Example sentences with the word “ambush. Tactics - ambushes in the forest How to increase the sectors of destruction of mines

We will consider the tactics of combat in the forest using the example of the most familiar zone of temperate forest terrain. For effective combat in the forest, it is necessary to regroup the platoon. Depending on the combat mission and the region in which fighting, the specifics, composition and armament of the unit may change. But, since the main danger for the group is always ambushes, the structure of the platoon should provide maximum resistance to them and minimize casualties.

The platoon is divided into 4 squads of 4 fighters each (“fours”) and 4 combat “twos”. In three combat "fours" are: machine gunner (PKM), assistant machine gunner (AK with GP), sniper (VSS), shooter (AK with GP). In one of the "fours" the sniper needs to have an IED. These are the three main combat units . The squad leader is a sniper. All the fighters of the "quartet" act in his interests. In one of the "fours" are the platoon commander (VSS) and the radio operator (AK). The fourth combat "four" includes: a machine gunner (PKM), an assistant machine gunner (AKMN with PBS), a grenade launcher (RPG-7), an assistant grenade launcher (AKMN with PBS). This is the fire department. It follows the lead watch. Its task is to create a high density of fire, stop and delay the enemy while the main forces turn around and take up positions to repel the attack. The squad leader is a machine gunner, and all the fighters of the "four" act with their fire, ensuring his work. The combat "twos" are the head and rear patrols and 2 side guards. Their armament is the same and consists of AK with GP, AKS-74UN2 with PBS is also appropriate. For machine guns, it is better to use magazines from the RPK for 45 rounds. Each fighter, except for machine gunners, an assistant grenade launcher and a radio operator, carries 2-3 RPG-26s, and preferably MRO-A or RGSH-2. After the start of the clash, the "four" fire countermeasures, following the head patrol, also open fire on the enemy, suppressing his activity with machine-gun fire and fire from RPG-7. The assistant machine gunner and the assistant grenade launcher of the fire resistance group are armed with AKMN with PBS. This allows them, once again without being illuminated, to destroy the enemy, representing an immediate danger to the machine gunner and grenade launcher. If the enemy is detected from the front by the head patrol, and the patrol remains unnoticed, the arrows from the PBS destroy the enemy with fire from a silent weapon. From the features of such a structure, it can be seen that the fighters in the platoon are somehow grouped in pairs. This contributes to combat coordination, the development of conditional signals, and a better understanding of each other. At the same time, it should be noted that it is often appropriate to divide a platoon in half, 12 fighters each. Each group performs a specific combat mission. In this situation, a dozen will act differently. Each reinforced squad includes 2 PKM (Pecheneg) machine gunners, 2 VSS snipers, 8 riflemen (AK + GP). The second squad includes an RPG-7 grenade launcher and two shooters with AKMN + PBS. With such an organization in the squad on the march, 3 fighters (machine gunner and 2 shooters), core (4 shooters, 2 snipers) and rear guards (machine gunner, 2 shooters) go on the head patrol. In case of a sudden collision with the enemy, the lead patrol opens heavy fire and holds the enemy while the rest turn around. In the event of a sudden collision with superior enemy forces, the rear patrol takes up an advantageous position and covers the withdrawal of the entire group. In the forest area, open areas are not very common - as a rule, these are the banks of rivers and lakes, burnt areas, hilltops, glades. That is, basically the area is “closed”. The range of fire contact in such conditions is minimal, and there is no need for long-range weapons (such as Kord, ASVK, AGS and even SVD), but the soldiers should have a pistol or submachine gun as an additional weapon. A great tactical advantage in the forest is the use of mines. The most convenient, in my opinion, is MON-50. It is relatively light and practical. Each of the fighters of the group, except for machine gunners, an assistant grenade launcher and a radio operator, can carry at least one mine. Sometimes it is convenient to use the MON-100, which, with a mass of 5 kg, provides a defeat corridor 120 meters long and 10 meters wide. It is convenient to install it on clearings and roads, directing it along them or along the edge of the forest. POM-2R mines are also needed, truly irreplaceable. After being brought into combat position, the mine becomes armed after 120 seconds and throws it into different sides four 10-meter target sensors. The radius of the circular defeat is 16 meters. It is very convenient for mining when a group retreats, or when it is necessary to quickly create a minefield in the enemy's path. Summarizing the above, we note: the result is a platoon armed with 4 PKM or Pecheneg machine guns, 3 silent sniper rifles VSS, 1 SVU-AS, 1 RPG-7; 17 fighters each have 2-3 RPG-26 grenade launchers (34-51 pcs.), 2 AKMN with PBS, 14 fighters are armed with GP and carry at least 18 mines MON-50 and 18 mines POM-2R. ORDER OF WORK OF PATROLS On the march, it is more convenient to move in battle formation of the “arrow” type. Machine gunners are coming in front and from the flanks. A side guard is a must. The head patrol does not move more than 100 meters from the first "four", visual communication must be maintained. Such a battle formation allows you to provide the greatest security in case of a surprise attack. In the event of an explosion on a directed mine, only one “four” is hit. Depending on the situation, the battle order may change to a "wedge", "ledge" or "chain". Patrols and side guards should have special thermal imaging and acoustic reconnaissance devices, through the use of which it is possible to reduce the surprise attack factor to a minimum.

While in an ambush, you must follow some rules. Snipers and machine gunners should be evenly distributed along the front and be sure to control the flanks. The latter, as well as the probable directions of the enemy's approach, are mined. It is also appropriate to mine the front, preferably with a chain of several MON-50s. Sectors of continuous mine destruction must overlap. When the enemy enters the sector of destruction, the entire mine chain is undermined. Infantry moving at full height at this moment will be destroyed. This should be followed by a blow with all the forces and means, aimed at finishing off the enemy. The positions of the snipers are separate, and their single shots are lost against the backdrop of general shooting. This allows them to calmly and systematically shoot the enemy. If there are no radio-controlled fuses, then you can build a homemade one and blow it up at the right time with a sniper shot. A piece of glass is inserted between two pieces of tin, and all this (not very tightly) is tied around the edges. The contacts of a series-connected circuit of several mines are suitable for the tin. This "sniper fuse" must be placed on a tree trunk from a side convenient for the sniper. When the enemy enters the affected area, a sniper shot at the “fuze” follows, the glass between the pieces of tin crumbles, and the circuit closes. This is how a whole platoon can be laid down with one shot, and many such traps can be placed. It is even more effective to place a POM-2R mine in the affected area of ​​the MON-50 chain. One or two enemy soldiers will be blown up by a mine, the main part of the personnel of the enemy unit will come to the aid of the wounded. The subsequent detonation of the MON-50 chain will cover them all at once. (In this regard, it is necessary to make it a rule that no more than two people provide assistance to the wounded in the place where the wound occurred.) In the process of mining, when setting up an ambush, a calculation of 3-4 MON-50 mines per enemy platoon is taken. The problem lies in the need to hit the core so that the patrol and side guards do not notice the ambush ahead of time. The lead watch should be skipped forward (as a rule, these are two soldiers). They are neutralized separately after mines are detonated. With flank protection it is much more difficult. To do this, you need to use a silent weapon. The enemy reconnaissance group will most likely not follow the path, but move along it. The enemy may be much larger than expected, in which case the remaining forces will attack you in the flank. It is convenient to arrange POM-2R there. The surviving enemy soldiers will go into a lightning-fast counterattack, and if they do not open dagger fire on them, they can take the initiative into their own hands. During the battle, you must not forget that RPG and VOG shots explode when they hit branches. This is to be feared, but it is also to be used. If the enemy is lying under a bush and you can't reach him, launch the VOG into the crown of the bush above him, and he will be covered with fragments. When occupying the line, the place for the gap is chosen to the right of the tree, which plays the role of a natural shield. Nothing should block the firing sector and interfere with the view. It is especially important to make sure that there are no anthills nearby. When digging a "scorpion hole", as the shel is sometimes called, it is necessary to carry the earth into the depths of the forest, and ideally, if possible, pour it into a stream, swamp or lake. The gap should not have a parapet, as mounds of dug sand will immediately give away your position. The front of the "scorpion hole" must be directed to the right edge of the firing sector. This is due to the fact that it is more convenient to turn the weapon to the left than to the right, where you need to turn around with your whole body, which is inconvenient in a tight space. For a left-hander, everything will be exactly the opposite. Lastly, think about the roots of the tree. If possible, you can squeeze between them, because a thick root can stop a fragment. The fighters are grouped in twos: so they can cover each other in case of a shot delay or when reloading weapons, as well as quickly provide first aid in case of injury. As for stretch marks. If you set the usual (low), then the first to blow up on it are the fighters of the enemy’s head patrol. At the same time, the more important target is the commander of the enemy group. To destroy it, a directional mine is installed at a height of 2 meters above the ground, and stretching is also carried out at this level. The lookouts will pass under it unhindered, they focus on low tripwires and revealing enemy positions. It is possible to reveal a high stretch only by chance. Next comes the core. In it, next to the commander, there is a radio operator, who breaks the stretching of the antenna radio station.


Wooded terrain complicates the work of MANPADS crews, as the trunks and branches of trees block the view and the firing sector. To arrange a convenient position for calculating MANPADS, find the tallest tree and position yourself on its top. Therefore, it is advisable to have special claws, ropes and suspension systems with you. You need to arrange a "nest" in the place where there are two closely planted, strong horizontal branches. The space between them is braided with a rope in such a way that: a platform is obtained on which you can comfortably lie down or half-sitting. In order to protect against fire from below, deploy a bulletproof vest under you, and to mask the position, insert it into lower part branch weaving. All items of equipment and equipment must be fixed on branches and branches to prevent them from falling down, but in such a way that they can be quickly used. Be sure to have a fixed cord: in the event of an immediate departure from the position, you drop its end down and quickly descend along it. It is even better to fasten the second end of a long rope below the “nest”, at a height of about 2.5 meters from the ground. Then, to quickly leave the position, you will only need to attach the elements of your suspension system to the rope and slide down it like Tarzan. So in a matter of seconds you leave the firing zone, and it is much more difficult to hit a person “flying” horizontally among the branches and trunks of trees than going down vertically. Around the tree, it is desirable to install 3-4 MON-50s in radio-controlled mode. If the enemy comes close to you, detonate mines, because the directed beam of lethal elements does not pose a danger to you. But it is strictly forbidden to attach mines to the trunk of the tree on which you are located, as well as to the trunks of nearby trees (after the explosion, they can fall on your tree). In such a "nest" you can spend a lot of time, remaining unnoticed from above and below. If it happens that your position is discovered and a firefight begins, do not try to use grenades. In this situation, they pose a much more tangible danger to you than to the enemy. It is much more appropriate to use small arms. The enemy will instinctively lie down after contact begins. A recumbent human figure has a larger profile than in a vertical position, in addition, shooting upwards from a prone position is extremely inconvenient - for this you need to roll over onto your back. Your advantage is that you can avoid fire by hiding behind a tree trunk. A fixed cord and suspension system will help you with this. Being behind the barrel, in extreme cases, you can use a grenade, but then it is better to make it explode in the air.


During the explosion of a directed mine installed on the ground, part of the lethal elements goes into the ground, and more than half flies over the enemy's head. To correct this situation, MON-50 mines, for example, must be placed on a tree, at a height of 2 meters and directed slightly down in the direction of the expected appearance of the enemy (accurately aim the mine at a point at a distance of 30 meters). At the same time, 100 percent of the lethal elements will fly above the ground at a height of less than 2 meters, which is the most effective. For MON-90, installed at a height of 2 meters, this point is located at a distance of 45 meters. But MON-100 and MON-200 are best installed at a height of 3 and 5 meters, respectively, parallel to the ground. Except vertical angle, the angle of the horizontal installation of the mine relative to the path or road along which the enemy will pass is extremely important. This is especially true of the MON-100 and MON-200 mines, which have a narrow sector of slaughter elements. Installed 25 meters from the path, these mines must be deployed 60 degrees to the road in the direction of the enemy. If you put the same MON-100 against the movement, it can be seen, otherwise it will “hide” behind a tree trunk. For MON-50 and MON-90 this system is ineffective. Much more in an efficient way increasing the lethal range is the overlapping of the affected sectors. Mines MON-50 must be placed along the road perpendicularly, every 30 meters, 35 meters from the road. MON-90 are installed 50 meters apart, 45 meters from the trail.
Mines OZM-72 of circular destruction are installed in a "square", 50 meters from each other (15 meters from the road in each direction). With such an installation, 8 mines reliably hit the enemy in an area of ​​​​90 × 200 meters. OZM-72 is good because it is installed underground and cannot be visually detected. It "jumps" when detonated and explodes at a height of one meter, providing a circular area of ​​destruction with a radius of 30 meters. The installation of a powerful directional mine MON-200 along the road is very effective. At the turn it is convenient to set 2 mines and direct them along each side of the road. Wherever the enemy comes from, when the explosion is destroyed, all life is destroyed at a distance of 230 meters in both directions. Such a scheme is called a "razor". Near the road, you can place 3 MON-100 mines in the trees and direct one of them along the road, and the rest at an angle of 25 degrees on each side. As a result, during the explosion, a corridor of 30 × 120 meters is “burned out”. When using the MON-90 mine in a similar situation, the sector of expansion of lethal elements is wider, but the corridor is smaller - 60 × 70 m.

What is a clash in the forest, be it taiga, selva, or an ordinary forest of the middle zone? Features of orientation, organization of all kinds of ambushes, requirements for weapons.

War in the forest, whether it be taiga, selva, or an ordinary forest of the middle lane, has a number of specific features. The danger, in addition to the enemy, comes from fauna, pathogenic microbes and an unfavorable microclimate. Dense vegetation reduces observation and fire contact distances to a minimum. Orientation in the area is very difficult. At the same time, ample opportunities are opening up for tracking down the enemy, organizing all kinds of ambushes and traps. All this imposes special requirements on equipment, weapons and tactical training fighters.

survival in the forest

To survive and maintain combat readiness in the forest, you need to have an idea of ​​​​the adverse factors that may await you there. This is especially true of the taiga, forest-tundra and tropical forests. Consider some aspects of survival in these types of forest areas.

Let's start with the fact that the weather changes very often in the taiga and forest-tundra zone, so there should be full set rain protection: tent, backpack cover, clothing with membranes, boots with a membrane and high tops.

Blood-sucking insects become a huge problem from May to August. In May, in the taiga, these are ticks that, in addition to the deadly disease - encephalitis, can carry another most dangerous disease - boreliosis. Vaccination is required!

In the north, in the forest-tundra, there are no ticks, but there are a lot of midges, horseflies and mosquitoes. They literally swarm around. Any exposed areas of the skin, whether it be the hands or the face, will inevitably be bitten.

The best option both in the forest-tundra and in the taiga is special clothing from insects. It consists of pants and a jacket with a hood, made of voluminous mesh. The mosquito cannot reach the skin with its nose and bite, the tick will not crawl through either. In a suit, you can completely cover your face and hands. The advantage is that in hot weather, when you can steam up in ordinary clothes, the mesh will ventilate the body, while at the same time keeping insects out.

Stock up on pills for the fumigator. One such smoky tablet will kill all the mosquitoes that have flown into the tent, and allow you to sleep peacefully. Midges, midges and whitelegs have a nasty feature. They can climb into the sleeve, and bite in the abdomen. After a bite, a dark, itchy swelling appears the size of a 10-kopeck coin. Repellents are a must!

Sleeping in the open air is out of the question. Otherwise, in the morning you will not be able to open your eyes from bites, and there is also no guarantee that vipers are not found in this place. The viper loves warmth and will crawl with pleasure to bask behind your scruff, such cases have happened.

It is necessary to make it a rule to periodically inspect each other for ticks. There are a lot of them in the taiga zone. There can be up to 10 pieces on one branch. Passing by, you, hitting a branch with your shoulder, put them on yourself. In the forest-tundra, it is more convenient to use high-top rubber boots instead of boots and wear them rolled up to the knee. The forest-tundra is completely swampy. Yagel, growing everywhere, absorbs moisture well, and walking on it is like walking on a sponge that has absorbed water. Numerous streams and rivers constantly block the road. In rubber boots, forcing them is not difficult. It is necessary to have a repair kit for shoes, because boots are easy to gouge with a sharp knot.

When you enter the rainforest, any clothing will instantly begin to absorb water from the air and in a few minutes it will become completely wet. The alternative is the same mosquito suit made from a three-dimensional mesh. It is made of synthetics and does not absorb water from the air, and after getting wet it dries instantly, is completely ventilated and protects from insect bites.

As for the dangerous representatives of the animal and plant world living in the selva, their listing alone can take several volumes. First of all, these are snakes and spiders, of which there are a huge number. The main rule when moving through the rainforest is to constantly monitor the places you step on and touch. You can’t just sit on the ground, you must first examine everything around. Some snakes are so "successfully" colored that it is impossible to notice them, even knowing that they should be here. Quite a lot of species of poisonous snakes can crawl through trees. Passing by, you run the risk of disturbing the resting snake, touching the branch on which it lies, which will infuriate it.

Spiders are also very dangerous. They are nocturnal and strive to get into the boot. Make it a rule to shake out your boots before putting them on. Unlike spiders, scorpions are less dangerous, among them there is not a single species whose bite would lead to the death of a person. But there are a huge number of spider species that can kill a person.

In addition to insects swarming around, spreading a whole bunch of tropical diseases, each of which is deadly, land leeches are of great concern. They sit on branches and cling to a passing person. It is necessary to make all possible vaccinations.

Everything around is intertwined with vines, and in order to get through, you have to literally cut your way through. For this purpose, you need a long knife - a machete. Be careful, the juice of some plants is extremely toxic, like acid. Even smelling a slice of some of them, you can get poisoned. The author had to observe many such toxic burns and experience their unpleasant effect on himself. A bubble appears at the site of contact with the juice on the skin, as after a thermal burn. It does not go away for a long time, and when everything heals, permanent traces remain. Sometimes such burns can lead to very serious consequences up to death. It is enough to wipe yourself with the wrong sheet - and that's it ...

All water is unfit for consumption. It is rather a broth of billions of pathogens. For safe drinking, it is necessary to dig a hole near the reservoir. The water that enters it is collected, passed through a filter, which everyone should have. Then the water is disinfected with a special tablet and boiled. In this way, you can protect yourself as much as possible. Also, each fighter should have a filter with him - a tube. It filters out everything superfluous well and, if necessary, allows you to drink directly from a puddle, but you should not get carried away with this.

To protect yourself from an unwanted intestinal infection, you must have a supply of alcohol and drink a little before and after every meal. This will destroy all the microbes that have entered the stomach with food. If this rule is neglected, then after 1-2 days you will inevitably experience indigestion at best.

All, even the most insignificant, wounds must be treated with the utmost care. Shoes must be with a membrane, otherwise the feet will be constantly wet. The tent should also have a membrane to protect it from rain and bring heated air out. But these tents are fabulously expensive. It is more convenient to close the anti-mosquito part of the tent with an awning, leaving the side parts open for ventilation. Even if the sky is clear, it may rain in an hour.

Each fighter should have a compass and a map, and preferably a GPS navigator. It is very easy to get lost in the dense impenetrable forest. Enough in the confusion of the battle to scatter in different directions. The GPS navigator records your entire journey, and if necessary, you can easily return back. Also, the device is convenient for memorizing key objects, trails, minefields, single-placed mines, hiding places, which will then be extremely difficult to find.

The absence of the items of clothing and equipment described above makes survival in the forest for any length of time (not to mention hostilities) extremely difficult.

Tactics of warfare in the forest. Platoon armament

We will consider the tactics of combat in the forest using the example of the most familiar zone of temperate forest terrain.

For effective combat in the forest, it is necessary to regroup the platoon. Depending on the combat mission and the region in which the fighting takes place, the specifics, composition and armament of the unit may change. But, since the main danger for the group is always ambushes, the structure of the platoon should provide maximum resistance to them and minimize casualties.

The platoon is divided into 4 squads of 4 fighters each (“fours”) and 4 combat “twos”.

In three combat "fours" are: machine gunner (PKM), assistant machine gunner (AK with GP), sniper (VSS), shooter (AK with GP). In one of the "fours" the sniper needs to have an IED. These are the three main combat units. The squad leader is a sniper. All the fighters of the "quartet" act in his interests. In one of the "fours" are the platoon commander (VSS) and the radio operator (AK).

The fourth combat "four" includes: a machine gunner (PKM), an assistant machine gunner (AKMN with PBS), a grenade launcher (RPG-7), an assistant grenade launcher (AKMN with PBS). This is the fire department. It follows the lead watch. Its task is to create a high density of fire, stop and delay the enemy while the main forces turn around and take up positions to repel the attack. The squad leader is a machine gunner, and all the fighters of the "four" act with their fire, ensuring his work.

The combat "twos" are the head and rear patrols and 2 side guards. Their armament is the same and consists of AK with GP, AKS-74UN2 with PBS is also appropriate. For machine guns, it is better to use magazines from the RPK for 45 rounds. Each fighter, except for machine gunners, an assistant grenade launcher and a radio operator, carries 2-3 RPG-26s, and preferably MRO-A or RGSH-2.

After the start of the clash, the "four" fire countermeasures, following the head patrol, also open fire on the enemy, suppressing his activity with machine-gun fire and fire from RPG-7. The assistant machine gunner and the assistant grenade launcher of the fire resistance group are armed with AKMN with PBS. This allows them, once again without being illuminated, to destroy the enemy, representing an immediate danger to the machine gunner and grenade launcher. If the enemy is detected from the front by the head patrol, and the patrol remains unnoticed, the arrows from the PBS destroy the enemy with fire from a silent weapon.

From the features of such a structure, it can be seen that the fighters in the platoon are somehow grouped in pairs. This contributes to combat coordination, the development of conditional signals, and a better understanding of each other.

At the same time, it should be noted that it is often appropriate to divide a platoon in half, 12 fighters each. Each group performs a specific combat mission. In this situation, a dozen will act differently. Each reinforced squad includes 2 PKM (Pecheneg) machine gunners, 2 VSS snipers, 8 riflemen (AK + GP). The second squad includes an RPG-7 grenade launcher and two shooters with AKMN + PBS. With such an organization in the squad on the march, 3 fighters (machine gunner and 2 shooters), core (4 shooters, 2 snipers) and rear guards (machine gunner, 2 shooters) go on the head patrol.

In case of a sudden collision with the enemy, the lead patrol opens heavy fire and holds the enemy while the rest turn around. In the event of a sudden collision with superior enemy forces, the rear patrol takes up an advantageous position and covers the withdrawal of the entire group.

In the forest area, open areas are not very common - as a rule, these are the banks of rivers and lakes, burnt areas, hilltops, glades. That is, basically the area is “closed”. The range of fire contact in such conditions is minimal, and there is no need for long-range weapons (such as Kord, ASVK, AGS and even SVD), but the soldiers should have a pistol or submachine gun as an additional weapon.

A great tactical advantage in the forest is the use of mines. The most convenient, in my opinion, is MON-50. It is relatively light and practical. Each of the fighters of the group, except for machine gunners, an assistant grenade launcher and a radio operator, can carry at least one mine. Sometimes it is convenient to use the MON-100, which, with a mass of 5 kg, provides a defeat corridor 120 meters long and 10 meters wide. It is convenient to install it on clearings and roads, directing it along them or along the edge of the forest.

POM-2R mines are also needed, truly irreplaceable. After being brought into combat position, the mine becomes armed in 120 seconds and throws four 10-meter target sensors in different directions. The radius of the circular defeat is 16 meters. It is very convenient for mining when a group retreats, or when it is necessary to quickly create a minefield in the enemy's path.

Summarizing the above, we note: the result is a platoon armed with 4 PKM or Pecheneg machine guns, 3 VSS silent sniper rifles, 1 SVU-AS, 1 RPG-7; 17 fighters each have 2-3 RPG-26 grenade launchers (34-51 pcs.), 2 AKMN with PBS, 14 fighters are armed with GP and carry at least 18 mines MON-50 and 18 mines POM-2R.

The order of work of patrols

On the march, it is more convenient to move in a battle formation of the “arrow” type. Machine gunners are coming in front and from the flanks. A side guard is a must. The head patrol does not move more than 100 meters from the first "four", visual communication must be maintained. Such a battle formation allows you to provide the greatest security in case of a surprise attack. In the event of an explosion on a directed mine, only one “four” is hit. Depending on the situation, the battle order may change to a "wedge", "ledge" or "chain".

Patrols and side guards should have special thermal imaging and acoustic reconnaissance devices, through the use of which it is possible to reduce the surprise attack factor to a minimum. At the moment, we are armed with samples that are either outdated or very bulky.

So we again came to the conclusion that you need to buy everything yourself. However, there is no money that can be valued own life. The necessary devices can be bought in hunting shops - this is an individual hearing amplifier "Superuho" and Life Finder - a device for searching for wounded animals.

"Superuho" is a headphone that amplifies the sound many times over. With the help of this device, it is easy to hear a quiet rustle, whisper, the clatter of a buckle on a weapon - in a word, all this can give out the presence of an enemy. At the same time, with a strong explosion or powerful shot, the device lowers the threshold of sound vibrations to a safe level of 92 dB. (This is especially true for the grenade launcher, which literally stalls after the first two shots.)

Life Finder is also an extremely effective item for a fighter, as it allows you to catch an enemy entrenched in the thickets by body heat. Its effective range in a forest overgrown with shrubs is 100 meters (branches and leaves strongly delay and shield the heat emitted by the object), in open areas - up to 900 meters. (However, in the rainforest, the Life Finder is ineffective because the ambient temperature is close to human body temperature, which reduces the contrast, in addition, the ability of the device is negatively affected by dense vegetation.)

A set of these two devices should be in each of the security and patrol soldiers. By the way, "Superuho" will allow them not only to identify the enemy, but also to talk quietly at a distance, without using radio stations. Life Finder after completion can be mounted on the machine on the Weaver bar.

Forest ambush tactics

While in an ambush, you must follow some rules. Snipers and machine gunners should be evenly distributed along the front and be sure to control the flanks. The latter, as well as the probable directions of the enemy's approach, are mined. It is also appropriate to mine the front, preferably with a chain of several MON-50s. Sectors of continuous mine destruction must overlap.

When the enemy enters the sector of destruction, the entire mine chain is undermined. Infantry moving at full height at this moment will be destroyed. This should be followed by a blow with all the forces and means, aimed at finishing off the enemy. The positions of the snipers are separate, and their single shots are lost against the backdrop of general shooting. This allows them to calmly and systematically shoot the enemy.

If there are no radio-controlled fuses, then you can build a homemade one and blow it up at the right time with a sniper shot. A piece of glass is inserted between two pieces of tin, and all this (not very tightly) is tied around the edges. The contacts of a series-connected circuit of several mines are suitable for the tin. This "sniper fuse" must be placed on a tree trunk from a side convenient for the sniper. When the enemy enters the affected area, a sniper shot at the “fuze” follows, the glass between the pieces of tin crumbles, and the circuit closes. This is how a whole platoon can be laid down with one shot, and many such traps can be placed.

It is even more effective to place a POM-2R mine in the affected area of ​​the MON-50 chain. One or two enemy soldiers will be blown up by a mine, the main part of the personnel of the enemy unit will come to the aid of the wounded. The subsequent detonation of the MON-50 chain will cover them all at once. (In this regard, it is necessary to make it a rule that no more than two people provide assistance to the wounded in the place where the injury occurred.)

In the process of mining, when setting up an ambush, a calculation of 3-4 MON-50 mines per enemy platoon is taken. The problem lies in the need to hit the core so that the patrol and side guards do not notice the ambush ahead of time. The lead watch should be skipped forward (as a rule, these are two soldiers). They are neutralized separately after mines are detonated. With flank protection it is much more difficult. To do this, you need to use a silent weapon.

The enemy reconnaissance group will most likely not follow the path, but move along it. The enemy may be much larger than expected, in which case the remaining forces will attack you in the flank. It is convenient to arrange POM-2R there. The surviving enemy soldiers will go into a lightning-fast counterattack, and if they do not open dagger fire on them, they can take the initiative into their own hands.

During the battle, you must not forget that RPG and VOG shots explode when they hit branches. This is to be feared, but it is also to be used. If the enemy is lying under a bush and you can't reach him, launch the VOG into the crown of the bush above him, and he will be covered with fragments.

When occupying the line, the place for the gap is chosen to the right of the tree, which plays the role of a natural shield. Nothing should block the firing sector and interfere with the view. It is especially important to make sure that there are no anthills nearby. When digging a "scorpion hole", as the shel is sometimes called, it is necessary to carry the earth into the depths of the forest, and ideally, if possible, pour it into a stream, swamp or lake. The gap should not have a parapet, as mounds of dug sand will immediately give away your position. The front of the "scorpion hole" must be directed to the right edge of the firing sector. This is due to the fact that it is more convenient to turn the weapon to the left than to the right, where you need to turn around with your whole body, which is inconvenient in a tight space. For a left-hander, everything will be exactly the opposite.

Lastly, think about the roots of the tree. If possible, you can squeeze between them, because a thick root can stop a fragment.

The fighters are grouped in twos: so they can cover each other in case of a shot delay or when reloading weapons, as well as quickly provide first aid in case of injury.

As for stretch marks. If you set the usual (low), then the first to blow up on it are the fighters of the enemy’s head patrol. At the same time, the more important target is the commander of the enemy group. To destroy it, a directional mine is installed at a height of 2 meters above the ground, and stretching is also carried out at this level. The lookouts will pass under it unhindered, they focus on low tripwires and revealing enemy positions. It is possible to reveal a high stretch only by chance. Next comes the core. In it, next to the commander, there is a radio operator, who breaks the stretching of the antenna radio station.

The use of MANPADS in the forest. tree position device

Wooded terrain complicates the work of MANPADS crews, as the trunks and branches of trees block the view and the firing sector. To arrange a convenient position for calculating MANPADS, find the tallest tree and position yourself on its top. Therefore, it is advisable to have special claws, ropes and suspension systems with you. You need to arrange a "nest" in the place where there are two closely planted, strong horizontal branches. The space between them is braided with a rope in such a way that: a platform is obtained on which you can comfortably lie down or half-sitting. In order to protect against fire from below, deploy a bulletproof vest under you, and to mask your position, insert branches into the lower part of the weaving.

All items of equipment and equipment must be fixed on branches and branches to prevent them from falling down, but in such a way that they can be quickly used. Be sure to have a fixed cord: in the event of an immediate departure from the position, you drop its end down and quickly descend along it. It is even better to fasten the second end of a long rope below the “nest”, at a height of about 2.5 meters from the ground. Then, to quickly leave the position, you will only need to attach the elements of your suspension system to the rope and slide down it like Tarzan. So in a matter of seconds you leave the firing zone, and it is much more difficult to hit a person “flying” horizontally among the branches and trunks of trees than going down vertically.

Around the tree, it is desirable to install 3-4 MON-50s in radio-controlled mode. If the enemy comes close to you, detonate mines, because the directed beam of lethal elements does not pose a danger to you. But it is strictly forbidden to attach mines to the trunk of the tree on which you are located, as well as to the trunks of nearby trees (after the explosion, they can fall on your tree).

In such a "nest" you can spend a lot of time, remaining unnoticed from above and below. If it happens that your position is discovered and a firefight begins, do not try to use grenades. In this situation, they pose a much more tangible danger to you than to the enemy. It is much more appropriate to use small arms. The enemy will instinctively lie down after contact begins. A recumbent human figure has a larger profile than in a vertical position, in addition, shooting upwards from a prone position is extremely inconvenient - for this you need to roll over onto your back. Your advantage is that you can avoid fire by hiding behind a tree trunk. A fixed cord and suspension system will help you with this. Being behind the barrel, in extreme cases, you can use a grenade, but then it is better to make it explode in the air.

How to increase the sector of destruction of mines

During the explosion of a directed mine installed on the ground, part of the lethal elements goes into the ground, and more than half flies over the enemy's head. To correct this situation, MON-50 mines, for example, must be placed on a tree, at a height of 2 meters and directed slightly down in the direction of the expected appearance of the enemy (accurately aim the mine at a point at a distance of 30 meters). At the same time, 100 percent of the lethal elements will fly above the ground at a height of less than 2 meters, which is the most effective. For MON-90, installed at a height of 2 meters, this point is located at a distance of 45 meters. But MON-100 and MON-200 are best installed at a height of 3 and 5 meters, respectively, parallel to the ground.

In addition to the vertical angle, the angle of the horizontal installation of the mine relative to the path or road along which the enemy will pass is extremely important. This is especially true of the MON-100 and MON-200 mines, which have a narrow sector of slaughter elements. Installed 25 meters from the path, these mines must be deployed 60 degrees to the road in the direction of the enemy. If you put the same MON-100 against the movement, it can be seen, otherwise it will “hide” behind a tree trunk.

For MON-50 and MON-90 this system is ineffective. A much more effective way to increase the lethal range is to overlap the affected sectors. Mines MON-50 must be placed along the road perpendicularly, every 30 meters, 35 meters from the road. MON-90 are installed 50 meters apart, 45 meters from the trail.

Mines OZM-72 of circular destruction are installed in a "square", 50 meters from each other (15 meters from the road in each direction). With such an installation, 8 mines reliably hit the enemy in an area of ​​​​90 × 200 meters.

OZM-72 is good because it is installed underground and cannot be visually detected. It "jumps" when detonated and explodes at a height of one meter, providing a circular area of ​​destruction with a radius of 30 meters.

The installation of a powerful directional mine MON-200 along the road is very effective. At the turn it is convenient to set 2 mines and direct them along each side of the road. Wherever the enemy comes from, when the explosion is destroyed, all life is destroyed at a distance of 230 meters in both directions. Such a scheme is called a "razor".

Near the road, you can place 3 MON-100 mines in the trees and direct one of them along the road, and the rest at an angle of 25 degrees on each side. As a result, during the explosion, a corridor of 30 × 120 meters is “burned out”. When using the MON-90 mine in a similar situation, the sector of expansion of lethal elements is wider, but the corridor is smaller - 60 × 70 m.

Features of combat operations in the rainforest

Until now, I emphasize once again, we have talked about the tactics of combat in the forest of the temperate climate zone. In conclusion - literally in a nutshell - about some characteristic moments of the tactics of actions in the selva.

It is impossible to use RGO and RGN grenades in the rainforest, this is tantamount to suicide. The use of RPG and GP due to dense vegetation is also extremely limited. For the same reason, there is no need for long-range sniper weapons. That's why the best option— VSS.

AGS in a tropical forest is also ineffective, due to the fact that grenades flying along a hinged trajectory explode in the crown of trees, and it starts 50 meters from the ground. Light fragments get stuck in branches and vines, and those that have pierced them are at the end and do not pose a serious danger. A mortar mine, on the other hand, easily passes through branches and explodes on the ground.

Small rivers and canals can be navigated by boats, like on a highway, but these water barriers create a lot of problems for a walking group. Armored vehicles are used extremely rarely and in those areas where it is possible. The main combat unit is a helicopter, which allows you to easily and quickly get to the desired point, land troops or strike.

Bridges and pontoon crossings across rivers play a special role. They are heavily guarded, on the one hand, and they are trying to destroy them by all means, on the other.

It is impossible to detect an enemy from the air under the dense canopy of the rainforest, so defoliants can be used. These are the chemicals that cause the leaves to fall off.

Mines play a special role in the tropical forest. In dense vegetation, this is the most effective weapon. OZM-72, MON-50, POM-2R mines and small PMN-2 pressure mines are especially effective. The problem is that numerous wild animals tear off the stretch marks, so they need to be raised to the level of the belt. It should be noted that the stretch becomes a frame for the web in a few hours, and this effectively masks it. Be careful when cutting through the webs.

It is also possible to mine narrow rivers and channels by installing stretch marks across. Even if it is noticed in advance, the boat or motorboat will still run into it by inertia.

Finally, the last - in the crown of trees, at a height of 50-70 meters, it is very convenient to place MANPADS crews, ambushes.

While in an ambush, you must follow some rules. Snipers and machine gunners should be evenly distributed along the front and be sure to control the flanks. The latter, as well as the probable directions of the enemy's approach, are mined. It is also appropriate to mine the front, preferably with a chain of several MON-50s. Sectors of continuous mine destruction must overlap.

When the enemy enters the sector of destruction, the entire mine chain is undermined. Infantry moving at full height at this moment will be destroyed. This should be followed by a blow with all the forces and means, aimed at finishing off the enemy. The positions of the snipers are separate, and their single shots are lost against the backdrop of general shooting. This allows them to calmly and systematically shoot the enemy.

If there are no radio-controlled fuses, then you can build a homemade one and blow it up at the right time with a sniper shot. A piece of glass is inserted between two pieces of tin, and all this (not very tightly) is tied around the edges. The contacts of a series-connected circuit of several mines are suitable for the tin. This "sniper fuse" must be placed on a tree trunk from a side convenient for the sniper. When the enemy enters the affected area, a sniper shot at the “fuze” follows, the glass between the pieces of tin crumbles, and the circuit closes. This is how a whole platoon can be laid down with one shot, and many such traps can be placed.

It is even more effective to place a POM-2R mine in the affected area of ​​the MON-50 chain. One or two enemy soldiers will be blown up by a mine, the main part of the personnel of the enemy unit will come to the aid of the wounded. The subsequent detonation of the MON-50 chain will cover them all at once. (In this regard, it is necessary to make it a rule that no more than two people provide assistance to the wounded in the place where the injury occurred.)

In the process of mining, when setting up an ambush, a calculation of 3-4 MON-50 mines per enemy platoon is taken. The problem lies in the need to hit the core so that the patrol and side guards do not notice the ambush ahead of time. The lead watch should be skipped forward (as a rule, these are two soldiers). They are neutralized separately after mines are detonated. With flank protection it is much more difficult. To do this, you need to use a silent weapon.

The enemy reconnaissance group will most likely not follow the path, but move along it. The enemy may be much larger than expected, in which case the remaining forces will attack you in the flank. It is convenient to arrange POM-2R there. The surviving enemy soldiers will go into a lightning-fast counterattack, and if they do not open dagger fire on them, they can take the initiative into their own hands.

During the battle, you must not forget that RPG and VOG shots explode when they hit branches. This is to be feared, but it is also to be used. If the enemy is lying under a bush and you can't reach him, launch the VOG into the crown of the bush above him, and he will be covered with fragments.

When occupying the line, the place for the gap is chosen to the right of the tree, which plays the role of a natural shield. Nothing should block the firing sector and interfere with the view. It is especially important to make sure that there are no anthills nearby. When digging a "scorpion hole", as the shel is sometimes called, it is necessary to carry the earth into the depths of the forest, and ideally, if possible, pour it into a stream, swamp or lake. The gap should not have a parapet, as mounds of dug sand will immediately give away your position. The front of the "scorpion hole" must be directed to the right edge of the firing sector. This is due to the fact that it is more convenient to turn the weapon to the left than to the right, where you need to turn around with your whole body, which is inconvenient in a tight space. For a left-hander, everything will be exactly the opposite.

Lastly, think about the roots of the tree. If possible, you can squeeze between them, because a thick root can stop a fragment.

The fighters are grouped in twos: so they can cover each other in case of a shot delay or when reloading weapons, as well as quickly provide first aid in case of injury.

As for stretch marks. If you set the usual (low), then the first to blow up on it are the fighters of the enemy’s head patrol. At the same time, the more important target is the commander of the enemy group. To destroy it, a directional mine is installed at a height of 2 meters above the ground, and stretching is also carried out at this level. The lookouts will pass under it unhindered, they focus on low tripwires and revealing enemy positions. It is possible to reveal a high stretch only by chance. Next comes the core. In it, next to the commander, there is a radio operator, who breaks the stretching of the antenna radio station.