A form of laser sword fencing. Lightsaber combat

Form 0
This Form was originally defined by Jedi Master Yoda to describe Philanil Bax's lightsaber technique, but it later became the basis of lightsaber swordsmanship. The easiest way to define Form 0 is the art of wielding (in the broadest sense of the word) a lightsaber that never has to be turned on. The implication of this description cannot be ignored, although it seemed rather stupid to many Padawans. To protect and serve the galaxy, a Jedi must know when to light a sword for battle and when to leave it hanging at his belt. A full understanding of the situation in which a given creature finds itself is the key to knowing what is right and what is wrong. Therefore, all students who recognized the need for Form 0 and used it to find a solution that did not involve violence were truly close to the Force.
Form 1
This technique, also known as "Shii-Cho" and "idealized form", was the most simple technique lightsaber duel. It was studied by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic and, in general, was considered the first technique used by the creators themselves lightsaber. Form 1 was characterized by the use of wide horizontal side strikes and blocks with the blade pointing vertically upward to deflect the opponent's blade during side attacks. If the attack was applied from top to bottom and was aimed at the head, Form 1 suggested simply turning the sword in horizontal position and its corresponding movement along the up-down axis. Within the framework of Form 1, all basic methods of attack and defense, attack zones and basic exercises. In the films, Kit Fisto uses it.
Form 2
This ancient technique, also known as Makashi, was developed during a time when poles and staves were still common in the galaxy. Form 2 combines fluidity of movement and anticipation of where the strike will be struck, allowing the Jedi to attack and defend with minimal effort. Although Form 2 is considered by many Jedi historians to be the pinnacle of lightsaber-versus-lightsaber combat, it virtually disappeared during the era of blaster weaponry throughout the galaxy, giving way to Form 3. It is used by Count Dooku in the films.
Form 3
This technique, also known as Soresu, was developed by the Jedi Knights when blaster weapons finally became the main weapon in the criminal environment. Unlike Form 2, which was designed to work against lightsabers, Form 3 was much more effective at deflecting and protecting against blaster fire. She places an emphasis on good reflexes and fast movement, both sword and body, in space, which allows her to cope with the blaster's rate of fire. At its core, it is a defensive technique that expresses the Jedi philosophy of "non-aggression" while effectively reducing insecurity in the body. Because of this, many Jedi (especially those who practiced Form 3) realized that this technique required maximum contact with the Force. After Qui-Gon Jinn's death by Darth Maul's sword, many Jedi abandoned the open, acrobatic style of Form 4 and began to study Form 3 in order to minimize the risk of injury from the enemy. In the films, Obi-Wan Kenobi uses it (starting from Episode Two).

Darth Sidious uses his 4th and 7th forms of combat against the Great Jedi Master Yoda.
Form 4
This technique, also known as Ataru, was one of the newest lightsaber techniques. It was developed by the Jedi Knights during the last centuries of the Old Republic. Form 4 relied on the potential of acrobatics and the power inherent in the blade itself, and many conservatives among Jedi Knights and Masters viewed this approach with some dissatisfaction. Ataru was most popular among the impatient Padawans of the time, who believed that the Jedi should become more involved in the fight against crime and evil. This technique was also practiced by Qui-Gon Jinn, but his death from Darth Maul's sword demonstrated its main weaknesses: the low level of body protection and the difficulty of using it in a confined space. Only Yoda, in particular due to his small size, achieved such speed in Form 4 that he actually ensured full protection from opponent's attacks. In films it is used by: Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Sidious.
Form 5
This technique, also known as "Shien" (or "Djem So") was created by a group of Jedi Masters of the Old Republic who believed that Form 3 was too passive and Form 4 lacked power. They criticized the weakness of these two techniques, in which a Jedi Master can, of course, become absolutely protected, but at the same time he himself will not be able to do anything to the enemy. One of the many unique aspects of Form 5 was the development of techniques to deflect blaster beams back at an opponent. Many Jedi Masters have disputed the validity of the Form 5 philosophy, arguing that it places undue emphasis on harming others. Others, however, argued that Form 5 was merely a path to "achieve peace through superior firepower." In films it is used by: Anakin Skywalker (later Darth Vader), Luke Skywalker.
Form 6
This technique, also known as Niman, was one of the most advanced lightsaber techniques. During the Battle of Geonosis, Form 6 was the most common form among the Jedi. It was based on the average use of Forms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Many Jedi Masters called it a "diplomatic technique" due to the fact that Niman's followers used their knowledge of political relationships and negotiation techniques (along with the power of their own perception) to achieve maximum peaceful solutions without bloodshed. Many Jedi who were really good at Form 6 had spent at least 10 years studying the above five Forms. However, many Masters considered such actions a waste of time, believing that such high level fencing skills were not required for the fights of that time. But among other things, it is mastery of Niman that is the first step to comprehending Jar-Kai, the technique of using two lightsabers. In the films, Niman uses most of the Jedi who died in the Geonosis arena.
Form 7
This technique, also known as "Juyo", was the most demanding technique developed by the Jedi. Only after learning several other Forms can a Jedi begin his journey to understanding Form 7. It required such combat training that even the training itself brought the Jedi very close to the dark side of the Force. Jedi Master Mace Windu studied Form 7. To become a master of Form 7, a Jedi had to use vigorous movement and kinetic strikes. Form 7 uses overwhelming power and a series of moves that are not logically connected to each other, moves that constantly deny the opponent the normal ability to defend himself. In films it is used by: Darth Maul, Darth Sidious.
This technique was developed by Mace Windu with the participation of Sora Bulka shortly before the start of the Clone Wars. It was named after the animal Vaapad from the planet Sarapin, whose tentacles move with such lightning speed that it is virtually impossible to follow them with your eyes. Vaapad is a combination of aggressive maneuvers and is classified as Form 7. Even the training in Vaapad is so close to the dark side of the Force that it has been banned from study by anyone except Jedi Masters. For Master Windu and his student Depa Billaba, Vaapad was not just a fencing technique: for them, it was a state of mind in which the fighter, in order to defeat the enemy, opened himself to the Force so completely that he absorbed power from both the light and dark sides . Vaapad uses the joy of entering into battle, a battle rage that runs very close to the dark side. This technique requires enormous concentration on the paths of the light side, keeping its follower on a fine line. Sora Bulk, like Depa Billaba, could not stand the demands of Vaapad and fell to the dark side. In the films it is used by: Mace Windu.
This technique was developed by the Jedi Knights in ancient times. She combined the kinetic movements of Form 4 with tactics that allowed for increased mobility and dodging ability. Sokan, invented during the Great Sith War, relied on quick movements and flips combined with quick lightsaber thrusts to target the enemy's vital organs. Battles in which participants used the Sokan technique were often fought over a fairly large area, because the opponents constantly tried to put each other in the most vulnerable position.
Jar Kai is a technique of using two lightsabers at the same time. When working in this technique, one of the swords is used for attack, and the other for defense. However, both swords can be used to create more complex attack maneuvers. Master Jai Maruk said that those who practice two-sword work usually soon become over-reliant on their weapons. Many Jedi tried to study Niman in order to master the art of Jar Kai, but only a few succeeded fully.
This technique of lightsaber combat was used by literally a couple of the most powerful Jedi. When using this technique, the fighter grips the sword in his hand, but does not activate it. Using the Force, he moves and defends against enemy attacks, waiting for that one moment when he can quickly turn the sword on and off, bypassing the enemy's defense and hitting him. This technique is incredibly complex and requires great mastery of the Force.

Lightsaber- a very versatile weapon, with unique lightness and the ability to cut in any direction. It can easily be wielded with one hand, but Jedi have always been trained to wield the sword with both hands and with each hand separately, in order to be prepared for any situation. On early years In the history of this weapon, when the Sith were numerous, the art of lightsaber dueling flourished. In later periods, the Jedi rarely encountered an enemy with a weapon capable of repelling a lightsaber strike. Self-defense from blasters and others energy weapons taught to them at an early stage of education. While a skilled Jedi could use his sword to deflect a blaster shot back at his opponent, non-energy projectiles (bullets, for example) were simply completely disintegrated by the blade.

Jedi were trained to use the Force as a link between a fighter and his weapon. Thanks to this connection with the Force, the blade became an extension of their nature; he moved instinctively, as if he were part of their body. The Jedi's harmony with the Force resulted in almost superhuman agility and reaction, manifested in the use of a lightsaber.

Since the invention of the lightsaber, the Jedi have developed a variety of styles, or forms of combat on lightsabers, responding to the unique characteristics of the sword and its connection to its owner.

Forms of fencing

Form 0

This Form was originally defined by Jedi Master Yoda to describe Philanil Bux's lightsaber technique, but it later became the basis of lightsaber swordsmanship. The easiest way to define Form 0 is the art of wielding (in the broadest sense of the word) a lightsaber that never has to be turned on. The implication of this description cannot be ignored, although it seemed rather stupid to many Padawans. To protect and serve the galaxy, a Jedi must know when to light a sword for battle and when to leave it hanging at his belt. A full understanding of the situation in which a given creature finds itself is the key to knowing what is right and what is wrong. Therefore, all students who recognized the need for Form 0 and used it to find a solution that did not involve violence were truly close to the Force.

Form 1

This technique, also known as "Shii-Cho"(Shii-Cho) and "idealized form", was the simplest technique of lightsaber combat. It was studied by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic and, in general, was considered the first technique used by the creators of the lightsaber themselves. Form 1 was characterized by the use of wide horizontal side strikes and blocks with the blade pointing vertically upward to deflect the opponent's blade during side attacks. If the attack was applied from top to bottom and was aimed at the head, Form 1 suggested simply turning the sword into a horizontal position and correspondingly moving it along the up-down axis. Form 1 defined all basic attack and defense techniques, kill zones, and basic drills. In the films, Kit Fisto uses it.

Form 2

This ancient technique, also known as "Makashi"(Makashi), was developed at a time when poles and staves were still common in the galaxy. Form 2 combines fluidity of movement and anticipation of where the strike will be struck, allowing the Jedi to attack and defend with minimal effort. Although many Jedi historians consider Form 2 to be the pinnacle of lightsaber versus lightsaber combat, it virtually disappeared during the galaxy's widespread use of blaster weapons, giving way to Form 3. It is used by Count Dooku in the films.

Form 3

"Soresu"(Soresu), was developed by the Jedi Knights when blaster weapons finally became the main weapon in the criminal environment. Unlike Form 2, which was designed to work against lightsabers, Form 3 was much more effective at deflecting and protecting against blaster fire. She places an emphasis on good reflexes and fast movement, both sword and body, in space, which allows her to cope with the blaster's rate of fire. At its core, it is a defensive technique that expresses the Jedi philosophy of "non-aggression" while effectively reducing insecurity in the body. Because of this, many Jedi (especially those who practiced Form 3) realized that this technique required maximum contact with the Force. After Qui-Gon Jinn's death by Darth Maul's sword, many Jedi abandoned the open, acrobatic style of Form 4 and began to study Form 3 in order to minimize the risk of injury from the enemy. In the films, Obi-Wan Kenobi uses it (starting from Episode Two).

Form 4

This technique, also known as "Ataru"(Ataru), was one of the newest lightsaber techniques. It was developed by the Jedi Knights during the last centuries of the Old Republic. Form 4 relied on the potential of acrobatics and the power inherent in the blade itself, and many conservatives among Jedi Knights and Masters viewed this approach with some dissatisfaction. Ataru was most popular among the impatient Padawans of the time, who believed that the Jedi should become more involved in the fight against crime and evil. This technique was also practiced by Qui-Gon Jinn, but his death from Darth Maul's sword demonstrated its main weaknesses: the low level of body protection and the difficulty of using it in a confined space. Only Yoda, in particular due to his small size, achieved such speed in Form 4 that he actually provided himself with complete protection from his opponent’s attacks. In films it is used by: Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Sidious.

Form 5

This technique, also known as "Sheehan"(Shien) (or "Jem So") was created by a group of Jedi Masters of the Old Republic who believed that Form 3 was too passive and Form 4 lacked power. They criticized the weakness of these two techniques, in which a Jedi Master can, of course, become absolutely protected, but at the same time he himself will not be able to do anything to the enemy. One of the many unique aspects of Form 5 was the development of techniques to deflect blaster beams back at an opponent. Many Jedi Masters have disputed the validity of the Form 5 philosophy, arguing that it places undue emphasis on harming others. Others, however, argued that Form 5 was merely a path to "achieve peace through superior firepower." In films it is used by: Anakin Skywalker (later Darth Vader), Luke Skywalker.

Form 6

This technique, also known as "Niman"(Niman), was one of the most advanced lightsaber techniques. During the Battle of Geonosis, Form 6 was the most common form among the Jedi. It was based on the average use of Forms 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Many Jedi Masters called it a "diplomatic technique" due to the fact that Niman's followers used their knowledge of political relationships and negotiation techniques (along with the power of their own perception) to achieve maximum peaceful solutions without bloodshed. Many Jedi who were really good at Form 6 had spent at least 10 years studying the above five Forms. However, many Masters considered such actions a waste of time, believing that such a high level of fencing skill would not be required for the battles of that time. But among other things, it is mastery of Niman that is the first step to comprehending Jar-Kai, the technique of using two lightsabers. In the films, Niman uses most of the Jedi who died in the Geonosis arena.

Form 7

This technique, also known as "Juyo"(Juyo), was the most demanding technique ever developed by the Jedi. Only after learning several other Forms can a Jedi begin his journey to understanding Form 7. It required such combat training that even the training itself brought the Jedi very close to the dark side of the Force. Jedi Master Mace Windu studied Form 7. To become a master of Form 7, a Jedi had to use vigorous movement and kinetic strikes. Form 7 uses overwhelming power and a series of moves that are not logically connected to each other, moves that constantly deny the opponent the normal ability to defend himself. In films it is used by: Darth Maul, Darth Sidious.


This technique was developed by Mace Windu with the participation of Sora Bulka shortly before the start of the Clone Wars. It was named after the animal Vaapad from the planet Sarapin, whose tentacles move with such lightning speed that it is virtually impossible to follow them with your eyes. Vaapad is a combination of aggressive maneuvers and is classified as Form 7. Even the training in Vaapad is so close to the dark side of the Force that it has been banned from study by anyone except Jedi Masters. For Master Windu and his student Depa Billaba, Vaapad was not just a fencing technique: for them, it was a state of mind in which the fighter, in order to defeat the enemy, opened himself to the Force so completely that he absorbed power from both the light and dark sides . Vaapad uses the joy of entering into battle, a battle rage that runs very close to the dark side. This technique requires enormous concentration on the paths of the light side, keeping its follower on a fine line. Sora Bulk, like Depa Billaba, could not stand the demands of Vaapad and fell to the dark side. In the films it is used by: Mace Windu.


This technique was developed by the Jedi Knights in ancient times. She combined the kinetic movements of Form 4 with tactics that allowed for increased mobility and dodging ability. Sokan, invented during the Great Sith War, relied on quick movements and flips combined with quick lightsaber thrusts to target the enemy's vital organs. Battles in which participants used the Sokan technique were often fought over a fairly large area, because the opponents constantly tried to put each other in the most vulnerable position.


Jar Kai is a technique of using two lightsabers at the same time. When working in this technique, one of the swords is used for attack, and the other for defense. However, both swords can be used to create more complex attack maneuvers. Master Jai Maruk said that those who practice two-sword work usually soon become over-reliant on their weapons. Many Jedi tried to study Niman in order to master the art of Jar Kai, but only a few succeeded fully.


This technique of lightsaber combat was used by literally a couple of the most powerful Jedi. When using this technique, the fighter grips the sword in his hand, but does not activate it. Using the Force, he moves and defends against enemy attacks, waiting for that one moment when he can quickly turn the sword on and off, bypassing the enemy's defense and hitting him. This technique is incredibly complex and requires great mastery of the Force.

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Lyrical and humorous digression (not serious information) Forms of lightsaber combat First, swords appeared. Then - the first form (logical, right?) 1. Shii-cho The very basics. In the first form, the one who swings the sword the most wins. The name comes from "what are you doing?!" - the words with which lightsaber duels began in ancient times. Well, all younger students can do this. 2. Makashi “They ate little porridge” - they said to those students who wore glasses and constantly lost in fights in the first form. They endured for a long time, and then came up with a second form, in which the winner was the one who swung the sword not stronger, but more cunningly. And they named her in their honor - Makashi. A classic example is Count Dooku. The most unlucky students worked part-time at the Jedi temple as loaders and cleaners. One day they got tired of it (oh, this is where bad stories always begin) and they invented the 3rd and 4th forms. 3. Soresu (derived from “I carry rubbish”) - allows you to remove garbage with minimal effort and without getting dirty. A classic example is Kenobi. This is who is known as the greatest scavenger in the Galaxy, who removed Grievous and Skywalker. 4. Ataru (“What about containers?” asked the Jedi loaders. “You can do without containers, with just the Force,” they answered. Well, they managed) - allows you to load anything and anyone from any position. A classic example is Yoda. Either he lifts the fighter, or he moves the cabins... 5. Dzhem-so. Subsequently, it turned out that feeding students porridge alone is not enough - they need vitamins. A new generation of Jedi switched to jam and, as a result, began to defeat those suffering from vitamin deficiency and not so dexterous opponents. A typical example is Vader (he took a vitamin like the old janitor Obi-Wan). 6. Niman (from “there is nothing new”) - a form in which there is a piece of the first five forms. It was considered the most advanced form. A typical example is most of the Jedi, whose corpses covered the Geonosis arena (the most advanced, right?). 7. Juyo (from “let’s chew!”). The next reformers explained to everyone that students eat porridge, jam or something else, the main thing is that they chew the food thoroughly. Anyone who knows the 7th form can chew up and spit out an enemy (in a figurative sense, although anything can happen). A classic example is Darth Maul, who chewed up Qui-Gon in this way. Alas, then the poor Sith relaxed and decided to swallow Obi-wan without chewing, for which he paid. Later, the form was improved and called Vaapad (from "Wow! Odd!"). Anyone who wields vaapad is practically invincible. The best way to defeat him - pretend to be a friend, and then suddenly cut off his hand. A classic example is Mace Windu. 8. Dun urine. - And now I’m blowing as hard as I can! And it will take you all away! - the Siths often intimidated the Jedi, and when they flinched in surprise, the Siths laughed and teased: - They believed it! Believe it! So this form of combat came to be called “Dun Moch”. The Jedi complained that teasing was dishonest and, as a sign of protest, never included the uniform in the general list. Example: Count Dooku, who, despite his advanced age, never missed an opportunity to tease. None of the Jedi could adequately object to him, and in order for this disgrace to finally stop, they had to cut off his head. Form zero. Well, those Jedi, about whom desperate teachers said “he’s a complete zero in fencing!”, constantly argued that problems should be solved with words, not swords. They also had zero success, which is where the name of the form comes from...

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Light fight

Lightsaber combat is the most common type of combat between the Jedi and Sith, and was originally based on the ancient techniques of fighting with standard swords. Over the millennia since the creation of the lightsaber, Force users have developed individual fighting styles. They eventually came together into 7 “classic” shapes and many other styles. Learning to wield a lightsaber was quite difficult for several reasons, for example, because all the weight of the sword was concentrated in the hilt. As is known, only a Force-sensitive individual, with rare exceptions, could become a master of lightsaber combat. All seven traditional forms included the basic techniques of ancient sword fighting styles: protective racks, overhead strikes, parries and counterattacks.

The lightsaber is a very versatile weapon due to its unique lightness and all-round cutting blade. It could be held with one or two hands. In the early days of the Galactic Republic, when the Sith were numerous, the art of lightsaber dueling flourished. Over time, the Jedi began to encounter less and less opponents who could deflect a lightsaber strike.

Although the sword was quite light, greater maneuverability was achieved thanks to the two-handed grip of the handle. This is because inertia is still needed to "cut through" solid objects. On contact, they repel the blade of the sword until they melt into gas or plasma. With or without force, fast or slow, a lightsaber blade can cut through almost any material. If a small amount of force was used upon impact, the object would instantly push the blade away, which would only leave small cuts. When the two lightsaber blades came into contact with each other, the repulsive force became much stronger than when contacting a solid body.

Jedi were trained to use the Force as a link between a fighter and his weapon. Thanks to this connection with the Force, the blade became an extension of their nature; he moved instinctively, as if he were part of their body. The Jedi's harmony with the Force was the reason for his almost superhuman agility and reaction, manifested in the use of a lightsaber.

Seven Forms

Each Jedi chose his own fighting style that suited him best. For example, Grand Master Yoda used the fourth technique, Ataru, to compensate for his lack of height; Mace Windu used the Vaapad style to transform his inner darkness into a weapon of light; Count Dooku practiced Makashi because this form specialized in dueling. Every Jedi knew the elements of each type, although few mastered all of them.

Form I: Shii-Cho (English: Shii-Cho) “Way of the Sarlacc” or “Form of Determination” This technique was the simplest technique of a lightsaber duel. It was studied by the Jedi Knights of the Old Republic and was generally considered the first technique used by the creators of the lightsaber themselves. Form 1 defined all basic attack and defense techniques, kill zones, and basic drills. Keith Fisto used it.

Form II: Makashi (English Makashi) “Way of Isalamiri” or “Form of Rivalry” This ancient technique was developed at a time when poles and staves were still common in the galaxy. Form 2 combines fluidity of movement and anticipation of where the strike will be struck, allowing the Jedi to attack and defend with minimal effort. Although Form 2 is considered by many Jedi historians to be the pinnacle of lightsaber-versus-lightsaber combat, it virtually disappeared when blaster weapons became widespread throughout the galaxy, giving way to Form 3. Form 2 was used by Count Dooku.

Form III: Soresu (English Soresu) “Path of Mynock” or “Elasticity Form” This technique was developed by the Jedi Knights when blaster weapons finally became the main weapon in the criminal environment. Unlike Form 2, which was designed for combat against a lightsaber, Form 3 was much more effective at deflecting and protecting against blaster fire. After Qui-Gon Jinn's death by Darth Maul's sword, many Jedi abandoned the open, acrobatic style of Form 4 and began to study Form 3 in order to minimize the risk of injury from the enemy. In the films, Obi-Wan Kenobi uses it (starting from Episode Two).

Form IV: Ataru "Way of the Mousehawk" or "Aggression Form" This technique was one of the newest lightsaber techniques. It was developed by the Jedi Knights in the final centuries of the Old Republic. Form 4 relied on the potential for acrobatics and the power inherent in the blade itself, and many conservatives among the Knights and Jedi Masters viewed this approach with some dissatisfaction. In films it is used by: Yoda, Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Sidious.

Form V: Shien / Djem So "Way of the Krayt Dragon" or "Form of Perseverance" This technique was created by a group of Jedi Masters of the Old Republic who believed that Form 3 was too passive and Form 4 lacked power. They criticized the weakness of these two techniques, in which the Jedi Master can, of course, become absolutely protected, but at the same time he himself will not be able to do anything to the enemy. One of the many unique aspects of Form 5 was the development of techniques to deflect blaster beams back at an opponent. In films it is used by: Anakin Skywalker (later Darth Vader), Luke Skywalker (to some extent).

Form VI: Niman "Way of the Rancor" or "Form of Confidence" (sometimes Diplomatic Form) This technique was one of the most advanced techniques of wielding a lightsaber. It was based on the average use of Forms 1, 3, 4 and 5. But among other things, it is mastery in Niman that is the first step to understanding Jar-Kai, the technique of using two lightsabers. In the films, Niman uses most of the dead Jedi in the Geonosis arena.

Form VII: Juyo/Vaapad "Way of Vonskra" or "Form of Ferocity" This technique, also known as "Juyo", was the most demanding technique developed by the Jedi. Only after learning several other Forms can a Jedi begin his journey to understanding Form 7. It required such combat training that even the training itself brought the Jedi very close to dark side Strength. Jedi Master Mace Windu studied Form 7. To become a master of this style, a Jedi had to use vigorous movement and kinetic strikes. Form 7 uses overwhelming power and a series of moves that are not logically connected to each other, moves that constantly deny the opponent the normal ability to defend himself. In the films, Mace Windu uses it.

These seven forms are not just types of fencing, they represented seven various types philosophy. In addition, a lightsaber was not necessary for combat: each form had its own techniques hand-to-hand combat. Jedi Masters Mace Windu, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Kit Fisto demonstrated these capabilities during the Battle of Haruun Kal.