Sweet mountain. Plyos Bicycle Marathon "Sweet Mountain" Ski Resort "Sweet Mountain"

ski resort"Sweet Mountain" in Plyos, Ivanovo region, is really located in a nice place, on the banks of the Volga, overlooking the opposite bank, which is already the Kostroma region. The complex is located next to the hotel "Fortecia Rus", on the left side of the city. "Sweet Mountain" in Plyos in the second year of its existence has become widely known not only among skiers and snowboarders from Ivanovo, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also among those who are going to stay in Plyos in winter. The operation of the complex is designed for the season from December to March. The complex starts working on weekdays from 3 pm to 10 pm, on Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 10 pm.

The infrastructure of the complex is thought out to the smallest detail: rental of various sports equipment, ski-service, left-luggage office, discounts on weekdays, a cafe, parking, riding on airships along the Volga.

rental sports equipment

At the Milaya Gora ski resort in Plyos, you can rent skis, boots, poles, a helmet, a snowboard and a snowboarder's kit. Since the ski slope is located in the forest area of ​​the city, for those who do not ski, you can rent and master the technique of cross-country skiing. For children and adults for a change in their outdoor activities The “Sweet Mountain” complex in Plyos rents skates, ice skates and sleds. At the ski complex, you can not only ride, but also learn skiing skills with an instructor. When skiing with an instructor, if you rent sports equipment, a small discount is provided for the services of an instructor.

Ski service

The services of this service at "Sweet Mountain in Plyos" include full preparation of edges and sliding surface skiing, sharpening side edges, installing or reinstalling bindings on a snowboard, adjusting ski bindings, paraffin melting, you can also use the complex repair of sports equipment.

Ski service:

  • Full preparation of the edges and the sliding surface of alpine skis - 600 rubles;
  • Sharpening of the side edges of skis - 400 rubles;
  • Installing the mount on a snowboard (reinstallation) - 100 rubles;
  • Installing a binding on a snowboard (with adjustment for a boot) - 200 rubles;
  • Adjustment of ski bindings - 100 rubles;
  • Adjustment of bindings on a snowboard - 100 rubles;
  • Paraffin melting of one pair of skis - 200 rubles;
  • Snowboard paraffin melting - 300 rubles;
  • Comprehensive repair (pointing edges, filling scratches, paraffin treatment, polishing) of skis (depending on the category of complexity) - 1000 - 1300 rubles.

Luggage storage: For the convenience of guests, the complex provides a left-luggage office for a day, night, week or month. For pensioners and children under 12 years of age, a 50% discount is provided for long-term storage.

Cafe: in winter, not on the territory of the “Sweet Mountain” complex in Plyos, there is a cafe “Polar Hamster”, built like small ski cafes for easy rest after skiing. In the cafe, skiers are traditionally offered warming drinks: mulled wine, tea, coffee. From food at affordable prices, you can try Ossetian and Russian pies, as well as French pie quiche lauren. On Saturdays and Sundays, the cafe serves Icelandic soup according to the recipe of the owner of a Russian travel company in Reykjavik.

Parking: on the territory of the complex "Sweet Mountain" in Plyos, parking is provided on the upper and lower platforms of the descent, there is parking for cars on the territory of the hotel "Fortecia Rus", parking is paid from 50 to 70 rubles. at one o'clock.

Airboat rides: airboats from "Sweet Mountain" in Plyos run on different routes, including a sightseeing trip along the coast along Plyos, Semigorye, Kostroma (Ipatiev Monastery) escort to the place ice fishing. The airship, which can reach speeds of up to 70 km per hour, accommodates 9 people in a warm and comfortable cabin.

Andrey Fedorov, member of the Union of Artists of Russia, resident of Ples

Winter still takes its toll... It's coming. Planned and inevitable. And if during the day everything flows, then during the night it freezes, and by morning it falls asleep on the ground, houses, trees with thin white dry groats. Mainly cloudy. The sky is just a gray tint. The color in nature has almost disappeared, and the graphics are not particularly interesting. Little contrast. Driving a car has become more difficult, while it is difficult to adapt. Creativity is dormant...
On Sunday morning we went to the forest, behind the sports base. She practically died with the liquidation of either sports communities, or some structures of trade unions. Maybe - in connection with privatization or for another reason. We haven't been to this forest for a very long time. Since Sam drew attention to our city, and heavy construction equipment in some unrealistically large numbers crawled behind the former sports base, huge multi-axle trucks with high bodies began to flow in a large stream ... Work there was in full swing for several years in a row.
At first, the forest was recognizable, with one difference - instead of a narrow forest path, a modern asphalt, very flat track was formed. No one took out the trees cut down during the expansion, but dragged them aside, and left them like that, creating insurmountable partisan blockages. Once upon a time there were wonderful strawberry meadows, but people did not often come here, so there was silence ... Birds nested everywhere, we often stumbled upon their nests with eggs, or closer to the middle of summer - with chicks. There were few mushrooms - mainly lamellar corned beef, boletus, mushrooms appeared in autumn. They recruited for the heat. Closer to Milovka, among the birches, clearings with low grass spread. Many strong boletus and boletus were sometimes found there. In front of these clearings there was a deep ravine, through which a pretty footbridge was thrown. It was written by the participants of the children's plein-air "Volga Artist". Every year, many times, in a variety of techniques. For the past few years, there have been no images of the bridge at their reporting exhibitions ...
We slowly walked along the highway and turned onto a path that runs between even reddish-red pine trunks. Before, when walking here, I sang the old one all the time: “The stitches-tracks where the cute legs passed” grew overgrown. The path ran among the lettuce green grass, a low raspberry forest stood on the sides, and all this, combined with the red fence of pine trunks, seemed amazing, attracted attention, bewitched ... I involuntarily stopped and painted sketches here. Curious squirrels got so used to my almost motionless figure that they came up almost close, comically stretched their faces, sniffing the air amusingly, and, not looking up, followed me with their black beady eyes ... The raspberries here were small, but the butterflies - excellent, strong, as always in the forest. The sketches painted in this forest were bought a long time ago. I don't even remember who. Now there was no path. Instead, a two-lane concrete road was laid. Raspberries were rolled into the ground without a trace, part of the pine forest was cut off and, as usual, thrown into the forest, creating the same partisanism everywhere.
The concrete led us to a huge complex of the so-called downhill skiing track. This is just a cyclopean building, looking at which it is hard to believe that the country is in trouble with the economy. In the place where the path, diving into a deep ravine, passed along the bottom of a gloomy forest tract, a mountain grew. And on the mountain miraculously appeared to the world a huge stylish folk colorful tower - a luxurious restaurant "Chugunok", assembled from rounded logs along the very modern technology. Mr. Gyulmamedov, who heads the chain that includes this restaurant, said in an interview that the architecture of the institution corresponds to the towers of the 13th - 14th centuries, which belonged to the famous princes in Rus'. His story was so convincing that I got the impression that he personally consulted with them.
In the basement and basement of the tower there are rental ski equipment, with all changing rooms, dryers and workshops for preparing skis and snowboards, almost space snowmobile equipment and children's sport school with a super trainer, tracking monitors and showers. True, there are few children: only two and a half thousand inhabitants live in the city. But a serious ski service man was sent out from Switzerland. He set up all the equipment and teaches ours through an interpreter. A gas substation has been formed near the complex, which is already running at full steam. It is imported new, everything is automated, so the activity of this monster in an empty forest evokes thoughts of Artificial Intelligence. All this splendor arose as if by magic, in a year. It gets a little uncomfortable.
From the gigantic balcony of the tower you can see the other bank of the Volga. The very place where in ancient times the Bulgarian city of Gorislavl, which was later destroyed, stood, is now the village of Goreslovka. There every summer Lyuba Belykh, permanently residing in Munich, creates her beautiful paintings. And under the balcony of the tower - the descent of the mountain. Quite recently there was a gloomy tract where I wrote sketches. Centuries-old elms grew chaotically here, huge “Red Book” ferns covered the ground. Deserters were hiding in the Patriotic War. Once they caught a young postwoman who fled with mail to the distant village of Otrada, abused her and brutally killed her... Now the history and memory of this terrible place are only on a sketch, sold to no one knows who.
On the shore, a grandiose construction is developing. It looks like a marina for yachts, or a complex for water attractions, or something joint, stylish, for sure - with infrastructure, all sorts of gas stations and a restaurant and hotel block.
We went back by another former path. The same story with trunks dumped randomly in the forest, ideally laid concrete slabs and drainage ditches on the sides. There is no longer a bridge over the ravine. A concrete pipe was laid at its bottom, the ravine was filled up and a track was laid. It rests against a serious automated gate with a high iron fence. Mushroom glades are now cut off forever ... Behind the fence, stretching to the horizon, is the Residence. Sam comes there. Now he is gone, but huge black jeeps with tinted windows are constantly scurrying along the concrete. These are Sam's deputies, deputies of deputies, pom of deputies and pom of pom. And there are numerous security-supporting structures, encrypted under unpronounceable abbreviations consisting of capital consonants, where there is always Ф - “federal” (-th, -th, th). This group of people has their own, inaccessible to others, games, cabalism of “thieves” car and telephone numbers, their own rating of cars, flashing lights, red crusts, and a host of other things. Their police and traffic police do not touch. On the contrary, they protect. They rush past, and we jump off the concrete. Behind the dark glass sometimes I see a fleeting glance. Approximately I feel the light thought of the Looking Behind the Glass - a kind of languid curiosity: "Aboriginal!" - followed by irritation: “As if I didn’t stick my head under the wheels ... Exactly my reaction to a dog or cat running along the road when I’m driving.
Their cars are all Toyota Sequoias, Nissan Armadas, Range Rovers and something similar. Black. Most of them are unrealistically shiny, they come across tightened with a fashionable matte film, which costs about half a lemon of rubles. Servants of the people... It's hard for me to imagine the price of these automonsters. Each is probably equal to a whole fleet of cars for the disabled, with manual control. It suddenly occurred to me to compare these jeeps with monumental Soviet-era galoshes for oversized boots. Only exactly the opposite. Glossy has always been more expensive for some reason. It is curious whether a kind of modern version of the Crocodile, sung by Korney Ivanovich, who wants “a whole dozen for dinner” lives somewhere? ..
When Sam comes to the city, the life of citizens becomes more complicated. Many things cannot be done. Even, at times, go to the lower Ples, because there is an Event at which - Himself ... Hard workers from the neighboring Turbazov stoker joke:
- Andriukh!!! Do you see a sniper?
- No!..
- And he sees you!
I don't know how to feel about it. The city is changing before our eyes. My Plyos is no more, and I have no desire to paint here. Milovka forest was destroyed, Milovka itself was blocked. On Mount Levitan, they made a European-quality repair, destroying the old city cemetery along the way. Now, having come to their senses, mounds of graves are being poured, but without connection with real burials. They erected a monument to Levitan, completely different from Levitan. The maestro paints with concentration a certain picture, a huge banner of which is located between birches. I think if Levitan, sailing past Plyos, saw some similar "memorial" dedicated to Repin, who had been here before him, he would hardly have stopped. Although... Sometimes those in power remember the artists. But they are squeamish about meeting with us, so calls and detours of the creative fraternity begin in order to collect works. Then someone will be happy. But - the amount of purchases is always small, and all this must be received through some official cash desk, which, of course, is delayed in time. This, of course, does not affect the well-being of artists at all.
True, various non-poor people, dependent and semi-dependent on the authorities, were drawn to the city, mostly businessmen with state participation in the business. They buy more willingly, and bargain less, and give the local population some kind of work. Sometimes - good. It's good that the city is somehow surviving. And the changes will be appreciated, of course, by future generations, free from heart-sucking nostalgia.

If you are a fan of active winter recreation, welcome to the ski resort "Sweet Mountain" in Plyos!

Ski slopes in Plyos is located in an incredibly beautiful and picturesque place. Residents and guests of Ples do not miss the opportunity to use the natural Volga landscape for skiing and snowboarding.

At present ski resort includes 6 tracks of different difficulty levels. Skiing here will be comfortable for both beginners and advanced skiers. Snowboarders will appreciate the halfpipe.

The ski resort "Sweet Mountain" in Plyos has excellent infrastructure and offers the following services:

  • a good base for rental equipment for skiing and snowboarding (a set of equipment costs from 400 rubles on weekdays and from 500 rubles on weekends and holidays);
  • towing cable car (one lift for an adult costs 20 rubles on weekdays and 45 rubles on weekends and holidays);
  • training sessions skiing and snowboarding for children and adults (in a group and individually);
  • own parking;
  • cozy restaurant "Chugunok";
  • ski-service (repair of ski equipment);
  • storage chambers.
Base hours:

The Volga-Volga house-hotel is located just a 10-minute drive from the Sweet Mountain complex. We are ready to organize a transfer to the mountain for our guests and provide storage of sports equipment. And after skiing, comfortable rooms are waiting for you, homemade food, fire of a fireplace and an unforgettable rest from the hustle and bustle of the big city.



The winner is determined by "dirty time".

Awarding ONLY in the overall standings.

Quota for free participation of professional athletes.

Prize fund from the Organizers!


MARATHON (60 km) and HALF MARATHON (30 km):

The start will take place immediately after the start of the Race for the Leader.

There are discounts for residents of the Ivanovo region.



The winner is determined "by pure time".

Age limit 7-12 years old (inclusive)

Participation is absolutely FREE.

One of the most beautiful places in the world - Plyos - invites professionals and amateurs cycling July 23, 2017 at the Plyos Bicycle Marathon "Sweet Mountain". A fundamentally new route, safe and interesting, has been created for the Velomarathon this year: two laps of thirty kilometers each. On the way of the athletes there are picturesque streets of the historic city, steep hills, forest and field trails, and even a ford.
For those who like to compete with the best of the best, we have organized a "Race for the leader (60 km)". The elite athletes of Russia and others who want to test themselves and compete for a solid prize fund. The winner of the race will be the athlete who first arrived at the finish line!

The track has many features: different coverage from asphalt to river ford, large elevation changes.

During the passage of distances, you will have time to see the beauty of the streets of Plyos, because we tried to make the track beautiful and picturesque.


We will be happy to assist in booking hotels and guest houses, in addition, a tent camp was organized specifically for the festival on the banks of the Shokhonka - in the Klyuchi estate within the city, on the territory of the museum complex Secret Russia. The campground will be open from June 15, but by filling in the appropriate box (“Accommodation on the day of the Event”, choosing “Campground”), you are actually booking a place for your tent now. The cost of living is 200 rubles per person, payment on the spot. The camp has a water closet and Wi-Fi, and there is a left-luggage office for valuables.

For the most economical, we have prepared a gift - the opportunity to stay in a forest area on a large territory of the same museum complex Hidden Russia, but on Shalyapinsky Meadow, on the Volga, 5 km from Plyos, tents can be set up there completely free of charge, having passed accreditation (in the "Accommodation" block on the day of the Event" by selecting "Tent Camp").

How to get from Moscow:

The bus on the route Moscow - Ples departs from the Central (Shchelkovsky) bus station 1 time per day at 18:00. Travel time - 7 hours.

The train departs from Moscow from the Yaroslavsky railway station to Ivanovo (No. 674, 662). Travel time is 6-7 hours. After that, to Plyos from the regional center, you need to transfer to a bus that will take you to Plyos in 2 hours.

It is impossible to get directly from Moscow to Ples by train!

How to get from Ivanovo:


From the Ivanovsky bus station to Plyos there are 8 bus trips daily. Departure time 6:50, 8:20, 9:45, 11:00, 13:50, 14:35, 15:50, 17:10, 17:50, 23:05

In other directions there are no direct flights of public transport. You can get there by car or via Ivanovo.


1. For residents of the city of Ples, participation in any of the distances will be COMPLETELY FREE.

2. For residents of the Privolzhsky district of the Ivanovo region, the price of participation * is reduced by 50% of the price of participation of a non-resident participant.

3. For residents of the Ivanovo region, the price of participation* will be reduced by 20%.

4. For organized groups of employees of enterprises, organizations and departments operating on the territory of the Plyossky urban settlement, a quota is provided for participation in all races of the cycling marathon.

Submission of applications for free and preferential participation is made by e-mail [email protected]

*the offer is limited - no more than 50 people


July is the best month of the Plyos summer, with fabulous ferns blooming in the forest, swimming in the Volga and night fires, and the main lure for the participants in the competition is not even prizes, but the opportunity to visit Plyos at this wonderful time, and not just visit, but live in a specially created comfortable tent camp for participants sports festival- in coastal forest glades, in a protected natural area.

The initiator of the Festival (within the framework of which the cycling marathon takes place) and the sponsor of many prizes is the Museum Complex "Secret Russia", created by enthusiasts who have been reviving the ancient architecture of Plyos for a decade and a half.

Plyos will seduce and enchant you, as it once turned the heads of Chaliapin and Levitan, who remained here as summer residents. This is how unobtrusive beauty, amazing taste and healing air act. Time stops here, and you will go deaf from the unaccustomed silence of the Volga. Here, spoiled gourmets are amazed by the taste of original recipes. Here princes and ministers luxuriate in the hospitality of the splashes. For the townspeople, the feeling from Plyos is close to fainting.


All relevant information and answers to your questions in the official group of the event!

Sweet Mountain (Plyos, Russia) - detailed description, address and photo. Reviews of tourists about the best entertainment in Plyos.

  • Tours for May in Russia
  • Hot tours in Russia

The ancient Volga city of Plyos has been famous for decades as a cozy summer cottage, and therefore, in the summer months, the number of city residents increases several times. But now it has become the center of gravity and in winter period- for several years now, the Milovka ski complex with a lift has been operating here. Fans of extreme heights and black runs are better off looking for other slopes, and for those who just love sports and are not ready to spend money in Courchevel or Sochi, the high bank of the Volga River is perfect.

Trails and ski pass

In total, there are 7 tracks on Mila Gora. Two slopes of the red level No. 1 and No. 2 are artificially complicated by increasing the degree of inclination. The third red track number 6 starts right behind the administrative building, it goes along the edge of the forest, which makes skiing not only exciting, but also picturesque. To the left of the building there are two green trails - No. 4 and No. 5, and right in the center of the Mila Mountain there is a training track No. 3, which is also considered a children's trail. Snowboarding track 7 runs through the forest and has a "halfpipe" - a structure that looks like half a pipe covered with snow.

The length of the tracks on Mila Gora is 300-350 m, the height difference is 40-45 m.

Near the green and red slopes there are two ski lift, the cost of one lift for an adult is 20/35 RUB (weekdays / weekends), for a child over 12 years old - 10/20 RUB, children under 6 years old use the lift for free. For the convenience of payment, ski passes are issued, they can be taken for the whole season on a deposit of 250 RUB (refundable). You can ride both during the day and at night - all the tracks are illuminated by powerful spotlights. The sports season in Milovka usually lasts from December to March, the slopes are equipped with snow cannons, which allows you to extend the period of operation of the complex to the delight of skiers. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Additional options

If the guest did not have equipment with him, then he can rent it for 300-600 RUB per hour and on the security of documents or cash (15,000 RUB). Skating lessons will cost 1200 RUB per hour. On the upper platform, where the tracks begin, there are two car parking lots, and below - the zone of the yacht club "Marina Volzhskaya Riviera".

The building of the administrative center has toilets, a left-luggage office, a cash desk, a sports shop. You can have a bite to eat in the Chugunok restaurant of Russian cuisine (in the administration building) and in a small barbeque yard near the yacht club. Non-resident guests of Milovka can choose one of the many hotels in Plyos for an overnight stay or rent a house from local residents.

Sweet Mountain is an ideal place for corporate parties, children's parties and other recreational activities.

Practical information

Address: Ivanovo region, Privolzhsky district, Milovka village. Web site .

How to get there: by car - at the entrance to Plyos along the P-600 highway, turn left, then go straight - follow the signs. There is no public transport in Plyos, so you can take a taxi or walk along the banks of the Volga (upstream) to the Volga Riviera Yacht Club.