Why are they not allowed into the club? Do they have the right not to be allowed into a bar or a nightclub on the so-called “face control”, and does the security of such an institution have the right to inspect bags and pockets? Never do it if you wanna hit the club

They seem decently dressed with you: jeans, a shirt ... But they are not allowed to the party. - a friend got nervous when a security guard blocked our way in front of the entrance to the club.

To our "Why?" a strong, two-meter guy rudely pushed us aside with his hand, letting two girls in high heels go ahead.

We froze in place. Within ten minutes, the face controller weeded out five more “losers”.

In another club, having examined us from head to toe, the guard turned away and said: “Come tomorrow, today you are not in the party format.”

Depressed, we went bowling - face control is not yet needed there.

Returning home to the computer, I found dozens of responses from my friends in misfortune on Belarusian Internet forums. “Face control is hard! The girl was forced to sit outside for 20 minutes until she turned 18!” - writes a guy from Minsk. “Security is inadequate. I entered, but it’s a shame for others - absolutely everyone can be in their place, ”complains another. So what to dress up and how to behave so that there are no problems at the entrance? To find out, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" decided to be on duty at face control with malicious guards.


Beginning of the first night. At the entrance to the club, face control is carried out by a good-natured-looking man.

"How old are you?" he asks a short blonde, seemingly senior student.

Twenty-one, she replies irritably.

Doubting, he nevertheless gives way to her.

But two guys do not pass face control. “One is definitely drunk, and the second is slovenly dressed,” Victor, the face controller, explained to me.

I don't miss about 100 people a day. How do I choose? First of all, I look at the age of the person. Here you are, for example, 20 years old, - he accurately guesses. - I also look at shoes - they speak of prosperity.

By two o'clock in the morning, three young guys come up, they look my age.

Can I go to the club?

It’s impossible, it’s already too late, ”Victor cuts off. He does not respond to various “please” and “let go for a while”. It turned out that the guys did not pass the face control, because they looked too young and behaved somehow insecurely.

A minute later, a guy comes up with two pretty girls. The face controller asks who he is with. Hearing a familiar name, he skips the company without question.

Can't miss these beautiful girls Viktor explains. - I talk to visitors. At least 30 seconds. I'm trying to start a dialogue. This is a test for the adequacy of a person and helps to understand whether he is drunk or not. I don't miss rude people. So advice: the more calmly you answer questions and the less you talk, the more likely you are to get inside.


People react differently when they are told that they have not passed face control.

Some laugh and leave, others start to be rude. Sometimes they even go with their fists at me. Even the girls fight! - tells "Komsomolskaya Pravda" face controller of the capital's nightclub Sergei. - Mostly angry are those who clearly have problems with self-esteem. Maybe it has something to do with an inferiority complex.

What do you need to pass face control?

The face controller is a tool in the hands of the club management. Depending on the desire of its founder, we choose a certain type of young people.

Depending on the day, the requirements for age and appearance visitor. Weekend parties in our club are designed for the middle class and above. There are not so many "golden" youth in Minsk. These days we focus on well-groomed, beautiful dressed girls and on respectable men - from 25 years and older.

What if you're younger?

We generally welcome people over the age of 22, as a rule, they are better off than students. There are those who come to us after work with stretched knees on jeans and a stretched sweater. It is not right. In the club you need to dress not casually, but smartly. I try not to explain to visitors why he did not pass face control. This is tactless. After all, I can’t say to a guy: “Old man, I wore these shoes about seven years ago,” or to a girl: “This skirt is from your grandmother’s time.” Many young people make the mistake of thinking that he will go to the club in a suit. As a rule, costumes are worn by those who do not know what to wear. Many young people have this costume left over from the prom.

And what tricks do young people go to to get to the party?

Most often, girls who doubt that they will be let in try to meet foreigners or respectable men. They take their older brothers with them, and the guys are attached to the tail of a large company.


As the face controllers admit, the ideal visitors to the club are tall, slender, well-groomed girls, sexually dressed.

And even in those clubs where only young people hang out, and wealthy middle-aged clients rarely drop by, they will not let you in sneakers and sweatpants.

The ideal dress code for a girl is dresses or a skirt no longer than the knee, skinny jeans or trousers that emphasize the figure.


Dress sexy for the party. - Come in well-groomed shoes. - Do not be rude to the guard on face control, do not ask to be let through.


People under the age of 18; - drunk; - untidy dressed; - in sportswear and shoes. All other reasons (“you are not in a party format”, “you can’t wear a long skirt”, “the dress is too closed”, etc.) can be challenged by asking to call an administration representative for an explanation.


Dressed neatly, but did not go to the club? Write a complaint.

Club visitors can see instructions or, for example, some other document that says who you let into the club and who not? - There is a document on the procedure for visiting the club. Any visitor can read it. It stipulates that the visitor must be sober, over 18 years old, not dressed in sportswear. As for face control, this is a subjective concept, - says the director of one metropolitan club. - If you are neat in your clothes, you should be allowed into the club. Otherwise, you can request a complaint book where you can leave your feedback. After about two weeks, you will receive an explanatory letter why you were not allowed into the club.

Tinkoff, hello!

There is a question about the legality of face control in restaurants and bars, for example, they didn’t let me into the Gas Holder.

Hello Valery!

Christina Frolova

It's good that you asked this question, because in general, face control and dress code are illegal. But there are nuances. Let's go in order.

public contract

All institutions that provide cultural and leisure services - nightclubs, cinemas, restaurants and bars - as well as other commercial organizations, must comply with the norms of the civil code and the law on consumer rights. In particular, the provisions on a public contract.

A public contract is an agreement between a commercial organization and a consumer. It establishes the obligation to sell goods, perform work and provide services to any consumer who applies for these services, works or goods. For example, hairdressers must cut any customer's hair, a store must sell bread to any customer, and a restaurant must feed anyone.

Commercial organizations, including cultural and leisure ones, can set some conditions for visiting: opening hours, provision of services by appointment, entry according to lists. But these conditions should be the same for all consumers. Giving preference to someone is illegal. That is, for example, you can’t let someone into the theater hall after the third call, but someone isn’t.

It's illegal to give preference to some visitors

If it is possible to provide the relevant goods, services or perform work, commercial organization does not have the right to refuse the consumer to conclude a contract. Therefore, the announcement "The club is a private institution and has the right to refuse to attend without giving reasons" is contrary to the law. In case of refusal, you can apply to the court with a demand to compel the conclusion of the contract and compensate for the losses.

It turns out that if night club or the restaurant is open and does not host an invitation-only event, they are required to enter into a public contract and provide a service to anyone who wishes. That is, if you comply with the general conditions for visiting, then you must be admitted to the Gazgolder or Simachev.

Face control

Face control in appearance, attractiveness of the face and fashionable hairstyle violates paragraph 3 of Art. 426 of the Civil Code and paragraph 1 of Art. 16 of the Consumer Protection Act. Establishments are not entitled to give preference to any visitor in concluding a public contract. Rules that provide for infringement of consumer rights are recognized as invalid. Therefore, the rule "Administration may refuse access to the club without explanation" is illegal.

You can not let the club without explanation

The only face control that complies with the law is security face control. Aggressive visitors may not be allowed into a nightclub or restaurant. This ensures the safety of other clients. For example, if at the entrance to the club, those who want to get through quickly put up a fight or rudely rude to the guards, they can quite reasonably be denied entry.

In 2017, the Central District Court of Tver denied the plaintiff compensation for non-pecuniary damage for not being allowed into the Lazurny club-restaurant

They may not let people in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication. Although the diagnoses of "alcohol intoxication" and "drug intoxication" are supposed to be made only by a narcologist. Therefore, anyone who has been denied access to the club on such a basis has the right to demand a specialist.

Dress code

If the dress code is stated in the offer and applies to all clients without exception, it fully complies with the current legislation. For example, some restaurants may not be allowed in shorts and flip flops, and some parties may not be allowed without a carnival costume. The exception is an individual dress code.

Establishments do not have the right to evaluate the clothes of visitors on cost, decency, fashion or status. For example, if at the entrance to the club someone is told that it is impossible to wear sneakers, but another is allowed to pass in new airmax, this is illegal.

What to do if not allowed into the club

If you were not allowed into the "Gazgolder" for an open party for subjective reasons - insufficiently fashionable clothes or an unsympathetic face - then by law you have the right to go to court with a demand to force you to conclude a public contract - to let you into the club - and compensate for losses.

There have been many cases in judicial practice when moral damages were collected from bars and clubs - usually 5,000 rubles - for refusing to enter an institution without explaining the reasons. Therefore, there are chances to win.

Another thing is that the court is time. The court also needs evidence: ideally, the testimony of witnesses, video or audio recordings that will confirm that you were not let in illegally. You can also complain about the institution to Rospotrebnadzor, so that he can hold him accountable.

It is up to you to decide: be principled and go to the end or forget the unpleasant incident.

If you have a question about personal finances, expensive purchases or a family budget, write to: [email protected]. We will answer the most interesting questions in the magazine.

Networks and on the streets, it is worth practicing communication with the fair sex in nightclubs. In such places, there is a rather cheerful atmosphere, and if you are determined, you will definitely leave there with a girl. It is especially difficult to get into expensive clubs that care too much about their reputation. Therefore, today we will talk about how to pass face control at the entrance to the club.

Face control worker, face controller, facer, face determinant and a lot of unflattering words addressed to the person who determines whether you are relaxing in the club today or not. It is extremely unpleasant to be overboard, especially without explanation.. And no one is going to explain to you. Think for yourself, let several hundred people pass through you a night, do not miss a few dozen and explain to everyone what, how and why. Perhaps that is why the facer is a mysterious person, you yourself will think why they were not allowed into the club.

Who are facers?

The work is not easy, no one likes such people. On the other hand, it would be really bad without them. Normal clubs would turn into bums. This will not add profit to the owner, but it will spoil the atmosphere for normal people. Perhaps that is why it makes sense to give more money than in the store for alcohol and food, if you want to have a good rest, with almost 100% continuation of the evening in bed.

Who is a facer? Officially, there is no such vacancy in the club, but nowhere. But people stand at the entrance, work, receive money. To get a job like this is more luck. Face control is a difficult job, a person must take into account several parameters of who should be allowed into the club:

  • age;
  • approximate financial situation;
  • the constancy of visits to the club by this person;
  • external attractiveness and much more.
Face control in the club will still remain a mystery. The selection criteria are kept secret, and rightly so. Nevertheless, you can say approximately what you need to do in order to successfully answer the question of how to get into the club yourself.

Facer is a human filter. Remember that he will deliberately provoke you.. He needs to weed out all at least some aggressive people so that they do not do anything inside the club. If you are stopped at the entrance, it is already unpleasant, but it is too early to despair, you are being checked. Be friendly, show that you came here to relax and nothing more. If you fit all the other parameters, you will get inside.

How to pass face control to the club?

There are a few important rules that must be followed. Each club has its own, but there is an approximate list of criteria that are likely to be taken into account. Let's tell you more. If you are going to this club for the first time, get acquainted with it in advance. Pay attention to the photos, they will tell you exactly how to dress and behave. People in the club always have something in common, find it in common.
Take a look at the club program below. It is quite possible that some kind of theme party is taking place there today, and if you are “not in the subject”, you will be left behind. What could it be? For example, a foam party in swimsuits. Or all visitors must come in pajamas, masks, etc. It is better not to drink the night before. Drunk, and often tipsy visitors to the club are not needed. The fact is that a completely drunk visitor will bother others, perhaps show aggression or simply fall asleep. One way or another, he certainly will not support a healthy atmosphere of relaxation. A tipsy visitor is unlikely to buy a drink inside or may pump up too much, which also does not color him. Just go to the club sober. It will be better for you, trust me. Clothing must be normal. Face control in the club rarely allows young people in sportswear to pass. The exception is those cases when the employee sees that a person has a lot of money, and he is ready to spend it here. Office suit is also rare. The best option– jeans and a shirt, this option almost always wins.

The most winning option

You can cheat face control a little, but you just have to remain vigilant so that employees do not suspect fraud. First of all, you should stock up on a good car. Dear car - great option, while it is also desirable to hire a driver. All this can be done, even not very expensive. A pleasant even classic, but stylish suit will become an additional trump card.

Next, you need to find two girls who are also eager to get into this club today. They should be next to you, you will joke - they will laugh. Calmly get out of the car, open the door for them, put your arm around the waist and just get in line. Keep doing the same. And five minutes will not pass, as the face control will pull you out of the queue and almost forcefully push you inside.
You look like a special client to them. The second winning option requires more careful preparation, but it is not so expensive. Its essence lies in the fact that you get to know the employees of the club, and even better - with the management. Then you can go to the club every time, in some cases even without a queue.
The third option is perhaps the most interesting. Once you have entered the club once, try to appear there as often as possible. The essence of the work of face control is also to remember the whole party in person. As soon as you become familiar, you can be sure that you will go inside in almost any condition and clothes. Employees already know what to expect from you.

How to get into the club if not 18?

The question is serious. On this moment no nightclub caters to minors. In some cases, you need 21 years. So the answer is very simple. You wait until you turn 18 and go to the club. That's all! And so only by acquaintance, and that is far from the fact that it will turn out. The owner doesn't want to take responsibility for being away from home after curfew. We'll have to glue the girls in another place.

Never do it if you wanna hit the club

Don't break into the club just like that. If you go ahead without paying attention to face control, be sure that you will be kicked out of there within a minute. And what are you hoping for if you want to do that? Hide inside and wait until they stop looking for you? Just nonsense.

Do not try to offer bribes to face control workers, it will not burn out. Perhaps these nice guys are happy to get rich for a couple of thousand, but they will not accept the money. There were cases when they were offered very tasty bribes, up to several thousand dollars, but this did not work either. The fact is that face control is in plain sight. You will set a precedent and everyone will want to enter the club for a bribe. A broken facer will fly out of work in an hour or less.
Do not threaten face control with anything. Neither by his dad, nor by the Pope of Rome, nor by the director of Gazprom, nor by God's punishment. They have already gone through all this and probably know that 99% of threats remain simple threats. And the people here are extremely stress-resistant, they won’t even remember your threats tomorrow, and they will do the right thing. Only politeness, understanding and human attitude will save the situation.
Never show aggression. And you will be provoked to it. Of course, you should not go to extremes, but you will have to react calmly to a provocation. Usually, facers are guys with a beautiful physical training, and you won’t be able to resist the crowd of trained experienced guards alone.
Now you know how to pass face control in the club. Now go ahead, practice. Not in the first, but in the tenth club, so you will definitely get there.
If you want to know even more secrets to seduce girls

Officially, there is no vacancy for a "face control worker", and among ourselves we call this profession a "muzzle detector". And in order to determine, you need to have something inside yourself. Nice appearance and youth - good qualities, but it is unlikely that a person can be trusted only because of them. The interview is conducted by the founder: you will let people into his institution and you must know his friends and regular guests, of course. Usually, those who did not want to work there initially are taken to face control. Here is Pasha face control in general, in my opinion, a dental prosthetist. Personally, it all started for me with Shambhala and The Hungry Duck. When everyone was fucking around, I, a 16-year-old, was solving algebra in the dressing rooms. Trained will. I am a journalist by training. I consider myself fortunate to have been given such an extremely controversial job. Although face control cannot be called work: it is a way of life. And in my work book, it generally says “deputy director”.


In our profession, special training is needed - I was personally trained by special forces. I took a course in the preparation of consciousness, the GRU special forces department dealt with me, the task was to make a fighter out of me. The main thing they taught me was not to be afraid to die. A lot of people want to beat the person who stands at the entrance. Still need to have good memory to learn to recognize people. You can, of course, draw on it. I put a beginner in my place, he remembers two couples of days off, on the third I arrange an exam. Confrontations: where, who, how. For example, girls who go to "Paradise" should not get here: I worked for two years in the modeling agency "President", I know all of Moscow and all the whores.

Schedule and salary

From 21-22 to 5-6 in the morning. I liked the offer - only three nights a week. On weekends, completely different people stand on face control, not the same as on weekdays. Usually in big club 1-2 people work on face control. So the obvious advantages of this profession are little time, a lot of money, you can drink at work, otherwise you will freeze in FIG. Well, the cons - you can’t sleep at night, the rhythm gets lost. They pay well, because you don’t get killed at work five days a week. But you risk your life. It is considered so. Pasha face control, they say, in the days of Diaghilev had a salary of about 10,000 dollars. Now they are paying ... Well, let's go from 40,000 rubles.


Face controllers also have them. True, already out. As gratitude for good time. 5,000 rubles is the most. When a person first comes to the club, he immediately tries to make friends with us. But I do not give discounts even to my friends: this is not my club. But at the entrance they offer money all the time: only this is no longer a tip, but a bribe, of course. Sometimes they offer very good cutlets, sometimes 40,000 rubles, sometimes 7,000 thousand dollars. But we don't let them in right away. This bribe can be seen by many, and reputation is all we have. And, of course, girls ... "Let me go, I'll give you" - this is a standard phrase. To be honest, once was a sin. Somehow two girls seduced so actively that I had to miss it. And go to the toilet with them. Not for long.


The person on face control is a provocateur. Remember: we deliberately provoke you to aggression. If you manifest it, stay at the entrance. A person can be well dressed, but at the same time behave aggressively. If a person is stopped at the entrance, he already has discomfort. So any aggression manifests itself very quickly. In general, I call a person on face control a filter person: remember, in Scandinavian mythology there was such a character Haidl, he defended the rainbow bridge. However, if a person is properly configured, he quickly turns from a filter into a “dog”. You must have a highly developed sense of smell, you need to feel a person. And first of all, his emotional background. When I started working, I just stood in the bar for almost a month and watched, memorized. We often observe visitors, especially new people inside the club, put them on the counter with the help of security guards. So if you still passed, it's not over yet.

How people are chosen

The concept of the club and visitors is discussed in advance with the employer, and face control makes guest lists together with the founder and managers. For example, Dima Bilan is not allowed into Simachev, but people from Tatler, GQ and Esquire magazines are always welcome. The specificity of small clubs is a different hangout. The business elite - about 15 percent, usually these are regular guests, bankers, businessmen, we let them in even drunk. 50% are people from the party, the rest are just from the street. We always pay attention to hair, nails, speech. And, of course, the eyes - to understand what you have used before. There is one rule: we do not let former employees of the institution, otherwise they will drink here for free. Finally, we are interested in a person to be networked! So I check Facebook, Twitter, Look At Me every day. For example, if at the entrance there is a student of Moscow State University, a media student who participates in online life, even if she is 18, then we will let her in. Another exceptional party character is Roma Acorn, he is generally 16.

Fashion style

There is a style, not a dress code. We definitely don’t look at what brands a person is wearing, and for a long time no one has become attached to this - in the 90s it was fashionable to trump names, and now you are looking at the doctrine, the scheme of a person. Lively color in clothes, Japanese cut, of course, can work, although with the onset of cold weather I pay more attention to the face. From a big brand, there can be one item like a Chanel bag. In this case, the dress can be from H&M. It's OK.


There are people, even regular guests, who have been tabooed. Alcohol leads to sad situations. You can be blacklisted for a month. He got into a fight, broke, stole… Somehow, they didn’t let Tanya Berkovich in, although she is a well-known restaurateur, but then she came very drunk… Most often, they are blacklisted because of theft. They steal anything. Ashtrays, leopard skin (it was constantly carried away), paintings were smashed and pulled out. In the same "Simachev", I know, some kind of fetishist is operating: he steals chains from the toilet. There are many who are inadequate. Especially on a full moon. I remember we had a dude looking for some kind of queen who was waiting for him. Finally undressed. Don't forget, we're working with the night forces here.

How to refuse

There are amazing people who want to pass, they are not allowed, and then they are ready to avenge it. But this is a subjective situation of a certain place, and not my personal attitude towards a person. I don't care, but people often forget about it. I always try to apologize. Although they refuse without explanation - as in embassies. Clubs are private establishments, and it is their right to explain the reason, so as not to offend, or not. I don't usually have time to explain. “Unfortunately, you can’t come here today,” I say like that. Well, there is also a milder phrase on duty: “Unfortunately, you are not on the lists today.” If someone insists, then I hand him over to the guards. But in general, my task is for the person who was not allowed to leave in a great mood. There is one rule: you cannot refuse one person 10 times. Mistakes, of course, happen: in the first place, the founder threw off my last name, I forgot to add it. At 9 am he called me and rolled me on the table. I remember this name forever.


You can practice detachment meditation. You yourself learn not to be involved in the situation. This is a kind of Buddhism. Somehow Caucasians arrived in expensive cars and with inexpensive girls. I politely explained to them that they could not enter, they understood, politely accepted, but then the girls said: well, you suckers, you are not allowed anywhere. As a result, the guys stood until the morning and waited, apparently, until I came out. There were pistols - but they did not track them down. And so the youngsters mostly clash when they overeat cheap vodka. Most often, problems arise with young hipsters, drunk, stoned ... Constantly threatened. Once they rushed at me with bats. A man working in the field of commercial services - our regular guest, or rather, was one - ran to the car and climbed on me with a bat. It was his last time in our establishment. Threats - every day, more often in summer. I get fired regularly by people who don't work for me. But in general, the facer now is a diplomat, and not a goblin, as before.