Pickled pearl onions - its benefits and harms; recipes, how to marinate and use in dishes. pearl bow

Leek is one of those crops that has not yet gained popularity in Russia. They sell it in stores, but there is still little grown in the beds. But leeks are very useful! In addition, it is a cold-resistant crop, and the harvest can be obtained until late autumn. Why are leeks in little demand in our country? I think it just hasn't been tested. I got addicted to leeks when I was vacationing in France. In all cafes and restaurants there were dishes with leeks. Since then I have been growing it in my garden.


When I began to look for information about growing leek, I found out that it is called pearl. Where this name comes from, I have not found a clear explanation.

In one article I liked an interesting "guess" of the author. It said that in the old days in Europe they ate a lot of onions so as not to get sick with terrible diseases that killed thousands of people. Leeks were held in high esteem because they did not have such a strong smell as onions. But the teeth remained strong and white (just pearly) for a long time, since the onion, having bactericidal properties, sanitized the oral cavity well.

Another explanation can even be tested. Fresh onions (fresh from the garden, not from the store) have a pearly sheen on the white scales of their stem.


Leek has a long growing season. It takes 6-7 months to get a thick white leg, so in the Middle lane it is grown only through seedlings.

Sowing is carried out from late February to mid-March, depending on the lighting. If there is an opportunity to illuminate, you can sow in February.

There are two ways to grow seedlings: with and without a pick. I've tried this and that. I liked the first way better. When grown without picking in a common tray, the roots are very tangled, and the plants get sick for a long time (photo 3).

You can pick leeks at a very early stage, while the plants are very small. It is convenient to plant them in plastic cassettes with small cells 4x4 cm. In them, they can survive until planting in the ground, you just need to monitor the soil moisture, leeks really do not like overdrying.

They also suggest soaking the seeds before sowing and planting seeds that have already hatched immediately into the cells. But the leek sprouts unevenly, so this method is not very convenient.

Many people say that leek seeds take a very long time to germinate. Germination depends on the duration of storage of seeds, when buying, take fresh ones. Before sowing, the seeds can be soaked in simulators (Epin, Energen) or heat treated. To do this, the seeds in a gauze bag are alternately lowered into hot (like tea) and cold water for about 5 seconds (the action is repeated 5 times).

Melt water gives a good stimulating effect, so leeks are often sown on snow (2 cm layer), spread out in a bowl on top of the ground. When the snow melts, sprinkle the seeds with dry earth. The container is covered with a bag. Leave in room for germination. When the first shoots appear, immediately into the light!


Seedlings are planted in the ground in mid-May. The bed is carefully prepared in advance.

Leek develops well on loose, fairly fertile soils. Poor sandy ones are flavored with humus, heavy clay is loosened with compost, sawdust and sand.

To obtain large white stems, leeks are planted spaciously: 25-30 cm between rows and the same amount between plants. So that the bed is not empty all this time, some kind of sealing crop is planted between the rows of leek: radish, lettuce, dill, etc.

Leek farming involves hilling the lower part of the stem. It is convenient to do this when the seedlings are planted in deep V-shaped grooves (15-16 cm). They are cut with a flat cutter or chopper.

By the time the seedlings are planted, leeks are thin, fragile blades of grass (photo 2). You need to work with them very carefully. During transportation, the leaves often break, but they can be cut. You can also trim the roots if they are heavily intertwined in the common tray. But it is better to prevent this and grow leeks in cassettes with cells.

Each blade of grass is planted with a peg, deepening the stem to the place where the first leaf grows. Then water the entire furrow.

For better survival, it is useful to cover the entire bed with spunbond, substituting low arcs or a couple of wooden bars under it so that the spunbond does not lie on the leaves.


As the onion grows, the grooves gradually fall asleep, raking the earth from the mounds (from the walls of the grooves).

If a sealing crop is planted between the rows of leeks, then it is impossible to spud in this way. Then the grooves are simply covered from the bucket with some organic matter (compost, rotted sawdust or just earth). However, care must be taken that the earth covers only the lower part of the stem and does not fall into the axils of the leaves.

The leek is watered with a thin stream from a hose or from a watering can, but not by sprinkling, otherwise the walls of the grooves will collapse. It is very important to observe the watering rate: 20 liters per 1 square meter, so that the water deeply soaks the soil.

Moisture will be better absorbed and retained in the ground if mulching is carried out. This is one of the necessary techniques without which you cannot grow a good leek. Actually, no more maintenance is required, since weeds do not grow under the mulch, the soil does not cake (no need to loosen) and moisture is well kept (water less often).

When the grooves are completely leveled, the earth should be poured to the stems or hilled up so that the white part of the leg is higher and more tender. If this is not done, then instead of white we get a green leg, but it is not so juicy and tasty.

Feeding leeks can be carried out with both organic and mineral fertilizers. In my garden, I use everything natural, so I water it with an infusion of grass from a barrel or a solution of manure with ash.


Leek plants develop slowly in the first half of the growing season, so it makes sense to grow it in combination with other crops. In fact, from one area - a double harvest!

Leeks are harvested as needed until late autumn. Even frosts are not afraid of him. Freezes up top part leaves, and the leg in the ground remains intact.

Plants are dug up with pitchforks and shaken off the ground. The roots are cut, leaving 1-2 cm, the leaves are shortened by half. If there is not much onion, it is stored in the refrigerator in perforated bags.

In the cellar, you can store onions in boxes or buckets. The stems are placed tightly to each other and sprinkled with sand (preferably large, river). It is desirable that the sand does not fall into the axils of the leaves.

At temperatures close to zero, leeks are stored in the sand until spring. At a higher temperature, say, in a tambour, the stems can begin to grow and stretch.

Another storage method is freezing. The stems are cut into pieces and simply cleaned in the freezer.


Like other types of onions, leek is a storehouse of vitamins, and the amount of vitamin C in it does not decrease during storage, but even increases! Leek contains a lot of potassium, which is good for the heart. It has less pungency and essential oils, so it can be consumed by people with stomach and pancreas problems. Leek contains a lot of fiber and speeds up the metabolism. Because of this, it is included in diets to reduce excess weight. Leeks can be eaten fresh, but there will be no bad breath!

T. Zhuravin, Tula

pearl bow marinated- a fragrant snack that is served with barbecue, beef steak, eaten as an independent dish. Pearl onion is a herbaceous plant of the onion family. This vegetable was grown by the ancient Romans, they considered it the food of the rich. Nero used this product in huge quantities, as it was believed that the onion preserves the voice. Alicius recommended using onion greens as a salad, and boiling the "pearls" themselves and using them as a seasoning.

Pickled pearl onions have high taste qualities. The use of this product in cooking is not limited to adding to meat dishes. Its savory, delicate taste, as well as its noticeable sweetness, make it a valuable food item.

To date, this type of onion is second only to onion and garlic. Pearl onions can easily replace onions in a wide variety of recipes. When choosing an onion, it is better to give preference to a young plant whose stems are no thicker than 4 cm. It is used to prepare first courses, snacks and even a pie with onions. During heat treatment, the onion quickly boils soft, it can be used to thicken the stew.

How to marinate?

You can pickle pearl onions at home. To do this, you will need the onion itself, vinegar, salt, sugar, spices. The onion is washed and poured with boiling water for 30 seconds, then the water is drained and the onion is poured again, but already cold water: This will make it easy to clean. It is not recommended to remove too many layers from the onion during the cooking process, otherwise it will become too soft. The marinade is prepared in this way: salt, bee honey, vinegar are added to boiled water, onions are boiled in the marinade for 1 minute. Bay leaf, peppercorns, thyme, rosemary are placed at the bottom of the jar. The onion is transferred to a glass jar, poured with marinade, and then sent to the refrigerator for 12 hours.

You can also additionally roll pickled onions and use it throughout the year. To do this, the onion, as in the previous recipe, is scalded with boiling water, cooled in cold water, cleaned, then laid out in jars and poured with boiling marinade. The marinade is prepared in this way: boil water, add sugar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of marinade), vinegar, spices to it. Boiling marinade pour onions in jars and roll up the lids, turn the jars upside down. Onions are rolled up in small jars, because after opening they deteriorate very quickly.

Onions can also be marinated in lemon juice, for this you will need lemon, water, salt, sugar, vegetable oil, pepper, herbs. The juice of one lemon is diluted with 50 ml of water, the onion is poured, after cutting it into rings. Pickled onions according to this recipe for only 30 minutes.

Sometimes onions are marinated in vinegar with spices, for a marinade according to this recipe, you will need 6 cloves, chili peppers, allspice, mustard seeds.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of pearl onions are due to its valuable chemical composition. It contains essential oils, proteins, and vitamins: ascorbic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, carotene.

Pearl onions have a very useful feature: during long-term storage, it accumulates ascorbic acid.

Onions are also rich in minerals, such as potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, and sulfur. Pearl onions are indicated for use by the elderly, because it protects the cardiovascular system, and is also an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. Onions are recommended for obesity, as well as for edema, as it has a diuretic effect.

Pearl onions contain a whole set of vitamins, it is indicated for use in spring beriberi, as well as to increase the body's defenses. Due to the low calorie content, pearl onions can be included in diets, because it perfectly diversifies the diet and fills the body with vitamins. By the way, onion satisfies hunger well, and vegetable fiber normalizes digestion. In the Middle Ages, they were well aware of the properties of pearl onions to satisfy hunger, they even called it "the food of the poor."

Use in cooking

In cooking, pickled pearl onions are used very widely. It goes well with fried meat, it can also be served as a side dish for fish, added to salads, snacks. The white stalk of this onion has a pleasant taste when fresh, it is mildly spicy and much softer than that of onions.

Pearl onion gives the dishes a refined flavor, it is used both fresh and stewed, marinated. It is customary to serve the white stem to the table as a side dish for meat and fish dishes. It can also be cooked in batter or put in scrambled eggs. Guests will appreciate pearl onions if served with cured or smoked meats, cheeses, tartlets.

Pickled pearl onions have a pleasant taste and do not contain bitterness at all, unlike a fresh product. Sweet and sour marinade is perfect for onions, making them even more tender. Even those who do not like fresh onions will appreciate this pickled vegetable.

Pickled Pearl Onion Benefits and Treatment

The benefits of this product have long been known folk medicine. Pearl onion is indicated for gout, rheumatism, scurvy. Like any other vegetable of the Onion family, pearl onions are recommended for overwork, as well as for chronic fatigue syndrome.

Scientists came to the conclusion that pearl onions normalize the activity of the digestive tract, stimulate appetite, and have a beneficial effect on liver function.

Harm of pickled pearl onions and contraindications

Onions can harm the body with individual intolerance. It is not recommended to use this product in case of diseases gastrointestinal tract, for example, with ulcers, gastritis.

The modern world is very complex and confusing, and to this is added a huge number of varieties of onions, among which you need to choose something that suits you best. But how do you do it if you don't know the difference between a leek and a shallot? If you've ever read a recipe for a dish and wondered why it uses this variety and not another, you're not alone. All species come from the same family, which also includes garlic. This root vegetable can have a different color, smell, taste and texture. Depending on what you are cooking, you need to choose the variety that is suitable for a particular dish, and it can be softer, sweeter, or, on the contrary, spicier and sharper. And given the fact that there are a lot of types of onions, this article will help you understand them and make right choice in each individual situation. So, which variety should you choose and how do they generally differ from each other?

white bow

White onions are similar in smell to yellow ones, but their aroma is slightly less refined. It is simpler, which can work in your favor if you want to serve it raw. As the name suggests, this variety has both a white core and a white skin. Given that this onion has such a simple and inexpressive taste, it can be used in the preparation of almost every dish. It's perfect for use in your favorite sandwich or any salad. It can also be easily marinated.

yellow bow

Yellow onion is one of the most popular in modern cooking. This variety is extremely practical as it has a deep but not overly pungent flavor meaning you won't cry when you cook it. You will find two varieties of this variety in grocery stores: the larger Spanish onion and the smaller standard yellow onion. They taste about the same, but Spanish yellow onions tend to be slightly sweeter and milder than regular onions, making them more suitable for serving raw. You can use this variety for absolutely everything. You can achieve great sweetness if you choose to caramelize it, deep flavor for soup or stews, and make various classic French dishes such as onion soup.

Red onion

Many people choose red onion as they like its strong pungent aroma and flavor. This variety can add a lot to your menu. This variety is crisp, aromatic and tangy, with a deep burgundy hue with a perfectly matched reddish skin. This variety can be a bit too spicy when raw, but it transforms completely when cooked. Red onions are worth using if you want to add a very unusual touch to your favorite dishes. It is also worth noting that it is very tasty when it is caramelized or added to soup.

green onion

Long, thin and rather elegant green onions are a versatile product. It can be easily recognized by its green top and white bottom. Whether you cook it to serve as a side dish or serve it raw, its mild sweet flavor is the perfect addition to any meal.

early green onions

Early green onion looks almost the same as the previous variety, but differs in that it has an even milder aroma, as it is harvested in early spring. When cooked, this variety becomes very soft and incredibly sweet. If served raw, it will be even more delicious and crunchy than regular green onions.


Shallots are small and tear-shaped and are very popular in French and Asian cuisine. This variety has a pinkish-gold color. Shallot is a very complex product and its aroma is extremely refined. This variety is softer than red, but much sharper and sharper than yellow.

Onion Vidalia

For the first time this onion variety appeared in the city of the same name in the state of Georgia, United States of America. This is a fairly mild variety of onion and you won't have to cry when you peel or cook it. This variety looks quite large, but at the same time it has flattening both above and below. Vidalia onions are delicious when eaten raw. It has yellow skin, crispy texture, sweet aroma and mild taste.

wild leek

The appearance of wild leeks in the markets marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring. This variety is distinguished by tiny white bulbs with short white stems that grow into green leaves. This variety is known for the delicate onion-garlic aroma of the onion and the sweet mild taste of the leaves. Given that this variety is only available for a short period of time in early spring, it can be quite expensive.

pearl bow

The pearl bow is tiny and available in a variety of colors ranging from yellow to white. In most grocery stores, you are more likely to find white pearl onions. Unlike their larger counterparts, these cute little bulbs are softer and sweeter.

Onion Cipollini

The Cipollini bow is about the same size as the pearl bow, but it is flattened. This variety has a yellow skin that is quite difficult to peel off. This variety is known for its incredible sweetness. Given that it does not require special processing for serving, this variety will better play the role of the star of your table. You can try light processing such as roasting or caramelizing to take the sweetness of these onions to the next level.


Leek is very similar in shape to green onions, but is much thicker and firmer. This bow has a white bottom and a solid green top. Strong and aromatic Bottom part becomes very soft and sweet when cooked. As for the green part, it is very fragrant, but at the same time extremely hard, so it is not recommended to eat it. It is better to use it for flavoring other dishes. Leek is ideal for dishes such as risotto, stews and various casseroles.

The botanical name of the grape onion (A ampeloprasum L.) comes from the Greek words ampelos - vine and prazon - onion. Bulbs have the color of frosted glass and look like a pearl scattering on dark soil, hence the second name of the species is pearl onion, more often used in relation to cultivated forms. The leaves are different
pleasant mild taste. Small onions are good for canning; pickles prepared from them are very popular in Germany and Italy. Bulbs can be used fresh for salads, planted in flowerpots in order to get green onions in the room in the autumn-winter period.

The species is widely distributed in the Mediterranean on mountain slopes overgrown with wild grapes, as well as in meadows and fields. The range of onion grapes covers Southern and Western Europe to Great Britain. There are several varieties and many forms of grape onion. One of the varieties is ssp. ampelo-prasum - possibly serves as the ancestor of the leek and kurrat, which interbreed with it and give fertile offspring.

The onion bulbs are ovoid-spherical, 1-4 cm in diameter, the outer shells are almost papery, grayish, slightly fibrous. The coloration of juicy scales is white or dull yellow. Bulb-children are numerous, covered with thin silvery dry scales. The leaves are flat, broadly linear, with a sharp end, 5 ... 10 mm wide, folded along the central vein. Peduncle 50-80 cm high, one-third hidden by smooth leaf sheaths. Umbrella spherical, many-flowered. Pedicels are unequal. The flowers are small, semi-opened. Perianth petals are greenish, pinkish, pale purple with a dark central vein.

The plant blooms in late June - July. Seeds are difficult to obtain, however, as pearl onions rarely bloom. Vegetative propagation predominates. There are forms that do not have seeds at all and forms in which bulbs are formed in inflorescences. The coefficient of vegetative reproduction of grape onion is very high - an average of 1:40. E. Ernst (1973) described a case when 255 daughter bulbs were formed from one bulb with a diameter of about 1 cm and a mass of 1.5 g, of which 195 were up to 0.5 cm in diameter, the rest were larger. The weight of the crop was 65 g.

Grape onion grows well on many soils (light texture is preferred), but is demanding on fertility. It is responsive to the application of organic fertilizers. The bulbs are planted in August with a multi-line tape. The distance between rows is 20 cm, between bulbs in a row 5...8. Planting depth 10 ... 12 cm. Rows are mulched with peat or loose nutrient mixture. In the spring the soil is loosened. During the growing season, plant care is normal.

Bulbs ripen by the end of July; leaves fall at this time. Harvest carefully - if the smallest bulbs remain in the soil, they can clog the site. The average yield is 1.5 ... 1.75 kg per 1 m. When grown from seeds, sowing is carried out in early spring or before winter. In the first year, small bulbs with a diameter of about 1 cm develop. Bulbs are stored poorly, soon after harvest they shrivel and wilt. Therefore, they are used immediately or planted. Well-dried planting material can be stored for a short time at low temperatures in basements or ventilated sheds.