How to relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs and feel good. How to relieve fatigue of the legs at home Fatigue of the legs to remove folk remedies

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


About leg fatigue every mother knows firsthand. Working “on your feet”, shopping, running around with a baby - there is no time to even sit down and take a break. As a result, in the evening, the legs get tired so much that you simply cannot do without emergency help. And with the constancy of such a load on the legs, there is a violation of the outflow of venous blood and lymph, which leads to more serious problems. If problems such as varicose veins already exist, then you should consult a doctor. And we'll talk about prevention - about recipes for quick help for tired legs after a hard day.

  • Foot massage. Apply massage oil (cream) to the feet and massage the soles in a circular motion, from the heels to the toes and back. For each foot - at least 10 minutes. Next, massage the legs with palms from the ankles to the knees. Then we bend / unbend the toes. After the massage, we get up on the floor and rise on our toes several times - as high as possible. If there is a mention of dilated veins in your medical record, then we consult a doctor - he will tell you which massage is contraindicated and which one is most useful.
  • Contrasting water procedures. We put two basins side by side: in one - hot water (39-30 degrees), in the other - cool. We lower the legs alternately - then into one basin (for 10 seconds), then into the other. We repeat about 20 times and finish the procedure on the basin with cold water. Next, rub the legs with a towel and grease with a special cream. The procedure is not recommended if you have kidney problems.

  • Bike. Good old exercise. We lay down on our back, raise our legs up, stretch our arms to the sides and “turn the pedals”. Exercise will not only help relieve leg fatigue, but will also be beneficial for capillaries and blood circulation. After the exercise - a foot bath or massage, for complete happiness.

  • Herbal ice. Ice, of course, must be prepared in advance. We brew pharmaceutical grass (sage leaves, mountain arnica, yarrow and dye umbilical cord in equal proportions), cool, pour into ice molds. After work, we wipe tired legs with pieces of ice. You can use lemon balm and chamomile.

  • Alcohol. An effective and quick remedy is ordinary alcohol. We take it out of the refrigerator, rub the soles of the feet with alcohol - qualitatively, with feeling. Helps pretty quickly. And then legs up. We lift them above the head, put them on a comfortable cushion (the back of the sofa) and rest for 15-20 minutes.

  • Walking barefoot. Do not rush to jump into slippers after work - get used to walking barefoot to stimulate the nerve endings in the feet. We buy a special massage mat for the legs and after work we trample on it for 5-10 minutes. Of course, it is impossible to walk on the grass and sand in the apartment, but the pebble home beach is available to everyone. Pebbles are sold in every store that sells fish. We take only large pebbles. We pour boiling water over the stones, lay them on a towel and walk on the pebbles, massaging the soles of our feet.

  • Foot masks. 1 - With blue clay. We dilute 2 tablespoons of clay with warm water (consistency of sour cream), apply the mass on the soles of the feet for 25-30 minutes. Wash off with warm water, do a foot massage, smear the legs with cream and throw them higher for 15 minutes. The mask perfectly relieves tired legs and treats sweating. 2 - From bananas. Bananas do not regret! Grind a banana in a blender, mix with 50 g of kefir, add cornmeal for density. First, lower the legs into the bath (recipes below) for 15 minutes, then apply the banana mass for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water, massage the feet and relax.

  • Cabbage leaf and garlic - help relieve fatigue and swelling of the legs. 1 - We roll the cabbage sieves with a rolling pin until the juice is released, put it on the feet, fix it with bandages for 25-30 minutes. After - a bath or foot massage. 2 - Grind the head of garlic in a blender or on a grater, pour the gruel with boiling water (a glass), insist for half an hour or an hour, spread the mixture on the feet. Next - rinse with warm water, lower the legs into a cool herbal bath, massage and sleep.

  • Baths with essential oils. 1 - Put ice cubes (previously made from herbs) into cool water (in a basin), mix 2 drops of Peppermint essential oil with 1 tbsp of milk and add to the water, along with a little lemon juice. We lower the legs in the bath for 10 minutes, after - massage, cream, rest. 2 - In a bowl of warm water - 3 drops of lavender oil mixed with a tablespoon of ordinary sea salt. The procedure is 10 minutes. You can replace lavender oil with fir, juniper, cypress, geranium, lemon or chamomile oil. Remember: the optimal number of drops is 3-4, no more; oil is not added to water in its pure form - only mixed (with sea ​​salt, with milk, with soda or with ordinary vegetable oil). It is not recommended to use during pregnancy.

  • Herbal baths. 1 - We brew one of the herbs (horsetail, wormwood, St. John's wort or a string), insist, cool, add to the bath. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt there. The water temperature is a maximum of 37 degrees. We lower the legs for 15 minutes. 2 - For a decoction, choose lime blossom and chamomile, 2 tbsp each. Add tbsp honey. The procedure takes 15 minutes. 3 - For a decoction - mint and nettle (1 tbsp each), insist 10 minutes, for the procedure - 20 minutes. 4 - To relieve swelling of the legs, fatigue and pain, brew mountain ash, bitter wormwood and calendula (1 tbsp / l per 0.2 l), insist for 10 minutes, per liter of water in the bath - 1 tbsp / l of infusion. 5 - We brew a glass of citrus peel (any) in 1.5 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, cool, add to the bath, lower the legs for 20 minutes.

The woman has only one leg. No one will give out others, and there are no spares. Therefore, we cherish what nature has given us, and do not forget about comfortable shoes with flexible soles. It is also recommended to change the height of shoes 5-6 times during the day - barefoot, slippers, shoes with low heels, slippers again, barefoot again, etc.

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Feet are exposed to increased loads every day. In the evening after a hard day, they experience uncomfortable sensations: heaviness, pain. If fatigue occurs in the legs, the causes and treatment should be determined immediately. This will prevent serious complications from developing.

Common causes of leg fatigue include:

  1. High heels. When a woman walks or stands in high-heeled shoes for a long time, her legs begin to hurt, heaviness appears in them.
  2. Uncomfortable shoes. In tight, narrow, with an uncomfortable block, shoes or boots made of low-quality materials, the legs quickly get tired.
  3. Inadequate physical activity, intense sports training lead to pain and discomfort in the legs.
  4. Weakness and fatigue occur in diseases associated with impaired circulation. Heaviness in the legs appears in the presence of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels, with high cholesterol, diabetes mellitus.
  5. Tired legs cause swelling, flat feet, varicose veins veins. These diseases lead to pain, convulsions.
  6. Discomfort appears with pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, joints and muscles. They occur against the background of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine.

The appearance of weakness and fatigue of the lower extremities provokes reduced muscle tone. Weakening of the muscles of the legs cause different reasons including destructive changes in the spine. When the muscles of the arms weaken along with the muscles of the legs, osteochondrosis acts as a provoking factor. The tone drops due to the collapsed cartilage.

How to eliminate weakness

With weakness that provokes fatigue in lower limbs, treat the root cause: diseases of the spine, endocrine diseases, vascular pathologies. Adjust lifestyle, organize recreation. Help to get rid of the problem:

  1. Walks in the open air.
  2. Balanced diet. Vegetable dishes and fruits are added to the menu. They do not allow the development of beriberi and anemia, provide tissues with nutrients.
  3. A contrast shower and foot baths raise muscle tone.
  4. Comfortable shoes. It is necessary to select free comfortable products.
  5. You can't stand for a long time. It is necessary to periodically walk, sit down.
  6. Correct posture. You should do gymnastics and massage to strengthen your back.

Folk methods

Herbal preparations are used to treat weakness in the legs. At home, discomfort is removed by means prepared according to the following recipes:

  1. Contrasting foot baths. Cool water (not higher than 15 degrees) is poured into one bucket, hot water (40 degrees) into the second. The legs are alternately immersed in containers. Finish the procedure in a bucket of cold water. This procedure relieves the torsion, strain and restlessness that occurs in the legs.. They make baths before going to bed, dry their feet after them, put warm socks on them.
  2. At home, compresses are made with honey. The legs are rubbed with liquid honey (the crystallized product is heated), a warm bandage is applied. The application is left for a day. After removing the bandage, the feet are washed in warm water. Treatment for seven days. The compress is effective for weakness in the limbs and pain in the spine.

How to get rid of fatigue

Daily work on your feet leads to heaviness, at the end of the day you want to quickly relieve fatigue. Relief comes after a good rest. In order for fatigue to pass, in a prone position, legs are placed on an elevation at an angle of 45 ° and rest for 15 minutes.

Helps relieve leg fatigue after massage. Do it, adhering to the following algorithm:

Folk methods for fatigue and puffiness

At home, you can do compresses, rubbing, baths. Procedures quickly relieve swelling, soreness, irritation. They soothe and bring relief.


If the legs are tired, use the following remedies:

  1. Application with cabbage leaves relieves swelling and heaviness. The leaves are beaten off until the juice is released, they are wrapped around the feet, fixed with a bandage. After 30 minutes, the application is removed, take a foot bath.
  2. Rubbing with garlic tincture. If the daily load was increased, in the evening the legs are rubbed with garlic tincture. The cloves of one head are crushed into gruel, pour 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for 30 minutes. The solution is rubbed into the feet, after 15 minutes the feet are washed, dipped in cold water.
  3. Application with blue clay. Take 2 tablespoons of the product, pour in water until the density of sour cream. Clay is applied to the feet. After 30 minutes, the legs are washed, massaged, smeared with cream.
  4. Lotion with rosemary extract. 50 g of the plant is poured with a liter of boiling water. They cool, filter, soak a towel with liquid, wrap the lower limbs with it. They lie down, put their feet on a cushion or pillow. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

herbal baths

Foot treatment involves the use water procedures. Fatigue, weakness and pain relieve herbal, soda and salt baths. They normalize blood circulation and metabolism in tissues, draw out toxins and lactic acid.

A prerequisite for their use is that the temperature of the liquid should be 37 degrees. Take a bath for 15-20 minutes. Do sitz and foot baths.

These recipes are suitable for the treatment of people of any age group, including elderly patients. However, they all need a doctor's advice. Folk remedies have contraindications. For example, salt baths should not be taken with hypertension.

If leg fatigue is causing pregnancy, a doctor should be consulted. Thermal procedures, herbal extracts can provoke a miscarriage and other undesirable consequences.

Creams, gels and ointments

The doctor prescribes external remedies taking into account pathologies that can cause fatigue and heaviness in the legs. With varicose veins and blood clots, gels based on heparin are prescribed. They thin the blood, relieve inflammation, swelling, heaviness, eliminate congestion in the veins. Patients are prescribed heparin ointment, Lyoton.

Creams with a venotonic effect normalize blood circulation, suppress convulsions, remove fatigue, and normalize the work of blood vessels. Get rid of heaviness in the lower extremities with the help of Doppelgertz, Detralex.

Ointments with leeches extract eliminate fatigue in diseases of the veins. They improve the flow of blood and lymph, restore tissue nutrition - improve the transport of oxygen and nutrients to the lesion.

Foot creams with herbal extracts stimulate blood flow, eliminate fatigue, soften the skin, restore tissue nutrition, and practically do not give adverse reactions. Use products based on horse chestnut, currant, tea tree, fruit acids. Green Mama products, rubbing from the Agafia First Aid Kit series, Juniper Balm help to fight fatigue.

Preparations containing menthol have a cooling and distracting effect, quickly relieve heaviness in the legs. A relaxing effect on the muscles is provided by Virta cooling cream-gel, Youngfaces cream.

Local medicines used for treatment prescribed by a doctor.

Fatigue and weakness of the legs is not a harmless phenomenon. Sometimes it occurs against the background of serious pathologies. The doctor determines the cause of heaviness in the legs. If fatigue occurs from increased stress, it is eliminated at home folk methods. When it is caused by varicose veins or other diseases, the doctor prescribes the appropriate therapeutic treatment.

The whole day on your feet is a guarantee that in the evening they will be very sick. Significant discomfort manifests itself already in the daytime, when the legs seem to be clamped in a vise, and increased sweating does not make you feel confident. How to relieve fatigue from the legs after work - the answer to this question exists, and it is much simpler than one might think.

3 Trays

This method of dealing with tired legs is considered one of the most effective. Its significant advantage is that it is able to cope with discomfort in the shortest possible time. About half an hour of relaxation - and your legs are like new again, full of energy and strength.

On herbs With essential oils
You need to brew one of these herbs - horsetail, wormwood, St. John's wort or a string. After that, let it brew, cool, add to the bath, the role of which can be played by an ordinary basin. Add 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt there. The water temperature should not exceed 37-40 degrees, it can be measured with an ordinary thermometer. We lower our legs for about 15 minutes.

Another option - for a decoction, choose lime blossom and chamomile, 2 tbsp each. Add one tablespoon of fresh honey to it. Next, you need to lower your legs into the resulting mixture for about 15 minutes.

The next recipe is a decoction of mint and nettle. Ingredients should be taken one tablespoon at a time. We insist 10 minutes, for the procedure - 20 minutes.

To relieve swelling of the legs, fatigue and pain, you can resort to this recipe - we brew mountain ash, bitter wormwood and calendula (1 tbsp / l per 0.2 l). After that, let it brew for 10 minutes. The resulting broth is added to warm water, at the rate of a glass of the product per liter of water.

You can also choose this option - a glass of citrus peel (any fruit will do) brew in 1.5 liters of water, boil for 5 minutes, cool, add to the bath, lower the feet for 20 minutes.

We put ice cubes (previously made from herbs) in cool water (in a basin), after which we add a few teaspoons of mint essential oil. Next, you need to add another 1 tablespoon of milk, as well as another ingredient - a little lemon juice. We lower the feet in the bath for 10 minutes, after - massage, cream, rest.

The next option is to take a bowl of warm water, add 3 drops of lavender oil, previously mixed with a tablespoon of ordinary salt. The procedure is 10 minutes. You can replace lavender oil with fir, juniper, cypress, geranium, lemon or chamomile oil.

It is important not to overdo it with the amount of essential oil. As a rule, three or four drops will be enough. In no case do not use the oil in its pure form - always pre-dilute it in water, milk, salt and other substances. During pregnancy, baths with essential oils are not recommended.

And most importantly, when you are at home, try not to wear shoes at all, even house slippers. Get into the habit of walking barefoot, even without socks. This works well on the feet, and a hard surface can replace a massage. You can also buy a special massage mat, and walk on it in the evening for 5-10 minutes.

Or spend the whole day on your feet? As a result, by the evening the legs “buzz”, become “heavy” and swell. According to statistics, more than 50% of women face this problem. Fortunately, professionals know several proven ways that will return lightness to the legs after a hard day. the site selected the best products and asked Karina Shubs, pedicure specialist at Beauty Corner, to give effective advice, which will help relieve tired legs and relax after a hard day's work.

1 way - foot baths

One of the most effective procedures, after which the result is immediately noticeable, are contrast baths. It is necessary to fill the bathtub with cold water up to the ankle and take at least 33 steps in the water. If it is not possible to take a bath, you can take two basins - pour warm water into one, cool water into the other. It is better to start the procedure with a warm bath, and finish it in a cool bath (it is recommended to alternate baths at least 10 times). The procedure can be done with sea salt (as an option, regular table salt is also suitable), which relieves fatigue and also speeds up the process of skin regeneration. Baths with ready-to-use cosmetics containing coniferous extracts help to relieve fatigue. The contents of the package must be poured into the water and put your feet in the bath for 20 minutes.

To quickly cope with the symptoms of fatigue, it is recommended to walk on toes for 2-3 minutes, then lower yourself onto your feet, stand on your heels and walk like them for the same time. After that, you should perform circular rotations with your feet, ten times in each direction. To complete the exercises, stretch your legs forward (sitting or lying down), pull your socks “towards you” and hold them in this position for several seconds. A very effective exercise is aimed at the outflow of blood from the feet, which can be performed in the morning and evening. To do this, you need to lie on the sofa, raise your legs up, and, leaning your feet against the wall, stay in this position for five minutes. In this case, you can apply any nourishing or cooling cream to your feet that has time to be absorbed during this time. Beauticians recommend doing this exercise in the morningso that you can feel lightness in your legs all day later.

PHOTO Nikolay Gulakov, Gleb Kordovsky

Site selection: Peppermint foot bath salt, The Body Shop; Gel for tired legs, La Ric; Sensations Cooling Nerd Hand & Foot Lotion, Christina Fitzgerald; Regenerating foot cream against dryness and cracks "Intensive care", Garnier; Foot cream "Pink heels", Lush

3 way - self-massage

Massage perfectly relieves tired legs. It is necessary to apply a nourishing cream or oil on the feet, then actively knead them with your thumbs. Special attention focus on the heel and instep. Then clench your hand into a fist and use your knuckles to work the entire foot in a circular motion. Calves and shins should be massaged with light movements from the bottom up.

4 way - cosmetics

Foot creams and sprays, which include coniferous extracts, mint, menthol, fir or juniper, have a pleasant cooling effect and help restore the feeling of lightness to the legs. Neutrogena "Norwegian formula"; Aromatherapy softening foot bath salt Marine Mineral Bath, CND; Relaxing and refreshing foot gel Relaxlegs, Methode Jeanne Piaubert;

5 way - spa pedicure

Undoubtedly, a professional pedicure - good way pamper your feet. Any procedure begins with a relaxing bath - by removing dead skin, the pedicure master removes the negative energy that accumulates in the legs. In addition, during the spa pedicure, a special foot massage is performed with pressure on certain points, after which blood circulation improves.

Legs are the same equal parts of the body as the head, neck, torso and arms, everything needs care, all parts of the body participate in the life process, the quality of human life depends on their condition. All parts of the body are equally supplied with blood, they are all “dressed” in the same skin, you should not be less attentive to the legs than to the face, especially since the legs take on most of the physical activity in the process of life.

Everyone, without exception, experiences heaviness and pain in the legs from time to time. I want to quickly give relief to my legs, and we are wondering how to quickly relieve leg fatigue.

For this, they do not go to the doctor, at home it is quite simple to relieve fatigue from the legs.

How to relieve tired legs

In addition to medicinal creams that relieve fatigue from the legs, there are several effective, simple and affordable ways:

  • caring massage;
  • water procedures;
  • special walking;
  • exercises that relieve muscle tension;
  • folk methods with the use of healthy plants;
  • baths;
  • masks for health and well-groomed skin.

Foot massage

This is one of the most effective ways to quickly put your feet in order, it is best to massage with a cream containing herbal extracts and pain relievers.

Feet should be smeared with cream and massaged in a circular motion from heels to toes for ten minutes, and then massaged with palms from knees to ankles.

At the end of the procedure, stand on tiptoe several times and stand like this for 2-3 seconds, and then on your heels, repeat several times, and then shake each leg. After such a massage, a person immediately feels that the tension in the legs has disappeared.

Exercise from heels to toes and back can be done without massage during the working day for those who, due to the specifics of work, are forced to stand for a long time - this helps to restore normal blood circulation.

Contrast water treatments

Due to the change in temperature, blood flow is activated - often pain and heaviness are associated with stagnation of blood in the legs.

It is necessary to prepare two basins - with hot and cool water, alternately, for 15 seconds, immerse your feet in hot and cool water, repeat 20 times. At the end, rub your feet with a hard towel and apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

walk barefoot

Often, the legs are strained by tight shoes, high-heeled shoes, shoes with an uncomfortable last, it is useful to walk barefoot at home, so the feet will take a natural pose, it is even better to walk barefoot in the country - on grass and earth, which is tantamount to the effect of massage, stimulates blood circulation and helps to relax muscles .

Natural conditions for walking barefoot can also be organized in a city apartment - pick up rounded sea pebbles, build a flat wooden box and put it filled with pebbles in the bathroom.

In this case, neither massage nor special walking on the grass will have to spend extra time - while you wash your face in the mornings and evenings, stand barefoot on pebbles, two things that are good for hygiene and health will be combined.

Leg exercises

Any actions aimed at relieving leg fatigue are associated with restoring blood circulation and relieving muscle tension. Exercise is an effective and easy way.

"Bicycle" - lie on your back on a hard surface, put your hands along the body, legs raised perpendicular to the floor, do circular motions as if you were pedaling, try to make a full circle with your feet.

"Letter P" - lie on your back, raise your arms and legs perpendicular to the surface, relax and shake, holding in a vertical position. This exercise not only restores blood circulation, but also perfectly relieves tension in the limbs.

Folk methods

Vigorously rub the feet with alcohol, which will quickly warm the muscles, and then instantly cool the skin, lie down, put a pillow under your feet or throw them on the back of a sofa or chair, or simply lying on the floor (which is also good for the back muscles), lay them higher head level to allow blood flow. Rest like this for 20 minutes.

Ice cubes from herbal infusions: sage leaves, yarrow - are sold in a pharmacy, lemon balm and chamomile - they grow in the country, they can be obtained in the forest. Both dried and fresh plants will do. Decoctions and infusions should be made concentrated.

Cubes wipe the legs from the knees to the ankles and feet before going to bed. If you have time, you can do this as many times as you like during the day.

This procedure also contributes to the youth and beauty of the skin - after all, not only the skin of the face should be elastic and healthy, the legs also adorn a person.

Puffiness is perfectly removed by ordinary cabbage and garlic. Roll the cabbage leaves with a rolling pin until the juice is released, wrap the feet with them and put on tight-fitting socks, remove after 30 minutes.

Chop the peeled garlic cloves, insist in 250 ml of boiling water for 1 hour, squeeze, hold the steamed garlic gruel on the feet for 10-15 minutes, rinse with water at room temperature.

Relaxing vitamin baths

Sea salt is known for its useful properties and soothing effect: 3 tbsp. dissolve in 3 liters of hot water, hold in the solution of the foot for about half an hour. Rinse your feet thoroughly so that the salt residue does not corrode the skin.

Warm water and infusions medicinal plants well relieve muscle fatigue and nourish the skin with vitamins.

Chamomile baths with linden color are effective. Take 2 tbsp. those and other flowers, leave for about 7 minutes in 1 liter of boiling water. Dilute the infusion with 1 liter of hot water, stir in 1 tbsp. honey. Take a bath for at least 20 minutes.

All infusions of medicinal plants for baths are prepared according to the same principle, they should be made as concentrated as possible, take 1-2 tbsp. herbs, leave for about 10 minutes in a liter of boiling water, dilute with hot water in such a volume that the feet are completely immersed, hold the legs for about 20 minutes.

Good combinations:

  • fresh nettle and mint;
  • dried or fresh leaves of mountain ash and wormwood with calendula flowers - calendula heals inflammation and wounds on the skin, wormwood relieves pain.

Baths with citrus peel have a miraculous effect, at the same time it is also aromatherapy.

Finely chop 200 g of lemon, orange and grapefruit peels, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water, simmer on low heat for 3 minutes, cool to a temperature tolerable for the skin, and take a hot bath for 15-20 minutes.


There is blue clay on sale - 2 tbsp. dilute the powder to the consistency of gruel. Wash your feet, wipe dry, put clay gruel on your feet for half an hour, rinse with cool water.

Mask of bananas and kefir - soften the feet, relieve fatigue. Whip the banana into a pulp with 2 tbsp. fatty yogurt, so that the mass does not spread, you can add cornmeal. Keep the mask on for 15-20 minutes.

It is impossible to completely avoid leg fatigue, but you can take preventive measures to make them less tired - wear shoes with a comfortable shoe, alternate high heels with moccasins and ballet flats. Feet require no less care, care and respect than other parts of the body.