Fishing net design. How to weave a fishing net from fishing line with your own hands

Net fishing is considered not so popular among real fishermen. This type of quiet hunting can be called poaching rather than a pleasant pastime.

What is bullshit?

Bullshit is one of the varieties of seine, which has a more specific modification and is used both in private fishing and on an industrial scale.

The history of this fishing tackle goes back to antiquity. Then a few tribes of people living on the banks of rivers and lakes tried to fish with their hands and spears. Few achieved success in fishing: only the strongest and most dexterous members of the genus.

The first nets began to be woven from long vines, vines or dried animal veins. Usually from two to three people fished, walking along the shore of the reservoir and carrying a drag. The meaning of the word originates directly from the process: to wander through shallow water with tackle in hand.

What does a net look like?

Bullshit is a network with a length of 2 to 70 meters, a width of 2 to 3 meters. The classic nonsense consists of a left and right wing, and in the middle it has a special “pocket” - a skein. For ease of use, long sticks are attached to the edges of the nets. They help to pull the net along the reservoir and keep the seine in an upright position.

Motnya is a bag sewn from a net to collect caught fish. The size of such a "pocket" depends on the length of the gear. Often it makes up at least a third of the entire network. But the smaller the wingspan, the larger the bobbin can be, and vice versa.

Experienced fishermen prefer to use tackle specially adapted for them on familiar reservoirs. They are prepared taking into account the features of the bottom topography and the fish that the fisherman goes for.

Types of nonsense

There are four types of nonsense:

  1. Classic bullshit. It consists of two wings of equal length and a bobbin. This type of fishing is carried out on shallow reservoirs, rivers and lakes. Two people pull the nets along the chosen place, and the third collects the catch accumulated in the motna.
  2. No moth. This is a regular network, no more than 4 meters long. It is great for catching fish at a depth of no more than 50 centimeters. The method is effective in the autumn-spring period, when the fish is basking in the water heated by the sun's rays.
  3. "Chicken". This is a moth without wings. Ropes are attached to the edges of the net (nags). They help keep the whole system afloat. Fishermen, passing with a net along the entire reservoir, do not pull out the catch, but, lifting the net, take out the fish that have fallen into it.
  4. Wings of the network of different lengths. Such nonsense is suitable for fishing in places where it is impossible to pull a seine along both banks of the reservoir. A semicircle is created from the nets, enclosing the section of the river where fishing will be carried out.

How to catch bullshit?

A bait is a long net, and it is best to use it in places that are known to anglers. To clear the nets of catch or debris that accumulates during fishing, a wide deserted coast is needed.

Catching with ravings is good during zhora, in warm weather in shallow water, but for this it is necessary to provide a net with a sinker (often a chain is used for this), placed in the middle under the bobbin and floats (you can also use ordinary foam).

It is better for anglers to start moving against the current, alternating between shallow water and depressions. Experienced fishermen, knowing the topography of their favorite places for fishing, try not to use several whirlpools. They are not cleaned of snags, algae and debris. In these places, the fish “rests”, the young grow, and the winter hut passes.

In this way, you can keep the same number of fish and be sure that they do not go further down the river.

In addition, they catch not only fish in rivers, but also on industrial ships. Gear on fishing trawlers similar to nets or hammocks. Thus, fishermen catch not only but also fry. After it is sorted and processed.

How to make a nonsense with your own hands

The cost of gear today is such that for full equipment The fisherman needs to shell out a lot of money. But there is always a way! All equipment can be made by yourself.

Bullshit is a net that is woven from threads, fishing line or nylon. The weaving technique is very simple, and everyone can master it, since information about this is not difficult to find. The main task for the master is to determine what kind of tackle he needs to get.

"Chicken" has the shape of a cone, a log with wings - a shape with a net in the middle. The cells of such gear on the motna will be no more than 2-2.5 centimeters, and along the entire length of the wings no more than 2.5-3 centimeters.

Weaving a network takes from one day to several weeks. In addition, the weaving technique used by the master plays an important role.

If the net is too light, a tin sinker or ordinary chain links are attached to its lower edge. And in order for the net to stay on the surface, they use floats bought in a store or cut from a piece of foam.

It is easy to make a nonsense with your own hands, the main thing is patience and a desire to achieve your goal.

According to the law, fishing with nets is illegal. during which they catch all the fish, both large and fry. Firstly, it harms the number of fish schools, and secondly, the size of the caught fry is much less than allowed by law.

The design of the delirium is visible in Figure 5 (many delusional fishermen have no idea how the components of the tackle are correctly named). The net is used with a fairly fine mesh, usually 25-30 mm on the wings, 20-25 mm in the bobbin. The floats on the upper line are larger and are imposed more often than on the fixed net; the lower selection is also made much heavier.

Rice. 5. Bullshit and its components: 1 - right wing (part 2); 2 - right wing (1 part), 3 - right drive; 4 - bobbin; 5 - left drive; 6 - left wing (part 2); 7 - left wing (1 part); 8 - valance; 9 - shirt; 10 - upper selection; 12 - right nag; 13 - left nag; 14 - upper chalk; 15 - lower chalk. I must say that the nonsense sold in stores is almost always underloaded, and their floating cords do not have sufficient buoyancy. As a result, purchased delusions are suitable for more or less successful fishing only in the most ideal, greenhouse conditions: in water bodies without a current, with a flat hard bottom and a complete absence of snags and underwater vegetation. In real conditions, it is not easy to catch anything with a purchased nonsense: the current, even if not strong, sinks the upper line, allowing the fish to leave, with the slightest hooks and delays, the lower line rises - with the same result, and a strange thing generally happens on strongly grassy reservoirs: a cargo the cord is twisted with the upper one into a tight bundle, and the fish can in no way go into the bobbin.

Therefore, having bought a nonsense, do not rush to the reservoir with it - it is better to take apart the tackle and assemble it again, with a normal overlap and load. Or at least hang additional floats and sinkers (both of them are made cylindrical, with a slit on the side so that you can put them on the cords without disassembling the tackle; at the same time, lead sinkers, after landing on the cord, are lightly tapped with a hammer, and the slit on the floats is made of rigid foam is held together with two small aluminum wire staples). The lower line in most cases is made shorter than the top one (the difference in length reaches 10 percent, sometimes more), and, when pulling out the central part of the rod, as the fishermen say, it “cuts” the fish that did not have time to clog in the spool, preventing it from slipping away at the last moment . Properly arranged nonsense goes through the reservoir, like a tank through a children's sandbox, crushing all obstacles: it uproots sticks and small snags, rakes stones and algae into the twig, presses not too thick reeds or cattails to the bottom. The landing of the rods on the cargo and floating cords is carried out differently than in the fixed net, in which the landing thread is pulled through several upper (lower) cells of the net, then attached with a knot to the upper (lower) pick-up, then pulled through again, etc. This landing, called "running", allows the net to move relative to the rebound, and helps to better confuse the fish. It is not suitable for nonsense: the goal of confusing fish in the wing of a nonsense is not worth it, it is only necessary to achieve maximum strength for gear that experiences loads during fishing that are incomparable to those experienced by a fixed net. Therefore, the so-called "hard" landing is used (see Fig. 6), in which the landing thread (increased in comparison with fixed nets strength) fastens each of the extreme meshes of the netting to the lower and upper selection.

Rice. 6. Hard landing, used for delusions. In the old days, when it was very difficult, almost impossible to buy a ready-made netting, I had to build “patchwork” nonsense from all kinds of scraps (for example, I made my first nonsense from net production waste bought by weight in the Skillful Hands store). The gear turned out to be unsightly, multi-colored, but the fish were caught quite successfully. Factory nets for badminton were very popular as a material: two six-meter-long nets were put on the wings, a skein was cut out from the third, all that remained was to tie up the cargo and floating cords, and it turned out to be a cheap, but quite catchy nonsense (albeit not high, suitable for catching on shallow depths). In our time, when netting materials are available for amateurs, polyethylene netting sheets produced by the Japanese corporation "MOMOI FISHING" and sold by dealers in Russia under the names "Polyethylene Network", "Universal Network", "Multipurpose Network", etc. are very popular. I will make a reservation: it makes sense to use polyethylene net materials for seines and nonsense only for amateurs who do not engage in appropriate fishing too often. For constantly catching professionals, this material is not suitable: it is less strong and durable than the usual net made of twisted nylon or polyamide thread. However, if you go fishing with a bullshit 5-6 times a year (and many amateurs often fail), then the tackle made of polyethylene thread will last for many years. The advantages of polyethylene mesh materials listed below (hereinafter referred to as PES), in my opinion, fully atone for their shortcomings. 1. Affordable price. PES is 2-3 times cheaper than similar nylon nets, which is of particular importance in the construction of seines and long rods. 2. The specific gravity of dry PES is less than that of nylon mesh materials. It is not always possible to get directly to the place of fishing by motor transport, and it is less laborious to deliver light tackle on oneself to the reservoir. 3. PES absorbs water much less than capron. Accordingly, it is much easier and faster to dry the PES bullshit in the field, on a pond. If this is not possible (due to rainy weather or for other reasons), wet tackle weighs much less than the same nylon, and it is easier to take it out of the reservoir. 4. The last two properties of PES determine one more advantage of the gear made from them: guiding a log or seine across a pond requires less physical effort. 5. Polyethylene twisted threads are more rigid than nylon. If for a fixed net this is a disadvantage, then for nonsense, on the contrary, it is an advantage - the fish is less crowded in the wings of the tackle and does not interfere with continuing to catch. It should be noted that PES gear requires more careful care and savings. The melting point of polyethylene is lower than that of nylon, and a PES nonsense that happens to be not far from the fire will suffer faster. In addition, polyethylene is more sensitive to direct sunlight - it is necessary to dry the nonsense in the shade, in a windy place. In the manufacture of PES rods, it is necessary to take into account the positive buoyancy of polyethylene: floats can be placed somewhat smaller than on tackle made of polyamide, which has zero buoyancy. The floats on the rods are large, made of white foam, and are not painted (unlike fixed nets), since a bright white float can scare away fish, sometimes striving to escape from the net by jumping over the top line, and not allow it to leave the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe reservoir surrounded by the rod . On small rods, intended mainly for fishing on narrow rivers, the lower line is sometimes replaced by a solid metal chain, only 1-1.5 m long pieces of cord are tied at the ends. It is believed that the chain better fits all the bottom irregularities, allowing you to catch more bottom fish . Another plus of the chain: when hooked, you can pull it boldly, with all your might, without risking breaking off, which sometimes happens with long-used cords. The main drawback of the rods equipped with chains is that they are too heavy, therefore, in sufficiently long rods, a chain 6-7 m long is tied up only in the central part, under the shanks, and under the wings - ordinary cords with lead weights. Chains that do not have an anti-corrosion coating quickly rust, and the rust "overeats" the sections of the network in contact with the chain, so it is worth painting the chain links in several layers with waterproof paint, and only then attaching them to the nonsense. The ends of the upper and lower pick-ups are tied to light but strong poles, the so-called "nags", for which the fishermen drag the tackle along the pond. Motnya - a net bag in the middle of the tackle, where the caught fish is going. The shape of the bag is a cone with a narrowed end; when fishing in the current, a lead weight of 200 grams or more is attached to the very end of the bobbin. and higher - otherwise, when wiring the gear downstream, the bobbin may turn inside out under the pressure of water and be ahead of the wings. In the delusions of the most used sizes (10-15 m), the bobbin occupies about 1/3 of the entire length of the tackle, i.e. e. the span of entry into it is approximately equal to the length of the wing. For large-sized delusions, this ratio changes in favor of the wings, for short ones - in favor of the bobbin.

Rice. Fig. 7. The position of the short log when fishing (top view): 1 - bobbin; 2, 3 - wings; 4 - cargo cord; 5 - floating cord. In fact, bullshit is used mostly for local, near the house, fishing - and therefore, during construction, it is “sharpened” for a specific reservoir or group of reservoirs. However, it must be remembered that a river or pond 10 meters wide is difficult to successfully catch with a ten-meter rod - the size of the tackle should be 1.5 times wider than the widest and 1.7 times higher than the deepest part of the reservoir. At river fishing crucian carp are usually caught in the delirium mostly by accident, as by-catch. Their main fishing with bullshit takes place in small closed reservoirs: in dug or dammed ponds, in lakes located in river floodplains, etc. On rivers, channels, floods and backwaters with a weak current, flood waters in floodplains are chosen for catching carp; it is rarely possible to lead a drag, stretching it from coast to coast, and the catches directly depend on the length of the tackle: in a short drag big fish will rarely come across, most of the catch will be a trifle. On large rivers and lakes, they also catch on any shallow water with a flat bottom, but only during periods of mass concentration of fish, otherwise rarely found fish scattered around the reservoir will not pay off the efforts to catch them. For pond fishing, either small dug ponds are convenient, where you can draw a delirium without going into the water (see above), or extensive, but relatively shallow and with a flat bottom. In the second case, night fishing will be much more effective (as, indeed, in all reservoirs where the wings of the delirium do not go close to the shores).

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Now we will talk about such fishing tackle as a seine. It is used in large reservoirs, to catch a large number of fish. They can catch fish in rivers, lakes, on the shores of the seas and even in the waters of the oceans.

Seine fishing is the oldest way of catching fish. Just a couple of hundred years ago, the net was actively used for the extraction of marine and river resources. Now the seine and the net are forbidden to be used outside the official fishing industry - this is considered a poaching method fishing. We recommend that you read

Generally speaking, the design of the seine consists of a net and ropes. Seines are divided into several types: bottom, cast, fixed, folding - their choice depends on the choice of the reservoir, so at shallow depths you can use a cast seine, and for great depths you will need a cast seine.


In films and even children's fairy tales, the net looks quite simple. It would seem that it is not difficult to use it, but this is only at first glance, and if you think that for catching fish it is enough to throw a net into the water with one hand and pull it ashore with the other, then you are very mistaken.

Of course, the human intelligence is much higher than the intelligence of the fish, but physically - the fish is faster than you. Therefore, you should not expect that the catch will just come into your nets - you need to catch it. We recommend that you read

First you need to check the gear. They may have holes, or frayed cable. Such a net needs to be urgently repaired, otherwise, even through one hole, your entire catch can escape.

To fish with a net, you need to cast a net over the intended habitat of the fish, and then you can fish the fish onto the ship, or shore.

The size of the mesh cells is made in such a way that the fish does not get entangled in them, and during fishing it rolls down the mesh. Sometimes a bag is attached to the bottom of the net, it is called a cod, or a sack, if such a sack is present, then the fish does not roll down to the bottom of the net, but into the sack. We recommend that you read


Cast net - used for coastal fishing. The net is thrown from a boat, gradually and evenly building an arc from the net, while both ends of the net look at the shore, and the opposite top of the arc - at the opposite shore. Or, the net is built perpendicular to the shore, then the fishermen pull it along the shore, then one fisherman stops, and the second wraps the far end of the seine to the shore. The seine is pulled out at both ends of the arc in the direction of the shore, as if raking the fish out of the reservoir.
Usually, 2-3 people are needed to fish with a seine, sometimes more, depending on the reservoir, the current and the size of the seine.

In order to correctly cast the seine into the water, you need to choose the dimensions at which the lower edge of the seine will touch the bottom of the reservoir. This will give you a guarantee that the fish will not swim away from you along the bottom. Also, it is necessary to constantly monitor whether the net has broken during casting, or while fishing. We recommend that you read

After the net is cast, it is necessary that two anglers hold and control both ends of the net. If the depth does not allow the fisherman to sink into the water, then with the help of a boat, you need to pull the ends of the seine to a depth that is acceptable for the stability of the fishermen. When the fishermen enter the water, they pull the ends of the net (towards the shore, or along the shore, depending on the chosen reservoir), and the third angler goes to meet them, slapping the water with his hands - thereby driving the fish into the net. When both ends of the seine are level with the shore, the fishermen pull the fish ashore.
After the seine is pulled ashore, it is necessary to collect the entire catch and clean the seine from the collected debris.

The throw net is used for catching fish in reservoirs, lakes and rivers. To cast a seine net in winter, you will have to cut a large rectangular hole (moina), put nets in it, and then, using small holes, draw a net and set it in an arc.

Cast net - used for fishing in large lakes, seas and oceans. It is placed in deep water, away from the coast, and then loaded onto a ship. Among them there is also a spreading seine, it can be used for catching fish in the shallow waters of lakes and seas - this seine has the simplest design of the wrap-around group, somewhat similar to a throw-seine. Very effective, for deep-sea places, purse seines have shown themselves. To put such a seine, you need to wrap the net around the place where the school of fish is supposed to be. This is a very time-consuming process, since the area to be wrapped is large and it is necessary to build a mesh wall around its entire circumference. After that, you need to pull lower part seine with the help of ropes, we get a kind of bag with fish, from which the name of the seine came - purse. When the seine is lifted onto the ship, the fish falls into additional bags in the design of the seine - a den, or drain. We recommend that you read

The set seine has a completely different design. It is placed near the shore, in places where schools of fish should pass. Often a set seine is used to catch salmon, because, as you know, it always returns to the rivers of its deposit.

To build a set seine, a layer is installed from the shore into the depths of the river, a kind of obstacle (called a wing), which the fish stumbles upon while walking along the shore. Near the obstacle, on both sides, they will place passages into the trap (and next to the trap itself), which the fish stumbles upon in an attempt to bypass the obstacle. In other words, the fixed nets have a design that catches fish itself, and the fishermen at this time watch the arrival of the fish and monitor the health of the nets.

Set nets are large, for example, the length of the wing can reach 250 meters, and the number of weights for installing nets is up to 2000 sandbags, so the installation of such a net is not only time consuming, but also expensive.

But, the high cost of construction and installation is not the only disadvantage of fixed nets - their design is often damaged when weather conditions change, and this requires time for repairs and additional cash costs. We recommend that you read

Fish caught in this way can live in a trap for a long time. Fixed nets are used in coastal fishing and large reservoirs. Capelin, greenling, herring, salmon, herring, smelt and other fish are caught.

Bottom seines - have a small size compared to set nets. They are used for fishing in lakes, rivers and seas. At the same time, they use small ships, or boats - throwing a seine directly from the shore. Small seines include snurrevod, mutnik and dredge. All these seines make up a group of so-called screening gear.

As in fishing with a seine net, the bottom seine is cast from the shore, or from a vessel, covering a large area of ​​the reservoir. Bottom seines have large cuts (warps, or ropes). Pulling on the lines, the fishermen tighten the net, the lines go along the bottom and collect the fish in a trap. The length of the cuts can reach 2000 meters, so it is impossible to pull them out manually, instead they use a winch, or pull them ashore with the help of the vessel itself using conventional traction while the vessel is moving. While rowing with cuts along the bottom, silt and sand rise, the bottom of the reservoir becomes muddy, therefore such bottom seines with cuts are called mutniki. We recommend that you read

The design of the delirium is shown in the figure (many fishermen engaged in delusional fishing have no idea how the components of the tackle are correctly named). The net is used with a fairly fine mesh, usually 25–30 mm on the wings, 20–25 mm in the bobbin. The floats on the upper line are larger and are imposed more often than on the fixed net; the lower selection is also made much heavier.

Bullshit and its components: 1 - right wing (2nd part); 2 - right wing (1st part); 3 - right drive; 4 - bobbin; 5 - left drive; 6 - left wing (2nd part); 7 - left wing (1st part); 8 - valance; 9 - shirt; 10 - upper selection; 12 - right nag; 13 - left nag; 14 - upper chalk; 15 - bottom chalk

It must be said that nonsense, sold in stores, are almost always underloaded, and their floating cords do not have sufficient buoyancy. As a result, purchased nonsense is suitable for more or less successful fishing only in the most ideal conditions: in reservoirs without a current, with a flat solid bottom and a complete absence of snags and underwater vegetation.

In real conditions, catch something purchased nonsense not easy: the current, even if not strong, melts the upper line, allowing the fish to leave; at the slightest hooks and delays, the lower line rises with the same result, and on heavily grassy ponds, a strange thing generally happens: the weight line is twisted with the top one into a tight bundle, and the fish cannot get into the bobbin.

Therefore, having bought a nonsense, do not rush to the reservoir with it, it is better to take apart the tackle and assemble it again, but with a normal overlap and load. Or at least hang additional floats and sinkers (both of which are made cylindrical, with a slit on the side so that you can put them on the cords without disassembling the tackle; at the same time, lead sinkers are lightly tapped with a hammer after landing on the cord, and the slit on the floats is made of solid foam plastic is fastened with two small staples of aluminum wire).

The lower pick-up in most cases is made shorter than the top one (the difference in length reaches 10%, sometimes more) and when pulling out the central part of the rod, as the fishermen put it, it “cuts” the fish that did not have time to clog in the spool, not allowing it to slip away at the last moment.

Well-organized bullshit walks along a pond, like a tank through a children's sandbox, crushing all obstacles: uprooting sticks and small snags, raking stones and algae into a tangle, pressing a not too dense overgrowth of reed or cattail to the bottom.

The floats are large, made of white foam and are not painted (unlike fixed nets), a bright white float can scare away fish, sometimes striving to escape from the net by jumping over the top line.

On small delusions, intended mainly for fishing on narrow rivers, the lower selection is sometimes replaced by a solid metal chain, only 1–1.5 m long pieces of cord are tied at the ends. It is believed that the chain better fits all the bottom irregularities, allowing you to catch more bottom fish. Another plus of the chain: when hooked, you can pull it boldly, with all your might, without risking breaking off, which sometimes happens with long-used cords. The main drawback of the rods equipped with chains is that they are too heavy, therefore, in sufficiently long rods, a chain 6–7 m long is tied up only in the central part, under the shanks, and under the wings there are ordinary cords with lead weights. Chains that do not have an anti-corrosion coating quickly rust, and the rust “overeats” the sections of the network in contact with the chain.

The ends of the upper and lower pick-ups are tied to light but strong poles, the so-called nags, for which the fishermen drag the tackle along the pond.

(top view): 1 - bobbin; 2, 3 - wings; 4 - cargo cord; 5 - floating cord

Motnya - a net bag in the middle of the tackle, where the caught fish is going. The shape of the bag is a cone, when fishing on the current, a lead weight of 200 g or more is attached to the very end of the bobbin - otherwise, when the gear is pulled downstream, the bobbin can turn inside out under the pressure of water and be ahead of the wings. In the delusions of the most used sizes (12–15 m), the bobbin occupies about one third of the entire length of the tackle, that is, the span of entry into it is approximately equal to the length of the wing. For large-sized delusions, this ratio changes in favor of the wings, for short ones - in favor of the bobbin.

In fact, bullshit is used mostly for local fishing, not far from home, and therefore, during construction, it is “sharpened” for a specific reservoir or group of reservoirs.

Definitions and characteristics of nonsense

Fishing with brednem (from the word "wander") is an ancient, but still the most popular and popular Russian way to get some fish. Village children always dragged window tulle or gauze from the house. In a warm summer stream, the children started their first nonsense in their lives, and then they warmed themselves by the fire, fried the little ones on twigs and seemed to themselves adults.

The wading method of fishing, when the drag is pulled along the river or lake with the help of two or more man-powers, distinguishes the drag from its older brother, the seine. The seine according to the official classification is a big nonsense, over 100 meters long. Carrying such a long drag is incredibly hard work. It will take a lot of people. Therefore, the usual length of the log does not exceed 50 meters.

The seine, unlike the nonsense, is a fishing gear, it sweeps over the fish with the help of a swimming facility (boat, cutter, seiner), so the efforts of people are spent only on pulling it out. In commercial sea and river fishing with a seine, the process of pulling it ashore or onto a ship is mechanized.

- This is a strainer fishing gear that has a fine mesh and a thicker nylon thread, compared to. Like any planted and ready to be deployed network, an equipped bullshit also consists of a number of elements:

  1. Network fabric - increased thickness. Usually made of three parts: the right and left flat wings, as well as a special cone-purse (scrambled, kutka) embedded between the wings. Less common are designs of nonsense without a skein. Like the net, the canvas of the bullshit also has its own fit on the upper and lower rebounds. Landing is carried out with K = 0.33 (this canvas is stretched more strongly, this mesh fabric), in a hard way.
  2. The upper selection or bowstring of the nonsense is made, in contrast to the selection of the network, from a thicker and more durable cord. This is due to the heavy loads when fishing with bullshit. Basically, the top pickup is mounted with large lifting floats.
  3. The lower selection is also a thick durable nylon cord equipped with heavy weights. A non-aqueous cloth sits firmly on this cord.
  4. The bobbin is made from the same net as the wings, but for catching certain types of fish, the bobbin has a reduced mesh size. The entrance to the motnya is a rectangular hole. In some cases, a round hole is made and a bobbin is sewn into it.
  5. In rare cases, the drag is pulled right behind the rebounds - this greatly reduces the catchability of the short drag. The ends of the selection are tied to special smooth sticks, with shallow annular cutouts along the edges for the cord - nags, the height of which is not more than 2 meters. The lower selection is tightly tied at the bottom of the nag, and the upper bowstring is closer to the top.

Like any network, nonsense has its own varieties. Ordinary nonsense has wings of equal length and is called "equal-winged". For a better sweep of fish, one wing is often lengthened. This allows you to bypass deep places along the shallows. There are other modifications of nonsense.

For catching northern whitefish - vendace and tugun, 50-meter long rods are allowed, which do not have a bobbin. Such ravings are less catchy than with motneys, but they are much easier to pull.

How to catch fish on a fly

There is a golden popular rule for catching fish on a log - do not chase after the length. The length of the log depends entirely on the size of the river. With an average width of the river of 10 meters, even a 25-meter long log will bring neither fish nor the joy of fishing. He will cling to all stones, snags and bushes. It is very difficult to work with him, and even more difficult to display a disproportionately long nonsense. For such a river, a 5-8 meter bredeshok is enough.

Hooks are the main problem of fishing for bullshit. Car tires and headboards, motorcycle parts and coils of barbed wire - all this gets into nonsense immediately and for a long time. Such objects often tear even the strongest nonsense. It is advisable to pull all the hooks out of the water and remove them as far as possible. When fishing in shallow places, one more person is desirable - this is the 3rd "number" - the unhooking one, who goes behind the nonsense. Usually the drag is pulled downstream, the bob should always lag behind the wings. For the convenience of catching, the float above the center of the bobbin is usually marked or put 2 floats side by side. In a number of cases, the open part of the river bay is circled with a bullshit and pulled up to its toe.

When fishing in ponds, lakes and reservoirs, aquatic vegetation prevents prey fishing. Sinkers of nonsense often come off the bottom and go through dense water grass. All the fish run away under them. The place for fishing with a bullshit, where algae has been cleaned, where snags and other hooks have been removed, is called a tonya. The cost of creating it will always pay off with interest. For good fishing with a large 100 meter long log, it is desirable to have at least 4-5 people.

In order to successfully catch on a rod in any water bodies, it is necessary to immediately select the optimal rod according to the length, size of the cell, the weight of the sinkers, or you must have experience or a good mentor. Part of the information can be obtained from the literature and on the relevant sites.

Nonsense repair

Any fishing does its damage to nonsense. Sometimes it is big. There is no need to be afraid of this. The repair of nonsense is not as difficult as the correct repair of the network with plucking and tying the cells. You need to have a pair of shuttles in stock - needles, the size of a mesh of nonsense and, usually 0.5-0.8 mm in diameter. The holes in the log are simply sewn together with a thick thread, which is located vertically.

The role of nonsense in the development of fish farming (aquaculture)

In modern pond fish farming, when it is impossible to completely drain water from reservoirs, nonsense and seines different type play a huge role in the removal of marketable fish, as well as in the cleaning of the pond from weedy fish (ichthyological reclamation) and unwanted aquatic vegetation. ravings are practically the only effective tool rescuing thousands of fry that ended up in closed pools on floodplains after the decline of water on the rivers.