What is Slender weight loss: the opinion of doctors and buyers. What is the Slender System? The principle of operation of the Slender weight loss technique

What woman does not dream of a beautiful, fit figure? Today you can find diets for every taste, as well as many different supplements and medicines, the purpose of which is to get rid of excess weight and Fitness clubs also do not complain about the lack of customers - everyone is looking for their own way to ideal forms. But along with the usual ways to lose weight, there are alternative options. Today we will consider one of them in our article, namely, we will find out what the Slender weight loss technique is. and characteristics will be given below.

Miracle disc for weight loss: myth or reality?

Of course, many of us are looking for a universal method of dealing with overweight, because you really want to get rid of the hated kilograms forever. But not everyone is ready to experience a feeling of hunger, sitting on a sweat in the gym, or to part with a couple of thousand, or even more, rubles, acquiring various supplements and drugs. The American method "Slender" for weight loss was invented specifically for the lazy. Its developer, NSP, offers consumers a disc with recorded information, with regular viewing of which you will get rid of extra pounds.

The action of the program is based on the so-called effect of the 25th frame, which is not visible to the eye, but acts on the subconscious in a special way, giving a command, for example, not to eat fatty foods late at night. That is, the brain is tuned to proper nutrition, installations for weight loss are given. But is everything so simple?

This effect was first discovered in America in the 50s of the last century and made a real sensation in the field of marketing and advertising, but a few years later it was refuted by scientists who conducted additional independent studies. According to authoritative experts, it is impossible to influence the brain in this way. That is, no matter how many additional frames are built into the video sequence, they do not affect the subconscious, that is, based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the weight loss technique, which, unfortunately, is mostly negative, does not work. This is not good news for those who have already paid more than one thousand rubles for a disc and have spent time viewing information that does not carry any pronounced effect. Miracles, unfortunately, do not happen so often, and in most cases, you cannot avoid diets and the gym in order to find a beautiful and toned body. But it is worth noting that the Slender weight loss method, the reviews of which, as we have already noticed, are not very good, sometimes helps. Why? Among us there are easily suggestible people who wholeheartedly believe in this alternative method for weight loss. Their hope is so strong that the so-called arises, that is, having a firm conviction that the remedy works, it can work. But how many of us are like that...

Weight loss technique "Slender": reviews

Negative characteristics, unfortunately, are much more common. Many complain that the method does not work. This is not surprising, because we have already found out that the "25th frame effect" is nothing but a myth that was dispelled many years ago. They also note that the price of the disc is quite high - in various online stores it is about 1,500 rubles and more. They also regret the time: agree that half an hour spent watching a disc can be used for another purpose: to do a few simple physical exercises or cook your favorite low-calorie dish. Therefore, before purchasing a program, think about whether you really need the Slender weight loss technique, reviews of which are so impartial. It may be worth spending your money and time on something more useful and effective, for example, purchasing a subscription to a fitness club or buying a dozen kilograms of vegetables and fruits at the nearest supermarket.

There are many ways and methods to lose weight. One of them is the Slender system. Reviews about her, as well as myths and facts are presented below.

What is the Slender System?

So, a system about which is very diverse - this is one of the modern ways to get rid of extra pounds. The technique is based on the action of the so-called 25th frame, which, according to some, is able to act like hypnosis and program the brain for certain actions. The essence of the Slender system system is that a person acquires a disk with a program and installs it on his computer (there are some requirements and restrictions). And after installation, when watching any video or when working at a computer, certain inscriptions-settings appear on the screen. According to some scientists who were involved in the development of such programs, the 25th frame is elusive to the eye, but it has a tremendous impact on the brain and literally sets a person up for certain changes and actions.

Reviews about Slender: true or false?

You can hear a variety of reviews about Slender, both skeptical and negative, and enthusiastic, from satisfied customers who have lost weight. But what to believe? It is clear that, in fact, anyone can write a review: both a competitor, and the manufacturer himself or his employees. Surely everyone has come across amazing stories fast and successful weight loss without diets, exercise and other efforts. Here is such a wonderful system Slender. Reviews, by the way, on the pages of glossy magazines are found in large quantities, photographs are attached to them. But if we conduct proceedings, then almost all the “lucky ones” who got rid of excess weight lost weight by traditional methods, that is, while observing the principles of proper nutrition and thanks to sports, and then provided their photos for a certain fee. And sometimes people are not even aware that their data is being used for advertising purposes.

If we consider and study the opinions of ordinary people and ordinary people who have tried such a method of losing weight as the Slender system, the reviews will be very unflattering. So, many argue that absolutely no effect was observed: the appetite remained the same, the weight did not go away, everything was the same. And others even complain that the program is not installed on the computer. It also happened that antivirus programs detected viruses when trying to install the system. So the operating system can also suffer. And there is no need to talk about the money spent, because the disk costs from 1500 to 2500 rubles.

If you think rationally and delve into the essence, then, probably, some kind of effect on the brain will indeed be exerted, but, as practice shows, it is insignificant. After all, if a person does not have willpower and could not previously limit himself in food, then what will change after viewing the pictures? Almost nothing.


In conclusion, we can say that the only effective and proven way to lose weight by millions of people is proper nutrition in combination with physical activity. The rest of the methods are mostly ineffective.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Slender technique has nothing to do with exercise complexes, dietary supplements, diets and other usual components of weight loss. This is, in every sense, a novelty, moreover, a foreign novelty, which is very popular with Russian women who are disappointed in most types of domestic products. It is the fruit of joint efforts of the Center for Recovery Ideal Weight and companies IT-in Corporation from USA, and it is not based on a “good behavior” program for losing weight and not on active fat burner regimens: The Slender technique is based on the famous 25th frame effect. However, if neither the gym nor diet gives you the ideal shape, is it possible to get beautiful figure just looking at the computer monitor?

Action Slender

Probably, now even children of kindergarten age have heard a lot about what frame 25 is. However, let's repeat. The human brain is capable of perceiving 24 frames per second, so when we watch a movie or TV show, the image is broadcast to us in this mode. However, there is an assumption that adding frame 25 to the video sequence can influence the human subconscious in a certain way. Allegedly, information from it is unconsciously perceived by a person and can affect his behavior.

According to the producers, the video that they distribute for the purpose of losing weight contains some coded information that acts on us and contains an “order” to lose weight. As a result, the human body independently adjusts its metabolic processes in such a way that the breakdown of fats occurs in it at an increased rate.

We cannot dispute the existence of this phenomenon, it is likely that it really exists and somehow affects a person. Information slipped that the "inventor" 25 frame James Vickery actually fabricated research results; at the same time, people's belief in this phenomenon is reinforced by widespread information that the 25th frame is used by special services to program the behavior of ordinary people. And there are many fascinating feature films devoted to this phenomenon, which also serves as a basis for trust. In general, there are so many conflicting opinions around him that it is probably not possible to find the truth. One thing is beyond doubt: Slender technique does not manifest itself at all, and there has not yet been a single real person whom she would help. So this either does not work, or is initially a fake, a "fishing rod" for buyers.

Despite the fact that all conceivable sources are already full of indignant reviews of those who tried to lose weight with Slender, in general, there is great interest among people in the technique and its implementation. Firstly, its unusualness is attractive: many people want to experience the effect of the “magic” frame 25 and check how it works. Secondly, the fantastic turnover of this, so to speak, product is also due to the fact that manufacturers encourage our laziness. They say that now it is not necessary to actively lose weight, diet and exercise; you can eat whatever you want, lie on the couch, watch CDs and at the same time lose weight in the most natural and safe way.

According to the authors of the idea, the technique helps to lose weight at a tremendous speed: minus 15 kg for a period of 2 weeks to 3 months - and this is provided that nothing needs to be done. This, of course, is too bold a statement, which in absentia will convince a reasonable person of the inconsistency of the method, but, unfortunately, will be of interest to everyone who still believes in miracles. Lose so much excess fat you can only after liposuction surgery, and this is completely different. In real good reviews about Slender, unfortunately, no. This gives undeniable grounds for recognizing it as another scam based on pumping money out of gullible, exhausted by trying to lose weight people.

It is assumed that the resulting incentive to lose weight will exist in a person’s head for a long time. The creators swear that within 7 years after the course of "therapy" you will remain as slim and beautiful as you wanted. Plus, the assurance: If you fail to lose weight using our method, we will refund your money!» And that's it: hundreds and thousands of gullible citizens have reached out to wallets, cards and other resources of money. But in fact, they pay several times overpriced simply for a beautiful video sequence. And by the way, no one is going to return the money ...

Contraindications and side effects

It has been claimed that the Slender technique does not affect anything other than weight, has no side effects and contraindications. This clarification was also to the taste of those who were going to order it, but were afraid that something could happen to his psyche from watching the video with the mysterious 25th frame. However, there are no side effects and contraindications, not at all because the technique acts so selectively on the subconscious, but only because it is not effective.

Thus, people who want to quickly, easily and without the slightest effort to lose any number of kilograms of excess weight will be disappointed. Unfortunately, the expression without effort you can not pull a fish out of the pond' is still valid. In addition to a serious illness and severe nervous stress, only a diet, a gym and, possibly, some dietary supplements can give you harmony. In any case, you will have to work, but if you are ready for this, everything will definitely work out.


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4.8 out of 5

The slender weight loss technique is a variation of the technique known as the “25 frame”. It was developed by US companies IT-in Corporation and Ideal Weight Control Centers. Disks with the slender weight loss technique can be ordered today on many sites on the Internet, but just downloading the program is very problematic.

How does the slender weight loss program work?

Everyone heard about frame 25: human eye per second perceives no more than 24 frames, and when an additional frame appears, the eye is not able to catch it. However, the information that this “extra” frame carries is imprinted in the subconscious. By the way, it is forbidden to use this effect in advertising.

The essence of the technique is that Slender weight loss program is installed on the computer, certain settings are set, after which, while working at the computer, this 25th frame flickers, affecting the subconscious and stimulating weight loss. In the frame itself, images alternate with inscriptions, which just contribute to weight loss.

That is, the slender weight loss system also works when a person watches a movie, plays a game, or is simply busy with his work. Therefore, it is important what images are shown and how they are able to produce the desired effect. In addition, positive statements are loaded into the program - “I don’t eat after 6 pm” or “I lose two kg a week.” According to slender weight loss reviews, the program allows you to adjust the required rate of weight loss and get rid of up to 10-20 kilograms per month.

The most important thing in this case is to correctly formulate statements and not to suggest them to yourself, but with the help of a computer.

As in any technique that is based on psychology, it is very important to believe in the result and, once grasped, do not give up, but continue to work.

Among the reviews about losing weight slender, you can find both positive and negative. Someone managed to lose weight, while even the skin did not stretch, while someone, on the contrary, believes that they just wasted their money.

Diet slender

Of course, the slender weight loss technique, like any other, cannot work for everyone in the same way. Everyone has different organisms, a different number of kilograms that need to be thrown off, and a different belief in success. Therefore, as with any weight loss technique, in order to get the best effect, the slender weight loss system should be used along with physical activity and diet.

As such, the slender diet does not exist, and this gives room for imagination and the possibilities of the body. After all, you can choose a set of products for yourself and your preferences that will help you lose weight, focusing on any method or nutrition system, and you can even add this to the positive statements that the screen will show.

It should be noted that the slender diet is often called the slender weight loss method itself.

You can highlight the main points that should be present in the diet accompanying the work with the program.

  • Reduce the number of calories eaten;
  • Model the body with the help of sports exercises;
  • Maintain the body's water balance;
  • Do not forget about minerals, vitamins, trace elements, fiber;
  • Create a psychological mood and atmosphere in which it is easy and pleasant to lose weight.

All these recommendations are valid for each technique. healthy eating. So, we all know that in order to lose weight, the number of calories consumed should be less than those that are spent. In order for the skin not to sag and the body not to become decrepit, it is necessary to support yourself exercise, and if there is a desire to model a figure by reducing its certain places, then here without working with problem areas can't get by.

At least two liters of clean, unboiled water should be drunk per day to maintain water metabolism. And, most importantly, healthy nutrition of the body without stress. And this, as everyone has long known, is vegetables, fruits, low-fat varieties of fish and meat, cereals, low-fat dairy. In addition, you need to eat no later than three hours before bedtime.

  • Statements must be made positive, the particle “not” should not be used;
  • You need to approve in the present tense (not in the future);
  • There should be no negative context to be found in the statement.

In addition, it should be remembered that unprofessional and incorrect influence on the subconscious can lead to negative consequences and serious disorders. Therefore, especially people with an unbalanced psyche or those whose weight is directly related to the mechanisms of survival, you should consult with specialists before taking classes.

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Now the Slender program is gaining popularity on the Internet, the main purpose of which is to quickly and painlessly lose weight. If you download this program for free, you can find out that it is based on the well-known 25 frame technology. It would seem that there is nothing better than downloading Slender for free, installing it and looking at the screen. According to the developers, within three months this program will allow you to lose about 15 kg without any effort. Is it so? Or is this only possible in fairy tales? All the answers can be found in our Slender review.

So, if you download the free Slender software, it will be based, as noted above, on the 25th frame effect. Most likely, users have already prepared for phrases on the screen like “Cakes are evil”, or “Do not eat after 18:00!”. In fact, everything looks different here. The program shows pictures, images and images through the 25th frame, due to which people assimilate them, it becomes their own desires. As we watch the video from Slender, the impact of the drawings becomes more and more powerful, which begins to change our behavior. But this is all ideally, in fact, the reaction from viewing cannot be predictable. At one time, advertising with 25 frames was banned precisely because this effect was not well studied, so if you download the Slender program to your computer for free, then it's too early to talk about a 100% effect.

In general, if you download Slender for free, then you still have to work on yourself, you won’t be able to lose weight without effort. However, it is easier to do this with this program, which affects your psyche through frame 25.