Nikita Kryukov short biography. Nikita Valerievich Kryukov - famous Russian skier

The ski season is long over. The main results of the performances of the men's and women's national teams have been summed up, and systematic preparations for the next Olympic season have begun. The past season for Russia was one of the most successful for last years. Our guys were especially bright. At every stage, our team was a worthy competitor to the Norwegians and Swedes, and sometimes even surpassed them. There were real leaders in the team who managed to lead the rest. One of these leaders was Nikita Kryukov, the hero of the 2012-2013 ski season, and he will be discussed in the next contest material SportRu Kiada.

Throughout the season, Nikita Kryukov showed stable results. Having opened the season with the first place in Kuusamo, the remaining time before the World Championships, he performed well, regularly getting into the prizes, but without victories. Correctly distributing his forces at each of the stages, Nikita managed to approach the main start of the season - the World Championship in Val di Fiemma at the peak of his form. And here our skier showed the whole world what he is capable of and who will be one of the main characters of the upcoming Olympics.

In our country, the problem with sprinters - it just so happened. In all sports where there are disciplines with a maximum share of anaerobic work, we have already come to terms with the fact that the shortest races are not ours. And only in cross-country skiing Nikita Kryukov was able to refute this well-established statement. Thanks to Nikita Kryukov, the men's sprint team showed a 100% result in Italy, winning two sprint races. First Nikita in individual sprint classic style won gold, ahead of the "king of skis" - Petter Northug, as well as the representative of Canada, Alex Harvey. Kryukov became the only representative of Russia already in the semi-finals, in which, having shown best time among all athletes, confidently won his race. Also flawlessly he distributed his forces to the final, "bringing" three tenths of a second to Nortugu, who was the main favorite in this discipline, at the finish line. After the finish, most of the skiers admitted that they had no chance of winning. Kryukov became the Olympic champion of the 2010 Games in the same discipline, and a year later at the World Championships in Norway there was bronze in team sprint.

" Nikita Kryukov is the strongest sprinter on the planet and the best Russian skier last decade... "

"Russia, this victory is for you!" shouted the newly minted champion into the camera. Many analysts, even before the World Cup, agreed that Nikita Kryukov is the strongest sprinter on the planet and the best Russian skier of the last decade. After the exciting finish, I think no one doubted it. Prior to this victory, our skiers had not won the world championships for eight whole years.Then in the German Oberstdorf, Vasily Rochev also won the classic sprint.

The next race, in which Nikita Kryukov again shone, tearing his rivals to smithereens, was the team sprint. The experienced Alexey Petukhov was in his teammates. If someone suddenly missed the last hundred meters of finishing madness from Nikita Kryukov, immediately go to the Internet and look! Such races need to be shown on cinema screens, but even there it will not be possible to convey all the emotions and passion that the fans feel when they saw what was happening live. The showdown that began at the last stage made us a little worried. Our athlete before the finish line was squeezed by his competitors. Nikita had to start everything almost from scratch. And he successfully coped with a difficult situation. Having managed to enter the free space, Kryukov demonstrated what he can do better than the rest - to finish fantastically.

Kryukov no longer cares what style he will run a personal sprint at the Olympics in Sochi

Nikita does not stand still, but is constantly improving and developing in terms of sports. That alone is worthy of respect. At the Olympics in Sochi, sprint races will be held in other styles: personal sprint - skate, and team - classic. Nikita Kryukov, who became the Olympic champion in the classics, preferred this style until this season. However, now even in the skate Nikita feels like a fish in water. The team sprint is a clear confirmation of this. Let's hope that Nikita will not even notice the change of styles in racing at the home Olympics.

Russian men's record from Nikita Kryukov

Celebrating success in the individual and team sprints, Nikita Kryukov became the first Russian skier to win two golds at the same World Championships. Moreover, before the World Championships in Val di Fiemma, the Russian men's team won only two victories at the world championships - in 1995, Alexei Prokurorov won the 30 km, and in 2005, the already mentioned Vasily Rochev won the individual sprint. This is the third time in the history of the national team that one skier managed to win two gold medals at the same World Championship. Therefore, the result shown by our athlete is worthy of great respect.

Well, who will argue with the fact that after such outstanding successes Nikita Kryukov does not deserve the title of "Hero of the season 2012-2013"? After all, Nikita almost single-handedly fought with the entire world skiing elite throughout the season. He pulled out the World Championship in Val di Fiemme on his shoulders, turning it into one of the most successful championships for Russia. He instilled faith and hope in Russian fans that we will fight for the highest places on our native land during the Olympics in Sochi.

I don't know about you, but for me Nikita Kryukov real hero"Hero of the season 2012-2013".

Vladimir Mishchenko

Nikita Valeryevich Kryukov was born on May 30, 1985 in the city of Dzerzhinsky (Moscow Region). As a child, he did not differ in craving for sports or special physical data. However, at the age of 7 he began to study at the local ski section and trained five hours a week under the guidance of an experienced mentor. His first coach was Yuri Mikhailovich Kamensky, who saw the potential in the boy and advised him to actively engage in ski training.

At the age of 14, Nikita moved to school Olympic reserve Babushkino. Here, peers jokingly nicknamed him "the Buchenwald strong man" because of his frail physique. tall. Kryukov continues to train, realizing that thanks to diligence and sports nutrition, he will be able to reach the level of the national team.

The debut at full-fledged international starts had to wait until 2006, when Kryukov for the first time takes part in one of the stages of the World Cup. At that time, few would have thought that this thin young man would become one of the leaders in the world of skiing in the future.

Nikita, in turn, continued training, and in 2008 he began to win victories in the Russian championships. He originally specialized in sprint racing and learned to use his height advantage to the fullest. Even then, the coaches of the national team began to plan Kryukov's participation in the upcoming Olympics.

The 2010 season was great for Kryukov. He wins his first gold medal at the stages of the World Cup, and then win a personal sprint race on Olympic Games ah in Vancouver. Thus, the next morning, Kryukov became famous throughout the country, because his victory was called one of the brightest, especially in the finish line he was ahead of another Russian - Alexander Panzhinsky.

A year later, Kryukov will win a bronze medal at the World Championships, and in 2013 he will break out with two gold medals at the world championship, having won unconditional victories in the individual and team sprints.

At the Olympic Games in Sochi, which took place in 2014, Nikita Kryukov won a silver medal in the team sprint race. He repeated a similar achievement at the 2015 World Cup. I would like to believe that these are not the last major successes of a talented skier.

He grew up as the most ordinary boy and did not stand out among his peers. At the age of seven, having just crossed the threshold of the school, he began to actively go in for sports in the city ski section. Yuri Mikhailovich Kaminsky helped him in this, who taught physical education at that time in the Dzerzhinsky secondary school No. 4, where Nikita studied. For the sake of the experiment, the teacher increased the number of classes to five hours a week and did not lose. Subsequently, four people from the Nikitin class, who were trained by Kaminsky, became members of the Russian national team.

Skier Nikita Kryukov - multiple Olympic champion

At the age of fourteen, Nikita Kryukov continued his sports education at the specialized children's and youth school of the Olympic reserve "Babushkino". Here the guys called him the Buchenwald Fortress - for thinness and thinness, coupled with high growth.

Nikita's mother, Svetlana Fridrikhovna Kryukova, is familiar with big sports firsthand - she has the first adult category in athletics. That is why she did not interfere with the choice of her son in the development of a sports career.

Education Nikita Kryukov

Nikita Kryukov received his secondary education at Dzerzhinsky School No. 4. Then he studied at the Babushkino Sports School. He successfully graduated from the Shchukin School of Olympic Reserve. To date, the famous skier is studying at the Moscow State University for the Humanities named after V.A. Sholokhov, receiving the profession of a teacher.

Sports career and awards of skier Nikita Kryukov

Nikita made his debut at the World Cup in November 2006 in the Finnish city of Kuusamo.

Repeatedly - in 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2011 - he became the champion of Russia in cross-country skiing in the sprint relay.

Brilliant finish by Nikita Kryukov Three times winner of the Krasnogradskaya ski track tournaments, taking first place once of them (in 2009). He is a multiple bronze medalist at the World Cup stages: in 2009 - in Kuusamo, in 2010. - in the Estonian cities of Otepää and Rybinsk, in 2011. – in Otepaa, in 2012. - in the city of Lahti, in 2012. - in Canmore, in 2013. in Drammen and Stockholm. In March 2011, he also won a bronze medal at the World Championships in the team sprint in the city of Holmenkollen.

In addition, Nikita Kryukov took fourth place in the city of Liberec (Czech Republic) in the team sprint held in 2009, and in the winter of 2010 at the Winter Olympics in Vancouver (Canada) he won the first gold medal of the Olympic Games. Interestingly, approaching the finish line, Nikita had to fight for victory with another athlete from Russia - Alexander Panzhinsky, while Petter Nortug and Ola Vigen Hattestad from Norway were left far behind. And this was surprising, since skiers from Norway and Sweden have always remained the strongest rivals for Kryukov, and in particular Emil Jonson and Ola Vigen Hattestad, who took the first two places in the previous tournament.

Interview with Nikita Kryukov Since 2010, Kryukov has been an Honored Master of Sports of Russia, an Olympic champion. In the same year he received the "Order of Friendship" for his great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports and high sports achievements.

Nikita is actively engaged in social activities - he is a member of the Just Russia party and appears as an ambassador Winter Olympics 2014 in Sochi. Serves in the police and stands for the all-Union physical culture and sports society "Dynamo". He is a two-time world champion in 2013 in Val di Fiemme.

Throughout his sports career, Kryukov is accompanied by his beloved coach Kaminsky Yuri Mikhailovich, but according to the skier near Moscow, he is coached by another person - Rif Agizovich Zinurov. In any case, looking at the success of an athlete, you involuntarily understand that the coaching work was not in vain.

Personal life of Nikita Kryukov

Nikita Kryukov is a deeply religious person. The Orthodox faith accompanies him everywhere and is a kind of protection in all endeavors.

The athlete is a patriot and madly in love with his native city. Loud fame is useless to him - the guy does not like publicity. More recently, the main goal of the skier was the acquisition of personal housing and a car, the absence of which prevented him from fully devoting himself to training.

Nikita did not have much money, so he had to be content with little, acquiring a simple car. But having distinguished himself at the Vancouver Olympics, the athlete's dream came true - as a gold medalist, in addition to the order and medal, he was awarded the keys to the Audi Q7 car. Nikita was awarded by the President of Russia - Dmitry Medvedev (2010). To present an apartment to Kryukov, the city administration, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Phobos chipped in. A couple of months later, another surprise awaited him - a new two-car garage in the basement of the very house where he planned to move. Nikita is hardworking, purposeful and persistent. Protecting sports interests country, selflessly serves the Motherland. In her spare time she enjoys cycling, listening to energetic music (her favorite artist is Scooter), and spending time with nice people.

Nikita Kryukov is not going to marry yet, but he does not deny the presence of a girlfriend. The sports motto of the skier is the phrase "The impossible is possible."

Nikita Kryukov is undoubtedly one of the best sprinters of his time. Despite his youth, Nikita is already an Olympic champion and two-time champion peace. Sports career his is unique in that he has been training since the age of seven under the guidance of one coach - Yuri Mikhailovich Kaminsky. This is a rare case when a school physical education teacher takes a student under his patronage and makes him an Olympic champion.

The debut of Nikita Kryukov at the World Cup came on November 25, 2006, when he performed in Kuusamo, Finland. Surprisingly, it was here, three years later, that he won his first career podium: third place.

But Kryukov's career took off at the Olympics in Vancouver. Sprint race in classic style, it was this discipline that brought Nikita Olympic gold. It is noteworthy that he won the highest award in a dramatic final dispute with another Russian skier.

In 2011, Kryukov became bronze medalist World Championships, this award was brought to him by the team sprint. But the next World Cup in 2013 turned into a real sprint fiery. Then Russian athlete became a two-time champion and both awards were won, again, in sprint disciplines. With this result, Nikita Kryukov repeated the achievement of the Norwegian skier Ola Vigen Hattestad, who in 2009 also won the sprint race twice at the same world championship.

Nikita Kryukov was born on May 30, 1985 in the town of Dzerzhinsky near Moscow. IN skiing came under the influence of a teacher physical culture Yuri Kaminsky, who led the cross-country skiing section. This collaboration is currently ongoing. Yuri Kaminsky - senior coach of the sprint team of the sports team Russian Federation on cross-country skiing, where Nikita trains.

Nikita Kryukov specializes in sprint events. The debut of a young athlete in the international arena took place in 2006, when he took part in the World Cup in Kuusamo, Finland. Three years later, it was in the same place that Kryukov was lucky enough to win the first podium - third place. Since that moment, he has repeatedly left the stages of the World Cup with medals.

In February 2010, he became a real national hero: at the Olympic Games in Vancouver, Kryukov won the first gold medal for the Russian team. According to Nikita, he was hardly aware of his victory: “... star disease is unlikely to threaten me. I am a modest person. Although ... Now I'm just glad that I managed to bring joy to all of Russia, to everyone who was rooting for me!
For such high score the skier was awarded the Order of Friendship.

In 2011, at the World Championships in Holmenkollen, Nikita Kryukov took bronze. In 2013, the Vancouver hero returned from the world championship in the Italian Val di Fiemme with two victories - in a personal and team sprint.

In 2014 on XXII Olympic winter games in Sochi won the silver medal in the team sprint paired with Maxim Vylegzhanin.

Finish in Vancouver.

The finish in Val di Fiemme is the World Championship.

At a reception with President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin after the Sochi Olympics.