house is the main stage of site improvement. It reflects the tastes and habits of the owners, makes the space harmonious. All design elements - paths, flower beds, alpine slides, outdoor lighting, gazebos and others should form a single ensemble. For a successful arrangement, it is important to keep in mind: the size and topography of the site, the style of the facade of the house, the correct combination of colors and the visibility of the local area.

In the article, we will gradually consider the basics of landscape design for a private house: functionality, the correct arrangement of elements, creating a composition, working with chiaroscuro and perspective. And also how to use them to create a feeling of a vast space, even in a small area.

Design basics

The basis of the correct design of the site is a carefully thought-out composition. The filling of the adjoining area must meet 3 basic requirements: beauty, functionality and practicality. It is not enough just to build an alpine slide or a gazebo next to the house if they do not harmonize with the facade of the house and do not combine with each other. The first stage of design is the choice of design style. There are 2 main design principles:

  • formal;
  • landscape.

Most important point in the design of a summer cottage - this is the definition of a recreation area. Here, such moments as gazebos, a children's area, a barbecue area and a barbecue should be provided. All this is designed and placed in accordance with the light, shadow, relief.

The formal style involves the dominance of geometric shapes and the strict subordination of space to the rules that are created by man. The main features are the symmetry and modification of the natural landscape. A characteristic element is the artificial shaping of trees and shrubs into the shape of a cube, oval, trapezoid, ball. This is the so-called “French garden”, in which even flower beds are planted in the form of geometric shapes.

Giving preference to the formal style, it is worth considering the possible disadvantages of such a solution. A drastic change in the natural landscape can completely destroy its natural appeal. Excessive pomposity and solemnity will hurt even classic style, depriving him of elegance.

Essential elements

The entire space of the site should be divided into functional zones. One of the elements becomes the central part of each. For the arrangement, small architectural forms are used: a gazebo, a sauna, an outdoor barbecue or barbecue, decorative arches. They also include decorative sculptures, fake wells. All this is connected by a system of garden paths and paths. If the family has a car, you need to provide a convenient entrance to the house.

Original flower stands

Decorative elements give an expressive accent to each of the zones. For example, a water barrel can turn into an original well - a snag.

Buildings and constructions

The basis of the functional content is made up of various SAFs (small architectural forms) and outbuildings. Their number and location depends on the size of the site. Some of them (for example, a garage or a bathhouse) can be attached to the house.

Road-tropical network

Garden paths should be beautiful and functional. They connect functional areas and serve as a decorative element. The material of the paths should be quite practical and safe: do not slip after the rain, be well cleaned of snow. Depending on the style, these are paving slabs, stone chips, bricks, wood with antiseptic impregnation.

flower beds

The easiest way to decorate a site is a flower garden that combines annuals and perennials. Such a flower bed will serve as a decoration of the site from early spring to late autumn, with the right selection of plants.

Arches and other architectural forms

Decorative arches, supports for climbing plants visually divide the site into zones and give originality. For example, the entrance to the patio can be decorated with a metal arch entwined with decorative vines in summer. In winter, conifer branches or holly can be used as decoration.

Decorative arches as stands for climbing plants


For green hedges are best suited:

  • boxwood;
  • privet;
  • irga;
  • holly.

If you want a "French garden" with shrubs in the form of geometric shapes, they must be resistant to frequent pruning.

Ponds and fountains

Artificial reservoirs and decorative fountains are not only a decorative element. They freshen the air in the area, create the right level of humidity for many plants. For a Japanese garden, not only a “rock garden”, but also a small pond with a decorative bridge will be an obligatory element. You can find out how to create an artificial waterfall in your area.



Landscaping of a plot at a private house is. It includes the functional filling of the territory - lighting, a landscaping system, as well as the style of house decoration, combined with the facade of the house. A detailed development plan is prepared in advance. It includes the features of the territory, the applied color scheme and the location of all elements. The project plan is drawn up independently or it is created by a landscape design specialist.

Option 4

Read the text and complete tasks 1 - 3

(1) In 1943, the Hungarian Laszlo Biro, who received an order from the British Royal Air Force to develop a pen capable of writing at high altitudes at low pressure, first proposed the use of a rod consisting of a channel blocked by a metal ball. (2) The first ballpoint pens were just terrible: the balls fell out, air bubbles blocked the writing unit, the ink often started to leak out, and at first it was more familiar and seemed easier for people to write with a regular fountain pen. (3) A ballpoint pen could write with more pressure than a fountain pen, did not scratch the paper, made less ink marks, and therefore quickly gained popularity.

1. Indicate two sentences that correctly convey the MAIN information contained in the text. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Ballpoint pens, invented by Laszlo Biro at the request of the British Air Force, quickly gained popularity, despite a number of shortcomings.

2) A ballpoint pen capable of writing at high altitudes at low pressure was developed by the British Laszlo Biro: he used a rod consisting of a channel blocked by a metal ball.

3) The first ballpoint pens, invented by order of the British Royal Air Force, were not in demand by the population: people preferred to write with ordinary fountain pens.

4) Despite the fact that the first ballpoint pens, invented by Laszlo Biro by order of the British Air Force, had many drawbacks, they quickly became popular due to their fundamental advantages over fountain pens.

5) Laszlo Biro went down in history as the inventor of the ballpoint pen, which could write at high altitudes at low pressure, did not scratch the paper, and made fewer blots.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

For example,



3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meaning of the word LOW. Determine in what sense this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

SHORT, -th, -th; -zok, -zka, -zko, -zki.

1) Small in height, located at a small height from the ground, from some. level. N. fence.

2) Not reaching the average level, less than the average norm, insignificant. Low prices.

3) Poor, unsatisfactory in terms of quality. N. grade.

4) Mean, dishonorable (contempt.). N. deed.

5) Thick to the ear. N. bass.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in setting the stress: the letter denoting the stressed vowel is highlighted INCORRECTLY. Write out this word.




5. In one of the sentences below, the underlined word is WRONGLY used. Correct the mistake and write this word correctly.

All elements must form a single HARMONIOUS whole and correspond to your ideological intent.

He took a deep breath and resolutely approached Gerasim.

The water was ICE, teeth ached from it, and it was swallowed with a ringing.

In the provinces, the DEVELOPMENT from the honorary duty of the jury in the early years was negligible.

A TECHNICAL chess player must be able to play on two wings.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

fixed more RELIABLE



seedlings of APPLE TREES

pick up from the CRAYER

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are made: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) violation in the construction of a complex sentence

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with participial turnover

D) incorrect sentence construction with indirect speech

D) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

1) Antipov annoyed the repair service with complaints about the material shipped to him to renew the rail track.

2) Standing on the threshold of the house, the parents looked for a long time after the departing children.

3) Upon arrival from Greece, I sat down to write new book.

4) In "Ruslan and Lyudmila" A.S. Pushkin conveyed much of what he heard from his nanny Arina Rodionovna.

5) In order to get to Ryabtsev, who occupied an office on the fifth floor, Nastasya had to explain the purpose of her visit to a dozen guards.

6) I was not accepted into basketball team schools. Because I was short.

7) When creating a project for a new building, the architect said that I want to make this building the most beautiful in the city.

8) Mistakes not only bring pain, but also make us wiser.

9) The war was a difficult test for the whole people, but everyone believed and hoped for victory.

8. Determine the word in which the unstressed checked vowel of the root is missing. Write out this word by inserting the missing letter.




see. rush (with circumstances)


9. Find a row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words out with the missing letter.

and .. tries, in .. head (institution)

pr..possible, pr..shore


pr .. grandfather, pr .. I'll lead

(I see) in .. reality, times .. yaryon

10. Write down the word in which the letter I is written in place of the gap.





coughed up..coughed up

11. Write down the word in which the letter E is written in place of the gap.


endure.. you suffer

outlined .. who

12. Identify the sentence in which NOT with the word is spelled CONTINUOUSLY. Open the brackets and write out this word.

Winter (NOT) is angry for nothing, its time has passed ...

His home life, which was (NOT) INTERESTING to anyone around him, went on as usual.

It was a month of (NOT) clouded happiness.

My new friend was by no means (NOT) POOR, but his stinginess discouraged me.

(NOT) WELCOMELY and affably met Olga Stas, but coldly and aloofly.

13. Determine the sentence in which both underlined words are spelled ONE. Open the brackets and write out these two words.

(FOR) WHAT, in separation from her, (TO) DESCRIBE with slander, the heart in us is ready to bleed to the drop ...

(PO) APPEARS, the very principle from which this truth proceeds obliges you, (IN) VIEW of your position in society, to recognize in it only the inner light.

(IN) IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM (B) FOR 20 years the same table stood, covered with the same lace tablecloth.

I wanted to meet Sonya by all means, to tell her how I missed her, how I suffered (IN) ALONE, not daring to confess my feelings to anyone.

The officer stood (ON) THE HOOD, and the general, meanwhile, gave the order to the soldiers to form columns (ON) TWO.

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which HN is written.

I immediately remembered the mirror to the very floor, immediately (1) reflecting the second torment (2) and the ditch (3) of Sharik, deer antlers in height, countless (4) fur coats and galoshes.

15. Use punctuation marks. Choose two sentences in which you want to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The sound of a motor or the crunch of a fallen tree was heard in the distance.

2) Vasily Porfirych handed out a microscopic piece of prosphora to the children, drank tea and sat down in the office.

3) This was a gentleman of middle age, prim and portly, with a cautious and peevish physiognomy.

4) For centuries, these trees have been related to us and gave our ancestors creaky bast shoes and a smokeless torch.

5) Darwin was characterized by poor health almost all his life and this did not prevent him from showing the highest level intensity of mental work.

16. Put all the punctuation marks:

The swimmer (1) was brave, who decided on such a night (2) to set off across the strait for a distance of twenty miles (3) and there must be an important reason (4) that prompted him to do this.

17. Put in all the missing punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

Talking with you (1) my dear (2) I (3) finally (4) came to one single thought: if we (5) gentle (6) my friend (7) cannot breathe without each other (8) however (9) the will of the parents interferes with our well-being, can we not do without it?

18. Put all the punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

In Gorokhovaya Street, in one of the large houses (1) of the population (2) of which (3) would be enough for a whole county town (4) Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lay in bed in the morning in his apartment.

19. Put all the punctuation marks: indicate the number(s) that should be replaced by a comma(s) in the sentence.

Yegorushka looked around (1) and did not understand (2) where this strange song came from (3) but (4) when he listened (5) it began to seem to him (6) that it was grass singing, complaining about the heat and drought.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, excluding superfluous word. Write out this word.

It was useless to hide the true truth, and Serpilin did not even consider himself entitled to do so.

Read the text and complete tasks 21 - 26

(1) I recently received a letter in which a schoolgirl writes about her friend. (2) The literature teacher suggested that this friend write an essay about a very prominent Soviet writer. (3) And in this essay, the schoolgirl, paying tribute to both the genius of the writer and his significance in the history of literature, wrote that he had mistakes. (4) The teacher considered all this inappropriate and scolded her very much. (5) And now a friend of that schoolgirl turns to me with a question: is it possible to write about the mistakes of great people? (6) I answered her that it is not only possible, but also necessary to write about the mistakes of great people, that a person is great not because he was not mistaken in anything. (7) No one is free from mistakes in our life, in our complex life.

(8) What is important to a person? (9) How to live life? (10) First of all, do not commit any acts that would drop his dignity. (11) You can’t do very much in life, but if you don’t do anything, even petty, against your conscience, then by doing this you bring tremendous benefits. (12) Even in our ordinary, Everyday life. (13) But in life there can be difficult, bitter situations when a person faces the problem of choice - to be dishonored in the eyes of others or in his own. (14) I am sure that it is better to be dishonored before others than before your own conscience. (15) A person must be able to sacrifice himself. (16) Of course, such a sacrifice is a heroic deed. (17) But you need to go for it.

(18) When I say that a person should not go against his conscience, should not make a deal with it, I do not mean at all that a person cannot or should not make mistakes, stumble. (19) No one is free from mistakes in our difficult life. (20) However, a person who has stumbled is in grave danger: he often falls into despair. (21) It begins to seem to him that everyone around is scoundrels, that everyone lies and acts badly. (22) Disappointment sets in, and disappointment, loss of faith in people, in decency - this is the worst thing.

(23) Yes, they say: "Take care of honor from a young age." (24) But even if it was not possible to save honor from a young age, it must and can be regained in adulthood, break yourself, find the courage and courage to admit mistakes.

(25) I know a person whom everyone admires now, who is very appreciated, whom I am in last years loved his life. (26) Meanwhile, in his youth, he committed a bad deed, a very bad one. (27) And then he told me about this act. (28) He himself confessed. (29) Later, we sailed with him on a boat, and he said, leaning on the deck railings: “And I thought that you wouldn’t even talk to me.” (30) I didn’t even understand what he was talking about: my attitude towards him changed much earlier than he confessed to the sins of his youth. (31) I myself already understood that he did not realize much of what he was doing ...

(32) The path to repentance can be long and difficult. (33) But how adorns the courage to admit one's guilt - adorns both a person and society.

(34) Anxiety of conscience ... (35) They suggest, teach; they help not to violate ethical norms, to preserve dignity - the dignity of a morally living person.

(according to D.S. Likhachev*)

*Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev(1906-1999) - Soviet and Russian philologist, culturologist, art critic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify the answer numbers.

1) Likhachev writes that a schoolgirl, his student, asked him a question.

2) In the text, such concepts as “honor” and “conscience” are very closely related to each other.

3) Sacrifice yourself is a heroic deed, and you need to think very carefully before going for it.

4) When a person is not in harmony with his conscience, it seems to him that everyone around him is lying and doing bad things.

5) A friend of the hero-narrator confessed to him that he had made mistakes on the ship.

22. Which of the following statements are faithful? Specify the answer numbers.

Enter the numbers in ascending order.

1) In sentences 13–14, reasoning is presented.

2) Sentence 21 explains, reveals the content of sentence 20.

3) Proposition 24 contains a conclusion, a consequence of what is said in sentence 23.

4) Sentences 26-28 contain reasoning.

5) Sentences 34–35 provide a description.

23. From sentences 18-22, write out a phraseological unit with the meaning "to mean someone, something."

24. Among sentences 1-7, find one (s) that is (s) connected with the previous one using a coordinating conjunction, demonstrative pronoun and word forms.

25. “Techniques of expressiveness in the works of D.S. Likhachev play a special role: they clarify the author's thought, concretize the details, and place the necessary logical accents. In the presented text, among such techniques, one can single out (A) _______ (sentences 11–12) and (B) ________ (in sentences 23, 29). A feature of the style of D.S. Likhachev is also such a technique as (B) ________ (“in our life” in sentence 7). Among the few tropes, it is worth highlighting (D) _______ ("bitter situations" in sentence 13.

List of terms:

1) epithets

2) antonyms

3) parceling

4) colloquial words

5) rows of homogeneous members of the proposal

6) quoting

7) lexical repetition

8) metonymy

9) assonance

26. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two illustration examples from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

Option 4

1. Answer: 14|41.

2. Answer: however.

3. Answer: 2.

4. Answer: bear fruit.

5. Answer: evasion.

6. Answer: reliable.

7. Answer: 26579

8. Answer: reconcile

9. Answer: really angry

10. Answer: paste

11. Answer: doze

12. Answer: no wonder

13. Answer: why not

14. Answer: 124.

15. Answer: 25

16. Answer: 12578

18. Answer: 14.

19. Answer: 2356.

20. Answer: true.

21. Answer: 24

22. Answer: 12.

23. Answer: 3

25. Answer: 3671

Approximate range of problems

1. The problem of mistakes in human life. (Is it possible to live life without making any mistakes?)

1. In our complex life, no one is free from mistakes. Making mistakes, realizing them is a natural process

2. The problem of the relationship between the greatness of a person and the mistakes that he made. The problem of publicizing the mistakes of great people. (Can the greatness of a person consist in the fact that he was not mistaken in anything? Is the concept of "greatness" connected with the mistakes that a person makes? Is it possible to talk about the mistakes of great people or should this be hidden?)

2. The greatness of a man is not that he has not made any mistakes. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to talk about the mistakes of great people.

3. The problem of the role of conscience in human life. (What is the role of conscience in a person's life? Does life "according to conscience" protect against mistakes? Does life "according to conscience" bring benefits?)

3. Life "according to conscience" does not protect against mistakes, but conscience is what prompts, teaches, helps not to violate ethical standards, to preserve the dignity of a morally living person. Even if a person has not done very much in life, but lived in harmony with his conscience, he has already brought significant benefits.

4. The problem of choosing landmarks on the path of life. (How should a person live his life? What is it important for him to focus on first of all?)

4. A person should not commit any act that would drop his dignity. You don't have to go against your conscience. Therefore, the main guide should be one's own conscience.

5. The problem of choice: to be dishonored in the eyes of others - or in your own. (Which is better: to be dishonored in the eyes of others or to lose honor and dignity in your own eyes?)

5. It is better to be dishonored before other people than before your own conscience. Of course, dishonor in the eyes of others is a big sacrifice, but it must be made ..

6. The problem of honor. (Is it possible, having committed a bad, dishonorable act in youth, to regain honor in adulthood?)

6. If it was not possible to save honor from a young age, it can and should be returned to oneself in adulthood.

7. The problem of remorse. (Is it necessary to repent of the mistakes made?)

7. Despite the fact that the path to repentance can be long and difficult, since admitting your mistakes is very difficult, it is very useful, it decorates a person, because repentance is a manifestation of courage

8. The problem of the consequences of mistakes. (What dangers await a person who has made a mistake? What is one of the worst consequences of a mistake?)

8. A person who has made a mistake may fall into despair. Then disappointment may come, loss of faith in people, in decency, and this is the worst thing.

* To formulate the problem, the examinee may use vocabulary that differs from that presented in the table. The problem can also be cited from the source text or indicated by references to sentence numbers.