Fisherman's calendar for June. A complete calendar for a lucky angler for April

Moon calendar the angler will help bring home a good catch. Choose good days for fishing and boldly go to the pond.

The moon influences our life. The ebbs and flows of the seas are connected with this mysterious planet, which means that the life of fish also depends on the periods of phase change of the Earth's eternal satellite.

  • Some people doubt the influence of the moon on the life of a living organism, while others at this time make up the lunar calendars of a gardener, planting seedlings, indoor plants, hair.
  • The lunar table for anglers is compiled based on the observations of experienced fishermen, astrologers, and also taking into account the dependence of fish biting on the lunar phases and individual patterns.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for 2019 in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for 2019: table

Month of 2019 Great bite days Days of average fish activity Days when fish won't bite
January 7-13, 18-25 14,15, 26-29 1-6, 16, 17,30
February 4-9, 17-22 10-16 1-3, 23-28
March 5-10, 17-25 11-16, 26-29 1-4, 30-31
April 4-8, 12, 24-25 9, 11, 13-15, 17-23, 26-30 1-3, 10, 16
May 1-4, 23-25 6, 8-22, 26-30 5, 7, 31
June 4-16 17-28 1-3, 29-30
July 4-7, 14 -21 2, 3, 8-10, 12,13, 22-29, 31 1, 11, 30
August 1-4, 6, 9, 11-19, 22, 30, 31 5, 7-8, 20, 21, 23-24, 27-29 10, 26
September 1-7, 11-17 8-10, 18-20, 26-30 21-25
October 6, 9-13, 20 7, 8, 14, 16-19, 21-29 1-5, 15, 30
November 5, 7-12, 15, 17, 20 1-4, 13-14, 18, 19, 21-29 6, 16, 30
December 11-13 6-10, 14-29 1-5, 30

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for January 2019 in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Before going fishing in the morning, look at the sky the previous night.

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for January 2019:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for February 2019 in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

If the air pressure and temperature are right, there is no wind and precipitation, and the lunar calendar indicates that you can go fishing, then it's worth doing.

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for February 2019:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for March 2019 in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

The phases of the moon are easily observable celestial phenomena. People have been studying them for a long time, making their lives easier and more successful.

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for March 2019:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for April 2019 in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for April 2019:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for May 2019 in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for May 2019:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for June 2019 in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for June 2019:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for July 2019 in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for July 2019:

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for august 2019 in Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan

As experts in the fishing hobby know, the bite depends not only on the position of the moon, but also on weather conditions, the season, the state of the water, the selection of baits and lure, the choice of gear, and fishing methods. If you take all this into account, and also study the lunar biting table, then you can get an excellent catch.

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for August 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for September 2019

The lunar table, compiled by experienced anglers and astrologers, will help you not to waste time on calculations, but to do what you love - fishing. We did it for you on the basis of observations, analyzes and such an important science as astrology.

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for September 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for october 2019

The lunar table contains many useful information and should not be ignored. The fisherman is constantly in a continuous search for suitable gear, lures, techniques and tactics of fishing. Astrological forecasts will help you successfully go or go fishing, and bring home a great catch.

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for October 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for november 2019

Fish, like all living organisms on Earth, live in harmony with the Moon. From special magnetic and seismic analyzers of the state of the weather and the phases of the moon, the fish appear or lose their appetite, which means that the bite of the fisherman will depend.

A person cannot even imagine how the landmark and electrolocation work in fish, but he can use the calculations of the lunar table for his own purposes.

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for November 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for december 2019

A person can explain many oddities in the behavior of fish. For example, the midge left - the fish left. But sometimes everything is fine with food, and marine life is hiding somewhere. Only astrologers can explain the influence of the phases of the moon on the catch.

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for December 2019:

Happy fishing!

Video: 5 factors affecting fish biting

Every fisherman knows from his own experience that there are days when there is no fish biting at all, don't do it. And there are days when the bite is very good, you can say ZHOR. To determine such days, we bring to your attention a fish biting calendar for 2016, based on changes in the lunar cycle.

In the life of every person, a favorite hobby occupies a special place. Fishing remains the most popular hobby among men today. Many representatives of the strong half of humanity are ready to devote all their minutes of rest to their favorite work. The only thing you want to get from fishing is not only a good outdoor recreation, but also an excellent catch. So that you always have a good catch, we publish the angler's lunar calendar for 2016. This calendar will help fishing enthusiasts and professional fishermen to correctly allocate the time when you can get a great catch, as well as to have a quality rest in nature.

Since ancient times, it has been noticed that the moon is able to especially influence people, animals, and even plants. There are certain phases of the luminary when you just need to be alone and not encroach on nature with your hobby. And there are also periods when fishing can help to achieve emotional balance, plus it’s great to please with river or lake gifts.

In ancient times people Special attention turned to the phases of the heavenly body. Of course, they did not know what exactly influences the life of each person so much, but they understood that in some phases the moon can have either a negative effect or a positive one.

Since the same ancient times, people have spent a lot of time fishing, now this occupation has become a hobby, and before fishing fed the family. Therefore, an appropriate calendar was compiled, according to which people indicated when fishing would be successful and when not.

We recommend using this calendar, it will help you decide on the best moments for your favorite business. Scientists have long noticed that the night luminary, by its influence, is able to regulate the life and activity of not only humans, but also animals and plants. For example, for gardeners, a corresponding lunar calendar for horticultural work is issued, according to which you can distribute your work in such a way that you subsequently get a magnificent and full-fledged harvest. The angler's lunar calendar for 2016 helps anglers determine the dates on which the hobby will bring an excellent catch, and also determines the dates on which it is better not to visit the reservoir, because no catch is expected these days.

Do not know when in July 2016 it will be good to peck? You urgently under the cut - there is a bite forecast for every day of July


Angler's calendar for July 2016

Angler's Calendar July 2016

The fisherman's calendar for July 2016 tells us that the most catchy days will be July 2,3,9-11 and July 26-28. It's time to upgrade your gear and go fishing.

Days of weak bite in July: 5-6,16-18,21-22

Do not forget also that the lunar calendar of biting is good, but no one canceled the weather and the habits of fish in each reservoir.

The most active biting in July will be in the morning and evening dawn, as the fish does not like too hot weather. But there is a plus in this - especially in stagnant water bodies - the fish will be closer to the shore, because. where the water becomes more oxygenated and cools down.

Chub, zander, and will be great to catch at night. Herbivorous fish will peck a little less actively, due to the fact that there is an excess of food in the water, we recommend using high-quality and natural flavors for bait. Water blooms negatively affect oxygen levels, especially in small, stagnant ponds, so you should look for fish in them in the upper layers.
Despite the above, global seasonal changes in the habits of fish, you can easily adapt to this, knowing the habits of the fish.

Perch, for example, will stick to aquatic vegetation and snarled places of the reservoir, we catch on a float with a long and thin leash, or on spinning near the bottom in shallow areas of the reservoir. This fish bites quite lively if you put the bait under its nose. They usually catch it at this time on the larvae of a dragonfly, worm, bloodworm, and the largest specimens peck at fry.

It will also stick to aquatic vegetation, it still has not passed the post-spawning zhor. It is worth picking up a bait and a larger nozzle, dung worm, bloodworm or maggot are best suited. He also bites pretty well on cereals and other vegetable baits.

Pike perch, on the contrary, will avoid aquatic vegetation, trying to stay in clean water. It will stick to deep holes and rifts, and it is best to peck on baubles, jigs and live bait.
A pike in the heat will not please with its active bite and habitual greed. Best of all, it will be caught in the morning and evening dawn. The most active biting occurs in the periods before and after a thunderstorm. By the way, about what I wrote in this article http://website/lovlya-schuki-letom-na-zhivca/, I recommend that you read it.

Ide, carp and bream will have to be properly fed before fishing with a float. The bait should contain an animal leaving in itself, in order to interest them, steamed peas with a little maggot interspersed are best. To lure the catfish, they begin to actively use the kwok, and as bait, put his favorite grasshopper or frog on the hook.

The lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting will be a good helper in choosing days for your favorite pastime. Follow the recommendations of the tables for months, and a good bite is guaranteed.

  • It is already known that the lunar phases have a special effect on the seas, oceans, rivers and other natural bodies of water.
  • There are such celestial phenomena that every earthling can see - these are the phases of the moon
  • Many people use the lunar table in their lives everywhere. It can be a gardener's lunar calendar, houseplant transplants, weight loss, nail clipping.
  • The lunar calendar for fishermen is compiled on the basis of the lunar phases, observations of experienced anglers and astrologers. With it, you can plan to get a good catch.

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting of Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine for 2019: table

Period 2019 Days when a good bite is provided Period of average activity of fish Bad days for fishing - it is better to postpone your favorite activity until good times
January 7-13, 18-25 14,15, 26-29 1-6, 16, 17,30
February 4-9, 17-22 10-16 1-3, 23-28
March 5-10, 17-25 11-16, 26-29 1-4, 30-31
April 4-8, 12, 24-25 9, 11, 13-15, 17-23, 26-30 1-3, 10, 16
May 1-4, 23-25 6, 8-22, 26-30 5, 7, 31
June 4-16 17-28 1-3, 29-30
July 4-7, 14 -21 2, 3, 8-10, 12,13, 22-29, 31 1, 11, 30
August 1-4, 6, 9, 11-19, 22, 30, 31 5, 7-8, 20, 21, 23-24, 27-29 10, 26
September 1-7, 11-17 8-10, 18-20, 26-30 21-25
October 6, 9-13, 20 7, 8, 14, 16-19, 21-29 1-5, 15, 30
November 5, 7-12, 15, 17, 20 1-4, 13-14, 18, 19, 21-29 6, 16, 30
December 11-13 6-10, 14-29 1-5, 30

Below the lunar calendar of the angler is presented by months.

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for January 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

Fishing experience is an important component of a successful process. It is your experience that will help you create your own fishing calendar, but you need to take into account the lunar table. The result is an ideal calendar for a fisherman, which will become a reliable assistant in choosing great days for your favorite pastime. Happy fishing!

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for January 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for February 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for February 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for March 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for March 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for April 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for April 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for May 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for May 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for June 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for June 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for July 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

Lunar calendar of the fisherman and biting for July 2019:

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for august 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

On bad days for a catch, according to the lunar table, unstable atmospheric pressure is often noted. Fish do not like pressure drops and therefore they lose their appetite.

Many people also in the days of drops atmospheric pressure feel weak and feel unwell. Therefore, it is worth postponing fishing until better times.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for September 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

In autumn, the bite is good on cloudy windless days. But astrologers say that there are days according to the lunar table when the bite will be good regardless of the weather, pressure and precipitation.

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for October 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

With the growing moon, all life on earth comes to life. In plants, the movement of juices to leaves and stems begins, and the fish has a good appetite. Experienced fishermen go fishing during this period to enjoy a good catch.

Lunar calendar of fisherman and biting for November 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

The bite begins to worsen when the weather changes, as well as when the days of the waning phase of the moon begin. Therefore, fishing during the period of average activity of fish and on bad days should be postponed.

Lunar calendar of a fisherman and biting for December 2019 in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine

For many people, it will seem difficult, ambiguous and confusing to independently calculate the lunar table. Therefore, professionals who study such a science as astrology and know the influence of the lunar phases on humans, animals, fish and plants should deal with this matter.

Video: Home fishing. Fish behavior

The angler's calendar notes that the bite intensifies in August predatory fish and you need to prepare spinning. In addition, fishing for catfish and carp is excellent in August. Also, the fisherman's calendar for August fixes zhor in rudd, bream, bream and bleak. For effective fishing use both the fish biting calendar and the angler's lunar calendar for August 2016. This will help you choose a more favorable day for fishing. Our angler's calendar will tell you how to catch pike in August, how to catch chub in August, how to catch catfish, carp and asp in August. You will learn what kind of fish and what to catch in August, what lures and baits to use for fishing at the end of summer.

Successful pike fishing

The angler's calendar for August notes that fishing in the first half of August practically does not differ from the methods and types of fishing in July. But in the second half of the month, fishermen should pay attention to some changes that affect the bite of fish in August. The nights are noticeably lengthening and night fishing in August, the fish almost stop biting, by the end of the month the water temperature drops, microscopic algae die off, the water becomes more transparent. The angler's calendar for August for effective fishing advises to take into account:

Angler's calendar for August for central Russia

The angler's calendar fixes an important fact - with a cold snap, the flowering of water stops. Fish approach the shores, in the thickets of urut, water lilies and intensively feed on insect larvae, crustaceans, mollusks. In August, perch in huge schools persistently pursues small fish, then in one thing - the fry is fighting. It is becoming more and more difficult for predatory fish to hunt for stronger juveniles, this, apparently, explains the increased biting on fry. The biting of fish in August revives and becomes uniform during the day, slightly weakening in the midday hours. The fisherman's calendar 2016 focuses on the fact that catfish and carp zhor comes in August, so that fishing in August does not have to be boring for fishermen and fishermen. Also in the angler's calendar for August, rudd and bleak, both adults and growing ones, are zhor. Please note that in the second half of August, after the complete absence of biting, zhor occurs in bream and bream.

  • good perch fishing for fry, spinning and on the track, especially in lakes and large reservoirs;
  • successful fishing of ide and chub in the rivers for a frog, pike and perch can peck at this nozzle;
  • successful fishing for roach on a grasshopper among aquatic vegetation;
  • in the second half of August, pike perch become active, biting pike perch at the end of August can be characterized as good;
  • the fisherman's calendar for August notes that catfish, carp, rudd and bleak have zhor;
  • in the second half of the month it gradually subsides, and then the crucian biting stops.

Angler's calendar for august 2016 Leningrad region

In the north-west of the country, in the reservoirs of the Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod and Vologda regions and in Karelia in August:

  • fishing with float, bottom fishing rods, spinning, track and circles is interesting;
  • pike and perch are well caught by spinning and live bait, in the rivers of Karelia and on the Karelian Isthmus - trout, comes across, grayling;
  • good results according to the angler's calendar gives angling by the track.

In the first half of August, according to the angler's calendar 2016, fishing in the Ladoga and Onega lakes is more than exciting:

  • char fishing continues;
  • on the lure from the boat come across whitefish;
  • at the rocky steep shores in these lakes, the grayling greedily takes the worm;
  • at reeds for a worm - perch and roach;
  • on a piece of fresh animal meat and somewhat worse on a worm - whitefish, living at that time at a depth of 20-30 m.

Angler's calendar for August 2016 for the north of Russia

In the northern part of the country in August, the gorge of predatory fish intensifies. Fishing in August becomes an occupation not only interesting and prolific, but also more enjoyable than in July, because the annoying midge disappears. The fisherman's calendar records that August - best time spinning fishing in all reservoirs of the north of the country. In lakes and oxbow lakes, in rivers and rivers, pike, perch, brown trout, char, grayling eagerly grab the lure, and in the eastern regions - taimen and lenok.

  • Fishing is good in August in the coastal part of the Barents Sea and in the White Sea. As the fisherman's calendar for August 2016 notes, cod, pollock, haddock, flounder are perfectly caught at moderate depths, and catfish are caught on rocky shallows.
  • The angler's calendar for August contains information that in the lakes of the Murmansk and the northern part of the Arkhangelsk regions, in the Komi Republic and the northern part of Karelia, a large perch is caught on a lure from a boat, in early August - on the shallows, by the end of the month - at a depth.
  • In the rivers of the Chukotka Peninsula, according to the fisherman's calendar for August, grayling, brown trout, Dolly Varden, pike are caught by a running bottom for worms and small fish, and burbot begins to come across. Spinners for fishing in August should be medium-sized, fluctuating and necessarily dull. There are frequent grips of char and brown trout.

What fish to catch in August - how to fish in August

The angler's calendar calls August one of the best summer months in terms of fishing performance, since in August the activity of biting predatory fish increases significantly. What kind of fish to catch in August is advised by the angler's calendar for August 2016. With an increase in oxygen in the water, fish become more active: pike, perch, chub, roach, asp. For those who have not been fishing for a long time, the fisherman's calendar for August recommends refreshing knowledge about the habits and methods of catching predatory fish.

Pike fishing in August

If you want to know how to catch pike, take a look at the fisherman's calendar for August. At the beginning of the month, the pike is not yet active enough, so in August it is worth catching pike in the place of its favorite stops - the predator prefers to stand deep in coastal algae and practically does not swim out to hunt. The angler's calendar for August advises not to miss the increase in pike activity, which is observed in the early morning before sunrise, and closer to night, when the predator comes out to eat. In the second half of August, the pike begins to peck more and more actively. Your assistant for pike fishing in August is the accumulated fishing experience and the angler's calendar.

The angler's calendar for August notes that the perch bite is good at this time. The habits and preferences of perch in the month of August practically do not differ from fishing in June and July. There are many ways to catch perch in August - it quickly grabs turntables, wobblers and baubles at dawn and in the evening. If the weather is not very hot and stuffy, you can expect an increase in activity and closer to noon. Smaller okushki do not pay attention to the time of day at all and pounce on the bait almost around the clock, while quite intensively. From vegetable baits, the fisherman's calendar recommends maggots, bloodworms, and worms as baits for perch.

The intensity of biting chub in August is quite even and constant, according to the angler's calendar for August. The chub is perfectly caught on feeder gear, spinning. Look for the chub is closer to the rifts and in the upper layers of the reservoir. Closer to the night, when the temperature gradually drops, the chub goes to deeper places, where it searches for bottom food, in particular small invertebrates. The fisherman's calendar for August notices that the chub is perfectly caught on maggots and lupins; from artificial baits, the chub prefers small spinners and wobblers.

Roach fishing in August

A novice fisherman also knows how to catch roach in August. This fish bites quite well almost all year round, and the last month of summer is no exception. However, the angler's calendar for August contains information that towards the end of the month, roach activity increases significantly, and the chances of catching a decent specimen increase. In preferences for bait and bait, roach does not fundamentally change its tastes: worm, bread, maggot, bloodworm, caddisfly, semolina. Not bad roach is caught in August and on small spinners.

Asp fishing in August

Recently, the asp population in central Russia has increased significantly. This contributes to a more intense and productive biting. The angler's calendar for August 2016 fixes that catching asp in August for spinning using various baubles, wobblers, jigsaws will certainly not leave the angler without a couple of decent specimens. The peculiarities of catching asp in August include the fact that larger specimens prefer to stay away from the young and it is quite difficult to get on the boiler from large asp.

Carp fishing in August

The angler's calendar for August notes that at this time the carp feeds on the muddy bottom, preferring the deepest places - from 2 to 7 meters. Feeders are used as tackle for catching carp in August, and the fisherman's calendar for August recommends using cereals as bait. For bait, it is good to use floating microboilers, it is also very common to catch carp in August on the crown.

The angler's calendar for August notes that catching catfish in August will require endurance and strong gear from the angler. The best nozzles frogs, medium-sized roaches, and fried sparrows are considered for catching catfish in August, because catfish love the smell of singed wool or feathers. For catching catfish with spinning, sinking wobblers, oblong white baubles or small tackle with small fish are used as bait. Most catchy places at the same time, there will be shallows in front of whirlpools and deep pits, in which catfish live constantly.

Grayling fishing in August

In the rivers of the Subpolar Urals and in the Trans-Urals, especially in the South Lagorta and Yun-Yakh, large grayling is caught on a spinner made of dark red copper. On a worm and a wet fly when fishing, the grayling takes the lead without fail. The fisherman's calendar secretly says that the most profitable artificial fly is made of black cow hairs wound on a double hook No. 7-8.5 with underwear straightened in one plane. The fly successfully imitates some types of seasonal insects and does not get wet. At the end of August and in September, grayling is well caught on river rapids.

Taimen fishing in August

Spinning fishing in small fast-flowing rivers of the Lena basin is fascinating. The angler's calendar for August notes that a large taimen goes to a large oscillating lure of any color and a tackle with a small grayling. In August, the taimen persistently pursues flocks of graylings, so they greedily grab the bait. No less successful in August is live bait fishing, and on stretches - fishing with a path.

Fishing for flounder, cod and ruff in August

According to the fisherman's calendar, in August, on the entire coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, bottom and float rods, sheer lure and spinning are caught cod, flounder, Pacific ruff and a large Far Eastern goby. The ruff pecks especially eagerly in August, it takes any bait, instantly swallows even a piece of tin.

Fish biting calendar for august 2016

August is the last month of summer. The water temperature will gradually drop. The angler's calendar 2016 marks the beginning of a stable bite for many fish in August. Zhor, and therefore an excellent bite, in August at rudd, carp, bream and bleak.

what fish bite in august how do fish bite in august

biting fish in August from 1 to 15

biting fish in August from 16 to 31
Chub (adult)
Chub (growing)
Yelets (adult)
Yelets (growing)
Ruff (adult)
Ruff (growing)
Carp (adult)
Crucian (growing)
Redfin (adult)
Rudd (growing)
Bream (adult)
Burbot (adult)
Burbot (growing)
Perch (adult)
Perch (growing)
Roach (adult)
Roach (growing)
Bleak (adult)
Bleak (growing)
Pike (adult)
Pike (growing)
Ide (adult)

Symbols in the fish biting calendar for August 2016

Lunar calendar of the angler for august 2016

The activity of the fish and its biting may depend on the moon, which causes high and low tides, which affect the behavior of fish in water bodies. Evidence has been repeatedly cited that fish practically do not bite on a full moon. Our fisherman's lunar calendar for August 2016 has been compiled for those anglers who prefer to take into account the influence of the moon on fish biting when making their own fishing forecast. Keep in mind that the influence of the moon on fish biting is somewhat obscured by other immediate meteorological conditions - the state of the weather, wind direction, and finally, the profit of water from rains.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31

It is expected that zhor in the last summer month will delight fishermen on August 2-3, 10-12 and 26-31. A stable bite is expected on August 1, 4-5, 13-14, 23-25. It can peck unstably on 6-7, 15-17, 21-22 August. The complete absence of biting is likely on August 18-20.

The angler's lunar calendar for August 2016 is built taking into account the following phases of the moon:

  • August 02, 2016 - new moon;
  • August 10, 2016 - the first quarter of the moon;
  • August 18, 2016 - full moon;
  • August 25, 2016 - last quarter.

If you want to focus on the lunar calendar of the angler, we recommend that you make a series of observations and take into account the note of the classic of fishing literature L.P. Sabaneev, who wrote the following about the lunar calendar of the fisherman:

“The phases of the moon are undoubtedly very strong influence on the life of fish, but this influence cannot be summed up under general rule. In some places, the fish stops eating for the young month and begins to take it only when the “youngsters settle down”, i.e. in the 1st quarter, it bites best on the full moon and stops - to the detriment; in other places, but, it seems, less often, on the contrary, the fish takes well on the young and completely stops taking on the full moon.

Lunar calendar of the angler for August 2016 (Moon in the sign, phase of the moon)

Do you want to have tremendous success in fishing and bring a good catch? Then you should pay attention to the angler's lunar calendar for August 2016, which indicates favorable and unfavorable days for fishing. The lunar calendar is a real find for an advanced fisherman.

date moon day Moon in the sign of the zodiac Moon phase Explanations*
August 1, 2016, Mon 28 Moon in Cancer Waning moon
August 2, 2016 29/1 Moon in Leo New Moon 23:44
August 3, 2016 2 Moon in Leo Waxing Crescent Good bite
August 4, 2016 3 Moon in Virgo Waxing Crescent Good bite
August 5, 2016 4 Moon in Virgo Waxing Crescent Good bite
August 6, 2016, Sat 5 Moon in Libra Waxing Crescent Good bite
August 7, 2016 6 Moon in Libra Waxing Crescent
August 8, 2016 7 Moon in Libra Waxing Crescent
August 9, 2016 8 Moon in Scorpio Waxing Crescent
August 10, 2016 9 Moon in Scorpio First quarter 21:21
August 11, 2016 10 Moon in Sagittarius Waxing Crescent
August 12, 2016 11 Moon in Sagittarius Waxing Crescent
August 13, 2016, Sat 12 Moon in Sagittarius Waxing Crescent
August 14, 2016 13 Moon in Capricorn Waxing Crescent Good bite
August 15, 2016 14 Moon in Capricorn Waxing Crescent Good bite
August 16, 2016 15 Moon in Aquarius Waxing Crescent Average bite
August 17, 2016 16 Moon in Aquarius Waxing Crescent Average bite
August 18, 2016 17 Moon in Aquarius Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse 12:27 Average bite
August 19, 2016 18 Moon in Pisces Waning moon Average bite
August 20, 2016, Sat 19 Moon in Aries Waning moon Average bite
August 21, 2016 20 Moon in Aries Waning moon Average bite
August 22, 2016 21 Moon in Taurus Waning moon Average bite
August 23, 2016 22 Moon in Taurus Waning moon
August 24, 2016 23 Moon in Taurus Waning moon Bad bite
August 25, 2016 24 Moon in Gemini Last quarter 06:41 Bad bite
August 26, 2016 24 Moon in Gemini Waning moon Bad bite
August 27, 2016, Sat 25 Moon in Cancer Waning moon Bad bite
August 28, 2016 26 Moon in Cancer Waning moon
August 29, 2016 27 Moon in Leo Waning moon
August 30, 2016 28 Moon in Leo Waning moon
August 31, 2016 29 Moon in Virgo Waning moon

We hope that the fisherman's calendar for August 2016 will help you make the right fishing forecast!