All kinds of ponies. Who are ponies

Pony horses are a variety of domestic horses that are short in stature, up to one and a half meters. They have a strong and voluminous body, but short legs. There are 20 breeds of horses in the world with different colors and sizes. Initially, they were used to work in mines.

Pony horses are a variety of domestic horses that are short in stature, up to one and a half meters.

There are different kinds of ponies. The most common include the following:

  1. Shetland. Ponies of this species are familiar to many. They work tirelessly in circuses and also ride children in parks.
  2. Exmoor. The animal is widely used in children's equestrian sports.
  3. Welsh. Universal look. They are indispensable helpers North Wales. Height at the withers - 145 cm.
  4. Horse. Representatives of the group are similar to ordinary animals, but only slightly lower. The horse is bred to participate in sports and championships.
  5. Icelandic. These pony horses, due to their ability to trot, are very much in demand in various horse shows. Average weight- 150 kg.
  6. Dwarf. Horses live as pets. Their height is 85 cm, weight more than 25 kg does not happen.
  7. Scottish. Widespread in Scotland. Within the breed is divided into small, large and riding type.

Scottish pony - the oldest breed English horses. They are easy to train, obedient, love children, have an average weight for a pony. Ornamental horses are used for medicinal purposes to help disabled children. The little pony loves to communicate with children very much. Horses living with the same owner do not quarrel with each other. But the real friendship is tied up with their pets.

Gallery: pony horse breed (25 photos)

The smallest horse (video)

Description of appearance and origin

All varieties of these animals have a squat landing, short and often hairy legs, and a body covered with thick hair. It is easy for pony horses to search for roots and grass in the frozen soils of the northern countries. Thick wool makes miniature animals resistant to low air temperatures.

These ungulates easily carry loads exceeding several times their weight. A trained horse can carry a heavier rider than a young and inexperienced one. According to the rules, the transported load should not be more than ⅙ of the horse's weight. Excessive overload will negatively affect the muscles of the animal, the horse will injure the back.

There are different kinds of ponies.

Horse care and nutrition

The dwarf breed is very unpretentious. It is quite simple to maintain, and the good health and endurance of these pony horses make life much easier for the owner. The most beautiful ponies - snow-white - remain so for a long period.

In winter, pony horses do not have to be kept in a closed, warm stable. All they need is a well-equipped enclosure with 3 walls and a roof to protect mini animals from rain and wind. Despite their short stature, ponies are very hardy.

Animals monitor the condition of their hooves on their own. The owner of dwarf horses does not care for these parts of the body. But if the horse works every day, then the owner should also take care of it.

Washing all pony breeds is recommended only if it is impossible to do without it. For the procedure, choose a warm and sunny day. A healthy pet always has shiny eyes, excellent appetite, does not lose weight, he is interested in what is happening around.

These ungulates easily carry loads exceeding several times their weight.

There are several essential feeding rules:

  • it is necessary to keep the drinkers and feeders clean;
  • you need to feed the horse often, but in small portions;
  • food should be stored in a dry place;
  • it is forbidden to give fresh bread, sweets;
  • the diet should include apples, carrots and sweets specially designed for dwarf horses.

In winter, they feed on concentrated feed and hay. Due to the lack of vitamins in the required amount, it is desirable to additionally include:

  • bran;
  • sugar beets;
  • compound feed;
  • nutrient mixtures;
  • alfalfa.

And ponies are horses too (video)

Reproduction and lifespan

is part of the selection. Pony stallions are selected for mating, taking into account certain parameters required to obtain the desired breed. Estrus in females lasts several days. The specific smell attracts the male. Intercourse lasts no more than 30 seconds.

Sometimes the male tries to take care of the chosen one and starts mating games. He persistently tries to attract her attention, gently sniffing, tickling her shoulders and sides with his teeth. The horse responds to signs of attention with restraint.

Pregnancy lasts an average of 11 months. The exact duration of gestation depends on the breed. Usually 1-2 cubs are born. They appear sighted, and after a few minutes they are already on their feet and begin to walk. Childbirth should be taken by a veterinarian to exclude the development of complications.

The life expectancy of a pony does not depend on the quality of care and maintenance and can reach 4-5 years. Ordinary horses live much less.

A pony is a kind of domesticated horse. Their characteristic feature is small growth from 80 to 140 cm, endurance. In Russia, it is customary to classify individuals with a height of 110 cm and below as this species. Abroad, the horse growth scale is slightly different, for example, in England, animals with a height of 143 cm are classified as ponies. It is generally accepted that the first pony breeds appeared in Europe, in the northern part of Scandinavia and in the current Camargue nature reserve.

To date, there are about 20 breeds of ponies designed for riding and which are amenable to elementary control. Many people think that this is a children's horse, but they were bred to perform specific work. Among the representatives of the subspecies there are also heavy trucks, for example, the Shetland pony.

It is worth noting that such horses are a real find. A pony is a horse that not only likes children in the photo, but is also really useful for modern society.

Horses and little ponies - is it worth saying that there is a significant difference between these concepts? What does the feature say? What are ponies and where is the birthplace of each species?

  1. Velara is a new American pony horse, bred in the last century. The color of these animals can be varied. Her height is 115-140 cm. Her character is calm, so she is often used for riding children and horse shows. Beautiful animals with a neat back, muscular neck and powerful croup. They are distinguished by extraordinary intelligence and energy.
  2. The Basque pony is native to the Basque region of France and Spain. The appearance has not been reliably studied. The average height varies between 115-147 cm. The tallest animals of this species have an athletic build, so they are primarily used for amateur riding. This breed is known for its extraordinary endurance, in the past it was used by smugglers as a beast of burden.
  3. Shetland breeds are one of the smallest types of ponies. Their height is 65-110 cm. These are dwarf heavy trucks with thick legs, a heavy head and a wide torso. They have a long dense coat, a lush mane and tail. Today, this subspecies is popular in all countries and is known as children's riding horses. Also, animals take part in horse races with obstacles. The maximum lifespan of pony horses of this species is 45-54 years.
  4. The Scottish Pony is the oldest species in the UK and the strongest breed worldwide. These representatives have a mild peaceful disposition, easy to train. Often resort to their help in rehabilitation programs. Female individuals reach a height of 120-130 cm, and stallions - 147 cm, have the ability to adapt well to environmental conditions, therefore they are widely distributed throughout the world.
  5. Assateg and Chincoteg, despite different names, are the same breed. Their origin has not yet been determined. The names of the breed correspond to the names of the islands. The maximum height does not exceed 120 cm. They live in nature like wild animals. Possess strong legs, sloping croup, long weak neck. The color is mostly spotted.
  6. The Australian Little Horse is native to Australia. Mainly used in riding shows. Height - from 122 to 142 cm, has a kind, docile disposition. In appearance, representatives of the breed are more similar to English breeds than to a saddle horse. These are frisky animals with sloping shoulders, a smooth step, which allows them to be used in teaching children to ride. The structure of the breed is excellent for a draft horse.
  7. A Welsh pony horse that existed as early as 1600 B.C. Presumably its progenitors were the Celtic species of small horses. The development of animals began after the Romans "came". This type easily adapts to any climate. The head of its representatives is quite small, and the eyes are sharp and very expressive. The ears are short, the profile "pike" The croup is powerful, and the back is rather long and muscular. The legs have strength and strong hooves, which make these animals very hardy. Height is from 122 to 137 cm.
  8. One of the fish-eating species is the Icelandic. These animals catch fish in the sea with their teeth, like predators. This happens mainly in winter, when there is simply no other food. The only species that has mastered running the telt.

general characteristics

Pony character and general information have the following about themselves:

  1. the name comes from the English Pony - small, undersized horses;
  2. for the first time their appearance was noted in Scandinavia;
  3. animals perfectly adapted to the humid windy climate of the rocky islands;
  4. in care, small horses are completely unpretentious;
  5. unlike racing breeds, it may not live in a closed stable in winter, for these pets it is enough to equip a small aviary to protect them from the wind;
  6. the animals look after the hooves themselves, but if you take the horse for daily work, then it is necessary to carry out hygienic foot care procedures more often.

A little pony horse is capable of conquering any heart with its kindness and responsiveness. You can fall in love with just one photo of these cute crumbs.

pony and man

Often ponies are used in rehabilitation practices for the disabled. How much fun it is to communicate with small horses for children. Often kids are afraid of large breeds of horses, and ponies are very suitable for hippotherapy. Who would refuse to communicate with such a cute creature?

People mistakenly believe that pony horses are useless. This opinion is, of course, debatable. The worthy deeds that the ponies did cost them their lives. They are very loyal and intelligent animals. A great example is Shetland ponies. They helped the researchers of Antarctica by transporting people in teams. These creatures sacrificed themselves to take all the scientists to the camp. The Pony Express delivery service is known all over the world. Even in the last century, letters were delivered in a completely different way: postmen riding Mongolian small horses delivered letters to recipients.


Small horses are very popular all over the world. Today they are involved in a variety of horse shows, children's programs and in teaching children to ride. They are so unpretentious that even a child can take care of them. Horses are distinguished by a good disposition, extraordinary devotion and endurance.

Ponies actually include all breeds living in Russia with a height of up to 147 cm at the withers. Pony species include twenty breeds. The first descriptions of their appearance were noted as early as 1600 BC.

Horses and beautiful ponies are quite popular characters that are also used in entertainment programs for children. Quite famous, especially among girls, is the cartoon series about foals at school, where toys talk about their adventures. Extremely popular and a pony in the form of a springtrap.

A pony is a type of horse distinguished by its short stature. These animals are also different from ordinary horses longevity. So, a healthy representative of the breed can live from 45 to 55 years, which is very impressive. Despite the many advantages of a pony, their maintenance and the choice of a suitable animal has some nuances.

shetland pony

Choosing a future pet

Buying a mini horse requires a responsible approach. If it was decided to purchase a baby for the home, it is worth considering a few nuances:


It should be understood that a healthy horse cannot cost several times cheaper than animals with documents and a pedigree. When buying, you should also not look for the most expensive horse.

Saving when buying a pony is not welcome, otherwise, the pet may be sick and suffer from all sorts of disorders, have too brittle bones and curvature of the spine and legs.


Reputable breeders are also important. From such people it is impossible to buy an animal in which there is no purity of the breed. And this factor is the most important. The breeder must provide a photo or the opportunity to personally meet the baby's parents. In this case, you can be sure that the breed little pony corresponds to the declared.


In Russia, there is a fairly wide range of pony breeds. The most popular are:

  • Arabic;
  • Mountain;
  • Shetland;
  • Welsh;
  • And forests.

The Shetland is considered the smallest breed. But the most unpretentious and calm breed in care is mountain ponies. If you are looking for a hardy and strong pet, then the forest breed will do just fine. Ponies of the Welsh breed are distinguished by excellent intelligence and an outstanding mind. The Arabian breed will be able to transport large loads and develop a high running speed.

Doctor's examination

Before buying a horse, a professional examination by a veterinarian is most desirable. This will allow you to understand how the health of the horse meets your requirements. Very often, small horses suffer from diseases that even the breeders themselves do not know about.

Outer beauty

The appearance of a pony is far from the main factor on which to base when choosing a horse. Much more important is the breed and its characteristics.

Ponies, like any other animals, have different characters. That is why, when making a future purchase, it is worth basing not only on the selection of the breed you like and breeders with a good reputation, but also on the temperament of the horse.

Most the right choice for the family there will be an animal with a complaisant, affectionate, and fairly calm character. Most often, Welsh ponies are purchased for children. They get along well with people and are suitable for sledding. Even unprepared riders can saddle this horse without problems.

But the Shetland breed, thanks to its immoderate tenderness and ingenuity, will become excellent companions, friends, and pets.

Pony care is very painstaking, and requires special perseverance and devotion to your pet. When going shopping, you should understand that every day the horse will need attention, tenderness and communication with a person. Therefore, before buying such a pet, you need to be clearly aware that it will take a lot of time and effort for a baby.

horse walk

The pony is an exotic type of horse. So, you must be prepared for significant cash outlays. They include not only equipment for the animal, but also spending on proper nutrition, mineral and vitamin supplements, cleaning products. Also, the costs include the services of a doctor, because horse examinations must be constant, you can’t do without it.

The pony will also not be able to be far from home. This animal cannot be bought and left on suburban area, which you would visit only 2-3 times a week. Small horses require frequent attention and the presence of a person nearby. In order for a pony to be a well-mannered and really obedient and close friend, the owner must visit him at least twice a day, as well as walk the pet, allowing him to spend time actively and having fun. Otherwise, the pony may start acting up, spoil the beauty around the house, or even tear off the lower layers of the siding on the wall of the house, and you will have to buy new ones (note - if this happens, then go to the site

What should you do if you are not ready to purchase, and the child asks for a pony? How to properly explain to the baby that such a purchase is impossible?

Everything is quite simple. The main thing is not to injure your child and explain that such a pet is very expensive and requires a special stall - a cozy house in which he will spend the night.

As compensation, take your baby to the zoo or take him to equestrian lessons. If the child is still completely dependent and small, then play with him in Online Games where the main character is a pony. For example, you can find everything you are interested in about ponies and have fun.

And remember - we are responsible for those we have tamed!

Ponies in sports

A pony is a type of horse that is small in stature. In height, ponies reach a maximum of 110-140 centimeters. They look very cute, for which they received the love of children all over the world.
There are many breeds of small horses, but in Russia, Shetland, Scottish, Welsh, Icelandic, American breeds and the Farabella breed are considered ponies. Here are just some of the breeds of these proud animals, common in different countries.
Basotho pony

Distributed in South Africa, where it appeared in 1653, it was used as a war horse in the 19th century. Prior to that, mountains were crossed at high speed on it, which only strengthened the spirit and body of the horse. Currently, the Basotho acts as a pony for riding or playing polo. The color varies from dark bay to gray.

A horse appeared in the Dales Valley in the Pennines. Initially, they were used as pack animals, which affected the physique and endurance of the animal. Today it is an excellent riding horse and a wonderful companion for the farmer. The eye is pleased with a gray, black or bay color.
Highland pony or Scottish mountain pony

This hardy and strong pony acted as a military and shepherd horse, helped transport trees and shot animals, and crossed the mountains. Today it is a riding pony, often used in hiking and transportation. There are bay, black and red horses.
Icelandic pony

They have been descending from about 941. In appearance, these are rather thin horses, but despite this, the ponies will perfectly cope with a couple of hundred kilograms. Most often they are used in coal mines or for the entertainment of children in parks.
Gotlan pony

The Swedish horse is the very first Scandinavian pony in existence today. Some representatives live in the natural environment, others are specially grown. It is used for agricultural work, trotting, work in mines and as riding horses for children.
These are not all pony breeds that exist in nature: they delight with their diversity and unprecedented diligence. And every year there are more and more pony fans in the world.

Surely everyone from childhood was familiar with small horses - ponies. A childhood dream - to ride a horse - most often came true thanks to these small, funny and very kind animals.

A pony is a small horse (a kind of domestic) with distinctive feature- short stature. Adult individuals are hardly taller than an eight-year-old child, very touching and complaisant. That's why kids and adults love them so much. The horse is easily recognizable by its short legs and voluminous, strong body. The colors of the pony simply cannot be counted. In total, today about 20 breeds of these horses have been bred in the world.


The official version is that ponies first appeared on the territory of the islands of Europe, as well as in the northern part of Scandinavia. In addition, scientists suggest that in the Camargue reserve (where the white Camargues live), stocky little horses also lived and bred. Their ancient ancestor was Equus ferus caballus - ancient wild Horse. Appearance the pony is due to the not too gentle climate of the North, as well as the poor vegetation of the pastures.


These horses, both in antiquity and in our time, had a squat landing, short legs, often hairy, and a large, strong body, covered with thick hair. The small stature allowed the animals to seek grass and root crops in the frozen northern soils, and the thick coat made pony babies resistant to cold. Their parameters are: height - from 80 to 140 cm, weight from 100 to 200 kg, but there are also quite miniature (dwarf) ones that weigh from 14 kg or more.

The pony subspecies actually includes all horses whose height is below 140 cm. Moreover, in different countries the “ponymeter” scale is different. For example, in England a small horse will be considered a pony if its height is not higher than 147 cm, and in Germany all individuals with a height of up to 120 cm are attributed to this type of horse. In Russia, it is customary to use a growth scale from 80 to 140 cm. external feature- beautiful long bangs and a thick mane, which horse owners often braid into pigtails, decorated with ribbons.


Due to the genetic habit of grazing, horses of the pony species are very unpretentious in food. Their diet is standard, it is based on good dry hay and grass. By the way, these horses will not eat weeds (burdock, burdock), but they are very fond of clover and nettle. But on oats in excess can be allergic. Dry fiber is usually added to hay. In small quantities give root crops (carrots, potatoes) and beets. Sometimes you can pamper your baby with an apple, pumpkin, and other fruits.

Treats such as yeast bread, sugar in large quantities, cakes, sweets are contraindicated. You should not feed the leftover salads from your table to the animal, they have a lot of indigestible ingredients for ponies. Drinking water for a horse should always be clean and fresh, because, as you know, horses do not drink where there is a dirty source.

What are the types?

Even though ponies are considered child horses, their original use was hard work in mines and mines. It's hard to believe, but the body structure of horses allows them to pull a weight several times their own weight.

There are about 20 horse breeds belonging to the pony species. We will only talk about the most popular of them.


It belongs to the most ancient breeds, lives on the Shetland Islands in the Atlantic. A hardy, strong, strong horse, one might say, a mini-heavy truck. Simplistically called "shetlands". Used as riding children's horses. Height: up to 145 cm, color - piebald with white spots, as well as piebald-black, piebald-red and others.


Other names are Garron or Highland. They live mainly in Scotland. Height: from 122 to 147 cm. Within the breed there is a small, riding and large type (Mayland). In the photo - a Scottish pony of a piebald-white suit.


An ancient breed, divided into three types: mountain, medium and kob. The latter are used for playing polo. Height is from 122 to 159 cm. Habitat - England, Wales, Scotland, other countries of the world.


Exmoor or Celtic pony refers to draft small breeds. Height up to 125 cm. Place of breeding: Devon and Exmoor (territories of the counties of England). The breed is easily recognizable by the lightened skin around the nostrils and the characteristic brown and bay color.


Purebred Icelandic breed. Always undersized - up to a maximum of 137 cm at the withers, sometimes there are individuals below 100 cm. Suits: bay, black, buckskin, mouse.

Horse (polo)

A separate group of horses of small stature. They are very similar to ordinary horses, but do not reach the ideal parameters. Ponies are usually taller than 147 cm, all kinds of colors, as well as species by country of breeding and origin. Bred for sports championships, competitions. Chinese, Belgian, American, Irish, English and other polo-ponies are known.


Domestic animals, the most famous breed of which is the Falabella. They are bred as pets. The average size of such a conic: up to 86 cm in height, up to 25 kg in weight. The suits are very different: spotted, black, bay and with various apprentices.

Video about the smallest horses.