What to fish for in the fall on the river. autumn fishing

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    With the approach of autumn, all fish begin to feed more intensively. She now feeds in deeper places, where predators also move.
    At this time, pike and large perch feed mainly on fry, for which they hunt. But getting fry for bait is now more difficult, as they stay in the grass, where the moth is of little help. So you need to go for a little trick.
    Fisherman's Tips:
    Take advantage of one of the fish instincts: the habit of fish in case of danger to seek refuge in the grass. That's why in the middle of the little girl you need to tie bunches of grass.
    You can also use this way. Pour bread crumbs into a glass jar, tie gauze around the neck, making a hole in it, and lower it into the place where the fry feed. Periodically pulling out the jar by the rope, you will find fry climbing into it.


    Both fishermen were in the boat. The rods are the same, the equipment is the same. Both used the same bait, but here's the paradox: one dragged rudd after rudd from under the reed bush, while the other had only hints of a bite.
    And again, having lit a cigarette from a lighter, the "unlucky" comrade, having changed the nozzle for the umpteenth time, again hopefully lowered it as close as possible to the neighbor's float. And again, no change.
    In the evening, sitting by the fire and twirling a lighter in his fingers, the "loser" suddenly said:
    ---- Isn't there a snag in it? Maybe the smell of gas scares away the fish?
    In the morning we decided to test the guess. Now the comrade lit only from a match. And the fish began to be caught by both. There was no doubt: the smell of propane-butane is not to the fish's taste.

    3. ON THE "LEASH"

    The best nozzle for burbot than a ruff, perhaps, can not be found. But you can’t get it everywhere: either you don’t catch it, or you don’t have time. But you can do without pre-prepared live bait, if you equip the tackle as follows.
    Tie a large double hook to a fishing line with a sinker and bait it with a worm or bloodworm, knowing that both burbots and ruffs are found in the pond, throw tackle into the water, leaving it there all night.
    Quite often, in such cases, the following can occur. Ruff takes his bait and remains, as it were, on a leash. If a burbot comes across him, he will definitely swallow the "attached" ruff and double.


    Some treat this beautiful harmless fish with disdain. And in vain - it is very tasty. And then, perhaps, the most suitable bait for vents, circles and bottoms, if you fish on sandbanks. It is necessary to bait the minnow by the lower lip. If the hook is relatively small, - under the upper fin. It is impossible to lower such a bait near the algae - the gudgeon will immediately hide in them, confusing the fishing line.


    In September - the time of active biting perches. It is especially good at the beginning of autumn for fry, giving it preference over any other bait. But the question is: where in the autumn to look for perch flocks, in what part of the river, lake?
    Some people prefer to wait for them, sitting in one place, while others change it every now and then, trying to "feel" the jamb faster. Meanwhile, perches can be found using for this purpose ... perches themselves.
    Angler's Tips:
    Catch a perch, pierce its back with a needle near the upper fin, insert a thin fishing line into the hole, tie it in a knot and release the fish into the water. Take the fishing line so long that it exceeds the depth of the reservoir by two or three meters. Attach its upper end to a small, light float, preferably bright. And now slowly sail the boat after your "guide", who will lead you to one of the flocks of perches.


    Usually a lead shot is taken as a sinker. But some anglers refuse it, and here's why: when casting, the pellet falls into the water with a noticeable noise that can scare away the fish. So best form sinkers - elongated, spindle-shaped.

    7. at the end of October

    The water is getting colder and the fish biting is weakening. It is almost useless at such a time to wait for a bite of crucian carp, tench, carp and asp also do not take a nozzle. But you can still try to catch chub, ide and bream.
    What other fish can you catch late autumn? In the second half of October and in the first half of November, perch should be caught on a small spinning lure, and from the second half of the month - on mormyshka. Also, pike takes quite well on spinners and mugs, and pike perch until the end of October. Roach is still going to the float rod. The burbot has the best biting at this time.

    8. PASSING

    When many of the fish are no longer feeding, the burbot does not rest yet. Therefore, leaving the river in the evening, do not be too lazy to put one or two donks, having made a hook with a ruff or other small fish. If there are burbots in the river, they will never leave such a bait unattended.


    When fishing in the fall, you need to carefully monitor the surface of the reservoir. Noticing flocks of fry that jumped out of the water in bulk, do not hesitate to direct the boat to this place - a flock of perch feeds there. Worms can be used as bait, but fry are better.
    But here the bites stopped. It doesn't matter, watch the surface of the lake again - the perch flock has not gone far and soon the frightened fry will again point the way to it.

    10. WHEN IT'S ICE

    In late autumn, when the first ice becomes, roach, followed by perch, appear in shallow areas of reservoirs. This is explained by the fact that in such places there is more food. But here's the problem: as you approach the shallows, transparent ice The fish are going deep again. So, you need to disguise yourself somehow.
    Fisherman's tip:
    You can do it like this. Having chosen places for holes in the evening, pour water around the ice around them. Freezing, it will make it matte, opaque. You can perform such an operation with a broom made of reeds or reeds.


    And now another one advice to the angler about how to stock up on bloodworms for fishing in the fall and for winter fishing. What should be done to ensure that the bloodworm is always at hand.
    In autumn, "wash" or buy bloodworms in reserve. Then take an old bucket, fill it halfway with lake or swamp silt, place the larvae in it and put it in a cold place, preferably in a cellar. You can store bloodworms in this way for quite a long time.

    12. SNOW FALL

    With the onset of cold weather, the worms go deeper into the ground, and it is already more difficult to get them. Many anglers believe that when it snows, you just have to forget about looking for such a bait until spring.
    Fisherman's tip:
    And yet, worms can be obtained even in snowy time. Where? Under heaps of half-rotted straw: the ground under them is relatively warm and the worms do not burrow deep into the ground. That is why those who use this bait in winter should look for such places in advance, even before the snow, and remember them.


    You have made vents and are waiting for bites, but there are none. You swim up to one of the circles, inspect it, believing that the predator imperceptibly somehow plucked the live bait. No, the fish is on the hook, but somehow lifeless.
    Why did it happen so?
    Trying to escape to a shelter safe from a predator, the fish circled all the time, straining with all its might and, exhausted, died. How to keep the strength of the live bait longer, to make sure that he also does not tangle the fishing line?
    Put a swivel carabiner on the tackle. After that, the live bait will behave more naturally.


    It has long been noticed that with the cooling of the water, the pike perch seems to come to life, more willingly takes the bait. At this time, he begins to "stray" into flocks, which choose deeper places for their feeding than in summer, and hunt for fry together.
    It has also been noticed that in spring, at about the time when starlings are expected to arrive, and when fishing in autumn, when water bodies are covered with ice, changes also occur in the habits of pike perch. This, by the way, rather sedentary fish begins to change hunting places, appearing in one part of the reservoir, then in another. So it's hard to track her down. But there is, as they say, a blessing in disguise: if you still found a flock of this fish, then you will not be left without a catch.

    15. HOW TO OVEN

    The nights have become quite cold, and if you don’t dress thoughtfully for fishing in the fall, you won’t even sleep by the fire for a long time. And what a dream, if you often have to get up, throw branches into the fire. The tent now also does not quite help out. What if there is no housing nearby, a village where one could spend the night?
    Angler's tip:
    Fishermen have found a way out here too, which makes it possible to rest calmly, in warmth. But this must be taken care of in advance.
    The preparatory work for arranging a warm lodging for the night consists in lighting a fire. When it burns well and there is enough coal, the smut should be removed, the coals should be leveled in an even layer and thoroughly sprinkled with sand or earth, and then a thick layer of any branches should be laid on the fire. The bed is ready.
    If you still have a small fishing tent with you, you can put it over your original bed - and the roof will be over your head.


    Ice sparkled on rivers and lakes. Every day it gets thicker. The most secluded corners of reservoirs became accessible. And so, at the risk of taking an ice font, you carefully step onto the edge of the ice. The first step, the second, the third... The ice seems to be strong. But stop, please, let's talk about this.
    The risk of fishing in the fall, of course, is a noble cause, but is it worth exposing yourself to obvious danger, especially for those who have a solid weight? At the same time, it is also not worth waiting for the ice to become thick, reliable - the best fishing time during this period will go away.
    What kind of ice can you go out on, with virtually no risk of falling into the water?
    It is believed that if it has reached more than 5 cm in thickness, then it is able to withstand a person of average weight. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that the first ice is not the same thickness everywhere: it is thicker in the shallows, and thinner at depth. Near aquatic vegetation, at the mouths of rivers, streams, it is also weaker.
    So and on autumn ice you have to be reasonable and cool. Trying the ice in front of you with some heavy metal object, slowly move to the intended place. And a small pole in hand is not at all a superfluous precaution at such a time.


    Autumn pike fishing on zherlitsy can also be prey. But it happens that, carried away, the angler forgets about one important detail of this tackle - the leash. He usually fails at the most crucial moment - when playing the fish. In short, the leash breaks and the fish goes free. Such a failure is explained simply: from a long stay in water, the metal of the leash oxidizes, rusts, and becomes brittle.
    What should be done to prevent this from happening?
    Angler Tips:
    Of course, you can replace the leashes from time to time, or you can certainly extend their service life. It is done like this. First of all, the leash must be well, thoroughly cleaned, boiled and a short time immerse in etched hydrochloric acid. Then, with a soldering iron, apply a thin layer of tin to the leash, rinse in water and soda solution.

    18. SILVER OR TIN?

    The water under the ice is crystal clear, and if the depth is shallow, then, looking into the hole, you can see what is happening in the unusual underwater world, watch its inhabitants. This may make some adjustments to the selection of spinners.
    Which of them at this time should be considered, so to speak, running?
    The answer will be: not nickel-plated, but dull, grayish, with a yellow tint. They do not alert the predator, on the contrary, apparently, they even intrigue them. So "silver" and "nickel" must be postponed until the time when the illumination under the ice drops to the limit. By the way, pike perch and pike are caught on oblong spinners, perch - on wide ones, burbot - on both.

    19. BE CAREFUL

    When a perch flashes on the first ice, the bite sometimes suddenly fades. This may not be because the fish have left your area. In such cases, you should try to catch on other mormyshkas. This is where your foresight can help out - pre-prepared mormyshkas with leashes tied to them with loops at opposite ends. The eyelet of the leash is tightened with a cap knot - a "noose" on the forearm of the hook, and the mormyshka hangs below it.
    If you know how to "play" with such tackle attractively, the perch will start to take again.


    When the supply of bloodworms runs out, then on lakes or artificial reservoirs, where the silver bream is known to be found, you can also catch another, non-deficient nozzle - a bread crust.
    Such a nozzle is prepared simply and quickly. Tiny cubes are cut out of the bread crust and tied crosswise with a light thread. Then the cube must be tied to the mormyshka. Catch this combined bait near the bottom. It is advisable to follow the bites especially carefully - they are almost invisible.

    For pike, perch and walleye, autumn is the most suitable time of the year for a good feeding of fat in anticipation of the upcoming winter. It got colder outside, the water in the rivers and lakes also became cool. The fish become more active and begin to eat heavily in order to survive the winter. Predators indiscriminately attack any suitable prey.

    After numerous studies, it was found that pike and zander are most active at water temperatures in the range of 7-10 degrees Celsius. It is in such conditions that predators find food for themselves better. In keeping at a constant level, in the autumn days there is excellent fishing for peaceful fish. Fishermen take advantage of the quiet and warm days to indulge in their favorite hobby before moving on to ice fishing.

    During warm autumn days, and especially in Indian summer, carp and carp come out to feed on the expanses of reservoirs. But close to the shore, they do not fit. Therefore, to catch carp, it is necessary to cast the bait as far as possible. It’s good to go through the pond with an echo sounder beforehand and find promising places. Large flocks of carp actively feed in autumn, and although many trophy catches of carp are not regular, nevertheless, carp are caught almost until freezing. Therefore, having fed carp in the same place in summer, you can catch it in this area until winter.

    In flat reservoirs, where the depth is far from the coast, there is a reason to use a boat or a radio-controlled boat to deliver bait and bait to the fish feeding place. at this time, it is mainly at a depth, and rarely swims up to 2-3 meters. But it all depends on the specifics of the reservoir, typically carp places of depth, water barriers and fish trails.

    The most commonly used baits at this time for catching carp, worms, corn and some types of boilies, most often with the smell of shrimp or crayfish. Sweet smells in autumn don't work very well. Again, I repeat, it is not bad to use attractants with pheromones or similar baits.


    Autumn is the main time for catching spinning and circles. In November, perch is in its element. In autumn, grouped in numerous flocks, they scour the entire reservoir in search of food, chasing juvenile fish on their way. They do not disdain to dine with their own kind. The best for catching perch are small silicone lures 4-5 cm long.

    For pike fishing, spinners No. 3 and No. 6 are used, as well as floating and sinking wobblers from 5 to 11 cm long and silicone bait. The color scheme of artificial lures used for pike fishing can be varied, but red must be present.

    Pike perch also formed large flocks of their own kind. Unfortunately, their numbers have dwindled last years, but there are still places where there are good stocks of this truly royal fish. Like perch, small to medium sized, zander are grouped in flocks in preparation for winter. They move and feed at depth, and you should look for them there. Pike perch is a typical nocturnal predator, but before winter it is also active during the daytime and, moving along the reservoir, attacks any suitable living creatures. It is important for you to know his constant paths.

    I assume that we have figured out what kind of fish to catch in the fall, and following these tips, we will be able to fish well until winter, despite the fact that the weather is not the same anymore, and that many have already laid down their summer gear until the next summer fishing season.

    Autumn is one of the most favorable seasons for fishing. Especially fishing in late autumn, before the first ice appears on the water, she loves to please fishermen with a rich catch. In autumn, fish prepare for wintering, so every autumn, most fish species are attacked by an extraordinary zhor.

    Fishing in the autumn

    What and how to catch? In the autumn, sometimes many fishermen refuse ordinary fishing rods and live bait tackle. Baiting fish no longer helps, and fishing with a bait does not always work. And yet, the usual float fishing rod can be used, the main thing is to choose the right place and time for fishing. For fishing, it is better to choose not large reservoirs, but you should pay attention to lakes, ponds and small rivers. On them, not far from the shore, there are always relatively deep places where a school of fish can stand. For fishing in cold water you need a light equipment weighing about 1.5 grams, attached to a fishing line no thicker than 0.10 mm. It is better to hang sinkers not in one piece, but in small pieces from the float to the hook. When casting, such a nozzle will smoothly go to the bottom and at the same time have time to attract the attention of the fish.

    If you are going to fish in cold water, where there is current. First you have to decide on the exact place for fishing and only then make a rig for this place. We need to clearly understand what we plan to catch. Indeed, in the fall, differences in behavior and bite become clearly visible. If in cold water, the roach actively rushes for food, which moves at a certain speed, then in order to grab the bream, you need to slow down the speed of the bait. It is impossible to create such tackle so that both of them peck equally, you can only achieve the result that the fish will not peck at all. At a great depth with a not very strong current, you can catch roach.

    Here the emphasis is on light equipment attached to a thin fishing line. Such tackle has great sensitivity for weak bites, for example, like a roach. For fishing with a rod in fairly cold water for crucian carp, bream or other fish with little activity, it is better to use a plug tackle by dragging it along the bottom. In addition, the float must be a form - a lollipop. It behaves stably and sensitively when fishing in a small current, but such equipment will justify itself only in the hands of a fairly experienced fisherman.

    When fishing in autumn or even late autumn, the question arises of how to feed the fish, when fishing on float rods And do you need food at all? The answer to whether it is necessary to feed at all can be obtained after a short fishing trip. If there is a bite, then it is not worth it, and if there is no bite, it is quite worth feeding the fish. Also in the fall, if it rains, it will begin to wash out worms and larvae from the ground, the fish will feed mainly on this available food. Usually bait brings a positive result, but the main thing is to know the measure, not to overdo it. If there is a constant biting, then you should not feed.

    Some instructive stories

    Two fishermen were sitting in a boat, fishing with the same rods, the same gear, the same nozzles. However, there is a paradox: one was dragging one after another from under the bush, and the second one didn’t even see a bite. Having lit a cigarette from the lighter, the "second" comrade, again changing the nozzle, lowered it again, closer to the neighbor's float. And again, nothing has changed, the fish did not want to peck. In the evening, sitting by the fire and twisting the lighter in his hands, the “second” suddenly said: Isn’t it the reason? Did the smell of gas scare away the fish? And the next morning they went fishing again, and that friend lit a cigarette only from matches, and surprisingly, fishing went the same way for both. The conclusion is this: the smell of gas from a lighter is not to the fish's liking.

    About sinkers and bait

    As a rule, a lead shot is taken as a sinker. But some fishermen turn away from it, and here's why: when casting, the pellet falls into the water with a noticeable noise and a splash of water that can scare away the fish.

    Sometimes, it snows quite late in the fall. And because of the onset of cold weather, one of the main nozzles of anglers, worms go deep into the ground. But the autumn fishing season is in full swing, what to do? Stacks of rotten straw: under them there is a lot of moisture and heat is well preserved, and worms do not burrow deep into the ground.

    boat fishing

    In autumn, fishing, carefully observing the surface of the reservoir. You can see flocks of fry, without delay, sail on a boat to this place - there may be a flock of perch hunting fry. you can use worms, but still better than fry. But suddenly the stinging stopped. Again, a flock of perch is unlikely to have sailed far, the fry will again show the way to it.

    Features of fishing in September

    September is a very favorable time for fishing. From the moment the water temperature drops, the bite of most fish species will begin. The days are starting to get shorter. To find out in what condition the fish arrive, first of all, you should focus on the temperature of the water. It is worth paying attention to the phenological signs of nature. Anglers can be compared to biting different types fish with the time of departure of birds to the south. One of the main phenological features are: gathering in the middle latitudes of rooks in flocks, approximately around September 3, on September 5, cranberries ripen, lingonberries finally ripen, around September 8, massive leaf fall begins, in the first half of September, mass flight of lapwings and quails to the south begins . After the first frosts, I also begin to gather in flocks of cranes to fly away. Geese are the last to fly away in September, this happens around the numbers 28-29.

    How will the fish bite in September? At the beginning of the month, it takes burbot very well. In the first ten days of September, the biting of tench and rudd ends. However, the zhor begins at the dace, which will last for almost two weeks. The beginning of leaf fall near maple and hazel accompanies the beginning of the autumn zhor of pike, roach, but the worsening of the biting of asp, catfish, the biting of an adult carp also stops, and all this will happen on September 12-13. As the leaf fall begins near the aspen, the biting of such fish as ide, roach improves, gradually turning into zhor, the biting of bream, dace, and bream worsens a little. After the cranes fly away, the catfish and the growing carp will stop pecking. Throughout the month, trout, bleak will be great to take, perch, chub, pike perch, gudgeon, grayling, ruff peck just as well, but, unfortunately, crucian carp will not be taken at all.

    Biting forecast for October

    What fish will go well in October? In September tench, crucian carp, carp “left”, in October catfish joined. And, in spite of everything, roach, bleak, ide and pike will be perfectly caught, but pike only before the puddles are covered with ice, after that the bite will weaken a little. The burbot, perch, ruff, gudgeon, dace, and scavenger will also have a good bite. During frosts and after the aspen has completely fallen off, the biting of grayling and bream will greatly worsen. At the same time, the bite of roach should worsen, a few days later at pike perch, then chub. With the advent of snow cover, the biting of the asp will completely stop.

    November biting forecast

    For fishermen, November in mid-latitudes is not the best time for fishing. They are not to the liking of either fishermen or fish. In November comes the meteorological winter, when the average temperature drops below zero, as a rule, this happens on November 4th.

    Phenologists call this pre-winter. The rivers begin to freeze and become covered with ice, this approximately happens on November 8-9. According to popular signs, the first frosts should come, somewhere in the middle of the 2nd decade. With the establishment of frost, birds flock to their homes. Usually November 19 is the beginning of freezing. November 22 sets winter. Phenological signs include the end of fall of the Siberian larch on November 1. These dates serve as a good guideline for experienced anglers, but do not forget that these dates can be shifted in one direction or another. November is divided into 3 fishing periods. November is the pre-winter month and you might think that this month there will be an excellent biting of fish preparing for winter. To some extent it will be.

    The first period: before frost and cooling of the water to zero, the fish goes deeper, where the water is warmer, and they bite not badly.

    Second period: when in-water ice forms. Fish hide in deep places of water bodies, quiet and without strong currents, and will stop pecking. Even burbot, who, if not him, is a lover of low temperatures and even then does not bite.

    Third period: biting on the first ice, in a few days the water will be completely covered with ice. In fish during this period, zhor begins. The first ice bite will last about two weeks, and anglers never try to miss this time. But, unfortunately, it is not possible to have a good catch during this period: either autumn will be late, or the weather destroys the ice, sometimes more than once, increasing the period when in-water ice forms. At this time, you should not go to wide rivers or just large reservoirs, but rather small closed reservoirs with no strong current.

    About phenological signs in November. In the first period, ide, bleak, and subtongue peck very well, and after the first five days of the month, as trout spawning ends. Perch, ruff, gudgeon, burbot, scavenger and dace will peck well. Pike, pike perch, roach, chub will have a weak bite. The third period is a very good time for fishing, it is the most fertile of all. At this time, zhor will come at the perch, ide, subtongue. It will be good to catch burbot, trout, ruff, dace, weaker biting perch (but this is only a few days), pike perch, pike, silver bream, roach, chub, scavenger. By the end of the period, the bite of the ide, dace, and roach will weaken. Here are the fishing forecasts for the 3 autumn months

    Video - autumn fishing:


    Autumn is a very good season for fishing, each of the autumn months is good for something. Every year, autumn pleases fishermen with a rich catch and pleasant emotions, but if you are not guided by the elementary rules of the catch, there may not be any at all. You need to correctly choose a place for fishing, make equipment with the expectation of what you are going to catch, it is also worth relying on the phenological features of nature and drawing conclusions about the current behavior of fish and other subtleties of autumn fishing. In the aggregate, the combination of all these subtleties will not keep you waiting long, a good catch is guaranteed to you. Happy fishing and gardens full of you!

    September is a great time to catch any kind of fish. With a slight decrease in temperature, aquatic inhabitants become more active. And this applies to both peaceful and predatory fish. The former rush without caution throughout the reservoir in search of at least some food on the eve of a long and cold winter, while the latter do not miss the opportunity to profit from them on occasion.

    Fishing in September has its advantages associated with the changing seasons. The last warm days spent with a fishing rod or spinning in the bosom of nature will bring not only a good catch, but also a lot of positive emotions.

    Most beginner anglers are wondering which fish are biting in September and which are not? Knowledge of the characteristics of the temporary behavior of certain species of inhabitants of the depths will help to understand here. The thing is that every fish behaves differently at different times of the year. Some react sharply to a drop in temperature and precipitation, sinking to the bottom, while others, on the contrary, come out of the depths to the surface.

    Biting fish in September is notable for its instability. Depending on weather conditions and atmospheric pressure it may be too active or disappear for a long time.

    Features of the autumn life of fish

    All fish in September continue to live according to the summer schedule. Algae during this period is still green, and insects continue their usual life activity. In other words, there is enough food for peaceful fish. Predators in warm water are inactive, and go hunting mainly in the morning and at sunset.

    But with the first temperature drop, everything changes. Everyone is getting ready for the cold. Peaceful fish begin to actively eat protein food, and predatory ones come to the surface to satisfy their hunting instinct. Therefore, the question of what kind of fish bites in September can definitely be answered - almost all. The main thing is to choose the right place for fishing and bait.

    In the first half of the month, carp continue to bite on bottom gear, mainly on vegetable baits. Corn, pearl barley, boiled potatoes and peas are the best baits for catching this fish in summer and early September. It is better to hunt carp with the help of a feeder or a donkey equipped with a crown, “nipple” or spring. At this time, you should look for it in the same place as in summer - in deep pits, in places with a “return”, on rifts, as well as in snags.

    Does carp bite on boilies in September? And how. With a decrease in temperature, its biting does not stop, but as a bait during this period it is better to use boilies containing bone, fish, blood meal and crushed gemmarus. You can also use such animal baits as a worm, a bunch of maggots, as well as combinations thereof.

    Fishing in September should be accompanied by systematic feeding of the fishing spot. The best autumn flavors that should definitely be included in bait boilies or mixtures are the smells of fennel, sweet and black pepper, garlic and hemp.

    The crucian carp, being the closest relative of the carp, leads the same way of life as the head of the family. Although the autumn bite is not particularly active, it is not so difficult to catch this unpretentious and ubiquitous fish. It is better to look for crucian carp in September on ponds and reservoirs at a depth of at least 3-3.5 m. In autumn, it rarely changes its usual locations, so knowing the fishing spots, you can provide yourself with a decent catch.

    But does crucian peck in September on the rivers? The cold current does not attract this heat-loving fish. In spring, crucian carp enter the riverbeds for spawning. The water here at this time is much warmer than in large reservoirs where rivers flow. After spawning, some of the fish go to their usual habitats, but some remain to settle in new territories. This is the real crucian carp.

    With the cooling of the water, it becomes inactive, spending most of its time at depth in places with minimal current. So, going to autumn preference should be given to quiet deep rivers. The best places for catching it are river backwaters, pools and deep pits.

    You can hunt for crucian carp in September on feeder tackle, float and. As for the bait, it is better to use a dung worm, maggot or bloodworm.

    September fishing for bream

    In the first half of September the bream is also active. However, with the first cold snap, it is unlikely that it will be possible to catch a large specimen. Preparing for winter, the bream goes to deep holes away from the shore, and there is no way to lure it out of there until spring.

    Small individuals still come out to feed in warm weather, but you can only catch them if you know where and what this fish bites in September.

    Search for a small bream in early autumn should be in deep snarled places, on rifts or riverbeds. It is best to fish from a boat with a pole rod or using a tackle such as a "ring". When fishing from the shore, you can use feeder tackle or a regular donk.

    As a bait, the same dung or a bunch of bloodworms is well suited.

    Roach fishing in September

    Asking the question of which fish bites best in September, one can answer with confidence - roach. It is enough to get a simple and uncomplicated bait, and the catch will be guaranteed.

    The roach is actively feeding all year round, so fishing on it does not stop even in winter. You can catch it during this period both on the river and on reservoirs, ponds and lakes. You need to look for roach in the coastal zone, where there is some kind of vegetation. Her favorite places are thickets of reeds or water lilies.

    In autumn, roach is unpretentious to food, so you can use any bait, from bread to a worm. To ensure a good bite, it is advisable to pre-bait the fishing spot. To do this, you can use purchased mixtures or make bait yourself.

    Fishing for a predator

    Any experienced angler, when asked what kind of fish bite in September, will answer that the beginning of autumn is the best period for catching a predator. With the first yellowed leaves, the real hunting season for pike, zander, perch and burbot opens. In this period predatory fish the most lively, so you can catch it on any tackle: spinning, donkey, mugs, as well as on an ordinary float fishing rod.

    pike hunting

    With stable pressure, pike in September is most active. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a sunny day or a cloudy one with a drizzle, the main thing is that there are no sudden changes in temperature. In warm periods, pike should be caught at shallow depths. The best tackle for this there will be spinning.

    In cold weather, the pike goes to the depth, from where you can get it only by teasing it well with the game of bait. But what does the pike bite on in September?

    As a spinning bait, a live bait, including a dead one, as well as spinners and wobblers imitating small fish, is perfect. With or bottom tackle, it is best to use live bait in the form of bleak, minnow, roach or small perch.

    Fishing for zander

    In September, pike perch also begins autumn zhor, however, unlike pike, it rarely comes to the surface of the water, preferring deep hunting.

    It's better to catch him summer zherlitsa or on the bottom. Best time for fishing for zander - night. It is at this time that he is most active. However, spinning lure at dawn on a warm, fine day also gives good results. A small westerly wind positively influences the activity of pike perch. The bite of this fish continues until about the middle of the month, after which it gathers in flocks and goes to wintering grounds.

    Perch fishing in September

    Perch, unlike other predators, does not show much activity in September. "Matrosik" hunts in the usual way, chasing fry of fry throughout the reservoir, and the hunchback prefers to wait for his prey in an ambush at a depth. Search for flocks of small perch should be in the coastal zone, visually focusing on the movement of fry.

    Standard tackle for catching this predator is a float or bottom fishing rod, summer mormyshka, and also spinning. The best bait for perch is a worm, a bunch of bloodworms or a small live bait. When fishing with spinning, you should use rotating or small sizes or silicone baits in discreet colors.

    Excellent results for fishing for a small perch in September were shown by a summer jig - an ordinary fishing rod with a winter nod and a jig at the end of a regular fishing line.

    For catching a large humpback perch, it is better to use a spinning rod or a donk with live bait as bait.

    Features of catching burbot in September

    September is the only productive month for burbot fishing. This fish, due to its isolated and unusual lifestyle, rarely gets hooked even by experienced anglers.

    Burbot hunts mostly at night, so you need to start fishing for him in the evening. To catch this predator in the fall, it is better to use a donk with a live bait, a piece of liver or fish attached to a hook. Bottom tackle set in the evening and checked in the morning. Burbot deeply swallows the bait, so gatherings happen very rarely.