A drunken crew of a fishing seiner rammed a nuclear missile submarine. Fishing schemes for small-tonnage vessels Fishing seiner

Ivan Dementievsky writes: Today I’ll tell you about how the Men’s Health Adventure team worked on a seiner in the Sea of ​​​​Japan. We worked for more than a week, shooting a report for a magazine, and I also traveled to Nakhodka to see friends.

Fishing on a seiner day after day is the same, and quite similar, so I decided that this report was easiest to do in the style of "one of my days", starting with the moment we woke up and ending the story in the late evening.

1 Hotel at the shipyard (Livadia). A closed type enterprise, barbed wire everywhere and security everywhere, you can’t just go out or go in. But we were lucky to some extent, we were given red passes, which means - go through without inspection! And on the third floor, behind several magnetic locks, the Men's Health Adventure team was waiting for an absolutely wonderful pink double room! After the urban gray landscapes and interiors that have haunted us for several days, this pink caramel turned out to be a real surprise!
While we were living, I heard men on the street discussing that journalists from the men's edition were put up in a pink room. The staff of the shipyard was worried about us and waited with bated breath to see how it would all end.
The wake-up call was early, firstly we were warned that we would go to sea at 8 am, so we still need to get to the port, And also the famous acclimatization after the change of time zones, so every morning you look at mail, instagram, news and sluggish jokes with a sleepy colleague on next to the pink bunk.

2 Colleague, editor of the Men's Health men's edition Anton Zorkin. I got the impression that Anton fell asleep with a laptop and waking up I saw him looking at him again - he was on fire at work, an anxious thought flashed. But nothing, Fresh air, sea, fishing, all this will distract a colleague from editorial worries.

3 Local time is almost seven in the morning, Moscow time, it's time to drink tea before going to bed. Since I have a lot of work via the Internet, I constantly need to keep Moscow time in my head. Each time it is difficult to calculate the difference from the current one, so my watch lives in Moscow time, mobile in local time is very convenient. Screensaver on mobile, Himalayan Himalayas. And if suddenly, and this happens sometimes, it seems to me that clouds have gathered over me, or some other trouble, I take out my mobile and look at this photo, I remember how we spent the night at 5260, how the miner covered me and Alex, and I immediately gets easier)

4 Two tablets before going out. It is not clear how long we will be on the flight, no one says anything about this. Maybe we’ll go away for the whole day, maybe for a day or maybe more, so we take pills from motion sickness with us and for prevention a couple of them at once.

5 Short fees are over, we are ready. As usual, sit down before the long path, think and let's go!

6 Port in Yuzhnomorsky settlement. Our bird is standing at the pier, a fairly freshly built boat with the sonorous name Hurricane! On it we will catch pollock. While we were walking along the jetty, which had been killed in the trash, I stumbled several times on the rebar sticking out directly from the concrete, on the nets and ropes, and near Hurricane I almost stretched out stumbling over another cable. Here it’s better not to stare around, but to look under your feet, it seemed to me that we were not walking along the pier, but passed an obstacle course. But all these are trifles - around the sound of the surf, a fresh wind mixed with a fishy smell from the nets and the alluring distance of the bays. The weather is beautiful, the sea is calm - fishing is promised to be comfortable!

7 Hurricane close.

8 Having dragged their modest belongings on board, they went downstairs so as not to interfere on deck. We were immediately seated in a common room. It serves as a dining room, a place for gatherings, and a cinema hall. The crew of the vessel is 7 people, and if you try, everyone will fit. With us, the crew grew to 9 people and this made some trouble for the guys. Thanks to them, they endured our presence steadfastly, well, a couple of children's jokes do not count. In general, when they ask what publication we are from, and I answer that it is from Men's Health, and the reaction is varied. Most often they say - oh, glamor (!!!) and stuff like that. And then we were compared with a sex shop. Of course, to answer that man that he has big life complexes, but in the end he didn’t do it, we have our own task, he has his own. and a very positive person.

9 It seems we are moving away! While we are not needed on the deck, we sit and crush sandwiches and the first morning tea.

10 Here is such a kitchen at the cook, of course, you can accommodate the two of you, but only in an embrace. As soon as the seiner leaves, the cook begins to conjure in the kitchen, his task is to feed and drink everyone, you can approach him at any time, there is always something to eat.

11 Leaving the common cabin, we get into the corridor, from where a view of the cabin for sailors opens. There are two of them on the seiner, and one more cabin for the command staff. The corridors are narrow, the rooms are small, everything is extremely narrow and functional. There is a toilet and a place to wash on the ship.

12 While not far from the coast, the connection works, by the way, 3G works very well, and while we were getting permission for the Internet in our pink room, we did all the work through the mobile Internet.

13 Anton tries on the sailor's bunk. 4 people can sleep here. Only one can dress at a time, there will simply be no room for the rest.

14 Places are so small that mugs for tea hang near the common room on the ceiling. I took a photo of the ceiling from below. You approach the cook like that, you can have a seagull, and he, please, takes a mug from the ceiling and shows where boiling water is on the ship, where to find sugar and where tea leaves. Simple and functional!

15 Well ... with God! We have been on the seiner for half an hour and no one really knows anything, how long we are, where we are, how we are ... All decisions are made by the captain, here he is the king and god, decides to leave for a day, leave for a day, decides for a week - we will be a week marinate on a seiner. Therefore, every time, setting off, it is somewhat exciting - when back to the shore. Surely, the sailors who work here are already accustomed to such a schedule and style of work, when you live in one moment, but we are land Muscovites, it was not so easy for us ...

16 Here it is, the sea! The ship, gaining momentum, took a course perpendicular to the shore. However, we will not go far, the seiner works in the coastal strip, we catch pollock and we have nothing to do far at sea today.

17 We take a course towards Nakhodka. Near the cape there is a fairly large cluster of ships, both small and large. We left at 8 am, many, as I understand it, hang out on the wave from quite early, if not from the previous day.

18 The cabin of the captain and the captain himself.

19 Anything happens at sea, so people take such images with them on board.

20 Hurricane Deck. While we go to the place of fishing, peace and quiet. Clean, dry deck, the guys drink tea and we look around, what's what.

21 All decisions about the route and where to throw the net are made in this cabin. IN this moment the guys are discussing the actions of another seiner who met along the course.

22 GPS And on it our route.

23 And here is the seiner discussed in the captain's cabin. Lucky to catch the moment when they pull the net out of the sea.

24 This sailor is in charge of the winch. With the help of a winch, the net is etched into the water, then pulled back on board. With the help of a winch, the net with the catch is pulled to the place where the fish are dropped, and in general, it is simply impossible to work without a winch. Therefore, we need a separate person who deals only with this issue. In the photo, a sailor lubricates the winch before starting work.

25 We went downstairs to have breakfast and drink tea, went to the top, it was already foggy and light drizzle. June in the Far East is generally foggy and rainy, I later managed to make sure of this. It immediately got colder and became damp and dank. We circled in the fog for some time, waiting for the command from the captain, where and when to drop the buoy.


26 Well, the fishing has begun! The network went into the water, the winch unwinds the ropes. At first, something went wrong, I had to help a little to unwind the rope, and then it went and went like clockwork.

27 Actually, the sailor responsible for the winch, he always stands at the control levers of the winch and monitors every moment what is happening on the ship.

28 It's time to pull out the nets. Together with nets and fish, what does not get on board! Right now the crab traps were hooked. They will have to be unhooked and then near the shore they will be thrown overboard.

29 Almost every time, along with the nets, they pull out something else. I saw a lot of cable, I had to cut it with a saw right during fishing and send it in parts back to the sea. In general, a man thoroughly polluted the bottom of the sea, throwing everything that he no longer needed there.

30 After disconnecting the crab traps from the net, the crew continues to pull the nets onto the deck.


32 It seems to be in the sea more than once or twice, but each time there is an exciting expectation, how many fish will be in the nets? Everything depends on this, and how much canned food the plant will make, and how much the sailors will receive, and where to fish next?


34 Every manipulation of the net is all work and also work with a winch.

35 Here the net is pulled up to the ship, the last touch remains, pull out its end in which the catch. A lone seagull feels that it will be possible to profit from something here and does not lag behind our seiner.


37 The net is already complete on deck. Now it must be carefully pulled up and all the caught fish should be dumped into a special tray. The ship has a hold and you can put up to 45-50 tons of fish there, but if the catch is not big. it’s easier not to bother with the hold, but to leave the fish in the tray. Then picking out the fish from the hold will not be easy enough.

38 What is it? For some reason, one of the sailors, who showed me this thing found among the catch, decided what I ate ...

39 Here it is, wealth from the depths of the sea.

40 Once the fish have been dumped into the tray, the nets are re-threaded and ready to be thrown overboard.

41 Four sailors are working on deck, not counting the man behind the winch.

42 And in the meantime, we're going down to dinner in a warm room. There was some flounder among pollock and the cook fried some fish for us.

43 And for a snack, some salad and tea. Now the guys will finish with the nets and will come to have lunch, we need to have lunch before this moment in order to make room for them. And according to the zomboyaschik, who broadcasts incessantly here, there is some kind of disgusting transmission, everyone swears and yells at each other. On with Anton, of course, I didn’t like that the TV was working, but what can you do, the guys are watching this crap ...

44 Next cast. In total, three or five casts can turn out in a day, everything happens differently. The fish that we caught was very small, about a ton of pollock got into the net.

45 Not only pollock comes across in the net, here is some kind of miracle fish of orange color. Crabs often come across, we wanted to try them, but they were all sick and flew overboard. If there were seagulls nearby, then the birds did not allow the crabs or fish that flew into the sea to drown.

46 This is the third call, the nets are ready again and will be thrown into the sea. The weather turned bad, it started to rain and it got really cold.


48 There is a light wave on the sea. In general, the head was a little sick, but this is out of habit. The guys told us that this is not pitching, it happens that you can’t stand, and this is nonsense, looking into the distance, the cook summed up our conversation.


50 In the last catch, they pulled out two tons of pollock, which, compared to the first two casts, was not so bad. Among the caught fish, several very large specimens came across, one of them is shown to us by this sailor. After this casting, the seiner turned towards the native port, it was decided to spend the night at the base. It was necessary to sort out the network, there were problems with it, well, we had to go to the pink room.
We walked for a long time, it was dark in the port, where a car was waiting for us and quickly brought us to the hotel, and the guys were still unloading the caught fish to the factory.

51 Home! Let the house have pink hues, but after the seiner, and constant pitching, the immovable walls and floor are perceived very warmly) On the way, we popped into the store and bought kefir. The guards do not believe that we do not drink and are trying to check whether we are bringing booze into the plant. I'm not sorry, I showed them my package, and they turned away from us in disappointment.
A difficult day is over, the next day we were declared a day off, the net will be sorted out for more than one hour, and most likely, the seiner will not go to sea at all. It doesn't matter, we will find something to do while walking around the neighborhood, we found an old abandoned stadium and trained there, just for the sake of maintaining tone, Anton was preparing to climb Elbrus. By the way, right now, when I am writing these lines, being in Vologda, on a beer expedition, he is somewhere on the slopes of a mountain drinking tea in a tent.

How fishermen have fun

I hope each of you has ever tried fish or eaten canned food, but has anyone thought about how difficult it is to extract this product from its habitat. I will try to explain this in detail.

TO fishing boats includes boats, boats or vessels from which fishing, whales, seals or other living resources are carried out in the ocean, sea, lake or river. All of them can be divided according to the purpose of use into several types: commercial - commercial court, amateur or poaching.

There are currently about four million commercial fishing boats.

Actually the actual number fishing boats impossible to determine. In ancient times, fishermen went out to fish on rafts or boats built from the bark of trees or hollowed out from a bar of coniferous trees. The sail fixed on the mast made it possible for fishermen to go further into the sea and conduct a variety of crafts. They were considered excellent fishermen of antiquity, who created a special vessel for this fishery.

Over a long period of development, fishing developed into a separate industry, which led to the emergence of several types fishing boats: trawlers, floating bases, drifters, seiners, tuna fish and other industrial ones. Commercial fishing boats began to be equipped with the first radio navigational devices for determining schools of fish.

Last time fishing boats, meeting international standards, are becoming more and more modernized. The fishing industry is classified as a high-risk industry. In this regard, at the International Maritime Forum in 1959, under the leadership of the UN, a Convention was signed that defines acceptable standards for the design and construction of fishing vessels, and also specifies the conditions for the operation of ship crews.

Most commercial fishing boats are small ships measuring up to 30 meters, but some are up to 150 meters, as a rule, these are floating fish processing plants or trawlers. fishing boats commercial value can be classified according to way fishing.

drifters and gillnet fishing

drifters and gillnet fishing

Drifter(English "drift" - drift) - a fishing vessel designed to catch fish while drifting using flat nets from 3 to 15 meters high and up to 5000 meters long, floating freely after they are set. A feature of the architecture of such vessels is a low side, and a free deck in the bow for mechanisms that select nets. Drifters have the dimensions of small or medium-sized fishing vessels.

a commercial fishing tests the strength of even the most experienced captains. Many sailors are engaged in fishing in order to earn money, but this money comes from hard, many hours of work. They work 20 hours a day, but there are places in the world where you can earn tens of thousands of dollars in a short time.

For skilful captains, seasonal fishing in the town of Naknek generates over $130,000 in net income. The Department of Fish and Game regulates the timing and amount of salmon caught. This is done in order to maintain the delicate balance of the ecosystem and not destroy all the fish.

Fishing in Naknek is aggressive, focusing on a small body of water. For violations, captains face large fines of $15,000 or even jail.

The catch is carried out by a drifter (gill) net. It is similar to a volleyball net, only it moves with the undercurrents of the tide. The size of the cells of the drift net allows you to catch fish of a certain size by the gills. The net with a buoy at the end is thrown from the drifter into the water using a drum, from which it is unwound by a mechanical drive. The other end is at the stern of the fishing boat. The gill net is in the water for a certain time, after which it is drawn into the vessel.

trawlers and trawlers

fishing trawler with side trawl

Next type fishing boats are trawlers(from the English "trawl" - trawl, seine). This is the most common type fishing vessels, which use trawl nets - trawls for a larger catch of fish and its primary processing. Trawlers, as a rule, are equipped with refrigeration units for freezing and storing fish products, and there are also several types: side-trawl fishing trawler (MRTB), stern-trawl fishing trawler (MRTK), large fishing trawler (BRT), large autonomous trawler (BAT), large freezing fishing trawler (BMRT), canning-super freezing fishing trawler (RTMKS), medium fishing trawler (SRT), medium freezing fishing trawler (SRTM), freezing seiner trawler (STM), crab fishing trawler (RKT) and freezing fishing trawler (RTM).


trawler tuna

Trawlers are equipped with trawl winches, on the drums of which up to 4000 meters of cable - warps are laid, which allows fishing at depths of up to 2 km. The trawl is lifted on board the fishing vessel through the slipway. Technological equipment trawler consists of a complex of machines and mechanized lines for cutting, washing fish, sometimes canning, as well as for the production of fish meal and fat from waste. Most modern trawlers are equipped with fish-searching equipment and trawl parameters control devices that allow you to control its movement in the water and aim at fish concentrations.

longliners and longline fishing

longline fishing

Longline fishing This is a method of industrial fishing of aquatic species (cod, tuna, halibut, pollock), which uses baited hook tackle attached to a long cable - “tier”. fishing boats using this way of fishing got the name longliners.

In the state of Alaska, 120 km from the coast lies the continental shelf, in which the largest populations of Pacific halibut and black cod live. For one five-day flight, the team fishing boat can earn about $200,000. During the year, fishing vessels make about twelve voyages to the shelf.

Bye fishing boat goes to the point, the team puts on bait on 4500 hooks attached to a cable up to 5 km long, which make up a large tackle. To explore the seabed, the captain uses an echo sounder and electronic charts. Each fish has its own habitat characteristics. Halibut loves shallow water with rocky bottoms, while cod prefers deeper, murkier water.

Tackles are lowered to the very bottom, where the fish feed, with the help of anchors. To deploy a line, fishermen first throw out signal buoys to fishing boat could have found him when he returned to catch his catch. Then the first of two anchors is thrown out, thanks to which the gear is held in one place on the seabed. After that, the fishermen pull tier, throwing kilometers of ropes with 5 cm hooks overboard. Then the tackle is pulled, and the second anchor and more signal buoys are thrown out. As a rule, two more tackles are set in this way.

On more modernized fishing boats improved ways of catching fish. On these longliners during setting, an automatic baiting system is used at a rate of four per second. Passed through a special device tier, and the team simultaneously feeds bait fish into the chute. As a result, a cable with hooks and bait appears at the exit. After the "fish" place is found, the automatic setting process begins tiers. Kilometers of baited gear are released from the stern fishing boat.

Through certain period time fishing boats pull out their first catch. One end of the tier is attached to a hydraulic pulley system. In addition, for the normal lifting of gear in the stern there is a control panel for the vessel. The first fish picked up is sent to the pallet, where a special device removes the fish from the hook and dumps it into a container with ice. The mechanism retracts tackle and more and more fish fall into the container. A good catch depends on the number of abandoned gear. With the advent of the first fish on board fishing boat without fish processing equipment must reach the port no later than 5 days.

On fishing boat with automatic tackle, the caught fish is immediately processed. One operator controls the winch, the second - processes the fish, gutting the insides. Then it is washed with water and sorted by type and size. The fish are then completely frozen on small pallets 7 hours after being caught. When the freezers are full, the modern fishing boat proceeds to packing the catch. Frozen fish is placed in a container of water diluted with a small amount of chlorine, where it is covered with a crust, which in turn protects it from frostbite. Then the fish is placed in packages, from where it is again sent to the freezer, where the temperature is minus 15 degrees Celsius.

seiners and purse way


Seiner(from the English "seine" - purse seine) is fishing boat, the leading commercial fishing using a purse seine lifted by a cargo boom. Every spring, several of the best anglers come to the picturesque town of Sitka in Alaska. Everyone has the same goal - to catch as many herring as possible. But fishing in the area is not cheap - a permit costs about $300,000. This is fast, expensive and dangerous fishing. short period fishing decides sometimes entire destinies. For 30 minutes of fishing, one fishing boat can earn about $200,000.

The Department of Fishing and Hunting appoints certain areas and periods of time where it is possible to catch herring. Aerial reconnaissance gives an idea of ​​how the herring will spread in the strait. The value of herring is determined not by the carcass, but by caviar and milk. The more mature the caviar, the higher the quality of the product.

Seiner this is usually a single-deck vessel with a superstructure offset towards the bow. At the stern there is a working space for storing and processing seine and a turntable, from where it is swept out during fishing. Besides, seiner towing an auxiliary motor boat. On the radio station, the department announces the opening of the season and fishing begins.

purse way

During fishing fishing boats find large flocks of herring with the help of sonar. After detecting a flock, the auxiliary motor boat with the end of the seine attached to it moves away from the stern of the fishing vessel and surrounds the fish. Bottom part the seine is designed in such a way that it can be pulled together and turn into a trap for fish. Caught fish accumulate in a relatively small bottom part of the seine. Then the ship's crew, using devices for hauling and laying the seine, winds and tamps it, lifting the fish on board with the help of a lifting device - a crane. When the net is tightened the fluttering catch is pumped aboard mother ship - a ship with a larger capacity.

purse seine catch

transshipment of fish from a seiner to a floating base

Sometimes one catch can reach up to 900 tons. On such a catch one fishing boat can earn over $1 million.

floating fish processing plants, floating bases and transport vessels

floating base

The catch is unloaded on fish processing vessels- the largest fishing fleet operating at great distances from the coast, and having on board facilities for the storage and processing of fish. A modern floating plant performs all processing processes of harvested seafood, including cleaning, cutting, freezing, briquetting, packaging, packaging, canning, extraction fish oil, food production. The total carrying capacity of such vessels ranges from 2000 to 3000 tons, the crew number reaches 90 people.

In conditions of long stay in fishing areas remote from home ports fishing vessels, they and their teams are served by specially designed for this purpose floating bases. On such mother ships administrative bodies of the fleet, means of communication with the land, hospitals and rest houses are located.

Transportation in the fishing industry is performed. It includes shipping commercial fish and foodstuffs to processing centers or canneries.

fish processing

At the port, fish processing companies sort the fish once again and weigh them. After that, the fish is sent to the workshops with the help of conveyors, where it is frozen. Then, in this form, the fish is placed in boxes with an average weight of 600 kg and sent to. After that, the trucks of the fishing industry companies follow to the terminals, from where the cargo can be delivered to destinations around the world on large ships -.

harpoon or whaling ships

Harpoon ships used for hunting whales. A harpoon is a throwing weapon with a rope attached to the rear end of the stem; the tip of the harpoon is either serrated or has swivel legs, due to which it is held in the body of a whale or fish. Often they act not alone, but as part of whaling fleets, while the harpoon vessels themselves are small, and the whales they catch are processed on board the floating bases (). Now whaling PROHIBITED laws of most countries, only Norway, Iceland and Japan are still whaling.


japanese dragger

The intake part of the dredge is a series of metal scrapers, behind each of which is a wire scoop for collecting oysters and scallops raked from the seabed. The main assembly of the intake part of the hydraulic dredge for collecting molluscs are a skid with a knife in front and a chain scoop in the back; water jet nozzles located in front of the knife facilitate the removal of shellfish.

Fisheries can be a profitable industry, but for those who choose this path, they must be able to make sacrifices, because fishermen, however, like all sailors, are united by homesickness and family.

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English (auto-detected) » Russian

Fishing vessels include boats, boats or vessels from which fish, whales, seals or other living resources are fished in the ocean, sea, lake or river. All of them can be divided according to the purpose of use into several types: commercial - fishing vessels, amateur or poaching.

There are currently about four million commercial fishing boats.

In fact, the actual number of fishing vessels cannot be determined. In ancient times, fishermen went out to fish on rafts or boats built from the bark of trees or hollowed out from a bar of coniferous trees. The sail fixed on the mast made it possible for fishermen to go further into the sea and conduct a variety of crafts. The Vikings were considered excellent fishermen of antiquity, who created a special vessel for this fishery.

Over a long period of development, fishing has become a separate industry, which has led to the emergence of several types of fishing vessels: trawlers, floating bases, drifters, seiners, tuna and other fishing vessels. Commercial fishing boats began to be equipped with the first radio navigational aids to locate schools of fish.

Recently, fishing vessels, meeting international standards, are becoming more and more modernized. The fishing industry is classified as a high-risk industry. In this regard, at the International Maritime Forum in 1959, under the leadership of the UN, a Convention was signed that defines acceptable standards for the design and construction of fishing vessels, and also specifies the conditions for the operation of ship crews.

Most commercial fishing vessels are small craft, up to 30 meters, but some vessels are cruisers up to 150 meters, usually floating fish processing plants or trawlers. Fishing vessels of commercial importance can be classified according to the method of fishing.

A seiner (from the English "seine" - a purse seine) is a fishing vessel that conducts commercial fishing with the help of a purse seine lifted by a cargo boom (see Fig. 2.1.1).

A seiner is usually a single-deck vessel with a superstructure offset towards the bow. At the stern there is a working space for storing and processing seine and a turntable, from where it is swept out during fishing. In addition, the seiner tows an auxiliary motor boat behind it.

Rice. 2.1.1

While fishing, fishing boats find large flocks of herring with the help of sonar. After detecting a flock, the auxiliary motor boat with the end of the seine attached to it moves away from the stern of the fishing vessel and surrounds the fish. The lower part of the seine is designed in such a way that it can be pulled together and turned into a trap for fish. Caught fish accumulate in a relatively small bottom part of the seine. Then the ship's crew, using devices for hauling and laying the seine, winds and tamps it, lifting the fish on board with the help of a lifting device - a crane. When the net is tightened, the fluttering catch is pumped out on board the floating base - a vessel with a larger capacity.

Small-tonnage fishing vessels include such vessels as MRT - small fishing trawler, MRS - small fishing seiner, MRDS - small fishing vessel, BP - fishing boat. Depending on the type of small-tonnage vessels, they have different fishing schemes.

Small fishing seiner type MPS-80

MRS-80 is a small fishing seiner with an 80 hp power plant. With. The crew of the ship consisted of 8 people. The project of such vessels appeared in the 1950s, when the national economy of our country faced the task of sharply increasing the production of fish products. To solve it, it was necessary to create a system of fish factories and a special coastal fishing fleet.

This seiner was designed for sailing no further than 20 miles from the base. He could fish both with a purse seine and with a drifter. Structurally, the ship was a boat with a forecastle. The steel case was recruited according to a mixed system. The fore end with a reduced spacing was recruited according to the transverse system, and the middle and aft parts had longitudinal ties from the strip bulb No. 5, two bottom, one side and two deck stringers, based on transverse frame frames, set through two or three spacings. Sheathing thickness: horizontal keel - 6 mm, bottom - 5 mm, side - 4 mm, deck stringer - 5 mm, deck - 4 mm.

Transverse bulkheads divided the hull into five compartments: forepeak, cockpit, engine room, cargo hold and afterpeak. The afterpeak, in turn, is divided by two longitudinal bulkheads into a tiller compartment and two fresh water tanks.

The diesel engine of the Bukkau-Wulf system was installed in the engine room. With the help of two angular gearboxes, power was taken to the seiner and net-tier winches located on the deck.

The engine room shaft was closed with a removable superstructure, which housed the wheelhouse, galley, latrine and dryer for work clothes. A traveling compass, a steering column with a steering wheel, a diesel exhaust shaft, a grocery chest, a grid of flags of the international code of signals, a ventilation deflector and an instrument panel for controlling the power plant were mounted on the roof. Fire-fighting equipment was located on the walls, and a manual fire pump stood in front of the cabin.

The anchor device consisted of two Hall anchors, a manual windlass, screw stoppers, a cat-beam and two lodgements for fastening the anchors in the stowed position. Anchor chains were passed through hawsers cut in the visor of the forecastle. The mooring device included four bollards n the corresponding number of semi-clusters in the visor and bulwarks.

The fishing devices included: a seiner platform at the stern, a tiered folding platform on the starboard side, a seiner winch that simultaneously acts as a cargo winch, a net-tier winch and a system of rollers on the starboard side. The cargo device had an arrow with a carrying capacity of one ton. The seiner was equipped with a two-oared working boat lashed to the cargo hatch cover.

Steel transport and mining motor boat with one deck and a wheelhouse in the stern.

The vessel is designed for the extraction and transportation of fish and seafood.

Navigation area: the seas of the Far East with a distance of 5 miles from the shelter.


Carrying capacity, t -5.65

Number of holds -2

Displacement, t -16.05

Hold volume, m3 -7.27

Width, m -3.25

Board height, m ​​-1.10

Draft in cargo, - 0.75

Length, m -13.50

Power plant: diesel A-41 or diesel

YaAZ-204 with RRP, el. from -70

Network selective winch:

Drive type - hydraulic

Traction effort, kg -300

Hydraulic motor - GPR-F-630

Angle of rotation, degrees - 360

fishing boat BP-15

Purpose of the vessel

  • * Fishing with twin trawls, fixed nets, cast nets, bottom longlines
  • * Mechanized line fishing
  • * Towing fishing boats
  • * Fresh catch delivered to shore

Main characteristics

Length between perpendiculars, m 13.5

Cargo capacity, m2 5

Main engine power, kW 110

Speed, knots 9.0

Traction effort at a speed of trawling 3 knots, those 1.5

Number of beds 4

Small fishing vessel MRDS

The vessel is intended for fishing and seafood in coastal areas and areas of the high seas at a distance of 200 miles from ports.

The need of the Far Eastern fishermen for this type of small boats to replace obsolete vessels of the fishing fleet is estimated by industry experts at no less than 40 vessels. Vessel type - marine, steel, single-rotor, single-deck vessel, with a developed forecastle, a deckhouse on the forecastle deck, deckhouses on the upper deck, with a stern location of the MO and an insulated hold for transporting fish. Vessel class - KM LU2 I AZ (fishing);

Area and sailing time - limited I throughout the year. Purpose: autonomous fishing of mass species of fish with a trawl and snurrev with a distance of up to 200 miles from the coast and delivery! chilled fish to coastal and floating bases.

Main characteristics:

Autonomy of navigation

fuel and provisions, 25 days

Maximum length, m 31.3

Estimated length, m 25.8

Maximum width, m 8.7

Board height, m ​​4.3

Draft in full load, m 3.2

Crew, pers. 12

Deadweight, t 104.5

Main engine power, kW 440

Displacement in full load, t 441.9

Pulling force when trawling

at a speed of 5 knots in waves

more than 3 points, kN 50

Wave speed

no more than 3 points, with a power of

shaft 400 kW, nodes 9.9

Small Freezer Shrimp Trawler

project 13309

Main characteristics

length overall m 29.96

width, m 7.60

side height, m ​​4.14

load line draft, m 3.10

displacement according to the load line. t 330.00

full speed, knots 10.6

cruising range, miles 6 200

autonomy of navigation, days:

  • - for provisions and fresh water 20
  • - for fuel and lubricating oil at the field 35

cargo hold capacity, cubic meters 195

cargo hold capacity for fish. t 90

temperature in the hold, degrees from 28

daily freezing, t 7.00

crew, people 12

The mechanization of ships can significantly reduce the amount of work on the ship, so ships are equipped with various installations, instruments, fishing equipment and auxiliary mechanisms.

Thanks to the mechanization of ships, the composition of the crew on the ship is also reduced, for example, the installation of a network sampling machine.

The vessel can be equipped with such winches as:

Trawl winch - designed for all operations for lifting and lowering the trawl, as well as for carrying out cargo operations;

Warp winch;

Cable-exhaust winch;

Catch pouring winch;

For example, when net fishing, a vessel can be equipped with such equipment as:

Network laying machine;

Netting machine;

network sampling machine;

Povodtsev selection machine;

The mechanization of the hauling of electric seines is complicated by the requirements of electrical safety, which necessitates de-energizing the electrodes of the electric pickup when approaching the non-water hauling machine, mechanical disconnection of the seine and additional picks if it is used to haul the seine with the help of a crank. The pouring of the catch from the bobbin after the wing sampling is not mechanized either.

The choice of watercraft for any electrical installation depends on its class and type, as well as on its technical parameters and the fishing scheme of work. Special requirements are imposed, for example, when choosing boats for electric fishing units. For them, as a rule, plastic or wooden boats should be used. Duralumin boats of the "Kazanka" type are allowed to be used only after the hull of the boat has been coated with an electrically insulating layer. When placing the electric unit on one boat, special compartments for fish should be provided in it, separated from the primary current source (gas station or batteries). The carrying capacity of the boat is chosen taking into account the mass of industrial equipment, the electric catcher and the possible catch with a margin in case of bad weather (strong wave, pitching).

The issues of mechanization during fishing are inseparable from the development of perfect fishing schemes. Of course, the real fishing scheme is determined by the specific conditions of the reservoir and the fishing situation. However, the technical documentation for any fishing gear should include several typical fishing schemes for using this device.


fishing boat seiner

Small-tonnage vessels are very profitable today, their use brings less losses associated with fuel consumption due to the cruising range and the number of crew. Small-tonnage vessels are effectively used for fishing in coastal areas and in inland waters.

From the very beginning of the development of fishing vessels to the present, people have been striving to reduce the amount of manual work on the vessel. For this, ships began to be equipped with various equipment and instruments. There are many fishing gear for which different fishing schemes are used, and in each fishing scheme there is some process that is mechanized. A small-tonnage vessel is easier and cheaper to mechanize and equip with any instruments and devices than large vessels. The processes carried out on a small-tonnage vessel during fishing do not require a large number of crew.

At present, the stocks of fish products have declined sharply and continue to decline, so the use of small-tonnage vessels in our time is much more reasonable and rational.