Fighting unit fb2. combat unit

combat unit Artem Kamenisty

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Name: Combat unit

About the book "Combat Unit" Artem Kamenisty

In vain did Alina leave the Monastery, in vain… Big world only waited for this to give her trouble full program. Alone again, on the streets of a big city that has become more dangerous for her than the wild taiga. Agents of a strange master, intelligence agencies, Thirteenth with his deadly retinue ... everyone needs this elusive pupil. And they find her, but they don’t have to regret it later ... The night battle is illuminated by volleys of satellite batteries, zombies, people and non-humans converge in a fierce battle, where numbers are not important ...

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Description of the book: Alina escaped from the ill-fated Monastery. Something tells her that she did it in vain, although in places you can understand her. The Big World is only for, because someone should receive their portion of trouble. Why shouldn't the poor girl get a double helping? And the triple? Now Agents, masters, deadly retinues are chasing her - Alina has not been under such scrutiny for a long time. You may have to regret it, but only later, when everyone has already calmed down. If this ever happens again...

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Artem Kamenisty

combat unit

And there is no fear in the hearts, we do not know it.
And each of us will become a predatory beast.
And the enemy will be afraid when he hears our roar.
And our claws will grow from the Monasteries...

Order. Memory test "First Oath"

Farchet Ngbor stood on a small man-made hill. Even when approaching this place, he touched the consciousness of his flock and determined that in front of him was really an artificial structure. Scanning of the object showed a uniformly chaotic internal structure, with the exception of the central part. There was an asymmetrical structure made of hard parts of local plants, inside of which burned parts of the skeletons of two natives and a large number hoofed animals. Among the bones one could distinguish household items and samples of primitive weapons.

With such weapons, the smooth-skinned, bipedal aborigines tried to repulse the united flock of two kwari. Farchet Ngbor did not expect them to dare such audacity, so the savages caught him by surprise. He simply did not have time to stop the rush of hungry servants - they swept away the prey with one powerful, crushing blow of naked force, snatching life from dirty bodies. It is a pity, and therefore the higher ones were left without an amusing spectacle. But who could have expected that the meat would be so reckless that he would decide to fight the demons?

Mayr Gabor stepped out from behind a nearby dwelling, made of the same plants and roughly dressed ungulate skins. Farchet shook his left combat limb, causing the crackling of chitinous plates, showing with this eloquent gesture his attitude towards the irrepressible curiosity of the young prince. Well, what can you find interesting in this wild settlement on a poor distant planet? However, the young kvari stubbornly peered into all available corners. The mentor repeatedly made transparent hints that such behavior could affect the status, but in vain - veiled threats did not have the slightest effect.

“Have you found any great value in this village of filthy feces eaters?” Farchet Ngbor asked from afar, not hiding his mockery.

“There are no valuables here,” the young prince replied.

- No wonder, even fibolos with their passion for collecting various junk would not have found anything suitable for themselves. This world is poor and cold, I don't want to stay here anymore.

“But we haven't fed our packs yet. The servants are hungry, many of them will not survive the cold of interdimensionality.

- We won't eat. This planetoid is poor, I do not think that it is inhabited by more than half a million intelligent individuals. Their race is weak, and the local predators are huge and strong, it's a pity that they have so little hot life. There are almost no resources here, you and I can wander for years, but we will never feed the flocks to their fill. How to find such small settlements in such open spaces?

- Yes. And these natives are cunning, they do not sit still, they move along the surface of the planetoid along with their dwellings and animals. Farchet Ngbor, I see a strange sight, look around.

The spectacle was indeed amazing - an aborigine was walking between the man-made hills. The motor skills and condition of the skin testified to his advanced age, the piece of wood in his hands, covered with spiral patterns, served as an additional point of support, and not as a weapon, as Farchet Ngbor had first thought. The body of the old male was covered with a robe of skins of small animals with thick hair, several necklaces of animal fangs and dried fingers of savages hung around his neck.

Overcoming the first confusion, the young prince said:

“How could he stay alive after being hit by the pack?”

“I don't have an answer to that question,” Farchet Ngbor admitted.

Maybe he was too far away at the time? Mayr Gabor suggested uncertainly.

Don't use empty words. This aborigine is very old, he could not have walked a long distance in this time. Even on the back of an animal it is impossible to move so fast. He was able to withstand the blow.

“But how could this happen? - the young prince was amazed.

- I don't have an answer to your question. But now we will look for it.

By this moment the old male approached the foot of the hill, stopped, picked up his piece of the plant, pointed it at the kvari princes, began to make long, rhythmic sounds.

– What is he doing? Mayr Gabor was surprised again.

“No answer,” Farchet admitted, and hit the native with a light wave.

The savage staggered, uttered a drawn-out, mournful sound, straightened up, and again put out a piece of the plant. It was noticeable that his movements became less confident, but there were no other consequences of the blow. The old prince could hardly believe his senses - the mind refused to accept such a wondrous fact. Unable to restrain himself, he brought down all his strength on the native, not only tearing life out of his body, but also dissolving it in space to no avail. However, how much was there, that life, in this twisted body?

“He died after all,” Mayr Gabor stated.

Yes, but he survived the first blow. I see it for the first time.

- Do you have an answer?

- No. There is a thought, but it may be far from the truth.

“Even the thought will be interesting to me,” the young prince perked up.

“Okay, you can hear her. Mayr Gabor, do you know about the hereditary traits that determine the overall appearance of the creatures of this race?

- Yes, there is nothing surprising in this. Standard mechanism for creatures of this type.

- This planetoid has a high radioactive background, it can damage protein molecules that carry hereditary information. Who knows, maybe blind chance led to the appearance of such mutants, able to defend themselves from our blows?

- Never heard of such a thing!

- Me too. But the universe is huge, who knows what wonders it hides?

– Farchet Ngbor, do you think that there was more than one native with such abilities?

- Yes, most likely. Their inheritance mechanism allows the transfer of newly acquired traits to offspring.

“But we destroyed the entire settlement, no one could defend themselves.

“The pack dealt too powerful a blow, you saw that he could not resist such a thing. If there were such aborigines, they died. He stood aside, he was hooked on the edge. He survived only because of this.

- Interesting. It is a pity that we killed everyone, it would be possible to show these savages as a striking curiosity.

We didn't kill everyone. These natives cannot interbreed with each other within such small isolated groups. This will lead to rapid degeneration. No, they must mate with the inhabitants of other settlements.

- Interesting. Farchen Ngbor, is there any use in such knowledge?

– Unknown. Mayr Gabor, we found something that surprises. Now we have another target.

"We won't go after the fibolos?"

- No. This luminary is unstable and will soon collapse. All life on the planetoid will perish, and with it all the natives from amazing property. Now we will begin the journey in search of other settlements, and at the same time we will think. Thinking a lot.

- What are we going to think about?

“We need to understand what new knowledge can bring us.

Since this all started.

It was gloomy in the troop compartment and smelled strongly of oil products. The pupils sat side by side, leaning their parachute bags against the vibrating skin, compact submachine guns swaying relaxed on their knees. The plane turned smoothly, slightly falling on the wing, the engines roared with anguish, the car slowly leveled off. The signal light blinked, the girls raised their heads together and stood up at the same time.

Lina glanced at the ammunition, instinctively checked the tension of the belts. She raised her hand and flipped the switch. Fifteen - twenty seconds, and the optoelectronics will warm up, the night vision device will work. The instructor fastened herself with a safety belt, jerked the door aside, made an inviting gesture. Mia went first, she was in charge of the group's navigation, followed by Vika, the best sniper of the Monastery according to the results of this year. Lina was fifth. Lowering the mask of the noctovisor over the eyes

the girl, habitually pushing off, plunged into the greenish darkness of the night sky.

Obeying the order of actions drilled into automatism during night landings at medium and high altitudes, Lina quickly dodged, leveled off, and confidently followed Mia. On the shoulders and hips of the presenter, several infrared lamps sparkled, the rest of the girls were guided by them. Grouped in a short double formation, the pupils rushed to the goal.

Beneath them, shining with millions of lights, a gigantic metropolis spread out. The time was not too late - most of the townspeople were still awake, and the nightlife lovers had just left their shelters. But even if one of them looked into the sky now, he would not see anything unusual. The plane was heading for high altitude without side lights, and the infrared radiation of the beacons cannot be seen with the naked eye.

Artem Kamenisty with novel Combat unit for download in fb2 format.

In vain Alina left the Monastery, very much in vain... The Big World was only waiting for this in order to arrange troubles for her in full. Alone again, on the streets of a big city that has become more dangerous for her than the wild taiga. The agents of the strange master, the secret services, the Thirteenth with his deadly retinue... everyone needs this elusive pupil. And they find her, but they don’t have to regret it later ... The night battle is illuminated by volleys of satellite batteries, zombies, people and non-humans converge in a fierce battle, where numbers are not important ...

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To date, a large amount of electronic literature has been posted on the Internet. The Combat Unit edition is dated 2008, it belongs to the Fantasy genre in the Fantastic Fighter series and is published by the Alfa-kniga publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly to e-book. Remember, if you liked the novel a lot - save it to your wall in a social network, let your friends see it too!