Where is the Azov-Black Sea basin located. Azov-Black Sea basin, region

The southern ports of Russia are located at the crossroads of world trade routes, several transport corridors pass through them. In addition, this is the shortest way from the largest industrial centers of Russia - manufacturers of export products - to Europe, the countries of the Middle East, Asia, Africa and America. This geographical position determines the most important role of the regional sea port complexes of this basin in solving the set state tasks. More than a third of all Russian cargo flows currently pass through the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin.

In the Azov-Black Sea basin Russian Federation there are twelve seaports: Rostov-on-Don, Azov, Taganrog, Yeysk, Temryuk, Kavkaz, Taman, Anapa, Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Sochi.

According to the materials of the meeting of the Maritime Board under the Government of the Russian Federation, Novorossiysk, 2013

Cargo turnover of seaports of the basin in 2012

At the end of 2012, the cargo turnover of the seaports of the Azov-Black Sea basin increased by 2.3% compared to 2011 and amounted to 176.7 million tons. Of these, the volume of transshipment of dry cargo amounted to 69.2 million tons (+8.9%), liquid cargo - 107.5 million tons (-1.6%).

The growth in transshipment of dry cargo was due to an increase in the transshipment of grain by 22.7%, ferrous metals by 28.4%, coal by 5.8%, cargo in containers by 6.2%, packaged cargo by 6.8% and cargo by ferries by 1.5 times. At the same time, the volume of transshipment of mineral fertilizers decreased by 12.5%, ore by 1.8 times, scrap metal by 14.0%, non-ferrous metals by 10.3%, and sugar by 3.2 times.

The transshipment of liquid cargoes decreased due to crude oil by 4.4%, while the transshipment of oil products increased by 3.4% and food cargo in bulk increased by 1.8 times.

An analysis of cargo turnover by directions showed that the share of exports is 71.1% of the total volume of cargo handling in the Azov-Black Sea basin, imports - 8.1%, transit - 19.5% and cabotage - 1.4%.

Cargo turnover of the port of Novorossiysk increased by 1.0% and amounted to 117.4 million tons, Rostov-on-Don - by 8.0%, up to 11.1 million tons, Caucasus - by 13.4%, up to 9.4 million tons , Azov - by 6.6%, up to 5.1 million tons and Taman - by 3.0 times, up to 3.6 million tons (due to the commissioning of terminals for transshipment of LPG and grain). The cargo turnover of the port of Tuapse decreased by 8.2% and amounted to 17.8 million tons, Yeysk - by 11.6%, to 3.6 million tons, Taganrog - by 1.4%, to 3.4 million tons and Temryuk - by 3.5%, up to 2.3 million tons.

If we consider individual companies, the cargo turnover increased at the following sea terminal operators:

- JSC "Novorossiysk MTP" - by 1.2% due to an increase in the transshipment of grain, ferrous metals, oil products. At the same time, the transshipment of ore, mineral fertilizers, sugar and crude oil decreased;

- OAO Novoroslesexport - by 6.5% due to an increase in the volume of cargo transshipment in containers, timber and non-ferrous metals;

- OJSC Novorossiysk UTEP - by 26.7% due to the growth of cargo in containers and cargo on ferries;

- LLC "Tuapse Bulk Terminal" - due to the increase in the transshipment of mineral fertilizers;

- JSC "Taganrog MTP" - by 6.4% due to the increase in transshipment of coal and general cargo;

- OJSC "Azov Sea Port" - by 8.9% due to an increase in coal transshipment;

- Promekspeditsiya LLC - by 27.1% due to an increase in grain transshipment;

- CJSC "South of Rus' - Golden Seed" - by 18.2% due to an increase in the transshipment of grain and food in bulk;

- JSC "Anroskrym" - 1.6 times due to the increase in cargo transportation by ferries;

- Rostov Universal Port LLC - by 2.3% due to an increase in the transshipment of bulk and general cargoes;

- JSC "Yeisk seaport" - by 2.0% due to an increase in the transshipment of bulk and liquid cargo.

- The indicators of cargo transshipment volumes decreased for the following operators of sea terminals:

- JSC "Tuapse MTP" - by 13.5% due to a decrease in the volume of transshipment of coal and bulk cargo, at the same time, the volume of transshipment of grain and ferrous metals increased;

- CJSC KTK-R - by 3.8% due to the reduction of crude oil transshipment;

- OJSC Novoshakhtinsk Oil Products Plant - by 18.1% due to a decrease in the volume of oil products transshipment.

Seaport of Rostov-on-Don

The seaport of Rostov-on-Don is located in the Rostov region on the Don River in the city of Rostov-on-Don.

Until 2008, the port had the status of a river estuary port, however, due to the need to improve the system for ensuring the safety of navigation, especially with regard to river-sea vessels, appropriate corrective measures were required for the state port control system, the ship release system at sea, and the traffic monitoring system Russian courts both at sea and on inland waterways, the activities of the port captain’s service were revised, and in 2009 the port received the status of a sea port, and on the basis of the FGU “Azov-Don State basin management waterways and navigation” the Rostov and Azov branches of the Federal State Institution “Administration of the Seaport of Taganrog” were created.

The port of Rostov-on-Don is international and is open to ships flying a foreign flag; its main part is located within the city of Rostov-on-Don along the right and left banks of the Don River. Basically, the port is focused on the implementation of cargo operations and servicing of transit vessels of the "river-sea" class.

The water area of ​​the Don River from 3121 km of the Unified Deep Water System of the European Part of the Russian Federation (the entrance to the mouth of the Aksai River) downstream to 3151.0 km, 32 km long, as well as part of the Aksai River water area for 3 km, Aksaisky backwater, Alexander bucket, Nakhichevan channel, Rostov bucket, other backwaters, water areas near the berths and approaches to them.

The duration of navigation, which is 320 days, is limited by ice conditions and annual repairs in January-February of the Rostov drawbridge.

The length of the mooring front is 8978.9 running meters.

Guaranteed depths at berths - up to 4 meters, where river-sea class vessels are handled.

The main operators in the port: Rostov Port OJSC, Rostov Universal Port LLC, Yug Rusi - Zolotaya Semechka LLC, AIK Aston LLC, etc.

The leading role is played by Rostov Port OJSC, which occupies 4 cargo areas with convenient berths, where 16 vessels with a carrying capacity of up to 5 thousand tons can be handled simultaneously.

The throughput capacity of cargo terminals of the port of Rostov-on-Don per year is 12.85 million tons (including: liquid - 3.15 million tons, dry - 9.63 million tons, containers - 5.6 thousand TEU).

In 2012, the total cargo turnover of the port amounted to 11.12 million tons, including export - 9.28 million tons, import - 1.65 million tons, transit - 0.15 million tons and cabotage - 0.04 million tons.

In cargo transshipment, grain turnover amounted to 3.67 million tons, coal, coke - 1.21 million tons, general cargo - 2.17 million tons, oil products - 1.8 million tons, food bulk cargo - 0.5 million tons.

In 2012, the volume of transshipment in the port of Rostov-on-Don increased by 8.0% compared to 2011. At the same time, the volume of export cargo transshipment increased by 2.1%, while the volume of import cargo transshipment increased by 58.2%.

Restraining factors for the development of the port are the lack of container sites, free space for warehousing cargo and dependence on the operation of a drawbridge.

The prospect of the development of the port is the project of creating a multimodal universal transport and logistics hub "Rostov Universal Port".

The project is included in the subprogram "Development of export of transport services" of the Federal Target Program "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010-2015).

The project provides for the creation on the left bank of the river. Don - in the area of ​​the industrial zone Zarechnaya in Rostov-on-Don (on land plots with a total area of ​​405 hectares) - a complex of port and logistics facilities and infrastructure of railways and roads and approaches. The project is supposed to be carried out in several stages and implemented on the terms of public-private partnership. The design capacity of the port is 16 million tons of cargo per year.

The creation of a multimodal universal transport and logistics hub "Rostov Universal Port", located on the directions of international transport corridors, will increase the competitiveness and transit potential of Russian inland waterways.

The objectives of the project are to develop port facilities on the inland waterways of the Azov-Don basin to ensure the growing cargo turnover, increase the volume of container traffic when opening inland waterways for the passage of ships flying the flags of foreign states and integrate the Russian Federation into the European transport system.

Main expected results of implementation:

- increase in the throughput capacity of river ports in the Azov-Don basin by 16 million tons of cargo per year;

- guaranteed passage of an increasing flow of ships after the completion of the reconstruction of the Volga-Don shipping canal;

- switching of export-import cargo flows from the ports of Ukraine and other countries in the amount of up to 6 million tons;

- reducing delivery times and improving the safety of cargo transportation by inland waterway transport.

Stages and terms of implementation: design - 2010-2013; construction - 2014-2015 (I stage).

The total amount of project financing is 19,792.8 million rubles, including at the expense of:

- federal budget - 5159.2 million rubles;

- budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - 1,000 million rubles;

- extrabudgetary sources - 13,633.6 million rubles.

Seaport of Azov

The seaport of Azov is located on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov and at the mouth of the Don River in the city of Azov, Rostov Region.

The port is the gateway to the inland water transport system, which passes through the Volga-Don Canal further to the Caspian Sea and through the Volga River and the system of northern rivers, the Volga-Baltic and White Sea Canal connects to the Baltic and White Seas. This is a convenient waterway to industrial centers located in the European part of Russia.

Until 2008, the port, like the port of Rostov-on-Don, had the status of a river mouth port, and in 2009 it received the status of a sea port.

The territory of the port with an area of ​​134.05 hectares consists of 7 separate sections.

The port water area includes the water area of ​​the Don River from 3151.0 km downstream to the mouth and the Azov-Don Sea Canal located in the Sea of ​​Azov. The total area of ​​the water area is 11 sq. km.

The port is accessible for vessels up to 150 m long, up to 18 m wide, and up to 3.7 m in draft. The length of the mooring front is 3909.46 running meters.

Port open for navigation all year round, in winter, icebreaking assistance is provided to ships.

The throughput capacity of the cargo terminals of the port of Azov is 10.1 million tons per year (including: liquid - 0.9 million tons, dry - 8.87 million tons, containers - 30.2 thousand TEU).

The port handles scrap metal, agricultural crops, oil products and liquefied gas. In addition, the port serves transit ships from the Unified Deep Water System of the European part of the Russian Federation to the ports of the Azov, Black and Mediterranean Seas.

The cargo turnover of the port of Azov in 2012 amounted to 5.07 million tons, while export - 3.85 million tons, import - 0.86 million tons, cabotage - 0.36 million tons.

In cargo transshipment, grain turnover amounted to 2.79 million tons, coal, coke - 0.81 million tons, general cargo - 0.76 million tons, oil products - 0.49 million tons.

The volume of cargo transshipment in 2012 increased by 6.6% compared to 2011, while transshipment for export increased by 10.2%, for import - by 6.6%.

The project for investing in the construction of a marine multimodal complex in the city of Azov (Rostov Region) provides for the construction of a terminal with a cargo turnover of 4.4 million tons per year (the initiator of the project is CJSC Azovtransit). Estimated implementation period - 2013-2016.

The project of investing in the construction of a transshipment complex for transshipment of cargo in containers in the seaport of Azov provides for the construction of a terminal with a cargo turnover of 50,000 containers per year (the initiator of the project is Uyut LLC). Estimated timeframe for project implementation is 2013-2016.

Seaport of Taganrog

The seaport of Taganrog is located in the northeastern part of the Sea of ​​Azov, in the Taganrog Bay, on Cape Taganrog, projecting into the bay 55 miles east of the port of Mariupol.

The port of Taganrog is a universal port. Cost-effective routes from Central Russia, Siberia, the Urals and Central Asia to the Mediterranean countries pass through it.

The territory of the port with an area of ​​53.99 hectares consists of 9 separate sections.

The port water area consists of five sections and includes the Taganrog Sea Canal and the internal water area of ​​the port, the water area in Andreeva Bay and three separate anchorages. The total area of ​​the water area is 9.76 sq. km.

To date, the port has 11 berths (7 berths at Taganrog Commercial Sea Port OJSC, 1 berth at Priazovye CJSC; Repair Quay, consisting of three berths: 2 - Taganrog Ship Repair Plant OJSC, 1 - Kurgannefteprodukt LLC ). The port is accessible for ships up to 143 m long, up to 20 m wide, up to 4.7 m draft. The length of the mooring front is 1765.7 running meters. The navigation period is year-round, in winter period provided by icebreakers.

The berths of the port carry out year-round transshipment of export-import cargoes: general, bulk, bulk and liquid, as well as cargoes in 20- and 40-foot containers.

The port handles scrap metal, timber, coal, oil products, containers, grain and general cargo.

As of today, the annual throughput capacity of the cargo terminals of the port of Taganrog is 4.4 million tons (including: liquid - 1.46 million tons, dry - 2.34 million tons, containers - 50 thousand TEU).

The port's cargo turnover in 2012 amounted to 3.42 million tons, while export - 2.63 million tons, import - 0.30 million tons, cabotage - 0.49 million tons.

In cargo transshipment, the turnover of grain amounted to 0.67 million tons, coal, coke - 0.65 million tons, general cargo - 0.30 million tons, oil products - 1.62 million tons.

The volume of cargo transshipment in 2012 decreased by 1.4% compared to 2011, while transshipment for export decreased by 11.6%, for import increased by 24.9%.

Seaport Yeysk

The seaport of Yeysk is located on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory, in the southeastern part of the Taganrog Bay of the Sea of ​​Azov, near the mouth of the Yeya River, at the base of the Yeysk Spit, which separates the waters of the bay and the Yeysk Estuary.

The area of ​​the seaport territory is 68.61 hectares, the area of ​​the seaport water area is 0.87 sq. km.

The water area of ​​the port is limited by the Western Mole, North-Eastern and Eastern breakwaters separating it from the open sea. An approach channel 3040 m long, 80 m wide and 4.6 m deep leads to it.

Yeysk is a bucket-type seaport with a vertical wall.

Berths were built on the bank of an artificial bay in 1902-1903. and reconstructed in 1959-1961.

Today there are 15 berths in the port. The port is accessible for vessels up to 142 m long, up to 18 m wide, and up to 4.5 m in draft. The length of the mooring front is 2649 running meters. The navigation period is year-round.

Today, the annual throughput capacity of the cargo terminals of the port of Yeysk is 5.65 million tons (including: liquid - 1.1 million tons, dry - 4.55 million tons).

In 2012, the total cargo turnover of the Yeysk port amounted to 3.56 million tons, including: export - 3.23 million tons, import - 0.22 million tons, transit - 0.11 million tons and cabotage - 2.9 thousand tons .

In cargo transshipment, grain turnover amounted to 1.45 million tons, coal - 0.73 million tons, general cargo - 0.14 million tons, oil products - 0.21 million tons, food bulk cargo - 0.15 million tons.

In 2012, the volume of transshipment in the port of Yeysk decreased by 11.6% compared to 2011, while the volume of export cargo transshipment decreased by 12.8%, and import cargo - by 12.1%.

Seaport of Temryuk

The seaport of Temryuk is located on the Taman Peninsula in the Temryuk Bay of the Sea of ​​Azov. The area of ​​the seaport territory is 229.2 hectares, the area of ​​the seaport water area is 22.68 sq. km.

There are currently 10 berths in the port. The port is available for calls by vessels up to 140 m long, up to 17.5 m wide, up to 4.8 m draft. The length of the berthing front is 1394.75 linear meters. The navigation period is year-round.

The throughput capacity of Temryuk port cargo terminals per year is 5.82 million tons, including: liquid cargo - 1.8 million tons, dry cargo - 3.9 million tons, containers - 10 thousand TEU.

- Mechel-Temryuk Port LLC. Complex for transshipment of general and bulk cargoes;

- LLC "KGS-port" Complex for transshipment of general and bulk cargoes;

- Temryukmortrans LLC and Temryuk Commercial Sea Port OJSC. Complexes for transshipment of general, bulk and liquid cargoes;

- LLC "Kargokhim" Complex for transshipment of liquid chemical cargoes;

- LLC "Roskhimtrade" Complex for transshipment of liquid chemical cargoes and oil products.

- OOO Maktren-Nafta. Complex for transshipment of liquefied hydrocarbon gases (LHG).

In 2012, the total cargo turnover of the port of Temryuk amounted to 2.27 million tons, including: export - 2.08 million tons, import - 0.16 million tons, cabotage - 38.1 thousand tons.

In the transshipment of goods, the turnover of grain amounted to 264.1 thousand tons, oil products - 497.3 thousand tons, coal - 879.9 thousand tons.

In 2012, the volume of transshipment in the port of Temryuk decreased by 3.5% compared to 2011, while the volume of export cargo transshipment decreased by 0.5%, while import cargo increased by 23.2%.

In accordance with the "Maritime Transport" subprogram of the Federal Target Program "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010-2015)", the implementation of the event "Construction and reconstruction of infrastructure facilities of the seaport of Temryuk" is envisaged.

As a result of the project, it is planned to build a transshipment complex for liquefied hydrocarbon gases with a cargo turnover of 0.3 million tons per year, a transshipment complex for liquid chemical products with a cargo turnover of 0.5 million tons per year, and an increase in the port's cargo turnover by 0.8 million tons per year. The project is expected to start in 2015.

In addition, in the seaport of Temryuk, it is planned to implement the project of Peter Gas LLC as part of the UGSS Expansion to Supply Gas to the South Stream Gas Pipeline project. Approximate terms of realization - 2013-2016.

The project is currently at the design and estimate documentation development stage.

Seaport Kavkaz

The sea port of Kavkaz is located on the Chushka spit in the Kerch Strait of the Sea of ​​Azov. The area of ​​the seaport territory is 46.5 hectares, the area of ​​the seaport water area is 23.24 sq. km.

There are currently 9 berths in the port. The port is available for ships to call:

- in the internal water area of ​​the port up to 150 m long, up to 21 m wide, up to 5 m draft;

- in the water area of ​​the offshore transshipment area up to 260 m long, up to 46 m wide, with a draft of up to 16 m.

The length of the mooring front is 988 running meters. The navigation period is year-round.

At present, the throughput capacity of the cargo terminals of the port of the Caucasus is 8.42 million tons per year, including: liquid cargo - 3.96 million tons, dry cargo - 4.46 million tons per year. The capacity of the passenger terminal is 400,000 passengers per year.

In 2012, the total cargo turnover of the Port of the Caucasus amounted to 9.38 million tons, including: export - 8.95 million tons, import - 0.24 million tons, cabotage - 184.6 thousand tons.

In cargo transshipment, grain turnover amounted to 1.09 million tons, oil products - 3.84 million tons, bulk cargo - 2.52 million tons (including mineral fertilizers - 517.5 thousand tons).

In 2012, the volume of transshipment in the port of Kavkaz increased by 13.4% compared to 2011, while the volume of export cargo transshipment increased by 12.1%, and import cargo - by 14.4%.

Since 2003, the port has been carrying out offshore cargo transshipment in the southern part of the Kerch Strait (RPR "Tamansky" and RPR No. 451). In 2012, 7.262 million tons of cargo was transshipped at the port road, including: oil products - 2.948 million tons, bulk cargo (sulfur, mineral fertilizers) - 2.920 million tons, grain - 1.394 million tons.

Loading and unloading activities in the port are carried out by:

1. ZAO Anroskrym. It is an operator of auto-passenger and railway ferry complexes.

2. CJSC Lada-Gelendzhik-Trans (Ro-Ro, bulk).

3. CJSC Euro-Trans (petroleum products).

4. Infotek-Novo LLC (petroleum products).

5. EuroTEK-Universal LLC (sulfur).

6. Yugneftekhimtransit LLC (petroleum products, liquid chemical cargoes).

7. Universal Stevedoring Company LLC (mineral fertilizers).

8. BFI LLC (operator of the railway ferry line Kavkaz - Poti - Kavkaz and Kavkaz - Samsun - Kavkaz).

The port operates five international ferry lines between the seaport of Kavkaz and the seaports of Crimea (Ukraine), Poti (Georgia), Varna (Bulgaria), Samsun and Zonguldak (Turkey).

There is an auto-passenger ferry crossing the port of the Caucasus (Russian Federation) - the port of Crimea (Ukraine). In 2012, 739 thousand passengers were transported. In 2013, it is planned to build an additional line of border and customs control of buses, which will increase the capacity of the auto-passenger terminal to 750-850 thousand passengers per year.

Vessel traffic control system received the status of a regional VTS the highest category. Works on the integration of the VTS of the seaports of Temryuk, Kavkaz and Taman into a single system have been completed.

Within the framework of the Federal Target Program "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010-2015)", the investment project "Development of the infrastructure of the seaport of Kavkaz" is being implemented, which provides for the construction of the North-Eastern cargo area of ​​the port of Kavkaz (Ro-Ro-terminal), with the reconstruction of shipping routes in the Kerch Strait.

The initiator of the project is Taman Ferry Terminal LLC.

The project provides for the creation of a transshipment complex with a cargo turnover of 50 thousand units of rolling equipment per year.

The project received a positive conclusion from the Federal Autonomous Institution “Glavgosexpertiza of Russia”.

In addition, the Federal Agency for Maritime and River Transport is considering a petition (declaration) of intent to invest in the construction of a universal transshipment and customs terminal in the southern region of the Kavkaz seaport.

The initiator of the project is LLC "Business Capital".

The project provides for the construction of a terminal with a cargo turnover of 0.5 million tons per year at the first stage of development and 2.0 million tons per year for full development. The project implementation period is 2013-2015.

Seaport of Taman

The seaport is located near Cape Zhelezny Rog of the Taman Peninsula, in the Temryuk District of the Krasnodar Territory, on the Black Sea coast.

The area of ​​the territory of the seaport is 36.49 hectares, the area of ​​the water area of ​​the seaport is 89.51 sq. km.

Today there are eight operating berths in the port. The port is available for calls by vessels up to 252 m long, up to 44.0 m wide, up to 14.0 m draft. The length of the berthing front is 2016.0 running meters.

The development of the seaport of Taman began with the opening of a terminal for transshipment of oil and fat raw materials (Food Ingredients LLC). In 2011, a grain terminal was put into operation (Grain Terminal Complex Taman LLC).

In July 2012, the transshipment of petroleum products and, in September of the same year, liquefied petroleum gas (LHG) through the transshipment terminal of CJSC Tamanneftegaz began. The work on deepening the approach channel to the Taman transshipment complex (TPC) and operational water areas of the berths of CJSC Tamanneftegaz has been completed.

At present, the transshipment capacity of cargo terminals of the seaport of Taman per year is 15.1 million tons, including: liquid food cargo - 0.5 million tons, bulk grain cargo - 5.6 million tons, hydrocarbon raw materials - 9 million tons .

In 2012, the total cargo turnover of the port amounted to 3.52 million tons, including: export - 3.18 million tons, import - 0.34 million tons.

The volume of transshipment in the seaport of Taman amounted to the following cargoes: grain - 1.57 million tons, liquid food - 0.52 million tons, oil products (crude oil) - 1.42 million tons, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - 26 thousand tons .

In 2012, the volume of transshipment in the seaport of Taman increased by 2.78 times compared to the cargo turnover in 2011, including: grain cargo - 1.85 times, bulk food cargo - 1.23 times.

Export increased by 3.61 times. The volume of transshipment of imported cargoes remained at the same level.

In connection with the need to eliminate the shortage of port capacities for transshipment of bulk, ro-ro and container cargoes, within the framework of the subprogram "Development of the export of transport services" of the federal target program "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010-2015)", the project "Creation of a dry-cargo area of ​​the seaport of Taman" will be implemented ".

The goal of the project is to create a transport and engineering infrastructure on the Taman Peninsula to ensure the operation of sea terminals of the new dry cargo area.

According to the Federal Target Program "Development of the transport system of Russia (2010-2015)", the total amount of project financing is 90,169.4 million rubles, including from:

- federal budget - 56,325.8 million rubles;

- extrabudgetary sources - 33,843.6 million rubles.

Currently, project documentation is being developed with a cargo turnover of up to 93.8 million tons by 2020, which will require the allocation of 76 billion rubles from the federal budget.

The customer-developer is Federal State Institution "Rostransmodernizatsiya".

This is the first port facility in Russia, which is being implemented comprehensively and initially according to a single project. The port will be integrated into the system of the international transport corridor "North - South".

The planned cargo turnover of the port is 93.8 million tons per year.

Within the framework of the project, at the expense of private investors, the following will be created:

- 2 container handling complexes with a total capacity of 2 million TEU per year with berths 1519 m long.

- 2 complexes for transshipment of coal with a total capacity of 28 million tons of coal per year, an area of ​​93.7 hectares, with berths 1766 m long.

- Terminals for reloading mineral fertilizers, designed for a transshipment volume of 18 million tons of cargo per year. The total area of ​​the two terminals will be 81.7 hectares, with berths 1248 m long;

- Terminal for transshipment of iron ore concentrate with a capacity of 15 million tons of ore per year, an area of ​​7.8 hectares, with berths 912.4 m long.

- Terminals for transshipment of grain with a transshipment capacity of 13.4 million tons of cargo per year, an area of ​​21.4 hectares, with berths 1246 m long.

- A steel transshipment terminal with a capacity of 4.4 million tons per year. Area - 12.9 hectares with berths - 1066 m long;

- Sulfur transshipment terminal with a transshipment capacity of 5 million tons of cargo per year, an area of ​​33.6 hectares, with berths 842 meters long.

- Objects of internal engineering infrastructure of the port.

- Internal railway network and sidings.

- Internal and access roads.

Active construction of the dry cargo area of ​​the port is expected to start in 2014 upon completion of all design work. The federal property is planned to be built by 2016. In parallel with the construction of the port itself, work is underway to develop railway and road approaches, port infrastructure and transport and logistics centers. It is planned to build a second track on the Varenikovskaya - Yurovsky railway line. It is also planned to build a 35 km highway.

In addition, it is planned to implement the project "Construction of a bulk cargo terminal in the seaport of Taman" in the port of Taman.

The total amount of project financing is 25 billion rubles, the project is being implemented at the expense of funds from non-budgetary sources.

The project documentation provides for the port's cargo turnover of 30 million tons by 2017.

The project investor is OTEKO-Portservice LLC. Currently, preparations are underway for the development of project documentation.

In the south of Russia, there are no large coal, sulfur and iron ore transshipment terminals with large storage capacities and the ability to load large ships to access promising growth markets, in particular China.

The Taman Bulk Cargo Terminal, due to its geographical location and technical equipment, is able to switch to itself significant existing cargo flows from Ukrainian ports and the ports of the Baltic countries.

In addition to Russian cargo, the terminal can attract Kazakh cargo, thereby creating an additional transit flow through the territory and ports of Russia and giving Russia the status of a transit country not only for oil, but also for other cargo, which, under the conditions of a single customs space, will bring additional benefits to producers.

Seaport of Novorossiysk

The seaport of Novorossiysk is located in the Novorossiysk (Tsemesskaya) bay on the Black Sea coast. The area of ​​the seaport territory is 238 hectares, the area of ​​the seaport water area is 344 sq. km.

Today there are 88 berths in the port. The port is available for ships to call:

- in the internal water area of ​​the port: length up to 295.2 m, width up to 45.04 m, draft up to 13.1 m;

- on the outer roads with a draft of up to 19 m.

- on remote mooring devices KTK-1 and KTK-2: up to 324 m long, up to 58 m wide, draft is not limited.

The length of the mooring front is 15,287.72 running meters. The navigation period is year-round.

The throughput capacity of the cargo terminals of the port of Novorossiysk is 152.11 million tons per year, including: liquid - 112.75 million tons, dry - 31.54 million tons, containers - 652 thousand TEU.

The seaport provides services for the transshipment of general, bulk, container, food cargo, timber, crude oil and oil products.

In 2012, the total cargo turnover of the port of Novorossiysk amounted to 117.35 million tons, including export - 74.21 million tons, import - 7.68 million tons, transit - 34.19 million tons, cabotage - 1.27 million tons.

In cargo transshipment in 2012, grain turnover amounted to 8.94 million tons, ore - 1.62 million tons, general cargo - 11.08 million tons, oil - 73.18 million tons, oil products - 11.2 million tons, mineral fertilizers - 0.83 million tons, sugar - 0.64 million tons.

In 2012, the volume of transshipment in the port of Novorossiysk increased by 1.0% compared to 2011, while the volume of transshipment of export cargo increased by 12.2%, import cargo increased by 25.5%, transit cargo decreased by 20.6%.

More than 80 business entities (stevedoring, agency, bunkering, survey companies, etc.) operate within the boundaries of the seaport of Novorossiysk.

The main enterprises operating the mooring front for various purposes are:

1. NCSP Group:

- JSC "Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port" (including Sheskharis oil harbor);

- JSC "Novoroslesexport";

- OJSC "Novorossiysk Shipyard" (NSRP);

- JSC "IPP";

- OJSC Novorossiysk Grain Terminal (NZT);

- OJSC "NCSP Fleet"

2. CJSC Caspian Pipeline Consortium - R (CPC-R).

3. JSC "Novorossiysk nodal transport and forwarding enterprise" (NUTEP).

4. JSC "Combine" Stroykomplekt "(KSK).

5. Fleet maintenance base (BTOF).

6. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Novorossiysk Department of ASPTR" of the State Maritime Rescue Service of Russia.

Port development projects

1. The bottleneck in the operation of the port of Novorossiysk is road and rail approaches to the seaport.

To solve this problem, within the framework of the subprogram "Development of the export of transport services", FKU "Rostransmodernizatsiya", subordinate to the Ministry of Transport of Russia, is implementing the project "Integrated development of the Novorossiysk transport hub (Krasnodar Territory)", which includes three road and two railway facilities:

- "Construction of an overpass on the street. Trunk Novorossiysk";

- “Construction of a road junction on the section of the Sukhumi highway in the area of ​​JSC Novorossiysk Shipyard”;

- "Construction of the highway Tsemdolina - st. Portovaya Novorossiysk”;

- “Construction of a station in the area of ​​the 9 km siding of the North Caucasian Railway”;

- "Construction of railway parks and development of the Novorossiysk railway station of the North Caucasus Railway".

When implementing three road facilities, the following will be provided:

- unhindered movement of vehicles, mainly trucks, to the territory of the seaport with access to the street. Portovaya and st. Trunk bypassing the existing street and road network of the village of Tsemdolina and the city of Novorossiysk;

- increase in traffic intensity from 18,000 vehicles per day to 57,000 vehicles per day and throughput capacity of the street and road network of the city of Novorossiysk on the approaches to the Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port;

- ensuring the unhindered passage of the transit road traffic Krasnodar - Gelendzhik.

During the implementation of two railway facilities "Construction of a station near the 9 km siding of the North Caucasian Railway" and "Construction of railway parks and development of the Novorossiysk railway station of the North Caucasian Railway" the following will be provided:

- an increase in the total freight turnover and train traffic in the direction of the Taman Peninsula and on the approaches to the Novorossiysk transport hub from 30.1 million tons in 2010 to 121.7 million tons in 2020;

- increasing the capacity of transit cargo;

- the capacity of the railway infrastructure at the approaches to the Novorossiysk port, according to forecast estimates of the Institute for Economics and Transport Development JSC (formerly GiprotransTEI JSC Russian Railways), will be 39.7, 42.6 and 47 for the estimated years 2015, 2020 and 2025, respectively .4 million tons per year (in 2005, the throughput was 28.5 million tons).

2. In the spring of 2012, the presentation of the master plan "Development Strategy of the NCSP Group until 2020" was presented to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

As part of the adopted strategy, a new concept for the development of NCSP is proposed. According to the new concept, a transition from specialization in stevedoring companies to specialization in production areas is envisaged.

NLE specializes in container handling. Construction of a specialized container terminal with a capacity of 500,000 TEU. When the new capacities of the NLE are at least 75% used, the project for the construction of a container terminal based on the Western District of NCSP will begin, which will increase the container handling capacity of NCSP from 170 to 700 thousand TEU, which in total with the NLE will give 1.2 million TEU ;

- an increase in the capacity of the port in Novorossiysk for transshipment of grain by 2 million tons;

- construction of an iron ore transshipment terminal with a capacity of up to 12 million tons with the possibility of using the technology for transshipment of other types of bulk cargo (mineral fertilizers, coal) and a reverse cycle;

- reorientation of pipes, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, timber (possibly), perishable, oversized and other types of cargo to the Eastern Region of NCSP and NSRZ;

- technical re-equipment of the transshipment equipment of the Eastern Region of NCSP and NSRZ.

Taking into account the implementation of investment projects, the volume of cargo transshipment through this port can be:

- by 2015 - 141.9 million tons per year;

- by 2030 - 161.4 million tons per year.

3. Development of the South-Eastern cargo area of ​​the port of Novorossiysk. Design documentation for the facility “Port of Novorossiysk. Southeast cargo area. Adjustment of the General Development Plan” it is planned to increase the cargo turnover of the container terminal by three stages of construction. The initiator of the project is OJSC NUTEP.

Completion of the 3rd phase of construction involves an increase in the capacity of the container terminal to 427 thousand TEU per year.

The project received a positive opinion from the FAA Glavgosexpertiza of Russia and was approved by Rosmorrechflot.

According to the investor's plan, the total investment will amount to 4,289,411 thousand rubles (in 2012 prices). Currently, the issue of implementing the entire project without attracting funds from the federal budget is being worked out.

4. Construction of a terminal for transshipment of petroleum products.

The goal of the project is to increase port capacity by 10.5 million tons per year, including:

- diesel fuel - 7 million tons per year;

- gasoline - 3.5 million tons per year.

The terminal is intended for the export of oil products produced at the Afipsky Oil Refinery by sea.

The initiator of the project is Chernomorsky Transshipment Complex LLC. The cost of the project is 2.2 billion rubles at the expense of funds from non-budgetary sources.

Seaport of Gelendzhik

The seaport of Gelendzhik is located in the northeastern part of the Black Sea coast of the Krasnodar Territory, in the Gelendzhik Bay. The area of ​​the seaport territory is 6.73 hectares, the area of ​​the seaport water area is 10.7 sq. km.

Today there are 9 berths in the port. The port is accessible for ships with a displacement of up to 4,000 tons, a length of up to 114 m, a width of up to 14 m, and a draft of up to 3.8 m. The length of the berthing front is 795.75 running meters. The navigation period is year-round.

According to the Register of Seaports, the capacity of cargo terminals in the port of Gelendzhik is 250,000 tons of dry cargo per year.

The port provides services for the organization of local and excursion transportation, general cargo is handled. Due to the distance from railways the port is focused on vehicles.

In 2012, the total cargo turnover of the port of Gelendzhik amounted to 320.4 thousand tons, including imports - 320.4 thousand tons (general cargo).

In 2012, the volume of transshipment in the port of Gelendzhik decreased by 16.3% compared to 2011, while the volume of transshipment of imported cargo increased by 16.3%.

At the current date in the seaport of Gelendzhik there is no possibility of accepting foreign sea cruise passenger ships, there is no modern infrastructure for organizing yacht tourism, which, taking into account the approved strategic decisions, makes it expedient to implement the project of CJSC "Gelendzhik Commercial Sea Port" to create a "Complex of coastal infrastructure in the seaport Gelendzhik.

The project provides for the reconstruction of the port in order to increase the cargo turnover (import - 800 thousand tons per year) and the reception of passenger ships (19,600 people per year), the arrangement of yacht parking (a marina for 200 units of sea yachts from 12 to 60 m long), the creation coastal infrastructure (construction of a hotel, shopping and entertainment complex with concert hall and sectors of individual low-rise buildings).

The project provides for the reconstruction and construction of protective breakwaters, berths, the creation of water areas for a cargo port and marina, technological and engineering structures, buildings, treatment facilities.

The private investor of the project is CJSC Gelendzhik Commercial Sea Port. The cost of the project is 9.3 billion rubles, of which 5.0 billion rubles are planned from the federal budget. Implementation period: 2013-2017.

Currently, the issue of including this project in the federal target program "Development of the transport system of the Russian Federation for the period 2010-2015" is being worked out.

Seaport of Tuapse

The seaport of Tuapse is located in Tuapse Bay, southeast of Cape Kadosh on the Black Sea coast. The area of ​​the seaport territory is 37.75 hectares, the area of ​​the seaport water area is 25.18 sq. km.

The port is deep water with year-round navigation.

The cargo flows of the central and southern regions of the European part of Russia, the Urals and the southern part of Western Siberia go to it. The main exporters and importers of goods are the countries of the Mediterranean basin, Western and Northern Europe, the Near and Middle East, India, countries South America and Scandinavia, Southeast Asia and the USA.

Today there are 31 berths in the port. The port is accessible for vessels up to 250 m long, up to 44 m wide, and up to 12 m in draft. The length of the mooring front is 5025.4 running meters.

The throughput capacity of the cargo terminals of the port of Tuapse is 43.78 million tons per year (including: liquid - 31.00 million tons, dry - 12.78 million tons). The capacity of passenger terminals is 17,000 passengers per year.

In 2012, the total cargo turnover of the port of Tuapse amounted to 17.81 million tons, incl. export - 17.64 million tons, import - 0.17 million tons.

In cargo handling, the turnover of grain amounted to 1.85 million tons, coal - 2.76 million tons, mineral fertilizers - 1.39 million tons, general cargo - 1.61 million tons, oil products - 9.43 million tons, oil - 0, 07 million tons.

The volume of transshipment in 2012 decreased by 8.2% compared to 2011, while the volume of transshipment of export cargo decreased by 5.6%, and import cargo - by 75.3%.

Among the main operators of sea terminals, an important role is played by JSC "Tuapse Commercial Sea Port", specializing in the transshipment of bulk cargo (coal, ore, grain crops, raw sugar), general cargo (ferrous metals), bulk oil cargo (crude oil and oil products in bulk). ) and other export-import goods.

The development of the port is carried out within the framework of the project "Construction of a deep-water berth 1A in the port of Tuapse". The terminal was put into operation in June 2012. The initiator of the project is OOO RN-Tuapsenefteprodukt (subsidiary - OAO NK Rosneft).

The deep-water berth is intended for transshipment of dark and light oil products in the port of Tuapse, with a capacity of up to 7 million tons per year.

Seaport of Sochi

The sea port of Sochi is located in the Sochi region on the Black Sea coast. The area of ​​the seaport territory is 38.33 hectares, the area of ​​the seaport water area is 17.72 sq. km. The port boundaries include separately located sea terminals.

Today there are 20 berths in the port. The port is accessible for vessels up to 190 m long, up to 27 m wide, and up to 8 m in draft. The length of the mooring front is 2389.96 linear meters. The navigation period is year-round.

The seaport of Sochi with its port points specializes in the transportation of passengers and cargo.

In 2012, the total cargo turnover of the port of Sochi amounted to 2.8 million tons, including export - 0.51 million tons, import - 2.29 million tons.

In cargo transshipment, the turnover of general cargo amounted to 2.80 million tons.

In 2012, the volume of transshipment in the port of Sochi increased by 14.5% compared to 2011.

The development of the seaport of Sochi within the framework of the "Program for the construction of Olympic facilities and the development of the city of Sochi as a mountain-climatic resort" will make it possible by 2014 to create an international center for maritime passenger and cruise transportation on the Black Sea coast of southern Russia, serving modern cruise and ferry ships.

In accordance with the program for the construction of Olympic facilities and the development of the city of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 991 dated December 29, 2007, the following facilities are being built:

1. Under item 55 of the program: “The Seaport of Sochi with coastal infrastructure in order to create an international center for sea passenger and cruise transportation (design and survey work, reconstruction, construction (creation) of an artificial land plot (sites), hydraulic structures (including hydraulic structures of points based FSB of Russia and the FSO of Russia), the building of the sea station with a checkpoint and other buildings and structures, including partially at the expense of the Sochi Commercial Sea Port Open Joint Stock Company and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosmorport). The main goal of building an international center for passenger and cruise transportation is to create conditions for the development of sea tourism on the Black Sea coast of the Russian Federation.

General contractor: Inzhtransstroy Corporation LLC, SpetsGazStroy LLC.

Construction period: 2010-2013

The building permit was issued by Rosmorrechflot dated June 23, 2010 No. AD-45/17.

In accordance with the project, the planned passenger turnover is up to 235 thousand people per year on local lines and the passenger turnover for the cruise harbor is 215 thousand people per year (before adjusting the project documentation).

2. According to item 55.1 of the program: "Coastal facilities of the base of border ships in the seaport of Sochi (design and survey work, construction of buildings and structures, with the exception of special equipment and special communications)".

The project assumes the creation of a basing point for border ships of the Federal Security Service of Russia in the seaport of Sochi.

Planned building area - 3126 sq. m.

Implementation period of the investment project: 2012-2013.

3. Under item 57 of the program: "7 sea terminals of the seaport of Sochi (Matsesta, Dagomys, Adler, Kurgorodok, Khosta, Loo, Lazarevskoye) (design and survey work, reconstruction, construction of hydraulic structures)".

Within the framework of this project, construction and reconstruction of the sea terminals Matsesta, Dagomys, Adler, Kurgorodok, Khosta, Loo, Lazarevskoye are envisaged.

The aim of the project is to restore sea passenger lines within the boundaries of Greater Sochi.

Implementation period: 2010-2013.

The planned passenger turnover is up to 235 thousand people per year.

4. According to item 59 of the program: “The cargo area of ​​the seaport of Sochi at the mouth of the river. Mzymta (design and survey work, construction of hydraulic structures).

The cargo area of ​​the seaport of Sochi is designed to receive bulk and general cargo up to 5 million tons per year during the construction of Olympic infrastructure facilities with subsequent conversion into a yacht marina for receiving yachts and small sports courts 25 to 150 feet long.

Implementation period: 2008-2013.

At present, the main construction and installation works have been completed, with the exception of dredging, which can be completed only after the commissioning of a new water outlet (paragraph 77 of the program, the responsible executor of the Olimpstroy Group of Companies).

The construction of berths for bulk and general cargo and further conversion into a yachting infrastructure is the responsibility of the investor, Port of Sochi Imeretinsky LLC (paragraph 60 of the program).

5. According to item 59.1 of the program: “Wave protection structure in the water area of ​​the cargo area of ​​the seaport of Sochi at the mouth of the river. Mzymta in order to ensure the safe parking of cruise ships (design and survey work, construction).

In order to compensate for the shortage of hotel (rooms) it was decided to use cruise ships as hotels for the period of the Olympics, some of which are planned to be placed in the cargo area of ​​the seaport of Sochi at the mouth of the Mzymta River.

The creation of a wave protection structure is necessary to ensure the safe parking of cruise ships.

Implementation period of the investment project: 2012-2013.

Navigation safety systems

The necessary level of safety of navigation on the approaches and water areas of seaports is provided by the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin, Azov Basin and Sochi Branches using:

1. Systems of navigational equipment of the seaports of Novorossiysk, Gelendzhik, Anapa, Yeysk, Kavkaz, Taman, Temryuk, Tuapse, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Sochi, consisting of 598 units of visual aids to navigation equipment (100 coastal navigation signs and 498 floating warning signs signs), of which 387 units (77.7%) are under the economic jurisdiction of FSUE "Rosmorport", 72 units (14.5%) are in the operational management of the Hydrographic Service (HS) of the Navy and 39 (7.8%) are on the balance sheet of other organizations.

Technical maintenance of 370 units from the composition of aids to navigation (Aids to Navigation) is carried out by the relevant subdivisions of FSUE “Rosmorport” branches, 72 units of AtoN of the Navy GS subdivision, the remaining AtoNs are serviced by other organizations, including on a contractual basis with FSUE “Rosmorport” (Sochi branch).

As part of the implementation of Federal Law No. 141-FZ dated June 14, 2011, FSUE “Rosmorport” has been organizing work since 2011 to transfer AtoNs of seaport waters and approaches to them in the Azov-Black Sea basin from the military units of the Russian Ministry of Defense to the economic management of FSUE “Rosmorport”.

In 2013, it is planned to complete the transfer of 4 floating warning signs, and by 2015, 6 units of coastal visual aids to navigation of the GS of the Navy within the boundaries of water areas, territories of seaports and on the approaches to them should be transferred to the management of FSUE “Rosmorport”. Of these: serviced beacons - 1, luminous navigation signs - 5.

At the same time, the AtoN of the seaport of Novorossiysk (12 units), where the naval base of the Black Sea Fleet is located, was not included in the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on the release of movable property and, according to the military department, are not subject to transfer to the economic management of FSUE "Rosmorport". .

The control of the dimensions of sea channels, fairways and water areas of ports is carried out by carrying out surveying works in accordance with the requirements of the “Technology of surveying work in the production of dredging and in monitoring depths for the safety of navigation of ships in seaports and on approaches to them. RD 31.74.04-2002. Hydrographic work is carried out in full by subdivisions of branches in the seaports of Yeysk, Taman, Temryuk, Tuapse, Azov, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog. In the seaports of Anapa, Gelendzhik, Novorossiysk, Kavkaz and Sochi, contractors with the appropriate licenses are involved on contractual terms to perform surveying work in the branches.

In order to use the materials obtained during the performance of hydrographic works in the water areas of seaports and on approaches to them for compiling and correcting marine navigation charts, as well as providing services to third parties, FSUE “Rosmorport” received a license dated 30.01.2012 No. 77-00264F for the implementation of geodetic and cartographic works for federal purposes.

2. Vessel traffic control systems (VTS) of the ports of Novorossiysk, Tuapse, Sochi and the regional VTS of the Kerch Strait.

VTS are designed for:

- transfer of navigational, operational and other information to ships;

- organization of vessel traffic;

- assistance in navigation.

3. Coastal stations (BS) of sea areas (MP) Al, A2 of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) in the ports of Sochi, Tuapse, Novorossiysk, Temryuk, Taganrog and Azov.

GMDSS BS are intended for:

- organization of communications in case of distress, incl. ensuring reliable communication between ships and coastal services;

- organization of search and rescue operations and work to eliminate the emergency spill of oil products;

- providing ships with information on the safety of navigation.

In 2012, work was completed on the reconstruction of navigation safety systems (VTS and GMDSS) in the eastern part of the Taganrog Bay.

In the current year, the design of the construction of the VTS of the port of Yeysk is being carried out, measures are being prepared for the design of the reconstruction of the VTS of the ports of Tuapse and Novorossiysk, pre-design studies are being carried out to create the VTS of the port of Rostov-on-Don.

The Regional Information System for Monitoring Navigation in the Azov-Chernomorsky and Caspian Regions (RISS-South) was created on the basis of the Tuapse Department of the FSUE “Rosmorport” Azovo-Chernomorsky Basin Branch. The system was put into trial operation on July 8, 2008 and ensures the integration of information from automatic identification systems (AIS), which are part of the ship traffic control systems of the ports of Astrakhan, Novorossiysk, Sochi, Taganrog, Tuapse and the regional VTS of the Kerch Strait. RISS-Yug allows you to monitor the shipping situation in the region, helps in the inspection of ships by port authorities and ensures safety, reduces the risk of accidents.

In order to implement the order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated December 17, 2012 No. OV-44-Pr on ensuring the safety of navigation in the waters of the Sea of ​​Azov, in the seaports of the Sea of ​​Azov and on approaches to them, the FSUE “Rosmorport” R&D plan for 2013-2014 included research work on the theme "Development of a comprehensive program to ensure the safety of navigation in the Sea of ​​Azov". The term for the completion of research work is 15.01.2014. At present, the terms of reference for the development of a comprehensive program have been prepared and the preparation of documentation for conducting competitive procedures has been organized.

Maritime news of Russia No. 12,13,14 (2013)

At a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council in Sochi on May 14 this year. President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev proposed to return to the project of construction of the navigable canal "Eurasia" between the Caspian Sea and the Azov-Black Sea basin. In his opinion, such a channel will be beneficial for both the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. By the way, this is not the first time the Kazakh side has made such a proposal, it was already made in 2007.

Geographically, the canal will directly connect the Caspian with the Azov-Black Sea basin, and the Caspian "point" of the canal (the Kalmyk port of Lagan or northern Dagestan is proposed) is closest to the Aktau port area on Mangyshlak - this, we recall, is the Caspian peninsula of Kazakhstan. It is characteristic in this regard that since the late 1980s the authorities of Kalmykia have been insisting on modernizing their Lagansk port (so far a coastal one) in order to transform it into the main Caspian port of Russia. This also manifested itself at the end of April this year, when a working group of the State Council of the Russian Federation met in Astrakhan to prepare its meeting on the development of the transport infrastructure of the Russian Caspian Sea.

Proposed route of the Eurasia Canal (red)

The main arguments in favor of the channel, in short, are as follows: they say, Russia will be able to receive additional and seemingly growing transit revenues, with which the Kalmyk (or Dagestan) budget will also be replenished. And Kazakhstan will be able to significantly increase the volume of its foreign trade, especially oil exports. Well, the Caspian will finally be built into the global transport system. True, for some reason the initiating parties do not specify the real volumes of cargo transportation through the channel and their commodity structure.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister of Transport of Russia Viktor Olersky stated on February 24, 2011 that "today, our colleagues from Kazakhstan cannot confirm the sufficient volume of the cargo base for the Eurasia channel." Although “previously they planned to send oil here, which will now go through the pipeline. Therefore, there is no point in huge investments in its construction today ... ".

Note: export-import transportation of Kazakhstan and transit through its territory are not yet able to load all of its transport capacities: the latter, according to available data, are used in aggregate by no more than 75% (2011-2017), which is largely due to the geographical country location. On the other hand, at least a third of the total volume of foreign trade transportation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and trans-Kazakhstan transit is traditionally carried out mainly through the Russian Federation (almost up to half of its annual volume). At the same time, the Kazakh side, we emphasize, has never complained about the insufficient carrying capacity of either the well-known oil pipeline Tengiz - Atyrau (Kazakhstan) - Astrakhan - Komsomolsk - Armavir - Tikhoretsk - the port of Novorossiysk (RF), or other trans-Russian highways and ports. But nonetheless…

It looks like the idea is to somehow “persuade” Moscow into a certain international status of this project and thus, de jure or de facto, open both the Caspian Sea and the adjacent water routes to the Russian Federation for foreign ships. In any case, some US trade and diplomatic representatives in Kazakhstan, according to available information, have been holding unofficial consultations on this issue with the Kazakh side for several years now.

It has already been said above that something similar was proposed by the authorities of Kalmykia in 1987-1988, when the political and economic situation in the country was rapidly deteriorating. But the profile commission of the still existing Gosplan of the USSR rejected the project for economic and environmental reasons. Moreover, according to the same commission, although laconic, "the foundations of the project were previously developed by some US experts." Who specifically was not officially mentioned, but, according to academic economists N.N. and , the Massachusetts Institute of Technology may have been involved in this work.

The main parameters of the canal are as follows: length, depending on the option - 675-850 km. It must have 6 gateways. Cargo handling capacity - at least 40 million tons / year. It is planned to pass ships with a "super-record" carrying capacity - up to 8 thousand tons inclusive. Estimated investment cost -4.5-6.3 billion dollars, construction period - 6-8 years.

But in what dynamics will such costs or at least can pay off? We repeat, the project adherents “avoid” clarifications on the cargo base of the canal, because the questions of its payback also remain without clear answers. The expert assessments of the Committee on Inland Water Transport of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2016) and the SNPO "Ecohydrotechnika" (2008) almost coincide: 90-95% payback is possible at the earliest in the 14-15th years of operation, but with annual transportation of at least 30 million tons.

However, it's not just about the economy. In "Eurasia" it is planned to use natural and artificial water bodies. More precisely, to lay an artery along the route of the Caspian Sea - the Kuma River - lakes / channels East and West Manych - Rostov Sea of ​​Azov. Let us clarify in this regard: by the end of the 1930s, a cascade of reservoirs and irrigation systems fed by them were erected in Western Manych. These are the Ust-Manychskoe, Veselovskoye and Proletarian reservoirs. And by the mid-70s, a fourth, larger Chogray reservoir was built in Eastern Manych for watering and irrigating the most arid regions of southwestern Kalmykia and the eastern regions of Stavropol. Moreover, all these objects make up almost half of the length of the channel.

But they, according to many experts, will be completely disabled in the case of the construction and, moreover, the operation of such a channel. Accordingly, numerous branches of agriculture in most of Kalmykia, northern Dagestan, northern and northeastern Stavropol will be virtually eliminated. Moreover, with obvious and, in fact, indefinite environmental consequences for such a vast region.

The main water supply basin of the proposed canal

In addition, the new artery will be filled mainly by sea (i.e. salty) water, and this will upset the ecological balance in the Stavropol Territory, Krasnodar Territory, as well as in Kalmykia, Dagestan, Rostov region. That is, on this vast territory, nature will be dealt a colossal blow. “And especially in the field of freshwater resources due to their inevitable, moreover, growing salinization and pollution. For in these subjects of the Federation, the provision of fresh water from local resources is already problematic: at best, it is 65% of the annual demand,” says Adjar Kurtov, an expert at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies.

In addition, adherents of "Eurasia" propose to produce about half of the water intake to fill the canal from the Don, Kuban, Kuma and Terek, but the resources of these rivers, according to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, have not provided water use in the region adjacent to them for many years, especially in dry years. The area of ​​flooding during the construction of the canal will be 2668 square meters. km, and after its commissioning - plus another 1650 sq. km. According to A. Kurtov and many other experts, the additional area of ​​land flooded by rising groundwater due to the operation of the canal will exceed 2.5 thousand square meters. km. And to compensate for losses on water evaporation and water filtration, 2.2-2.3 cubic meters will have to be spent. km of water annually. And after all, at least 1,373 cubic meters. km per year will be required for locking the route.

All this, taken together, literally dehydrates a very vast region. The conclusions of the mentioned Gosplanovskaya commission (1988) were similar. But a much more categorical assessment of the project was given by Dmitry Shevchenko, scientific expert of the All-Russian Environmental Watch for North Caucasus":" Followers of the projectors of the 1930s (by 1936, a project for such a channel was developed in the USSR, its construction began in 1938, but was stopped in June 1941. Until the end of the 80s, this project was not returned to the USSR. - Ed.) for some reason decided that in the 21st century there was more water in the south of Russia. And we can safely design a 700-kilometer navigable canal capable of passing tankers with a draft of up to 2.5 meters, despite the significant elevation difference between the Azov and Caspian Seas (over 45 meters. - Ed.). Only according to the most conservative estimates, the construction of the most complex system of locks, supply channels and reservoirs would require spending 15 or even 20 billion dollars ...

Channel "Eurasia" should cut through the wetland in the Rostov region " Veselovskoye reservoir”, protected by the international Ramsar Convention (1971), the state reserve “Rostovsky”, and in Kalmykia - a large island section of the state biosphere reserve “Black Lands” and the Chograysky reserve.

In addition, D. Shevchenko warns, “up to 3 thousand square meters will go under water. km of steppes, and in order to provide a navigable canal with water, almost the entire volume of the Kuban and Don will have to be lowered into it. There are simply no other sources to fill Eurasia with water.”

The author runs the risk of being accused of predilection for conspiracy theories, but it is quite obvious that the American trace is suspiciously clear in this project. The assumptions of Academicians Nekrasov and Khachaturov were not born out of nowhere. In this regard, the point of view expressed in 2017 by Luke Coffey, a political scientist and military expert at the Heritage Foundation and the Institute for National Security and Foreign Policy of the United States, is quite remarkable: “... The Caspian is connected to the outside world through the Volga-Don Canal (leading to sea) and the Volga-Baltic waterway. There is also the concept of the Eurasian Canal: if it is implemented, the Kuma-Manych irrigation canal will be transformed into a water corridor to the Black Sea and will become the shortest exit from the Caspian to the outer large waters.

Recall that the project of the Caspian - Persian Gulf canal has been under US sanctions since 1997. And this, obviously, is not accidental either. It turns out that the "Eurasian" stand-in is considered by Washington as incomparably more profitable.


Photo https://snnwolf.livejournal.com/39921.html

2.3. Azov-Black Sea fishing basin

According to data provided by SP. Volovik (World Ocean, 2001), who for a long time served as deputy, and then director of the Azov Research Institute of Fisheries (AzNIRKH), in the 40s of the XIX century only in the Azov-Kuban and Azov-Don regions (the eastern half of the Azov sea) for wholesale supplied about 1.3 thousand tons of sturgeon, 94 million pieces. ram, more than 100 tons of carp, more than 500 tons of catfish, 30 million pieces. herring, 106 thousand pieces fish. The total mass of such a catch was at least 85-100 thousand tons, and taking into account the by-catch - about 200 thousand tons. In total, according to the author's calculations, at that time 250-350 thousand tons could be caught in the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov. If this is so, then the Azov basin should be considered as important in the Russian fisheries of the 19th century as the Caspian.

During the first half of the last XX century, the level of production was also quite high. In the mid-1930s, catches of semi-anadromous and anadromous (except sturgeon) fish here reached almost 170,000 tons. Average catch for the period from 1927 to 1951 amounted to 75 thousand tons.

The fishing situation has deteriorated sharply under the influence of anthropogenic transformations of the Azov Sea ecosystem, which have been actively carried out since the 50s of the XX century. As a result, the spawning areas of anadromous fish species (sturgeon, herring, pike perch, some cyprinids, etc.) have significantly decreased. There have been significant changes in surface runoff. Spring floods have completely disappeared, but at the same time, water discharges in the so-called summer and winter low water periods have sharply increased. At numerous water intake facilities, there was a mass death of juveniles of valuable commercial fish species. As a result of human economic activity, the overall productivity of the Sea of ​​Azov has significantly decreased. The average annual catch in the 90s was no more than 20 thousand tons.

The listed trends in the development of the fishing situation in the Sea of ​​Azov are almost fully characteristic of the Black Sea. If earlier 150-190 thousand tons of fish were caught here, then after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the imbalance in the management system of aquatic biological resources, domestic annual catches do not exceed 15 thousand tons. True, you can notice some specifics. With a relatively high abundance of some hydrobionts (sprat, whiting, rapana, cystoseira), disproportionately low catches remain in the Russian part of the Black Sea. Such disproportions are associated with the lack of a sufficient number of fishing fleet, the peculiarities of the biology of commercial objects, the lack of adequate fishing gear and processing technologies.

A comprehensive solution to the problem of study, development, rational use and renewal of the biological resources of the Azov-Black Sea basin is one of the most important aspects of Russia's maritime policy in the southern region. Conducting regular and systematic monitoring of the state of the ecosystem of the basin by the FSUE "AzNIIRH", determining the reserves and scientifically based volumes of TAC of commercial objects, developing recommendations for their rational use, conservation and restoration, are a necessary basis for the implementation of short-term and long-term tasks of fisheries activities in the basin.

At present, most of the fish of the marine complex are not in demand by the industry due to the low profitability of their production. The economic attractiveness of marine biological resources can be improved by a set of measures aimed at modernizing and increasing the capacity of fish canning enterprises, developing new technologies for processing raw materials, reducing costs for overcoming bureaucratic procedures for the functioning of the fleet and the delivery of fish, introducing new technologies for storing raw materials, etc.

The development of Russian fisheries in the Black Sea is possible in two directions. The production of massive marine fish (Azov anchovy, sprat, whiting, horse mackerel) is hindered by the insufficient number and equipment of fishing vessels, as well as the lack of modern infrastructure for fish processing. Total fishing and auxiliary fleet in the Azov-Black Sea basin is 75 units, including those equipped with mid-depth trawls - 19, purse seines and trawls - 26. The remaining 30 units are an auxiliary fleet, which is represented by transport vessels and a small fleet serving stationary coastal fishing tools. For the full development of national quotas in the Black Sea, the presence of at least 50-60 units and up to 50 units in the Sea of ​​Azov of a modern equipped fleet is required.

One of the options for increasing the catch and, as a result, a more complete development of the TAC, as well as obtaining profitable end products of a high degree of processing, may be the creation of large holding companies that combine the production and processing of fish directly on the catch. The second reserve is to regulate the issues of the fishing use of transboundary species and the opening for Russia of new fishing areas outside its economic zone. First of all, this concerns the populations of the Black Sea anchovy (anchovy) and horse mackerel, the organization of fishing for wintering accumulations of which is possible under a separate agreement between Russia and Georgia.

In order to preserve marine fish resources in the Azov-Black Sea basin, manage and rationally use them, it is necessary to solve the following tasks in the short and medium term (until 2020):

Improve the system of integrated fisheries monitoring of water bodies to assess the stocks of commercial objects and develop effective measures to regulate fishing;

To intensify the fishing of traditional for the Azov-Black Sea basin objects of fishing (sprat, gobies, sprat, anchovy) and develop new fishing gear and methods (pilengas, Azov-Black Sea mullets);

To carry out the modernization of the fishery complex, including the reconstruction of the old and the construction of a new modern fishing fleet, the acquisition of receiving and processing floating bases, the opening of additional and expansion of existing fishing ports, the increase in the capacity of processing enterprises and the improvement of technologies for processing raw materials;

Improve the approved "Rules for commercial fishing in the Azov-Black Sea basin".

Based on the analysis of trends in changes in the state of the ecosystems of the Azov and Black Seas for the period up to 2020, while maintaining the development scenario unfavorable for fisheries (stagnation of fisheries), the catch of marine fish for the analyzed perspective will be about 25-27 thousand tons. tasks, the catch of marine fish for the period up to 2020 can be about 150-160 thousand tons, i.e. exceed the current level by 10 times.

An important task of research in the Sea of ​​Azov up to 2020 is the problem of re-climatization of endangered valuable fish species. Since the beginning of the 60s of the last century, the catches of valuable Azov anadromous and semi-anadromous fish have been steadily declining and at present in the Azov-Don and Azov-Kuban regions do not exceed 800 tons, i.e. compared with 1951 (37720 tons) decreased by almost 50 times. In order to preserve and restore the natural reproduction of valuable fish species of the Sea of ​​Azov, the following measures are necessary:

The implementation of spring spawning releases from the Tsimlyansk and Krasnodar reservoirs in volumes that ensure the flooding of floodplain spawning grounds and the creation of the necessary hydrological conditions in the river. Don and Kuban, as well as in their deltas;

Construction of fish passage and spawning channels bypassing all low-pressure waterworks on the rivers in order to freely pass the spawners of anadromous fish to spawning grounds;

Security effective means fish protection of the existing network of water intake facilities;

Development and implementation of programs for clearing small rivers and channels in order to restore their water content;

Improving the quality of water in rivers and fishery reservoirs through proper treatment of industrial, municipal and agricultural wastewater;

Carrying out complex fish-breeding and reclamation works on the Kuban estuaries.

Intense anthropogenic impact on the natural resources of the Azov-Black Sea basin has led to negative changes in its ecosystem: the reduction of biodiversity, a catastrophic decrease in valuable species of bioresources, stocks of sturgeon fish. At present, this most important area for preventing negative anthropogenic impact is in a depressed state, does not have proper material support either at the regional or national level. federal levels. Under the current conditions, the priority task in the development of the sturgeon economy in the basin is the development of a program for the effective replenishment of sturgeon stocks, the creation of economic prerequisites for the integrated development of this area (science and production), especially since the receiving capacity of the sea is large (more than 200 million pieces / year of standard juveniles). A gradual increase in the volume of artificial reproduction (2010 - 15; 2015 - 25; 2020 - 40 million units / year) will bring the catch to 2-2.5 thousand tons. This is realistic, subject to the modernization of existing and the construction of new ORZ , creation of biologically substantiated bases for the formation of RMS, improvement and development of new technologies for sturgeon breeding. It should be taken into account that sturgeons are an important object not only for fishing, but also for intensive commercial aquaculture. Basin scientific and practical organizations have developed and mastered an industrial technology that makes it possible to produce hundreds of tons of marketable sturgeons in the presence of a sufficient amount of high-quality planting material, production capacities and supporting industries (in particular, for the production of feed).

In modern conditions and in the future, the importance of the southern regions of Russia, especially the sea coasts and major rivers, as places of possible and intensive development of inter-basin transport communications (significant volumes of transportation of oil products, chemicals and bulk substances and other cargoes). To develop scientific and methodological foundations for protecting the interests of the industry in the Azov-Black Sea basin at the present stage, effective measures for the protection and conservation of aquatic ecosystems, it is necessary to:

Monitor the quality of the environment of aquatic ecosystems of the Azov-Black Sea basin and develop environmental measures aimed at protecting the environment and aquatic biological resources;

Develop methods for assessing the damage caused to bioresources and their habitats from shipping;

Conduct an assessment of damage to bioresources and their habitat from the construction and operation of ports;

Carefully analyze and revise the existing regulatory and legal framework in order to reduce the negative impact of economic activity on the state of aquatic biological resources and their habitat, to strengthen the position of the industry in protecting its interests;

Develop proposals for the conservation of the biodiversity of the Azov and Black Seas.

The Black Sea-Azov basin occupies an advantageous geographical position, has access to the countries of Europe and the Middle East. A part of the territory of the North Caucasian economic region, a number of regions of the Central, Ural and Volga economic regions gravitate towards it.

The main ports of this basin are: Azov, Yeysk, Novorossiysk, Taganrog, Sochi, Tuapse.

Caspian basin. It adjoins the North Caucasian and Volga economic regions. Through navigable rivers and canals, it is connected with almost all sea ​​basins European part of Russia. Makhachkala is a major port. The first stage of the Olya deep-water port has been erected.

Far East basin. It covers a significant territory of the Far Eastern economic region. In this region, sea transport for the entire coast from the Bering Strait to Vladivostok is the main mode of transport and performs small and large cabotage, as well as international transportation. The main ports of the basin: Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Vladivostok, Magadan, Nakhodka, Okhotsk, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Provideniya, Sovetskaya Gavan, Ust-Kamchatsk, Kholmsk, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

The movement of sea vessels is organized either according to a schedule (more often linear navigation, passenger) or by successive flights (without a preliminary announcement of the schedule). Schedules are drawn up for planning and dispatching, on the basis of control over execution - executive.

Maritime transport is managed by the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, the Department of Maritime Transport. This is the first link in the management of the marine fleet. The second is the shipping company (association). Ports have the general status of structural units.

Now the issue of building the largest port in the Gulf of Finland in Luga, on the Sea of ​​Azov - Taganrog is being decided. The linear form of shipping is systematically expanding both in coastal and international traffic. Intensive work is underway to introduce ACS in traffic control, especially in large transport hubs.

Maritime transport occupies a special place in the country's economy. They carry out 50% of all export-import shipments. Its importance is especially great in the regions of the North, North - East. Maritime transport in transportation closely interacts with rail transport. This is especially important in the current conditions of the collapse of the USSR. Direct multimodal transport, especially the direct ship-to-car option, has caused the reconstruction of railway stations and tracks in a number of ports. In seaports located at the mouths of rivers, sea and river transport interact more closely. Maritime transport is increasingly interacting with road transport, especially in the transportation of general cargo.

2.1. Financially - technical base maritime transport.

Features of its formation.

The activity of the marine fleet of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of more than 200 enterprises and organizations, including 10 maritime shipping companies. 10 shipping companies, 21 seaports, 11 shipyards are registered as open joint-stock companies. Due to the importance of this industry for the country, the state retains control over the main infrastructure facilities of seaports. To this end, since 1993 in all seaports, special state management bodies (seaport administrations) have been created, in whose possession berths, breakwaters, approach channels, railway and road facilities of ports have been transferred. All these objects are the property of the state, and numerous clients will use them. The operation of berths and terminals can be carried out by private companies.

Maritime transport is characterized by the following indicators of the material and technical base, the operation of the fleet and ports.

Displacement of the vessel D - the mass of water displaced by the vessel - is equal to the mass of the vessel in tons.

The full carrying capacity, or deadweight of the ship DВ, is the maximum amount of cargo in tons Q, as well as the reserves of fuel qТ, water qВ and supplies qSN, which the ship can take:

DB = Q + qT + qB + qCH.

The ship's net carrying capacity D is the maximum amount of cargo (excluding water, fuel and supplies) in tons that the ship can accept for carriage:

DCh \u003d DВ - (qТ + qВ + qCH).

Cargo capacity of the vessel - the volume of all cargo spaces of the vessel in cubic meters.

Registered tonnage of a ship (vessel volume) - tonnage certificate. Registered tonnage can be gross or full (gross) and net (net). Measured by volume register ton, equal to 2.83 m3

Gross (full) register tonnage of a ship WBR - the volume obtained as a result of measuring the ship's premises. It is used as an indicator for calculating dues and duties in seaports.

The relationship between net and gross tonnage, gross tonnage (deadweight) and displacement can be characterized by the formula


Vessel's voyage - the time spent by the vessel from the beginning of loading at the port of departure to the placement of the vessel for a new loading.

The duration of the vessel's voyage includes sailing and lay time. The sailing time depends on the length of the voyage and the speed of the ship, the parking time - on the performance of loading and unloading facilities, as well as the level of organization of ship servicing in ports.

There are simple, complex and circular flights. When transporting goods or passengers between two ports, the ship's voyage is called simple. When transporting goods between several ports, each of which is loaded or unloaded, the flight is called complex. If a ship is carrying cargo between two or more ports and returns to the port of original departure, then such a voyage is called a circular voyage.

Coefficient of running time KX - the ratio of running time tX in the total duration of the trip TR:

The ballast run coefficient KB is determined by dividing the ballast run LB by the total ship run L:

Vessel load factor eSAG shows the extent to which the vessel's carrying capacity is used at the time of departure from the port. It is determined by dividing the mass of the cargo actually accepted by the vessel QФ by the net carrying capacity of the vessel:

eZAG = Qph/Dh.

The load factor is characterized by the degree of use of carrying capacity only in simple flights, i.e. on separate passages. In circular or complex voyages, when ships can sail with different loads and make transitions in ballast, the utilization factor of the ship's carrying capacity is applied.

The ship's capacity utilization factor eH is determined by the ratio of ton-miles åQl to tonnage miles åDЧLi:

eH = åQl/åDCHL.

The productivity of 1 ton of carrying capacity of a vessel per day mTS is a complex indicator characterizing the use of its production capacity for transportation per day. It is determined by the ratio of ton-miles åQl to the number of days spent per tonnage åDChTE per certain period time.