How to make a complete repair and maintenance of a bicycle. What you need to know about repairing a bike at home with your own hands How to disassemble a speed bike completely

Cycling is becoming more and more popular, it is a universal mode of transport both for moving around the city and just for active rest. During the operation of the bicycle, it becomes necessary to disassemble and then assemble the bicycle or its components.

The road bike that most often uses one gear is the most popular view bike for the city, it is easy to maintain. The article deals with how to disassemble a bike exactly this type.

Bicycle disassembly work is best done on a clean floor so that dirt and debris do not stick to the lubricated parts of the bicycle. Disassembling a bicycle with the necessary tools is within the power of any physically healthy person in a few hours maximum.

Here are the basic steps for disassembling a bike:

The steps don't have to be done in order, but disassembling the bike in the order listed in the article will take less time and make the job easier. You can use a bicycle repair stand to disassemble the bike, but this is not necessary.

Step 1: Remove the pedals

When removing the pedals, you need to pay attention to the following: the right pedal from the side of the chain is unscrewed as usual counterclockwise, the left one is unscrewed the opposite way - clockwise.

1. Take a wrench of a suitable size and unscrew the pedals by hooking the wrench on the pedal at the very edge of the crank.

2. The pedal must be supported with your free hand so that it does not fall to the floor.

Step 2: Remove the left crank

Let's start removing the left connecting rod first, it is easier to remove it, since the right connecting rod is connected to the sprocket. Both cranks have standard threads.

1. First you need to remove the dust cap. Then unscrew the connecting rod bolt at the point where the connecting rod connects to the bottom bracket. Most often, a hex wrench is needed, but there may be options - it all depends on the brand of the connecting rod.

  • You should be able to see threads inside the crank and bottom bracket shaft.

2. Slightly unscrew the handle of the connecting rod puller, as shown in the figure, the pusher of the puller should be hidden in its threaded part.

3. Carefully screw the puller into the connecting rod. The puller must go all the way in, as a lot of force will be applied to the threads when removing the connecting rods.

4. Turn the handle of the puller clockwise, so the pusher will be screwed into place of the bolt that secures the connecting rod. The connecting rod with some effort should be removed from the carriage.

Step 3: Remove the wheels

1. Loosen the nuts on the dropouts and remove the wheels.

  • The nuts should be loosened to such an extent that the wheels can be easily removed.

Step 4: Remove the chain

After we took off rear wheel, the chain will hang on the frame and rear sprocket.

1. Take a chain squeezer. Place the chain link between the squeeze pushers so that it fits snugly there.

2. The squeeze must be handled in the same way as with a vise, point the squeeze pusher at the piece of metal that connects the links (see the picture below).

3. Twist the wringer until the chain connector almost pops out on the other side. The metal clip that connects the links of the chain must remain in one half of the link, while the second half must be released and the chain will fall apart.

  • Alternate twisting the squeeze into the chain and removing it from the chain, check each time if the chain has not disengaged (while the chain is in the puller you will not be able to see this). Do everything carefully, do not rush.

4. Once the chain has been released, it can be completely removed from the bike. Put it on a clean sheet of paper so as not to smudge.

Step 5: Remove the brakes

1. Unscrew the screws securing the brake levers at the bottom of the steering wheel.

2. Remove the brake levers from the steering wheel, try not to drop anything.

3. Unscrew the bolt on the fork that holds the brake.

4. Now is the time to change the brake pads if necessary and clean the brakes.

  • If the brakes are V-break (as in the picture), then it is necessary to unscrew the small screw on each side that holds the brake shoe.

  • After removal, unscrew another small screw as in the picture, it holds the block itself, remove it from the metal substrate.

  • Replace the block with a new one. Brake pads are not expensive, but significantly increase safety on the road due to reliable braking.

Step 6: Remove the steering wheel

1. Unscrew the bolts located on the steering column extension, they tightly fix the steering wheel in one position.

2. Do not lose the striker plate after removing the last bolt.

Step 7: Remove the steering column

Hold the fork during this step, after removing the bolts that hold the column in the head tube, the fork may fall out. As a result, the bearings may be damaged. You may not have to deal with this if your bike has a non-removable steering column, then this will not happen.

1. Unscrew the bolt at the top of the column cover.

2. On the column shaft, unscrew the ring nuts (just at this time the fork may fall out).

3. Pull out steering column from a fork.

4. If there are rolling rings, remove them from the fork.

5. Remove the bearings from the cups on the frame. Put them on a clean sheet of paper, you can lubricate with special grease for bearings.

  • First clean the bearing old grease such as a solvent.
  • Lubricate the bearing balls with a suitable lubricant.

6. Remember, photograph or write down the location of the bearing rings and cups and the sequence of disassembly. You will need to reassemble exactly in reverse order.

Step 8: Remove the plug

1. Pull the fork out of the frame so that you do not lose the bearing race from the bottom cup.

2. Pull up to remove the bearing race and cup from the frame.

Step 9: Remove the right crank

Remove the right crank exactly the same way as you removed the left. There is an asterisk on the right crank. If there is a need to replace it, then unscrew the bolts that hold the sprocket to the connecting rod with a hex wrench.

Step 10: Remove the carriage

Removing the carriage is the most time-consuming part of the job. You may not be able to handle it yourself and you will have to contact a bike mechanic. Please note that there are a large number of carriage models and there are specific keys for them. The article discusses the dismantling of the ISIS carriage. The carriage cups have a standard thread, while the carriage has a reverse thread.

1. Place a bottom bracket wrench on the bottom bracket spindle, which is not deep by itself. The key is easy to put on. Be careful not to strip the threads and slots on the carriage.

2. The ISIS bottom bracket has 2 parts - the body and the retainer cup. They are threaded differently, check which side the retaining ring is put on. In most cases, the circlip has regular threads and should unscrew quite easily (compared to the other side).

3. Select the other side, turn the key counterclockwise until the cup comes off.

4. As you remove the cup from the spindle, turn the frame over and pull out the carriage, first rotating it clockwise.

Step 11: Remove the saddle

1. Remove the bolt at the top of the seat tube where the seatpost goes into the frame.

2. Move the saddle with the pin out of the frame with left-right movements.

Step 12: Remove the snap ring

The circlips on single gear bikes are on the outer thread of the rear wheel hub. These rings are designed to hold the rear sprocket in place and prevent it from coming loose when the pedals are pedaling backwards. Therefore, the retaining ring is twisted on the sleeve in the opposite direction, which contributes to a tight clamping of the sprocket. The thread on the retaining ring is directed in the opposite direction, this prevents the sprocket from unscrewing while the bike is moving forward.

1. You need to take a puller for the retaining rings and place it on the side with one notch.

2. Turn the puller clockwise to unscrew the retaining ring.

Step 13: Remove the rear sprocket

The thread direction on the rear sprocket is normal.

1. Place the whip key on the sprocket as shown in the figure with the part of the chain that does not hang down.

2. Wind the wrench chain around the rear sprocket, pull the chain in the opposite direction of the wrapped chain.

3. Turn the key counterclockwise with force to remove the sprocket. If it's hard to do it yourself, then ask someone to help you. Make sure the chain stays on the sprocket.

Step 14: Remove Tires

1. Deflate the tires.

2. Insert a plastic collar under the rim.

3. While pressing, lift the edge of the tire over the rim along its entire length.

4. After part of the tire is pulled out of the rim, the remaining part will be pulled out easily.

5. Pull the bead over the wheel, pull out the edge of the tire.

6. Pull the nipple out of the hole in the rim, remove the tube from the tire.

7. Repeat the same steps to release the second edge.

8. If the chamber has been punctured, seal the hole or replace the chamber itself. You can also install a special proto-puncture tape (slipper) on the rim.


  • A normal or ordinary thread is a thread that is twisted clockwise, a reverse thread is a thread that is twisted counterclockwise. Follow the thread type instructions carefully.
  • Regular lubrication of threaded connections prolongs their service life.
  • When removing parts, it is advisable to clean and lubricate before reinstalling the bike, which will significantly extend the life of the bike.
  • Carefully look at the directions of the threaded connections of the twisted bicycle assemblies. Check the thread direction if the part is stuck and does not want to turn. You may be turning in the wrong direction.
  • After removing the part from the bike, study it carefully and remember how and where it stood on the bike. You can also take photos of the stages of disassembling the bike.


  • When turning the pedals or wheels on a bicycle, try not to place your fingers near the chain or sprockets. You can injure your finger if it gets caught between the chain and the sprocket.

Bicycle Disassembly Tools

  • Rags, paper towels, bicycle cleaner
  • Universal grease
  • Hex keys (set)
  • whip key
  • Puller for connecting rods
  • Carriage Puller
  • carriage key
  • Plastic beading devices for tires
  • Pump
  • Retaining ring wrench
  • Pedal removal key
  • chain squeeze

Visual video how to disassemble the bike:

Regular inspection and repair of a bicycle is a guarantee that the owner of this vehicle will be alive and well, no force majeure will happen to him. Many people prefer to turn to professionals for preventive maintenance of a bicycle, but it is quite possible to prepare the vehicle for operation with your own hands.

  • hex keys different sizes- it is desirable to purchase them immediately in a set;
  • wrenches of different sizes - it is advisable to buy a set;
  • screwdrivers - you will need both cross-shaped and slotted ones;
  • pliers of different sizes;
  • tweezers;
  • mallet;
  • end caps;
  • scissors;
  • clamps.

These tools and fixtures should always be available, because they can be needed at any time. In addition to the above, it is worth buying:

  • a brush for cleaning a bicycle chain;
  • sleeve key;
  • squeeze for a bicycle chain;
  • ratchet key;
  • spoke key.

The necessary tool for the repair and maintenance of bicycles also includes consumables - they must not only always be available, but also in sufficient quantities. Consumables in this case include:

  • brake fluid;
  • oil for various parts;
    Note:you need oil for every part - fork, chain, pedals and so on.
  • solvents;
  • cleaners;
  • hydraulic oil.

All these consumables will help not only to repair the bike with high quality, but also to keep your vehicle in almost perfect condition. Particular attention should be paid to lubricants - their choice on the market is simply huge, you can trust sellers, but with caution. In order not to be mistaken, you should remember the following recommendations of experts:

  1. Any liquid lubricant (I5A oil, for example) is only suitable for processing the rear bushing drum and chain. This lubricant has an individual feature - it is great for spot application. But there is one critical point - if you plan to ride a bike in the cold season, then liquid lubricant cannot be used, since at sub-zero temperatures it quickly hardens and makes it difficult for the mechanisms to work.
  2. If there is no time to carry out full-fledged repairs, but it is urgent to lubricate the chain and cables, then aerosol lubricants can be used. They instantly restore the work of all hinged joints, are easy to operate - even a child can handle the work.
  3. For processing threads and bearing assemblies, the best option would be to use a grease.

How to sort out a bike with your own hands

To competently sort out a bicycle, you need to know the purpose of each part and be able to carefully examine them.

bicycle frame

The most important thing in caring for a bicycle frame is keeping it clean. Therefore, before proceeding with the bulkhead of the vehicle, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the frame of dirt, dust and peeling paint so that these particles do not get into the mechanisms and render them unusable. The best option for cleaning a bicycle frame is to wash it with warm soapy water.

To avoid problems during the operation of the bicycle is possible only with a thorough examination of the wound for cracks and chips. Experts recommend Special attention when viewed, give the upper feathers of the rear triangle, the steering glass, rear suspension and carriage tube. If scuffs and chipped paint are found during inspection of the bicycle frame, then they need to be eliminated - it is advisable to use spray paint for this, having previously cleaned the place of rust, dust and paint residue.

Steering column

The rules for overhauling a bicycle steering column depend only on its type - if an integrated column is installed, then you only need to lubricate it, but with a semi-integrated steering column with a ball bearing mechanism, you will need to replace not only the lubricant, but also the balls. There is even a direct sign of the need to replace parts - during the operation of the bike, the creak of the steering cup will be clearly heard and there will be problems with turning the wheel.

Bicycle suspension

It is imperative that when servicing a two-wheeled vehicle, special attention is paid to the fork - you need to regularly clean the legs of the anthers from road dirt, if necessary, replace the oil seals, pistons, springs and lubricant.

Please note: when servicing a bicycle fork, it is very important not to damage the ring springs - they act as a protection against dust particles and external dirt.

Masters do not recommend cleaning and repairing the suspension on their own - its mechanism is quite complex and requires certain knowledge and experience. But even if it turned out to sort out the suspension on your own, then let a professional replace the cartridges.

Cassette, chain, system, gear shifters and ratchet - sorting through the transmission

Needs regular care and bicycle chain- it is removed using a special squeeze, if there is a lock on the chain, and if it is absent, then the process is carried out manually. The chain is cleaned of dirt, its tension is checked, the rollers are lubricated - this is the necessary minimum of work that needs to be done.

The system must be cleaned with a special solvent (this liquid can also be used when working with the chain). Be sure to make sure that when assembling the system, the sprockets are put in the right order - be guided by a special pin on the middle star, which should “look” at the carriage.

A set of rear sprockets (called a cassette) must be removed with a puller and thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust - this work is not difficult even for an inexperienced cyclist.

The bulkhead of the ratchet consists in washing and lubricating the industrial bearing, if a ball mechanism is installed, then it is carefully inspected, if necessary, the parts are replaced. After such maintenance, the bicycle mechanism will work much better.

The comfort of the cyclist when driving the vehicle depends on the gear shifters. It is not recommended to independently carry out their maintenance, it is better to entrust the work to professionals. But if you decide to sort out the gear switches with your own hands, then you will need to correctly adjust the screws that limit the stroke of the foot. Be sure to pay attention to the correct installation of the mechanism in relation to the systems and stars. We must not forget about the regular check of the cable tension.


In general, the design of the carriage is made in such a way that it cannot be disassembled. But in reality, many craftsmen disassemble it for routine maintenance.

Note:if the carriage is being sorted out, then you need to remember the original location of all its parts and cups of industrial bearings - they must fall exactly into place during assembly.

Cables and levers

The peculiarity of the shifters is that they experience minimal load during the operation of the bike - this allows them to be serviced once for the entire season. When working with them, you will need to clean the entire mechanism, lubricate it. We must not forget about the cables - they are wiped with special oil, which ensures their soft sliding inside the mechanism.

Brake Levers, Lines and Calipers - Brake System

Bicycle brakes are the safety of the vehicle, so they need to be given special attention during maintenance. Experts believe that when sorting a bicycle, work with braking system is the most important process.

Work with the brake system should be carried out in three directions:


The pedals are the most delicate part of the whole bike, but the load on them is always the maximum. To check their work, it will be enough to scroll them by hand. If the pedals spin too slowly or stop too quickly, then they need to be disassembled and lubricated. This process is carried out classically - disassembly is carried out from the end, carefully examining the bearing mechanism.

Note:on some bike models contact pedals. When overhauling them, it is very important to carefully lubricate the springs, otherwise the shoes will snap too tight..

Hubs, spokes, rims - wheel bulkhead

Wheels are also among the parts of a bicycle that are constantly under increased stress. What to consider when rebuilding wheels:

Wear level of parts

Cyclists need to know more than just the repair and regular maintenance of their vehicle. it is very important to pay attention to the wear of some parts in time and immediately fix the problems. What parts of bicycles do experts recommend paying attention to:

  • bearings;
  • transmission;
  • frame;
  • brake system;
  • wheels;
  • suspensions.


Loosen the steering wheel bolt. This is where disassembly should always begin. Place a wooden block and hit the bolt with a hammer. The spacer cone will come out of the stem tube and the handlebar will turn easily. Hold the front wheel with your knees while turning the steering wheel in different sides. Do this until you remove it from the fork shaft.

Look at the steering wheel and inspect the liners. Check if everything is ok with the thread of the bolt. By the way, do everything so that over time the steering wheel is tightly fastened and does not rotate, and the steering wheel itself is fixed in the front fork.

Start disassembling. Loosen the pinch bolt that the saddle. Stand behind, rest your knees in and pull the saddle from the holder with twisting movements. It happens that the shaped reinforcement of the lock or its washer bends. How to be in this case? Saw through the notches with a file, making it as deep as possible. Assemble the lock and tighten the nuts firmly. Wipe all removed parts with kerosene, and then wipe them dry.

Release the air from the wheel chamber and proceed with disassembly. Gently press the tire from the edges to the middle of the rim, prying the edge with a flat wrench. At this point, you should be careful, because. there is a risk of piercing the camera.

Loosen the locknut in the wheel hub, remove the mustache washer and roll the cone. Turn the wheel on your hand and pull up the axle with the other cone. Several ball bearings will fall out on the hand. If there is grease in the bushing, then to pull it out, the ball bearings must be carefully pry with a knitting needle.

Sleeve cups, in which the balls rotated, must be filled with kerosene. Then, wiping dry with a cloth, leave to dry for a few more hours. Ball bearings should be carefully examined and replaced if they are rusted or defective.

Check the threads on the hub axle, locknuts, cones and retaining nuts.


At first glance, the disassembly process may seem trivial and easy, however, there are many pitfalls in this matter that can significantly spoil your mood.

One of the dirtiest places on a bike is the bottom bracket of the frame. In this regard, cyclists from time to time are faced with the need to disassemble the carriage and clean it from dirt. To carry out this process, it is necessary to prepare the necessary tools in advance.


Move the chain to the smallest drive sprocket, then remove it. There are two holes on the anther, into which insert the appropriate tool, and then unscrew the part from the connecting rod. Under the boot you will see a hollow bolt, which is unscrewed by 10 hexagons, while holding the pedals.

Take a special wrench and unscrew the lock nut with a right-hand thread, which is located on the carriage on the left side. In this case, it is necessary to make some efforts, but do not overdo it so as not to break the key and damage the part. Some bicycle designs do not have this nut.

A bicycle is an excellent means of transport that does not require certain costs, does not pollute the environment and keeps us in good shape. But nothing lasts forever. And so there are moments, especially if you do not take care of your "iron horse", when something is sure to break. What to do in such situations? The most important thing is not to panic, because repairs can be made

How to fix a bike?

There are two options: either go to special workshops, or take up the work yourself. In the first case, you do not need to make any effort, the masters will do everything themselves. But you have to pay for the services provided, so this approach can seriously affect the wallet of a person whose bike has broken. Do-it-yourself repairs will help save quite a lot of money from the owner. But this does not mean that everything is so rosy and beautiful. To engage in home-made repairs, you need to know a lot and understand some systems. Therefore, before disassembling your two-wheeled friend, you need to find out how it works. Only after that it is already possible to start the repair itself.

What you need to prepare for fixing a bike

First, you need tools on the farm. You can't do without them. If they are not, then it is worth buying. Buying a good set of tools is an investment in your own bike. Yes, they are expensive, but it is this set that will save a lot of money in the future.

A special site must be prepared, on which repair work will be carried out. It should be spacious so that you can safely turn around, put a tool box or a spare part somewhere. This is a rather important factor that cannot be ignored.

Lighting also plays a role. You can't make it hard to see. Why ruin your eyesight? You can also simply not notice a small detail or something else.

The rag will play the role of a rag. Since the bicycle is not a cutlery, it contains dust, dirt and excess grease that can stain floors or clothes. It is recommended that you wipe it with your hands before doing it yourself.

What tools do you need to take with you?

1. Wrench. First of all, you need to purchase a set This is the Holy of Holies. Every self-respecting cyclist should have a set wrenches. The most revered is the so-called fourteen key. It is he who performs the most common functions (unscrew the nut on the wheel, unscrew the nut under the saddle, and so on).

2. Phillips screwdrivers. They must also be available. With their help, the front and rear derailleurs are adjusted. It is very common for these knots to get upset after a long ride (especially after a hard track). Therefore, you should always have a Phillips screwdriver handy.

3. A set of hexagons. They are involved in setting up both disc and rim brakes. It is better to take it with you on the road, because an upset brake is a big problem that can lead to an accident.

4. Pump. Something you shouldn't leave home without. Especially relevant for long distances. Due to the imperfection of our roads, the wheels are often punctured and blown away. Therefore, they need regular pumping with a special pump.

This is a standard set of tools that a cyclist should always carry with him. If something happens on the road, then it is these little things that will help, at least not on their own, to get to the first service station or home. Such a set of tools is a guarantee of safety on a bicycle.

Do I need to take a repair kit with me?

A set of vulcanized patches is a salvation from breaking through the camera. Now thorns and even nails are not so terrible. Craftsmen can patch their camera in just five minutes. Without this kit, you should not even leave, since trouble can await at any moment, and no one wants to drag a bike on themselves.

Additional tools for home renovation

The above tools can only help with rough and simple repairs, which can be carried out on the street. Do-it-yourself bicycles can be done only with a more extensive specialized set of tools.

For any manipulations with the chain, you will need to squeeze the chain. This is a special tool that allows you to disconnect and connect its links. What is it for? This can come in handy when you need to shorten or lengthen the chain. There is no way to do without this tool.

A spoke wrench is used to correct rim defects. A spoke wrench can fix a very common problem with cyclists - the figure eight.

The chain cleaning brush is suitable for only one thing - to clean the chain. It would seem, why do it? But keeping the chain clean is very important. For some time, a layer of grease, dust and dirt accumulates on it. All this turns into a hard crust. Because of it, the rear or front derailleurs may be damaged. Thanks to a special brush, this can be avoided.

Do-it-yourself bicycle repair: photo

It is very important before the new riding season to disassemble and lubricate the front fork. If this is not done, then it will quickly be erased and cease to function correctly. Do-it-yourself repair is not an easy task. To do this, you need a special hexagon. It looks like a regular instrument, only with a very long handle. It is needed because the fasteners that hold the plug are deep inside, where you can’t get it with an ordinary hexagon. Therefore, in order to repair a bicycle with your own hands, in particular the forks, you need to have the right tools.

Usually, the phrase "fork repair" means its lubrication and cleaning, because this unit cannot be repaired. The process itself is quite easy: you just need to unscrew the left and right fasteners with a hexagon. Then wipe the fork itself with a dry cloth and grease with grease. After that, you can already collect.

Do-it-yourself bicycle repair: rear hub and its lubrication

The rear wheel has moving parts. They are the first to suffer from a lack of lubrication. Therefore, you need to know how to repair a bicycle hub with your own hands. To disassemble it, you need to have a special tool - a cassette puller. Disassembling a hub is not an easy task, so before you do a bicycle repair with your own hands, you need to look at photos and master classes or consult with professionals.

Before disassembling the hub, you need to remove the wheel from the bike. The first step is to remove the locknut. It is located immediately after the cassette with stars. After that, you can already begin to remove the cassette itself. Then everything will go like clockwork: the cone nut is unscrewed, and then the axle with bearings is removed. Here you should pay special attention: if the bearings are bulk, then you need to be careful, as the balls can crumble. If they are separators, then there is nothing to worry about. After that, you need to wipe the bushing and all parts, apply a new layer of lubricant (it is best to use Litol-24). Assemble the bushing in reverse order. A lubricated bushing will last much longer and more efficiently, so this procedure is best done once a year.

Mountain bikes: what kind of damage is better not to fix?

Mountain bikes are very durable bikes, but they break sometimes too. To be able to make repairs mountain bikes with your own hands, you also need to have a lot of tools. From heavy loads (jumping from a height), the frame may burst. Do-it-yourself repair of mountain bikes is better not to do, because if the welding is incorrect, the frame can become fragile and vulnerable. Also, the holder of the rear derailleur ("cock") sometimes bursts from the impact. This part is replaceable, and if it breaks, it must be replaced.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to disassemble the bike. As a rule, this is done for its transportation, storage (a disassembled bike can take up significantly less space) or in order to replace some of its components. Different cases require different degrees of disassembly. It's not that difficult and almost always only requires a set of hexes.

Dismantling a bicycle for transportation to the subway

As a rule, employees require folding bikes to be folded in half, and in all other cases, to remove the front wheel. If you have brake pads (vi-breaks), then it's okay - just loosen the eccentric mechanism and remove the wheel from the fork.

But in the event that you have disc brakes, you need to be careful: if you or someone from random passers-by presses the front brake handle, squeezing out the piston, the brake mechanism will jam. Therefore, it is better to use a special plug that comes with each new bike (it can easily be replaced by a piece of paper folded several times inserted into the slot where the brake disc was before removing the wheel). Everything is assembled in the same order, but do not use excessive zeal, fixing the eccentric.

Disassembly of a bicycle for transportation in electric trains and long-distance trains

For some reason, the rules for transporting a bicycle on an electric train in different regions of the country differ for some reason: in the Moscow region, free transportation was recently allowed (at certain hours) and the bicycle is not required to be disassembled, in some areas controllers always check the availability of a bicycle ticket, in some they do not take money for it if it is disassembled and lies in a case. But for the transport of a bicycle by rail, a more detailed disassembly of the bicycle is always required, and for this, respectively, a tool, more space and time. In order to transport a bicycle as baggage on long-distance trains, it must be packed. For this, special bicycle cases are sold (as a rule, they are accompanied by instructions on how best to pack the bike in this case, sometimes even with diagrams). If suddenly such a cheat sheet was not found, there is no need to despair. Everything is very simple.

If you deem it necessary, you can remove all auxiliary mounts and accessories, but most often this is extra work - it is enough to remove only the bike computer itself , front and rear lights, leaving all fasteners in place.

But (especially large ones) it is better to unscrew it. Lower the saddle to the lowest possible position. Then carefully remove the front wheel. Exactly the same as described above. But if possible, then install a special stopper-plug between the feathers of the front fork, which will protect it from deformation in the event of impacts or other compressions. If a fender was installed, remove it as well. It is not necessary to remove the rear wheel. There are several reasons for this, but the main one is that the wheel protects the rear derailleur (“rooster”) from deformation. Bending it is as easy as shelling pears, it is enough to lean the bike on it with all your weight. To make the bike more compact, we recommend unscrewing the left pedal. This can be done either special, or a suitable adjustable one. It is not necessary to unscrew the right pedal, it is better to move it to the lower position: this will help keep the gearshift system in working condition. Of course, if necessary, the right pedal is unscrewed in almost exactly the same way as the left one, with one exception: they have a versatile thread). Removed pedals put in the pocket of the bike cover or in a backpack, the wheel - inside the cover, on the frame.

How to remove the rear wheel of a bicycle

Sometimes even more “deep” disassembly of the bike is required, for example, when transporting by plane, some airlines may require you to remove the rear wheel as well. Of course, much compact bike won't, but let's do it. Although it seems that it is very difficult to do this due to the gearshift mechanism, it is actually quite simple. First, loosen the chain as much as possible - transfer it to the smallest stars, then loosen the eccentric, turn it several times while holding the nut. Then pull the derailleur lever back and, while holding it, carefully remove the wheel. Do not forget to do the same operations with the rear brake as with the front one to avoid blocking it!

The bike is assembled in the reverse order of disassembly!