How many points are given for GTO upon admission. How many extra points does a portfolio give? Overview of universities

Upon admission to undergraduate and specialist programs, points are awarded for the following individual achievements:

  • 1.14.1. The presence of the status of the champion and prize-winner Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, winner of the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics - 10 points.
  • 1.14.2. The presence of a gold badge of distinction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Labor and Defense" (TRP) and a certificate of the established form for it - 4 points.
  • 1.14.3. The presence of a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general (secondary (complete) general) education, containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal. Or a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors -10 points.
  • 1.14.4. The status of the winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in informatics "TechnoCup", held jointly with Mail.Ru Group and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) - 8 points.
  • 1.14.5. The presence of the status of the winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in computer science "TechnoCup", held jointly with Mail.Ru Group and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) - 6 points.
  • The presence of the status of the winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Step into the Future", received over the past 4 years (from the approved List of Olympiads of the corresponding year) - 8 points.
  • If there is more than 1 status specified in paragraph in different classes - 2 points (for each next class).
  • The presence of the status of the winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren "Step into the Future", received over the past 4 years (from the approved List of Olympiads of the corresponding year) - 6 points.
  • If there is more than 1 status specified in paragraph in different classes - 1 point (for each next class).
    If there are simultaneous achievements specified in paragraphs and (obtained in different classes), points are awarded in accordance with paragraphs and
  • 1.14.8. The presence of the status of the winner of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads with the corresponding subjects "physics", "mathematics" and "computer science and ICT" - 8 points.
  • 1.14.9. The presence of the status of the winner of school Olympiads for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads with the corresponding subjects "physics", "mathematics" and "computer science and ICT" - 6 points.
  • 1.14.10. The presence of the status of the winner of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general education subjects and complexes of natural science subjects (astronomy, chemistry, biology) - 4 points.
  • 1.14.11. The presence of the status of the winner of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general education subjects and complexes of natural science subjects (astronomy, chemistry, biology) - 2 points.
  • 1.14.12. The presence of the status of the winner of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general education subjects and complexes of subjects not specified in p.p. 1.14.4-1.14.11 - 2 points.
  • 1.14.13. The presence of the status of a prize-winner of Olympiads for schoolchildren for the 11th grade from the approved List of Olympiads in general education subjects and complexes of subjects not specified in p.p. 1.14.4-1.14.11 - 1 point.
  • 1.14.14. The presence of a diploma "For the best research work" within the framework of the Olympiad "Step into the Future" in the complex of subjects "engineering" in the 2016/2017 academic year - 5 points.
  • 1.14.15. Participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical activities and sports events held in order to identify and support persons who have shown outstanding abilities - up to 5 points, by decision of the selection committee.
  • 1.14.16. The status of the winner of the industry Olympiad "Gazprom" in the subject "physics" or "informatics" - 8 points.
  • 1.14.17. Having the status of the winner of the Gazprom branch Olympiad in the subject of mathematics, or the winner of the Gazprom branch Olympiad in the subjects of physics or computer science - 6 points.
  • 1.14.18. The presence of the status of the winner of the industry Olympiad "Gazprom" in the subject "mathematics" - 4 points.
  • 1.14.19. The presence of the status of the winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in drawing and computer modeling, conducted by the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman - 5 points.
  • 1.14.20. The presence of the status of the winner of the Olympiad for schoolchildren in drawing and computer modeling, conducted by the Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman - 3 points.
  • 1.14.21. The presence of the status of the winner of the Moscow pre-professional Olympiad for schoolchildren for the 11th grade in the following areas: technological; research; design; programming - 5 points.
  • 1.14.22. The presence of the status of the winner or prize-winner of the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren for the 11th grade in the following areas: technological; research; design; programming - 3 points.
  • 1.14.23. The presence of the status of the winner of the city open scientific and practical conference "Engineers of the Future" in 2017 for the 11th grade - 5 points.
  • 1.14.24. The presence of the status of the winner of the city open scientific and practical conference "Engineers of the Future" in 2017 for the 11th grade - 3 points.
  • 1.14.25. Participation in the final pre-professional exam under the program of the Department of the City of Moscow "Engineering Classes in the Moscow School" with a score of 81 to 100 points - 10 points.
  • 1.14.26. Participation in the final pre-professional exam under the program of the Department of the City of Moscow "Engineering Classes in the Moscow School" with a score of 61 to 80 points - 8 points.

Additional points for winning the Olympiads are given only in the absence of granting special admission rights without entrance examinations or entitlement to 100 points in the relevant subject.

Within each of the grounds 1.14.4 - 1.14.15 provision extra points is a single entry (they are not supposed to be summed up for a victory in the same Olympiad, summation for different classes is allowed).

When providing additional points at once for several different types of grounds, the points are summed up. Moreover, if the sum of points for all reasons is more than 10, then the accrual of points in total is limited to 10 points.

Getting into a university can make it easier not only good results USE. Admissions committees add points for the individual achievements of the applicant.

A result of 100 points obtained at the end of the Unified State Examination guarantees admission to any university, but only a few graduates manage to get such an assessment. At the same time, you can also impress the admissions committee with other talents: in 2018, points are added to an applicant if he is awarded the TRP sign, has a gold or silver medal, wrote a graduation essay, and also for a number of other achievements. For this, a graduate can receive from 1 to 10 points to those already available.

Golden TRP badge

Universities give from 1 to 10 points for the TRP gold badge. In Moscow State University, in particular, 2 points are added for this achievement, "Bauman" - 4 points, RSUH - 1 point. The badge, together with the relevant documents, must be presented before the start of the admission campaign, it is desirable that it be “fresh”.

Check your sports training anyone can, for this you need to meet the standard for running 100 m and 3 km, for pulling up and tilting. In addition, you can show yourself in swimming (50 m), long jump, throwing, skiing (5 km), shooting or hiking for 15 km.

Final essay

Graduates who wrote the final essay and received good mark can add up to 10 points. However, this achievement is not taken into account by all universities. Moscow State University will add 3 points for an essay in 2018.


Medals since 2014 are not distinguished by “colors” - that is, there is no division into “gold” and “silver”, although schools can issue both at their discretion. Now the medal is called "For Special Achievements in Teaching", it is awarded to schoolchildren who have only fives in their certificates. A medal can also increase the result of the Unified State Examination by 1-10 points, depending on the university. Moscow State University will add 5 points for a medal in 2018.

Participation in the Olympiads

Prize-winners school olympiads Universities are the most accepting. So, victory in the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in one of the subjects is guaranteed admission to a university where the discipline is core (plus 100 points). Admissions committees also take into account success at other level olympiads, but in different ways in all universities. It is important that the profile of the Olympiad matches the profile of the chosen specialty. There are many Olympiads, participation in which of them affects admission, as a rule, is given on the website of the university.

Achievement portfolio

Experts advise schoolchildren to create a kind of portfolio of their successes (it is important that all of them be documented). Even if victories in some areas do not add points, among applicants for a place with the same number of points, as a rule, they choose someone who, in addition to a good certificate, also has some other individual achievements. Usually sports merit, participation in creative and intellectual competitions are taken into account.

And how to get additional points for the exam in 2017?

If someone doubts that he will win the competition for applicants by the sum of points for the Unified State Examination, and at the same time does not have the opportunity to enter a prestigious university for contract training, you can try to remedy the situation by paying more attention to your portfolio. In 2017, the admission committees of Russian universities have the right to award up to 10 additional points for the personal achievements of a graduate.

What exactly is included in the list of individual achievements approved by the Ministry of Education, as amended on July 29, 2016? We take into account that victories and prize-winning places on final stage The All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and Olympiads from the list of the Ministry of Education and Science are not indicated in this list, such applicants are equated to persons who have scored 100 points in a subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad and are credited by a separate order.

  1. The title of champion or medalist of the Olympic or Deaflympics, winners of the World or European Championships in Olympic sports sports.
  2. Members of national teams that compete at international championships in Olympic sports.
  3. Graduates with a gold badge for the TRP complex (mandatory with a certificate).
  4. Certificate of secondary education with honors, certificate with a gold or silver medal.
  5. Diploma of secondary vocational education with honors.
  6. Victories and prize-winning places in Olympiads that are not taken into account as a pre-emptive right to this area of ​​training, as well as prizes in regional stage(third) All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren.
  7. Participation in volunteer activities, confirmed by a certificate, provided that the applicant was a volunteer no later than four years before the current admission campaign.
  8. The grade given by the university based on the results of checking the final essay, which students write in December.

Least of all universities, unfortunately, pay attention to volunteering. Olympic champions and honors certificates are respected by almost all universities, and TRP badges are also most often accepted by the admissions committee as an argument in favor of awarding additional points. But in different universities for success in physical education, applicants are awarded a different number of points. Each university decides on its own how many points to evaluate physical training their freshmen.

Anyone can hand over the TRP complex today for free, you just need to prepare for several sports disciplines. A run for a hundred meters, a run for three kilometers (for girls - for 2 km), pull-ups on the horizontal bar for boys and from a prone position on a low bar for girls, as well as slopes while standing on a bench. In addition, candidates must pass disciplines of their choice: long jump, swimming, cross-country skiing, rifle shooting, projectile throwing, kettlebell snatch for boys, as well as testing sports skills in a camping trip.

How many points can I get for the TRP gold badge in the 2017 admissions campaign?

Several universities in Moscow:

  • V Medical University the name of Pirogov for the TRP is given 2 points;
  • RANEPA - 2 points;
  • NRU HSE - up to 5;
  • Moscow State University - 2;
  • MGIMO - 1

in St. Petersburg:

  • UFS im. Lesgaft - 10 points;
  • GUAP - 10;
  • POLYTECH - 10;
  • LETI - 3;
  • Technological Institute - 3;
  • ITMO - 2;
  • St. Petersburg State University - 1.

As you can see, the accrual of bonuses is very diverse. And yet, it turns out that you can not have such brilliant knowledge in mathematics and physics as another applicant, but go through the competition for the technical direction of training and leave the competitor “with a nose” simply because you have a TRP badge. That is, you run faster and pull up more times in a certain time. And so not only on the technical direction of training, but also on the legal, and on the medical - too. Is it good or bad?

The fact that the government of our country began to pay great attention to physical education and propaganda healthy lifestyle Life is definitely a plus. Schoolchildren now have three physical education lessons a week, each school has a modern football field in the yard, which should benefit the younger generation. But is it right for sports achivments get an advantage when entering a university if it trains not athletes, but, for example, design engineers?

Seems to just come from common sense, one or two points for the TRP gold badge - this can be understood, but 10 points for physical education and the same 10 points for a certificate with a gold medal are still incomparable merits.

Since 2015, universities have been allowed to award applicants up to twenty points for individual achievements. A lot of guys forgot about the lessons, preparing for the Unified State Examination and rushed to collect portfolios: certificates of participation in the volunteer movement, diplomas from all competitions, large and small Olympiads, diplomas from all sports competitions. After looking at the results of the adopted resolutions, officials from the Ministry of Education and Science allowed to award a total of no more than ten additional points for individual achievements. But again, the right to decide how many points and for what successes was given to the discretion of the university management.

Thus, in some universities (UFS named after Lesgaft, St. Petersburg PU "Polytech" and GUAP) there is now a complete leveling. All applicants who have merits from the list approved by the Ministry of Education and Science will be awarded the same 10 points - for winning the subject Olympiad, for the TRP badge, and for years of work aimed at obtaining a certificate with honors.

And reality, as always, responds to new challenges. In St. Petersburg, for example, twenty centers have already been opened where you can pass the standards of athletes and receive the coveted badges. And imagine, strange cases have already been noticed when graduates (seemingly rather sickly, and not at all athletic) claim that they will receive additional points because they have gold for TRP standards. And, as a result, such applicants have a reduced motivation to participate in subject Olympiads at the university level.

And how do you feel about the existing system of awarding additional points to applicants? And what system do you think would be fair? Join our discussions in the "comments" or share your thoughts by writing your own article or note about it.

This year, universities enroll applicants according to a new scheme and add points for personal achievements. Representatives of universities, institutes and branches of higher educational institutions spoke about changes in the admission rules-2015 at the round table.


Sergey Umanets

Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow.
Director of the Tula branch

Irina Tsekhmistrenko

Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanov.
Deputy director of the Tula branch for educational work

Angelica Zhukova

Tula Institute of Economics and Informatics.

Anna Bolobova

Tula Institute of Management and Business. N. Demidova.
Responsible Secretary of the Admissions Committee

Nadezhda Stempin

Tula State Pedagogical University. L. N. Tolstoy.
Responsible Secretary of the Admissions Committee

Admission campaign will start soon. Are there any changes in the order of admission to universities this year?

Feature of this school year for graduates, the USE in mathematics was divided into basic and specialized levels. If mathematics is listed in the list of entrance examinations of the university for any direction, then it should be mathematics at the profile level, the minimum passing score for which is 27.

It is also important that it is enough to pass the USE in the Russian language with 24 points to get a certificate, but for admission to a university you need to score at least 36 points.

Another important innovation is that universities have the opportunity to set points for individual achievements of applicants when enrolling. In addition to the total points for the exam, you can get a maximum of 20 points. Additional points for individual achievements significantly increase the applicant's chances of admission.

Of these twenty points, a maximum of 10 can be obtained for an essay that graduates have already written in schools. The university rechecks the essay and gives its grade (evaluation criteria are developed at the federal level).

The second 10 points can be awarded for sports achievements, participation in the volunteer movement, academic achievements. For what exactly and how many points - each university decides on its own, the same rule for all - the sum of all these achievements cannot exceed 10 points, even if the applicant has sports victories, a certificate with honors, and a prize at the Olympiad. In this case, he chooses those achievements that are most highly valued in this educational institution.

How to find out what exactly a particular university awards points for, and how to present evidence of your achievements?

All information about the registration of individual achievements should be posted on the website of the university as a separate document. When submitting documents, the applicant must indicate his achievements in the application for admission and submit diplomas, certificates, etc. confirming them. As for the essay, the commission of the university takes it in the federal information system.

An applicant can apply to several universities at once. How many educational institutions and how many specialties can you enroll in 2015?

There are no changes here: 5 universities, with three areas of training in each. At the same time, enrollment, as before, goes according to priorities - each applicant who indicates several areas of training must rank them from more interesting to less interesting for himself. Documents can be submitted to universities both in person and by mail or through an online application if the educational institutions are located in other cities. When sending by mail, consider the time: the documents must be received by the selection committee no later than July 24.

What is the enrollment scheme in 2015? What changed?

Traditionally, applicants for state-funded places are enrolled in two stages, and this year these stages have received quantitative confirmation. Applicants are enrolled in the first wave for 80% of the total number of budget places, in the second - 20%. As before, only those who submitted original documents to the selection committee are enrolled. But if earlier applicants who did not bring the originals to the first wave could not get into the second, as there were no places left, then this year there will definitely be 20% of the places.

Nevertheless, it is very important for the applicant to correctly navigate where to submit the original certificate. We advise you to prioritize and decide on the choice of university in advance. If you have high scores in the Unified State Examination and you understand that you have every chance of getting into the first wave of a particular university, we advise you to immediately submit original documents there so as not to miss your budget place.

If you do not do this, an applicant with lower scores may take your place, and there will not be enough places for everyone in the second wave.

Have the deadlines for filing documents and enrollment changed this year?

Yes, in 2015, the acceptance of documents begins at all universities on June 19 and ends on July 24 for the first wave of applicants. The deadline for accepting original documents, common for all universities, is set: strictly 18.00 on August 3. This applies to admission to budget places, and for training on a paid basis, the terms of enrollment are set by the decision of the organization. As a rule, this is the 20th of August.

Do universities raise the minimum USE scores set by Rosobrnadzor?

Each university decides this for itself: we have the right to raise the minimum scores relative to the scale of Ros-Obrnadzor, but we cannot lower them. In a number of educational institutions, these scales coincide, but many universities set their own minimum: for example, 30 points in mathematics instead of 27, 40 in Russian (the minimum of Rosobrnadzor is 36), and so on.

In 2015, did the number of state-funded places for applicants decrease?

Statistics show that in many universities the number of state-funded places, on the contrary, has increased. I would like to note that there are budget places for part-time education.

Another interesting point: today there is an opportunity to study for free even in commercial universities. Educational institutions have developed benefits for successful applicants: with a high score on the unified state exams, the student is given a 100% discount for the first semester, and with excellent results in all sessions, you can not pay for studies for the entire period of study.

Is it true that now you can enter a university only on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination? That is, people who graduated from school before 2009 will have to take a unified state exam?

Yes, indeed, persons with only a secondary general education can enter a university (both full-time and correspondence forms education) only on the basis of the results of the exam. In this case, the year of graduation does not matter.

We wish future graduates success in passing the exam and entering the university they have chosen!

What are the extra points for?

10 points- maximum for individual achievements:

  • silver/gold TRP badge
  • certificate of secondary general education with honors
  • participation/prize places in olympiads, etc.
  • volunteer activities
  • the status of the champion and prize-winner of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaf Olympic Games, etc.

10 points- the maximum mark for the final essay written in the final grade of the school. An essay written at school will be rechecked by the university commission and evaluated in accordance with federal criteria.

A total of 20 points can be obtained in addition to the total points for the exam.

Admission dates-2015

  • July 19-24 - acceptance of documents.
  • 18.00 On August 3, the acceptance of original certificates ends.
  • August 4 - order to enroll the first wave.
  • 18.00 August 6 ends the acceptance of original documents for the second wave.
  • August 7 - order to enroll the second wave.

Does a modern student need a gold medal? What benefits does it provide? How to get this prestigious award? Let's figure it out together.

In this article:

A bit about the history of the award

the first gold medal issued to a student in 1828, back in the Russian Empire. Since then, it has been canceled several times, then returned again. The last cancellation took place at the end of 2013. The reason is that the medals were issued in huge quantities, and not always justifiably. In addition, then they did not give any advantages in admission. This decision of the Ministry of Education and Science caused a negative reaction from society, so it was revised by the State Duma. In May 2014, the President signed a decree, according to which schools began to issue gold medals "For special achievements in teaching" to students again.

The gold medal is awarded in a solemn ceremony

How to get a gold medal? Conditions for obtaining in 2020

The decision to issue a gold medal is made by the school's teachers' council and coordinates it with the local department of the Ministry of Education. To receive an award, certain conditions must be met:

  • Have final grades "excellent" in all compulsory subjects school curriculum for the 10th and 11th grades (arithmetic mean of the sum of annual and semi-annual grades with rounding according to the laws of mathematics).
  • Confirm the gold medal with USE points: At least 70 points for the Russian language and specialized mathematics (or 5 points for basic mathematics). You have to pass the first time!

And some regions of Russia have established their own awards for excellent studies. For example, in Moscow, according to information on the portal of the Mayor of Moscow, a medal will be given to those who have fulfilled one of the conditions:

> won All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren

> got 100 points for the exam in Russian or mathematics,

> scored 220 points in three USE subjects (that's 73.3 points for each exam)

For a graduate with disabilities there are two more options:

> complete the 11th grade with excellent marks and score at least 146 points in total for the Unified State Examination in Russian and specialized mathematics,

> or 73 in Russian and get a 5 in basic math.

Gold medal - a prestigious award for outstanding academic achievement

What are the benefits of a gold medal

Of course, the medal will not open the door to everything for you, but it will still provide some bonuses. Upon admission, it gives additional points, which are summarized with the results of the exam. According to the portal of the Mayor of Moscow, it will also provide an advantage in enrollment if you and another applicant without a medal score the same number of points. However, we have not heard that universities also make this indulgence for excellent students.

To confirm that you have a gold medal, you must provide the admission committee with a certificate.

How many points are awarded by universities for a gold medal

Upon admission in 2020, you will be able to receive up to 10 additional points, inclusive. It is up to each university to decide which figures to set. Information about additional points can be obtained on the official website of a particular university. To do this, you need to find the section " Individual achievements". Here are some additional points in 2019 established by some well-known educational institutions of the country:

The name of the university

Number of additional points for a gold medal