Eden Hazard - biography, personal life, achievements. Football player Azar Eden

Hazard started playing football at the age of 4, in the Royal Stade Brainois team. Already in those days, the coaches unanimously noted that Eden's abilities were at least outstanding. After 8 years, the boy moved to "Tubize"; at one of the matches "Tubize" he was noticed by the talent agent of the club "Lille". His report convinced superiors to contact Azar's parents; those who liked the proposal - they believed, not without reason, that in France they would be able to train their son at a much higher level.

Hazard moved to Lille in 2005; he studied at a local sports school for two years, after which he signed his first three-year contract. At the beginning of the 2007-2008 season, Azar was listed in the club's reserve team; for the first time he entered the field on September 1, 2007, in the second half of the match.

During the season, Hazard was taken to the field several times in the "adult" team of the club, but formally Eden was listed among the amateurs. In total for your amateur career Hazard entered the field 11 times and scored 1 goal.

The following season, Hazard entered the main team, but he appeared on the field mainly as a substitute. One of his most successful such exits took place on 20 September. "Lille" lost "Auxerre" with a score of 2-1; in the 88th minute of the match, however, Eden managed to equalize with an incredible shot. This unexpected goal encouraged his teammates; the match ended with a score of 3-2 - the third goal was scored in extra time. With his first "adult" goal, Hazard set a kind of club record - at such a young age, none of the Lille players have scored goals yet. Eden was offered a contract extension and began to include him in the starting lineup more often. At the end of the season, Hazard was named Young Player of the Year by the National Union of Professional Footballers; before Eden, this award had not yet been given to foreigners.

Agents of other clubs became interested in the talented player, but "Lille" did not want to part ways with Hazard. Hazard, meanwhile, scored his first goal of the season in his first match against Serbian club FK Sevojno. Eden did not slow down in the future; his game helped the club gain a foothold in the league (although it did not save them from relegation from two variations of the French championship at once). At the end of the season, Hazard again received the National Union of Professional Footballers' award as a young player, becoming the first to receive this award twice, and almost received the title of Player of the Year.

The beginning of the next season at Hazard did not work out a little; at a certain stage, he was even taken out of the starting lineup. Coaches reproached him for not being serious enough in training and general laziness.

In the end, Azar nevertheless straightened out the situation - at the end of the year, the NSPF even awarded him the title of "The Best Player of the First League" ("Ligue 1 Player of the Year"); Eden became the youngest person to ever receive this award.

In May 2012, after another decent season, Hazard announced his move to Chelsea. First time on the field with new team Eden Hazard was released on July 18th.

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Eden Hazard is a Belgian footballer who plays as a midfielder for English club Chelsea and the Belgian national team. Hazard became famous for his creative approach to the game, lightning speed and the highest skill. Football commentators have cemented the player's fame as "a fearless, explosive attacking midfielder who can change the course of the game with one pass." The Belgian has also been nicknamed "the defenders' nightmare" for his tough and unpredictable style of play.

Childhood and youth

The athlete was born in the Belgian province of Hainaut, located in the Walloon region, where the main language of communication was French. But in the city of La Louviere, only the early childhood years of Eden passed: the football player grew up in another town of Wallonia - the 20,000th Bren-le-Comte.

In the veins of four sons - Eden has brothers Thorgan, Kilian and Ethan - the Belgian blood of a father and an African mother flows: Catherine Azar comes from Morocco. Eden chose Islam as his religion, professed by his mother.

The sons of the Azar family, it seems, had no other choice but to become football players. Both parents dedicated their lives to this sport. Father - Thierry Hazard - gave most of his sports career to the Louvieros club, where he played as a defensive midfielder. He played in the second division of Belgium, and his wife Katrin was a striker in the first.

Complete sports career Catherine was in her third month of pregnancy when she was carrying Eden's first child. Thierry left the football field in 2009 - four offspring and a wife demanded the attention and care of the head of the family. Today, Eden Hazard's parents are sports mentors.

The Azar family lived in close proximity to the stadium. According to Eden, the dwelling was located three meters from the field, and it was possible to get to it through a hole in the fence. Sons chased the ball, barely learning to walk. No wonder that all the offspring of Azar became football players. Thorgan played in Lance, Kilian in Lille, Ethan remained in Belgium - he was accepted to Tubize, where he developed sports biography Eden's older brother.

Eden Hazard took his first steps in football at the age of 4 at the Royal Stade Brainua club. After 8 years, the gifted player was taken to Tubiz. Even then, Hazard's midfielder was classified as a winger - the so-called flank midfielders who play closer to the touchline.


At a local tournament, a 14-year-old player from Tubize was noticed by a scout from the French professional club Lille. The management invited Eden's father to a meeting where the parties discussed a youth contract. Catherine and Thierry agreed to the transfer of their son, as they considered the Belgian system for training football players to be less professional. Played a role and territorial proximity.

So in 2005, Eden Hazard got into the sports school of the first league, after which he continued his studies at the Lille academy. In 2007, the Belgian signed a three-year contract with the French club. A year later, Eden Hazard already played for the main team of Lille, making his debut in a duel against the Sochaux team.

The midfielder scored the first goal against Auxerre, and in November 2008 he signed a new contract for 3 years for best conditions. Soon Eden Hazard football commentators and the fans of the club called the most promising player in the world - the progress of the football player in a matter of years turned out to be rapid. At Lille, Hazard became the leader of the team.

In 2012, the giants fought for the midfielder English football: Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United, Spanish Barca and Real Madrid, for which the nationality of the midfielder did not matter, professionalism was at the forefront.

In the summer of 2012, Eden Hazard decided on the choice of clubs competing for him: he announced that he would go to the Champions League leader. The winner was Chelsea London, and Hazard signed a multi-year contract with the club. For the transfer of player number 10, the French "Lille" received 30 million pounds. In the new team, Eden changed his number to 17th.

The debut of the brilliant winger at Chelsea took place at the end of the summer of 2012: in August, the team met in the FA Super Cup match with Manchester City, but was defeated 3-2. But in the domestic championship of the country, in the very first match, Eden Hazard earned a penalty, which Frank Lampard successfully converted, and scored an assist on.

The midfielder scored his debut goal from the penalty spot on the tour against Newcastle. In his first season for the club, the Belgian became the star of Chelsea: with the help of Hazard, the team won the Europa League. The following year, the footballer became top scorer teams, but in the English Premier League, Chelsea was left without trophies. Eden Hazard has been named Premier League Young Player of the Year.

In the 2013/2014 season, Azar played under the command: the midfielder became a key figure in the team from the first meetings. Hopes were pinned on Eden as the most promising player. In 2013, the winger won the Europa League with the Blues. The midfielder was named the team's player of the year at the end of the season.

In 2014, rumors broke out about the return of Eden Hazard to France, but this did not happen. The midfielder still plays for Chelsea and plays for Belgium. The height of a football player is 1.73 m.

The winger's club statistics for February 2018 is 85 goals in 283 Chelsea games.

Personal life

The football player is active in social networks and regularly pleases fans with fresh photos in "Instagram”, the number of subscribers of which is in the millions. But the pictures are professional in nature - Eden does not cover his personal life.

Rumor has it that Azar has a happy and strong family. The wife of a football star was not a model, actress or singer, like most colleagues, but an ordinary girl named Natasha Van Honecker. The athlete took the young Belgian beauty as his wife, as soon as she graduated from high school. The novel has stood the test of time: Eden Hazard met his beloved at the age of 14.

The young wife left Belgium and moved to Eden in France. In December 2010, Natasha gave birth to her husband's first child, who was named Janis. After 2 years, the spouses, who lived in a civil marriage, legalized the relationship. Today, three sons are growing up in the family: the eldest Janis has two brothers - Leo and Samri.

Natasha avoids publicity and keeps in the shadow of her famous husband. Spouses rarely appear at social events. Natasha Azar brings up the children of a star football player and provides home comfort. This is not so difficult to do, because the state of the Chelsea midfielder has reached $ 13 million.

Eden Hazard now

Under the new contract, which the midfielder signed until 2020, his weekly salary rose to a record €340,000. Today, the Belgian is the highest paid player in the English Premier League.

In the 2017/2018 Premier League season, the midfielder played most of the matches for Chelsea. At the end of the season, there is more and more talk about the football player moving to Real Madrid. Journalists compared Azar with and, but Eden refused analogies with famous forwards, saying that he did not reach the level of stars.

Awards (team)

  • 2010/11 - Champion of France: Lille
  • 2011 - Winner of the French Cup: Lille
  • 2014/15, 2016/17 - Champion of England (2): Chelsea
  • 2015 - Cup Winner football league: Chelsea
  • 2013 - UEFA Europa League Winner: Chelsea

Awards (personal)

  • 2009, 2010 - NSPF French Young Player of the Year
  • 2011, 2012 - NSPF French Player of the Year
  • 2011 - Winner of the trophy "Bravo"
  • 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017 – PFA Team of the Year
  • 2014 PFA Young Player of the Year
  • 2014, 2015, 2017 Chelsea Fans Player of the Year
  • 2015 - Chelsea Players of the Year
  • 2015 – PFA Player of the Year
  • 2015 - AFJ Player of the Year
  • 2015 - English Premier League Player of the Season
  • 2016 - Best Assistant at the European Championship (shared with Aaron Ramsey)
  • 2016 - Premier League Player of the Month
  • 2017 - UEFA Team of the Year
  • 2017 - The best player in Belgium

The football life of Eden Hazard is only gaining momentum. The Belgian and Chelsea international has the potential to be on a par with the best players in the world. It is about the talented midfielder that we will talk about in this article.

Football player Eden Hazard was born in 1991 in the Belgian city of La Louviere, and he took the first steps in his career in the Royal Stade Brainua team from Braine-le-Comte. Then he played for 2 years for Tubize, where he was noticed by scouts from the French club Lille. In 2005 he moved to France, where the real professional career Eden Hazard.

For Lille, the attacking midfielder played 5 seasons in which he played almost 200 matches and scored 50 goals. The most successful was the 2010/2011 season, when “Lille won both the championship gold and the French Cup.

The transfer of Eden Hazard to Chelsea was the beginning new era Belgian midfielder. On August 12, 2012, the Belgian footballer played his first match as part of the Londoners. It was at Chelsea that Eden Hazard entered the history of the English Premier League as a player who was recognized as the best in three starting rounds of the championship.

And in the 2013-2014 season, Eden was recognized as the best young player in the Premier League. In total, he made 49 appearances in all competitions for the Blues and scored 17 goals.

If we talk about the biography of Eden Hazard, especially his period in London, then one cannot help but recall the unpleasant incident that occurred in the League Cup 1/2 match against Swansea.

This match was very bad for the "aristocrats", the team was losing, and the players were nervous. And at the end of the fight, Eden Hazard hit the boy who serves balls. This episode was a real shock for the fans of the player, but, fortunately, it was resolved more or less successfully.

ABOUT we have already discussed in another article. But I would like to once again note the love for the sport of the whole family of the Chelsea football player. And the younger brother of 2 years, Eden Hazard, shows great promise in football. Thorgan Hazard is currently playing in Belgium for the Sylte Waregem team, but the rights to him belong to London's Chelsea. In the 2012-2013 season, he was recognized best player Belgian Pro League and best football player years in Belgium. Judging by such success, Thorgan Azar and Eden Azar will soon appear together on not only in the composition of the English TOP club, but also in the Belgian national team.

The height and weight of Eden Hazard, according to Wikipedia, are rather insignificant: 170 cm and 69 kg, but, given his skills and abilities, his small stature is leveled on the football field. It should also be noted that some people misread his last name Eden Hazard as: Eden Hazard. Actually the first and last letter in "Hazard" is not readable.

Eden Hazard is an attacking midfielder of Belgian origin, a player for Real Madrid and the Belgian national team. He is a graduate of the Lille academy, with which he made his professional football debut in 2008. For three seasons (2010, 2011, 2012) he was recognized as the best player in the French League 1. In June 2012, Eden joined the London Chelsea, with whom he managed to win the Europa League in his debut season. In his three debut matches for the Blues, Eden was recognized as the man of the match and received the highest ratings from coaches and fans. Since the age of 17, he has been playing in the first team of the Belgian national team, with which he reached the quarter-finals of the 2014 World Cup. Eden Hazard is a pronounced winger, his classic maneuver on the field is a sharp shift from the left flank and a smashing shot into the far corner.

  • Full name: Eden Hazard
  • Date and place of birth: January 7, 1991, La Louviere (Belgium)
  • Role: attacking midfielder (winger)

Biography of Eden Hazard

Born in the town of La Louviere, Wallonia, in the family of professional football players Catherine and Thierry. His father was a defensive midfielder in the semi-professional club Louvieros, and his mother played highest level Belgian Women's Football Championship until she became pregnant with Eden. His parents became sports professors, and after the birth of Eden and three other brothers, they set themselves the goal of making professional football players out of them.

There are four brothers in the Azarov family, all are professionally involved in football: the middle brother, Thorgan Azar, achieved great heights with Lance, and in 2014 he signed a contract with Chelsea, the younger brothers play in the youth academies of Lille and the Belgian Tubize . For many years, Azar has been dating a Belgian of Russian origin, Natasha. In 2010, a number of European media reported on the birth of a boy in a couple.

Club career of Eden Hazard

As a child, he trained at various academies for semi-professional Belgian clubs, until in 2005 his father decided to send Eden and Thorgan to the academies of French teams. At the age of 15, he joined Lille. In the next two seasons, he played for the docks reserve team in the amateur French championship. In November 2007, he received his first call-up to the first team, making his debut in a Ligue 1 match against Nancy.

On the eve of the 2008/09 season, a new Main coach Rudy Garcia, who called Hazard to the first team, giving him number 26. He made his debut with a new number in the match of the third round of Ligue 1 against Auxerre, in which he managed to level the score 6 minutes after his exit at the end of the meeting. In the first season, Hazard alternately got into the main squad or started the match from the bench. Only in its ending, Eden managed to give out a series of 12 matches at the base, in which he scored a double against Lyon and a goal against Marseille. At the end of this season, Lille took 5th place and qualified for the Europa League, and Hazard became the best young player of the year according to the players.

First transfer rumors and rapid progress

Already on the eve of the next season, Azar began to match with various European giants. Zinedine Zidane personally recommended Real Madrid to buy Hazard, but the player himself said that he would like to stay at his home club for at least one more season. New season Hazard started with two goals in two Europa League matches. This football year, Eden was instrumental in helping Lille to the knockout stages of the Europa League and also scored for the first time in the North Derby against Lens.

However, Hazard failed to show a stable game, so he stayed at Lille for another two seasons. In the 2010/11 season, Hazard played all 38 league matches, scoring 12 goals and becoming the League 1 champion with the docks. Already at this time calling card midfielder began rapid passes from the flank to the center of the field and smashing blows. Hazard was nicknamed "the nightmare of the defenders" by the club's fans, who simply did not have time to block Hazard's shots.

Major note and move to Stamford Bridge

Against logic European football Hazard stayed at Lille for one more season. This time he again played in all 38 league matches, scoring 18 goals. This time, Lille failed to take the league title, but this did not reflect on the cost and ambitions of Hazard himself. In the summer of 2012, Hazard quietly moved to the London Chelsea. In his debut season, he managed to score a number of important goals against Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal.

In the second season, he became a real leader of Chelsea, being the most stable player in the London team under José Mourinho. Hazard has made 49 appearances for the Blues, scoring 17 goals. For this, he was awarded the Chelsea Player of the Year and young player English Premier League. In the summer of 2014, there were many rumors about the transition of Hazard to the camp of Real Madrid or Catalan Barcelona, ​​but Mourinho said that if he sells the player, then for no less than 120 million euros. The next season was even better for the football player, in 38 matches in the Premier League he scored 14 goals and gave 10 assists, and Chelsea became the champion of the country. But the 2015/16 season for the player, as well as for the club as a whole, turned out to be unsuccessful. For 31 matches, Hazard scored only 4 goals and made 4 assists. As a result, Mourinho left the team, and Antonio Conte took his place in the summer. The Belgian returned to his level again and became a key figure in the team, in the first half of the 2016/17 season he scored 9 goals and gave 3 assists in 17 games.

IN Last year at Chelsea, Hazard managed to win another trophy - he won the Europa League. Thus, in seven years in London, the Belgian won six cups, including two English championships, two European Leagues, an FA Cup and a Football League Cup.

Move to Real Madrid

On June 8, 2019, Real Madrid announced the signing of Chelsea striker Eden Hazard for €100 million, excluding bonuses. Additional payments to the "aristocrats" may amount to another 67 million euros. The Belgian winger has signed a long-term contract with the Royal Club until the summer of 2024.

According to Spanish media, Hazard will earn 11 million euros a year at Real Madrid, and went on a pay cut, which at Chelsea was 11.5-13 million euros.

International career of Eden Hazard

At the age of 16 years and 21 days, he was called up to the youth team of Belgium, with which he reached the semi-finals of the 2007 European Championship. At the age of 17, he made his debut in the first team of the Red Devils, coming on as a substitute in the match against Luxembourg. He scored his debut goal only 3 years later in qualifying match to the European Championship 2012, where the Belgians did not get.

He scored two goals against the Macedonian national team in the 2014 World Cup qualifying round. Hazard was the main star of the "golden generation" of the Belgian national team, which went to the world championship in Brazil. However, in the tournament, Eden was not remembered for anything, despite the fact that he played all the matches for the Red Devils, including the quarter-final against the Argentines, lost 1-0. Also, the footballer, together with the team, made it to Euro 2016, where he played 5 matches and scored one scored ball. The Belgian team reached the 1/4 finals, where they lost to Wales.

Achievements of Eden Hazard

  • League Champion: 1 2011
  • Winner of the French Cup 2011
  • Champion of England: 2014/15, 2016/17
  • League Cup Winner: 2014/15
  • UEFA Europa League winner: 2013, 2019
  • FA Cup 2017/18
  • Member of the symbolic team of the French League 1: 2010, 2011, 2012
  • French Ligue 1 Player of the Month: March 2010, March 2011, March 2012, April 2012
  • Bravo Trophy Winner: 2011
  • Member of the symbolic team of the Premier League according to the PFA: 2013
  • PFA Young Player of the Year: 2014
  • Chelsea Player of the Year: 2014
  • Known for being involved in the Swansea City "ball boy" incident, who tried to stall time during the League Cup semi-finals, for which he was hit in the ribs by a player. Swansea reached the final that season and won their first ever trophy.

Promising football players, as practice shows, do not always become world stars. Those who have high hopes often do not justify their trust due to the burden of responsibility and pressure exerted on a particular player by the press, fans, and coach. But Eden Hazard is not one of those players who will give up. At 23 years old, this winger is gradually becoming a world-famous star.

Eden Azar. Biography

Eden Hazard was born on January 7, 1991 in La Louviere, but grew up in a small town called Braine-le-Comte, located on the territory of Wallonia. The midfielder's father is Belgian, and his mother is a native of Morocco, therefore, by religion, Eden Hazard is a Muslim. Eden's father was a semi-professional footballer playing for La Louviere, while the mother of the future midfielder played in the top Belgian women's division as a striker. Eden has three brothers - Thorgan, Kilian and Ethan, who are also professional football players.

Early career and move to Lille

Azar's professional career began in Belgium in 1995. The midfielder's first club was Royal Stade Brainua, and in 2003 he moved to Tubize, of which he is considered a graduate. It was in this club that the young talent at the age of 14 managed to make himself known: the scouts of the French "Lille" noticed dribbling, speed and creativity Belgian football player, as a result of which, in 2005, Azar began to study at the sports school of a team from Ligue 1. After graduating sports school the young talent continued his studies at the Lille academy.

Already in 2007, Azar signed a professional contract with the French team for a three-year period. For the main team of Lille, the player began to play already in 2008, and his professional debut for the team took place in September of this year in a duel against Sochaux. Eden scored his first goal for his French team shortly after his own debut against Auxerre. Already in November 2008, the midfielder signed a new three-year contract with his club on improved terms.

Gradually improving and improving his skills, the footballer began to be considered one of the most promising players in the world. Eden's progress over the years turned out to be just meteor - in just a few years he managed to become one of the leaders of the team from an unknown player in the Lille double, so it is not at all surprising that in 2012 a real struggle unfolded for the midfielder.

Move to Chelsea

Arsenal, Chelsea, Manchester City, Manchester United - all these giants of English football wanted Eden Hazard to join their ranks. The nationality of this player for the teams was not as important as his Eden either praised the attacking power of Manchester City or hinted that he would continue his career with the Red Devils. However, neither one nor the other happened, and as a result, the talented Belgian announced at the end of May 2012 that he would go to the winners of the Champions League, and it was none other than Chelsea in London.

In early July of the same year, Eden Hazard completed his move to the London team by signing a multi-year contract with Chelsea. For the transfer of the talented Belgian, Chelsea had to shell out more than 30 million pounds. At Lille, Hazard wore number 10, but at Chelsea he had to choose number 17, as Juan Mata was the number 10 at the London club at that time.

As part of his new club, the talented winger made his debut in August 2012 in the match for the English Super Cup, but his team suffered a humiliating defeat from Manchester City with a score of 3:2. In the domestic championship of England, the footballer made his debut in the first match, earning a penalty, which Frank Lampard converted without any problems, and giving an assist in the next round against Newcastle, the Belgian scored his first goal from the penalty spot for the team.

In the very first season for Chelsea, Hazard managed to win the Europa League and become one of the leaders of his club. In the following year's campaign, the Belgian improved noticeably and became Chelsea's top scorer in the Premier League, but the team failed to win a single trophy this season. But Hazard was recognized as the best young player in the English Premier League.

After being knocked out of Madrid by Atlético Madrid in the 2014 Champions League semi-finals, rumors have intensified that Eden Hazard could return to France and join PSG in the capital. The wife of the Belgian midfielder is also in favor of returning to France.

International career

Since 2007, Eden has been playing for the Belgian national team. As part of the youth team in 2007, he managed to reach the semi-finals of the European home championship. Initially, he was actively called into the ranks youth team, and after a while he moved to a more adult level and helped his team to pass qualifying round to the World Championship. In the summer of 2014, the Belgian will defend the colors of his own national team at the upcoming World Cup, which will be held in Brazil.


Despite his relatively young age, the football player is the owner of a number of both individual and team awards. Among team achievements football player is worth highlighting the following:

More individual awards:

  • French Young Player of the Year in 2009 and 2010;
  • best French player in 2011 and 2012;
  • was a member of the symbolic team of Ligue 1 in 2010, 2011, and also in 2012;
  • winner of the Bravo trophy in 2011;
  • four-time Ligue 1 Player of the Month;
  • named to the Premier League Team of the Year in 2013;
  • the best young player in the Premier League 2013/2014.

Personal life

Hazard is in a relationship with a girl named Natasha, from whom the midfielder had a son in 2010. The midfielder is also active on social networks, and in most of his photos, Eden Hazard is captured along with his teammates - Oscar, David Luiz, Ramirez and others.

Be that as it may, Eden Hazard is just beginning his stellar journey, and it is likely that soon the most talented Belgian will be able to surpass such world legends as Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi. The main thing is not to stop giving everything for the benefit of the team and constantly improve.