Dorian yates before and after. Dorian Yates (Yates) biography

Dorian Yates became a legend of world bodybuilding, having won the prestigious title "Mr. Olympia" six times. Impressive body parameters, enhanced self-training and the will to win determined the future of the champion. You will learn from our material what the weightlifter had to go through on the way to the gold of Olympia.

Anthropometry data

Brilliant athlete all the time sports career had the physique of Hercules:

  • height - 178cm;
  • weight - off-season 131kg, competitive - 121kg;
  • circumference in the biceps - 54 cm;
  • thigh volume - 81cm;
  • chest - 148cm;
  • waist circumference - 86cm;
  • leg girth - 56cm.

Biography of Dorian Yates

A boy named Dorian Andrew Menges Yates (Yates) was born in the village of Staffordshire, near Birmingham, England on April 19, 1962. The boy's mother worked as an equestrian instructor, and his father died at the age of 42 from heart problems, while the boy was barely 13 years old.

  • A year later, the mother moved the boy to Birmingham. Personal life the woman did not work out, her new chosen one died on the eve of the wedding, after which she returned to Staffordshire, but her son remained in the city of Birmingham.
  • This period can hardly be called easy in the life of a future bodybuilder, he decided to become a skinhead. He systematically participated in riots, for which he was detained by the police at the age of 19. The punishment was 6 months in the Watton Youth Correctional Center.
  • Then the unlucky kid, looking at other prisoners, begins to train. The guy made a promise to himself that he would never go to jail again, that he would become a worthy citizen and win respect in society.

Sports career

Upon his return, he joined the basement gym, trained himself, and at the age of 21 he participated in competitions.

  • 1986 - won the UK Championship for the first time, category 100+. For such a young age to have a dry muscle mass exceeding 100 kg, few people succeeded.
  • 1987 - Yates bought himself a small gym with exercise equipment, but the unexpected happened - the athlete tore his thigh muscle, but how real fighter, he soon returned to the slender ranks of bodybuilders.

  • 1990 - "Night of Champions" in New York, where the bodybuilder took second place, losing only to Mohammed Benaziz. There, Yates received a PRO card, which enabled him to participate in professional tournaments.
  • 1991 - participation in Olympia, where Dorian became only the second, losing to eight-time winner Lee Haney. After such a result, Yates was very upset, because he was determined exclusively to win. And this despite the fact that the second result for other bodybuilders sometimes remained out of reach.

  • 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996 and 1997 - the goal was achieved, and the plan was overfulfilled, because all this time Dorian Yates was 6 times "Mr. Olympia". Moreover, the last performance turned out to be the most difficult for the weightlifter, because three weeks before the start of the competition, the bodybuilder tore his triceps, but Dorian did not interrupt training process, and was ready to fight on stage. However, at the peak of his career, Dorian Yates retired from big bodybuilding, the reason was the same ill-fated injury that the bodybuilder received at Olympia 1997.

As a result, the bodybuilder has 15 victories and 2 second places in the professional competitive period. Such promoted athletes as or cannot boast of such indicators.

Peter McGoach, the editor of a British publication, dubbed Yeats "Shadow", as other athletes look very faded against his background, and the second nickname is closely related to his hometown "Birmingham Lion".

Dorian Yates Personal Life

An attractive man was popular with the opposite sex, but Dorian Yates, in his youth, back in 1991, married Debbie Chin, and in marriage became the father of a couple of kids: son Lewis and daughter Tanya. A happy family lived in Sutton Coldfield, but over time the couple divorced.

At the Arnold Classic, Dorian met an appetizing fitness model from Brazil, Glaucy Ferreira, whom he never parted with at any event. The father does not forget about the children from his first marriage, on the video on Instagram you can see how the father prepares his son for the competition. Note that Lewis followed in the footsteps of his father, taking up bodybuilding.

Dorian Yates now lives with his family. The athlete loves dogs, so boxers Samson and Konan live with them. In the possession of a champion gym"Temple" and sport school, and he himself takes part in the development of simulators under the brand name "DY" and promotes the line of sports nutrition "Dorian Yates".

The book of Dorian Yates, which describes the numerous techniques developed by the athlete, his advice and training, is widely popular among bodybuilders.

Yeats back workout

The Dorian Yates training program is very effective, because as a result we see pumped up muscles that shadowed rivals in competitions.

In his training videos, the champion explains how to properly build your training in order to achieve such significant results. In the same way, he trained beginners before important competitions.

  • Pullover. As a result, jagged muscles, chest, triceps are trained, and besides this latissimus dorsi back. Dorian Yates workouts were as follows: 2 sets, the first 12 repetitions, and in the last approach you need to do 8 or more repetitions, preferably to failure. You can’t rest for more than a minute between sets, so the second set will be more difficult.

  • thrust upper block to the chest. The purpose of this exercises - training the latissimus dorsi muscles, which in action resembles pull-ups wide grip). The Dorian Yates deadlift was performed in two sets of 10-12 repetitions, the first, and the second - 8-10 repetitions.

  • The favorite exercise of weightlifters is the dumbbell row to the waist. It perfectly trains the latissimus dorsi, and is performed in two approaches. 1- 10-12 reps, 2- 8-10 reps. Rest less than a minute.

  • The upper back is trained with the pull of the lower block from the belt, which also takes place in two sets of 12 and 10 repetitions with minimal rest.

  • Next on the list of exercises is the deadlift to the knees, which will train both the upper and lower back, as well as the muscles of the thighs. The number of approaches is 2, repetitions are 12 and 10, respectively, also with a slight respite.

The training turns out to be quite tough, after such a load, the back requires rest for at least a week.

Dorian Yates Nutrition System

The nutrition system of a famous bodybuilder itself is difficult to use for the average Russian athlete due to the specific choice of products, but for your attention general recommendations food master.

  • Dorian Yates on the mass consumes proteins all day with breaks of two hours.
  • Before training, you should eat proteins and complex carbohydrates. You should not consume sugar, because it will quickly burn out, exhausting you at the most inopportune moment.
  • You don’t need to eat at night, and this rule applies not only to professional bodybuilders, but also to ordinary people who are trying to keep themselves in shape.
  • Dorian Yates himself eats 7 times a day, one of these meals is limited to a carbohydrate-protein shake (about 1.5 hours before training).
  • The main source of protein is fish, chicken fillet, beef and egg whites.
  • Carbohydrates - oatmeal, potatoes, rice.
  • The diet should include as many fresh herbs and juicy vegetables as possible.

Dorian Yates has won the Mr. Olympia title 6 times, making him the 4th most victorious in this competition behind Ronnie Coleman (8 wins), Lee Haney (8 wins) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (7 wins).

Video: Dorian Yates. Preparation for Olympia 1996

(also - Dorian Yates; full name - Dorian Andrew Menges Yates; English - Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates) is a professional bodybuilder of British origin. Along with Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman, Lee Haney and, of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger, he is one of the five most decorated bodybuilders in the history of this sport. His professional career lasted only 7 years, but in this short period the athlete managed to win about 15 awards.

Dorian Yates: full biography

Dorian Yates (Yates) was born on April 19, 1962 in England. The future bodybuilding legend grew up near the city of Birmingham (Staffordshire), in the west of the central part of the country. He was brought up in a loving family, but faced with several tragedies at once.

Firstly, when Dorian was 13 years old, his father suddenly dies - he died of a heart attack at the age of 42. This loss, in Yates' own words, hit him hard as a young man. After the incident, the family - mother, son and daughter - decides to leave the suburbs for Birmingham itself. There, the woman meets a new man who could potentially become Yates' stepfather. But again, a terrible thing happens - he dies before the wedding.

Dorian Andrew Menges Yates in his youth, he demonstrates with might and main a rebellious character: he is an active member of a gang of skinheads, skinhead nationalists, who intimidated all the local people. Since his mother and sister move from Birmingham back to the suburbs as a 16-year-old, Dorian is also forced to provide for his own existence. One of the main places of his earnings was a slaughterhouse.

At the age of 19, Dorian Yates gets into trouble with the law: the young man is arrested for participating in riots. But since in England people under 21 are not considered fully criminally responsible, they are sentenced to a short term: 6 months and not in an ordinary prison for criminals, but in a youth correctional center.

Surprisingly, it was there that the future bodybuilder Dorian Yates really became interested in heavy sports. There were no interesting entertainment for the guys, except for the dedication of the gym, in the correctional youth center, so Dorian focuses on development physical form. And the thought that if he does not urgently change, then most likely he will continue to travel around prisons, did not give the young man peace.

Freed, Yates continues to exercise: he goes to the local basement Gym, and starting from the age of 21 tries own forces in amateur competitions. The first serious victory of the athlete happened in 1986 - he won the British Championship (heavyweight). A year later, he acquires his own fitness center. And around the same time he gets his first dangerous injury - he tears the femoral muscle. Recovery is not easy, you have to go to the operation. But this does not stop the novice bodybuilder.

In 1990, a few years after the injury, Dorian Yates leaves for the United States to compete with the world's bodybuilding giants. Soon he achieves professional status and participates in the Night of Champions 1990: he takes 2nd place. Next season, in addition to the Night of Champions contest, he also participates in the Mr. Olympia tournament: the results are 1st and 2nd places, respectively (only Lee Haney, who won the eighth title in a row, ended his career at Olympia).

In 1992, Dorian Yates again performs at Mr. Olympia. This time successfully - he wins 1 prize, like the next 5 years, coming close to the result of Arnold Schwarzenegger (Yats has 6 Olympia titles, Schwarzenegger has 7, but with a break).

The last victory was the most significant for the athlete, because 3 weeks before the performance he tore a shoulder muscle. However, he still won, proving to himself and others that he is the best of the best. Subsequently, this injury did not allow the athlete to exercise to the fullest and he was forced to end his career ahead of time (at 35).

This ended a breathtaking series of competitive performances by Yates, which included 16 victories and 2 prizes.

Nowadays, bodybuilder Dorian Yates lives a quiet family life and is involved in the sports business. He is married to fitness model Gal Ferreira, whom he met in 2008 at the Arnold Classic. This is Dorian's second marriage. From the first he has 2 children - Lewis and Taney. Like his father, Lewis is a bodybuilder, but has not yet reached similar heights.

Dorian Yates: sports achievements

Dorian Yates, who received the nicknames “Birmingham Lion” and “Shadow” from fans and colleagues, had impressive anthropometric data at the peak of his competitive form:

  • 178 centimeters tall;
  • 121 kilograms of weight;
  • 54 centimeters of biceps volume;
  • 148 centimeters of chest volume;
  • 86 centimeters waist;
  • 81 centimeters of hips;
  • 56 centimeters of the volume of the lower leg.

The huge and harmoniously developed muscles allowed the athlete to earn more than a dozen titles in just 7 years of competitive performances, including:

  • 1st place in the British Championship 1988;
  • 1st place at Night of Champions 1991;
  • 1st place at the 1991 English Grand Prix;
  • 1st place at Mr. Olympia 1992;
  • 1st place at the 1992 English Grand Prix;
  • 1st place at Mr. Olympia 1993;
  • 1st place at Mr. Olympia 1994;
  • 1st place at the Spanish Grand Prix 1994;
  • 1st place at the German Grand Prix 1994;
  • 1st place at the 1994 English Grand Prix;
  • 1st place at Mr. Olympia 1995;
  • 1st place at Mr. Olympia 1996;
  • 1st place at the Spanish Grand Prix 1996;
  • 1st place at the German Grand Prix 1996;
  • 1st place at the 1996 English Grand Prix;
  • 1st place at Mr. Olympia 1997.

Thanks to past merits, Dorian Yates writes dedicated proper training And healthy eating books that are actively published even outside the US. Today, having tried, you can find "Blood and Guts" (1993) and "History of War" (1998) by a bodybuilder. Also in 1996, he released a series of training video tutorials, titled, like his autobiography, Blood and Guts. There is another series of training video tutorials: also called “Blood and Guts” (2012), but created by the bodybuilder not independently, but in cooperation with

For Dorian, books and photography are nothing more than a hobby. His personal business brings him the main income. Yates is the owner of the sports nutrition brand DY Nutrition and the Temple Gym chain of gyms.

Dorian Yates: professional training

Dorian Yates, having tried numerous training programs, chose a 6-day split as the optimal one: 2 days of exercise + 1 day of rest, then 2 more days of exercise + 1 day of rest, according to which he was engaged in 1995-1997. He, unlike Lee Haney, preferred the maximum number of repetitions to a multi-set system, working to failure in each approach: an average of 1-3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

This dorian yates workout plan meant performing exercises on the front deltas, trapezium and triceps on day 1, on the back and rear deltas on day 2, on the chest and biceps on day 4, on the hips and lower legs on day 5. The athlete pumped the press every next day after the rest - that is, on days 1 and 4.

Dorian Yates training in 1 day, among other things, included such loads as: bench press in the Smith machine, sitting dumbbell side raises, pulling arms to the sides on the block, extension of the arms on the block, shrugs with dumbbells, french press lying, twisting and reverse twisting.

Dorian Yates training on day 2, among other things, included such loads as: deadlift, traction in the Hammer simulator, traction of the barbell in an incline, traction of a horizontal block, hyperextension and breeding of dumbbells in an incline.

Dorian Yates' day 4 workout included, among other things, incline bench presses, hummer presses, incline dumbbell raises, nautilus curls, crunches, and reverse crunches.

Dorian Yates' day 5 workout included, among others, leg presses, machine leg curls, machine leg extensions, hack squats, standing machine calf raises, and seated machine calf raises.

Despite the fact that Yates retired a long time ago, he tries to keep himself in shape. In 2016, Dorian turned 54, but he still looks athletic. Confirmation of this can be obtained on the bodybuilder's official pages on social networks - Instagram and Facebook.

The photos will convince you that Dorian Yates has not quit training even now. Moreover, it is necessary to help swing the only son!

Dorian Yates: anabolic steroids

Dorian Yates, unlike the athletes who fear for their own skin, never hid that he was taking steroids. According to him, bodybuilders cannot afford not to consume AAS. First, because they are used by everyone around. If you want to win, buy and bet. And secondly, since progress on doping is measured not in units, but in tens of percent. That is: he speaks openly about the benefits of steroid anabolics and androgens in sports.

Quote: “In bodybuilding, no one is naturally gifted.” Further, not verbatim, but with the transfer of the meaning of the original: “There are only hard workers who endure pain every day and overcome opportunities human body. Yes, including thanks to doping.”

Another question is what kind of steroids did Dorian Yates use? It is believed that in the early stages of his career, being an amateur (1985-1989), he took relatively light AAS, such as: oxandrolone, methenolone and methandienone, limited to minimal dosages. And only when he achieved Pro status (1990), he switched to “heavy artillery”: starting from growth hormone and ending with trenbolone hexahydrobenzyl carbonate.

How much truth is in this, we are unlikely to know. The athlete could be cunning, hiding the facts so as not to discredit himself. Or journalists could distort the same facts in order to get an effective article for themselves.

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Dorian Yates(English) Dorian Yates; genus. April 19, 1962, Birmingham, England) - an outstanding English bodybuilder, six-time winner of the Mr. Olympia competition (1992 - 1997).

Full name: Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates

Nickname(s): Shadow, Birmingham Lion

Specialization: Bodybuilding

Place of Birth: Hurley, Birmingham, England England

Professional career: 1990 - 1997

Height: 178 cm

Weight: 121 kg

Biography of Dorian Yates

early years

Dorian Yates was born in the village of Hyoli (Eng. Hurley) near the city of Birmingham. His mother was an equestrian instructor. When Dorian was thirteen, his father died of a heart attack. A year later, Dorian moved to Birmingham with her mother and sister.

Dorian was arrested at the age of nineteen for participating in riots and sentenced to six months in detention at the Watton Youth Correctional Center. Whatton Youth Detention Center). In prison, Dorian took up bodybuilding.

Bodybuilding career

After his release, the athlete began to go to a small gym, and soon performed at the first competition. Dorian won the British Championship in 1986. british championship). A year later, he purchased his gym in England. In 1987, Dorian tore his thigh muscle and had to undergo surgery.

In 1990, Yates left for New York to compete in the Night of Champions competition. Night of Champions). Then, having received professional status in the International Federation of Bodybuilders (Eng. International Federation of BodyBuilders, IFBB), he was runner-up to Lee Haney in the 1991 Mr. Olympia competition. The next year he won this competition.

In 1997, three weeks before the Mr. Olympia competition, Dorian tore triceps muscle shoulder, but despite the injury, he wins the competition for the sixth time. After this victory, Dorian Yates was forced to end his career as a bodybuilder.

Personal life of Dorian Yates

Married November 2, 1991, has two children Lewis and Tania, currently divorced [ source not specified 452 days] . Lived in Sutton Coldfield Sutton Coldfield) with his wife Debbie (Eng. Debbie) and two children - Lewis (Eng. Lewis) and Tanny (eng. Tahnee).

Dorian Yates performance history

Year Competitions Place
1997 Mr. Olympia 1
1996 Grand Prix of England 1
1996 Mr. Olympia 1
1996 Grand Prix Germany 1
1996 Grand Prix of Spain 1
1995 Mr. Olympia 1
1994 Grand Prix of England 1
1994 Grand Prix Germany 1
1994 Grand Prix of Spain 1
1994 Mr. Olympia 1
1993 Mr. Olympia 1
1992 Mr. Olympia 1
1992 Grand Prix of England 1
1991 Grand Prix of England 1
1991 Mr. Olympia 2
1991 Night of Champions 1
1990 Night of Champions 2

Anthropometric data of Dorian Yates

Height 178 cm

Biceps 54 cm

Hip 81 cm

Competition weight 121 kg

Rib cage 148 cm

Shin 56 cm

Off season weight 131 kg

In the history of bodybuilding, there are several famous athletes whose lives are surrounded by mystery. One such character is Dorian Yates, who was nicknamed the "Birmingham Lion" for his strength and tenacity. The second nickname "Shadow" was due to the secretive nature. He kept his distance from people, preferred to train alone. However, this did not stop him from surprising the world with steel muscles and super-relief, becoming the title holder six times. "Mr. Olympia". The athlete managed to compete with the unsurpassed in terms of volume and power and move him on a pedestal.

For 7 years of performances, he won 16 awards and managed to enter the top 5 most titled bodybuilders.

Year of birth Dorian Andrew Mientjez Yates - April 1962 The athlete spent his childhood in a suburb of Birmingham, located in the west of England. He grew up with his older sister in a close-knit family. My parents ran a small farm. His father earned money by repairing cars, worked at a factory at night, and his mother gave riding lessons. When the boy was 13 years old, his father died of heart disease at a young age. After the tragedy, the mother moved the children to Birmingham.

The child was very worried about what happened and closed in on himself. Internal protest and rejection of reality left their mark on the character. Closer to 15 years old turned into an aggressive teenager, and became a member of a gang of skinheads that frighten the local population. The mother had to return to the suburbs and explain to her son that from now on he was entrusted with the mission of the breadwinner. young man found a job at the slaughterhouse.

At age 19 for participating in Dorian's street riots sentenced to 6 months in prison at the Youth Correctional Centre. Limited choice of entertainment in a closed facility forced:

  • go to the local gym;
  • focus on improving physical fitness;
  • think about life.

The young man understood that if nothing is changed, the prospect of going to prison looms ahead.

New stage of life

This was the case when the punishment did the trick. After serving his term, Dorian got a job at a factory and signed up for the gym. He was very interested in powerlifting, and he was going to do it further. There was almost no time left for classes, and the guy had the idea that he needed to look for his own method.

After analyzing several popular schemes, I came to the conclusion that recipe for success- intensity and heavy weights. Why do we need multiple repetitions when you can load the muscles to the limit in one set? Fatal energy will increase the efficiency of technology, and the process itself will be reduced in time. Since that moment, Yates' training has changed markedly. He studied tons of literature on sports and brought the system to perfection.


The athlete "run in" her on "Mr Birmingham" in 1986, where became the winner. In a year got a hip injury, underwent surgery and lost 10 months to recover. However, health problems did not prevent him from winning the same competition again. In 1990, the bodybuilder successfully performed at "Nights of Champions" and became silver medalist, losing the championship to Mohammed Benaziz. The tournament opened the way to the world of professional sports. Yates moved to America and began to participate in prestigious competitions.

In 1991 he showed 2nd result at Olympia. However, he dreamed of moving Lee Haney and taking his place on the podium. Losing and ambition gave strength and inspiration for training. In 1992, events lined up according to Dorian's scenario.

From 1992-1997 he became 6 times absolute champion at Olympia.

The most significant was the last victory. 20 days before the start, Dorian tore a shoulder muscle, but proved to himself and others that he had character. However, an untreated injury at the age of 35 put career end.

Year Competitions Place
1990 Mr. Olympia 2
1991 Night of Champions 1
1991 Mr. Olympia 2
1991 Grand Prix of England 1
1992 Grand Prix of England 1
1992 Mr. Olympia 1
1993 Mr. Olympia 1
1994 Mr. Olympia 1
1994 Grand Prix of Spain 1
1994 Grand Prix Germany 1
1994 Grand Prix of England 1
1995 Mr. Olympia 1
1996 Mr. Olympia 1
1996 Grand Prix of Spain 1
1996 Grand Prix Germany 1
1996 Grand Prix of England 1
1997 Mr. Olympia 1


  • height - 178 cm;
  • weight - 129 kg;
  • bicep circumference - 54 cm;
  • torso - 148;
  • hips - 81;
  • waist - 86;

Dorian Yates training rules for mass

The program was radically different from standard methods and in some places resembled the "Heavy Duty" system. However, the athlete focused on forced failure repetitions. In addition included in basic complex more benching exercises for mass with larger weights.

“On the 7th take, the muscles fell into a stupor. Then a friend came to the rescue, put his hands under the neck and helped me move it. Then I worked on my own. By inertia, my hands pulled up, and I completely squeezed the barbell. According to this principle, I performed 1-2 repetitions and developed endurance to the maximum. ”


The strongman used this principle to pump up his shoulders in. Upon reaching muscle failure, he lowered the bar onto the racks and paused for 10 seconds. During this time, a second wind opened up, allowing you to make a movement. At the limit of the possible, Yates repeated the lifts 2 times.

“If you don’t have an assistant, this technique will help you give your best without insurance from the outside.”

Reducing the weight of projectiles

The athlete used the method for arm exercises.

“I start working with the maximum weight, but when I reach muscle fatigue, I drop the shells and take lighter ones with which I can perform 2 more takes. I assure you, the method perfectly loads the muscles and increases volumes.

Partial Reps

The principle is suitable for techniques where forced movements are not needed.

“When breeding dumbbells, I work to the last with one weight. When the muscles get tired, I reduce the amplitude by half and continue at the same pace.

Negative Replays

Lowering the arms at a slow pace helped to work out the muscles to the maximum.

“When I do the French press, I have a partner to help me at the end of the set. He brings his hands up, then I lower them myself, as if in slow motion. Since the load is partially compensated in the negative phase, you need an impact weight that makes the muscles burn like on fire.

4-day split from the champion

Dorian worked out according to the scheme: 2 days, took a day for, again 2 workouts in a row and so on in a circle.

Monday- deltas, trapeziums, three-headed bundles:

  1. Presses in Smith.
  2. Mahi to the sides.
  3. Traction of the block with direct and reverse grips.
  4. French bench press.

Tuesday- back workout

  1. thrust reverse grip to the chest.

Date of birth - April 19, 1962
Citizenship - UK
Official site -
Name Variations - Dorian Yates
Nicknames - Shadow, Birmingham Lion

Anthropometric data: Height - 178 cm. Competitive weight - 121 kg. Weight in the offseason - 131 kg. Biceps - 54 cm. Chest - 148 cm. Waist - 86 cm. Thigh - 81 cm. Calf - 56 cm.

Achievements: six-time Mr. Olympia
The Dorian Yates Story is a story about how a difficult teenager, a skinhead and five minutes later a criminal, through the right thoughts and sports, became one of the greatest bodybuilders in history. And got rich, oh yeah

An Englishman, a native of the village of Heli in the vicinity of Birmingham, Dorian is left without a father at the age of 13. boy with strong character lost a man's hand in education, which affected his future path. Yates' mother, an equestrian instructor, tried to rectify the situation, but she was disastrously unlucky with men. Shortly before the wedding, her new chosen one died. Not finding her happiness in Birmingham, after the tragedy, the woman returns to her native Heli, leaving her son in the city. It was his decision, the city pulled the teenager into a gang of skinheads. At that time, the portrait of Dorian looked accordingly: a shaved head, worn jeans with suspenders, boots - all the informal paraphernalia of the subculture was present. However, Dorian worked and paid the bills himself. One of his jobs, for example, was a slaughterhouse.

This was until Yates was raked into the precinct for a brawl in one of the riots. Fortunately, he was not yet twenty-one years old (the age of majority in England), so Dorian ended up in the Watton Correctional Youth Center, as they say, "by a youngster." 6 months - and it's lucky, no kidding. In the colony, Yates got hooked on sports and immediately earned himself a certain reputation among the other 300 fellow prisoners.

"Sitting" on the bunk, the young criminal began to think about life and where the curved path would lead to next time. He didn’t “smile” at all to wander around prisons. Once having made a decision, Yates no longer stumbled.

This is how one of the best fighters who fought under the IFBB flag.

Dorian Yates: the first steps in bodybuilding.
World fame. 6 "Sand"

After being released from custody, Dorian seriously leaned on the sport - he found a small basement gym with exercise equipment within his means, and began to train. And already at 21 (two years after his arrest) he took part in the first competitions in his life. In 1986, Yates won the British Championship in heavyweight champion. In 1987, he already had his own gym, bought with sports, prize money.

In the same year, a misfortune happens to the athlete - a rupture of the femoral muscle and an inevitable operation. But this "trifle" only slowed down the progress of the "machine". Having recovered, Yates leaves for the USA, to New York, to take part in the "Night of Champions" in 1990. Having received a prof. status, the giant begins the assault on Olympia and immediately leaves the stage second, losing only to the legendary Haney. The next year was a victorious one for him, the first of the six statuettes of Sandow was received.

From 1991 to 1997, the era of Dorian Yates began on the Olympia stage

The "Birmingham Lion" as he was called - was the biggest bodybuilder of his time - the opponents looked small next to Yatz. The final of Yates' career came due to an injury: the athlete tore the triceps muscle of the shoulder. It happened just three weeks before the competition, but it did not stop the athlete - he did not cancel his participation in the tournament, he took first place, but still had to stop competitive activity further.

The six-time "Mr. Olympia" now lives in Spain, married for the second time (to fellow bodybuilder Gal Ferreira). From his first marriage, Dorian has two sons, one of whom, Lewis, followed in his father's footsteps and took up bodybuilding. He has every chance of succeeding, because Lewis is coached by Yates Sr.

Co-authored with Peter Mac Goach (editor of Flex) Dorian Yates wrote the book "The Story of a Fighter", in which he shared in detail with readers all key points his rise as a world star in bodybuilding. In the Russian version, the book was called "Stunning Arbiters". Like many athletes-winners, "Shadow" releases a line sports nutrition under its own name - "DY nutrition".

Dorian Yates: performance history

Mr. Olympia 1997
Grand Prix of England 1996
Grand Prix Germany 1996
Grand Prix Spain 1996
Mr. Olympia 1996
Mr. Olympia 1995
Grand Prix of England 1994
Grand Prix Germany 1994
Grand Prix Spain 1994
Mr. Olympia 1994
Mr. Olympia 1993
Mr. Olympia 1992
Grand Prix of England 1992
Grand Prix of England 1991
Mr. Olympia 1991
Night of Champions 1991
Night of Champions 1990